Exemplo n.º 1
			<?php echo date($date_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $startday, $year)) ." - ". date($date_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $endday-1, $year))
		 	.' - '. ($user_filter == -1 ? lang('all users') : lang('calendar of', clean($user->getObjectName())));?></span>
		 </td><td style="width:100px;height:15px;">
		 	<?php if (config_option("show_feed_links")) { ?>
			 	<?php echo checkbox_field("include_subws", true, array("id" => "include_subws", "style" => "float:right;", "onclick" => "javascript:og.change_link_incws('ical_link', 'include_subws')", "title" => lang('check to include sub ws'))) ?>
			 	<?php echo label_tag(lang('subws'), "include_subws", false, array("style" => "float:right;font-size:60%;margin:0px 3px;vertical-align:top;", "title" => lang('check to include sub ws')), "") ?>
			 		$export_name = active_project() != null ? clean(active_project()->getName()) : clean($user->getObjectName());
			 		$export_ws = active_project() != null ? active_project()->getId() : 0;
			 	<a class="iCalSubscribe" id="ical_link" style="float:right;" href="<?php echo ROOT_URL ."/index.php?c=feed&a=ical_export&n=$export_name&cal=$export_ws&t=".$user->getToken()."&isw=1" ?>" 
			 		title="<?php echo lang('copy this url in your calendar client software')?>"
							   	title: '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang('import events from third party software')) ?>',
							   	msg: '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang('copy this url in your calendar client software')) ."<br><br><br>"?>'+document.getElementById('ical_link').href,
					   			icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO });return false;"></a>
			<?php } ?>
		<td class="coViewBody" style="padding:0px;height:100%;" colspan=2>
		<div id="chrome_main2" style="width:100%; height:100%">
		<div id="allDayGrid" class="inset grid"  style="height: <?php echo $alldaygridHeight ?>px; margin-bottom: 5px;background:#E8EEF7;margin-right:15px;margin-left:40px;position:relative;">
			$width_percent = 100/7;
			$width = 0;
			for ($day_of_week = 0; $day_of_week < 7; $day_of_week++) {	
Exemplo n.º 2
if ($company->hasLogo()) {
    <img src="<?php 
    echo $company->getLogoUrl();
" alt="<?php 
    echo clean($company->getName());
 logo" />
    <p><a class="internalLink" href="<?php 
    echo $company->getDeleteLogoUrl();
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
    echo escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete company logo'));
    echo lang('delete company logo');
} else {
    echo lang('no current logo');
// if
Exemplo n.º 3
            if ($on_list_page || $counter <= 5) {
                $content .= '<tr>';
                if ($task->canChangeStatus(logged_user())) {
                    $content .= '<td class="taskCheckbox">' . checkbox_link($task->getOpenUrl(rawurlencode(get_url('milestone', 'view', array('id' => $milestone->getId())))), true, lang('mark task as open')) . '</td>';
                } else {
                    $content .= '<td class="taskCheckbox"><img src="' . icon_url('checked.jpg') . '" alt="' . lang('completed task') . '" /></td>';
                // if
                $content .= '    <td class="taskText">
			        	<a class="internalLink" href="' . $task->getObjectUrl() . '">' . clean($task->getTitle()) . '</a> ';
                if ($task->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                    $content .= '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $task->getEditListUrl() . '" class="blank" title="' . lang('edit task') . '"><img src="' . icon_url('edit.gif') . '" alt="" /></a> ';
                // if
                if ($task->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                    $content .= '<a href="' . $task->getDeleteUrl() . '" class="blank internalLink" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete task')) . '\')" title="' . lang('delete task') . '"><img src="' . icon_url('cancel_gray.gif') . '" alt="" /></a> ';
                // if <br />
                $content .= '<span class="taskCompletedOnBy">(' . lang('completed on by', format_date($task->getCompletedOn()), $task->getCompletedBy() instanceof User ? $task->getCompletedBy()->getCardUrl() : '#', $task->getCompletedBy() instanceof User ? clean($task->getCompletedBy()->getDisplayName()) : lang('n/a')) . ')</span>
				        </td> <td></td>  </tr>';
            // if
        // foreach
        if (!$on_list_page && $counter > 5) {
            $content .= '<tr>
		        <td colspan="2"><a class="internalLink" href="' . get_url("task", "new_list_tasks", array('status' => '1', 'filter' => 'milestone', 'fval' => $milestone->getId())) . '"> ' . lang('view all completed tasks', $counter) . '</a></td>
        // if
Exemplo n.º 4
					 	<a class="iCalSubscribe" id="ical_link" style="float:right;" href="<?php 
    echo ROOT_URL . "/index.php?c=feed&a=ical_export&n={$export_name}&cal={$export_ws}&t=" . $user->getToken() . "&isw=1";
    echo lang('copy this url in your calendar client software');
									   	title: '<?php 
    echo escape_single_quotes(lang('import events from third party software'));
									   	msg: '<?php 
    echo escape_single_quotes(lang('copy this url in your calendar client software')) . "<br><br><br>";
							   			icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO });return false;"></a>
			<td class="coViewBody" style="padding:0px;height:100%;" colspan=2>
			<div id="chrome_main2" style="width:100%; height:100%;">
Exemplo n.º 5
echo $user->isNew() ? lang('new user') : lang('edit user');
  		</td><td style="text-align:right">
echo submit_button($user->isNew() ? lang('add user') : lang('save changes'), 's', array('style' => 'margin-top:0px;margin-left:10px', 'tabindex' => '1600'));
  	<!-- username -->
echo label_tag(lang('username'), $genid . 'userFormName', true);
echo text_field('user[username]', array_var($user_data, 'username'), array('class' => 'medium', 'id' => $genid . 'userFormName', 'tabindex' => '100', 'onchange' => 'og.determinePersonalwsName(this, \'' . escape_single_quotes(new_personal_project_name()) . '\')'));
  	<!-- email -->
echo label_tag(lang('email address'), 'userFormEmail', true);
echo text_field('user[email]', array_var($user_data, 'email'), array('class' => 'title', 'id' => 'userFormEmail', 'tabindex' => '200'));
  	<!-- company -->
Exemplo n.º 6
                        $now = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dtv->getMonth(), $dtv->getDay(), $dtv->getYear());
                        if ($now == mktime(0, 0, 0, $bday->getMonth(), $bday->getDay(), $dtv->getYear())) {
                            if ($count <= 3) {
                                $output .= '<div class="event_block"  id="m_bd_div_' . $contact->getId() . '" style="border-left-color: #B1BFAC;">';
                                $output .= "<a style='vertical-align:bottom;' href='" . $contact->getViewUrl() . "' onclick=\"og.disableEventPropagation(event);\" >";
                                $output .= "<img src='" . image_url('/16x16/contacts.png') . "' style='vertical-align: middle;'>";
                                $output .= "<span>" . $contact->getObjectName() . "</span></a>";
                                $output .= "</div>";
                                echo $contact->getId();
', '<i>' + '<?php 
                                echo escape_single_quotes(lang('birthday'));
' + '</i> - ' + <?php 
                                echo json_encode(clean($contact->getObjectName()));
, '');
                            //if count
                    //endif birthdays
                // end foreach event writing loop
                if ($count > 3) {
Exemplo n.º 7
 <span class="project-replace"><?php 
        echo implode(',', $project_ids);
        $options = array();
        if ($cotemplate->canEdit(logged_user())) {
            $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $cotemplate->getEditUrl() . '&popup=true">' . lang('edit') . '</a>';
        if (can_manage_workspaces(logged_user())) {
            $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $cotemplate->getAssignTemplateToWSUrl() . '">' . lang('assign to workspace') . '</a>';
        // if
        if ($cotemplate->canDelete(logged_user())) {
            $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $cotemplate->getDeleteUrl() . '&popup=true" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete template')) . '\')">' . lang('delete template') . '</a>';
		<td style="font-size: 80%;"><?php 
        echo implode(' | ', $options);
    // foreach
} else {
Exemplo n.º 8
        echo logged_user()->getCardUserUrl();
		<div class="db-ico unknown ico-user"></div>
		</a></td><td><b><a class="internalLink" href="<?php 
        echo logged_user()->getCardUserUrl();
        echo lang("me");
</span> </a></b> <?php 
        if (!$object->isTrashed()) {
			(<a class="internalLink" href="#" onclick="if (confirm('<?php 
            echo escape_single_quotes(lang("confirm unsubscribe"));
')) og.openLink('<?php 
            echo $object->getUnsubscribeUrl();
            echo lang("unsubscribe from object");
Exemplo n.º 9
" style="margin-left: <?php 
        echo $project->getDepth() * 16;
px" />
        echo clean($project->getName());
        $options = array();
        if ($project->canEdit(logged_user())) {
            $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $project->getEditUrl() . '">' . lang('edit') . '</a>';
        if ($project->canDelete(logged_user())) {
            $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $project->getDeleteUrl() . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete project')) . '\')">' . lang('delete') . '</a>';
    <td class="middle" style="font-size:80%;"><?php 
        echo implode(' | ', $options);
    // foreach
} else {
    echo lang('no projects owned by company');
Exemplo n.º 10
<div class="adminConfiguration" style="height:100%;background-color:white">
<form class="internalForm" action="<?php echo $category->getUpdateUrl() ?>" method="post" onreset="return confirm('<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm reset form')) ?>')">
	<div class="adminHeader">
		<div class="adminTitle">
			<table style="width:535px"><tr><td>
				<?php echo clean($category->getDisplayName()) ?>
			</td><td style="text-align:right">
				<?php echo submit_button(lang('save'), 's', array('style' => 'margin-top:0px;')) ?>&nbsp;<button class="submit" type="reset"><?php echo lang('reset') ?></button>
	<div class="adminSeparator"></div>
	<div class="adminMainBlock">
	<?php if(isset($options) && is_array($options) && count($options)) { ?>
			<div id="configCategoryOptions">
				<?php $counter = 0; ?>
				<?php foreach($options as $option) { ?>
					<?php $counter++; ?>
					<div class="configCategoryOtpion <?php echo $counter % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ?>" id="configCategoryOption_<?php echo $option->getName() ?>">
						<div class="configOptionInfo">
							<div class="configOptionLabel"><label><?php echo clean($option->getDisplayName()) ?>:</label></div>
						<?php if(trim($option_description = $option->getDisplayDescription())) { ?>
							<div class="configOptionDescription desc"><?php echo clean($option_description) ?></div>
						<?php } // if ?>
						<div class="configOptionControl">
                                                            if($option->getName() == "working_days"){
                                                                echo render_add_working_days();
Exemplo n.º 11

	og.changeTaskRepeat = function() {
		var ro = document.getElementById("<?php echo $genid ?>repeat_options");
		if (ro) ro.style.display = 'none';
		var word = '';
		var opt_display = '';
		if(document.getElementById("<?php echo $genid ?>daily").selected){
			word = '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang("days"))?>';
		} else if(document.getElementById("<?php echo $genid ?>weekly").selected){
			word = '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang("weeks"))?>';
		} else if(document.getElementById("<?php echo $genid ?>monthly").selected){
			word = '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang("months"))?>';
		} else if(document.getElementById("<?php echo $genid ?>yearly").selected){
			word = '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang("years"))?>';
		} else opt_display = 'none';
		document.getElementById("<?php echo $genid ?>word").innerHTML = word;
		if (ro) ro.style.display = opt_display;		

	og.reload_task_form_selectors = function() {
		var dimension_members_json = Ext.util.JSON.encode(member_selector['<?php echo $genid ?>'].sel_context);
		var milestone_el = document.getElementById('<?php echo $genid ?>taskListFormMilestone');
		var actual_value = milestone_el ? milestone_el.value : 0;
		var milestone_div = Ext.get('<?php $genid ?>add_task_more_div_milestone_combo');
		if (milestone_div) {
Exemplo n.º 12
    if (is_array($comments) && count($comments)) {
        $counter = 0;
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            $options = array();
            if ($comment->canEdit(logged_user()) && !$__comments_object->isTrashed()) {
                if ($comment->getCreatedById() == logged_user()->getId() || can_write(logged_user(), $comment->getRelObject()->getMembers(), $comment->getObjectTypeId())) {
                    $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $comment->getEditUrl() . '">' . lang('edit') . '</a>';
                if ($comment->canLinkObject(logged_user())) {
                    $options[] = render_link_to_object($comment, lang('link objects'), true);
            if ($comment->canDelete(logged_user()) && !$__comments_object->isTrashed()) {
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $comment->getDeleteUrl() . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm move to trash')) . '\')">' . lang('move to trash') . '</a>';
			<div class="comment <?php 
            echo $counter % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
" id="comment<?php 
            echo $comment->getId();
            if ($comment->getCreatedBy() instanceof Contact) {
				<div class="commentHead">
					<table style="width:100%"><tr><td>
Exemplo n.º 13
			echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
			echo lang("user not subscribed to object");
			echo " (";
			echo '<a class="internalLink" href="#" onclick="if (confirm(\''.escape_single_quotes(lang("confirm subscribe")).'\')) og.openLink(\''.$object->getSubscribeUrl().'\');">'.lang("subscribe to object").'</a>';
			echo ")";
			echo "</td></tr>";
	} else {
		<tr class="subscriber<?php echo $counter % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd' ?>">
		<td style="padding-left:1px;vertical-align:middle;width:22px">
		<a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo logged_user()->getCardUserUrl() ?>">
		<div class="db-ico unknown ico-user"></div>
		</a></td><td><b><a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo logged_user()->getCardUserUrl() ?>">
		<span><?php echo lang("you") ?></span> </a></b> <?php if (!$object->isTrashed()) {?>
			(<a class="internalLink" href="#" onclick="if (confirm('<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang("confirm unsubscribe")) ?>')) og.openLink('<?php echo $object->getUnsubscribeUrl() ?>');"><?php echo lang("unsubscribe from object") ?></a>)
		<?php } ?></td></tr>
	<?php } ?>
	<?php $subscribers = $object->getSubscribers();
			foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
				if (!$subscriber instanceof Contact || $subscriber->getUserType() == 0 || $subscriber->getId() == logged_user()->getId()) continue;
				$counter++; ?>
				<tr class="subscriber<?php echo $counter % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd' ?>">
				<td style="padding-left:1px;vertical-align:middle;width:22px">
				<a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo $subscriber->getCardUserUrl() ?>">
				<div class="db-ico unknown ico-user"></div>
				</a></td><td><b><a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo $subscriber->getCardUserUrl() ?>">
				<span><?php echo clean($subscriber->getObjectName()) ?></span> </a></b> </td></tr>
	<?php 	} // foreach 
		} ?>
Exemplo n.º 14
					tpl_assign('date_format', user_config_option('date_format')); 
					echo tpl_fetch(get_template_path('llo_email', 'object')); break;
				default: echo tpl_fetch(get_template_path('llo_generic', 'object'));
			} // switch
			$moreLinkedObjects = ($counter >= $amountOfObjects || $amountOfObjects == null);
			if ($counter >= $amountOfObjects) break;
		} // foreach linked object
		<?php if ($moreLinkedObjects) {?>
			<a class="internalLink" href="javascript:og.openLink(
						{linked_object:'<?php echo $linked_objects_object->getId()?>',
						linked_object_name:'<?php echo escape_single_quotes(clean($linked_objects_object->getObjectName())) ?>',
						linked_object_ico:'<?php echo 'ico-' . $linked_objects_object->getObjectTypeName()?>'}),
					{caller:'linkedobjects'})" >
				<?php echo lang('show more') . '&hellip;'?>
		<?php }//if?></div><?php
	} // foreach group
<?php } else {
	if ((!($linked_objects_object->isNew())) && $linked_objects_object->canLinkObject(logged_user()) && $enableAdding) {
		echo '<div style="text-align:right;margin:-7px; margin-right:0px">' . render_link_to_object($linked_objects_object,lang('link objects'), true) . '</div>';
	} // if?>
} // if ?>
Exemplo n.º 15
<?php $counter++; ?>
<?php if($on_list_page || ($counter <= 5)) { ?>
<?php if($task->canChangeStatus(logged_user()) && !$task->isTrashed()) { ?>
    <td class="taskCheckbox"><?php echo checkbox_link($task->getOpenUrl(rawurlencode(get_url('task', 'view', array('id' => $task_list->getId())))), true, lang('mark task as open')) ?></td>
<?php } else { ?>
        <td class="taskCheckbox"><img src="<?php echo icon_url('checked.jpg') ?>" alt="<?php echo lang('completed task') ?>" /></td>
<?php } // if ?>
        <td class="taskText">
        	<a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo $task->getObjectUrl() ?>"><?php echo clean($task->getObjectName()) ?></a> 
          <?php if($task->canEdit(logged_user()) && !$task->isTrashed()) { ?>
          	<a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo $task->getEditListUrl() ?>" class="blank" title="<?php echo lang('edit task') ?>">
          	<img src="<?php echo icon_url('edit.gif') ?>" alt="" /></a>
          <?php } // if ?> 
          <?php if($task->canDelete(logged_user()) && !$task->isTrashed()) { ?>
          	<a href="<?php echo $task->getDeleteUrl() ?>" class="blank internalLink" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete task')) ?>')" title="<?php echo lang('delete task') ?>">
          	<img src="<?php echo icon_url('cancel_gray.gif') ?>" alt="" /></a>
          <?php } // if ?>
          <br />
          <?php if ($task->getCompletedBy() instanceof Contact) {?>
          	<span class="taskCompletedOnBy">(<?php echo lang('completed on by', format_date($task->getCompletedOn()), $task->getCompletedBy()->getCardUserUrl(), clean($task->getCompletedBy()->getObjectName())) ?>)</span>
          <?php } else { ?>
          <span class="taskCompletedOnBy">(<?php echo lang('completed on by', format_date($task->getCompletedOn()), "#", lang("n/a")) ?>)</span>
          <?php } ?>
<?php } // if ?>
<?php } // foreach ?>
<?php if(!$on_list_page && $counter > 5) { ?>
    echo $genid;
    echo $dimension_id;

foreach ($listeners as $event => $function) {
    if ($event == 'after_render_all') {
        echo '<script>' . escape_single_quotes($function) . ';</script>';
if ($default_view) {
<div class="clear"></div><?php 

if ($dim_count > 0) {
    echo $genid;
Exemplo n.º 17

  	<div style="display: none;">
echo submit_button(lang('send mail'), '', array('id' => 'sendMail', 'onclick' => "og.setHfValue('{$genid}', 'isDraft', 'false');og.stopAutosave('{$genid}'); return og.attachmentConfirmationAdded('{$genid}');"));
echo submit_button(lang('save') . " " . lang('draft'), '', array('id' => 'saveMail', 'onclick' => "og.setHfValue('{$genid}', 'isDraft', 'true');og.stopAutosave('{$genid}');"));
$strDisabled = "";
//array_var($mail_data, 'id') == ''?'disabled':'';
echo submit_button(lang('discard'), '', array('id' => 'discardMail', 'onclick' => "if (!confirm('" . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm discard email')) . "')) return false; else {var p = og.getParentContentPanel(Ext.get('{$genid}form'));Ext.getCmp(p.id).setPreventClose(false);} og.setDiscard('{$genid}', true);og.stopAutosave('{$genid}');", $strDisabled => ''));
		<table style="width:95%"><tr><td style="width: 60px;">
    	<label for='mailTo'><?php 
echo lang('mail to');
 <span class="label_required">*</span></label>
echo autocomplete_textarea_field('mail[to]', $mail_to, $allEmails, 30, array('class' => 'title', 'tabindex' => '10', 'id' => $genid . 'mailTo'));
Exemplo n.º 18
 $status .= '</div>';
 if ($task_list->getAssignedTo()) {
     $description .= '<span style="font-weight:bold">' . lang("assigned to") . ': </span><a class=\'internalLink\' style="color:white" href=\'' . $task_list->getAssignedTo()->getCardUserUrl() . '\' title=\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('user card of', clean($task_list->getAssignedToName()))) . '\'>' . clean($task_list->getAssignedToName()) . '</a>';
     if ($task_list->getAssignedBy() instanceof Contact) {
         $description .= ' <span style="font-weight:bold">' . lang("by") . ': </span> <a class=\'internalLink\' style="color:white" href=\'' . $task_list->getAssignedBy()->getCardUserUrl() . '\' title=\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('user card of', clean($task_list->getAssignedBy()->getObjectName()))) . '\'>' . clean($task_list->getAssignedBy()->getObjectName()) . '</a>';
         if ($task_list->getAssignedOn() instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $description .= ' <span style="font-weight:bold">' . lang("on") . ': </span>' . format_date($task_list->getAssignedOn());
 $milestone = '';
 if ($task_list->getMilestone() instanceof ProjectMilestone) {
     $m = $task_list->getMilestone();
     $milestone .= '<div class="member-path-dim-block"><div class="og-ico ico-milestone"><b>' . lang('milestones') . ': </b><a class=\'internalLink\' href=\'' . $m->getViewUrl() . '\' title=\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('view milestone') . '\'>' . clean($m->getObjectName())) . '</a></div>';
 $priority = '';
 if ($task_list->getPriority() >= ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_URGENT) {
     $priority = '<div class="og-task-priority-high"><span style="font-weight:bold">' . lang('task priority') . ": </span>" . lang('urgent priority') . '</div>';
 } else {
     if ($task_list->getPriority() >= ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_HIGH) {
         $priority = '<div class="og-task-priority-high"><span style="font-weight:bold">' . lang('task priority') . ": </span>" . lang('high priority') . '</div>';
     } else {
         if ($task_list->getPriority() <= ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_LOW) {
             $priority = '<div class="og-task-priority-low"><span style="font-weight:bold">' . lang('task priority') . ": </span>" . lang('low priority') . '</div>';
 $variables = array();
 tpl_assign("parentInf", $parentInf);
Exemplo n.º 19
		} else if(document.getElementById("monthly").selected){
			document.getElementById("word").innerHTML =  '<?php 
echo escape_single_quotes(lang("months"));
echo $genid;
		} else if(document.getElementById("yearly").selected){
			document.getElementById("word").innerHTML =  '<?php 
echo escape_single_quotes(lang("years"));
echo $genid;
		} else if(document.getElementById("holiday").selected){
echo $genid;
Exemplo n.º 20
        if (!$user->getDisabled()) {
            if ($user->canUpdateProfile(logged_user())) {
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $user->getEditProfileUrl() . '">' . lang('update profile') . '</a>';
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $user->getUpdateAvatarUrl() . '">' . lang('update avatar') . '</a>';
            if ($user->canChangePassword(logged_user())) {
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $user->getEditPasswordUrl() . '">' . lang('change password') . '</a>';
            if ($user->canUpdatePermissions(logged_user())) {
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $user->getUpdatePermissionsUrl() . '">' . lang('permissions') . '</a>';
            if ($user->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                if (!$user->hasReferences()) {
                    $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . get_url('account', 'delete_user', array('id' => $user->getId())) . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete user')) . '\');">' . lang('delete') . '</a>';
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $user->getDisableUrl() . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm disable user')) . '\');">' . lang('disable') . '</a>';
        } else {
            if ($user->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                $options[] = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . get_url('account', 'restore_user', array('id' => $user->getId())) . '">' . lang('activate') . '</a>';
		<div class="userOptions"><?php 
        echo implode(' | ', $options);
		<div class="clear"></div>
Exemplo n.º 21
    		<?php if($__timeslots_object instanceof ProjectTask){ ?>
    			<td align=right><a style="font-weight:normal;font-size:80%" class="coViewAction ico-print" href="<?php echo get_url('reporting','total_task_times_by_task_print',array("id" => $__timeslots_object->getId())) ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo lang('print') ?></a>  </td>
    		<?php } ?>
		<table style="width:100%;max-width:700px;margin-bottom:10px;" class="objectTimeslots" id="<?php echo $random ?>objectTimeslots" style="<?php echo $countTimeslots > 0? '':'display:none'?>">

<?php $counter = 0;
		foreach($timeslots as $timeslot) {
			$options = array();
			if (!$__timeslots_object->isTrashed() && $timeslot->canEdit(logged_user())) {
				$options[] = '<a class="internalLink coViewAction ico-edit" href="' . $timeslot->getEditUrl() . '">' . lang('edit') . '</a>';
			if (!$__timeslots_object->isTrashed() && $timeslot->canDelete(logged_user())) 
				$options[] = '<a class="internalLink coViewAction ico-delete" href="' . $timeslot->getDeleteUrl() . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete timeslot')) . '\')">' . lang('delete') . '</a>';
			if (!$__timeslots_object->isTrashed() && $timeslot->isOpen() && $timeslot->getContactId() == logged_user()->getId() && $timeslot->canEdit(logged_user())){
				$open_timeslot = $timeslot;
				$counter --;
			} else {
			<tr class="timeslot <?php echo $counter % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd'; echo $timeslot->isOpen() ? ' openTimeslot' : '' ?>" id="timeslot<?php echo $timeslot->getId() ?>">
			<td style="padding-right:10px"><b><?php echo $counter ?>.</b></td>
			<?php if ($timeslot->getUser() instanceof Contact) { ?>
				<td style="padding-right:10px"><b><a class="internalLink" href="<?php echo $timeslot->getUser()->getCardUserUrl()?>" title=" <?php echo lang('user card of', clean($timeslot->getUser()->getObjectName())) ?>"><?php echo clean($timeslot->getUser()->getObjectName()) ?></a></b></td>
			<?php } else {?>
				<td style="padding-right:10px"><b><?php echo lang("n/a") ?></b></td>
			<?php } ?>
			<td style="padding-right:10px"><?php echo format_datetime($timeslot->getStartTime())?>
				&nbsp;-&nbsp;<?php echo $timeslot->isOpen() ? ('<b>' . lang('work in progress') . '</b>') : 
Exemplo n.º 22
if ($contact->hasPicture()) {
    <img src="<?php 
    echo $contact->getPictureUrl();
" alt="<?php 
    echo clean($contact->getDisplayName());
 picture" />
    <p><a class="internalLink" href="<?php 
    echo $contact->getDeletePictureUrl();
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
    echo escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete current picture'));
    echo lang('delete current picture');
} else {
    echo lang('no current picture');
// if
Exemplo n.º 23
    include_once ROOT . "/library/browser/Browser.php";
    if (Browser::instance()->getBrowser() == Browser::BROWSER_IE) {
        $download_url = "javascript:location.href = '{$download_url}';";
		<a target="_self" href="<?php 
    echo $download_url;
    echo lang('download') . ' (' . format_filesize($linked_object->getFilesize()) . ')';
</a> | 
if ($linked_object instanceof ProjectWebpage || $linked_object instanceof ProjectFile && $linked_object->getType() == ProjectFiles::TYPE_WEBLINK) {
		<a target="_blank" href="<?php 
    echo $linked_object->getUrl();
    echo lang('open weblink');
</a> |
if ($linked_objects_object->canUnlinkObject(logged_user(), $linked_object)) {
    echo '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $linked_objects_object->getUnlinkObjectUrl($linked_object) . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm unlink object')) . '\')" title="' . lang('unlink object') . '">' . lang('unlink') . '</a>';
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Creates a button that shows an object picker to link an object with an object which has not been created yet
function render_link_to_new_object( $text=null){
	//$id = $object->getId();
	//$manager = get_class($object->manager());
	$text=lang('link object');
	$result = '';
	$result .= '<a href="#" onclick="og.ObjectPicker.show(function (data){	if(data) {	og.addLinkedObjectRow(\'tbl_linked_objects\',data[0].data.type,data[0].data.object_id, data[0].data.name,data[0].data.manager,\''.escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm unlink object')).'\',\''.escape_single_quotes(lang('unlink')).'\'); } })">';
	$result .=  $text;
	$result .= '</a>';
	return $result;
Exemplo n.º 25
			 if($on_list_page || ($counter <= 5)) {
			    $content .= '<tr>';
			 	if($task->canChangeStatus(logged_user())) { 
					$content .= '<td class="taskCheckbox">' . checkbox_link($task->getOpenUrl(rawurlencode(get_url('milestone', 'view', array('id' => $milestone->getId())))), true, lang('mark task as open')) . '</td>';
				} else { 
				    $content .= '<td class="taskCheckbox"><img src="' .  icon_url('checked.jpg') .'" alt="' . lang('completed task') .'" /></td>';
				} // if 
			    $content .= '    <td class="taskText">
			        	<a class="internalLink" href="' . $task->getObjectUrl() .'">'.clean($task->getObjectName()) .'</a> ';
	           if($task->canEdit(logged_user())) { 
	           	$content .= '<a class="internalLink" href="' . $task->getEditListUrl() .'" class="blank" title="'. lang('edit task') .
	           		'"><img src="'. icon_url('edit.gif') .'" alt="" /></a> ';
				} // if 
				if($task->canDelete(logged_user())) { 
					$content .= '<a href="'. $task->getDeleteUrl() .'" class="blank internalLink" onclick="return confirm(\'' . 
						escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm delete task')) . '\')" title="' . lang('delete task') . '"><img src="' . icon_url('cancel_gray.gif') .
						'" alt="" /></a> ';
				} // if <br />
	          $content .= '<span class="taskCompletedOnBy">(' .lang('completed on by', format_date($task->getCompletedOn()), $task->getCompletedBy() instanceof Contact ? $task->getCompletedBy()->getCardUserUrl() : '#', $task->getCompletedBy() instanceof Contact ? clean($task->getCompletedBy()->getObjectName()) : lang('n/a')) . ')</span>
				        </td> <td></td>  </tr>';
			 } // if 
		 } // foreach 
		 if(!$on_list_page && $counter > 5) { 
		      $content .= '<tr>
		        <td colspan="2"><a class="internalLink" href="'. get_url("task","new_list_tasks",array('status' => '1','filter' => 'milestone','fval' => $milestone->getId())) .'"> ' . lang('view all completed tasks', $counter) .'</a></td>
		 } // if 	   
		$content .= ' </table> </div> </td></tr></table>';
	} // if 	   
	else { 
Exemplo n.º 26
    return str_replace("'", "\\'", $value);
function remove_html($x)
    $x = preg_replace('#"#', '', $x);
    $x = preg_replace("#'#", '', $x);
    $x = preg_replace('#<#', '', $x);
    $x = preg_replace('#>#', '', $x);
    $x = preg_replace('#\\\\#', '', $x);
    return $x;
# Get existing values
$browser = $_SESSION['custom_browser'];
$currentUA = escape_single_quotes($browser['user_agent']);
$realReferrer = $browser['referrer'] == 'real' ? 'true' : 'false';
$customReferrer = $browser['referrer'] == 'real' ? '' : escape_single_quotes($browser['referrer']);
echo <<<OUT
\t<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t// Update custom ua field with value of currently selected preset
\t\tfunction updateCustomUA(select) {

\t\t\t// Get value
\t\t\tvar newValue = select.value;

\t\t\t// Custom field
\t\t\tvar customField = document.getElementById('user-agent');

\t\t\t// Special cases
\t\t\tswitch ( newValue ) {
\t\t\t\tcase 'none':
\t\t\t\t\tnewValue = '';
Exemplo n.º 27
<div class="adminConfiguration" style="height:100%;background-color:white">
<form class="internalForm" action="<?php 
echo $category->getUpdateUrl();
" method="post" onreset="return confirm('<?php 
echo escape_single_quotes(lang('confirm reset form'));
	<div class="coInputHeader">
		<div class="coInputName">
			<div class="coInputTitle">
echo clean($category->getDisplayName());
		<div class="coInputButtons">
echo submit_button(lang('save'), 's', array('style' => 'margin-top:0px;'));
&nbsp;<button class="submit" type="reset"><?php 
echo lang('reset');
		<div class="clear"></div>
	<div class="adminMainBlock">
Exemplo n.º 28
        $userIdStr .= "'" . $userid . "'";
        $userNameStr .= "'" . escape_single_quotes(decode_html($username)) . "'";
$user_groups = getAllGroupName();
$groupIdStr = "";
$groupNameStr = "";
$l = 0;
foreach ($user_groups as $grpid => $groupname) {
    if ($l != 0) {
        $groupIdStr .= ",";
        $groupNameStr .= ",";
    $groupIdStr .= "'" . $grpid . "'";
    $groupNameStr .= "'" . escape_single_quotes(decode_html($groupname)) . "'";
if (isset($_REQUEST["record"]) && $_REQUEST['record'] != '') {
    $reportid = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["record"]);
    $visiblecriteria = getVisibleCriteria($recordid);
    $report_std_filter->assign("VISIBLECRITERIA", $visiblecriteria);
    $member = getShareInfo($recordid);
    $report_std_filter->assign("MEMBER", $member);
} else {
    $visiblecriteria = getVisibleCriteria();
    $report_std_filter->assign("VISIBLECRITERIA", $visiblecriteria);
$report_std_filter->assign("GROUPNAMESTR", $groupNameStr);
$report_std_filter->assign("USERNAMESTR", $userNameStr);
$report_std_filter->assign("GROUPIDSTR", $groupIdStr);
Exemplo n.º 29
if ($isBillingEnabled) {
<div style="margin-top:10px">
	<a class="internalLink coViewAction ico-user" href="<?php 
    echo get_url('billing', 'assign_users');
    echo lang('assign billing categories to users');

<div style="margin-top:10px">
	<a class="internalLink coViewAction ico-recurrent" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
    echo escape_single_quotes(lang('update unset billing values desc'));
')" href="<?php 
    echo get_url('billing', 'update_unset_billing_values');
    echo lang('update unset billing values');

Exemplo n.º 30
											$bday = $contact->getOBirthday();
											$now = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dtv->getMonth(), $dtv->getDay(), $dtv->getYear());
											if ($now == mktime(0, 0, 0, $bday->getMonth(), $bday->getDay(), $dtv->getYear())) {	
												if ($count <= $max_events_to_show){
													$color = 'B1BFAC';
													$subject = clean($contact->getObjectName()).' - <span class="italic">'.lang('birthday').'</span>';
													<div id="m_bd_div_<?php echo $contact->getId()?>" class="event_block" style="border-left-color: #<?php echo $color?>;">
														<a href='<?php echo $contact->getViewUrl()?>' class='internalLink' onclick="og.disableEventPropagation(event);return true;"  style="border-width:0px">
															<img src="<?php echo image_url('/16x16/contacts.png')?>" style="vertical-align: middle;">
														 	<span><?php echo $contact->getObjectName() ?></span>
														addTip('m_bd_div_<?php echo $contact->getId() ?>', '<span class="italic">' + '<?php echo escape_single_quotes(lang('birthday')) ?>' + '</span> - ' + <?php echo json_encode(clean($contact->getObjectName()))?>, '');
												}//if count
									} // end foreach event writing loop
									if ($count > $max_events_to_show) {
								?><div style="witdh:100%;text-align:center;font-size:9px" ><a href="<?php echo $p?>" class="internalLink"  onclick="og.disableEventPropagation(event);return true;"><?php echo ($count-$max_events_to_show) . ' ' . lang('more');?> </a></div>
									div_id = 'm<?php echo $dtv->getMonth() ?>_d<?php echo $dtv->getDay() ?>';