function perform(&$edit) { $this->field->set('num', $edit['num']); $this->field->set('status', $edit['status']); $this->field->set('rating', $edit['rating']); if (isset($edit['parent_fid'])) { $this->field->set('parent_fid', $edit['parent_fid']); } if ($edit['parent_fid'] == 0) { $this->field->set('parent_fid', ''); $this->field->set('name', $edit['name']); $this->field->set('code', $edit['code']); $this->field->set('location_street', $edit['location_street']); $this->field->set('location_city', $edit['location_city']); $this->field->set('location_province', $edit['location_province']); $this->field->set('location_country', $edit['location_country']); $this->field->set('location_postalcode', $edit['location_postalcode']); $this->field->set('is_indoor', $edit['is_indoor']); $this->field->set('region', $edit['region']); $this->field->set('location_url', $edit['location_url']); $this->field->set('layout_url', $edit['layout_url']); $this->field->set('driving_directions', $edit['driving_directions']); $this->field->set('transit_directions', $edit['transit_directions']); $this->field->set('biking_directions', $edit['biking_directions']); $this->field->set('parking_details', $edit['parking_details']); $this->field->set('washrooms', $edit['washrooms']); $this->field->set('public_instructions', $edit['public_instructions']); $this->field->set('site_instructions', $edit['site_instructions']); $this->field->set('sponsor', $edit['sponsor']); } if (!$this->field->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes"); } return true; }
function process() { $this->template_name = 'pages/slot/day.tpl'; list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split("/[\\/-]/", $_GET['date']); $today = getdate(); $yyyy = is_numeric($year) ? $year : $today['year']; $mm = is_numeric($month) ? $month : $today['mon']; $dd = is_numeric($day) ? $day : $today['mday']; if (!validate_date_input($yyyy, $mm, $dd)) { error_exit('That date is not valid'); } $this->smarty->assign('date', sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", $yyyy, $mm, $dd)); $formattedDay = strftime('%A %B %d %Y', mktime(6, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yyyy)); $this->title = "Field Availability Report » {$formattedDay}"; $sth = GameSlot::query(array('game_date' => sprintf('%d-%d-%d', $year, $month, $day), '_order' => 'g.game_start, field_code, field_num')); $num_open = 0; $slots = array(); while ($g = $sth->fetch()) { // load game info, if game scheduled if ($g['game_id']) { $g['game'] = Game::load(array('game_id' => $g['game_id'])); } else { $num_open++; } $slots[] = $g; } $this->smarty->assign('slots', $slots); $this->smarty->assign('num_fields', count($slots)); $this->smarty->assign('num_open', $num_open); return true; }
function save() { global $dbh; if (!count($this->_modified_fields)) { // No modifications, no need to save return true; } if (!$this->_in_database) { if (!$this->create()) { error_exit("Couldn't create registration"); } } $fields = array(); $fields_data = array(); foreach ($this->_modified_fields as $key => $value) { $fields[] = "{$key} = ?"; if (empty($this->{$key})) { $fields_data[] = null; } else { $fields_data[] = $this->{$key}; } } if (count($fields_data) != count($fields)) { error_exit("Internal error: Incorrect number of fields set"); } $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE registrations SET ' . join(", ", $fields) . ' WHERE order_id = ?'); $fields_data[] = $this->order_id; $sth->execute($fields_data); if (1 < $sth->rowCount()) { # Affecting zero rows is possible but usually unwanted error_exit("Internal error: Strange number of rows affected"); } unset($this->_modified_fields); return true; }
function perform($edit = array()) { $fields = array(); if (validate_nonblank($edit['username'])) { $fields['username'] = $edit['username']; } if (validate_nonblank($edit['email'])) { $fields['email'] = $edit['email']; } if (count($fields) < 1) { error_exit("You must supply at least one of username or email address"); } /* Now, try and find the user */ $user = Person::load($fields); /* Now, we either have one or zero users. Regardless, we'll present * the user with the same output; that prevents them from using this * to guess valid usernames. */ if ($user) { /* Generate a password */ $pass = generate_password(); $user->set_password($pass); if (!$user->save()) { error_exit("Error setting password"); } /* And fire off an email */ $rc = send_mail($user, false, false, _person_mail_text('password_reset_subject', array('%site' => variable_get('app_name', 'Leaguerunner'))), _person_mail_text('password_reset_body', array('%fullname' => "{$user->firstname} {$user->lastname}", '%username' => $user->username, '%password' => $pass, '%site' => variable_get('app_name', 'Leaguerunner')))); if ($rc == false) { error_exit("System was unable to send email to that user. Please contact system administrator."); } } }
function process() { global $lr_session; $payments = array(); $paypal = new PaypalHandler(); $talkback_results = $paypal->talkback('pdt'); if (!$talkback_results || $talkback_results['status'] == false) { return false; } // confirm that data from PayPal matches registrations $item_numbers = preg_grep_keys('/item_number[0-9]*/', $talkback_results['message']); foreach ($item_numbers as $key => $value) { // get current Item # from PayPal, which is the last character in $key $item = substr($key, -1); $status = $paypal->validatePayment($value, $talkback_results['message']['mc_gross_' . $item], $lr_session->user->user_id); if ($status['status'] == false) { error_exit($status['message']); } else { // PaymentRegistration object passed back in message on success array_push($payments, $status['message']); } } // output confirmation view $this->smarty->assign('payments', $payments); $this->smarty->assign('order_id_format', variable_get('order_id_format', '%d')); $this->title = 'Registration ' . $this->registration->formatted_order_id() . '- Payment Received'; $this->template_name = 'pages/registration/paypal.tpl'; return true; }
function save() { global $dbh; if (!count($this->_modified_fields)) { // No modifications, no need to save return true; } if (!$this->_in_database) { if (!$this->create()) { error_exit("Failed to create note"); } } $fields = array(); $fields_data = array(); foreach ($this->_modified_fields as $key => $value) { $fields[] = "{$key} = ?"; $fields_data[] = $this->{$key}; } if (count($fields_data) != count($fields)) { error_exit("Internal error: Incorrect number of fields set"); } $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE note SET ' . join(", ", $fields) . ', edited = NOW() WHERE id = ?'); $fields_data[] = $this->id; $sth->execute($fields_data); if (1 != $sth->rowCount()) { # Affecting zero rows is possible but usually unwanted error_exit("Internal error: Strange number of rows affected"); } unset($this->_modified_fields); return true; }
function perform(&$edit) { $this->event->set('name', $edit['name']); $this->event->set('description', $edit['description']); $this->event->set('type', $edit['type']); $this->event->set('season_id', $edit['season_id']); $this->event->set('currency_code', $edit['currency_code']); $this->event->set('cost', $edit['cost']); $this->event->set('gst', $edit['gst']); $this->event->set('pst', $edit['pst']); $time = $edit['open_time']; if ($time == '24:00') { $time = '23:59:00'; } $this->event->set('open', $edit['open_date'] . ' ' . $time); $time = $edit['close_time']; if ($time == '24:00') { $time = '23:59:00'; } $this->event->set('close', $edit['close_date'] . ' ' . $time); $this->event->set('cap_male', $edit['cap_male']); $this->event->set('cap_female', $edit['cap_female']); $this->event->set('multiple', $edit['multiple']); $this->event->set('anonymous', $edit['anonymous']); if (!$this->event->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes"); } return true; }
function process() { global $lr_session, $dbh; $this->template_name = 'pages/team/list.tpl'; $ops = array('view' => 'team/view'); if ($lr_session->has_permission('team', 'delete')) { $ops['delete'] = 'team/delete'; } $this->title = 'List Teams'; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(SUBSTRING(,1,1)) as letter\n\t\t\tFROM team t\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN leagueteams lt ON t.team_id = lt.team_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY letter asc"); $sth->execute(); $letters = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $this->smarty->assign('current_letter', $this->letter); $this->smarty->assign('letters', $letters); $query = "SELECT, t.team_id FROM team t WHERE LIKE ? ORDER BY"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(array("{$this->letter}%")); $sth->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Person', array(LOAD_OBJECT_ONLY)); $teams = array(); $hits = 0; while ($team = $sth->fetch()) { if (++$hits > 1000) { error_exit("Too many search results; query terminated"); } $teams[] = $team; } $this->smarty->assign('teams', $teams); $this->smarty->assign('ops', $ops); return true; }
function process() { global $dbh; $data = array('Order ID'); foreach ($this->formbuilder->_questions as $question) { $data[] = $question->qkey; } if (empty($data)) { error_exit('No survey details available for download.'); } header('Content-type: text/x-csv'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$this->event->name}_survey.csv\""); $out = fopen('php://output', 'w'); fputcsv($out, $data); $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT order_id FROM registrations r WHERE r.registration_id = ? ORDER BY order_id'); $sth->execute(array($this->event->registration_id)); while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $data = array(sprintf(variable_get('order_id_format', '%d'), $row['order_id'])); // Add all of the answers $fsth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT akey FROM registration_answers WHERE order_id = ? AND qkey = ?'); foreach ($this->formbuilder->_questions as $question) { $fsth->execute(array($row['order_id'], $question->qkey)); $foo = $fsth->fetchColumn(); $data[] = preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $foo); } fputcsv($out, $data); } fclose($out); exit; }
function __construct($id) { $this->slot = GameSlot::load(array('slot_id' => $id)); if (!$this->slot) { error_exit("That gameslot does not exist"); } }
function perform($edit) { $this->league->set('name', $edit['name']); $this->league->set('status', $edit['status']); if (is_array($edit['day'])) { $edit['day'] = join(",", $edit['day']); } $this->league->set('day', $edit['day']); $this->league->set('season', $edit['season']); $this->league->set('roster_deadline', $edit['roster_deadline']); $this->league->set('min_roster_size', $edit['min_roster_size']); $this->league->set('tier', $edit['tier']); $this->league->set('ratio', $edit['ratio']); $this->league->set('current_round', $edit['current_round']); $this->league->set('schedule_type', $edit['schedule_type']); if ($edit['schedule_type'] == 'ratings_ladder' || $edit['schedule_type'] == 'ratings_wager_ladder') { $this->league->set('games_before_repeat', $edit['games_before_repeat']); } $this->league->set('display_sotg', $edit['display_sotg']); $this->league->set('coord_list', $edit['coord_list']); $this->league->set('capt_list', $edit['capt_list']); $this->league->set('excludeTeams', $edit['excludeTeams']); $this->league->set('finalize_after', $edit['finalize_after']); if (!$this->league->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes"); } return true; }
function process() { $games = Game::load_many(array('league_id' => $this->league->league_id, '_order' => 'g.game_date,g.game_id')); if (!is_array($games)) { error_exit("There are no games scheduled for this league"); } $s = new Spirit(); $s->display_numeric_sotg = $this->league->display_numeric_sotg(); // Start the output, let the browser know what type it is header('Content-type: text/x-csv'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"spirit{$this->league_id}.csv\""); $out = fopen('php://output', 'w'); $header = array_merge(array('Game #', 'Date', 'Giver Name', 'Giver ID', 'Given To', 'Given To ID', 'SOTG Total'), (array) $s->question_headings(), array('Comments')); fputcsv($out, $header); while (list(, $game) = each($games)) { $teams = array($game->home_team => $game->home_name, $game->away_team => $game->away_name); while (list($giver, $giver_name) = each($teams)) { $recipient = $game->get_opponent_id($giver); # Fetch spirit answers for games $entry = $game->get_spirit_entry($recipient); if (!$entry) { $entry = array(comments => 'Team did not submit a spirit rating'); } $thisrow = array($game->game_id, strftime('%a %b %d %Y', $game->timestamp), $giver_name, $giver, $teams[$recipient], $recipient, $entry['numeric_sotg'], $entry['timeliness'], $entry['rules_knowledge'], $entry['sportsmanship'], $entry['rating_overall'], $entry['score_entry_penalty'], $entry['comments']); fputcsv($out, $thisrow); } } fclose($out); // Returning would cause the Leaguerunner menus to be added exit; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $this->title = "{$this->team->name} » Spirit"; $this->template_name = 'pages/team/spirit.tpl'; // load the league $league = League::load(array('league_id' => $this->team->league_id)); // if the person doesn't have permission to see this team's spirit, bail out if (!$lr_session->has_permission('team', 'view', $this->team->team_id, 'spirit')) { error_exit("You do not have permission to view this team's spirit results"); } if ($league->display_sotg == 'coordinator_only' && !$lr_session->is_coordinator_of($league->league_id)) { error_exit("Spirit results are restricted to coordinator-only"); } $s = new Spirit(); $s->display_numeric_sotg = $league->display_numeric_sotg(); /* * Grab schedule info */ $games = Game::load_many(array('either_team' => $this->team->team_id, '_order' => 'g.game_date')); if (!is_array($games)) { error_exit('There are no games scheduled for this team'); } $this->smarty->assign('question_keys', array_merge(array('full'), $s->question_keys(), array('score_entry_penalty'))); $this->smarty->assign('question_headings', $s->question_headings()); $this->smarty->assign('num_spirit_columns', count($s->question_headings()) + 1); $this->smarty->assign('num_comment_columns', count($s->question_headings()) + 2); $rows = array(); foreach ($games as $game) { if (!$game->is_finalized()) { continue; } if ($game->home_id == $this->team->team_id) { $opponent_id = $game->away_id; $opponent_name = $game->away_name; $home_away = '(home)'; } else { $opponent_id = $game->home_id; $opponent_name = $game->home_name; $home_away = '(away)'; } $thisrow = array('game_id' => $game->game_id, 'day_id' => $game->day_id, 'given_by_id' => $opponent_id, 'given_by_name' => $opponent_name, 'has_entry' => 0); # Fetch spirit answers for games $entry = $game->get_spirit_entry($this->team->team_id); if (!$entry) { $rows[] = $thisrow; continue; } $thisrow['has_entry'] = 1; // can only see comments if you're a coordinator if ($lr_session->has_permission('league', 'view', $this->team->league_id, 'spirit')) { $thisrow['comments'] = $entry['comments']; } $thisrow = array_merge($thisrow, (array) $s->fetch_game_spirit_items_html($entry)); $rows[] = $thisrow; } $this->smarty->assign('spirit_detail', $rows); return true; }
function __construct($id) { $this->team = Team::load(array('team_id' => $id)); if (!$this->team) { error_exit("That team does not exist"); } team_add_to_menu($this->team); }
function __construct($id) { $this->game = Game::load(array('game_id' => $id)); if (!$this->game) { error_exit("That game does not exist"); } game_add_to_menu($this->get_league(), $this->game); }
function __construct($id) { $this->season = Season::load(array('id' => $id)); if (!$this->season) { error_exit("That season does not exist"); } season_add_to_menu($this->season); }
function __construct($id) { $this->field = Field::load(array('fid' => $id)); if (!$this->field) { error_exit("That field does not exist"); } field_add_to_menu($this->field); }
function __construct($id) { $this->person = Person::load(array('user_id' => $id)); if (!$this->person) { error_exit("That user does not exist"); } person_add_to_menu($this->person); }
function __construct($type) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $type)) { error_exit('invalid type'); } $this->title = 'Settings'; $this->type = $type; }
function __construct($id) { $this->league = League::load(array('league_id' => $id)); if (!$this->league) { error_exit("That league does not exist"); } league_add_to_menu($this->league); }
function __construct($id) { $this->note = Note::load(array('id' => $id)); if (!$this->note) { error_exit("That note does not exist"); } $this->note->load_creator(); note_add_to_menu($this->note); }
function __construct($id) { $this->registration = Registration::load(array('order_id' => $id)); if (!$this->registration) { error_exit("That registration does not exist"); } $this->event = Event::load(array('registration_id' => $this->registration->registration_id)); registration_add_to_menu($this->registration); }
function perform(&$edit) { list($rc, $message) = $this->league->reschedule_games_for_day($edit['olddate'], $edit['newdate']); if ($rc) { local_redirect(url("schedule/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); } else { error_exit("Failure rescheduling games: {$message}"); } }
function perform($edit = array()) { global $lr_session; $this->note->set('note', $edit['note']); if (!$this->note->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes"); } return true; }
function process() { $this->title = "Reports: {$this->field->fullname}"; if (!$this->field) { error_exit("That field does not exist"); } $this->template_name = 'pages/field/reports.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('reports', FieldReport::load_many(array('field_id' => $this->field->fid, '_order' => 'created DESC'))); return true; }
function save($edit) { foreach ($this->save_vars as $var) { $this->field->set($var, $edit[$var]); } if (!$this->field->save()) { return error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes"); } return true; }
function process() { $this->title = "{$this->league->fullname} » Captain Emails"; $this->template_name = 'pages/league/captemail.tpl'; $captains = $this->league->get_captains(); if (!count($captains)) { error_exit("That league contains no teams."); } $this->smarty->assign('list', player_rfc2822_address_list($captains, true)); return true; }
function perform($edit) { $this->season->set('display_name', $edit['display_name']); $this->season->set('year', $edit['year']); $this->season->set('season', $edit['season']); $this->season->set('archived', $edit['archived']); if (!$this->season->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes"); } return true; }
function __construct($type) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $type)) { error_exit('invalid type'); } $function = $type . '_settings'; if (!function_exists($function)) { error_exit('invalid type'); } $this->type = $type; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $this->title = "{$this->league->fullname} » Standings"; $this->template_name = 'pages/league/standings.tpl'; if ($this->league->schedule_type == 'none') { error_exit("This league does not have a schedule or standings."); } $s = new Spirit(); $round = $_GET['round']; if (!isset($round)) { $round = $this->league->current_round; } // check to see if this league is on round 2 or higher... // if so, set the $current_round so that the standings table is split up if ($round > 1) { $current_round = $round; } // TODO: calculate_standings should set the ->round_XXX values on each team object list($order, $season, $round) = $this->league->calculate_standings(array('round' => $current_round)); $teams = array(); $seed = 1; while (list(, $tid) = each($order)) { $team = $season[$tid]; $team->seed = $seed++; // Don't need the current round for a ladder schedule. if ($this->league->schedule_type == "roundrobin") { if ($current_round) { $team->round_win = $round[$tid]->win; $team->round_loss = $round[$tid]->loss; $team->round_tie = $round[$tid]->tie; $team->round_defaults_against = $round[$tid]->defaults_against; $team->round_points_for = $round[$tid]->points_for; $team->round_points_against = $round[$tid]->points_against; } } // TODO: should be a helper on the Team object if (count($team->streak) > 1) { $team->display_streak = count($team->streak) . $team->streak[0]; } else { $team->display_streak = '-'; } $team->sotg_average = $s->average_sotg($team->spirit, false); $team->sotg_image = $s->full_spirit_symbol_html($team->sotg_average); $teams[] = $team; } $this->smarty->assign('league', $this->league); $this->smarty->assign('teams', $teams); $this->smarty->assign('highlight_team', $this->teamid); $this->smarty->assign('display_round', $current_round > 1); return true; }