function generateHtmlEmail(&$smarty, $template_file, $mailCfg)
    // same objet that is returned by email_send
    $op = new stdClass();
    $op->status_ok = true;
    $op->msg = 'ok';
    $html_report = $smarty->fetch($template_file);
    if (!property_exists($mailCfg, 'from')) {
        $mailCfg->from = $_SESSION['currentUser']->emailAddress;
    if (!property_exists($mailCfg, 'to')) {
        $mailCfg->to = $mailCfg->from;
    if ($mailCfg->to == "") {
        $op->status_ok = false;
        $op->msg = lang_get("error_sendreport_no_email_credentials");
    } else {
        // TICKET 6905: Link to test case is still raw link (no title) in email(HTML) type of test report
        // array('strip_email_links' => false)
        $op = email_send($mailCfg->from, $mailCfg->to, $mailCfg->subject, $html_report, $mailCfg->cc, false, true, array('strip_email_links' => false));
        if ($op->status_ok) {
            $op->msg = sprintf(lang_get('mail_sent_to'), $mailCfg->to);
    return $op;
Exemplo n.º 2
function sendErrorReport()
    $options = getOptions();
    $extra_vars = isset($options['params']) ? $options['params'] : false;
    $content = parseEmail($options['email'], $extra_vars);
    email_send($options['mailTo'], "Une erreur s'est produite sur OpenNAS", $content, $outError);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function quick_mail()
     $RequestMethod = $this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD');
     if ($RequestMethod == "POST") {
         $subject = $this->input->post('subject');
         $msg = $this->input->post('msg');
         email_send($this->input->post('emailto'), $subject, $msg);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('log_sucess', 'Email Successfully Send');
         redirect(site_url() . 'administrator/dashboard');
Exemplo n.º 4
function send_transaction_mail($cust_email, $mer_email) {
    if (!empty($cust_email)) {
        $to[] = $cust_email;
    if (!empty($mer_email)) {
        $to[] = $mer_email;
    $sub = 'Payment Transaction';
    $msg = 'Payment Transaction Done Please check the Portal for Details';
    email_send($to, $sub, $msg, $cc = '', $bcc = '', $attach = '');
Exemplo n.º 5
function generateHtmlEmail(&$smarty, $template_file, $mailCfg)
    // same objet that is returned by email_send
    $op = new stdClass();
    $op->status_ok = true;
    $op->msg = 'ok';
    $html_report = $smarty->fetch($template_file);
    if (!property_exists($mailCfg, 'from')) {
        $mailCfg->from = $_SESSION['currentUser']->emailAddress;
    if (!property_exists($mailCfg, 'to')) {
        $mailCfg->to = $mailCfg->from;
    if ($mailCfg->to == "") {
        $op->status_ok = false;
        $op->msg = lang_get("error_sendreport_no_email_credentials");
    } else {
        $op = email_send($mailCfg->from, $mailCfg->to, $mailCfg->subject, $html_report, $mailCfg->cc, false, true);
        if ($op->status_ok) {
            $op->msg = sprintf(lang_get('mail_sent_to'), $mailCfg->to);
    return $op;
Exemplo n.º 6
//verify a users email
require '../includes/config/config.php';
//get variables
$email = set_get('e', '');
if (empty($email) || !email_is_valid($email)) {
    notices_set('Invalid email.', 'error');
//check if it is valid
$sql = sql_query(" SELECT id, confirm FROM `users` WHERE email='{$email}' LIMIT 1 ");
if (sql_count($sql) <= 0) {
    notices_set('Invalid email.', 'error');
//check if account already verified
$data = sql_fetch($sql);
if (!isset($data['confirm'])) {
    //account already confirmed
    notices_set('Email already confirmed.', 'success');
//create account confirm
$confirm = confirm_token_create($email);
//update account with new verify code
sql_query(" UPDATE `users` SET confirm='{$confirm}' WHERE id='{$data['id']}' LIMIT 1 ");
//send email
email_send('verify_resend', 'Planling Verification Code', array($email => $email), array('{{%LINK%}}' => 'http://' . MAIN_URL . '/verify?e=' . $email . '&t=' . $confirm));
//set message
notices_set('Confirmation code successfully sent!', 'success');
//redirect user
Exemplo n.º 7
function test_compose_email($project_id, $test_id, $recipients, $action)
    $display_generic_info = true;
    $display_generic_url = true;
    $generic_url = RTH_URL . "login.php?project_id={$project_id}&page=test_detail_page.php&test_id={$test_id}&project_id={$project_id}";
    $username = session_get_username();
    $project_name = session_get_project_name();
    $user_details = user_get_name_by_username($username);
    $first_name = $user_details[USER_FNAME];
    $last_name = $user_details[USER_LNAME];
    $test_detail = test_get_detail($test_id);
    $test_name = $test_detail[TEST_NAME];
    $status = $test_detail[TEST_STATUS];
    $priority = $test_detail[TEST_PRIORITY];
    $test_area = $test_detail[TEST_AREA_TESTED];
    $test_type = $test_detail[TEST_TESTTYPE];
    $ba_owner = $test_detail[TEST_BA_OWNER];
    $qa_owner = $test_detail[TEST_QA_OWNER];
    $assigned_to = $test_detail[TEST_ASSIGNED_TO];
    $comments = $test_detail[TEST_COMMENTS];
    switch ($action) {
        case "status_change":
            $subject = "RTH: {$test_name} - Test Status Change";
            $message = "The test status of {$test_name} has been updated by {$first_name} {$last_name}\r\n" . NEWLINE;
        case "steps_uploaded":
            $subject = "RTH: {$test_name} - Test Steps Added";
            $message = "Test Steps have been uploaded to {$test_name} by {$first_name} {$last_name}\r\n" . NEWLINE;
    # Generic link to results page if the $generic_url variable has been set
    if ($display_generic_url) {
        $message .= "Click the following link to view the Test Results:" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "{$generic_url}\n" . NEWLINE;
    if ($display_generic_info) {
        $message .= "Project Name: {$project_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Test Name: {$test_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Status: {$status}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Priority: {$priority}\r\n\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Test Area: {$test_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Test Type: {$test_area}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "BA Owner: {$ba_owner}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "QA Owner: {$qa_owner}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Assigned To: {$assigned_to}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Comments: {$comments}\r\n\r" . NEWLINE;
    email_send($recipients, $subject, $message);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * send mail to administrators (users that have default role = administrator) 
 * to warn about new user created.
function notifyGlobalAdmins(&$dbHandler, &$userObj)
    // Get email addresses for all users that have default role = administrator
    $cfg = config_get('notifications');
    if (!is_null($cfg->userSignUp->to->roles)) {
        foreach ($cfg->userSignUp->to->roles as $roleID) {
            $roleMgr = new tlRole($roleID);
            $userSet = $roleMgr->getUsersWithGlobalRole($dbHandler);
            $key2loop = array_keys($userSet);
            foreach ($key2loop as $userID) {
                if (!isset($mail['to'][$userID])) {
                    $mail['to'][$userID] = $userSet[$userID]->emailAddress;
    if (!is_null($cfg->userSignUp->to->users)) {
        // Brute force query
        $tables = tlObject::getDBTables('users');
        $sql = " SELECT id,email FROM {$tables['users']} " . " WHERE login IN('" . implode("','", $cfg->userSignUp->to->users) . "')";
        $userSet = $dbHandler->fetchRowsIntoMap($sql, 'id');
        if (!is_null($userSet)) {
            foreach ($userSet as $userID => $elem) {
                if (!isset($mail['to'][$userID])) {
                    $mail['to'][$userID] = $elem['email'];
    $mail['to'] = implode(',', $mail['to']);
    // email_api uses ',' as list separator
    $mail['subject'] = lang_get('new_account');
    $mail['body'] = lang_get('new_account') . "\n";
    $mail['body'] .= " user:{$userObj->login}\n";
    $mail['body'] .= " first name:{$userObj->firstName} surname:{$userObj->lastName}\n";
    $mail['body'] .= " email:{$userObj->emailAddress}\n";
    // silence errors
    @email_send(config_get('from_email'), $mail['to'], $mail['subject'], $mail['body']);
function results_email($project_id, $release_id, $build_id, $testset_id, $test_id, $recipients, $action)
    $display_generic_info = true;
    $display_generic_url = true;
    $generic_url = RTH_URL . "login.php?project_id={$project_id}&page=results_test_run_page.php&release_id={$release_id}&build_id={$build_id}&testset_id={$testset_id}&test_id={$test_id}";
    $username = session_get_username();
    $project_name = session_get_project_name();
    $release_name = admin_get_release_name($release_id);
    $build_name = admin_get_build_name($build_id);
    $testset_name = admin_get_testset_name($testset_id);
    $user_details = user_get_name_by_username($username);
    $first_name = $user_details[USER_FNAME];
    $last_name = $user_details[USER_LNAME];
    $row_test_detail = testset_query_test_details($testset_id, $test_id);
    $test_name = $row_test_detail[TEST_NAME];
    $status = $row_test_detail[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS];
    $finished = $row_test_detail[TEST_TS_ASSOC_FINISHED];
    $assigned_to = $row_test_detail[TEST_TS_ASSOC_ASSIGNED_TO];
    $comments = $row_test_detail[TEST_TS_ASSOC_COMMENTS];
    $root_cause = $row_test_detail[TEST_RESULTS_ROOT_CAUSE];
    switch ($action) {
        case "test_run":
            $subject = "RTH: Test Run Notification - {$test_name}";
            $message = "Test {$test_name} has been run by {$first_name} {$last_name}\n" . NEWLINE;
        case "update_test_result":
            $subject = "RTH: Test Result has been Updated";
            $message = "The test result for {$test_name} has been updated by {$first_name} {$last_name}\n" . NEWLINE;
    # Generic link to results page if the $generic_url variable has been set
    if ($display_generic_url) {
        $message .= "Click the following link to view the Test Results:" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "{$generic_url}\n" . NEWLINE;
    if ($display_generic_info) {
        $message .= "Project Name: {$project_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Release Name: {$release_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Build Name: {$build_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "TestSet Name: {$testset_name}\r\n\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Test Name: {$test_name}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Status: {$status}\r" . NEWLINE;
        if (!empty($root_cause)) {
            $message .= "Root Cause: {$root_cause}\r" . NEWLINE;
        $message .= "Comments: {$comments}\r\n\r" . NEWLINE;
    email_send($recipients, $subject, $message);
Exemplo n.º 10
	<td bgcolor="#f4f4f4">
		<span class="title">Testing Email</span>
		<p>You can test the ability for Mantis to send email notifications with this form.  Just click "Send Mail".  If the page takes a very long time to reappear or results in an error then you will need to investigate your php/mail server settings (see PHPMailer related settings in your config_inc.php, if they don't exist, copy from config_defaults_inc.php).  Note that errors can also appear in the server error log.  More help can be found at the <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php">PHP website</a> if you are using the mail() PHPMailer sending mode.</p>
if ($f_mail_test) {
    echo '<b><font color="#ff0000">Testing Mail</font></b> - ';
    # @@@ thraxisp - workaround to ensure a language is set without authenticating
    #  will disappear when this is properly localized
    $t_email_data = new EmailData();
    $t_email_data->email = config_get_global('administrator_email');
    $t_email_data->subject = 'Testing PHP mail() function';
    $t_email_data->body = 'Your PHP mail settings appear to be correctly set.';
    $t_email_data->metadata['priority'] = config_get('mail_priority');
    $t_email_data->metadata['charset'] = lang_get('charset', lang_get_current());
    $result = email_send($t_email_data);
    #$result = email_send( config_get_global( 'administrator_email' ), 'Testing PHP mail() function',	'Your PHP mail settings appear to be correctly set.');
    if (!$result) {
        echo ' PROBLEMS SENDING MAIL TO: ' . config_get_global('administrator_email') . '. Please check your php/mail server settings.<br />';
    } else {
        echo ' mail() send successful.<br />';
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
		Email Address: <?php 
echo config_get_global('administrator_email');
    // codigo correcto
    if (mysqli_num_rows($q_user) == 1) {
        $r_user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q_user);
        $sql = "UPDATE usuarios SET password = '******'pass']) . "' WHERE recuperacion = '" . $_POST['codigo'] . "'";
        $q_pass = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
        //Cambio pass correcto
        if (mysqli_errno($link) == 0) {
            $sql = "UPDATE usuarios SET recuperacion = '0' WHERE recuperacion = '" . $_POST['codigo'] . "'";
            //mysqli_query($link, $sql);
            print "<div class='centrar'><div class='ok_ajustable'>Enhorabuena, tu contrase&ntilde;a nueva se a guardado, ya puedes acceder a <a href='login.php'>" . Sitio . "</a> con ella.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTambien te hemos mandado un email a tu direccion con la contrase&ntilde;a nueva</div></div>";
            $destinatario_email = $r_user['email'];
            $destinatario_name = $r_user['nombre'] . " " . $r_user['apellidos'];
            $titulo = "Contraseña nueva - " . Sitio;
            // No separar del borde
            $mensaje = "\n<html>\n<body style=\"background-color:#3869A0;text-align:center;padding:20px;\">\n<b style=\"color:white;font-size:40px;\">" . Sitio . "</b><br>\n<div style=\"background-color:white;border-radius:10px;display: inline-block;\nmargin: 10px;padding:20px;text-align:left;font-size:15px;\">\nHola " . $r_user['nombre'] . ", la contraseña nueva para tu cuenta es:<br><br>\n<b>" . $_POST['pass'] . "</b><br><br>\nYa puedes entrar con ella:<a href=\"http://" . Sitio_direccion . "/login.php\">\nhttp://" . Sitio_direccion . "/login.php</a><br>\n<center><i style=\"font-size:12px; color: grey;\">" . Sitio . " (c)</i></center>\n</div>\n</body></html>";
            $email_state = email_send($destinatario_name, $destinatario_email, $titulo, $mensaje);
            if ($email_state != TRUE) {
                print "<div class='centrar'><div class='error_ajustable'>Se ha producido un error al enviar el correo</div></div>";
            // Cambio pass fail
        } else {
            print "<div class='centrar'><div class='error_ajustable'>Se ha producido un error al cambiar la contrase&ntilde;a</div></div>";
		Si has perdido tu contrase&ntilde;a puedes generar otra introduciendo tu email a continuacion,<br>
		 la nueva contrase&ntilde;a se enviara a tu correo electronico.<br><br>
		<form method='POST' action='otros.php'>			
Exemplo n.º 12
function users_send_password_reset_code(&$user)
    $code = users_generate_password_reset_code($user);
    if (!$code) {
        return 0;
    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('code', $code);
    email_send(array('to_email' => $user['email'], 'template' => 'email_password_reset.txt'));
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
$sql = sql_query(" SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE email='{$email1}' LIMIT 1 ");
if (sql_count($sql) > 0) {
    notices_set('Email already in use, please use a different email or reset your password', 'error');
    $terror = true;
//last error check
if ($terror) {
    //exit script
    echo notices_get();
    return false;
//create password
$hash_token = password_hash_create();
//creates a users unique hash
$password = password_encrypt($password1, $hash_token);
//create account confirm
$confirm = confirm_token_create($email1);
//add to database
sql_query(" INSERT INTO `users` (hash_token, email, password, confirm) VALUES('{$hash_token}', '{$email1}', '{$password}', '{$confirm}') ");
//set notices
notices_set('Account successfully created!', 'success');
//send email
email_send('register', 'Welcome to Planling!', array($email1 => $email1), array('{{%LINK%}}' => 'http://' . MAIN_URL . '/verify?e=' . $email1 . '&t=' . $confirm));
//log the user in
if (do_login($email1, $password1)) {
    $main_data = set_main_data();
} else {
    return false;
return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
  *  Send link with filters to access (after login)
  *  to testCaseAssignedToMe feature
 function emailLinkToExecPlanning($context, $targetUsers = null)
     $debugMsg = 'Class:' . __CLASS__ . ' - Method: ' . __FUNCTION__;
     if (is_null($targetUsers)) {
         $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ " . " SELECT id FROM {$this->tables['users']} ";
         $targetUsers = $this->db->fetchColumnsIntoArray($sql, 'id');
     $uSet = (array) $targetUsers;
     // if user has at least 1 assignment in context
     // send link
     $atd = $this->get_available_types();
     $tplan_id = intval($context['tplan_id']);
     $build_id = intval($context['build_id']);
     $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ " . " SELECT UA.user_id, U.email " . " FROM {$this->tables['user_assignments']} UA " . " JOIN {$this->tables['builds']} B " . " ON UA.build_id = B.id " . " LEFT JOIN {$this->tables['users']} U " . " ON U.id = UA.user_id " . " WHERE B.testplan_id = " . $tplan_id . " AND B.id = " . $build_id . " AND type = " . intval($atd['testcase_execution']['id']);
     $rs = $this->db->fetchRowsIntoMap($sql, 'user_id');
     $bye = true;
     if (!is_null($rs) && count($rs) > 0) {
         $bye = false;
         $sql = " SELECT NHTPRJ.name AS tproject, " . " NHTPL.name AS tplan " . " FROM {$this->tables['nodes_hierarchy']} NHTPRJ " . " JOIN {$this->tables['nodes_hierarchy']} NHTPL " . " ON NHTPRJ.id = NHTPL.parent_id " . " JOIN {$this->tables['node_types']} NT " . " ON NHTPRJ.node_type_id = NT.id " . " WHERE NT.description = 'testproject' " . " AND NHTPL.id = " . $tplan_id;
         $names = $this->db->get_recordset($sql);
         $names = $names[0];
         $body_flines = lang_get('testproject') . ': ' . $names['tproject'] . '<br />' . lang_get('testplan') . ': ' . $names['tplan'] . '<br /><br />';
     if ($bye) {
         // >>>----> Bye,Bye!!!
     $email = array();
     $email['from_address'] = config_get('from_email');
     $isoTS = date(DATE_RFC1123);
     $genby = lang_get('generated_by_TestLink_on') . ' ' . $isoTS;
     $ll = lang_get('mail_subject_link_to_assigned');
     $email['subject'] = sprintf($ll, $names['tplan'], $isoTS);
     $ln = $_SESSION['basehref'] . 'ltx.php?item=xta2m&tplan_id=' . $tplan_id . '&user_id=';
     $hint = lang_get('hint_you_need_to_be_logged');
     require_once 'email_api.php';
     foreach ($uSet as $user_id) {
         if (isset($rs[$user_id])) {
             $email['to_address'] = trim($rs[$user_id]['email']);
             if ($email['to_address'] != '') {
                 $email['body'] = $body_flines;
                 $email['body'] .= $hint . '<br><br>' . $ln . $user_id;
                 $email['body'] .= '<br><br>' . $genby;
                 $eop = email_send($email['from_address'], $email['to_address'], $email['subject'], $email['body'], '', true, true);
Exemplo n.º 15
 * reset user password in DB
 * @param resource &$db reference to database handler
 * @param integer $userID 
 * @param string $newPasswordSendMethod, default 'send_password_by_mail'
 * @return hash
 *         status: integer result status code
 *         password: new password
 *         msg: error message (if any)  
function resetPassword(&$db, $userID, $passwordSendMethod = 'send_password_by_mail')
    $retval = array('status' => tl::OK, 'password' => '', 'msg' => '');
    $user = new tlUser($userID);
    $retval['status'] = $user->readFromDB($db);
    // Reset can be done ONLY if user authentication method allows it.
    $doIt = false;
    if ($retval['status'] >= tl::OK) {
        $cfg = config_get('authentication');
        $cfg = $cfg['domain'];
        $doIt = isset($cfg[$user->authentication]) && $cfg[$user->authentication]['allowPasswordManagement'];
    if ($doIt) {
        $retval['status'] = tlUser::E_EMAILLENGTH;
        if (trim($user->emailAddress) != "") {
            $newPassword = tlUser::generatePassword(8, 4);
            $retval['status'] = $user->setPassword($newPassword, $cfg[$user->authentication]);
            if ($retval['status'] >= tl::OK) {
                $retval['password'] = $newPassword;
                $mail_op = new stdClass();
                $mail_op->status_ok = false;
                if ($passwordSendMethod == 'send_password_by_mail') {
                    $msgBody = lang_get('your_password_is') . "\n\n" . $newPassword . "\n\n" . lang_get('contact_admin');
                    $mail_op = @email_send(config_get('from_email'), $user->emailAddress, lang_get('mail_passwd_subject'), $msgBody);
                if ($mail_op->status_ok || $passwordSendMethod == 'display_on_screen') {
                    $retval['status'] = $user->writePasswordToDB($db);
                } else {
                    $retval['status'] = tl::ERROR;
                    $retval['msg'] = $mail_op->msg;
    $retval['msg'] = $retval['msg'] != "" ? $retval['msg'] : getUserErrorMessage($retval['status']);
    return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 16
    if (defined('MANTIS_VERSION')) {
        $t_mantis_version = MANTIS_VERSION;
    } else {
        $t_mantis_version = config_get('mantis_version');
    if (version_compare($t_mantis_version, '1.1.0a2', '>=')) {
        foreach ($t_email_ids as $t_email) {
            $t_recipient = trim($t_email);
            $t_subject = string_email(trim($t_subject));
            $t_message = string_email_links(trim($t_message));
            $t_email_data = new EmailData();
            $t_email_data->email = $t_recipient;
            $t_email_data->subject = $t_subject;
            $t_email_data->body = $t_message;
            $t_email_data->metadata = array();
            $t_email_data->metadata['headers'] = array('X-Mantis' => 'ReleaseMgt');
            $t_email_data->metadata['priority'] = config_get('mail_priority');
            $t_email_data->metadata['charset'] = 'utf-8';
            $t_email_data->metadata['plugins_htmlmail_html_message'] = base64_encode($t_html_message);
        if (OFF == config_get('email_send_using_cronjob')) {
    } else {
        foreach ($t_email_ids as $t_email) {
            email_send($t_email, $t_subject, $t_message);
Exemplo n.º 17
function users_send_password_reset_code(&$user)
    $code = users_generate_password_reset_code($user);
    if (!$code) {
        return 0;
    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('code', $code);
    $args = array('to_email' => $user['email'], 'template' => 'email_password_reset.txt');
    if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['password_retrieval_from_email'])) {
        $args['from_email'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['password_retrieval_from_email'];
    if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['password_retrieval_from_name'])) {
        $args['from_name'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['password_retrieval_from_name'];
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 18
 * This function sends all the emails that are stored in the queue.
 * It will be called
 * - immediately after queueing messages in case of synchronous emails
 * - from a cronjob in case of asynchronous emails
 * If a failure occurs, then the function exits.
 * @todo In case of synchronous email sending, we may get a race condition where two requests send the same email.
 * @param bool $p_delete_on_failure indicates whether to remove email from queue on failure (default false)
 * @return null
function email_send_all($p_delete_on_failure = false)
    $t_ids = email_queue_get_ids('ASC');
    $t_date_format = config_get('complete_date_format');
    log_event(LOG_EMAIL, "Processing e-mail queue (" . count($t_ids) . " messages)");
    foreach ($t_ids as $t_id) {
        $t_email_data = email_queue_get($t_id);
        $t_start = microtime(true);
        log_event(LOG_EMAIL, "Sending message #{$t_id} queued on " . date($t_date_format, $t_email_data->submitted));
        # check if email was not found.  This can happen if another request
        # picks up the email first and sends it.
        if ($t_email_data === false) {
            $t_email_sent = true;
            log_event(LOG_EMAIL, 'message has already been sent');
        } else {
            $t_email_sent = email_send($t_email_data);
        if (!$t_email_sent) {
            if ($p_delete_on_failure) {
            # If unable to place the email in the email server queue and more
            # than 5 seconds have elapsed, then we assume that the server
            # connection is down, hence no point to continue trying with the
            # rest of the emails.
            if (microtime(true) - $t_start > 5) {
                log_event(LOG_EMAIL, 'Server not responding for 5 seconds, aborting');
        $input_errors[] = gettext("The old password is not correct.");
    // Validate new password.
    if ($_POST['password_new'] !== $_POST['password_confirm']) {
        $input_errors[] = gettext("The confimed password does not match. Please ensure the passwords match exactly.");
    if (empty($input_errors)) {
        $a_user[$cnid]['password'] = $_POST['password_new'];
        updatenotify_set("userdb_user", UPDATENOTIFY_MODE_MODIFIED, $a_user[$cnid]['uuid']);
        // Write syslog entry and send an email to the administrator
        $message = sprintf("The user %s has changed his password via user portal.", Session::getUserName());
        if (0 == @email_validate_settings()) {
            $subject = sprintf(gettext("Notification email from host: %s"), system_get_hostname());
            @email_send($config['system']['email']['from'], $subject, $message, $error);
        $savemsg = gettext("The administrator has been notified to apply your changes.");
include "fbegin.inc";
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<td class="tabcont">
			<form action="<?php 
" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
if (!empty($input_errors)) {
Exemplo n.º 20
 function report_site()
     $result = '';
     $user = $this->session->all_userdata();
     $post_data = $_POST;
     if (!empty($post_data) && isset($post_data['site_id']) && isset($post_data['client_id']) && isset($post_data['report_reason'])) {
         $site_id = $post_data['site_id'];
         $client_id = $post_data['client_id'];
         $report_reason = $post_data['report_reason'];
         $user_id = $user['user_id'];
         $site = $this->model_sites->get_records(array('client_id' => $client_id, 'site_id' => $site_id));
         $site_admins = $this->model_users->get_records(array('client_id' => $client_id, 'security_level_alias' => array('ADM', 'SUP')));
         if (!empty($site_admins)) {
             $email_from = empty($user['user_email']) ? get_app_var('FROM_EMAIL') : $user['user_email'];
             $email_subject = get_app_var('REPORT_ISSUE_SUBJECT') . ' ' . $site[0]['site_title'];
             $email_content_raw = get_app_var('REPORT_ISSUE');
             $email_content = replace_tokens($email_content_raw, array('site_name' => get_app_var('SITE_NAME'), 'login_page' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/', 'site_title' => $site[0]['site_title'], 'report_user' => trim($user['user_first_name'] . ' ' . $user['user_last_name']), 'report_reason' => $report_reason));
             foreach ($site_admins as $site_admin) {
                 $email_to = $site_admin['user_email'];
                 email_send($email_from, $email_to, $email_subject, $email_content, true);
         $result = 'Thank you for reporting this issue. Your information has been sent to the dashboard administrator' . (sizeof($site_admins) > 1 ? 's' : '') . '.';
     $data = array();
     $data['any'] = $result;
     $data['action_view'] = 'misc/any';
     $this->load->view('layouts/blank', $data);
Exemplo n.º 21
 * send_mail_to_testers
 * @return void
function send_mail_to_testers(&$dbHandler, &$tcaseMgr, &$guiObj, &$argsObj, $features, $operation)
    $testers['new'] = null;
    $mail_details['new'] = lang_get('mail_testcase_assigned') . "<br /><br />";
    $mail_subject['new'] = lang_get('mail_subject_testcase_assigned');
    $use_testers['new'] = true;
    $tcaseSet = null;
    $tcnames = null;
    $email = array();
    $userSet[] = $argsObj->userID;
    $userSet[] = $argsObj->testerID;
    $userData = tlUser::getByIDs($dbHandler, $userSet);
    $assigner = $userData[$argsObj->userID]->firstName . ' ' . $userData[$argsObj->userID]->lastName;
    $email['from_address'] = config_get('from_email');
    $body_first_lines = lang_get('testproject') . ': ' . $argsObj->tproject_name . '<br />' . lang_get('testplan') . ': ' . $guiObj->testPlanName . '<br /><br />';
    // Get testers id
    foreach ($features as $feature_id => $value) {
        if ($use_testers['new']) {
            $testers['new'][$value['user_id']][$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        $tcaseSet[$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        $tcversionSet[$value['tcversion_id']] = $value['tcversion_id'];
    $infoSet = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id_bulk($tcaseSet, $tcversionSet);
    foreach ($infoSet as $value) {
        $tcnames[$value['testcase_id']] = $guiObj->testCasePrefix . $value['tc_external_id'] . ' ' . $value['name'];
    $path_info = $tcaseMgr->tree_manager->get_full_path_verbose($tcaseSet, array('output_format' => 'simple'));
    $flat_path = null;
    foreach ($path_info as $tcase_id => $pieces) {
        $flat_path[$tcase_id] = implode('/', $pieces) . '/' . $tcnames[$tcase_id];
    foreach ($testers as $tester_type => $tester_set) {
        if (!is_null($tester_set)) {
            $email['subject'] = $mail_subject[$tester_type] . ' ' . $guiObj->testPlanName;
            foreach ($tester_set as $user_id => $value) {
                $userObj = $userData[$user_id];
                $email['to_address'] = $userObj->emailAddress;
                $email['body'] = $body_first_lines;
                $email['body'] .= sprintf($mail_details[$tester_type], $userObj->firstName . ' ' . $userObj->lastName, $assigner);
                foreach ($value as $tcase_id) {
                    $email['body'] .= $flat_path[$tcase_id] . '<br />';
                $email['body'] .= '<br />' . date(DATE_RFC1123);
                $email_op = email_send($email['from_address'], $email['to_address'], $email['subject'], $email['body'], '', true, true);
            // foreach($tester_set as $user_id => $value)
Exemplo n.º 22
function delivery_run(&$argv, &$argc)
    global $a, $db;
    if (is_null($a)) {
        $a = new App();
    if (is_null($db)) {
        @(include ".htconfig.php");
        require_once "include/dba.php";
        $db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
        unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
    require_once "include/session.php";
    require_once "include/datetime.php";
    require_once 'include/items.php';
    require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
    require_once 'include/diaspora.php';
    require_once 'include/email.php';
    if ($argc < 3) {
    $a->set_baseurl(get_config('system', 'url'));
    logger('delivery: invoked: ' . print_r($argv, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
    $cmd = $argv[1];
    $item_id = intval($argv[2]);
    for ($x = 3; $x < $argc; $x++) {
        $contact_id = intval($argv[$x]);
        // Some other process may have delivered this item already.
        $r = q("select * from deliverq where cmd = '%s' and item = %d and contact = %d limit 1", dbesc($cmd), dbesc($item_id), dbesc($contact_id));
        if (!count($r)) {
        $maxsysload = intval(get_config('system', 'maxloadavg'));
        if ($maxsysload < 1) {
            $maxsysload = 50;
        if (function_exists('sys_getloadavg')) {
            $load = sys_getloadavg();
            if (intval($load[0]) > $maxsysload) {
                logger('system: load ' . $load . ' too high. Delivery deferred to next queue run.');
        // It's ours to deliver. Remove it from the queue.
        q("delete from deliverq where cmd = '%s' and item = %d and contact = %d", dbesc($cmd), dbesc($item_id), dbesc($contact_id));
        if (!$item_id || !$contact_id) {
        $expire = false;
        $top_level = false;
        $recipients = array();
        $url_recipients = array();
        $normal_mode = true;
        $recipients[] = $contact_id;
        if ($cmd === 'expire') {
            $normal_mode = false;
            $expire = true;
            $items = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `wall` = 1 \n\t\t\t\tAND `deleted` = 1 AND `changed` > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE", intval($item_id));
            $uid = $item_id;
            $item_id = 0;
            if (!count($items)) {
        } else {
            // find ancestors
            $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d and visible = 1 and moderated = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($item_id));
            if (!count($r) || !intval($r[0]['parent'])) {
            $target_item = $r[0];
            $parent_id = intval($r[0]['parent']);
            $uid = $r[0]['uid'];
            $updated = $r[0]['edited'];
            // POSSIBLE CLEANUP --> The following seems superfluous. We've already checked for "if (! intval($r[0]['parent']))" a few lines up
            if (!$parent_id) {
            $items = q("SELECT `item`.*, `sign`.`signed_text`,`sign`.`signature`,`sign`.`signer` \n\t\t\t\tFROM `item` LEFT JOIN `sign` ON `sign`.`iid` = `item`.`id` WHERE `parent` = %d and visible = 1 and moderated = 0 ORDER BY `id` ASC", intval($parent_id));
            if (!count($items)) {
            $icontacts = null;
            $contacts_arr = array();
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                if (!in_array($item['contact-id'], $contacts_arr)) {
                    $contacts_arr[] = intval($item['contact-id']);
            if (count($contacts_arr)) {
                $str_contacts = implode(',', $contacts_arr);
                $icontacts = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` IN ( {$str_contacts} ) ");
            if (!($icontacts && count($icontacts))) {
            // avoid race condition with deleting entries
            if ($items[0]['deleted']) {
                foreach ($items as $item) {
                    $item['deleted'] = 1;
            if (count($items) == 1 && $items[0]['uri'] === $items[0]['parent-uri']) {
                logger('delivery: top level post');
                $top_level = true;
        $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`pubkey` AS `upubkey`, `user`.`prvkey` AS `uprvkey`, \n\t\t\t`user`.`timezone`, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`sprvkey`, `user`.`spubkey`, \n\t\t\t`user`.`page-flags`, `user`.`prvnets`\n\t\t\tFROM `contact` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` \n\t\t\tWHERE `contact`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($uid));
        if (!count($r)) {
        $owner = $r[0];
        $walltowall = $top_level && $owner['id'] != $items[0]['contact-id'] ? true : false;
        $public_message = true;
        // fill this in with a single salmon slap if applicable
        $slap = '';
        require_once 'include/group.php';
        $parent = $items[0];
        // This is IMPORTANT!!!!
        // We will only send a "notify owner to relay" or followup message if the referenced post
        // originated on our system by virtue of having our hostname somewhere
        // in the URI, AND it was a comment (not top_level) AND the parent originated elsewhere.
        // if $parent['wall'] == 1 we will already have the parent message in our array
        // and we will relay the whole lot.
        // expire sends an entire group of expire messages and cannot be forwarded.
        // However the conversation owner will be a part of the conversation and will
        // be notified during this run.
        // Other DFRN conversation members will be alerted during polled updates.
        // Diaspora members currently are not notified of expirations, and other networks have
        // either limited or no ability to process deletions. We should at least fix Diaspora
        // by stringing togther an array of retractions and sending them onward.
        $localhost = $a->get_hostname();
        if (strpos($localhost, ':')) {
            $localhost = substr($localhost, 0, strpos($localhost, ':'));
         * Be VERY CAREFUL if you make any changes to the following line. Seemingly innocuous changes
         * have been known to cause runaway conditions which affected several servers, along with
         * permissions issues.
        if (!$top_level && $parent['wall'] == 0 && !$expire && stristr($target_item['uri'], $localhost)) {
            logger('relay denied for delivery agent.');
            /* no relay allowed for direct contact delivery */
        if (strlen($parent['allow_cid']) || strlen($parent['allow_gid']) || strlen($parent['deny_cid']) || strlen($parent['deny_gid'])) {
            $public_message = false;
            // private recipients, not public
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0", intval($contact_id));
        if (count($r)) {
            $contact = $r[0];
        $hubxml = feed_hublinks();
        logger('notifier: slaps: ' . print_r($slaps, true), LOGGER_DATA);
        require_once 'include/salmon.php';
        if ($contact['self']) {
        $deliver_status = 0;
        switch ($contact['network']) {
            case NETWORK_DFRN:
                logger('notifier: dfrndelivery: ' . $contact['name']);
                $feed_template = get_markup_template('atom_feed.tpl');
                $mail_template = get_markup_template('atom_mail.tpl');
                $atom = '';
                $birthday = feed_birthday($owner['uid'], $owner['timezone']);
                if (strlen($birthday)) {
                    $birthday = '<dfrn:birthday>' . xmlify($birthday) . '</dfrn:birthday>';
                $atom .= replace_macros($feed_template, array('$version' => xmlify(FRIENDICA_VERSION), '$feed_id' => xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $owner['nickname']), '$feed_title' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$feed_updated' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $updated . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$hub' => $hubxml, '$salmon' => '', '$name' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$profile_page' => xmlify($owner['url']), '$photo' => xmlify($owner['photo']), '$thumb' => xmlify($owner['thumb']), '$picdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['avatar-date'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$uridate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['uri-date'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$namdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['name-date'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$birthday' => $birthday, '$community' => $owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY ? '<dfrn:community>1</dfrn:community>' : ''));
                foreach ($items as $item) {
                    if (!$item['parent']) {
                    // private emails may be in included in public conversations. Filter them.
                    if ($public_message && $item['private'] == 1) {
                    $item_contact = get_item_contact($item, $icontacts);
                    if (!$item_contact) {
                    if ($normal_mode) {
                        if ($item_id == $item['id'] || $item['id'] == $item['parent']) {
                            $atom .= atom_entry($item, 'text', null, $owner, true, $top_level ? $contact['id'] : 0);
                    } else {
                        $atom .= atom_entry($item, 'text', null, $owner, true);
                $atom .= '</feed>' . "\r\n";
                logger('notifier: ' . $atom, LOGGER_DATA);
                $basepath = implode('/', array_slice(explode('/', $contact['url']), 0, 3));
                // perform local delivery if we are on the same site
                if (link_compare($basepath, $a->get_baseurl())) {
                    $nickname = basename($contact['url']);
                    if ($contact['issued-id']) {
                        $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `dfrn-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($contact['issued-id']));
                    } else {
                        $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `issued-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($contact['dfrn-id']));
                    $x = q("SELECT\t`contact`.*, `contact`.`uid` AS `importer_uid`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`pubkey` AS `cpubkey`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`prvkey` AS `cprvkey`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`thumb` AS `thumb`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`url` as `url`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`name` as `senderName`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`user`.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `user` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `contact`.`network` = '%s' AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$sql_extra}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `user`.`account_expired` = 0 AND `user`.`account_removed` = 0 LIMIT 1", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc($nickname));
                    if ($x && count($x)) {
                        $write_flag = $x[0]['rel'] && $x[0]['rel'] != CONTACT_IS_SHARING ? true : false;
                        if (($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY || $write_flag) && !$x[0]['writable']) {
                            q("update contact set writable = 1 where id = %d", intval($x[0]['id']));
                            $x[0]['writable'] = 1;
                        $ssl_policy = get_config('system', 'ssl_policy');
                        fix_contact_ssl_policy($x[0], $ssl_policy);
                        // If we are setup as a soapbox we aren't accepting input from this person
                        if ($x[0]['page-flags'] == PAGE_SOAPBOX) {
                        require_once 'library/simplepie/simplepie.inc';
                        logger('mod-delivery: local delivery');
                        local_delivery($x[0], $atom);
                if (!was_recently_delayed($contact['id'])) {
                    $deliver_status = dfrn_deliver($owner, $contact, $atom);
                } else {
                    $deliver_status = -1;
                logger('notifier: dfrn_delivery returns ' . $deliver_status);
                if ($deliver_status == -1) {
                    logger('notifier: delivery failed: queuing message');
                    add_to_queue($contact['id'], NETWORK_DFRN, $atom);
            case NETWORK_OSTATUS:
                // Do not send to otatus if we are not configured to send to public networks
                if ($owner['prvnets']) {
                if (get_config('system', 'ostatus_disabled') || get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
                // only send salmon if public - e.g. if it's ok to notify
                // a public hub, it's ok to send a salmon
                if ($public_message && !$expire) {
                    $slaps = array();
                    foreach ($items as $item) {
                        if (!$item['parent']) {
                        // private emails may be in included in public conversations. Filter them.
                        if ($public_message && $item['private'] == 1) {
                        $item_contact = get_item_contact($item, $icontacts);
                        if (!$item_contact) {
                        if ($top_level && $public_message && $item['author-link'] === $item['owner-link'] && !$expire) {
                            $slaps[] = atom_entry($item, 'html', null, $owner, true);
                    logger('notifier: slapdelivery: ' . $contact['name']);
                    foreach ($slaps as $slappy) {
                        if ($contact['notify']) {
                            if (!was_recently_delayed($contact['id'])) {
                                $deliver_status = slapper($owner, $contact['notify'], $slappy);
                            } else {
                                $deliver_status = -1;
                            if ($deliver_status == -1) {
                                // queue message for redelivery
                                add_to_queue($contact['id'], NETWORK_OSTATUS, $slappy);
            case NETWORK_MAIL:
            case NETWORK_MAIL2:
                if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
                // WARNING: does not currently convert to RFC2047 header encodings, etc.
                $addr = $contact['addr'];
                if (!strlen($addr)) {
                if ($cmd === 'wall-new' || $cmd === 'comment-new') {
                    $it = null;
                    if ($cmd === 'wall-new') {
                        $it = $items[0];
                    } else {
                        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($argv[2]), intval($uid));
                        if (count($r)) {
                            $it = $r[0];
                    if (!$it) {
                    $local_user = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid));
                    if (!count($local_user)) {
                    $reply_to = '';
                    $r1 = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid));
                    if ($r1 && $r1[0]['reply_to']) {
                        $reply_to = $r1[0]['reply_to'];
                    $subject = $it['title'] ? email_header_encode($it['title'], 'UTF-8') : t("(no subject)");
                    // only expose our real email address to true friends
                    if ($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FRIEND && !$contact['blocked']) {
                        if ($reply_to) {
                            $headers = 'From: ' . email_header_encode($local_user[0]['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . $reply_to . '>' . "\n";
                            $headers .= 'Sender: ' . $local_user[0]['email'] . "\n";
                        } else {
                            $headers = 'From: ' . email_header_encode($local_user[0]['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . $local_user[0]['email'] . '>' . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $headers = 'From: ' . email_header_encode($local_user[0]['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname() . '>' . "\n";
                    //	$headers .= 'Reply-to: ' . $reply_to . "\n";
                    $headers .= 'Message-Id: <' . iri2msgid($it['uri']) . '>' . "\n";
                    //logger("Mail: uri: ".$it['uri']." parent-uri ".$it['parent-uri'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
                    //logger("Mail: Data: ".print_r($it, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
                    //logger("Mail: Data: ".print_r($it, true), LOGGER_DATA);
                    if ($it['uri'] !== $it['parent-uri']) {
                        $headers .= "References: <" . iri2msgid($it["parent-uri"]) . ">";
                        // If Threading is enabled, write down the correct parent
                        if ($it["thr-parent"] != "" and $it["thr-parent"] != $it["parent-uri"]) {
                            $headers .= " <" . iri2msgid($it["thr-parent"]) . ">";
                        $headers .= "\n";
                        if (!$it['title']) {
                            $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']), intval($uid));
                            if (count($r) and $r[0]['title'] != '') {
                                $subject = $r[0]['title'];
                            } else {
                                $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']), intval($uid));
                                if (count($r) and $r[0]['title'] != '') {
                                    $subject = $r[0]['title'];
                        if (strncasecmp($subject, 'RE:', 3)) {
                            $subject = 'Re: ' . $subject;
                    email_send($addr, $subject, $headers, $it);
            case NETWORK_DIASPORA:
                if ($public_message) {
                    $loc = 'public batch ' . $contact['batch'];
                } else {
                    $loc = $contact['name'];
                logger('delivery: diaspora batch deliver: ' . $loc);
                if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only') || !get_config('system', 'diaspora_enabled') || !$normal_mode) {
                if (!$contact['pubkey'] && !$public_message) {
                if ($target_item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) {
                    // unsupported
                } elseif ($target_item['deleted'] && $target_item['uri'] === $target_item['parent-uri']) {
                    // top-level retraction
                    logger('delivery: diaspora retract: ' . $loc);
                    diaspora_send_retraction($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message);
                } elseif ($target_item['uri'] !== $target_item['parent-uri']) {
                    // we are the relay - send comments, likes and relayable_retractions to our conversants
                    logger('delivery: diaspora relay: ' . $loc);
                    diaspora_send_relay($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message);
                } elseif ($top_level && !$walltowall) {
                    // currently no workable solution for sending walltowall
                    logger('delivery: diaspora status: ' . $loc);
                    diaspora_send_status($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message);
                logger('delivery: diaspora unknown mode: ' . $contact['name']);
            case NETWORK_FEED:
            case NETWORK_FACEBOOK:
                if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
            case NETWORK_PUMPIO:
                if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
 * send_mail_to_testers
 * @return void
function send_mail_to_testers(&$dbHandler, &$tcaseMgr, &$guiObj, &$argsObj, $features, $operation)
    $testers['new'] = null;
    $testers['old'] = null;
    $mail_details['new'] = lang_get('mail_testcase_assigned') . "<br /><br />";
    $mail_details['old'] = lang_get('mail_testcase_assignment_removed') . "<br /><br />";
    $mail_subject['new'] = lang_get('mail_subject_testcase_assigned');
    $mail_subject['old'] = lang_get('mail_subject_testcase_assignment_removed');
    $use_testers['new'] = $operation == 'del' ? false : true;
    $use_testers['old'] = $operation == 'ins' ? false : true;
    $tcaseSet = null;
    $tcnames = null;
    $email = array();
    $assigner = $guiObj->all_users[$argsObj->user_id]->firstName . ' ' . $guiObj->all_users[$argsObj->user_id]->lastName;
    $email['from_address'] = config_get('from_email');
    $body_first_lines = lang_get('testproject') . ': ' . $argsObj->tproject_name . '<br />' . lang_get('testplan') . ': ' . $guiObj->testPlanName . '<br /><br />';
    // Get testers id
    foreach ($features as $feature_id => $value) {
        if ($use_testers['new']) {
            $ty = (array) $value['user_id'];
            foreach ($ty as $user_id) {
                $testers['new'][$user_id][$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        if ($use_testers['old']) {
            $testers['old'][$value['previous_user_id']][$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        $tcaseSet[$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        $tcversionSet[$value['tcversion_id']] = $value['tcversion_id'];
    $infoSet = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id_bulk($tcaseSet, $tcversionSet);
    foreach ($infoSet as $value) {
        $tcnames[$value['testcase_id']] = $guiObj->testCasePrefix . $value['tc_external_id'] . ' ' . $value['name'];
    $path_info = $tcaseMgr->tree_manager->get_full_path_verbose($tcaseSet);
    $flat_path = null;
    foreach ($path_info as $tcase_id => $pieces) {
        $flat_path[$tcase_id] = implode('/', $pieces) . '/' . $tcnames[$tcase_id];
    foreach ($testers as $tester_type => $tester_set) {
        if (!is_null($tester_set)) {
            $email['subject'] = $mail_subject[$tester_type] . ' ' . $guiObj->testPlanName;
            foreach ($tester_set as $user_id => $value) {
                // workaround till solution will be found
                if ($user_id <= 0) {
                $userObj = $guiObj->all_users[$user_id];
                $email['to_address'] = $userObj->emailAddress;
                $email['body'] = $body_first_lines;
                $email['body'] .= sprintf($mail_details[$tester_type], $userObj->firstName . ' ' . $userObj->lastName, $assigner);
                foreach ($value as $tcase_id) {
                    $email['body'] .= $flat_path[$tcase_id] . '<br />';
                $email['body'] .= '<br />' . date(DATE_RFC1123);
                $email_op = email_send($email['from_address'], $email['to_address'], $email['subject'], $email['body'], '', true, true);
            // foreach($tester_set as $user_id => $value)
Exemplo n.º 24
function notifier_run(&$argv, &$argc)
    global $a, $db;
    if (is_null($a)) {
        $a = new App();
    if (is_null($db)) {
        @(include ".htconfig.php");
        require_once "include/dba.php";
        $db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
        unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
    require_once "include/session.php";
    require_once "include/datetime.php";
    require_once 'include/items.php';
    require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
    require_once 'include/email.php';
    if ($argc < 3) {
    $a->set_baseurl(get_config('system', 'url'));
    logger('notifier: invoked: ' . print_r($argv, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
    $cmd = $argv[1];
    switch ($cmd) {
        case 'mail':
            $item_id = intval($argv[2]);
            if (!$item_id) {
    $expire = false;
    $mail = false;
    $fsuggest = false;
    $relocate = false;
    $top_level = false;
    $recipients = array();
    $url_recipients = array();
    $normal_mode = true;
    if ($cmd === 'mail') {
        $normal_mode = false;
        $mail = true;
        $message = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id));
        if (!count($message)) {
        $uid = $message[0]['uid'];
        $recipients[] = $message[0]['contact-id'];
        $item = $message[0];
    } elseif ($cmd === 'expire') {
        $normal_mode = false;
        $expire = true;
        $items = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `wall` = 1\n\t\t\tAND `deleted` = 1 AND `changed` > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE", intval($item_id));
        $uid = $item_id;
        $item_id = 0;
        if (!count($items)) {
    } elseif ($cmd === 'suggest') {
        $normal_mode = false;
        $fsuggest = true;
        $suggest = q("SELECT * FROM `fsuggest` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id));
        if (!count($suggest)) {
        $uid = $suggest[0]['uid'];
        $recipients[] = $suggest[0]['cid'];
        $item = $suggest[0];
    } elseif ($cmd === 'removeme') {
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id));
        if (!$r) {
        $user = $r[0];
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($item_id));
        if (!$r) {
        $self = $r[0];
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `self` = 0 AND `uid` = %d", intval($item_id));
        if (!$r) {
        require_once 'include/Contact.php';
        foreach ($r as $contact) {
            terminate_friendship($user, $self, $contact);
    } elseif ($cmd === 'relocate') {
        $normal_mode = false;
        $relocate = true;
        $uid = $item_id;
    } else {
        // find ancestors
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d and visible = 1 and moderated = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($item_id));
        if (!count($r) || !intval($r[0]['parent'])) {
        $target_item = $r[0];
        $parent_id = intval($r[0]['parent']);
        $uid = $r[0]['uid'];
        $updated = $r[0]['edited'];
        // POSSIBLE CLEANUP --> The following seems superfluous. We've already checked for "if (! intval($r[0]['parent']))" a few lines up
        if (!$parent_id) {
        $items = q("SELECT `item`.*, `sign`.`signed_text`,`sign`.`signature`,`sign`.`signer`\n\t\t\tFROM `item` LEFT JOIN `sign` ON `sign`.`iid` = `item`.`id` WHERE `parent` = %d and visible = 1 and moderated = 0 ORDER BY `id` ASC", intval($parent_id));
        if (!count($items)) {
        // avoid race condition with deleting entries
        if ($items[0]['deleted']) {
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                $item['deleted'] = 1;
        if (count($items) == 1 && $items[0]['id'] === $target_item['id'] && $items[0]['uri'] === $items[0]['parent-uri']) {
            logger('notifier: top level post');
            $top_level = true;
    $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`pubkey` AS `upubkey`, `user`.`prvkey` AS `uprvkey`,\n\t\t`user`.`timezone`, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`sprvkey`, `user`.`spubkey`,\n\t\t`user`.`page-flags`, `user`.`prvnets`\n\t\tFROM `contact` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid`\n\t\tWHERE `contact`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($uid));
    if (!count($r)) {
    $owner = $r[0];
    $walltowall = $top_level && $owner['id'] != $items[0]['contact-id'] ? true : false;
    $hub = get_config('system', 'huburl');
    // If this is a public conversation, notify the feed hub
    $public_message = true;
    // Do a PuSH
    $push_notify = false;
    // fill this in with a single salmon slap if applicable
    $slap = '';
    if (!($mail || $fsuggest || $relocate)) {
        require_once 'include/group.php';
        $parent = $items[0];
        $thr_parent = q("SELECT `network` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($target_item["thr-parent"]), intval($target_item["uid"]));
        logger('Parent is ' . $parent['network'] . '. Thread parent is ' . $thr_parent[0]['network'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
        // This is IMPORTANT!!!!
        // We will only send a "notify owner to relay" or followup message if the referenced post
        // originated on our system by virtue of having our hostname somewhere
        // in the URI, AND it was a comment (not top_level) AND the parent originated elsewhere.
        // if $parent['wall'] == 1 we will already have the parent message in our array
        // and we will relay the whole lot.
        // expire sends an entire group of expire messages and cannot be forwarded.
        // However the conversation owner will be a part of the conversation and will
        // be notified during this run.
        // Other DFRN conversation members will be alerted during polled updates.
        // Diaspora members currently are not notified of expirations, and other networks have
        // either limited or no ability to process deletions. We should at least fix Diaspora
        // by stringing togther an array of retractions and sending them onward.
        $localhost = str_replace('www.', '', $a->get_hostname());
        if (strpos($localhost, ':')) {
            $localhost = substr($localhost, 0, strpos($localhost, ':'));
         * Be VERY CAREFUL if you make any changes to the following several lines. Seemingly innocuous changes
         * have been known to cause runaway conditions which affected several servers, along with
         * permissions issues.
        $relay_to_owner = false;
        if (!$top_level && $parent['wall'] == 0 && !$expire && stristr($target_item['uri'], $localhost)) {
            $relay_to_owner = true;
        if ($cmd === 'uplink' && intval($parent['forum_mode']) == 1 && !$top_level) {
            $relay_to_owner = true;
        // until the 'origin' flag has been in use for several months
        // we will just use it as a fallback test
        // later we will be able to use it as the primary test of whether or not to relay.
        if (!$target_item['origin']) {
            $relay_to_owner = false;
        if ($parent['origin']) {
            $relay_to_owner = false;
        if ($relay_to_owner) {
            logger('notifier: followup ' . $target_item["guid"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
            // local followup to remote post
            $followup = true;
            $public_message = false;
            // not public
            $conversant_str = dbesc($parent['contact-id']);
            $recipients = array($parent['contact-id']);
            if (!$target_item['private'] and $target_item['wall'] and strlen($target_item['allow_cid'] . $target_item['allow_gid'] . $target_item['deny_cid'] . $target_item['deny_gid']) == 0) {
                $push_notify = true;
            // We notify Friendica users in the thread when it is an OStatus thread.
            // Hopefully this transfers the messages to the other Friendica servers. (Untested)
            if ($thr_parent and $thr_parent[0]['network'] == NETWORK_OSTATUS or $parent['network'] == NETWORK_OSTATUS) {
                $push_notify = true;
                if ($parent["network"] == NETWORK_OSTATUS) {
                    $r = q("SELECT `author-link` FROM `item` WHERE `parent` = %d AND `author-link` != '%s'", intval($target_item["parent"]), dbesc($owner['url']));
                    foreach ($r as $parent_item) {
                        $probed_contact = probe_url($parent_item["author-link"]);
                        if ($probed_contact["notify"] != "" and $probed_contact["network"] == NETWORK_DFRN) {
                            logger('Notify Friendica user ' . $probed_contact["url"] . ': ' . $probed_contact["notify"]);
                            $url_recipients[$probed_contact["notify"]] = $probed_contact["notify"];
                if (count($url_recipients)) {
                    logger("url_recipients " . print_r($url_recipients, true));
        } else {
            $followup = false;
            logger('Distributing directly ' . $target_item["guid"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
            // don't send deletions onward for other people's stuff
            if ($target_item['deleted'] && !intval($target_item['wall'])) {
                logger('notifier: ignoring delete notification for non-wall item');
            if (strlen($parent['allow_cid']) || strlen($parent['allow_gid']) || strlen($parent['deny_cid']) || strlen($parent['deny_gid'])) {
                $public_message = false;
                // private recipients, not public
            $allow_people = expand_acl($parent['allow_cid']);
            $allow_groups = expand_groups(expand_acl($parent['allow_gid']), true);
            $deny_people = expand_acl($parent['deny_cid']);
            $deny_groups = expand_groups(expand_acl($parent['deny_gid']));
            // if our parent is a public forum (forum_mode == 1), uplink to the origional author causing
            // a delivery fork. private groups (forum_mode == 2) do not uplink
            if (intval($parent['forum_mode']) == 1 && !$top_level && $cmd !== 'uplink') {
                proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'uplink', $item_id);
            $conversants = array();
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                $recipients[] = $item['contact-id'];
                $conversants[] = $item['contact-id'];
                // pull out additional tagged people to notify (if public message)
                if ($public_message && strlen($item['inform'])) {
                    $people = explode(',', $item['inform']);
                    foreach ($people as $person) {
                        if (substr($person, 0, 4) === 'cid:') {
                            $recipients[] = intval(substr($person, 4));
                            $conversants[] = intval(substr($person, 4));
                        } else {
                            $url_recipients[] = substr($person, 4);
            if (count($url_recipients)) {
                logger('notifier: ' . $target_item["guid"] . ' url_recipients ' . print_r($url_recipients, true));
            $conversants = array_unique($conversants);
            $recipients = array_unique(array_merge($recipients, $allow_people, $allow_groups));
            $deny = array_unique(array_merge($deny_people, $deny_groups));
            $recipients = array_diff($recipients, $deny);
            $conversant_str = dbesc(implode(', ', $conversants));
        // If the thread parent is OStatus then do some magic to distribute the messages.
        // We have not only to look at the parent, since it could be a Friendica thread.
        if ($thr_parent and $thr_parent[0]['network'] == NETWORK_OSTATUS or $parent['network'] == NETWORK_OSTATUS) {
            logger('Some parent is OStatus for ' . $target_item["guid"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
            // Send a salmon notification to every person we mentioned in the post
            $arr = explode(',', $target_item['tag']);
            foreach ($arr as $x) {
                //logger('Checking tag '.$x, LOGGER_DEBUG);
                $matches = null;
                if (preg_match('/@\\[url=([^\\]]*)\\]/', $x, $matches)) {
                    $probed_contact = probe_url($matches[1]);
                    if ($probed_contact["notify"] != "") {
                        logger('Notify mentioned user ' . $probed_contact["url"] . ': ' . $probed_contact["notify"]);
                        $url_recipients[$probed_contact["notify"]] = $probed_contact["notify"];
            // It only makes sense to distribute answers to OStatus messages to Friendica and OStatus - but not Diaspora
            $sql_extra = " AND `network` IN ('" . NETWORK_OSTATUS . "', '" . NETWORK_DFRN . "')";
        } else {
            $sql_extra = "";
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` IN ({$conversant_str}) AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0" . $sql_extra);
        if (count($r)) {
            $contacts = $r;
    $feed_template = get_markup_template('atom_feed.tpl');
    $mail_template = get_markup_template('atom_mail.tpl');
    $atom = '';
    $slaps = array();
    $hubxml = feed_hublinks();
    $birthday = feed_birthday($owner['uid'], $owner['timezone']);
    if (strlen($birthday)) {
        $birthday = '<dfrn:birthday>' . xmlify($birthday) . '</dfrn:birthday>';
    $atom .= replace_macros($feed_template, array('$version' => xmlify(FRIENDICA_VERSION), '$feed_id' => xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $owner['nickname']), '$feed_title' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$feed_updated' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $updated . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$hub' => $hubxml, '$salmon' => '', '$name' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$profile_page' => xmlify($owner['url']), '$photo' => xmlify($owner['photo']), '$thumb' => xmlify($owner['thumb']), '$picdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['avatar-date'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$uridate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['uri-date'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$namdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['name-date'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$birthday' => $birthday, '$community' => $owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY ? '<dfrn:community>1</dfrn:community>' : ''));
    if ($mail) {
        $public_message = false;
        // mail is  not public
        $body = fix_private_photos($item['body'], $owner['uid'], null, $message[0]['contact-id']);
        $atom .= replace_macros($mail_template, array('$name' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$profile_page' => xmlify($owner['url']), '$thumb' => xmlify($owner['thumb']), '$item_id' => xmlify($item['uri']), '$subject' => xmlify($item['title']), '$created' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $item['created'] . '+00:00', ATOM_TIME)), '$content' => xmlify($body), '$parent_id' => xmlify($item['parent-uri'])));
    } elseif ($fsuggest) {
        $public_message = false;
        // suggestions are not public
        $sugg_template = get_markup_template('atom_suggest.tpl');
        $atom .= replace_macros($sugg_template, array('$name' => xmlify($item['name']), '$url' => xmlify($item['url']), '$photo' => xmlify($item['photo']), '$request' => xmlify($item['request']), '$note' => xmlify($item['note'])));
        // We don't need this any more
        q("DELETE FROM `fsuggest` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item['id']));
    } elseif ($relocate) {
        $public_message = false;
        // suggestions are not public
        $sugg_template = get_markup_template('atom_relocate.tpl');
        /* get site pubkey. this could be a new installation with no site keys*/
        $pubkey = get_config('system', 'site_pubkey');
        if (!$pubkey) {
            $res = new_keypair(1024);
            set_config('system', 'site_prvkey', $res['prvkey']);
            set_config('system', 'site_pubkey', $res['pubkey']);
        $rp = q("SELECT `resource-id` , `scale`, type FROM `photo` \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `profile` = 1 AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY scale;", $uid);
        $photos = array();
        $ext = Photo::supportedTypes();
        foreach ($rp as $p) {
            $photos[$p['scale']] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/' . $p['resource-id'] . '-' . $p['scale'] . '.' . $ext[$p['type']];
        unset($rp, $ext);
        $atom .= replace_macros($sugg_template, array('$name' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$photo' => xmlify($photos[4]), '$thumb' => xmlify($photos[5]), '$micro' => xmlify($photos[6]), '$url' => xmlify($owner['url']), '$request' => xmlify($owner['request']), '$confirm' => xmlify($owner['confirm']), '$notify' => xmlify($owner['notify']), '$poll' => xmlify($owner['poll']), '$sitepubkey' => xmlify(get_config('system', 'site_pubkey'))));
        $recipients_relocate = q("SELECT * FROM contact WHERE uid = %d  AND self = 0 AND network = '%s'", intval($uid), NETWORK_DFRN);
    } else {
        $slap = ostatus_salmon($target_item, $owner);
        //$slap = atom_entry($target_item,'html',null,$owner,false);
        if ($followup) {
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                // there is only one item
                if (!$item['parent']) {
                if ($item['id'] == $item_id) {
                    logger('notifier: followup: item: ' . print_r($item, true), LOGGER_DATA);
                    //$slap  = atom_entry($item,'html',null,$owner,false);
                    $atom .= atom_entry($item, 'text', null, $owner, false);
        } else {
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                if (!$item['parent']) {
                // private emails may be in included in public conversations. Filter them.
                if ($public_message && $item['private'] == 1) {
                $contact = get_item_contact($item, $contacts);
                if (!$contact) {
                if ($normal_mode) {
                    // we only need the current item, but include the parent because without it
                    // older sites without a corresponding dfrn_notify change may do the wrong thing.
                    if ($item_id == $item['id'] || $item['id'] == $item['parent']) {
                        $atom .= atom_entry($item, 'text', null, $owner, true);
                } else {
                    $atom .= atom_entry($item, 'text', null, $owner, true);
                if ($top_level && $public_message && $item['author-link'] === $item['owner-link'] && !$expire) {
                    $slaps[] = ostatus_salmon($item, $owner);
                //$slaps[] = atom_entry($item,'html',null,$owner,true);
    $atom .= '</feed>' . "\r\n";
    logger('notifier: ' . $atom, LOGGER_DATA);
    logger('notifier: slaps: ' . print_r($slaps, true), LOGGER_DATA);
    // If this is a public message and pubmail is set on the parent, include all your email contacts
    $mail_disabled = function_exists('imap_open') && !get_config('system', 'imap_disabled') ? 0 : 1;
    if (!$mail_disabled) {
        if (!strlen($target_item['allow_cid']) && !strlen($target_item['allow_gid']) && !strlen($target_item['deny_cid']) && !strlen($target_item['deny_gid']) && intval($target_item['pubmail'])) {
            $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `network` = '%s'", intval($uid), dbesc(NETWORK_MAIL));
            if (count($r)) {
                foreach ($r as $rr) {
                    $recipients[] = $rr['id'];
    if ($followup) {
        $recip_str = $parent['contact-id'];
    } else {
        $recip_str = implode(', ', $recipients);
    if ($relocate) {
        $r = $recipients_relocate;
    } else {
        $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` IN ( %s ) AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 ", dbesc($recip_str));
    require_once 'include/salmon.php';
    $interval = get_config('system', 'delivery_interval') === false ? 2 : intval(get_config('system', 'delivery_interval'));
    // If we are using the worker we don't need a delivery interval
    if (get_config("system", "worker")) {
        $interval = false;
    // delivery loop
    if (count($r)) {
        foreach ($r as $contact) {
            if (!$mail && !$fsuggest && !$followup && !$relocate && !$contact['self']) {
                if ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA && $public_message) {
                q("insert into deliverq ( `cmd`,`item`,`contact` ) values ('%s', %d, %d )", dbesc($cmd), intval($item_id), intval($contact['id']));
        // This controls the number of deliveries to execute with each separate delivery process.
        // By default we'll perform one delivery per process. Assuming a hostile shared hosting
        // provider, this provides the greatest chance of deliveries if processes start getting
        // killed. We can also space them out with the delivery_interval to also help avoid them
        // getting whacked.
        // If $deliveries_per_process > 1, we will chain this number of multiple deliveries
        // together into a single process. This will reduce the overall number of processes
        // spawned for each delivery, but they will run longer.
        // When using the workerqueue, we don't need this functionality.
        $deliveries_per_process = intval(get_config('system', 'delivery_batch_count'));
        if ($deliveries_per_process <= 0 or get_config("system", "worker")) {
            $deliveries_per_process = 1;
        $this_batch = array();
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($r); $x++) {
            $contact = $r[$x];
            if ($contact['self']) {
            logger("Deliver " . $target_item["guid"] . " to " . $contact['url'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
            // potentially more than one recipient. Start a new process and space them out a bit.
            // we will deliver single recipient types of message and email recipients here.
            if (!$mail && !$fsuggest && !$relocate && !$followup) {
                $this_batch[] = $contact['id'];
                if (count($this_batch) == $deliveries_per_process) {
                    proc_run('php', 'include/delivery.php', $cmd, $item_id, $this_batch);
                    $this_batch = array();
                    if ($interval) {
                        @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (double) $interval);
            // be sure to pick up any stragglers
            if (count($this_batch)) {
                proc_run('php', 'include/delivery.php', $cmd, $item_id, $this_batch);
            $deliver_status = 0;
            logger("main delivery by notifier: followup={$followup} mail={$mail} fsuggest={$fsuggest} relocate={$relocate}");
            switch ($contact['network']) {
                case NETWORK_DFRN:
                    // perform local delivery if we are on the same site
                    $basepath = implode('/', array_slice(explode('/', $contact['url']), 0, 3));
                    if (link_compare($basepath, $a->get_baseurl())) {
                        $nickname = basename($contact['url']);
                        if ($contact['issued-id']) {
                            $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `dfrn-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($contact['issued-id']));
                        } else {
                            $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `issued-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($contact['dfrn-id']));
                        $x = q("SELECT\t`contact`.*, `contact`.`uid` AS `importer_uid`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`pubkey` AS `cpubkey`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`prvkey` AS `cprvkey`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`thumb` AS `thumb`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`url` as `url`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`contact`.`name` as `senderName`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`user`.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `user` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`archive` = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `contact`.`pending` = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `contact`.`network` = '%s' AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$sql_extra}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `user`.`account_expired` = 0 AND `user`.`account_removed` = 0 LIMIT 1", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc($nickname));
                        if ($x && count($x)) {
                            $write_flag = $x[0]['rel'] && $x[0]['rel'] != CONTACT_IS_SHARING ? true : false;
                            if (($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY || $write_flag) && !$x[0]['writable']) {
                                q("update contact set writable = 1 where id = %d", intval($x[0]['id']));
                                $x[0]['writable'] = 1;
                            // if contact's ssl policy changed, which we just determined
                            // is on our own server, update our contact links
                            $ssl_policy = get_config('system', 'ssl_policy');
                            fix_contact_ssl_policy($x[0], $ssl_policy);
                            // If we are setup as a soapbox we aren't accepting top level posts from this person
                            if ($x[0]['page-flags'] == PAGE_SOAPBOX and $top_level) {
                            require_once 'library/simplepie/simplepie.inc';
                            logger('mod-delivery: local delivery');
                            local_delivery($x[0], $atom);
                    logger('notifier: dfrndelivery: ' . $contact['name']);
                    $deliver_status = dfrn_deliver($owner, $contact, $atom);
                    logger('notifier: dfrn_delivery returns ' . $deliver_status);
                    if ($deliver_status == -1) {
                        logger('notifier: delivery failed: queuing message');
                        // queue message for redelivery
                        add_to_queue($contact['id'], NETWORK_DFRN, $atom);
                case NETWORK_OSTATUS:
                    // Do not send to ostatus if we are not configured to send to public networks
                    if ($owner['prvnets']) {
                    if (get_config('system', 'ostatus_disabled') || get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
                    if ($followup && $contact['notify']) {
                        logger('slapdelivery followup item ' . $item_id . ' to ' . $contact['name']);
                        $deliver_status = slapper($owner, $contact['notify'], $slap);
                        if ($deliver_status == -1) {
                            // queue message for redelivery
                            add_to_queue($contact['id'], NETWORK_OSTATUS, $slap);
                    } else {
                        // only send salmon if public - e.g. if it's ok to notify
                        // a public hub, it's ok to send a salmon
                        if (count($slaps) && $public_message && !$expire) {
                            logger('slapdelivery item ' . $item_id . ' to ' . $contact['name']);
                            foreach ($slaps as $slappy) {
                                if ($contact['notify']) {
                                    $deliver_status = slapper($owner, $contact['notify'], $slappy);
                                    if ($deliver_status == -1) {
                                        // queue message for redelivery
                                        add_to_queue($contact['id'], NETWORK_OSTATUS, $slappy);
                case NETWORK_MAIL:
                case NETWORK_MAIL2:
                    if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
                    // WARNING: does not currently convert to RFC2047 header encodings, etc.
                    $addr = $contact['addr'];
                    if (!strlen($addr)) {
                    if ($cmd === 'wall-new' || $cmd === 'comment-new') {
                        $it = null;
                        if ($cmd === 'wall-new') {
                            $it = $items[0];
                        } else {
                            $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($argv[2]), intval($uid));
                            if (count($r)) {
                                $it = $r[0];
                        if (!$it) {
                        $local_user = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid));
                        if (!count($local_user)) {
                        $reply_to = '';
                        $r1 = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid));
                        if ($r1 && $r1[0]['reply_to']) {
                            $reply_to = $r1[0]['reply_to'];
                        $subject = $it['title'] ? email_header_encode($it['title'], 'UTF-8') : t("(no subject)");
                        // only expose our real email address to true friends
                        if ($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FRIEND && !$contact['blocked']) {
                            if ($reply_to) {
                                $headers = 'From: ' . email_header_encode($local_user[0]['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . $reply_to . '>' . "\n";
                                $headers .= 'Sender: ' . $local_user[0]['email'] . "\n";
                            } else {
                                $headers = 'From: ' . email_header_encode($local_user[0]['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . $local_user[0]['email'] . '>' . "\n";
                        } else {
                            $headers = 'From: ' . email_header_encode($local_user[0]['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname() . '>' . "\n";
                        //	$headers .= 'Reply-to: ' . $reply_to . "\n";
                        $headers .= 'Message-Id: <' . iri2msgid($it['uri']) . '>' . "\n";
                        if ($it['uri'] !== $it['parent-uri']) {
                            $headers .= "References: <" . iri2msgid($it["parent-uri"]) . ">";
                            // If Threading is enabled, write down the correct parent
                            if ($it["thr-parent"] != "" and $it["thr-parent"] != $it["parent-uri"]) {
                                $headers .= " <" . iri2msgid($it["thr-parent"]) . ">";
                            $headers .= "\n";
                            if (!$it['title']) {
                                $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']), intval($uid));
                                if (count($r) and $r[0]['title'] != '') {
                                    $subject = $r[0]['title'];
                                } else {
                                    $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']), intval($uid));
                                    if (count($r) and $r[0]['title'] != '') {
                                        $subject = $r[0]['title'];
                            if (strncasecmp($subject, 'RE:', 3)) {
                                $subject = 'Re: ' . $subject;
                        email_send($addr, $subject, $headers, $it);
                case NETWORK_DIASPORA:
                    if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only') || !get_config('system', 'diaspora_enabled')) {
                    if ($mail) {
                        diaspora_send_mail($item, $owner, $contact);
                    if (!$normal_mode) {
                    // special handling for followup to public post
                    // all other public posts processed as public batches further below
                    if ($public_message) {
                        if ($followup) {
                            diaspora_send_followup($target_item, $owner, $contact, true);
                    if (!$contact['pubkey']) {
                    $unsupported_activities = array(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE, ACTIVITY_ATTEND, ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO, ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE);
                    //don't transmit activities which are not supported by diaspora
                    foreach ($unsupported_activities as $act) {
                        if (activity_match($target_item['verb'], $act)) {
                            break 2;
                    if ($target_item['deleted'] && ($target_item['uri'] === $target_item['parent-uri'] || $followup)) {
                        // send both top-level retractions and relayable retractions for owner to relay
                        diaspora_send_retraction($target_item, $owner, $contact);
                    } elseif ($followup) {
                        // send comments and likes to owner to relay
                        diaspora_send_followup($target_item, $owner, $contact);
                    } elseif ($target_item['uri'] !== $target_item['parent-uri']) {
                        // we are the relay - send comments, likes and relayable_retractions
                        // (of comments and likes) to our conversants
                        diaspora_send_relay($target_item, $owner, $contact);
                    } elseif ($top_level && !$walltowall) {
                        // currently no workable solution for sending walltowall
                        diaspora_send_status($target_item, $owner, $contact);
                case NETWORK_FEED:
                case NETWORK_FACEBOOK:
                    if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
                case NETWORK_PUMPIO:
                    if (get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
    // send additional slaps to mentioned remote tags (@foo@example.com)
    //if($slap && count($url_recipients) && ($followup || $top_level) && ($public_message || $push_notify) && (! $expire)) {
    if ($slap && count($url_recipients) && ($public_message || $push_notify) && !$expire) {
        if (!get_config('system', 'dfrn_only')) {
            foreach ($url_recipients as $url) {
                if ($url) {
                    logger('notifier: urldelivery: ' . $url);
                    $deliver_status = slapper($owner, $url, $slap);
                    // TODO: redeliver/queue these items on failure, though there is no contact record
    if ($public_message) {
        if (!$followup) {
            $r0 = diaspora_fetch_relay();
        } else {
            $r0 = array();
        $r1 = q("SELECT DISTINCT(`batch`), `id`, `name`,`network` FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s'\n\t\t\tAND `uid` = %d AND `rel` != %d group by `batch` ORDER BY rand() ", dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA), intval($owner['uid']), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING));
        $r2 = q("SELECT `id`, `name`,`network` FROM `contact`\n\t\t\tWHERE `network` in ( '%s', '%s')  AND `uid` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0\n\t\t\tAND `rel` != %d order by rand() ", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_MAIL2), intval($owner['uid']), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING));
        $r = array_merge($r2, $r1, $r0);
        if (count($r)) {
            logger('pubdeliver: ' . print_r($r, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
            // throw everything into the queue in case we get killed
            foreach ($r as $rr) {
                if (!$mail && !$fsuggest && !$followup) {
                    q("insert into deliverq ( `cmd`,`item`,`contact` ) values ('%s', %d, %d )", dbesc($cmd), intval($item_id), intval($rr['id']));
            foreach ($r as $rr) {
                // except for Diaspora batch jobs
                // Don't deliver to folks who have already been delivered to
                if ($rr['network'] !== NETWORK_DIASPORA && in_array($rr['id'], $conversants)) {
                    logger('notifier: already delivered id=' . $rr['id']);
                if (!$mail && !$fsuggest && !$followup) {
                    logger('notifier: delivery agent: ' . $rr['name'] . ' ' . $rr['id']);
                    proc_run('php', 'include/delivery.php', $cmd, $item_id, $rr['id']);
                    if ($interval) {
                        @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (double) $interval);
        $push_notify = true;
    if ($push_notify and strlen($hub)) {
        $hubs = explode(',', $hub);
        if (count($hubs)) {
            foreach ($hubs as $h) {
                $h = trim($h);
                if (!strlen($h)) {
                if ($h === '[internal]') {
                    // Set push flag for PuSH subscribers to this topic,
                    // they will be notified in queue.php
                    q("UPDATE `push_subscriber` SET `push` = 1 " . "WHERE `nickname` = '%s'", dbesc($owner['nickname']));
                    logger('Activating internal PuSH for item ' . $item_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
                } else {
                    $params = 'hub.mode=publish&hub.url=' . urlencode($a->get_baseurl() . '/dfrn_poll/' . $owner['nickname']);
                    post_url($h, $params);
                    logger('publish for item ' . $item_id . ' ' . $h . ' ' . $params . ' returned ' . $a->get_curl_code());
                if (count($hubs) > 1) {
                // try and avoid multiple hubs responding at precisely the same time
        // Handling the pubsubhubbub requests
        proc_run('php', 'include/pubsubpublish.php');
    // If the item was deleted, clean up the `sign` table
    if ($target_item['deleted']) {
        $r = q("DELETE FROM sign where `retract_iid` = %d", intval($target_item['id']));
    logger('notifier: calling hooks', LOGGER_DEBUG);
    if ($normal_mode) {
        call_hooks('notifier_normal', $target_item);
    call_hooks('notifier_end', $target_item);
Exemplo n.º 25
 * send mail to administrators (users that have default role = administrator) 
 * to warn about new user created.
function notifyGlobalAdmins(&$dbHandler, &$userObj)
    // Get email addresses for all users that have default role = administrator
    $roleMgr = new tlRole(TL_ROLES_ADMIN);
    $userSet = $roleMgr->getUsersWithGlobalRole($dbHandler);
    $mail['subject'] = lang_get('new_account');
    $key2loop = array_keys($userSet);
    foreach ($key2loop as $userID) {
        $mail['to'][$userID] = $userSet[$userID]->emailAddress;
    // email_api uses ',' as list separator
    $mail['to'] = implode(',', $mail['to']);
    $mail['body'] = lang_get('new_account') . "\n";
    $mail['body'] .= " user:{$userObj->login}\n";
    $mail['body'] .= " first name:{$userObj->firstName} surname:{$userObj->lastName}\n";
    $mail['body'] .= " email:{$userObj->emailAddress}\n";
    // silence errors
    @email_send(config_get('from_email'), $mail['to'], $mail['subject'], $mail['body']);
Exemplo n.º 26
function email_send_all()
    $t_ids = email_queue_get_ids();
    $t_emails_recipients_failed = array();
    $t_start = microtime_float();
    foreach ($t_ids as $t_id) {
        $t_email_data = email_queue_get($t_id);
        # check if email was not found.  This can happen if another request picks up the email first and sends it.
        if ($t_email_data === false) {
        # if unable to place the email in the email server queue, then the connection to the server is down,
        # and hence no point to continue trying with the rest of the emails.
        if (!email_send($t_email_data)) {
            if (microtime_float() - $t_start > 5) {
            } else {
Exemplo n.º 27
if ($f_to !== null) {
    if ($f_to == 'all') {
        echo "Sending emails...<br />";
        echo "Done";
    } else {
        if ($f_to == 'sendordelall') {
            echo "Sending or deleting emails...<br />";
            echo "Done";
        } else {
            $t_email_data = email_queue_get((int) $f_to);
            // check if email was found.  This can fail if another request picks up the email first and sends it.
            echo 'Sending email...<br />';
            if ($t_email_data !== false) {
                if (!email_send($t_email_data)) {
                    echo 'Email Not Sent - Deleting from queue<br />';
                } else {
                    echo 'Email Sent<br />';
            } else {
                echo 'Email not found in queue<br />';
$t_ids = email_queue_get_ids();
if (count($t_ids) > 0) {
    echo '<table><tr><th>' . lang_get('id') . '</th><th>' . lang_get('email') . '</th><th>' . lang_get('timestamp') . '</th><th>Send Or Delete</th></tr>';
    foreach ($t_ids as $t_id) {
Exemplo n.º 28
function sendSuccessReport()
    $xml = simplexml_load_file('/conf/config.xml');
    $name = $xml->xpath('/opennas/system/hostname');
    email_send(getMailTo(), "Plus d'erreur détectées sur OpenNAS", "Aucune erreur n'a été détectée sur l'OpenNAS \"" . $name['0'] . "\" ( " . get_hast_role() . " ).", $outError);
    return !$outError;
Exemplo n.º 29
//send a password reset request to a user
//check if form submitted
if (!isset($_POST['email'])) {
    return false;
//variables not set yet
//get variables
$email = set_post('email', '');
if (empty($email) || !email_is_valid($email)) {
    notices_set('Invalid email.', 'error');
    return false;
//check if it is valid
$sql = sql_query(" SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE email='{$email}' LIMIT 1 ");
if (sql_count($sql) <= 0) {
    notices_set('Invalid email.', 'error');
    return false;
$data = sql_fetch($sql);
//create code
$confirm = confirm_token_create($email);
//delete all tokens for that email
sql_query(" DELETE FROM `password_reset` WHERE user='******'id']}' LIMIT 1 ");
sql_query(" INSERT INTO `password_reset` (user, token) VALUES('{$data['id']}' , '{$confirm}') \n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='{$confirm}' ");
//send email
email_send('password_reset', 'Planling Password Reset', array($email => $email), array('{{%LINK%}}' => 'http://' . MAIN_URL . '/password?e=' . $email . '&t=' . $confirm));
//set message
notices_set('Instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to <strong>' . $email . '</strong>.', 'success');
//redirect user
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function writeEvent(&$event)
     if (!$this->doLogging) {
         return tl::OK;
     if (!($event->logLevel & $this->logLevelFilter)) {
         return tl::OK;
     if (!$this->configIsOK) {
         return tl::ERROR;
     // this event logger supports tlMetaString and normal strings
     if (is_object($event->description)) {
         $description = $event->description->localize('en_GB');
     } else {
         $description = $event->description;
     // to avoid log writes related to log logic
     // build the logfile entry
     $subjects = array("%timestamp", "%errorlevel", "%source", "%description", "%sessionid");
     $verboseTimeStamp = gmdate("y/M/j H:i:s", $event->timestamp);
     $replacements = array($verboseTimeStamp, tlLogger::$logLevels[$event->logLevel], $event->source, $description, $event->sessionID ? $event->sessionID : "<nosession>");
     $email_body = str_replace($subjects, $replacements, self::$eventFormatString);
     try {
         $mail_subject = $verboseTimeStamp . lang_get('mail_logger_email_subject');
         $mail_subject .= isset($_SESSION['basehref']) ? $_SESSION['basehref'] : config_get('instance_id');
         email_send($this->from_email, $this->sendto_email, $mail_subject, $email_body);
     } catch (Exception $exceptionObj) {
         // do nothing
         return tl::KO;
     return tl::OK;