function epl_is_waitlist_flow()
    global $epl_is_waitlist_flow, $regis_details;
    if (epl_get_element('epl_wl_flow', $_POST, 0) == 1) {
        return true;
    if (!epl_is_waitlist_record() && EPL_IS_ADMIN) {
        return false;
    $regis_status = get_the_regis_status(null, true);
    if ($regis_status == 2 || $regis_status == 5) {
        return false;
    if (!epl_is_waitlist_approved() && !epl_is_waitlist_session_approved() && ($epl_is_waitlist_flow == true || epl_get_element('epl_wl_flow', $_REQUEST, 0) == 1 || get_the_regis_status(null, true) == 20)) {
        return true;
 function add_registration_to_db($meta = array())
     $meta = $this->current_data;
     global $wpdb, $event_details, $multi_time, $multi_price, $epl_is_waitlist_flow, $epl_current_step, $event_totals, $cart_totals;
     if (epl_is_empty_array($event_details)) {
         $this->ecm->setup_event_details(intval(epl_get_element('event_id', $_REQUEST)));
     $event_id = $this->get_current_event_id();
     //have to create the dates manually as on some servers the
     //wp_insert_post would set the dates back to UTC
     $now = date_i18n("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $_post = array("post_date" => date_i18n("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "post_date_gmt" => get_gmt_from_date($now), 'post_type' => 'epl_registration', 'post_title' => $this->regis_id, 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish');
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
         $_post['post_author'] = $current_user->ID;
     $_post = apply_filters('erm__add_registration_to_db__post_array', $_post);
     //$_db_insert_method = 'update_post_meta';
     $_db_insert_method = 'add_post_meta';
     //as of 1.3, faster to delete everything and add than update_post_meta
     $regis_post_ID = null;
     if (isset($this->current_data['post_ID'])) {
         //If this post is already in the db, the meta will be deleted before
         $_post['ID'] = intval($this->current_data['post_ID']);
         $regis_post_ID = $_post['ID'];
         //as of 1.3, much faster to delete and insert then to update_post_meta
         $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM  {$wpdb->postmeta} \n                        WHERE post_id = %d \n                        AND (NOT meta_key = '_epl_payment_note' \n                        AND NOT meta_key = '_epl_regis_note' \n                        AND NOT meta_key = '_epl_regis_incr_id')", $_post['ID']));
     } else {
         $regis_key = epl_get_element('_regis_id', $_SESSION['__epl'], null);
         if ($regis_key) {
             $regis_post_ID = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts}\n                 WHERE post_status ='publish' \n                 AND post_type='epl_registration' \n                 AND post_title=%s\n                        ORDER BY ID DESC\n                        LIMIT 1", $regis_key));
         if (is_null($regis_post_ID)) {
             //create new regis record.
             $regis_post_ID = wp_insert_post($_post);
             $this->current_data['post_ID'] = $regis_post_ID;
         //$_db_insert_method = 'add_post_meta';
     $this->current_data['post_ID'] = $regis_post_ID;
     $db_data = array();
     //get the attendee and money totals for the cart
     $_totals = $this->calculate_cart_totals(true);
     $start_week = epl_get_element_m('_epl_start_week', $this->regis_id, $meta, 0);
     $attendance_dates_total = array();
     $_price_type = '';
     //temp holder
     $events_in_cart = $this->get_events_in_cart();
     $grand_total = $cart_totals['money_totals']['grand_total'];
     $original_total = $cart_totals['money_totals']['original_total'];
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_original_total', $original_total);
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_grand_total', $grand_total);
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_pre_discount_total', epl_get_element('pre_discount_total', $cart_totals['money_totals'], $grand_total));
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_amount', epl_get_element('discount_amount', $cart_totals['money_totals'], 0));
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_code_id', epl_get_element('discount_code_id', $cart_totals['money_totals'], ''));
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_code_source', epl_get_element('discount_code_source', $cart_totals['money_totals'], ''));
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_code', epl_get_element('discount_code', $cart_totals['money_totals'], ''));
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_surcharge', epl_get_element('surcharge', $cart_totals['money_totals'], 0));
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_subtotal', epl_get_element('subtotal', $cart_totals['money_totals'], 0));
     foreach ($events_in_cart as $event_id => $totals) {
         $event_dates = epl_get_element('_epl_start_date', $event_details);
         $event_dates_keys = array_keys($event_dates);
         $event_type = epl_get_element('_epl_event_type', $event_details);
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_original_total_' . $event_id, $_totals[$event_id]['money_totals']['original_total']);
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_grand_total_' . $event_id, $_totals[$event_id]['money_totals']['grand_total']);
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_pre_discount_total_' . $event_id, epl_get_element('pre_discount_total', $_totals[$event_id]['money_totals'], 0));
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_amount_' . $event_id, epl_get_element('discount_amount', $_totals[$event_id]['money_totals'], 0));
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_surcharge_' . $event_id, epl_get_element('surcharge', $_totals[$event_id]['money_totals'], 0));
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_subtotal_' . $event_id, epl_get_element('subtotal', $_totals[$event_id]['money_totals'], 0));
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_code_' . $event_id, epl_get_element('discount_code', $_totals[$event_id], ''));
         //add the total number of attendees for the whole event
         //add the number of attendees for each date in the cart.
         $dates = (array) $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id];
         $times = epl_get_element($event_id, epl_get_element('_epl_start_time', $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']), epl_get_element('_epl_start_time', $event_details));
         $prices = $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id];
         //$total_att = array_sum( ( array ) $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_details['ID']] );
         $start_week = epl_get_element_m('_epl_start_week', $this->regis_id, $meta, 0);
         $pack_regis = epl_get_element('_epl_pack_regis', $event_details) == 10;
         $pack_regis_consecutive = epl_get_element('_epl_pack_regis_consecutive', $event_details, 10) == 10;
         $rolling_regis = epl_get_element('_epl_rolling_regis', $event_details) == 10;
         $discount_code_id = epl_get_element('discount_code_id', $totals['money_totals'], null);
         if (!is_null($discount_code_id)) {
             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_discount_id_' . $discount_code_id, 1);
         foreach ($dates as $_dkey => $_date_id) {
             //if multiple dates, find the qty for a specific date.
             $date_total_att = 0;
             $time_total_att = 0;
             $dg = epl_get_element_m($_dkey, '_epl_date_group_no', $event_details, false);
             if ($event_type == 20) {
                 $_date_id = current($_date_id);
             foreach ($times as $_tkey => $_time_id) {
                 $time_total_att = 0;
                 foreach ($prices as $_pkey => $_price_id) {
                     $price_type = epl_get_element($_pkey, epl_get_element('_epl_price_type', $event_details), 'att');
                     if ($_price_type == '' || $_price_type != $price_type) {
                         $_price_type = $price_type;
                         //$time_total_att = 0;
                     $price_att_qty = $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id][$_pkey];
                      * if date level price
                      * - for each price key,
                      * -- combine dates listed in the price key with the dates in teh cart
                     if (epl_is_date_level_price() && !isset($price_att_qty[$_date_id])) {
                     //$price_att_qty = array_sum( ( array ) $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id][$_pkey] );
                     //will only insert attendee price type
                     $price_qty_meta_key = "_total_{$price_type}_" . $event_id . '_price_' . $_date_id . '_' . $_time_id . '_' . $_pkey;
                     $offset_another = false;
                     $offset_another_key = epl_get_element_m($_pkey, '_epl_price_to_offset', $event_details);
                     $offset_another_count = intval(epl_get_element_m($_pkey, '_epl_price_offset_count', $event_details, 0));
                     if ($offset_another_key && $offset_another_count > 0) {
                         $offset_another = true;
                         $price_qty_offset_meta_key = "_total_{$price_type}_" . $event_id . '_price_' . $_date_id . '_' . $_time_id . '_' . $offset_another_key;
                     if (epl_is_time_specific_price($_pkey)) {
                         // $price_att_qty = $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id][$_pkey];
                         if ($price_att_qty > 0 && $event_details['_epl_price_parent_time_id'][$_pkey] == $_time_id) {
                             $time_total_att += $price_att_qty;
                             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_qty_meta_key, $price_att_qty);
                             if ($offset_another) {
                                 $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_qty_offset_meta_key, $offset_another_count);
                                 if ($offset_another_key != $_pkey) {
                                     $time_total_att += $offset_another_count - $price_att_qty;
                     } else {
                         if (epl_is_date_level_price()) {
                             $price_att_qty = $price_att_qty[$_date_id];
                         } else {
                             $price_att_qty = array_sum((array) $price_att_qty);
                         if (!epl_is_date_level_time()) {
                             $time_total_att += $price_att_qty;
                             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_qty_meta_key, $price_att_qty);
                             if ($offset_another && $price_att_qty > 0) {
                                 $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_qty_offset_meta_key, $offset_another_count);
                                 if ($offset_another_key != $_pkey) {
                                     $time_total_att += $offset_another_count - $price_att_qty;
                         } else {
                             if ($_date_id == $_tkey) {
                                 $time_total_att += $price_att_qty;
                                 $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_qty_meta_key, $price_att_qty);
                                 if ($offset_another && $price_att_qty > 0) {
                                     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_qty_offset_meta_key, $offset_another_count);
                                     if ($offset_another_key != $_pkey) {
                                         $time_total_att += $offset_another_count - $price_att_qty;
                     if ($price_type != 'att') {
                         $time_total_att -= $price_att_qty;
                     if ($_price_type != $price_type) {
                         $_price_type = $price_type;
                         //$time_total_att -= $price_att_qty;
                     $pack_size = epl_get_element_m($_pkey, '_epl_price_pack_size', $event_details, null);
                     if ($price_att_qty > 0 && $pack_size && $pack_regis && $pack_regis_consecutive) {
                         $attendance_start_date = $event_dates[$_date_id];
                         //find the position of the date in the cart
                         $pos = array_search($_date_id, $event_dates_keys);
                         if ($start_week == 1) {
                             $_new_date_key = epl_get_element($pos++, $event_dates_keys);
                             $att_start_date = epl_get_element($_new_date_key, $event_dates);
                         $attendance_dates = array_slice($event_dates, $pos, $pack_size, true);
                         $attendance_dates_total[$_date_id][$_time_id][$_pkey]['count'] = $price_att_qty;
                         $attendance_dates_total[$_date_id][$_time_id][$_pkey]['dates'] = $attendance_dates;
                         $attendance_end_date = end($attendance_dates);
                         for ($i = 1; $i <= $price_att_qty; $i++) {
                             $price_pack_meta_key = "_pack_attendance_dates_" . $event_id . '_' . $_pkey . '_' . $i;
                             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $price_pack_meta_key, $attendance_dates);
                 if ($time_total_att > 0) {
                     $time_qty_meta_key = "_total_att_" . $event_id . '_time_' . $_date_id . '_' . $_time_id;
                     if (!epl_is_date_level_time()) {
                         $date_total_att += $time_total_att;
                         if (!$pack_regis || !$pack_regis_consecutive) {
                             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $time_qty_meta_key, $time_total_att);
                     } else {
                         if ($_date_id == $_tkey) {
                             $date_total_att += $time_total_att;
                             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $time_qty_meta_key, $time_total_att);
             if ($date_total_att > 0) {
                 $date_qty_meta_key = "_total_att_" . $event_id . '_date_' . $_date_id;
                 if (epl_is_waitlist_flow() || epl_is_waitlist_record()) {
                     if (!$pack_regis) {
                         $date_waitlist_qty_meta_key = "_total_waitlist_att_" . $event_id . '_date_' . $_date_id;
                     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $date_waitlist_qty_meta_key, $date_total_att);
                 } elseif (!$pack_regis || !$pack_regis_consecutive) {
                     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $date_qty_meta_key, $date_total_att);
         $qty_meta_key = "_total_att_" . $event_id;
         $total_att = $totals['_att_quantity']['total'][$event_id];
         if (!epl_is_waitlist_flow()) {
             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $qty_meta_key, $total_att);
         $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_event_id', $event_id);
         do_action('epl_erm__add_registration_to_db', $regis_post_ID, $event_id);
     //store the whole session, useful for admin side or future edit
     //also store individual ones for easier data access and queries.
     //update_post_meta( $regis_post_ID, '_grand_total', $meta[$this->regis_id]['grand_total'] );
     //removing in 1.4
     // $db_data[] = array( $regis_post_ID, '_epl_events', $this->epl_util->clean_input( $meta[$this->regis_id]['_events'] ) );
     //$db_data[] = array( $regis_post_ID, '_epl_dates', $this->epl_util->clean_input( $meta[$this->regis_id]['_dates'] ) );
     //$db_data[] = array( $regis_post_ID, '_epl_attendee_info', $this->epl_util->clean_input( $meta[$this->regis_id]['_attendee_info'] ) );
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_plugin_version', EPL_PLUGIN_VERSION);
     //TODO - move this to run just once
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_payment_method', $this->get_payment_profile_id());
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '_epl_regis_user_id', get_current_user_id());
     $gateway_info = $this->get_gateway_info();
     if ($epl_current_step == 'show_cart_overview' || $epl_current_step == 'payment_page') {
         $this->update_payment_data(array('post_ID' => $regis_post_ID, '_epl_regis_status' => 1, '_epl_grand_total' => $grand_total, '_epl_payment_method' => $this->get_payment_profile_id()));
     $total_counts = array();
     if ($pack_regis && $pack_regis_consecutive) {
         $totals_data = array();
         //get readdy to VOMIT :)
         foreach ($attendance_dates_total as $date_key => $date_data) {
             foreach ($date_data as $time_key => $time_data) {
                 foreach ($time_data as $price_key => $price_dates) {
                     foreach ($price_dates['dates'] as $_date_key => $timestamp) {
                         if (isset($totals_data["_total_att_" . $event_id . '_date_' . $_date_key])) {
                             $totals_data["_total_att_" . $event_id . '_date_' . $_date_key] += $price_dates['count'];
                             $totals_data["_total_att_" . $event_id . '_time_' . $_date_key . '_' . $time_key] += $price_dates['count'];
                         } else {
                             $totals_data["_total_att_" . $event_id . '_date_' . $_date_key] = $price_dates['count'];
                             $totals_data["_total_att_" . $event_id . '_time_' . $_date_key . '_' . $time_key] = $price_dates['count'];
         foreach ($totals_data as $db_ky => $count) {
             $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, $db_ky, $count);
     $db_data[] = array($regis_post_ID, '__epl', $this->epl_util->clean_input($meta));
      * as of 1.4, switching to one insert call with multiple values instead of add_post_meta which will run 
      * an insert statement for each key.  Much faster.  Doing add_post_meta for array
      * as sanitized input (slashes) will mess up the serialize/unserialize.
     $i = '';
     foreach ($db_data as $k => $values) {
         if (is_array($values[2])) {
             add_post_meta($regis_post_ID, $values[1], $values[2]);
         } else {
             $i .= "({$values['0']},'{$values['1']}', '{$values['2']}'),";
     $i = substr($i, 0, -1);
     global $wpdb;
     $i = "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->postmeta} (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES {$i}";
     $i = $wpdb->query($i);
     $this->current_data['post_ID'] = $regis_post_ID;

<div class="epl_cart_wrapper epl_thank_you_page">


if (epl_is_waitlist_record()) {

        <div class="epl_info"><?php 
    epl_e('Your name has been added to the waiting list.  You will receive an email once a spot opens.');


    <div class="epl_section">

        <div class="epl_fl_r">
epl_e('Registration ID');
 function column_data($column_name, $post_ID)
     global $epl_fields, $event_details, $regis_details;
     $this->regis_meta = $this->ecm->setup_regis_details($post_ID);
     $regis_id = $this->regis_meta['__epl']['_regis_id'];
     $event_id = '';
     $event_name = '';
     $num_attendees = '';
     if (isset($this->regis_meta['_epl_events']) && !empty($this->regis_meta['_epl_events'])) {
         $event_id = key($this->regis_meta['_epl_events']);
         //$event_name = get_post( $event_id )->post_title;
         $event_name = $event_details['post_title'];
         $href = add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'epl_attendee_list', 'epl_download_trigger' => 1, 'event_id' => $event_id), epl_get_url());
         $xl_href = add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'epl_excel_attendee_list', 'epl_download_trigger' => 1, 'post_ID' => $post_ID, 'event_id' => $event_id), epl_get_url());
         //$event_name = '<a href="' . $href . '"><img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/doc_excel_csv.png" /></a> <a data-post_id = "' . $post_ID . '" data-event_id="' . $event_id . '" class="epl_event_snapshot" href="#"><img id = "' . $event_id . '"  src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/application_view_list.png" /> </a><span class="">' . $event_name . '</span>';
         //$xevent_name = '<a href="' . $xl_href . '"><img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/doc_excel_csv.png" /></a>';
         //$event_name = $xevent_name . '<a href="' . $href . '"><img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/doc_excel_csv.png" /></a><span class="event_name">' . $event_name . '</span>';
         $xevent_name = '<span class="event_name1">' . $event_name . '</span><br />';
         //<a href="' . $xl_href . '">Excel</a>, ';
         $event_name = $xevent_name . '<a href="' . $href . '">CSV</a>';
     switch ($column_name) {
         case 'attendees':
             if (is_array($this->regis_meta['__epl'][$regis_id]['_attendee_info']) && is_array($this->personal_field_ids)) {
                 $d = array_intersect_key($this->regis_meta['__epl'][$regis_id]['_attendee_info'], $this->personal_field_ids);
                 $r = array();
                 $fn = epl_array_flatten(current($d));
                 $ln = epl_array_flatten(next($d));
                 foreach ((array) $fn as $k => $v) {
                     $r[] = $v . ' ' . stripslashes_deep(html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode(epl_get_element($k, $ln)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
                 echo implode('<br>', array_unique($r));
         case 'id':
             echo $post_ID;
         case 'event':
             //TODO move to view
             $data = array();
             echo '<table class="epl_regis_list_regis_details">';
             foreach ((array) $this->regis_meta['__epl'][$regis_id]['_events'] as $event_id => $totals) {
                 $data['event_name'] = $event_details['post_title'];
                 $data['quantity'] = epl_get_element($event_id, epl_get_element_m('total', '_att_quantity', $totals), 0);
                 if ($data['quantity'] == 0) {
                     //1.3 fix
                     foreach ($this->regis_meta['__epl'][$regis_id]['_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id] as $pr => $q) {
                         $data['quantity'] += array_sum($q);
                 $link = epl_anchor(admin_url('post.php?post=' . $event_details['ID'] . '&action=edit'), $event_details['post_title']);
                 echo "<tr><td>{$link}</td><td class='qty'>{$data['quantity']}</td></tr>";
             echo '</table>';
         case 'num_attendees':
              $this->get_values( $post_ID );
              $data['event_id'] = $event_id;
              //events, dates, times, prices, quantities
              $data['cart_data'] = $this->earm->__in( $this->event_meta + $this->regis_meta )->show_cart();
              echo $this->epl->load_view( 'admin/registration/regis-list-cart-section', $data, true );
             $num_attendees = $this->regis_meta['_total_att_' . $event_id];
             if (epl_is_waitlist_record()) {
                 foreach ($this->regis_meta as $key => $value) {
                     if (strpos($key, "_total_waitlist_att_") !== false) {
                         $num_attendees = $value . ' (' . epl__('waitlist') . ')';
             echo "<span class='num_attendees'>{$num_attendees}</span> ";
             if ($num_attendees > 0) {
                 $href = add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'epl_regis_snapshot', 'post_ID' => $post_ID, 'event_id' => $event_id), epl_get_url());
                 echo ' <a data-post_id = "' . $post_ID . '" data-event_id="' . $event_id . '" class="epl_regis_snapshot" href="#"><img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/application_view_list.png" /> </a>';
             echo epl_get_send_email_button($post_ID, $event_id, true);
         case 'payment_status':
             $payment_info = $this->payment_info_box($post_ID);
             echo $payment_info;
             $notes = epl_get_element('_epl_regis_note', $this->regis_meta, null);
             if ($notes) {
                 $notes = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_epl_regis_note', false);
                 foreach ($notes as $note) {
                     $d = date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i', $note['timestamp']);
                     echo "<p>{$note['action']}<span style='float:right'>{$d}</span></p>";
         case 'payment':
             echo "Payment Info";
     // end switch
Exemplo n.º 5
 function check_for_waitlist()
     if (epl_is_waitlist_record() && !epl_is_waitlist_session_approved()) {
         if (!epl_is_valid_url_hash()) {
             return epl__('There seems to be something wrong with the url.  Please contact the website administrator.');
         if (!epl_is_waitlist_approved()) {
             return epl__('This waitlist has not been approved.');
         if (epl_is_waitlist_link_expired()) {
             return epl__('This link has expired.');
         $_SESSION['__epl']['waitlist_approved'] = intval($_GET['event_id']);
         wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('epl_rid' => false, 'epl_wlh' => false), epl_get_url()));
     return true;