Exemplo n.º 1
function serendipity_plugin_api_pre_event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, &$addData)
    global $serendipity;
    // Check what Event is coming in, only react to those we want.
    switch ($event) {
        // Displaying the backend entry section
        case 'backend_display':
            // INFO: The whole 'entryproperties' injection is easiest to store any data you want. The entryproperties plugin
            // should actually not even be required to do this, as serendipity loads all properties regardless of the installed plugin
            // The name of the variable
            $entry_subtitle_key = 'entry_subtitle';
            $entry_specific_header_image_key = 'entry_specific_header_image';
            // Check what our special key is set to (checks both POST data as well as the actual data)
            $is_entry_subtitle = function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(entry_option_get_value($entry_subtitle_key, $eventData)) : htmlspecialchars(entry_option_get_value($entry_subtitle_key, $eventData), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
            $is_entry_specific_header_image = entry_option_get_value($entry_specific_header_image_key, $eventData);
            // This is the actual HTML output on the backend screen.
            //DEBUG: echo '<pre>' . print_r($eventData, true) . '</pre>';
            echo '<div class="entryproperties">';
            echo '  <input type="hidden" value="true" name="serendipity[propertyform]">';
            echo '  <h3>' . THEME_ENTRY_PROPERTIES_HEADING . '</h3>';
            echo '      <div class="entryproperties_customfields adv_opts_box">';
            echo '          <h4>' . THEME_CUSTOM_FIELD_HEADING . '</h4>';
            echo '          <span>' . THEME_CUSTOM_FIELD_DEFINITION . '</span>';
            echo '          <div class="serendipity_customfields clearfix">';
            echo '              <div class="clearfix form_area media_choose" id="ep_column_' . $entry_subtitle_key . '">';
            echo '                  <label for="' . $entry_subtitle_key . '">' . THEME_ENTRY_SUBTITLE . '</label>';
            echo '                  <input id="' . $entry_subtitle_key . '" type="text" value="' . $is_entry_subtitle . '" name="serendipity[properties][' . $entry_subtitle_key . ']" style="width: 100%;">';
            echo '              </div>';
            echo '          </div>';
            echo '          <div class="serendipity_customfields clearfix">';
            echo '              <div class="clearfix form_area media_choose" id="ep_column_' . $entry_specific_header_image_key . '">';
            echo '                  <label for="' . $entry_specific_header_image_key . '">' . THEME_ENTRY_HEADER_IMAGE . '</label>';
            echo '                  <textarea data-configitem="' . $entry_specific_header_image_key . '" name="serendipity[properties][' . $entry_specific_header_image_key . ']" class="change_preview" id="prop' . $entry_specific_header_image_key . '">' . $is_entry_specific_header_image . '</textarea>';
            echo '                  <button title="' . MEDIA . '" name="insImage" type="button" class="customfieldMedia"><span class="icon-picture"></span><span class="visuallyhidden">' . MEDIA . '</span></button>';
            echo '                  <figure id="' . $entry_specific_header_image_key . '_preview">';
            echo '                      <figcaption>' . PREVIEW . '</figcaption>';
            echo '                      <img alt="" src="' . $is_entry_specific_header_image . '">';
            echo '                  </figure>';
            echo '              </div>';
            echo '          </div>';
            echo '      </div>';
            echo ' </div>';
            // To store the value of our entryproperties
        // To store the value of our entryproperties
        case 'backend_publish':
        case 'backend_save':
            // Call the helper function with all custom variables here.
            entry_option_store('entry_subtitle', $serendipity['POST']['properties']['entry_subtitle'], $eventData);
            entry_option_store('entry_specific_header_image', $serendipity['POST']['properties']['entry_specific_header_image'], $eventData);
Exemplo n.º 2
function serendipity_plugin_api_pre_event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, &$addData)
    global $serendipity;
    // Check what Event is coming in, only react to those we want.
    switch ($event) {
        // Displaying the backend entry section
        case 'backend_display':
            // INFO: The whole 'entryproperties' injection is easiest to store any data you want. The entryproperties plugin
            // should actually not even be required to do this, as serendipity loads all properties regardless of the installed plugin
            // The name of the variable
            $timeline_image_key = 'timeline_image';
            // Check what our special key is set to (checks both POST data as well as the actual data)
            $is_timeline_image = entry_option_get_value($timeline_image_key, $eventData);
            // This is the actual HTML output on the backend screen.
            //DEBUG: echo '<pre>' . print_r($eventData, true) . '</pre>';
            echo '<div class="entryproperties">';
            echo '  <input type="hidden" value="true" name="serendipity[propertyform]">';
            echo '      <div class="entryproperties_customfields adv_opts_box">';
            echo '          <h4>' . THEME_CUSTOM_FIELD_HEADING . '</h4>';
            echo '          <span>' . THEME_CUSTOM_FIELD_DEFINITION . '</span>';
            echo '          <div class="serendipity_customfields clearfix">';
            echo '              <div class="clearfix form_area media_choose" id="ep_column_' . $timeline_image_key . '">';
            echo '                  <label for="' . $timeline_image_key . '">' . THEME_ENTRY_IMAGE . '</label>';
            echo '                  <textarea data-configitem="' . $timeline_image_key . '" name="serendipity[properties][' . $timeline_image_key . ']" class="change_preview" id="prop' . $timeline_image_key . '">' . $is_timeline_image . '</textarea>';
            echo '                  <button title="' . MEDIA . '" name="insImage" type="button" class="customfieldMedia"><span class="icon-picture"></span><span class="visuallyhidden">' . MEDIA . '</span></button>';
            echo '                  <figure id="' . $timeline_image_key . '_preview">';
            echo '                      <figcaption>' . PREVIEW . '</figcaption>';
            echo '                      <img alt="" src="' . $is_timeline_image . '">';
            echo '                  </figure>';
            echo '              </div>';
            echo '          </div>';
            echo '      </div>';
            echo ' </div>';
            // To store the value of our entryproperties
        // To store the value of our entryproperties
        case 'backend_publish':
        case 'backend_save':
            // Call the helper function with all custom variables here.
            entry_option_store('timeline_image', $serendipity['POST']['properties']['timeline_image'], $eventData);
        case 'css':
            $tfile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $serendipity['template_loaded_config']['skinset'] . '_skin.css';
            if ($tfile) {
                $tfilecontent = str_replace('img/', 'templates/' . $serendipity['template'] . '/img/', @file_get_contents($tfile));
            if (!empty($tfilecontent)) {
                $eventData .= "/* Skinset styles loaded via theme config */ \n\n" . $tfilecontent . "\n\n";
                $tfilecontent = '';
                // so as not to have content in next condition since reusing var.
            $tfile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $serendipity['template_loaded_config']['colorset'] . '_style.css';
            if ($tfile) {
                $tfilecontent = str_replace('img/', 'templates/' . $serendipity['template'] . '/img/', @file_get_contents($tfile));
            if (!empty($tfilecontent)) {
                $eventData .= "/* Colorset styles loaded via theme config */ \n\n" . $tfilecontent . "\n\n";