function eme_get_event_by_booking_id($booking_id) { $event_id = eme_get_event_id_by_booking_id($booking_id); if ($event_id) { $event = eme_get_event($event_id); } else { $event = eme_new_event(); } return $event; }
function eme_get_event_by_booking_id($booking_id) { global $wpdb; $bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix . BOOKINGS_TBNAME; $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT event_id FROM {$bookings_table} WHERE booking_id = %d", $booking_id); $event_id = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if ($event_id) { $event = eme_get_event($event_id); } else { $event = eme_new_event(); } return $event; }
function eme_event_form($event, $title, $element) { admin_show_warnings(); global $plugin_page, $eme_timezone; $event_status_array = eme_status_array(); $saved_bydays = array(); $currency_array = eme_currency_array(); // let's determine if it is a new event, handy // or, in case of validation errors, $event can already contain info, but no $element (=event id) // so we create a new event and copy over the info into $event for the elements that do not exist if (!$element) { $is_new_event = 1; $new_event = eme_new_event(); $event = array_replace_recursive($new_event, $event); } else { $is_new_event = 0; } $show_recurrent_form = 0; if (isset($_GET['eme_admin_action']) && $_GET['eme_admin_action'] == "edit_recurrence") { $pref = "recurrence"; $form_destination = "admin.php?page=events-manager&eme_admin_action=update_recurrence&recurrence_id=" . $element; $saved_bydays = explode(",", $event['recurrence_byday']); $show_recurrent_form = 1; } else { $pref = "event"; // even for new events, after the 'save' button is clicked, we want to go to the list of events // so we use page=events-manager too, not page=eme-new_event if ($is_new_event) { $form_destination = "admin.php?page=events-manager&eme_admin_action=insert_event"; } else { $form_destination = "admin.php?page=events-manager&eme_admin_action=update_event&event_id=" . $element; } if (isset($event['recurrence_id']) && $event['recurrence_id']) { # editing a single event of an recurrence: don't show the recurrence form $show_recurrent_form = 0; } else { # for single non-recurrent events: we show the form, so we can make it recurrent if we want to # but for that, we need to set the recurrence fields, otherwise we get warnings $show_recurrent_form = 1; $event['recurrence_id'] = 0; $event['recurrence_freq'] = ''; $event['recurrence_start_date'] = $event['event_start_date']; $event['recurrence_end_date'] = $event['event_end_date']; $event['recurrence_interval'] = ''; $event['recurrence_byweekno'] = ''; $event['recurrence_byday'] = ''; $event['recurrence_specific_days'] = ''; } } if (!isset($event['recurrence_start_date'])) { $event['recurrence_start_date'] = $event['event_start_date']; } if (!isset($event['recurrence_end_date'])) { $event['recurrence_end_date'] = $event['event_end_date']; } $freq_options = array("daily" => __('Daily', 'eme'), "weekly" => __('Weekly', 'eme'), "monthly" => __('Monthly', 'eme'), "specific" => __('Specific days', 'eme')); $days_names = array(1 => __('Mon'), 2 => __('Tue'), 3 => __('Wed'), 4 => __('Thu'), 5 => __('Fri'), 6 => __('Sat'), 7 => __('Sun')); $weekno_options = array("1" => __('first', 'eme'), '2' => __('second', 'eme'), '3' => __('third', 'eme'), '4' => __('fourth', 'eme'), '5' => __('fifth', 'eme'), '-1' => __('last', 'eme'), "0" => __('Start day')); $event_RSVP_checked = $event['event_rsvp'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $event_number_spaces = $event['event_seats']; $registration_wp_users_only = $event['registration_wp_users_only'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $registration_requires_approval = $event['registration_requires_approval'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $use_paypal_checked = $event['use_paypal'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $use_2co_checked = $event['use_2co'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $use_webmoney_checked = $event['use_webmoney'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $use_fdgg_checked = $event['use_fdgg'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $use_mollie_checked = $event['use_mollie'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $use_sagepay_checked = $event['use_sagepay'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; // all properties $eme_prop_auto_approve_checked = $event['event_properties']['auto_approve'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $eme_prop_ignore_pending_checked = $event['event_properties']['ignore_pending'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $eme_prop_take_attendance = $event['event_properties']['take_attendance'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $eme_prop_all_day_checked = $event['event_properties']['all_day'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $eme_prop_use_worldpay = $event['event_properties']['use_worldpay'] ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $eme_date_obj = new ExpressiveDate(null, $eme_timezone); // the next javascript will fill in the values for localised-start-date, ... form fields and jquery datepick will fill in also to "to_submit" form fields ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready( function() { var dateFormat = jQuery("#localised-start-date").datepick( "option", "dateFormat" ); var loc_start_date = jQuery.datepick.newDate(<?php echo $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($event['event_start_date'] . " " . $eme_timezone)->format('Y,n,j'); ?> ); jQuery("#localised-start-date").datepick("setDate", jQuery.datepick.formatDate(dateFormat, loc_start_date)); var loc_end_date = jQuery.datepick.newDate(<?php echo $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($event['event_end_date'] . " " . $eme_timezone)->format('Y,n,j'); ?> ); jQuery("#localised-end-date").datepick("setDate", jQuery.datepick.formatDate(dateFormat, loc_end_date)); <?php if ($pref == "recurrence" && $event['recurrence_freq'] == 'specific') { ?> var mydates = []; <?php foreach (explode(',', $event['recurrence_specific_days']) as $specific_day) { ?> mydates.push(jQuery.datepick.newDate(<?php echo $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($specific_day)->format('Y,n,j'); ?> )); <?php } ?> jQuery("#localised-rec-start-date").datepick("setDate", mydates); <?php } else { ?> var rec_start_date = jQuery.datepick.newDate(<?php echo $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($event['recurrence_start_date'] . " " . $eme_timezone)->format('Y,n,j'); ?> ); jQuery("#localised-rec-start-date").datepick("setDate", jQuery.datepick.formatDate(dateFormat, rec_start_date)); <?php } ?> var rec_end_date = jQuery.datepick.newDate(<?php echo $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($event['recurrence_end_date'] . " " . $eme_timezone)->format('Y,n,j'); ?> ); jQuery("#localised-rec-end-date").datepick("setDate", jQuery.datepick.formatDate(dateFormat, rec_end_date)); }); </script> <form id="eventForm" name="eventForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $form_destination; ?> "> <div class="wrap"> <div id="icon-events" class="icon32"><br /></div> <h1><?php echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($title); ?> </h1> <?php if ($event['recurrence_id']) { ?> <p id='recurrence_warning'> <?php if (isset($_GET['eme_admin_action']) && $_GET['eme_admin_action'] == 'edit_recurrence') { _e('WARNING: This is a recurrence.', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Modifying these data all the events linked to this recurrence will be rescheduled', 'eme'); } else { _e('WARNING: This is a recurring event.', 'eme'); _e('If you change these data and save, this will become an independent event.', 'eme'); } ?> </p> <?php } ?> <div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar"> <!-- SIDEBAR --> <div id="side-info-column" class='inner-sidebar'> <div id='side-sortables' class="meta-box-sortables"> <?php if (current_user_can(get_option('eme_cap_author_event'))) { ?> <!-- status postbox --> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle."><br /> </div> <h3 class='hndle'><span> <?php _e('Event Status', 'eme'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <p><?php _e('Status', 'eme'); ?> <select id="event_status" name="event_status"> <?php foreach ($event_status_array as $key => $value) { if ($event['event_status'] && $event['event_status'] == $key) { $selected = "selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ""; } echo "<option value='{$key}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>"; } ?> </select><br /> <?php _e('Private events are only visible for logged in users, draft events are not visible from the front end.', 'eme'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('eme_recurrence_enabled') && $show_recurrent_form) { ?> <!-- recurrence postbox --> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle."><br /> </div> <h3 class='hndle'><span> <?php _e("Recurrence", 'eme'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <?php $recurrence_YES = ""; if ($event['recurrence_id']) { $recurrence_YES = "checked='checked' disabled='disabled'"; } ?> <p> <input id="event-recurrence" type="checkbox" name="repeated_event" value="1" <?php echo $recurrence_YES; ?> /> </p> <div id="event_recurrence_pattern"> <p>Frequency: <select id="recurrence-frequency" name="recurrence_freq"> <?php eme_option_items($freq_options, $event['recurrence_freq']); ?> </select> </p> <div id="recurrence-intervals"> <p> <?php _e('Every', 'eme'); ?> <input id="recurrence-interval" name='recurrence_interval' size='2' value='<?php if (isset($event['recurrence_interval'])) { echo $event['recurrence_interval']; } ?> ' /> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-daily-singular"> <?php _e('day', 'eme'); ?> </span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-daily-plural"> <?php _e('days', 'eme'); ?> </span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-weekly-singular"> <?php _e('week', 'eme'); ?> </span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-weekly-plural"> <?php _e('weeks', 'eme'); ?> </span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-monthly-singular"> <?php _e('month', 'eme'); ?> </span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-monthly-plural"> <?php _e('months', 'eme'); ?> </span> </p> <p class="alternate-selector" id="weekly-selector"> <?php eme_checkbox_items('recurrence_bydays[]', $days_names, $saved_bydays); ?> <br /> <?php _e('If you leave this empty, the recurrence start date will be used as a reference.', 'eme'); ?> </p> <p class="alternate-selector" id="monthly-selector"> <?php _e('Every', 'eme'); ?> <select id="monthly-modifier" name="recurrence_byweekno"> <?php eme_option_items($weekno_options, $event['recurrence_byweekno']); ?> </select> <select id="recurrence-weekday" name="recurrence_byday"> <?php eme_option_items($days_names, $event['recurrence_byday']); ?> </select> <?php _e('Day of month', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('If you use "Start day" as day of the month, the recurrence start date will be used as a reference.', 'eme'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <p id="recurrence-tip"> <?php _e('Check if your event happens more than once.', 'eme'); ?> </p> <p id="recurrence-tip-2"> <?php _e('The event start and end date only define the duration of an event in case of a recurrence.', 'eme'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event['event_author']) { ?> <!-- owner postbox --> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle."><br /> </div> <h3 class='hndle'><span> <?php _e('Author', 'eme'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <p><?php _e('Author of this event: ', 'eme'); ?> <?php $owner_user_info = get_userdata($event['event_author']); echo eme_sanitize_html($owner_user_info->display_name); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle."><br /> </div> <h3 class='hndle'><span> <?php _e('Contact Person', 'eme'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <p><?php _e('Contact', 'eme'); ?> <?php wp_dropdown_users(array('name' => 'event_contactperson_id', 'show_option_none' => __("Event author", 'eme'), 'selected' => $event['event_contactperson_id'])); // if it is not a new event and there's no contact person defined, then the event author becomes contact person // So let's display a warning what this means if there's no author (like when submitting via the frontend submission form) if (!$is_new_event && $event['event_contactperson_id'] < 1 && $event['event_author'] < 1) { print "<br />" . __('Since the author is undefined for this event, any reference to the contact person (like when using #_CONTACTPERSON when sending mails), will use the admin user info.', 'eme'); } ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php if (get_option('eme_rsvp_enabled')) { ?> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle."><br /> </div> <h3 class='hndle'><span><?php _e('RSVP', 'eme'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <p> <input id="rsvp-checkbox" name='event_rsvp' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $event_RSVP_checked; ?> /> <?php _e('Enable registration for this event', 'eme'); ?> </p> <div id='rsvp-data'> <p> <input id="approval_required-checkbox" name='registration_requires_approval' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $registration_requires_approval; ?> /> <?php _e('Require approval for registration', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="eme_prop_auto_approve" name='eme_prop_auto_approve' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $eme_prop_auto_approve_checked; ?> /> <?php _e('Auto-approve registration upon payment', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="eme_prop_ignore_pending" name='eme_prop_ignore_pending' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $eme_prop_ignore_pending_checked; ?> /> <?php _e('Consider pending registrations as available seats for new bookings', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="wp_member_required-checkbox" name='registration_wp_users_only' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $registration_wp_users_only; ?> /> <?php _e('Require WP membership for registration', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="eme_prop_take_attendance" name='eme_prop_take_attendance' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $eme_prop_take_attendance; ?> /> <?php _e('Only take attendance (0 or 1 seat) for this event', 'eme'); ?> <br /><table> <tr> <td><?php _e('Spaces', 'eme'); ?> :</td> <td><input id="seats-input" type="text" name="event_seats" maxlength='125' title="<?php _e('For multiseat events, seperate the values by \'||\'', 'eme'); ?> " value="<?php echo $event_number_spaces; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php _e('Price: ', 'eme'); ?> </td> <td><input id="price" type="text" name="price" maxlength='125' title="<?php _e('For multiprice events, seperate the values by \'||\'', 'eme'); ?> " value="<?php echo $event['price']; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php _e('Currency: ', 'eme'); ?> </td> <td><select id="currency" name="currency"> <?php foreach ($currency_array as $key => $value) { if ($event['currency'] && $event['currency'] == $key) { $selected = "selected='selected'"; } elseif (!$event['currency'] && $key == get_option('eme_default_currency')) { $selected = "selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ""; } echo "<option value='{$key}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>"; } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php _e('Max number of spaces to book', 'eme'); ?> </td> <td><input id="eme_prop_max_allowed" type="text" name="eme_prop_max_allowed" maxlength='125' title="<?php echo __('The maximum number of spaces a person can book in one go.', 'eme') . ' ' . __('(is multi-compatible)', 'eme'); ?> " value="<?php echo $event['event_properties']['max_allowed']; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php _e('Min number of spaces to book', 'eme'); ?> </td> <td><input id="eme_prop_min_allowed" type="text" name="eme_prop_min_allowed" maxlength='125' title="<?php echo __('The minimum number of spaces a person can book in one go (it can be 0, for e.g. just an attendee list).', 'eme') . ' ' . __('(is multi-compatible)', 'eme'); ?> " value="<?php echo $event['event_properties']['min_allowed']; ?> " /></td> </tr></table> <br /> <?php _e('Allow RSVP until ', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="rsvp_number_days" type="text" name="rsvp_number_days" maxlength='2' size='2' value="<?php echo $event['rsvp_number_days']; ?> " /> <?php _e('days', 'eme'); ?> <input id="rsvp_number_hours" type="text" name="rsvp_number_hours" maxlength='2' size='2' value="<?php echo $event['rsvp_number_hours']; ?> " /> <?php _e('hours', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('before the event ', 'eme'); $eme_rsvp_end_target_list = array('start' => __('starts', 'eme'), 'end' => __('ends', 'eme')); echo eme_ui_select($event['event_properties']['rsvp_end_target'], 'eme_prop_rsvp_end_target', $eme_rsvp_end_target_list); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php _e('Payment methods', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="paypal-checkbox" name='use_paypal' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $use_paypal_checked; ?> /><?php _e('Paypal', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="2co-checkbox" name='use_2co' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $use_2co_checked; ?> /><?php _e('2Checkout', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="webmoney-checkbox" name='use_webmoney' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $use_webmoney_checked; ?> /><?php _e('Webmoney', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="fdgg-checkbox" name='use_fdgg' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $use_fdgg_checked; ?> /><?php _e('First Data', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="mollie-checkbox" name='use_mollie' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $use_mollie_checked; ?> /><?php _e('Mollie', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="sagepay-checkbox" name='use_sagepay' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $use_sagepay_checked; ?> /><?php _e('Sage Pay', 'eme'); ?> <br /> <input id="eme_prop_use_worldpay" name='eme_prop_use_worldpay' value='1' type='checkbox' <?php echo $eme_prop_use_worldpay; ?> /><?php _e('Worldpay', 'eme'); ?> <br /> </p> <?php if ($event['event_rsvp'] && $pref != "recurrence") { // show the compact bookings table only when not editing a recurrence eme_bookings_compact_table($event['event_id']); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('eme_categories_enabled')) { ?> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle."><br /> </div> <h3 class='hndle'><span> <?php _e('Category', 'eme'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <?php $categories = eme_get_categories(); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($event['event_category_ids'] && in_array($category['category_id'], explode(",", $event['event_category_ids']))) { $selected = "checked='checked'"; } else { $selected = ""; } ?> <input type="checkbox" name="event_category_ids[]" value="<?php echo $category['category_id']; ?> " <?php echo $selected; ?> /><?php echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($category['category_name']); ?> <br /> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <!-- END OF SIDEBAR --> <div id="post-body"> <div id="post-body-content" class="meta-box-sortables"> <?php if ($plugin_page === 'eme-new_event' && get_option("eme_fb_app_id")) { ?> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { // init the FB JS SDK FB.init({ appId : '<?php echo get_option("eme_fb_app_id"); ?> ',// App ID from the app dashboard channelUrl : '<?php echo plugins_url("eme_fb_channel.php", __FILE__); ?> ', // Channel file for x-domain comms status : true, // Check Facebook Login status xfbml : true // Look for social plugins on the page }); // Additional initialization code such as adding Event Listeners goes here FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', function(response) { if (response.status === 'connected') { jQuery('#fb-import-box').show(); } else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') { jQuery('#fb-import-box').hide(); } else { jQuery('#fb-import-box').hide(); } }); }; // Load the SDK asynchronously (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); </script> <fb:login-button id="fb-login-button" width="200" autologoutlink="true" scope="user_events" max-rows="1"></fb:login-button> <br /> <br /> <div id='fb-import-box' style='display:none'> Facebook event url : <input type='text' id='fb-event-url' class='widefat' /> <br /> <br /> <input type='button' class='button' value='Import' id='import-fb-event-btn' /> <br /> <br /> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $screens = array('events_page_eme-new_event', 'toplevel_page_events-manager'); foreach ($screens as $screen) { if ($event['event_page_title_format'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_page_title_format_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_page_title_format', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_single_event_format'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_single_event_format_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_single_event_format', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_contactperson_email_body'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_contactperson_email_body_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_contactperson_email_body', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_registration_recorded_ok_html'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_registration_recorded_ok_html_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_registration_recorded_ok_html', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_respondent_email_body'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_respondent_email_body_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_respondent_email_body', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_registration_pending_email_body'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_registration_pending_email_body_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_registration_pending_email_body', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_registration_updated_email_body'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_registration_updated_email_body_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_registration_updated_email_body', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_registration_cancelled_email_body'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_registration_cancelled_email_body_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_registration_cancelled_email_body', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_registration_denied_email_body'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_registration_denied_email_body_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_registration_denied_email_body', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_registration_form_format'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_registration_form_format_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_registration_form_format', 'eme_closed'); } if ($event['event_cancel_form_format'] == "" && $event['event_properties']['event_cancel_form_format_tpl'] == 0) { add_filter('postbox_classes_' . $screen . '_div_event_cancel_form_format', 'eme_closed'); } } // we can only give one parameter to do_meta_boxes, but we don't want to list the templates each time // so temporary we store the array in the $event var and unset it afterwards $templates_array = eme_get_templates_array_by_id(); // the first element is something empty or a "no templates" string, but we need to keep the array indexes // so we concatenate using "+", not array_merge if (is_array($templates_array) && count($templates_array) > 0) { $templates_array = array(0 => '') + $templates_array; } else { $templates_array = array(0 => __('No templates defined yet!', 'eme')); } $event['templates_array'] = $templates_array; if ($is_new_event) { // we add the meta boxes only on the page we're currently at, so for duplicate event it is the same as for edit event // see the eme_admin_event_boxes function if (isset($_GET['eme_admin_action']) && $_GET['eme_admin_action'] == 'duplicate_event') { do_meta_boxes('toplevel_page_events-manager', "post", $event); } else { do_meta_boxes('events_page_eme-new_event', "post", $event); } } else { do_meta_boxes('toplevel_page_events-manager', "post", $event); } unset($event['templates_array']); ?> </div> <p class="submit"> <?php if ($is_new_event) { ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="event_update_button" name="event_update_button" value="<?php _e('Save'); ?> »" /> <?php } else { $delete_button_text = __('Are you sure you want to delete this event?', 'eme'); $deleteRecurrence_button_text = __('Are you sure you want to delete this recurrence?', 'eme'); ?> <?php if ($pref == "recurrence") { ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="event_update_button" name="event_update_button" value="<?php _e('Update'); ?> »" /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="event_update_button" name="event_update_button" value="<?php _e('Update'); ?> »" /> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="event_delete_button" name="event_delete_button" value="<?php _e('Delete Event', 'eme'); ?> »" onclick="return areyousure('<?php echo $delete_button_text; ?> ');" /> <?php if ($event['recurrence_id']) { ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" id="event_deleteRecurrence_button" name="event_deleteRecurrence_button" value="<?php _e('Delete Recurrence', 'eme'); ?> »" onclick="return areyousure('<?php echo $deleteRecurrence_button_text; ?> ');" /> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <?php wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('meta-box-order', 'meta-box-order-nonce', false); ?> </form> <?php }