Exemplo n.º 1
  * Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the
  * prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation
  * many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the
  * page requests will run on the new prefix. A temporary files directory
  * is created with the same name as the database prefix.
  * @param ...
  *   List of modules to enable for the duration of the test.
 protected function setUp()
     global $db_prefix;
     // Store necessary current values before switching to prefixed database.
     $this->originalPrefix = $db_prefix;
     $clean_url_original = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
     // Generate temporary prefixed database to ensure that tests have a clean starting point.
     $db_prefix = Database::getActiveConnection()->prefixTables('{simpletest' . mt_rand(1000, 1000000) . '}');
     include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc';
     // Add the specified modules to the list of modules in the default profile.
     $args = func_get_args();
     $modules = array_unique(array_merge(drupal_get_profile_modules('default', 'en'), $args));
     // Because the schema is static cached, we need to flush
     // it between each run.  If we don't, then it will contain
     // stale data for the previous run's database prefix and all
     // calls to it will fail.
     drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
     // Run default profile tasks.
     $task = 'profile';
     default_profile_tasks($task, '');
     // Rebuild caches.
     $this->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);
     // Restore necessary variables.
     variable_set('install_profile', 'default');
     variable_set('install_task', 'profile-finished');
     variable_set('clean_url', $clean_url_original);
     variable_set('site_mail', '*****@*****.**');
     // Use temporary files directory with the same prefix as database.
     $this->originalFileDirectory = file_directory_path();
     variable_set('file_directory_path', file_directory_path() . '/' . $db_prefix);
     $directory = file_directory_path();
     file_check_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     // Create the files directory.
Exemplo n.º 2
 * The Drupal installation happens in a series of steps. We begin by verifying
 * that the current environment meets our minimum requirements. We then go
 * on to verify that settings.php is properly configured. From there we
 * connect to the configured database and verify that it meets our minimum
 * requirements. Finally we can allow the user to select an installation
 * profile and complete the installation process.
 * @param $phase
 *   The installation phase we should proceed to.
function install_main()
    // The user agent header is used to pass a database prefix in the request when
    // running tests. However, for security reasons, it is imperative that no
    // installation be permitted using such a prefix.
    if (preg_match("/^simpletest\\d+\$/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 Forbidden');
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/bootstrap.inc';
    // This must go after drupal_bootstrap(), which unsets globals!
    global $profile, $install_locale, $conf;
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/modules/system/system.install';
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/file.inc';
    // Ensure correct page headers are sent (e.g. caching)
    // Set up $language, so t() caller functions will still work.
    // Load module basics (needed for hook invokes).
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/module.inc';
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/session.inc';
    $module_list['system']['filename'] = 'modules/system/system.module';
    $module_list['filter']['filename'] = 'modules/filter/filter.module';
    module_list(TRUE, FALSE, $module_list);
    drupal_load('module', 'system');
    drupal_load('module', 'filter');
    // Set up theme system for the maintenance page.
    // Check existing settings.php.
    $verify = install_verify_settings();
    if ($verify) {
        // Since we have a database connection, we use the normal cache system.
        // This is important, as the installer calls into the Drupal system for
        // the clean URL checks, so we should maintain the cache properly.
        require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/cache.inc';
        $conf['cache_inc'] = 'includes/cache.inc';
        // Initialize the database system. Note that the connection
        // won't be initialized until it is actually requested.
        require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/database/database.inc';
        // Check if Drupal is installed.
        $task = install_verify_drupal();
        if ($task == 'done') {
    } else {
        // Since no persistent storage is available yet, and functions that check
        // for cached data will fail, we temporarily replace the normal cache
        // system with a stubbed-out version that short-circuits the actual
        // caching process and avoids any errors.
        require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/cache-install.inc';
        $conf['cache_inc'] = 'includes/cache-install.inc';
        $task = NULL;
    // Decide which profile to use.
    if (!empty($_GET['profile'])) {
        $profile = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/', '', $_GET['profile']);
    } elseif ($profile = install_select_profile()) {
    } else {
    // Load the profile.
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . "/profiles/{$profile}/{$profile}.profile";
    // Locale selection
    if (!empty($_GET['locale'])) {
        $install_locale = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_0-9\\-]/', '', $_GET['locale']);
    } elseif (($install_locale = install_select_locale($profile)) !== FALSE) {
    // Tasks come after the database is set up
    if (!$task) {
        global $db_url;
        if (!$verify && !empty($db_url)) {
            // Do not install over a configured settings.php.
        // Check the installation requirements for Drupal and this profile.
        $requirements = install_check_requirements($profile, $verify);
        // Verify existence of all required modules.
        $requirements += drupal_verify_profile($profile, $install_locale);
        // Check the severity of the requirements reported.
        $severity = drupal_requirements_severity($requirements);
        if ($severity == REQUIREMENT_ERROR) {
            drupal_set_title(st('Requirements problem'));
            $status_report = theme('status_report', $requirements);
            $status_report .= st('Please check the error messages and <a href="!url">try again</a>.', array('!url' => request_uri()));
            print theme('install_page', $status_report);
        // Change the settings.php information if verification failed earlier.
        // Note: will trigger a redirect if database credentials change.
        if (!$verify) {
            install_change_settings($profile, $install_locale);
        // Install system.module.
        // Save the list of other modules to install for the 'profile-install'
        // task. variable_set() can be used now that system.module is installed
        // and drupal is bootstrapped.
        $modules = drupal_get_profile_modules($profile, $install_locale);
        variable_set('install_profile_modules', array_diff($modules, array('system')));
    // The database is set up, turn to further tasks.
    install_tasks($profile, $task);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generates a random database prefix, runs the install scripts on the
  * prefixed database and enable the specified modules. After installation
  * many caches are flushed and the internal browser is setup so that the
  * page requests will run on the new prefix. A temporary files directory
  * is created with the same name as the database prefix.
  * @param ...
  *   List of modules to enable for the duration of the test.
 protected function setUp()
     global $db_prefix, $user, $language;
     // Store necessary current values before switching to prefixed database.
     $this->originalLanguage = $language;
     $this->originalLanguageDefault = variable_get('language_default');
     $this->originalPrefix = $db_prefix;
     $this->originalFileDirectory = file_directory_path();
     $clean_url_original = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
     // Generate temporary prefixed database to ensure that tests have a clean starting point.
     $db_prefix = Database::getConnection()->prefixTables('{simpletest' . mt_rand(1000, 1000000) . '}');
     include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc';
     // Add the specified modules to the list of modules in the default profile.
     // Install the modules specified by the default profile.
     $core_modules = drupal_get_profile_modules('default', 'en');
     drupal_install_modules($core_modules, TRUE);
     // Install additional modules one at a time in order to make sure that the
     // list of modules is updated between each module's installation.
     $modules = func_get_args();
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         drupal_install_modules(array($module), TRUE);
     // Because the schema is static cached, we need to flush
     // it between each run. If we don't, then it will contain
     // stale data for the previous run's database prefix and all
     // calls to it will fail.
     drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);
     // Run default profile tasks.
     $task = 'profile';
     default_profile_tasks($task, '');
     // Rebuild caches.
     $this->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);
     // Log in with a clean $user.
     $this->originalUser = $user;
     $user = user_load(1);
     // Restore necessary variables.
     variable_set('install_profile', 'default');
     variable_set('install_task', 'profile-finished');
     variable_set('clean_url', $clean_url_original);
     variable_set('site_mail', '*****@*****.**');
     // Set up English language.
     $language = language_default();
     // Make sure our drupal_mail_wrapper function is called instead of the
     // default mail handler.
     variable_set('smtp_library', drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/drupal_web_test_case.php');
     // Use temporary files directory with the same prefix as database.
     variable_set('file_directory_path', $this->originalFileDirectory . '/' . $db_prefix);
     $directory = file_directory_path();
     // Create the files directory.
     file_check_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);