Exemplo n.º 1
    $overwrites = array();
    foreach ($imdb_set_fields as $field) {
        $tempFieldName = 'update_' . $field;
        if (isset(${$tempFieldName}) && ${$tempFieldName} == 1) {
            $overwrites[] = $field;
    $imdb_set_fields = $overwrites;
    // valid input values for lookup > 2 are either 5 (add missing) or 6 (overwrite)
    $lookup -= 4;
// lookup imdb
if ($lookup && $imdbID) {
    // get engine from id
    if (empty($engine)) {
        $engine = engineGetEngine($imdbID);
    // get external data
    $imdbdata = engineGetData($imdbID, $engine);
    // lookup cover
    if (empty($imgurl) || $lookup > 1) {
        $imgurl = $imdbdata['coverurl'];
    // lookup genres
    if (count($genres) == 0 || $lookup > 1) {
        $genres = array();
        $gnames = $imdbdata['genres'];
        if (isset($gnames)) {
            foreach ($gnames as $gname) {
                // check if genre is found- otherwise fail silently
                if (is_numeric($genre = getGenreId($gname))) {
Exemplo n.º 2
function FetchSaveMovie($id, $lookup)
    $debug = 0;
    $video = runSQL('SELECT * FROM ' . TBL_DATA . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
    // get fields (according to list) from db to be saved later
    if ($debug) {
        echo "\n=================== Video DB Data ============================\n";
        echo "\n=================== Video DB Data ============================\n";
    $imdbID = $video[0]['imdbID'];
    echo "Movie/imdb -- " . $video[0]['title'] . "/" . $video[0]['imdbID'] . "\n";
    if (empty($imdbID)) {
        echo "No imdbID\n";
    if (empty($engine)) {
        $engine = engineGetEngine($imdbID);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "IMDBID = {$imdbID}, engine = {$engine}\n";
    $imdbdata = engineGetData($imdbID, $engine);
    # removed due to performance issues of is_utf8
    // fix erroneous IMDB encoding issues
    if (!is_utf8($imdbdata)) {
        echo "Applying encoding fix\n";
        $imdbdata = fix_utf8($imdbdata);
    if (empty($imdbdata[title])) {
        echo "Fetch failed , try again...\n";
        $imdbdata = engineGetData($imdbID, $engine);
    if (empty($imdbdata[title])) {
        echo "Fetch failed again , next movie";
    if ($debug) {
        echo "\n===================  IMDB Data ============================\n";
        echo "\n===================  IMDB Data ============================\n";
    if (!empty($imdbdata[title])) {
        // NOTE: comment out any of the following lines if you do not want them updated
        $video[0][title] = $imdbdata[title];
        $video[0][subtitle] = $imdbdata[subtitle];
        $video[0][year] = $imdbdata[year];
        $video[0][imgurl] = $imdbdata[coverurl];
        $video[0][runtime] = $imdbdata[runtime];
        $video[0][director] = $imdbdata[director];
        $video[0][rating] = $imdbdata[rating];
        $video[0][country] = $imdbdata[country];
        $video[0][language] = $imdbdata[language];
        $video[0][actors] = $imdbdata[cast];
        $video[0][plot] = $imdbdata[plot];
    if (count($genres) == 0 || $lookup > 1) {
        $genres = array();
        $gnames = $imdbdata['genres'];
        if (isset($gnames)) {
            foreach ($gnames as $gname) {
                // check if genre is found- otherwise fail silently
                if (is_numeric($genre = getGenreId($gname))) {
                    $genres[] = $genre;
                } else {
                    echo "MISSING GENRE {$gname}\n";
    // custom filds , not working for now
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
        $custom = 'custom' . $i;
        $type = $config[$custom . 'type'];
        if (!empty($type)) {
            // copy imdb data into corresponding custom field
            $video[0][$custom] = $imdbdata[$type];
            echo "CUSTOM {$custom} {$type} = {$imdbdata[$type]}\n";
    //  -------- SAVE
    $SETS = prepareSQL($video[0]);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "\n===================  Final Data ============================\n";
        echo "SETS = {$SETS} \n";
        echo "\n===================  Final Data ============================\n";
    $id = updateDB($SETS, $id);
    // save genres
    setItemGenres($id, $genres);
    // set seen for currently logged in user
    set_userseen($id, $seen);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Assigns the videoinfos to the smarty engine
function tpl_studioedit($studio)
    global $smarty, $config, $lang;
    // create a form ready quoted version for each value
    foreach (array_keys($video) as $key) {
        $video['q_' . $key] = formvar($video[$key]);
    // use custom function for language
    $video['f_language'] = custom_language_input('language', $video['language']);
    // create mediatype selectbox
    $smarty->assign('mediatypes', out_mediatypes());
    if (!isset($video['mediatype'])) {
        $video['mediatype'] = $config['mediadefault'];
    // prepare the custom fields
    customfields($video, 'in');
    if ($config['multiuser']) {
        $smarty->assign('owners', out_owners(array('0' => ''), check_permission(PERM_ADMIN) ? false : PERM_WRITE, true));
    // item genres
    $item_genres = getItemGenres($video['id']);
    // new-style
    $smarty->assign('genres', out_genres2($item_genres));
    // classic
    $smarty->assign('genreselect', out_genres($item_genres));
    //2015-10-6 Alex ADD start
    // item studios
    $item_studios = getItemStudios($video['id']);
    // new-style
    $smarty->assign('studios', out_studios2($item_studios));
    // classic
    $smarty->assign('studioselect', out_studios($item_studios));
    //2015-10-6 Alex ADD end
    // assign data
    $smarty->assign('video', $video);
    // get drilldown url for visit link
    if ($video['imdbID']) {
        require_once './engines/engines.php';
        $engine = engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']);
        $smarty->assign('link', engineGetContentUrl($video['imdbID'], $engine));
        $smarty->assign('engine', $engine);
        // populate autocomplete boxes
        $smarty->assign('audio_codecs', array_extract(runSQL('SELECT DISTINCT audio_codec FROM '.TBL_DATA.' WHERE audio_codec IS NOT NULL'), 'audio_codec'));
        $smarty->assign('video_codecs', array_extract(runSQL('SELECT DISTINCT video_codec FROM '.TBL_DATA.' WHERE video_codec IS NOT NULL'), 'video_codec'));
    $smarty->assign('lookup', array('0' => $lang['radio_look_ignore'], '1' => $lang['radio_look_lookup'], '2' => $lang['radio_look_overwrite']));
    // needed for ajax image lookup
    $smarty->assign('engines', $config['engines']);
Exemplo n.º 4
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
if ($submit) {
    // validate form data
    $required_rating = is_numeric($required_rating) ? (double) $required_rating : '';
    $required_year = is_numeric($required_year) ? (int) $required_year : '';
    // get list of all used images
    if (empty($wishlist)) {
        $SQL .= ' WHERE mediatype != ' . MEDIA_WISHLIST;
    $result = runSQL($SQL);
    foreach ($result as $video) {
        if (empty($video['imdbID'])) {
        $engine = engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']);
        if ($engine == 'imdb') {
            echo "Fetching recommendations for {$video['title']} (IMDB Id {$video['imdbID']})<br/>\n";
            $url = 'http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt' . $video['imdbID'] . '/recommendations';
            $resp = httpClient($url, true);
            if (!$resp['success']) {
                echo $resp['error'] . "<br/>";
            preg_match_all('#<a href="/title/tt(\\d+)/">(.+?)</a>#i', $resp['data'], $ary, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach ($ary as $recommend) {
                $title = $recommend[2];
                $id = $recommend[1];
                if (preg_match('/<img/', $title)) {
Exemplo n.º 5
 require_once './engines/' . $from_engine . '.php';
 require_once './engines/' . $to_engine . '.php';
 $func = $from_engine . 'ImdbIdPrefixes';
 $from_prefixes = $func();
 $var = $to_engine . 'IdPrefix';
 global ${$var};
 $to_prefix = ${$var};
 // get list movies in DB
 $result = runSQL($SQL);
 foreach ($result as $video) {
     if (engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']) != $from_engine) {
     foreach ($from_prefixes as $from_prefix) {
         $newImdbId = preg_replace('/^' . $from_prefix . '/', $to_prefix, $video['imdbID']);
         if ($newImdbId != $video['imdbID']) {
     $UPDATE = "UPDATE " . TBL_DATA . " SET imdbID = '" . $newImdbId . "' WHERE id = " . $video['id'];
     if (runSQL($UPDATE) === false) {
         $CLIENTERRORS[] = $video['title'] . " (" . $video['imdbID'] . "=>" . $newImdbId . ")";
     } else {
         $CLIENTOKS[] = $video['title'] . " (" . $video['imdbID'] . "=>" . $newImdbId . ")";
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Export PDF document
 * @param   string  $where  WHERE clause for SQL statement
function xlsexport($WHERE)
    global $config, $lang;
    $text_length = 256 - 3;
    // videodb context dir
    $context_dir = preg_replace('/^(.*)\\/.*?$/', '\\1', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);
    // array of temp files wich have to be deleted if workbook is closed
    $del_list = array();
    // make shure we have list with extra fields, even if empty
    $extra_fields = array_map('trim', explode(",", $config['xls_extra_fields']));
    // Creating a workbook
    $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
    $workbook->setCustomColor(12, 192, 192, 192);
    // Headline
    $workbook->setCustomColor(13, 255, 255, 200);
    // Seen
    $workbook->setCustomColor(14, 255, 220, 220);
    // Lent
    //$workbook->setCustomColor(15, 0,0,0); // Test
    // sending HTTP headers
    $outputFilename = $config['xls_output_filename'] ? $config['xls_output_filename'] : 'VideoDB';
    $workbook->send($outputFilename . '.xls');
    // Creating a worksheet
    $sheetTitle = $config['xls_sheet_title'] ? $config['xls_sheet_title'] : 'VideoDB';
    $worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet($sheetTitle);
    // format templates
    $alignLeftFormatNormal =& $workbook->addFormat();
    $alignLeftFormatLent =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Pattern' => 1));
    $alignRightFormatNormal =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Align' => 'right'));
    $alignRightFormatLent =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Align' => 'right', 'Pattern' => 1));
    $alignCenterFormatNormal =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Align' => 'center'));
    $alignCenterFormatLent =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Align' => 'center', 'Pattern' => 1));
    $titleFormatNormal =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Bold' => 1));
    $titleFormatUnseen =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Bold' => 1, 'Pattern' => 1));
    $titleFormatLent =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Bold' => 1, 'Pattern' => 1));
    $plotFormatNormal =& $workbook->addFormat();
    $plotFormatLent =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Pattern' => 1));
    $headlineFormat =& $workbook->addFormat(array('Bold' => 1, 'Align' => 'center', 'Pattern' => 1));
    $rowindex = 0;
    $columnindex = 0;
    if ($config['xls_show_headline']) {
        $worksheet->setRow(0, 30);
    // get data (see http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=1572)
    $result = iconv_array('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', exportData($WHERE));
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $columnindex = 0;
        // rise per movie execution timeout limit if safe_mode is not set in php.ini
        if (!empty($row['lentto']) && $config['xls_mark_lent']) {
            $alignLeftFormat = $alignLeftFormatLent;
            $alignCenterFormat = $alignLeftFormatLent;
            $alignRightFormat = $alignLeftFormatLent;
        } else {
            $alignLeftFormat = $alignLeftFormatNormal;
            $alignCenterFormat = $alignLeftFormatNormal;
            $alignRightFormat = $alignLeftFormatNormal;
        $worksheet->setRow($rowindex, 15, $alignLeftFormat);
        foreach ($extra_fields as $field) {
            $isNote = false;
            $walks = 1;
            if (preg_match('/(.+)\\((.+)\\)/', $field, $matches)) {
                $field = trim($matches[1]);
                $note = trim($matches[2]);
                $walks = 2;
            for ($walk = 0; $walk < $walks; $walk++) {
                if ($walk == 1) {
                    $isNote = true;
                    $field = $note;
                // title
                if ($field == "title") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['title'], $headlineFormat);
                    $title = $row['title'];
                    if ($row['subtitle']) {
                        $title .= ' - ' . $row['subtitle'];
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['title'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($title));
                    } else {
                        if ($row['seen'] == '0' && $config['xls_mark_unseen']) {
                            $format = $titleFormatUnseen;
                        } elseif (!empty($row['lentto']) && $config['xls_mark_lent']) {
                            $format = $titleFormatLent;
                        } else {
                            $format = $titleFormatNormal;
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 50);
                        $imdb = $row['imdbID'];
                        $link = $imdb ? engineGetContentUrl($imdb, engineGetEngine($imdb)) : '';
                        $worksheet->writeUrl($rowindex, $columnindex, $link, html_entity_decode($title), $format);
                } elseif ($field == "plot") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['plot'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, leftString(html_entity_decode($row['plot']), $text_length));
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($row['lentto']) && $config['xls_mark_lent']) {
                            $format = $plotFormatLent;
                        } else {
                            $format = $plotFormatNormal;
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 50);
                        $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, leftString(html_entity_decode($row['plot']), $text_length), $format);
                } elseif ($field == "diskid") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['diskid'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['diskid'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['diskid']));
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                        $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row['diskid']), $alignCenterFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "language") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['language'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['language'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['language']));
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 30);
                        $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row['language']), $alignLeftFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "mediatype") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['mediatype'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['mediatype'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['mediatype']));
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                        $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row['mediatype']), $alignLeftFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "genres") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['genres'], $headlineFormat);
                    if (count($row['genres'])) {
                        $output_genres = array();
                        foreach ($row['genres'] as $genre) {
                            $output_genres[] = html_entity_decode($genre['name']);
                        if ($isNote) {
                            $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['genres'] . ":\n" . join(", ", $output_genres));
                        } else {
                            if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 20);
                            $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex, join(", ", $output_genres), $alignCenterFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "runtime") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['runtime'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($row['runtime']) {
                        if ($isNote) {
                            $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['runtime'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['runtime']) . ' min');
                        } else {
                            if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                            $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex, html_entity_decode($row['runtime']) . ' min', $alignRightFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "year") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['year'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($row['year'] != '0000') {
                        if ($isNote) {
                            $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['year'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['year']));
                        } else {
                            if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                            $worksheet->writeNumber($rowindex, $columnindex, html_entity_decode($row['year']), $alignCenterFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "owner") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['owner'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['owner'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['owner']));
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 15);
                        $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row['owner']), $alignCenterFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "lent") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['lentto'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['lentto'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row['lentto']));
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 15);
                        $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row['lentto']), $alignCenterFormat);
                } elseif ($field == "seen") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['seen'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        if ($row['seen'] == 1) {
                            $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($lang['seen']));
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 2);
                        if ($row['seen'] == 1) {
                            $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, "X", $alignCenterFormat);
                        } else {
                } elseif ($field == "insertdate") {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $lang['date'], $headlineFormat);
                    if ($isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $lang['date'] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/^([0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}).*/', '$1', $row['created'])));
                    } else {
                        if ($rowindex == 1) {
                            $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 10);
                        $worksheet->write($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/^([0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}).*/', '$1', $row['created'])), $alignCenterFormat);
                } elseif (preg_match("/^custom[0-4]\$/", $field)) {
                    // headline
                    if ($config['xls_show_headline'] && $rowindex == 1 && !$isNote) {
                        $worksheet->writeString(0, $columnindex, $config[$field], $headlineFormat);
                    //$row[$field] = html_entity_decode($row[$field]);
                    switch ($config[$field . 'type']) {
                        case 'ed2k':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 12);
                                $worksheet->writeUrl($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), 'ED2K-Link', $alignCenterFormat);
                        case 'language':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 30);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignLeftFormat);
                        case 'rating':
                            if ($row[$field]) {
                                $rating = html_entity_decode($row[$field]) . '/10';
                            } else {
                                $rating = "";
                            if ($isNote) {
                                if ($row[$field]) {
                                    $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex, $config[$field] . ":\n" . $rating);
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                                if ($row[$field]) {
                                    $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex, $rating, $alignCenterFormat);
                        case 'fsk':
                            if (preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $row[$field]) && !preg_match("/[^0-9]+/", $row[$field])) {
                                $fskstr = 'FSK' . html_entity_decode($row[$field]);
                            } else {
                                $fskstr = html_entity_decode($row[$field]);
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . $fskstr);
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, $fskstr, $alignCenterFormat);
                        case 'barcode':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 15);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignCenterFormat);
                        case 'orgtitle':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                if (!empty($row[$field])) {
                                    $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 50);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignLeftFormat);
                        case 'movix':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n " . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignCenterFormat);
                        case 'mpaa':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignCenterFormat);
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 12);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignCenterFormat);
                        case 'bbfc':
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                if ($rowindex == 1) {
                                    $worksheet->setColumn($columnindex, $columnindex, 7);
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignCenterFormat);
                            // unknown
                            if ($isNote) {
                                $worksheet->writeNote($rowindex, $columnindex++, $config[$field] . ":\n" . html_entity_decode($row[$field]));
                            } else {
                                $worksheet->writeString($rowindex, $columnindex++, html_entity_decode($row[$field]), $alignLeftFormat);
            //End of walk
    // Let's send the file
Exemplo n.º 7
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
if ($submit) {
    // validate form data
    $required_rating = is_numeric($required_rating) ? (double) $required_rating : '';
    $required_year = is_numeric($required_year) ? (int) $required_year : '';
    // get list of all videos
    if (empty($wishlist)) {
        $SQL .= ' WHERE mediatype != ' . MEDIA_WISHLIST;
    $result = runSQL($SQL);
    foreach ($result as $video) {
        if (empty($video['imdbID'])) {
        $engine = strtoupper(engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']));
        echo "Fetching recommendations for <b>{$video['title']}</b> ({$engine} Id {$video['imdbID']})<br/>";
        $data = engineGetRecommendations($video['imdbID'], $required_rating, $required_year, 'imdb');
        if (!empty($CLIENTERROR)) {
            echo $CLIENTERROR . "<br/>";
        if (empty($data)) {
            // sometimes there are no recommendations for a movie. This is true for Underworld: imdbId 0320691
            echo "No recommendations for {$video['title']}.<br/><br/>";
        echo '<table border="1">';
        echo "    <tr>";
        echo "        <th>Title</th> <th>Year</th> <th>Rating</th> <th>Id</th>";
        echo "    </tr>";
Exemplo n.º 8
            // raise per movie execution timeout limit if safe_mode is not set in php.ini
            $id = $video['id'];
            $imdbID = $video['imdbID'];
            $engine = engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']);
            $fieldlist = "";
            foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $param) {
                if (preg_match('/^(update_.*)/', $param, $fieldname)) {
                    $fieldlist .= "&" . $fieldname[1] . "=1";
            $url = $baseUrl . "/edit.php?id=" . $id . "&engine=" . $engine . "&save=1&lookup=" . $lookup . $fieldlist;
            $resp = httpClient($url, false, array('cookies' => $_COOKIE, 'no_proxy' => true, 'no_redirect' => true));
            if (!$resp['success']) {
                $CLIENTERRORS[] = $video['title'] . " (" . $video['diskid'] . "/" . engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']) . "): " . $resp['error'];
            } else {
                $CLIENTOKS[] = $video['title'] . " (" . $video['diskid'] . "/" . engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']) . ")";
        if (isset($resetDI) && $resetDI == "true") {
            // fix lent table after upper temp. changes
            $SELECT = "SELECT diskid FROM " . TBL_LENT . " WHERE diskid like 'TMP%'";
            $lentResult = runSQL($SELECT);
            foreach ($lentResult as $lentRow) {
                $diskid = preg_replace('/^TMP/', '', $lentRow['diskid']);
                $UPDATE = "UPDATE " . TBL_LENT . " SET diskid = '" . $diskid . "' WHERE diskid = 'TMP" . $diskid . "'";
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Export PDF document
 * @param   string  $where  WHERE clause for SQL statement
function pdfexport($WHERE)
    global $config;
    $ypos = $config['pdf_font_size'];
    // Match the font size for proper vertical offset
    $page_width = $config['pdf_page_width'];
    $margin = $config['pdf_margin'];
    $left_margin = $config['pdf_left_margin'];
    $right_margin = $config['pdf_right_margin'];
    $mediaimg_width = $config['pdf_image_media_width'];
    $font_size = $config['pdf_font_size'];
    $image_height = $config['pdf_image_height'];
    $image_width = $config['pdf_image_width'];
    $font_title = $config['pdf_font_title'];
    $font_plot = $config['pdf_font_plot'];
    $text_length = $config['pdf_text_length'];
    $tempfolder = cache_get_folder('');
    if ($config['cache_pruning']) {
        cache_prune_folder($tempfolder, 3600, false, false, 'videodb*.pdf');
    $filename = $tempfolder . 'videodb' . date('His', time()) . '.pdf';
    // setup pdf class
    $pdf = new PDF();
    $pdf->VerifyFont($font_title, 'B');
    // add downscaling
    if ($config['pdf_scale']) {
        $pdf->Scale = $config['pdf_scale'];
        $pdf->max_width = $config['pdf_image_max_width'];
        $pdf->max_height = $config['pdf_image_max_height'];
    // get data
    $result = iconv_array('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', exportData($WHERE));
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        // rise per movie execution timeout limit if safe_mode is not set in php.ini
        $title = $row['title'];
        if ($row['subtitle']) {
            $title .= ' - ' . $row['subtitle'];
        if ($row['diskid'] || $row['mediatype']) {
            $title .= ' [';
            if ($row['mediatype']) {
                $title .= $row['mediatype'] . ', ';
            if ($row['diskid']) {
                $title .= $row['diskid'];
            $title = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $title) . ']';
        // get drilldown url for image
        $imdb = $row['imdbID'];
        $link = $imdb ? engineGetContentUrl($imdb, engineGetEngine($imdb)) : '';
        // title
        $pdf->SetFont($font_title, 'B', $font_size);
        $pdf->SetXY($left_margin + $image_width + $margin, $ypos);
        $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $title, 0, 1, 'L', 0, $link);
        // [muddle] technical details
        if ($row['video_width'] and $row['video_height']) {
            $vw = $row['video_width'];
            $vh = $row['video_height'];
            $tech['V'] = "Video: ";
            if ($vw > 1920) {
                $tech['V'] .= "UHD " . $vw . "x" . $vh;
            } elseif ($vw > 1280) {
                $tech['V'] .= "HD 1080p";
            } elseif ($vw == 1280 or $vh == 720) {
                $tech['V'] .= "HD 720p";
            } elseif ($vw == 720 or $vw == 704) {
                $tech['V'] .= "SD ";
                if ($vh == 480) {
                    $tech['V'] .= "NTSC";
                } elseif ($vh == 576) {
                    $tech['V'] .= "PAL";
                } else {
                    $tech['V'] .= $vw . "x" . $vh;
            } else {
                $tech['V'] .= "LORES " . $vw . "x" . $vh;
        if ($row['audio_codec']) {
            $tech['A'] = "Audio: " . $row['audio_codec'];
        if ($row['created']) {
            $tech['D'] = "Date: " . $row['created'];
        $techinfo = implode(", ", $tech);
        $pdf->SetFont($font_title, 'B', $font_size - 3);
        $pdf->SetXY($left_margin + $image_width + $margin, $ypos + 4);
        $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $techinfo, 0, 1, 'L', 0);
        // plot
        $plot = leftString($row['plot'], $text_length);
        $pdf->SetFont($font_plot, '', $font_size - 1);
        $pdf->SetXY($left_margin + $image_width + $margin, $ypos + 3 + 3);
        $pdf->SetLeftMargin($left_margin + $image_width + $margin);
        // image
        $file = getThumbnail($row['imgurl']);
        if (preg_match('/^img.php/', $file)) {
            $file = img();
        // image file present?
        if ($file) {
            $pdf->Image($file, $left_margin, $ypos - 2, $image_width, $image_height, '', $link);
        // add mediatype image
        if ($type_image = getMediaImage($row['mediatype'])) {
            $pdf->Image('./images/media/' . $type_image, $page_width - $mediaimg_width - $right_margin, $ypos - 2, $mediaimg_width, 0, '', '');
        // new position
        $ypos += $margin;
        if ($file or $plot) {
            $ypos += max($image_height, $font_size);
        } else {
            $ypos += $font_size;
        if ($ypos > 250) {
            $ypos = $config['pdf_font_size'];
    $pdf->Output('videoDB.pdf', 'D');
    // get rid of temp file