Exemplo n.º 1
function triggerIdents($triggerids)
    $idents = array();
    $options = array('triggerids' => $triggerids, 'select_hosts' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true));
    $triggers = CTrigger::get($options);
    foreach ($triggers as $tnum => $trigger) {
        $host = reset($trigger['hosts']);
        $idents[$trigger['triggerid']] = array('node' => get_node_name_by_elid($host['hostid'], true), 'host' => $host['host'], 'description' => $trigger['description'], 'expression' => explode_exp($trigger['expression'], false));
    return $idents;
Exemplo n.º 2
//------------------------ <FORM> ---------------------------
if (hasRequest('sform')) {
    $frmTRLog = new CFormTable(_('Trigger'), null, null, null, 'sform');
    $frmTRLog->setTableClass('formlongtable formtable');
    if (hasRequest('triggerid')) {
        $frmTRLog->addVar('triggerid', getRequest('triggerid'));
    if (hasRequest('triggerid') && !hasRequest('form_refresh')) {
        $result = DBselect('SELECT t.expression,t.description,t.priority,t.comments,t.url,t.status,t.type' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=' . zbx_dbstr(getRequest('triggerid')) . ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid ' . ' AND i.value_type IN (' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG . ',' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT . ',' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR . ')' . ')');
        if ($row = DBfetch($result)) {
            $description = $row['description'];
            $expression = explode_exp($row['expression']);
            $type = $row['type'];
            $priority = $row['priority'];
            $comments = $row['comments'];
            $url = $row['url'];
            $status = $row['status'];
        // break expression into parts
        $expressions = $constructor->getPartsFromExpression($expression);
    } else {
        $description = getRequest('description', '');
        $expressions = getRequest('expressions', array());
        $type = getRequest('type', 0);
        $priority = getRequest('priority', 0);
        $comments = getRequest('comments', '');
        $url = getRequest('url', '');
Exemplo n.º 3
function make_trigger_details($trigger)
    $hosts = reset($trigger['hosts']);
    $hostId = $hosts['hostid'];
    $hosts = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('name', 'hostid', 'status'), 'hostids' => $hostId, 'selectScreens' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'preservekeys' => true));
    $host = reset($hosts);
    $scripts = API::Script()->getScriptsByHosts($hostId);
    $hostName = new CSpan($host['name'], 'link_menu');
    $hostName->setMenuPopup(getMenuPopupHost($host, $scripts ? reset($scripts) : null));
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    if (is_show_all_nodes()) {
        $table->addRow(array(_('Node'), get_node_name_by_elid($trigger['triggerid'])));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Host'), $hostName));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Trigger'), CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerName($trigger)));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Severity'), getSeverityCell($trigger['priority'])));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Expression'), explode_exp($trigger['expression'], true, true)));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Event generation'), _('Normal') . (TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED == $trigger['type'] ? SPACE . '+' . SPACE . _('Multiple PROBLEM events') : '')));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Disabled'), TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED == $trigger['status'] ? new CCol(_('No'), 'off') : new CCol(_('Yes'), 'on')));
    return $table;
Exemplo n.º 4
if (isset($_REQUEST['favobj'])) {
    if ('hat' == $_REQUEST['favobj']) {
        update_profile('web.tr_events.hats.' . $_REQUEST['favid'] . '.state', $_REQUEST['state'], PROFILE_TYPE_INT);
if (PAGE_TYPE_JS == $page['type'] || PAGE_TYPE_HTML_BLOCK == $page['type']) {
if (!check_right_on_trigger_by_triggerid(PERM_READ_ONLY, $_REQUEST["triggerid"])) {
$trigger_data = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT h.host, t.* ' . ' FROM hosts h, items i, functions f, triggers t ' . ' WHERE i.itemid=f.itemid ' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid ' . ' AND t.triggerid=' . $_REQUEST["triggerid"] . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid ' . ' AND ' . DBin_node('t.triggerid')));
$p_elements = array();
$trigger_data['exp_expr'] = explode_exp($trigger_data["expression"], 1);
$trigger_data['exp_desc'] = expand_trigger_description_by_data($trigger_data);
$text = array(S_EVENTS_BIG . ': "' . $trigger_data['exp_desc'] . '"');
$url = '?fullscreen=' . ($_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? '0' : '1') . url_param('triggerid') . url_param('eventid');
$fs_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'fullscreen');
$fs_icon->addOption('title', $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? S_NORMAL . ' ' . S_VIEW : S_FULLSCREEN);
$fs_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: document.location = '" . $url . "';"));
$left_tab = new CTable();
$left_tab->addOption('border', 0);
$left_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_EVENT . SPACE . S_SOURCE . SPACE . S_DETAILS, make_trigger_details($_REQUEST['triggerid'], $trigger_data), null, 'hat_triggerdetails'));
$left_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_EVENT_DETAILS, make_event_details($_REQUEST['eventid']), null, 'hat_eventdetails'));
$right_tab = new CTable();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Checks that no trigger with the same description and expression as $trigger exist on the given host.
  * Assumes the given trigger is valid.
  * @throws APIException if at least one trigger exists
  * @param array $trigger a trigger with an exploded expression
  * @param null  $hostid
  * @return void
 protected function checkIfExistsOnHost(array $trigger, $hostId = null)
     // skip the check if the description and expression haven't been changed
     if (!isset($trigger['description']) && !isset($trigger['expression'])) {
     // make sure we have all the required data
     if (!isset($trigger['description']) || !isset($trigger['expression'])) {
         $explodeExpression = !isset($trigger['expression']);
         $trigger = $this->extendObject($this->tableName(), $trigger, array('description', 'expression'));
         if ($explodeExpression) {
             $trigger['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression']);
     $filter = array('description' => $trigger['description']);
     if ($hostId) {
         $filter['hostid'] = $hostId;
     } else {
         $expressionData = new CTriggerExpression($trigger['expression']);
         $expressionHosts = $expressionData->getHosts();
         $filter['host'] = reset($expressionHosts);
     $triggers = $this->get(array('filter' => $filter, 'output' => array('expression', 'triggerid'), 'nopermissions' => true));
     foreach ($triggers as $dbTrigger) {
         $tmpExp = explode_exp($dbTrigger['expression']);
         // check if the expressions are also equal and that this is a different trigger
         $differentTrigger = !isset($trigger['triggerid']) || !idcmp($trigger['triggerid'], $dbTrigger['triggerid']);
         if (strcmp($tmpExp, $trigger['expression']) == 0 && $differentTrigger) {
             $options = array('output' => array('name'), 'templated_hosts' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1);
             if (isset($filter['host'])) {
                 $options['filter'] = array('host' => $filter['host']);
             } else {
                 $options['hostids'] = $hostId;
             $host = API::Host()->get($options);
             $host = reset($host);
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Trigger "%1$s" already exists on "%2$s".', $trigger['description'], $host['name']));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function syncTemplates(array $data)
     $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']);
     $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']);
     $triggers = $this->get(array('hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => array('triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type')));
     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
         $trigger['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression']);
         $this->inherit($trigger, $data['hostids']);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
if (PAGE_TYPE_JS == $page['type'] || PAGE_TYPE_HTML_BLOCK == $page['type']) {
    include_once 'include/page_footer.php';
$options = array('triggerids' => $_REQUEST['triggerid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'select_hosts' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
$trigger = CTrigger::get($options);
if (!$trigger) {
} else {
    $trigger = reset($trigger);
    $trigger['host'] = reset($trigger['hosts']);
    $trigger['host'] = $trigger['host']['host'];
$trigger['exp_expr'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression'], 1, false, true);
$trigger['exp_desc'] = expand_trigger_description_by_data($trigger);
$tr_event_wdgt = new CWidget();
// Main widget header
$text = array(S_EVENTS_BIG . ': "' . $trigger['exp_desc'] . '"');
$fs_icon = get_icon('fullscreen', array('fullscreen' => $_REQUEST['fullscreen']));
$tr_event_wdgt->addHeader($text, $fs_icon);
$left_tab = new CTable();
$left_tab->setAttribute('border', 0);
// tr details
$tr_dtl = new CWidget('hat_triggerdetails', make_trigger_details($_REQUEST['triggerid'], $trigger));
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Select trigger ids for previously added trigger names/expressions.
 protected function selectTriggers()
     if (!empty($this->triggers)) {
         $this->triggersRefs = array();
         $dbTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => array('triggerid', 'expression', 'description'), 'filter' => array('description' => array_keys($this->triggers), 'flags' => array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED)), 'editable' => true));
         foreach ($dbTriggers as $dbTrigger) {
             $dbTriggerExpression = explode_exp($dbTrigger['expression']);
             if (isset($this->triggers[$dbTrigger['description']][$dbTriggerExpression])) {
                 $this->triggersRefs[$dbTrigger['description']][$dbTriggerExpression] = $dbTrigger['triggerid'];
 public function syncTemplates($data)
     $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']);
     $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']);
     $triggers = $this->get(array('hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectDependencies' => true));
     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
         $trigger['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression']);
         $this->inherit($trigger, $data['hostids']);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
 function EndElement($parser, $name)
     if (!$this->root) {
         return false;
     global $USER_DETAILS;
     $data =& $this->data[$name];
     switch ($name) {
         case XML_TAG_HOST:
             if ($data['skip'] || !isset($data['hostid']) || !$data['hostid']) {
             // case
             if (!isset($data['port'])) {
                 $data['port'] = 10050;
             if (!isset($data['status'])) {
                 $data['status'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['useip'])) {
                 $data['useip'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['dns'])) {
                 $data['dns'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ip'])) {
                 $data['ip'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['proxy'])) {
                 $data['proxy'] = '';
             if (!zbx_empty($data['proxy'])) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT hostid ' . ' FROM hosts ' . ' WHERE host=' . zbx_dbstr($data['proxy']) . ' AND status=' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY . ' AND ' . DBin_node('hostid', get_current_nodeid(false));
                 if ($host_data = DBfetch(DBselect($sql))) {
                     $data['proxy'] = $host_data['hostid'];
                 } else {
                     $data['proxy'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $data['proxy'] = 0;
             if (update_host($data['hostid'], $data['name'], $data['port'], $data['status'], $data['useip'], $data['dns'], $data['ip'], $data['proxy'], $data['templates'], 'no', '', 623, -1, 2, '', '', null, $data['groups'])) {
                 info('Host [' . $data['name'] . '] updated');
             // case
             // based on mod by scricca
         // case
         // based on mod by scricca
         case XML_TAG_HOSTPROFILE:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
             if (!isset($data['devicetype'])) {
                 $data['devicetype'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['name'])) {
                 $data['name'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['os'])) {
                 $data['os'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['serialno'])) {
                 $data['serialno'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['tag'])) {
                 $data['tag'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['macaddress'])) {
                 $data['macaddress'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['hardware'])) {
                 $data['hardware'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['software'])) {
                 $data['software'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['contact'])) {
                 $data['contact'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['location'])) {
                 $data['location'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['notes'])) {
                 $data['notes'] = '';
             if (add_host_profile($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'], $data['devicetype'], $data['name'], $data['os'], $data['serialno'], $data['tag'], $data['macaddress'], $data['hardware'], $data['software'], $data['contact'], $data['location'], $data['notes'])) {
                 info('Host Profile [' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . '] updated');
             // case
             // Extended profiles
         // case
         // Extended profiles
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
             if (!isset($data['device_alias'])) {
                 $data['device_alias'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_type'])) {
                 $data['device_type'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_chassis'])) {
                 $data['device_chassis'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_os'])) {
                 $data['device_os'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_os_short'])) {
                 $data['device_os_short'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_hw_arch'])) {
                 $data['device_hw_arch'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_serial'])) {
                 $data['device_serial'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_model'])) {
                 $data['device_model'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_tag'])) {
                 $data['device_tag'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_vendor'])) {
                 $data['device_vendor'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_contract'])) {
                 $data['device_contract'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_who'])) {
                 $data['device_who'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_status'])) {
                 $data['device_status'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_app_01'])) {
                 $data['device_app_01'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_app_02'])) {
                 $data['device_app_02'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_app_03'])) {
                 $data['device_app_03'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_app_04'])) {
                 $data['device_app_04'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_app_05'])) {
                 $data['device_app_05'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_url_1'])) {
                 $data['device_url_1'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_url_2'])) {
                 $data['device_url_2'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_url_3'])) {
                 $data['device_url_3'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_networks'])) {
                 $data['device_networks'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_notes'])) {
                 $data['device_notes'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_hardware'])) {
                 $data['device_hardware'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['device_software'])) {
                 $data['device_software'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ip_subnet_mask'])) {
                 $data['ip_subnet_mask'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ip_router'])) {
                 $data['ip_router'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ip_macaddress'])) {
                 $data['ip_macaddress'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['oob_ip'])) {
                 $data['oob_ip'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['oob_subnet_mask'])) {
                 $data['oob_subnet_mask'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['oob_router'])) {
                 $data['oob_router'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['date_hw_buy'])) {
                 $data['date_hw_buy'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['date_hw_install'])) {
                 $data['date_hw_install'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['date_hw_expiry'])) {
                 $data['date_hw_expiry'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['date_hw_decomm'])) {
                 $data['date_hw_decomm'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_street_1'])) {
                 $data['site_street_1'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_street_2'])) {
                 $data['site_street_2'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_street_3'])) {
                 $data['site_street_3'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_city'])) {
                 $data['site_city'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_state'])) {
                 $data['site_state'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_country'])) {
                 $data['site_country'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_zip'])) {
                 $data['site_zip'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_rack'])) {
                 $data['site_rack'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['site_notes'])) {
                 $data['site_notes'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_name'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_name'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_email'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_email'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_phone_1'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_phone_1'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_phone_2'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_phone_2'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_cell'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_cell'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_screen'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_screen'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_1_notes'])) {
                 $data['poc_1_notes'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_name'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_name'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_email'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_email'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_phone_1'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_phone_1'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_phone_2'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_phone_2'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_cell'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_cell'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_screen'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_screen'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['poc_2_notes'])) {
                 $data['poc_2_notes'] = '';
             if (add_host_profile_ext($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'], $data)) {
                 info('Host Extended Profile [' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . '] updated');
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_GROUP:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
             $sql = 'SELECT groupid, name ' . ' FROM groups' . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('groupid', get_current_nodeid(false)) . ' AND name=' . zbx_dbstr($this->element_data);
             if (!($group = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)))) {
                 error('Missing group [' . $this->element_data . ']');
                 // case
             if (!isset($this->available_groups[$group['groupid']])) {
                 error('Group [' . $this->element_data . '] skipped - Access deny.');
                 // case
             $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['groups'][$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY:
             if (!isset($data['triggerid_down']) || !$data['triggerid_down']) {
             // case
             update_trigger($data['triggerid_down'], null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $data['triggerid_up'], null);
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_DEPENDS:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY]['triggerid_down']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY]['triggerid_down']) {
             if (!($trigger_up = get_trigger_by_description($this->element_data))) {
             array_push($this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY]['triggerid_up'], $trigger_up['triggerid']);
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_APPLICATION:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_ITEM])) {
             $sql = 'SELECT applicationid ' . ' FROM applications' . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('applicationid', get_current_nodeid(false)) . ' AND name=' . zbx_dbstr($this->element_data) . ' AND hostid=' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'];
             if (!($application = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)))) {
                 $applicationid = add_application($this->element_data, $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']);
             } else {
                 $applicationid = $application['applicationid'];
             $this->data[XML_TAG_ITEM]['applications'][] = $applicationid;
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_TEMPLATE:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
             $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT host, hostid ' . ' FROM hosts' . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('hostid') . ' AND host=' . zbx_dbstr($this->element_data) . ' AND status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE . ')';
             if (!($template = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)))) {
                 error('Missing template [' . $this->element_data . ']');
                 // case
             if (!isset($this->available_hosts[$template['hostid']])) {
                 error('Template [' . $this->element_data . '] skipped - Access deny.');
                 // case
             $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['templates'][$template["hostid"]] = $template['host'];
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_ITEM:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
                 if (isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['skip']) && $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['skip']) {
                     info('Item [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - user rule for host');
                     // case
                 error('Item [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - missing host');
                 // case
             if (!isset($data['description'])) {
                 $data['description'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['delay'])) {
                 $data['delay'] = 30;
             if (!isset($data['history'])) {
                 $data['history'] = 90;
             if (!isset($data['trends'])) {
                 $data['trends'] = 365;
             if (!isset($data['status'])) {
                 $data['status'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['units'])) {
                 $data['units'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['multiplier'])) {
                 $data['multiplier'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['delta'])) {
                 $data['delta'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['formula'])) {
                 $data['formula'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['lastlogsize'])) {
                 $data['lastlogsize'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['logtimefmt'])) {
                 $data['logtimefmt'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['delay_flex'])) {
                 $data['delay_flex'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['trapper_hosts'])) {
                 $data['trapper_hosts'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['snmp_community'])) {
                 $data['snmp_community'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['snmp_oid'])) {
                 $data['snmp_oid'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['snmp_port'])) {
                 $data['snmp_port'] = 161;
             if (!isset($data['snmpv3_securityname'])) {
                 $data['snmpv3_securityname'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['snmpv3_securitylevel'])) {
                 $data['snmpv3_securitylevel'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['snmpv3_authpassphrase'])) {
                 $data['snmpv3_authpassphrase'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['snmpv3_privpassphrase'])) {
                 $data['snmpv3_privpassphrase'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['valuemap'])) {
                 $data['valuemap'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['params'])) {
                 $data['params'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ipmi_sensor'])) {
                 $data['ipmi_sensor'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['applications'])) {
                 $data['applications'] = array();
             if (!empty($data['valuemap'])) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT valuemapid ' . ' FROM valuemaps ' . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('valuemapid', get_current_nodeid(false)) . ' AND name=' . zbx_dbstr($data['valuemap']);
                 if ($valuemap = DBfetch(DBselect($sql))) {
                     $data['valuemapid'] = $valuemap['valuemapid'];
                 } else {
                     $data['valuemapid'] = add_valuemap($data['valuemap'], array());
             $sql = 'SELECT itemid,valuemapid,templateid ' . ' FROM items ' . ' WHERE key_=' . zbx_dbstr($data['key']) . ' AND hostid=' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'] . ' AND ' . DBin_node('itemid', get_current_nodeid(false));
             if ($item = DBfetch(DBselect($sql))) {
                 /* exist */
                 if ($this->item['exist'] == 1) {
                     info('Item [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - user rule');
                 if (!isset($data['valuemapid'])) {
                     $data['valuemapid'] = $item['valuemapid'];
                 $data['key_'] = $data['key'];
                 $data['hostid'] = $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'];
                 $data['applications'] = array_unique(array_merge($data['applications'], get_applications_by_itemid($item['itemid'])));
                 $data['templateid'] = $item['templateid'];
                 check_db_fields($item, $data);
                 update_item($item['itemid'], $data);
             } else {
                 /* missed */
                 if ($this->item['missed'] == 1) {
                     info('Item [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - user rule');
                     // case
                 if (!isset($data['valuemapid'])) {
                     $data['valuemapid'] = 0;
                 $data['hostid'] = $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'];
                 $data['key_'] = $data['key'];
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_TRIGGER:
             if (!isset($data['expression'])) {
                 $data['expression'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['description'])) {
                 $data['description'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['type'])) {
                 $data['type'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['priority'])) {
                 $data['priority'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['status'])) {
                 $data['status'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['comments'])) {
                 $data['comments'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['url'])) {
                 $data['url'] = '';
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
                 if (isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['skip']) && $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['skip']) {
                     // remember skipped triggers for dependencies
                     $this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES]['skip'][] = $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . ':' . $data['description'];
                     info('Trigger [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - user rule for host');
                     // case
                 if (zbx_strstr($data['expression'], '{HOSTNAME}')) {
                     // remember skipped triggers for dependencies
                     $this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES]['skip'][] = $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . ':' . $data['description'];
                     error('Trigger [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - missing host');
                     // case
             } else {
                 $data['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOSTNAME}:', '{' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . ':', $data['expression']);
                 $result = DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,t.templateid,t.expression ' . ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i ' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid ' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid'] . ' AND t.description=' . zbx_dbstr($data['description']));
                 while ($trigger = DBfetch($result)) {
                     if (explode_exp($trigger['expression'], 0) == $data['expression']) {
                         // while
                 if (!empty($trigger)) {
                     /* exist */
                     if ($this->trigger['exist'] == 1) {
                         /* skip */
                         // remember skipped triggers for dependencies
                         $this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES]['skip'][] = $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . ':' . $data['description'];
                         info('Trigger [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - user rule');
                         // case
                     update_trigger($trigger['triggerid'], $data['expression'], $data['description'], $data['type'], $data['priority'], $data['status'], $data['comments'], $data['url'], get_trigger_dependencies_by_triggerid($trigger['triggerid']), $trigger['templateid']);
                     // case
                 } else {
                     /* missed */
                     // continue [add_trigger]
             if ($this->trigger['missed'] == 1) {
                 // remember skipped triggers for dependencies
                 $this->data[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES]['skip'][] = $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'] . ':' . $data['description'];
                 info('Trigger [' . $data['description'] . '] skipped - user rule');
                 // case
             add_trigger($data['expression'], $data['description'], $data['type'], $data['priority'], $data['status'], $data['comments'], $data['url']);
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_GRAPH:
             if (isset($data['error'])) {
                 error('Graph [' . $data['name'] . '] skipped - error occured');
                 // case
             if (!isset($data['ymin_type'])) {
                 $data['ymin_type'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['ymax_type'])) {
                 $data['ymax_type'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['ymin_item_key'])) {
                 $data['ymin_item_key'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ymax_item_key'])) {
                 $data['ymax_item_key'] = '';
             if (!isset($data['ymin_itemid'])) {
                 $data['ymin_itemid'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['ymax_itemid'])) {
                 $data['ymax_itemid'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['show_work_period'])) {
                 $data['show_work_period'] = 1;
             if (!isset($data['show_triggers'])) {
                 $data['show_triggers'] = 1;
             if (!isset($data['graphtype'])) {
                 $data['graphtype'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['yaxismin'])) {
                 $data['yaxismin'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['yaxismax'])) {
                 $data['yaxismax'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['show_legend'])) {
                 $data['show_legend'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['show_3d'])) {
                 $data['show_3d'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['percent_left'])) {
                 $data['percent_left'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['percent_right'])) {
                 $data['percent_right'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['items'])) {
                 $data['items'] = array();
             if (!empty($data['ymin_item_key'])) {
                 $data['ymin_item_key'] = explode(':', $data['ymin_item_key']);
                 if (count($data['ymin_item_key']) < 2) {
                     $this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['error'] = true;
                     error('Incorrect y min item for graph [' . $data['name'] . ']');
                     // case
                 $data['host'] = array_shift($data['ymin_item_key']);
                 $data['ymin_item_key'] = implode(':', $data['ymin_item_key']);
                 if (!($item = get_item_by_key($data['ymin_item_key'], $data['host']))) {
                     $this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['error'] = true;
                     error('Missed item [' . $data['ymin_item_key'] . '] for host [' . $data['host'] . ']');
                     // case
                 $data['ymin_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
             if (!empty($data['ymax_item_key'])) {
                 $data['ymax_item_key'] = explode(':', $data['ymax_item_key']);
                 if (count($data['ymax_item_key']) < 2) {
                     $this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['error'] = true;
                     error('Incorrect y max item for graph [' . $data['name'] . ']');
                     // case
                 $data['host'] = array_shift($data['ymax_item_key']);
                 $data['ymax_item_key'] = implode(':', $data['ymax_item_key']);
                 if (!($item = get_item_by_key($data['ymax_item_key'], $data['host']))) {
                     $this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['error'] = true;
                     error('Missed item [' . $data['ymax_item_key'] . '] for host [' . $data['host'] . ']');
                     // case
                 $data['ymax_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) || !$this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']) {
                 if (isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['skip']) && $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['skip']) {
                     info('Graph [' . $data['name'] . '] skipped - user rule for host');
                     // case
                 foreach ($data['items'] as $id) {
                     if (zbx_strstr($data['name'], '{HOSTNAME}')) {
                         error('Graph [' . $data['name'] . '] skipped - missing host');
                         // case
             } else {
                 if ($graph = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT g.graphid, g.templateid' . ' FROM graphs g, graphs_items gi, items i' . ' WHERE g.graphid=gi.graphid ' . ' AND gi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND g.name=' . zbx_dbstr($data['name']) . ' AND i.hostid=' . $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['hostid']))) {
                     /* exist */
                     if ($this->graph['exist'] == 1) {
                         /* skip */
                         info('Graph [' . $data['name'] . '] skipped - user rule');
                         // case
                     $data['graphid'] = $graph['graphid'];
                     update_graph_with_items($data['graphid'], $data['name'], $data['width'], $data['height'], $data['ymin_type'], $data['ymax_type'], $data['yaxismin'], $data['yaxismax'], $data['ymin_itemid'], $data['ymax_itemid'], $data['show_work_period'], $data['show_triggers'], $data['graphtype'], $data['show_legend'], $data['show_3d'], $data['percent_left'], $data['percent_right'], $data['items'], $graph['templateid']);
                 } else {
                     /* missed */
                     // continue [add_group]
             if (!isset($data['graphid'])) {
                 if ($this->graph['missed'] == 1) {
                     /* skip */
                     info('Graph [' . $data['name'] . '] skipped - user rule');
                     // case
                 $data['graphid'] = add_graph_with_items($data['name'], $data['width'], $data['height'], $data['ymin_type'], $data['ymax_type'], $data['yaxismin'], $data['yaxismax'], $data['ymin_itemid'], $data['ymax_itemid'], $data['show_work_period'], $data['show_triggers'], $data['graphtype'], $data['show_legend'], $data['show_3d'], $data['percent_left'], $data['percent_right'], $data['items']);
             // case
         // case
         case XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT:
             if (!isset($this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH])) {
             // case
             $data['key'] = explode(':', $data['item']);
             if (count($data['key']) < 2) {
                 $this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['error'] = true;
                 error('Incorrect element for graph [' . $data['name'] . ']');
                 // case
             $data['host'] = array_shift($data['key']);
             $data['key'] = implode(':', $data['key']);
             if (isset($this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'])) {
                 $data['host'] = str_replace('{HOSTNAME}', $this->data[XML_TAG_HOST]['name'], $data['host']);
             if (!isset($data['drawtype'])) {
                 $data['drawtype'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['sortorder'])) {
                 $data['sortorder'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['color'])) {
                 $data['color'] = 'Dark Green';
             if (!isset($data['yaxisside'])) {
                 $data['yaxisside'] = 1;
             if (!isset($data['calc_fnc'])) {
                 $data['calc_fnc'] = 2;
             if (!isset($data['type'])) {
                 $data['type'] = 0;
             if (!isset($data['periods_cnt'])) {
                 $data['periods_cnt'] = 5;
             if (!($item = get_item_by_key($data['key'], $data['host']))) {
                 $this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['error'] = true;
                 error('Missing item [' . $data['key'] . '] for host [' . $data['host'] . ']');
                 // case
             $data['itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
             array_push($this->data[XML_TAG_GRAPH]['items'], $data);
             // case
             /*case XML_TAG_SCREEN:
             		case XML_TAG_SCREEN_ELEMENT:
             			break; // case*/
         // case
         /*case XML_TAG_SCREEN:
         		case XML_TAG_SCREEN_ELEMENT:
         			break; // case*/
             if (isset($this->sub_node) && isset($this->main_node)) {
                 $main_node = array_pop($this->main_node);
                 $this->data[$main_node][$this->sub_node] = $this->element_data;
                 array_push($this->main_node, $main_node);
             $this->sub_node = null;
     unset($this->data[$name], $data);
Exemplo n.º 11
 $now = time();
 if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) {
 } else {
 //if(isset($_REQUEST['type']))	{ $type=TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED; }
 if (isset($_REQUEST['triggerid'])) {
     $options = array('triggerids' => $_REQUEST['triggerid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectDependencies' => API_OUTPUT_REFER);
     $triggersData = API::Trigger()->get($options);
     $triggerData = reset($triggersData);
     if ($triggerData['templateid']) {
         $_REQUEST['description'] = $triggerData['description'];
         $expression = explode_exp($triggerData['expression']);
     $trigger = array();
     $trigger['triggerid'] = $_REQUEST['triggerid'];
     $trigger['expression'] = $expression;
     $trigger['description'] = $_REQUEST['description'];
     $trigger['type'] = $type;
     $trigger['priority'] = $_REQUEST['priority'];
     $trigger['status'] = $status;
     $trigger['comments'] = $_REQUEST['comments'];
     $trigger['url'] = $_REQUEST['url'];
     $result = API::Trigger()->update($trigger);
     $result = DBend($result);
     $triggerid = $_REQUEST['triggerid'];
Exemplo n.º 12
 if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) {
     if (!check_right_on_trigger_by_expression(PERM_READ_WRITE, $_REQUEST['expression'])) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['triggerid'])) {
             show_messages(false, null, S_CANNOT_UPDATE_TRIGGER);
         } else {
             show_messages(false, null, S_CANNOT_ADD_TRIGGER);
     } else {
         $status = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED : TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
         $deps = get_request('dependencies', array());
         if (isset($_REQUEST['triggerid'])) {
             $triggerData = get_trigger_by_triggerid($_REQUEST['triggerid']);
             if ($triggerData['templateid']) {
                 $_REQUEST['description'] = $triggerData['description'];
                 $_REQUEST['expression'] = explode_exp($triggerData['expression'], 0);
             $current_deps = get_trigger_dependencies_by_triggerid($_REQUEST['triggerid']);
             if ($deps == $current_deps) {
                 $deps = null;
             $type = get_request('type');
             $priority = get_request('priority');
             $comments = get_request('comments');
             $url = get_request('url');
             if ($triggerData['type'] == $_REQUEST['type']) {
                 $type = null;
             if ($triggerData['priority'] == $_REQUEST['priority']) {
Exemplo n.º 13
     if ($trigger['status'] == TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED) {
         $status = new CLink(S_DISABLED, $status_link, 'disabled');
     } else {
         if ($trigger['status'] == TRIGGER_STATUS_UNKNOWN) {
             $status = new CLink(S_UNKNOWN, $status_link, 'unknown');
         } else {
             if ($trigger['status'] == TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED) {
                 $status = new CLink(S_ENABLED, $status_link, 'enabled');
     if ($_REQUEST['hostid'] > 0) {
         $table->addRow(array(new CCheckBox('g_triggerid[' . $triggerid . ']', NULL, NULL, $triggerid), $priority, $status, $description, explode_exp($trigger['expression'], 1), $error));
     } else {
         foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $host) {
             $table->addRow(array(new CCheckBox('g_triggerid[' . $triggerid . ']', NULL, NULL, $triggerid), $priority, $status, $host['host'], $description, explode_exp($trigger['expression'], 1), $error));
 //----- GO ------
 $goBox = new CComboBox('go');
 $goBox->addItem('activate', S_ACTIVATE_SELECTED);
 $goBox->addItem('disable', S_DISABLE_SELECTED);
 $goBox->addItem('massupdate', S_MASS_UPDATE);
 $goBox->addItem('copy_to', S_COPY_SELECTED_TO);
 $goBox->addItem('delete', S_DELETE_SELECTED);
 // goButton name is necessary!!!
 $goButton = new CButton('goButton', S_GO . ' (0)');
 $goButton->setAttribute('id', 'goButton');
 zbx_add_post_js('chkbxRange.pageGoName = "g_triggerid";');
 $table->setFooter(new CCol(array($goBox, $goButton)));
Exemplo n.º 14
function make_trigger_details($trigger)
    $hostNames = array();
    $hostIds = zbx_objectValues($trigger['hosts'], 'hostid');
    $hosts = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('name', 'hostid', 'status'), 'hostids' => $hostIds, 'selectScreens' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT));
    if (count($hosts) > 1) {
        order_result($hosts, 'name', ZBX_SORT_UP);
    $scripts = API::Script()->getScriptsByHosts($hostIds);
    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        $hostName = new CSpan($host['name'], 'link_menu');
        $hostName->setMenuPopup(CMenuPopupHelper::getHost($host, $scripts[$host['hostid']]));
        $hostNames[] = $hostName;
        $hostNames[] = ', ';
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    $table->addRow(array(new CCol(_n('Host', 'Hosts', count($hosts))), new CCol($hostNames, 'wraptext')));
    $table->addRow(array(new CCol(_('Trigger')), new CCol(CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerName($trigger), 'wraptext')));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Severity'), getSeverityCell($trigger['priority'])));
    $table->addRow(array(new CCol(_('Expression')), new CCol(explode_exp($trigger['expression'], true, true), 'trigger-expression')));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Event generation'), _('Normal') . (TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED == $trigger['type'] ? SPACE . '+' . SPACE . _('Multiple PROBLEM events') : '')));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Disabled'), TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED == $trigger['status'] ? new CCol(_('No'), 'off') : new CCol(_('Yes'), 'on')));
    return $table;
function make_trigger_details($trigger)
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    if (is_show_all_nodes()) {
        $table->addRow(array(_('Node'), get_node_name_by_elid($trigger['triggerid'])));
    $expression = explode_exp($trigger['expression'], true, true);
    $host = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('name', 'hostid'), 'hostids' => $trigger['hosts'][0]['hostid'], 'selectScreens' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectInventory' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
    $host = reset($host);
    $hostScripts = API::Script()->getScriptsByHosts($host['hostid']);
    // host js link
    $hostSpan = new CSpan($host['name'], 'link_menu menu-host');
    $scripts = $hostScripts[$host['hostid']];
    $hostSpan->attr('data-menu', hostMenuData($host, $scripts));
    // get visible name of the first host
    $table->addRow(array(_('Host'), $hostSpan));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Trigger'), CTriggerHelper::expandDescription($trigger)));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Severity'), getSeverityCell($trigger['priority'])));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Expression'), $expression));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Event generation'), _('Normal') . (TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED == $trigger['type'] ? SPACE . '+' . SPACE . _('Multiple PROBLEM events') : '')));
    $table->addRow(array(_('Disabled'), TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED == $trigger['status'] ? new CCol(_('No'), 'off') : new CCol(_('Yes'), 'on')));
    return $table;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Select trigger ids for previously added trigger names/expressions.
 protected function selectTriggers()
     if (!empty($this->triggers)) {
         $this->triggersRefs = array();
         $triggerIds = array();
         $sql = 'SELECT t.triggerid,t.expression,t.description' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionString('t.description', array_keys($this->triggers));
         $dbTriggers = DBselect($sql);
         while ($dbTrigger = DBfetch($dbTriggers)) {
             $dbExpr = explode_exp($dbTrigger['expression']);
             foreach ($this->triggers as $name => $expressions) {
                 if ($name == $dbTrigger['description']) {
                     foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
                         if ($expression == $dbExpr) {
                             $this->triggersRefs[$name][$expression] = $dbTrigger['triggerid'];
                             $triggerIds[] = $dbTrigger['triggerid'];
         $allowedTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $triggerIds, 'output' => array('triggerid'), 'filter' => array('flags' => array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE)), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($this->triggersRefs as $name => $expressions) {
             foreach ($expressions as $expression => $triggerId) {
                 if (!isset($allowedTriggers[$triggerId])) {
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Get triggers references by trigger ids.
  * @param array $triggerIds
  * @return array
 protected function getTriggersReferences(array $triggerIds)
     $idents = array();
     $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $triggerIds, 'output' => array('description', 'expression'), 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'preservekeys' => true));
     foreach ($triggers as $id => $trigger) {
         $idents[$id] = array('description' => $trigger['description'], 'expression' => explode_exp($trigger['expression']));
     return $idents;
Exemplo n.º 18
foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
    $usedHosts = array();
    foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $host) {
        $usedHosts[$host['hostid']] = $host['name'];
    $usedHostCount = count($usedHosts);
    $triggerItems = array();
    $trigger['items'] = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames($trigger['items']);
    foreach ($trigger['items'] as $item) {
        $triggerItems[] = array('name' => $usedHostCount > 1 ? $usedHosts[$item['hostid']] . NAME_DELIMITER . $item['name_expanded'] : $item['name_expanded'], 'params' => array('itemid' => $item['itemid'], 'action' => in_array($item['value_type'], array(ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64)) ? 'showgraph' : 'showvalues'));
    $description = new CSpan($trigger['description'], 'link_menu');
    $description->setMenuPopup(getMenuPopupTrigger($trigger, $triggerItems));
    if ($_REQUEST['show_details']) {
        $description = array($description, BR(), explode_exp($trigger['expression'], true, true));
    if (!empty($trigger['dependencies'])) {
        $dependenciesTable = new CTableInfo();
        $dependenciesTable->setAttribute('style', 'width: 200px;');
        $dependenciesTable->addRow(bold(_('Depends on') . NAME_DELIMITER));
        foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
            $dependenciesTable->addRow(' - ' . CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerNameById($dependency['triggerid']));
        $img = new Cimg('images/general/arrow_down2.png', 'DEP_UP');
        $img->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;');
        $description = array($img, SPACE, $description);
    $dependency = false;
    $dependenciesTable = new CTableInfo();
Exemplo n.º 19
            $last_page['url'] = 'tr_status.php?hostid=' . get_profile('web.tr_status.hostid', 0);
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) {
            $last_page = get_last_history_page();
            if (!$last_page) {
                $last_page['url'] = 'tr_status.php?hostid=' . get_profile('web.tr_status.hostid', 0);
$msg = $bulk ? ' BULK ACKNOWLEDGE ' : array('"' . expand_trigger_description_by_data($db_data) . '"', BR(), explode_exp($db_data["expression"], 1));
show_table_header(array(S_ALARM_ACKNOWLEDGES_BIG, ' : ', $msg));
echo SBR;
if (!$bulk) {
    $table = new CTable(NULL, "ack_msgs");
    $db_acks = get_acknowledges_by_eventid($db_data["eventid"]);
    while ($db_ack = DBfetch($db_acks)) {
        $db_user = get_user_by_userid($db_ack["userid"]);
        $table->AddRow(array(new CCol($db_user["alias"], "user"), new CCol(date("d-m-Y h:i:s A", $db_ack["clock"]), "time")), "title");
        $msgCol = new CCol(zbx_nl2br($db_ack['message']));
        $table->AddRow($msgCol, "msg");
    if ($table->GetNumRows() > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 20
function insert_trigger_form()
    global $USER_DETAILS;
    $frmTrig = new CFormTable(S_TRIGGER, "triggers.php");
    if ($_REQUEST['hostid'] > 0) {
        $frmTrig->addVar("hostid", $_REQUEST['hostid']);
    $dep_el = array();
    $dependencies = get_request("dependencies", array());
    $limited = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST["triggerid"])) {
        $frmTrig->addVar("triggerid", $_REQUEST["triggerid"]);
        $trigger = get_trigger_by_triggerid($_REQUEST["triggerid"]);
        $frmTrig->SetTitle(S_TRIGGER . ' "' . htmlspecialchars($trigger["description"]) . '"');
        $limited = $trigger['templateid'] ? 'yes' : null;
    $expression = get_request("expression", "");
    $description = get_request("description", "");
    $type = get_request('type', 0);
    $priority = get_request("priority", 0);
    $status = get_request("status", 0);
    $comments = get_request("comments", "");
    $url = get_request("url", "");
    if (isset($_REQUEST["triggerid"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["form_refresh"]) || isset($limited)) {
        $description = $trigger["description"];
        $expression = explode_exp($trigger["expression"], 0);
        if (!isset($limited) || !isset($_REQUEST["form_refresh"])) {
            $type = $trigger['type'];
            $priority = $trigger["priority"];
            $status = $trigger["status"];
            $comments = $trigger["comments"];
            $url = $trigger["url"];
            $trigs = DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression ' . ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends d ' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=d.triggerid_up ' . ' AND d.triggerid_down=' . $_REQUEST['triggerid']);
            while ($trig = DBfetch($trigs)) {
                if (uint_in_array($trig["triggerid"], $dependencies)) {
                array_push($dependencies, $trig["triggerid"]);
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_NAME, new CTextBox("description", $description, 90, $limited));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_EXPRESSION, array(new CTextBox("expression", $expression, 75, $limited), $limited ? null : new CButton('insert', S_INSERT, "return PopUp('popup_trexpr.php?dstfrm=" . $frmTrig->GetName() . "&dstfld1=expression&srctbl=expression" . "&srcfld1=expression&expression=' + escape(getSelectedText(this.form.elements['expression'])),700,200);")));
    /* dependencies */
    foreach ($dependencies as $val) {
        array_push($dep_el, array(new CCheckBox("rem_dependence[]", 'no', null, strval($val)), expand_trigger_description($val)), BR());
        $frmTrig->addVar("dependencies[]", strval($val));
    if (count($dep_el) == 0) {
        array_push($dep_el, S_NO_DEPENDENCES_DEFINED);
    } else {
        array_push($dep_el, new CButton('del_dependence', 'delete selected'));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_THE_TRIGGER_DEPENDS_ON, $dep_el);
    /* end dependencies */
    /* new dependence */
    //		$frmTrig->addVar('new_dependence','0');
    //		$txtCondVal = new CTextBox('trigger','',75,'yes');
    $btnSelect = new CButton('btn1', S_ADD, "return PopUp('popup.php?dstfrm=" . $frmTrig->GetName() . "&dstfld1=new_dependence[]&srctbl=triggers&multiselect=1&dstact=add_dependence&objname=triggers&srcfld1=1" . "',750,450);", 'T');
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_NEW_DEPENDENCY, $btnSelect, 'new');
    /* end new dependence */
    $type_select = new CComboBox('type');
    $type_select->additem(TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_DISABLED, S_NORMAL, $type == TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED ? 'no' : 'yes');
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_EVENT_GENERATION, $type_select);
    $cmbPrior = new CComboBox("priority", $priority);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
        $cmbPrior->addItem($i, get_severity_description($i));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_SEVERITY, $cmbPrior);
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_COMMENTS, new CTextArea("comments", $comments, 90, 7));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_URL, new CTextBox("url", $url, 90));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_DISABLED, new CCheckBox("status", $status));
    $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton("save", S_SAVE));
    if (isset($_REQUEST["triggerid"])) {
        $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton("clone", S_CLONE));
        if (!$limited) {
            $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonDelete("Delete trigger?", url_param("form") . url_param('groupid') . url_param("hostid") . url_param("triggerid")));
    $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonCancel(url_param('groupid') . url_param("hostid")));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static function parseMain($rules)
     $triggersForDependencies = array();
     if (!empty($rules['hosts']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['hosts']['createMissing']) || !empty($rules['templates']['createMissing']) || !empty($rules['templates']['updateExisting'])) {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath(self::$xml);
         $hosts = $xpath->query('hosts/host');
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             if (!isset($host_db['status'])) {
                 $host_db['status'] = HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             $current_host = $host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE ? API::Template()->exists($host_db) : API::Host()->exists($host_db);
             if (!$current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['templates']['createMissing']) || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['hosts']['createMissing']))) {
             if ($current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['templates']['updateExisting']) || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['hosts']['updateExisting']))) {
             // there were no host visible names in 1.8
             if (!isset($host_db['name'])) {
                 $host_db['name'] = $host_db['host'];
             // host will have no interfaces - we will be creating them separately
             $host_db['interfaces'] = null;
             // it is possible, that data is imported from 1.8, where there was only one network interface per host
              * @todo when new XML format will be introduced, this check should be changed to XML version check
             $old_version_input = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             if ($old_version_input) {
                 // rearranging host structure, so it would look more like 2.0 host
                 $interfaces = array();
                 // the main interface is always "agent" type
                 if (!is_null($host_db['ip'])) {
                     $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $host_db['port']);
                 // now we need to check if host had SNMP items. If it had, we need and SNMP interface for every different port.
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 $snmp_interface_ports_created = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if (($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1 || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3) && !isset($snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']])) {
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $item_db['snmp_port']);
                         $snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']] = 1;
                 // it was a temporary variable
                 // we ned to add ipmi interface if at least one ipmi item exists
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if ($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_IPMI) {
                         // when saving a host in 1.8, it's possible to set useipmi=1 and not to fill an IP address
                         // we were not really sure what to do with this host,
                         // and decided to take host IP address instead and show info message about this
                         if ($host_db['ipmi_ip'] == '') {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ip'];
                             info(_s('Host "%s" has "useipmi" parameter checked, but has no "ipmi_ip" parameter! Using host IP address as an address for IPMI interface.', $host_db['host']));
                         } else {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ipmi_ip'];
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_DNS, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => $ipmi_ip, 'port' => $host_db['ipmi_port']);
                         // we need only one ipmi interface
             if ($current_host) {
                 $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1, 'selectInterfaces' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $current_host = API::Template()->get($options);
                 } else {
                     $current_host = API::Host()->get($options);
                 if (empty($current_host)) {
                     throw new Exception(_s('No permission for host "%1$s".', $host_db['host']));
                 } else {
                     $current_host = reset($current_host);
                 // checking if host already exists - then some of the interfaces may not need to be created
                 if ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     // for every interface we got based on XML
                     foreach ($interfaces as $i => $interface_db) {
                         // checking every interface of current host
                         foreach ($current_host['interfaces'] as $interface) {
                             // if all parameters of interface are identical
                             if ($interface['type'] == $interface_db['type'] && $interface['ip'] == $interface_db['ip'] && $interface['dns'] == $interface_db['dns'] && $interface['port'] == $interface_db['port'] && $interface['useip'] == $interface_db['useip']) {
                                 // this interface is the same as existing one!
                                 $interfaces[$i]['interfaceid'] = $interface['interfaceid'];
                 $interfaces_created_with_host = false;
             } else {
                 if ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $host_db['interfaces'] = $interfaces;
                     $interfaces_created_with_host = true;
             // HOST GROUPS {{{
             $groups = $xpath->query('groups/group', $host);
             $host_db['groups'] = array();
             $groups_to_parse = array();
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => $group->nodeValue);
             if (empty($groups_to_parse)) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => ZBX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_HOST_GROUP);
             foreach ($groups_to_parse as $group) {
                 $current_group = API::HostGroup()->exists($group);
                 if ($current_group) {
                     $options = array('filter' => $group, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1);
                     $current_group = API::HostGroup()->get($options);
                     if (empty($current_group)) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permissions for group "%1$s".', $group['name']));
                     $host_db['groups'][] = reset($current_group);
                 } else {
                     $result = API::HostGroup()->create($group);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $options = array('groupids' => $result['groupids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                     $new_group = API::HostGroup()->get($options);
                     $host_db['groups'][] = reset($new_group);
             // }}} HOST GROUPS
             // MACROS
             $macros = $xpath->query('macros/macro', $host);
             if ($macros->length > 0) {
                 $host_db['macros'] = array();
                 foreach ($macros as $macro) {
                     $host_db['macros'][] = self::mapXML2arr($macro, XML_TAG_MACRO);
             // }}} MACROS
             // host inventory
             if ($old_version_input) {
                 if (!isset($host_db['inventory'])) {
                     $host_db['inventory'] = array();
                 $inventoryNode = $xpath->query('host_profile/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNode->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNode as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $inventoryNodeExt = $xpath->query('host_profiles_ext/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNodeExt->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNodeExt as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         if (isset($host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName]) && $field->nodeValue !== '') {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= "\r\n\r\n";
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= $field->nodeValue;
                         } else {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $host_db['inventory_mode'] = isset($host_db['inventory']) ? HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL : HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED;
             // HOSTS
             if (isset($host_db['proxy_hostid'])) {
                 $proxy_exists = API::Proxy()->get(array('proxyids' => $host_db['proxy_hostid']));
                 if (empty($proxy_exists)) {
                     $host_db['proxy_hostid'] = 0;
             if ($current_host && (!empty($rules['hosts']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['templates']['updateExisting']))) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $host_db['templateid'] = $current_host['templateid'];
                     $result = API::Template()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['templateid'];
                 } else {
                     $host_db['hostid'] = $current_host['hostid'];
                     $result = API::Host()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['hostid'];
                 if (!$result) {
                     throw new Exception();
             if (!$current_host && (!empty($rules['hosts']['createMissing']) || !empty($rules['templates']['createMissing']))) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $result = API::Template()->create($host_db);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['templateids']);
                 } else {
                     $result = API::Host()->create($host_db);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['hostids']);
             $current_hostname = $host_db['host'];
             // TEMPLATES {{{
             if (!empty($rules['templateLinkage']['createMissing'])) {
                 $templates = $xpath->query('templates/template', $host);
                 $templateLinkage = array();
                 foreach ($templates as $template) {
                     $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $template->nodeValue), 'output' => array('templateid'), 'editable' => true);
                     $current_template = API::Template()->get($options);
                     if (empty($current_template)) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permission for template "%1$s".', $template->nodeValue));
                     $current_template = reset($current_template);
                     $templateLinkage[] = $current_template;
                 if ($templateLinkage) {
                     $result = API::Template()->massAdd(array('hosts' => array('hostid' => $current_hostid), 'templates' => $templateLinkage));
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
             // }}} TEMPLATES
             // ITEMS {{{
             if (!empty($rules['items']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['items']['createMissing'])) {
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 // if this is an export from 1.8, we need to make some adjustments to items
                 if ($old_version_input) {
                     if (!$interfaces_created_with_host) {
                         // if host had another interfaces, we are not touching them: they remain as is
                         foreach ($interfaces as $i => $interface) {
                             // interface was not already created
                             if (!isset($interface['interfaceid'])) {
                                 // creating interface
                                 $interface['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                                 $ids = API::HostInterface()->create($interface);
                                 if ($ids === false) {
                                     throw new Exception();
                                 $interfaces[$i]['interfaceid'] = reset($ids['interfaceids']);
                     } else {
                         $options = array('hostids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get($options);
                     // we must know interface ids to assign them to items
                     $agent_interface_id = null;
                     $ipmi_interface_id = null;
                     $snmp_interfaces = array();
                     // hash 'port' => 'iterfaceid'
                     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                         switch ($interface['type']) {
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT:
                                 $agent_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI:
                                 $ipmi_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP:
                                 $snmp_interfaces[$interface['port']] = $interface['interfaceid'];
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     $item_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                     // item needs interfaces
                     if ($old_version_input) {
                         // 'snmp_port' column was renamed to 'port'
                         if ($item_db['snmp_port'] != 0) {
                             // zabbix agent items have no ports
                             $item_db['port'] = $item_db['snmp_port'];
                         // assigning appropriate interface depending on item type
                         switch ($item_db['type']) {
                             // zabbix agent interface
                             case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SSH:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_TELNET:
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = $agent_interface_id;
                                 // snmp interface
                             // snmp interface
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3:
                                 // for an item with different port - different interface
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = $snmp_interfaces[$item_db['port']];
                             case ITEM_TYPE_IPMI:
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = $ipmi_interface_id;
                                 // no interfaces required for these item types
                             // no interfaces required for these item types
                             case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_AGGREGATE:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR:
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = null;
                         $item_db['key_'] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($item_db['key_']);
                     $options = array('filter' => array('hostid' => $item_db['hostid'], 'key_' => $item_db['key_']), 'webitems' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1);
                     $current_item = API::Item()->get($options);
                     $current_item = reset($current_item);
                     if (!$current_item && empty($rules['items']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_item && empty($rules['items']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     // ITEM APPLICATIONS {{{
                     $applications = $xpath->query('applications/application', $item);
                     $item_applications = array();
                     $applications_to_add = array();
                     $applicationsIds = array();
                     foreach ($applications as $application) {
                         $application_db = array('name' => $application->nodeValue, 'hostid' => $current_hostid);
                         $current_application = API::Application()->get(array('filter' => $application_db, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                         $applicationValue = reset($current_application);
                         if ($current_application) {
                             if (empty($item_applications)) {
                                 $item_applications = $current_application;
                                 $applicationsIds[] = $applicationValue['applicationid'];
                             } else {
                                 if (!in_array($applicationValue['applicationid'], $applicationsIds)) {
                                     $item_applications = array_merge($item_applications, $current_application);
                                     $applicationsIds[] = $applicationValue['applicationid'];
                         } else {
                             $applications_to_add[] = $application_db;
                     if (!empty($applications_to_add)) {
                         $result = API::Application()->create($applications_to_add);
                         if (!$result) {
                             throw new Exception();
                         $options = array('applicationids' => $result['applicationids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $new_applications = API::Application()->get($options);
                         $item_applications = array_merge($item_applications, $new_applications);
                     // }}} ITEM APPLICATIONS
                     if ($current_item && !empty($rules['items']['updateExisting'])) {
                         $item_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                         $result = API::Item()->update($item_db);
                         if (!$result) {
                             throw new Exception();
                         $options = array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $current_item = API::Item()->get($options);
                     if (!$current_item && !empty($rules['items']['createMissing'])) {
                         $result = API::Item()->create($item_db);
                         if (!$result) {
                             throw new Exception();
                         $options = array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $current_item = API::Item()->get($options);
                     if (!empty($item_applications)) {
                         $r = API::Application()->massAdd(array('applications' => $item_applications, 'items' => $current_item));
                         if ($r === false) {
                             throw new Exception();
             // }}} ITEMS
             // TRIGGERS {{{
             if (!empty($rules['triggers']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['triggers']['createMissing'])) {
                 $triggers = $xpath->query('triggers/trigger', $host);
                 $triggers_to_add = array();
                 $triggers_to_upd = array();
                 foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                     $trigger_db = self::mapXML2arr($trigger, XML_TAG_TRIGGER);
                     if ($old_version_input) {
                         $expressionPart = explode(':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                         $keyName = explode(',', $expressionPart[1], 2);
                         if (count($keyName) == 2) {
                             $keyValue = explode('.', $keyName[1], 2);
                             $key = $keyName[0] . "," . $keyValue[0];
                             if (in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeys) || in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeysPref)) {
                                 $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace($key, self::convertOldSimpleKey($key), $trigger_db['expression']);
                     // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOSTNAME}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOST.HOST}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                     if ($current_trigger = API::Trigger()->exists($trigger_db)) {
                         $ctriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('filter' => array('description' => $trigger_db['description']), 'hostids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                         $current_trigger = false;
                         foreach ($ctriggers as $ct) {
                             $tmp_exp = explode_exp($ct['expression']);
                             if (strcmp($trigger_db['expression'], $tmp_exp) == 0) {
                                 $current_trigger = $ct;
                         if (!$current_trigger) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('No permission for trigger "%s".', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if (!$current_trigger && empty($rules['triggers']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_trigger && empty($rules['triggers']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_trigger && !empty($rules['triggers']['updateExisting'])) {
                         $trigger_db['triggerid'] = $current_trigger['triggerid'];
                         $triggers_to_upd[] = $trigger_db;
                     if (!$current_trigger && !empty($rules['triggers']['createMissing'])) {
                         $triggers_to_add[] = $trigger_db;
                 if (!empty($triggers_to_upd)) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->update($triggers_to_upd);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $options = array('triggerids' => $result['triggerids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                     $r = API::Trigger()->get($options);
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $r);
                 if (!empty($triggers_to_add)) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->create($triggers_to_add);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $options = array('triggerids' => $result['triggerids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                     $r = API::Trigger()->get($options);
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $r);
             // }}} TRIGGERS
             // GRAPHS {{{
             if (!empty($rules['graphs']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['graphs']['createMissing'])) {
                 $graphs = $xpath->query('graphs/graph', $host);
                 $graphs_to_add = array();
                 $graphs_to_upd = array();
                 foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
                     // GRAPH ITEMS {{{
                     $gitems = $xpath->query('graph_elements/graph_element', $graph);
                     $graph_hostids = array();
                     $graph_items = array();
                     foreach ($gitems as $gitem) {
                         $gitem_db = self::mapXML2arr($gitem, XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT);
                         $data = explode(':', $gitem_db['host_key_']);
                         $gitem_host = array_shift($data);
                         // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOSTNAME}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOST.HOST}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         if ($old_version_input) {
                             $data[0] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($data[0]);
                         $gitem_db['key_'] = implode(':', $data);
                         if ($current_item = API::Item()->exists($gitem_db)) {
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('filter' => array('key_' => $gitem_db['key_']), 'webitems' => 1, 'host' => $gitem_db['host'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                             if (empty($current_item)) {
                                 throw new Exception(_s('No permission for item "%1$s".', $gitem_db['key_']));
                             $current_item = reset($current_item);
                             $graph_hostids[] = $current_item['hostid'];
                             $gitem_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                             $graph_items[] = $gitem_db;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Item "%1$s" does not exist.', $gitem_db['host_key_']));
                     // }}} GRAPH ITEMS
                     $graph_db = self::mapXML2arr($graph, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
                     $graph_db['hostids'] = $graph_hostids;
                     // do we need to show the graph legend, after it is imported?
                     // in 1.8, this setting was present only for pie and exploded graphs
                     // for other graph types we are always showing the legend
                     if ($graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_PIE && $graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_EXPLODED) {
                         $graph_db['show_legend'] = 1;
                     $current_graph = API::Graph()->exists($graph_db);
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $current_graph = API::Graph()->get(array('filter' => array('name' => $graph_db['name']), 'hostids' => $graph_db['hostids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                         if (empty($current_graph)) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('No permission for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         $current_graph = reset($current_graph);
                     if (!$current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymin_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymin_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymax_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymax_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if ($graph_db['ymin_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y min item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymin_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     if ($graph_db['ymax_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y max item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymax_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     $graph_db['gitems'] = $graph_items;
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $graph_db['graphid'] = $current_graph['graphid'];
                         $graphs_to_upd[] = $graph_db;
                     } else {
                         $graphs_to_add[] = $graph_db;
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_add)) {
                     $r = API::Graph()->create($graphs_to_add);
                     if ($r === false) {
                         throw new Exception();
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_upd)) {
                     $r = API::Graph()->update($graphs_to_upd);
                     if ($r === false) {
                         throw new Exception();
             // SCREENS
             if (!empty($rules['screens']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['screens']['createMissing'])) {
                 $screens_node = $xpath->query('screens', $host);
                 if ($screens_node->length > 0) {
                     $importScreens = self::XMLtoArray($screens_node->item(0));
                     foreach ($importScreens as $screen) {
                         $current_screen = API::TemplateScreen()->get(array('filter' => array('name' => $screen['name']), 'templateids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                         $current_screen = reset($current_screen);
                         if (!$current_screen && empty($rules['screens']['createMissing'])) {
                             info(_s('Screen "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $screen['name']));
                         if ($current_screen && empty($rules['screens']['updateExisting'])) {
                             info(_s('Screen "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $screen['name']));
                         if (isset($screen['screenitems'])) {
                             foreach ($screen['screenitems'] as &$screenitem) {
                                 $nodeCaption = isset($screenitem['resourceid']['node']) ? $screenitem['resourceid']['node'] . ':' : '';
                                 if (!isset($screenitem['resourceid'])) {
                                     $screenitem['resourceid'] = 0;
                                 if (is_array($screenitem['resourceid'])) {
                                     switch ($screenitem['resourcetype']) {
                                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH:
                                             $db_graphs = API::Graph()->getObjects($screenitem['resourceid']);
                                             if (empty($db_graphs)) {
                                                 $error = _s('Cannot find graph "%1$s" used in screen "%2$s".', $nodeCaption . $screenitem['resourceid']['host'] . ':' . $screenitem['resourceid']['name'], $screen['name']);
                                                 throw new Exception($error);
                                             $tmp = reset($db_graphs);
                                             $screenitem['resourceid'] = $tmp['graphid'];
                                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH:
                                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT:
                                             $db_items = API::Item()->getObjects($screenitem['resourceid']);
                                             if (empty($db_items)) {
                                                 $error = _s('Cannot find item "%1$s" used in screen "%2$s".', $nodeCaption . $screenitem['resourceid']['host'] . ':' . $screenitem['resourceid']['key_'], $screen['name']);
                                                 throw new Exception($error);
                                             $tmp = reset($db_items);
                                             $screenitem['resourceid'] = $tmp['itemid'];
                                             $screenitem['resourceid'] = 0;
                         $screen['templateid'] = $current_hostid;
                         if ($current_screen) {
                             $screen['screenid'] = $current_screen['screenid'];
                             $result = API::TemplateScreen()->update($screen);
                             if (!$result) {
                                 throw new Exception(_('Cannot update screen.'));
                             info('[' . $current_hostname . '] ' . _s('Screen "%1$s" updated.', $screen['name']));
                         } else {
                             $result = API::TemplateScreen()->create($screen);
                             if (!$result) {
                                 throw new Exception(_('Cannot create screen.'));
                             info('[' . $current_hostname . '] ' . _s('Screen "%1$s" added.', $screen['name']));
         // DEPENDENCIES
         $dependencies = $xpath->query('dependencies/dependency');
         if ($dependencies->length > 0) {
             $triggersForDependencies = zbx_objectValues($triggersForDependencies, 'triggerid');
             $triggersForDependencies = array_flip($triggersForDependencies);
             $newDependencies = array();
             foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
                 $triggerDescription = $dependency->getAttribute('description');
                 $currentTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($triggerDescription);
                 if ($currentTrigger && isset($triggersForDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']])) {
                     $dependsOnList = $xpath->query('depends', $dependency);
                     foreach ($dependsOnList as $dependsOn) {
                         $depTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($dependsOn->nodeValue);
                         if ($depTrigger['triggerid']) {
                             $newDependencies[] = array('triggerid' => $currentTrigger['triggerid'], 'dependsOnTriggerid' => $depTrigger['triggerid']);
             if ($newDependencies) {
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Checks that none of the given triggers is inherited from a template.
  * @throws APIException     if one of the triggers is inherited
  * @param array $triggerIds
 protected function checkNotInherited(array $triggerIds)
     $trigger = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('t.triggerid', $triggerIds) . 'AND t.templateid IS NOT NULL', 1));
     if ($trigger) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot delete templated trigger "%1$s:%2$s".', $trigger['description'], explode_exp($trigger['expression'])));
  * Copies all of the triggers from the source discovery to the target discovery rule.
  * @throws APIException if trigger saving fails
  * @param array $srcDiscovery    The source discovery rule to copy from
  * @param array $dstDiscovery    The target discovery rule to copy to
  * @param array $srcHost         The host the source discovery belongs to
  * @param array $dstHost         The host the target discovery belongs to
  * @return array
 protected function copyTriggerPrototypes(array $srcDiscovery, array $dstDiscovery, array $srcHost, array $dstHost)
     $srcTriggers = API::TriggerPrototype()->get(array('discoveryids' => $srcDiscovery['itemid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectItems' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectFunctions' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => true));
     if (!$srcTriggers) {
         return array();
     foreach ($srcTriggers as $id => $trigger) {
         // skip triggers with web items
         if (httpItemExists($trigger['items'])) {
     // save new triggers
     $dstTriggers = $srcTriggers;
     foreach ($dstTriggers as $id => $trigger) {
         // update expression
         $dstTriggers[$id]['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression'], false, false, $srcHost['host'], $dstHost['host']);
     $rs = API::TriggerPrototype()->create($dstTriggers);
     if (!$rs) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot clone trigger prototypes.'));
     return $rs;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static function parseMain($rules)
     $triggerExpressionConverter = new C24TriggerConverter(new CFunctionMacroParser(), new CMacroParser('#'));
     $triggersForDependencies = array();
     if ($rules['hosts']['updateExisting'] || $rules['hosts']['createMissing'] || $rules['templates']['createMissing'] || $rules['templates']['updateExisting']) {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath(self::$xml);
         $hosts = $xpath->query('hosts/host');
         // stores parsed host and template IDs
         $processedHostIds = array();
         // stores converted trigger expressions for each host
         $triggerExpressions = array();
         // stores converted item keys for each host
         $itemKeys = array();
         // process hosts
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             if (!isset($host_db['status'])) {
                 $host_db['status'] = HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                 $current_host = API::Template()->get(array('output' => array('templateid'), 'filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
             } else {
                 $current_host = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('hostid'), 'filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
             if (!$current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['templates']['createMissing'] || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['hosts']['createMissing'])) {
             if ($current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['templates']['updateExisting'] || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['hosts']['updateExisting'])) {
             // there were no host visible names in 1.8
             if (!isset($host_db['name'])) {
                 $host_db['name'] = $host_db['host'];
             // host will have no interfaces - we will be creating them separately
             $host_db['interfaces'] = null;
             // it is possible, that data is imported from 1.8, where there was only one network interface per host
              * @todo when new XML format will be introduced, this check should be changed to XML version check
             $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             $interfaces = array();
             // rearranging host structure, so it would look more like 2.0 host
             if ($oldVersionInput) {
                 // the main interface is always "agent" type
                 if (!is_null($host_db['ip'])) {
                     $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $host_db['port']);
                 // now we need to check if host had SNMP items. If it had, we need an SNMP interface for every different port.
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 $snmp_interface_ports_created = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if (($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1 || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3) && !isset($snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']])) {
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => $snmp_interface_ports_created ? INTERFACE_SECONDARY : INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $item_db['snmp_port']);
                         $snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']] = 1;
                 // it was a temporary variable
                 // we need to add ipmi interface if at least one ipmi item exists
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if ($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_IPMI) {
                         // when saving a host in 1.8, it's possible to set useipmi=1 and not to fill an IP address
                         // we were not really sure what to do with this host,
                         // and decided to take host IP address instead and show info message about this
                         if ($host_db['ipmi_ip'] === '') {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ip'];
                             info(_s('Host "%s" has "useipmi" parameter checked, but has no "ipmi_ip" parameter! Using host IP address as an address for IPMI interface.', $host_db['host']));
                         } else {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ipmi_ip'];
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => $ipmi_ip, 'dns' => '', 'port' => $host_db['ipmi_port']);
                         // we need only one ipmi interface
             if ($current_host) {
                 $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => true, 'selectInterfaces' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $current_host = API::Template()->get($options);
                 } else {
                     $current_host = API::Host()->get($options);
                 if (empty($current_host)) {
                     throw new Exception(_s('No permission for host "%1$s".', $host_db['host']));
                 } else {
                     $current_host = reset($current_host);
                 // checking if host already exists - then some of the interfaces may not need to be created
                 if ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $currentMainInterfaces = array();
                     $currentInterfacesByType = array();
                     // group existing main interfaces by interface type into $currentMainInterfaces
                     // and group interfaces by type into $currentInterfacesByType
                     foreach ($current_host['interfaces'] as $currentInterface) {
                         if ($currentInterface['main'] == INTERFACE_PRIMARY) {
                             $currentMainInterfaces[$currentInterface['type']] = $currentInterface;
                         $currentInterfacesByType[$currentInterface['type']][] = $currentInterface;
                     // loop through all interfaces we got from XML
                     foreach ($interfaces as &$interfaceXml) {
                         $interfaceXmlType = $interfaceXml['type'];
                         // if this is the primary interface of some type and we have default interface of same type
                         // in current (target) host, re-use "interfaceid" of the matching default interface
                         // in current host
                         if ($interfaceXml['main'] == INTERFACE_PRIMARY && isset($currentMainInterfaces[$interfaceXmlType])) {
                             $interfaceXml['interfaceid'] = $currentMainInterfaces[$interfaceXmlType]['interfaceid'];
                         } else {
                             // otherwise, loop through all current (target) host interfaces with type of current
                             // imported interface and re-use "interfaceid" in case if all interface parameters match
                             if (isset($currentInterfacesByType[$interfaceXmlType])) {
                                 foreach ($currentInterfacesByType[$interfaceXmlType] as $currentInterface) {
                                     if ($currentInterface['ip'] == $interfaceXml['ip'] && $currentInterface['dns'] == $interfaceXml['dns'] && $currentInterface['port'] == $interfaceXml['port'] && $currentInterface['useip'] == $interfaceXml['useip']) {
                                         $interfaceXml['interfaceid'] = $currentInterface['interfaceid'];
                     $host_db['interfaces'] = $interfaces;
             } elseif ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                 $host_db['interfaces'] = $interfaces;
             // HOST GROUPS {{{
             $groups = $xpath->query('groups/group', $host);
             $host_db['groups'] = array();
             $groups_to_parse = array();
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => $group->nodeValue);
             if (empty($groups_to_parse)) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => ZBX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_HOST_GROUP);
             foreach ($groups_to_parse as $group) {
                 $hostGroup = API::HostGroup()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'filter' => $group, 'editable' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                 if ($hostGroup) {
                     $host_db['groups'][] = reset($hostGroup);
                 } else {
                     if ($rules['groups']['createMissing']) {
                         $result = API::HostGroup()->create($group);
                         if ($result) {
                             $newHostGroup = API::HostGroup()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'groupids' => $result['groupids'], 'limit' => 1));
                             $host_db['groups'][] = reset($newHostGroup);
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permissions for host group "%1$s".', $group['name']));
             // }}} HOST GROUPS
             // MACROS
             $macros = $xpath->query('macros/macro', $host);
             if ($macros->length > 0) {
                 $host_db['macros'] = array();
                 foreach ($macros as $macro) {
                     $host_db['macros'][] = self::mapXML2arr($macro, XML_TAG_MACRO);
             // }}} MACROS
             // host inventory
             if ($oldVersionInput) {
                 if (!isset($host_db['inventory'])) {
                     $host_db['inventory'] = array();
                 $inventoryNode = $xpath->query('host_profile/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNode->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNode as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $inventoryNodeExt = $xpath->query('host_profiles_ext/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNodeExt->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNodeExt as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         if (isset($host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName]) && $field->nodeValue !== '') {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= "\r\n\r\n";
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= $field->nodeValue;
                         } else {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $host_db['inventory_mode'] = isset($host_db['inventory']) ? HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL : HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED;
             if (isset($host_db['proxy_hostid'])) {
                 $proxy_exists = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => array('proxyid'), 'proxyids' => $host_db['proxy_hostid']));
                 if (empty($proxy_exists)) {
                     $host_db['proxy_hostid'] = 0;
             if ($current_host && ($rules['hosts']['updateExisting'] || $rules['templates']['updateExisting'])) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $host_db['templateid'] = $current_host['templateid'];
                     $result = API::Template()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['templateid'];
                 } else {
                     $host_db['hostid'] = $current_host['hostid'];
                     $result = API::Host()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['hostid'];
             if (!$current_host && ($rules['hosts']['createMissing'] || $rules['templates']['createMissing'])) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $result = API::Template()->create($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['templateids']);
                 } else {
                     $result = API::Host()->create($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['hostids']);
             // store parsed host IDs
             $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] = $current_hostid;
         // gather triggers and convert old expressions
         $triggersXML = array();
         // cycle each host and gather trigger descriptions and expressions
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
             if ($current_hostid) {
                 $triggersXML[$current_hostid] = array();
                 $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']] = array();
                 $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
                 $triggers = $xpath->query('triggers/trigger', $host);
                 foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                     $trigger_db = self::mapXML2arr($trigger, XML_TAG_TRIGGER);
                     $oldExpression = $trigger_db['expression'];
                     if (!isset($triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']])) {
                         $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']] = array();
                     if ($oldVersionInput) {
                         $expressionPart = explode(':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                         $keyName = explode(',', $expressionPart[1], 2);
                         if (count($keyName) == 2) {
                             $keyValue = explode('.', $keyName[1], 2);
                             $key = $keyName[0] . "," . $keyValue[0];
                             if (in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeys) || in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeysPref)) {
                                 $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace($key, self::convertOldSimpleKey($key), $trigger_db['expression']);
                     // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOSTNAME}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOST.HOST}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = $triggerExpressionConverter->convert($trigger_db['expression']);
                     $triggersXML[$current_hostid][$trigger_db['description']][$trigger_db['expression']] = $trigger_db['expression'];
                     $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']][$oldExpression] = $trigger_db['expression'];
         // delete missing triggers
         if ($rules['triggers']['deleteMissing']) {
             // select triggers from parsed hosts
             $dbTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => array('triggerid', 'description', 'expression'), 'expandExpression' => true, 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
             // find corresponding trigger ID by description and expression
             $triggerIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbTriggers as $dbTrigger) {
                 $hostId = reset($dbTrigger['hosts']);
                 if (isset($triggersXML[$hostId['hostid']][$dbTrigger['description']][$dbTrigger['expression']])) {
                     $triggerIdsXML[$dbTrigger['triggerid']] = $dbTrigger['triggerid'];
             $triggersToDelete = array_diff_key($dbTriggers, $triggerIdsXML);
             $triggerIdsToDelete = array();
             // check that potentially deletable trigger belongs to same hosts that are in XML
             // if some triggers belong to more hosts than current XML contains, don't delete them
             foreach ($triggersToDelete as $triggerId => $trigger) {
                 $triggerHostIds = array_flip(zbx_objectValues($trigger['hosts'], 'hostid'));
                 if (!array_diff_key($triggerHostIds, array_flip($processedHostIds))) {
                     $triggerIdsToDelete[] = $triggerId;
             if ($triggerIdsToDelete) {
         // delete missing graphs
         if ($rules['graphs']['deleteMissing']) {
             $graphsXML = array();
             // cycle each host and gather all graph names
             foreach ($hosts as $host) {
                 $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
                 $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
                 if ($current_hostid) {
                     $graphsXML[$current_hostid] = array();
                     $graphs = $xpath->query('graphs/graph', $host);
                     foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
                         $graph_db = self::mapXML2arr($graph, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
                         $graphsXML[$current_hostid][$graph_db['name']] = $graph_db['name'];
             // select graphs from already parsed hosts
             $dbGraphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
             $graphIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbGraphs as $dbGraph) {
                 $hostId = reset($dbGraph['hosts']);
                 if (isset($graphsXML[$hostId['hostid']][$dbGraph['name']])) {
                     $graphIdsXML[$dbGraph['graphid']] = $dbGraph['graphid'];
             $graphsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbGraphs, $graphIdsXML);
             $graphsIdsToDelete = array();
             // check that potentially deletable graph belongs to same hosts that are in XML
             // if some graphs belong to more hosts than current XML contains, don't delete them
             foreach ($graphsToDelete as $graphId => $graph) {
                 $graphHostIds = array_flip(zbx_objectValues($graph['hosts'], 'hostid'));
                 if (!array_diff_key($graphHostIds, array_flip($processedHostIds))) {
                     $graphsIdsToDelete[] = $graphId;
             if ($graphsIdsToDelete) {
         // gather items and convert old keys
         $itemsXML = array();
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
             if ($current_hostid) {
                 $itemsXML[$current_hostid] = array();
                 $itemKeys[$host_db['host']] = array();
                 $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if ($oldVersionInput) {
                         $oldKey = $item_db['key_'];
                         $item_db['key_'] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($item_db['key_']);
                         $itemKeys[$host_db['host']][$oldKey] = $item_db['key_'];
                     $itemsXML[$current_hostid][$item_db['key_']] = $item_db['key_'];
         // delete missing items
         if ($rules['items']['deleteMissing']) {
             $dbItems = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid', 'key_', 'hostid'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
             $itemIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbItems as $dbItem) {
                 if (isset($itemsXML[$dbItem['hostid']][$dbItem['key_']])) {
                     $itemIdsXML[$dbItem['itemid']] = $dbItem['itemid'];
             $itemsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbItems, $itemIdsXML);
             if ($itemsToDelete) {
         // delete missing applications
         if ($rules['applications']['deleteMissing']) {
             $applicationsXML = array();
             foreach ($hosts as $host) {
                 $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
                 $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
                 if ($current_hostid) {
                     $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                     foreach ($items as $item) {
                         $applications = $xpath->query('applications/application', $item);
                         foreach ($applications as $application) {
                             $applicationsXML[$current_hostid][$application->nodeValue] = $application->nodeValue;
             $dbApplications = API::Application()->get(array('output' => array('applicationid', 'hostid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false));
             $applicationsIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbApplications as $dbApplication) {
                 if (isset($applicationsXML[$dbApplication['hostid']][$dbApplication['name']])) {
                     $applicationsIdsXML[$dbApplication['applicationid']] = $dbApplication['applicationid'];
             $applicationsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbApplications, $applicationsIdsXML);
             if ($applicationsToDelete) {
         // cycle each host again and create/update other objects
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             if (!isset($host_db['status'])) {
                 $host_db['status'] = HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
             if (!$current_hostid) {
             $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             // TEMPLATES {{{
             if (!empty($rules['templateLinkage']['createMissing'])) {
                 $templates = $xpath->query('templates/template', $host);
                 $templateLinkage = array();
                 foreach ($templates as $template) {
                     $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $template->nodeValue), 'output' => array('templateid'), 'editable' => true);
                     $current_template = API::Template()->get($options);
                     if (empty($current_template)) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permission for template "%1$s".', $template->nodeValue));
                     $current_template = reset($current_template);
                     $templateLinkage[] = $current_template;
                 if ($templateLinkage) {
                     $result = API::Template()->massAdd(array('hosts' => array('hostid' => $current_hostid), 'templates' => $templateLinkage));
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
             // }}} TEMPLATES
             // ITEMS {{{
             if ($rules['items']['updateExisting'] || $rules['items']['createMissing'] || $rules['applications']['createMissing']) {
                 // applications are located under items in version 1.8,
                 // so we need to get item list in any of these cases
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 if ($oldVersionInput) {
                     $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get(array('hostids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                     // we must know interface ids to assign them to items
                     $agent_interface_id = null;
                     $ipmi_interface_id = null;
                     $snmp_interfaces = array();
                     // hash 'port' => 'interfaceid'
                     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                         switch ($interface['type']) {
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT:
                                 $agent_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI:
                                 $ipmi_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP:
                                 $snmp_interfaces[$interface['port']] = $interface['interfaceid'];
                 // if this is an export from 1.8, we need to make some adjustments to items
                 // cycle each XML item
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     if ($rules['items']['updateExisting'] || $rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                         $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                         $item_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                         // item needs interfaces
                         if ($oldVersionInput) {
                             // 'snmp_port' column was renamed to 'port'
                             if ($item_db['snmp_port'] != 0) {
                                 // zabbix agent items have no ports
                                 $item_db['port'] = $item_db['snmp_port'];
                             // assigning appropriate interface depending on item type
                             switch ($item_db['type']) {
                                 // zabbix agent interface
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SSH:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_TELNET:
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = $agent_interface_id;
                                     // snmp interface
                                 // snmp interface
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3:
                                     // for an item with different port - different interface
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = $snmp_interfaces[$item_db['port']];
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_IPMI:
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = $ipmi_interface_id;
                                     // no interfaces required for these item types
                                 // no interfaces required for these item types
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_AGGREGATE:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR:
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = null;
                             $item_db['key_'] = $itemKeys[$host_db['host']][$item_db['key_']];
                         $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('filter' => array('hostid' => $item_db['hostid'], 'key_' => $item_db['key_']), 'webitems' => true, 'editable' => true, 'output' => array('itemid')));
                         $current_item = reset($current_item);
                     // create applications independently of create or update item options
                     // in case we update items, we need to assign items to applications,
                     // so we also gather application IDs independetly of selected application options
                     $applications = $xpath->query('applications/application', $item);
                     $itemApplications = array();
                     $applicationsToAdd = array();
                     $applicationsIds = array();
                     foreach ($applications as $application) {
                         $application_db = array('name' => $application->nodeValue, 'hostid' => $current_hostid);
                         $current_application = API::Application()->get(array('filter' => $application_db, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                         $applicationValue = reset($current_application);
                         if ($current_application) {
                             if (!$itemApplications) {
                                 $itemApplications = $current_application;
                             } elseif (!in_array($applicationValue['applicationid'], $applicationsIds)) {
                                 $itemApplications = array_merge($itemApplications, $current_application);
                             $applicationsIds[] = $applicationValue['applicationid'];
                         } else {
                             $applicationsToAdd[] = $application_db;
                     if ($applicationsToAdd && $rules['applications']['createMissing']) {
                         $result = API::Application()->create($applicationsToAdd);
                         $newApplications = API::Application()->get(array('applicationids' => $result['applicationids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                         $itemApplications = array_merge($itemApplications, $newApplications);
                     if ($rules['items']['updateExisting'] || $rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                         // if item does not exist and there is no need to create it, skip item creation
                         if (!$current_item && !$rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                             info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         // if item exists, but there there is no need for update, skip item update
                         if ($current_item && !$rules['items']['updateExisting']) {
                             info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         if ($current_item && $rules['items']['updateExisting']) {
                             $item_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                             $result = API::Item()->update($item_db);
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => true, 'output' => array('itemid')));
                         if (!$current_item && $rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                             $result = API::Item()->create($item_db);
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => true, 'output' => array('itemid')));
                         // after items are created or updated, see to if items need to assigned to applications
                         if (isset($itemApplications) && $itemApplications) {
                             API::Application()->massAdd(array('applications' => $itemApplications, 'items' => $current_item));
             // }}} ITEMS
             // TRIGGERS {{{
             if ($rules['triggers']['updateExisting'] || $rules['triggers']['createMissing']) {
                 $triggers = $xpath->query('triggers/trigger', $host);
                 $triggersToCreate = array();
                 $triggersToUpdate = array();
                 foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                     $trigger_db = self::mapXML2arr($trigger, XML_TAG_TRIGGER);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']][$trigger_db['expression']];
                     $trigger_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                     $currentTrigger = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => array('triggerid'), 'filter' => array('description' => $trigger_db['description']), 'hostids' => array($current_hostid), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                     $currentTrigger = reset($currentTrigger);
                     if ($currentTrigger) {
                         $dbTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'filter' => array('description' => $trigger_db['description']), 'hostids' => array($current_hostid), 'editable' => true));
                         foreach ($dbTriggers as $dbTrigger) {
                             $expression = explode_exp($dbTrigger['expression']);
                             if (strcmp($trigger_db['expression'], $expression) == 0) {
                                 $currentTrigger = $dbTrigger;
                             if (!$currentTrigger) {
                                 throw new Exception(_s('No permission for trigger "%1$s".', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if (!$currentTrigger && !$rules['triggers']['createMissing']) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if ($currentTrigger && !$rules['triggers']['updateExisting']) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if (!$currentTrigger && $rules['triggers']['createMissing']) {
                         $triggersToCreate[] = $trigger_db;
                     if ($currentTrigger && $rules['triggers']['updateExisting']) {
                         $trigger_db['triggerid'] = $currentTrigger['triggerid'];
                         $triggersToUpdate[] = $trigger_db;
                 if ($triggersToUpdate) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->update($triggersToUpdate);
                     $triggersUpdated = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'triggerids' => $result['triggerids']));
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $triggersUpdated);
                 if ($triggersToCreate) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->create($triggersToCreate);
                     $triggersCreated = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'triggerids' => $result['triggerids']));
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $triggersCreated);
             // }}} TRIGGERS
             // GRAPHS {{{
             if ($rules['graphs']['updateExisting'] || $rules['graphs']['createMissing']) {
                 $graphs = $xpath->query('graphs/graph', $host);
                 $graphs_to_add = array();
                 $graphs_to_upd = array();
                 foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
                     // GRAPH ITEMS {{{
                     $gitems = $xpath->query('graph_elements/graph_element', $graph);
                     $graph_hostids = array();
                     $graph_items = array();
                     foreach ($gitems as $gitem) {
                         $gitem_db = self::mapXML2arr($gitem, XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT);
                         $data = explode(':', $gitem_db['host_key_']);
                         $gitem_host = array_shift($data);
                         // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOSTNAME}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOST.HOST}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         if ($oldVersionInput) {
                             $data[0] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($data[0]);
                         $gitem_db['key_'] = implode(':', $data);
                         $itemExists = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid'), 'filter' => array('key_' => $gitem_db['key_']), 'webitems' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                         if ($itemExists) {
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('filter' => array('key_' => $gitem_db['key_']), 'webitems' => true, 'editable' => true, 'host' => $gitem_db['host'], 'output' => array('itemid', 'hostid')));
                             if (empty($current_item)) {
                                 throw new Exception(_s('No permission for item "%1$s".', $gitem_db['key_']));
                             $current_item = reset($current_item);
                             $graph_hostids[] = $current_item['hostid'];
                             $gitem_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                             $graph_items[] = $gitem_db;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Item "%1$s" does not exist.', $gitem_db['host_key_']));
                     // }}} GRAPH ITEMS
                     $graph_db = self::mapXML2arr($graph, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
                     $graph_db['hostids'] = $graph_hostids;
                     // do we need to show the graph legend, after it is imported?
                     // in 1.8, this setting was present only for pie and exploded graphs
                     // for other graph types we are always showing the legend
                     if ($graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_PIE && $graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_EXPLODED) {
                         $graph_db['show_legend'] = 1;
                     $current_graph = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid'), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'hostids' => $graph_db['hostids'], 'filter' => array('name' => $graph_db['name']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $current_graph = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'hostids' => $graph_db['hostids'], 'filter' => array('name' => $graph_db['name']), 'editable' => true));
                         if (empty($current_graph)) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('No permission for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         $current_graph = reset($current_graph);
                     if (!$current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymin_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymin_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymax_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymax_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if ($graph_db['ymin_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y min item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymin_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     if ($graph_db['ymax_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y max item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymax_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     $graph_db['gitems'] = $graph_items;
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $graph_db['graphid'] = $current_graph['graphid'];
                         $graphs_to_upd[] = $graph_db;
                     } else {
                         $graphs_to_add[] = $graph_db;
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_add)) {
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_upd)) {
         // DEPENDENCIES
         $dependencies = $xpath->query('dependencies/dependency');
         if ($dependencies->length > 0) {
             $triggersForDependencies = zbx_objectValues($triggersForDependencies, 'triggerid');
             $triggersForDependencies = array_flip($triggersForDependencies);
             $triggerDependencies = array();
             foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
                 $triggerDescription = $dependency->getAttribute('description');
                 $currentTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($triggerDescription);
                 if ($currentTrigger && isset($triggersForDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']])) {
                     $dependsOnList = $xpath->query('depends', $dependency);
                     foreach ($dependsOnList as $dependsOn) {
                         $depTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($dependsOn->nodeValue);
                         if ($depTrigger) {
                             if (!isset($triggerDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']])) {
                                 $triggerDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']] = array('triggerid' => $currentTrigger['triggerid'], 'dependencies' => array());
                             $triggerDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'][] = array('triggerid' => $depTrigger['triggerid']);
             if ($triggerDependencies) {
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Generate data for the trigger configuration form.
 * @param string $exprAction	expression constructor action, see remakeExpression() for a list of supported values
 * @return array
function getTriggerFormData($exprAction)
    $data = array('form' => getRequest('form'), 'form_refresh' => getRequest('form_refresh'), 'parent_discoveryid' => getRequest('parent_discoveryid'), 'dependencies' => getRequest('dependencies', array()), 'db_dependencies' => array(), 'triggerid' => getRequest('triggerid'), 'expression' => getRequest('expression', ''), 'expr_temp' => getRequest('expr_temp', ''), 'description' => getRequest('description', ''), 'type' => getRequest('type', 0), 'priority' => getRequest('priority', 0), 'status' => getRequest('status', 0), 'comments' => getRequest('comments', ''), 'url' => getRequest('url', ''), 'input_method' => getRequest('input_method', IM_ESTABLISHED), 'limited' => false, 'templates' => array(), 'hostid' => getRequest('hostid', 0));
    if (!empty($data['triggerid'])) {
        // get trigger
        $options = array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'triggerids' => $data['triggerid']);
        $trigger = $data['parent_discoveryid'] ? API::TriggerPrototype()->get($options) : API::Trigger()->get($options);
        $data['trigger'] = reset($trigger);
        // get templates
        $tmp_triggerid = $data['triggerid'];
        do {
            $db_triggers = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.templateid,id.parent_itemid,h.name,h.hostid' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' LEFT JOIN functions f ON t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' LEFT JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' LEFT JOIN hosts h ON i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' LEFT JOIN item_discovery id ON i.itemid=id.itemid' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=' . zbx_dbstr($tmp_triggerid)));
            if (bccomp($data['triggerid'], $tmp_triggerid) != 0) {
                // parent trigger prototype link
                if ($data['parent_discoveryid']) {
                    $link = 'trigger_prototypes.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $db_triggers['triggerid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $db_triggers['parent_itemid'] . '&hostid=' . $db_triggers['hostid'];
                } else {
                    $link = 'triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $db_triggers['triggerid'] . '&hostid=' . $db_triggers['hostid'];
                $data['templates'][] = new CLink(CHtml::encode($db_triggers['name']), $link, 'highlight underline weight_normal');
                $data['templates'][] = SPACE . '&rArr;' . SPACE;
            $tmp_triggerid = $db_triggers['templateid'];
        } while ($tmp_triggerid != 0);
        $data['templates'] = array_reverse($data['templates']);
        $data['limited'] = $data['trigger']['templateid'] != 0;
        // select first host from triggers if gived not match
        $hosts = $data['trigger']['hosts'];
        if (count($hosts) > 0 && !in_array(array('hostid' => $data['hostid']), $hosts)) {
            $host = reset($hosts);
            $data['hostid'] = $host['hostid'];
    if (!empty($data['triggerid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh']) || $data['limited']) {
        $data['expression'] = explode_exp($data['trigger']['expression']);
        if (!$data['limited'] || !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) {
            $data['description'] = $data['trigger']['description'];
            $data['type'] = $data['trigger']['type'];
            $data['priority'] = $data['trigger']['priority'];
            $data['status'] = $data['trigger']['status'];
            $data['comments'] = $data['trigger']['comments'];
            $data['url'] = $data['trigger']['url'];
            $db_triggers = DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.description' . ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends d' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=d.triggerid_up' . ' AND d.triggerid_down=' . zbx_dbstr($data['triggerid']));
            while ($trigger = DBfetch($db_triggers)) {
                if (uint_in_array($trigger['triggerid'], $data['dependencies'])) {
                array_push($data['dependencies'], $trigger['triggerid']);
    if ($data['input_method'] == IM_TREE) {
        $analyze = analyzeExpression($data['expression']);
        if ($analyze !== false) {
            list($data['outline'], $data['eHTMLTree']) = $analyze;
            if ($exprAction !== null && $data['eHTMLTree'] != null) {
                $new_expr = remakeExpression($data['expression'], $_REQUEST['expr_target_single'], $exprAction, $data['expr_temp']);
                if ($new_expr !== false) {
                    $data['expression'] = $new_expr;
                    $analyze = analyzeExpression($data['expression']);
                    if ($analyze !== false) {
                        list($data['outline'], $data['eHTMLTree']) = $analyze;
                    } else {
                        show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
                    $data['expr_temp'] = '';
                } else {
                    show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
            $data['expression_field_name'] = 'expr_temp';
            $data['expression_field_value'] = $data['expr_temp'];
            $data['expression_field_readonly'] = true;
        } else {
            show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
            $data['input_method'] = IM_ESTABLISHED;
    if ($data['input_method'] != IM_TREE) {
        $data['expression_field_name'] = 'expression';
        $data['expression_field_value'] = $data['expression'];
        $data['expression_field_readonly'] = $data['limited'];
    if (empty($data['parent_discoveryid'])) {
        $data['db_dependencies'] = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $data['dependencies'], 'output' => array('triggerid', 'flags', 'description'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'name')));
        foreach ($data['db_dependencies'] as &$dependency) {
            if (count($dependency['hosts']) > 1) {
                order_result($dependency['hosts'], 'name', ZBX_SORT_UP);
            $dependency['hosts'] = array_values($dependency['hosts']);
            $dependency['hostid'] = $dependency['hosts'][0]['hostid'];
        order_result($data['db_dependencies'], 'description');
    return $data;
Exemplo n.º 26
    $triggers[$row_event['triggerid']]['events'][$row_event['eventid']] = $row_event;
foreach ($triggers as $triggerid => $row) {
    $elements = array();
    $description = expand_trigger_description($row['triggerid']);
    if (!zbx_empty($_REQUEST['txt_select']) && (bool) zbx_stristr($description, $_REQUEST['txt_select']) == (bool) $_REQUEST['inverse_select']) {
    if (!zbx_empty($row['url'])) {
        $description = new CLink($description, $row['url'], null, null, true);
    if ($_REQUEST['show_details']) {
        $font = new CTag('font', 'yes');
        $font->setAttribute('color', '#000');
        $font->setAttribute('size', '-2');
        $font->addItem(explode_exp($row['expression'], 1));
        $description = array($description, BR(), $font);
    // dependency
    $dependency = false;
    $dep_table = new CTableInfo();
    $dep_table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 200px;');
    $dep_table->addRow(bold(S_DEPENDS_ON . ':'));
    $sql_dep = 'SELECT * FROM trigger_depends WHERE triggerid_down=' . $row['triggerid'];
    $dep_res = DBselect($sql_dep);
    while ($dep_row = DBfetch($dep_res)) {
        $dep_table->addRow(SPACE . '-' . SPACE . expand_trigger_description($dep_row['triggerid_up']));
        $dependency = true;
    if ($dependency) {
        $img = new Cimg('images/general/down_icon.png', 'DEP_DOWN');
Exemplo n.º 27
function check_right_on_trigger_by_triggerid($permission, $triggerid)
    $trigger_data = DBfetch(DBselect('select expression from triggers where triggerid=' . $triggerid));
    if (!$trigger_data) {
        return false;
    return check_right_on_trigger_by_expression($permission, explode_exp($trigger_data['expression'], 0));
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Unlinks the templates from the given hosts. If $tragetids is set to null, the templates will be unlinked from
  * all hosts.
  * @param array      $templateids
  * @param null|array $targetids		the IDs of the hosts to unlink the templates from
  * @param bool       $clear			delete all of the inherited objects from the hosts
 protected function unlink($templateids, $targetids = null, $clear = false)
     // check that all triggers on templates that we unlink, don't have items from another templates
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.description' . ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $templateids) . ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT ff.triggerid' . ' FROM functions ff,items ii' . ' WHERE ff.itemid=ii.itemid' . ' AND ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateids, true) . ')' . ' AND t.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL;
     if ($dbTrigger = DBfetch(DBSelect($sql, 1))) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot unlink trigger "%s", it has items from template that is left linked to host.', $dbTrigger['description']));
     $sqlFrom = ' triggers t,hosts h';
     $sqlWhere = ' EXISTS (' . 'SELECT ff.triggerid' . ' FROM functions ff,items ii' . ' WHERE ff.triggerid=t.templateid' . ' AND ii.itemid=ff.itemid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateids) . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('t.flags', $flags);
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlFrom = ' triggers t,functions f,items i,hosts h';
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $targetids) . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid';
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,t.description,t.flags,t.expression,h.name as host' . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . $sqlWhere;
     $dbTriggers = DBSelect($sql);
     $triggers = array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL => array(), ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE => array());
     $triggerids = array();
     while ($trigger = DBfetch($dbTriggers)) {
         $triggers[$trigger['flags']][$trigger['triggerid']] = array('description' => $trigger['description'], 'expression' => explode_exp($trigger['expression']), 'triggerid' => $trigger['triggerid'], 'host' => $trigger['host']);
         if (!in_array($trigger['triggerid'], $triggerids)) {
             array_push($triggerids, $trigger['triggerid']);
     if (!empty($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Trigger()->delete(array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear triggers'));
         } else {
             DB::update('triggers', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('triggerid' => array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]))));
             foreach ($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] as $trigger) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Trigger "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $trigger['description'], $trigger['host']));
     if (!empty($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::TriggerPrototype()->delete(array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear triggers'));
         } else {
             DB::update('triggers', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('triggerid' => array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]))));
             foreach ($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] as $trigger) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Trigger prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $trigger['description'], $trigger['host']));
     $sqlFrom = ' items i1,items i2,hosts h';
     $sqlWhere = ' i2.itemid=i1.templateid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i2.hostid', $templateids) . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i1.flags', $flags) . ' AND h.hostid=i1.hostid';
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i1.hostid', $targetids);
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT i1.itemid,i1.flags,i1.name,i1.hostid,h.name as host' . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . $sqlWhere;
     $dbItems = DBSelect($sql);
     $items = array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL => array(), ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE => array(), ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE => array());
     while ($item = DBfetch($dbItems)) {
         $items[$item['flags']][$item['itemid']] = array('name' => $item['name'], 'host' => $item['host']);
     if (!empty($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::DiscoveryRule()->delete(array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear discovery rules'));
         } else {
             DB::update('items', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('itemid' => array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE]))));
             foreach ($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE] as $discoveryRule) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Discovery rule "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $discoveryRule['name'], $discoveryRule['host']));
     if (!empty($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Item()->delete(array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear items'));
         } else {
             DB::update('items', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('itemid' => array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]))));
             foreach ($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] as $item) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Item "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $item['name'], $item['host']));
     if (!empty($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Itemprototype()->delete(array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear item prototypes'));
         } else {
             DB::update('items', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('itemid' => array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]))));
             foreach ($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] as $item) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Item prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $item['name'], $item['host']));
     // host prototypes
     // we need only to unlink host prototypes. in case of unlink and clear they will be deleted together with LLD rules.
     if (!$clear && isset($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE])) {
         $discoveryRuleIds = array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE]);
         $hostPrototypes = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBSelect('SELECT DISTINCT h.hostid,h.host,h3.host AS parent_host' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' INNER JOIN host_discovery hd ON h.hostid=hd.hostid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h2 ON h.templateid=h2.hostid' . ' INNER JOIN host_discovery hd2 ON h.hostid=hd.hostid' . ' INNER JOIN items i ON hd.parent_itemid=i.itemid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h3 ON i.hostid=h3.hostid' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hd.parent_itemid', $discoveryRuleIds)), 'hostid');
         if ($hostPrototypes) {
             DB::update('hosts', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('hostid' => array_keys($hostPrototypes))));
             DB::update('group_prototype', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('hostid' => array_keys($hostPrototypes))));
             foreach ($hostPrototypes as $hostPrototype) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Host prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $hostPrototype['host'], $hostPrototype['parent_host']));
     /* GRAPHS {{{ */
     $sqlFrom = ' graphs g,hosts h';
     $sqlWhere = ' EXISTS (' . 'SELECT ggi.graphid' . ' FROM graphs_items ggi,items ii' . ' WHERE ggi.graphid=g.templateid' . ' AND ii.itemid=ggi.itemid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateids) . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('g.flags', $flags);
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlFrom = ' graphs g,graphs_items gi,items i,hosts h';
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $targetids) . ' AND gi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND g.graphid=gi.graphid' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid';
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT g.graphid,g.name,g.flags,h.name as host' . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . $sqlWhere;
     $dbGraphs = DBSelect($sql);
     $graphs = array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL => array(), ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE => array());
     while ($graph = DBfetch($dbGraphs)) {
         $graphs[$graph['flags']][$graph['graphid']] = array('name' => $graph['name'], 'graphid' => $graph['graphid'], 'host' => $graph['host']);
     if (!empty($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::GraphPrototype()->delete(array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear graph prototypes'));
         } else {
             DB::update('graphs', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('graphid' => array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]))));
             foreach ($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] as $graph) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Graph prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $graph['name'], $graph['host']));
     if (!empty($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Graph()->delete(array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear graphs.'));
         } else {
             DB::update('graphs', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('graphid' => array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]))));
             foreach ($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] as $graph) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Graph "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $graph['name'], $graph['host']));
     /* }}} GRAPHS */
     // http tests
     $sqlWhere = '';
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlWhere = ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ht1.hostid', $targetids);
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ht1.httptestid,ht1.name,h.name as host' . ' FROM httptest ht1' . ' INNER JOIN httptest ht2 ON ht2.httptestid=ht1.templateid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h ON h.hostid=ht1.hostid' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('ht2.hostid', $templateids) . $sqlWhere;
     $dbHttpTests = DBSelect($sql);
     $httpTests = array();
     while ($httpTest = DBfetch($dbHttpTests)) {
         $httpTests[$httpTest['httptestid']] = array('name' => $httpTest['name'], 'host' => $httpTest['host']);
     if (!empty($httpTests)) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::HttpTest()->delete(array_keys($httpTests), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear Web scenarios.'));
         } else {
             DB::update('httptest', array('values' => array('templateid' => 0), 'where' => array('httptestid' => array_keys($httpTests))));
             foreach ($httpTests as $httpTest) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Web scenario "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $httpTest['name'], $httpTest['host']));
     /* APPLICATIONS {{{ */
     $sql = 'SELECT at.application_templateid,at.applicationid,h.name,h.host,h.hostid' . ' FROM applications a1,application_template at,applications a2,hosts h' . ' WHERE a1.applicationid=at.applicationid' . ' AND at.templateid=a2.applicationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('a2.hostid', $templateids) . ' AND a1.hostid=h.hostid';
     if ($targetids) {
         $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('a1.hostid', $targetids);
     $query = DBselect($sql);
     $applicationTemplates = array();
     while ($applicationTemplate = DBfetch($query)) {
         $applicationTemplates[] = array('applicationid' => $applicationTemplate['applicationid'], 'application_templateid' => $applicationTemplate['application_templateid'], 'name' => $applicationTemplate['name'], 'hostid' => $applicationTemplate['hostid'], 'host' => $applicationTemplate['host']);
     if ($applicationTemplates) {
         // unlink applications from templates
         DB::delete('application_template', array('application_templateid' => zbx_objectValues($applicationTemplates, 'application_templateid')));
         if ($clear) {
             // delete inherited applications that are no longer linked to any templates
             $applications = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT a.applicationid' . ' FROM applications a' . ' LEFT JOIN application_template at ON a.applicationid=at.applicationid ' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', zbx_objectValues($applicationTemplates, 'applicationid')) . ' AND at.applicationid IS NULL'));
             $result = API::Application()->delete(zbx_objectValues($applications, 'applicationid'), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear applications.'));
         } else {
             foreach ($applicationTemplates as $application) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Application "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $application['name'], $application['host']));
     /* }}} APPLICATIONS */
     parent::unlink($templateids, $targetids);
Exemplo n.º 29
 $hosts = reset($trigger['hosts']);
 $menu_trigger_conf = 'null';
 if ($admin_links) {
     $menu_trigger_conf = "['" . S_CONFIGURATION_OF_TRIGGERS . "',\"javascript:\n\t\t\t\tredirect('triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=" . $trigger['triggerid'] . '&switch_node=' . id2nodeid($trigger['triggerid']) . "')\",\n\t\t\t\tnull, {'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}]";
 $menu_trigger_url = 'null';
 if (!zbx_empty($trigger['url'])) {
     $menu_trigger_url = "['" . S_URL . "',\"javascript: window.location.href='" . $trigger['url'] . "'\",\n\t\t\t\tnull, {'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}]";
 $description->addAction('onclick', "javascript: create_mon_trigger_menu(event, new Array({'triggerid': '" . $trigger['triggerid'] . "', 'lastchange': '" . $trigger['lastchange'] . "'}, " . $menu_trigger_conf . ", " . $menu_trigger_url . ")," . zbx_jsvalue($items, true) . ");");
 // }}} trigger description js menu
 if ($_REQUEST['show_details']) {
     $font = new CTag('font', 'yes');
     $font->setAttribute('color', '#000');
     $font->setAttribute('size', '-2');
     $font->addItem(explode_exp($trigger['expression'], 1, false, true));
     $description = array($description, BR(), $font);
 if (!empty($trigger['dependencies'])) {
     $dep_table = new CTableInfo();
     $dep_table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 200px;');
     $dep_table->addRow(bold(S_DEPENDS_ON . ':'));
     foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as $dep) {
         $dep_table->addRow(' - ' . expand_trigger_description($dep['triggerid']));
     $img = new Cimg('images/general/down_icon.png', 'DEP_UP');
     $img->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;');
     $description = array($img, SPACE, $description);
Exemplo n.º 30
function getTriggerFormData()
    $data = array('form' => get_request('form'), 'form_refresh' => get_request('form_refresh'), 'parent_discoveryid' => get_request('parent_discoveryid'), 'dependencies' => get_request('dependencies', array()), 'db_dependencies' => array(), 'triggerid' => get_request('triggerid'), 'expression' => get_request('expression', ''), 'expr_temp' => get_request('expr_temp', ''), 'description' => get_request('description', ''), 'type' => get_request('type', 0), 'priority' => get_request('priority', 0), 'status' => get_request('status', 0), 'comments' => get_request('comments', ''), 'url' => get_request('url', ''), 'input_method' => get_request('input_method', IM_ESTABLISHED), 'limited' => null, 'templates' => array(), 'hostid' => get_request('hostid', 0));
    if (!empty($data['triggerid'])) {
        // get trigger
        $options = array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'triggerids' => $data['triggerid']);
        $trigger = $data['parent_discoveryid'] ? API::TriggerPrototype()->get($options) : API::Trigger()->get($options);
        $data['trigger'] = reset($trigger);
        // get templates
        $tmp_triggerid = $data['triggerid'];
        do {
            $db_triggers = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.templateid,id.parent_itemid,h.name,h.hostid' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' LEFT JOIN functions f ON t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' LEFT JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' LEFT JOIN hosts h ON i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' LEFT JOIN item_discovery id ON i.itemid=id.itemid' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=' . zbx_dbstr($tmp_triggerid)));
            if (bccomp($data['triggerid'], $tmp_triggerid) != 0) {
                // parent trigger prototype link
                if ($data['parent_discoveryid']) {
                    $link = 'trigger_prototypes.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $db_triggers['triggerid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $db_triggers['parent_itemid'] . '&hostid=' . $db_triggers['hostid'];
                } else {
                    $link = 'triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $db_triggers['triggerid'] . '&hostid=' . $db_triggers['hostid'];
                $data['templates'][] = new CLink($db_triggers['name'], $link, 'highlight underline weight_normal');
                $data['templates'][] = SPACE . RARR . SPACE;
            $tmp_triggerid = $db_triggers['templateid'];
        } while ($tmp_triggerid != 0);
        $data['templates'] = array_reverse($data['templates']);
        $data['limited'] = $data['trigger']['templateid'] ? 'yes' : null;
        // if no host has been selected for the navigation panel, use the first trigger host
        if (!$data['hostid']) {
            $hosts = reset($data['trigger']['hosts']);
            $data['hostid'] = $hosts['hostid'];
    if (!empty($data['triggerid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh']) || !empty($data['limited'])) {
        $data['expression'] = explode_exp($data['trigger']['expression']);
        if (empty($data['limited']) || !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) {
            $data['description'] = $data['trigger']['description'];
            $data['type'] = $data['trigger']['type'];
            $data['priority'] = $data['trigger']['priority'];
            $data['status'] = $data['trigger']['status'];
            $data['comments'] = $data['trigger']['comments'];
            $data['url'] = $data['trigger']['url'];
            $db_triggers = DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.description' . ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends d' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=d.triggerid_up' . ' AND d.triggerid_down=' . zbx_dbstr($data['triggerid']));
            while ($trigger = DBfetch($db_triggers)) {
                if (uint_in_array($trigger['triggerid'], $data['dependencies'])) {
                array_push($data['dependencies'], $trigger['triggerid']);
    if ($data['input_method'] == IM_TREE) {
        $analyze = analyzeExpression($data['expression']);
        if ($analyze !== false) {
            list($data['outline'], $data['eHTMLTree']) = $analyze;
            if (isset($_REQUEST['expr_action']) && $data['eHTMLTree'] != null) {
                $new_expr = remakeExpression($data['expression'], $_REQUEST['expr_target_single'], $_REQUEST['expr_action'], $data['expr_temp']);
                if ($new_expr !== false) {
                    $data['expression'] = $new_expr;
                    $analyze = analyzeExpression($data['expression']);
                    if ($analyze !== false) {
                        list($data['outline'], $data['eHTMLTree']) = $analyze;
                    } else {
                        show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
                    $data['expr_temp'] = '';
                } else {
                    show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
            $data['expression_field_name'] = 'expr_temp';
            $data['expression_field_value'] = $data['expr_temp'];
            $data['expression_field_readonly'] = 'yes';
            $data['expression_field_params'] = 'this.form.elements["' . $data['expression_field_name'] . '"].value';
            $data['expression_macro_button'] = new CButton('insert_macro', _('Insert macro'), 'return call_ins_macro_menu(event);', 'formlist');
            if ($data['limited'] == 'yes') {
                $data['expression_macro_button']->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
        } else {
            show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
            $data['input_method'] = IM_ESTABLISHED;
    if ($data['input_method'] != IM_TREE) {
        $data['expression_field_name'] = 'expression';
        $data['expression_field_value'] = $data['expression'];
        $data['expression_field_readonly'] = $data['limited'];
    if (empty($data['parent_discoveryid'])) {
        $data['db_dependencies'] = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $data['dependencies'], 'output' => array('triggerid', 'description'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectHosts' => array('name')));
        foreach ($data['db_dependencies'] as &$dependency) {
            if (!empty($dependency['hosts'][0]['name'])) {
                $dependency['host'] = $dependency['hosts'][0]['name'];
        order_result($data['db_dependencies'], 'description');
    return $data;