/** * Preprocessor for page.tpl.php template file. */ function ninesixty_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) { if (strpos($vars['body_classes'], ' uk ')) { $uk = true; } else { if (strpos($vars['body_classes'], ' academy ')) { $academy = true; } } // For easy printing of variables. $vars['logo_img'] = $vars['logo'] ? theme('image', substr($vars['logo'], strlen(base_path())), t('Home'), t('Home')) : ''; if ($uk) { $vars['linked_logo_img'] = $vars['logo_img'] ? l($vars['logo_img'], 'uk', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'), 'html' => TRUE)) : ''; $vars['linked_site_name'] = $vars['site_name'] ? l($vars['site_name'], 'uk', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'))) : ''; } else { if ($academy) { $vars['linked_logo_img'] = $vars['logo_img'] ? l($vars['logo_img'], 'academy', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'), 'html' => TRUE)) : ''; $vars['linked_site_name'] = $vars['site_name'] ? l($vars['site_name'], 'academy', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'))) : ''; } else { $vars['linked_logo_img'] = $vars['logo_img'] ? l($vars['logo_img'], '<front>', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'), 'html' => TRUE)) : ''; $vars['linked_site_name'] = $vars['site_name'] ? l($vars['site_name'], '<front>', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'))) : ''; } } $vars['main_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'links main-menu')); $vars['secondary_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['secondary_links'], array('class' => 'links secondary-menu')); // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others. $vars['css_alt'] = ninesixty_css_reorder($vars['css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']); }
function theme_block_overlay_store_form($form, $language) { $output = ""; $output .= drupal_get_css(); $output .= drupal_get_js(); $output .= '<div id="block-overlay-store" class="page-store">'; $output .= '<div id="block-map">'; $output .= '<img src="' . base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'storelocator_app') . '/images/carteBE-overlay.jpg' . '" '; $output .= ' class="maphilight" usemap="#Map" />'; $output .= '<map name="Map" id="Map">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="19,53,70,30,73,41,68,58,76,86,47,82,34,90,24,83" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province Flandre Occidentale', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province Flandre Occidentale', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province Flandre Occidentale', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="73,40,80,41,79,36,97,43,114,41,123,33,129,52,119,55,120,67,103,90,75,87,71,73,68,57,71,49" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province Flandre Orientale', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province Flandre Orientale', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province Flandre Orientale', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="39,94,34,91,46,82,48,85,54,86,57,87,68,90,75,88,79,89,82,92,87,87,95,90,103,91,103,96,113,94,114,101,119,100,128,111,134,109,138,111,145,113,145,121,145,132,133,135,126,140,132,141,131,149,132,158,134,171,124,167,116,166,113,160,120,157,113,151,116,140,111,132,106,129,99,132,96,129,89,130,89,134,85,129,83,117,70,115,63,109,59,100,62,94,57,92,52,85" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province de Hainaut', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province de Hainaut', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province de Hainaut', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="141,111,150,108,165,106,173,111,182,119,187,126,194,127,194,136,189,140,184,144,191,151,172,155,169,161,171,167,172,175,168,179,165,185,159,184,158,177,159,172,155,167,158,154,159,149,149,155,149,164,140,166,135,170,128,157,129,147,130,141,124,140,132,134,142,133,144,123,142,116" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province de Namur', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province de Namur', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province de Namur', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="195,123,211,131,215,138,222,139,221,131,231,132,233,148,219,167,216,177,214,187,225,198,222,208,200,212,189,202,166,184,171,176,171,167,167,159,171,153,184,152,183,142,193,137" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province de Luxembourg', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province de Luxembourg', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province de Luxembourg', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="171,96,199,93,211,86,215,92,224,93,231,91,239,94,247,102,247,105,243,106,247,116,253,115,255,124,255,126,257,134,242,143,241,153,232,146,230,133,222,133,224,140,212,140,211,131,196,125,186,128,174,113,167,102" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province de Liège', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province de Liège', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province de Liège', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="183,42,199,38,204,47,212,50,221,52,215,72,209,81,210,86,193,94,176,97,180,78,169,75,175,65,167,62,184,53,179,47,181,45" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province du Limbourg', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province du Limbourg', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province du Limbourg', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="122,28,133,31,132,22,141,20,143,26,150,25,154,18,159,20,160,26,166,27,170,20,176,24,175,30,179,36,183,37,182,48,185,53,170,62,157,65,145,66,131,67,124,63,120,64,120,54,128,54,126,41" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province Anvers', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province d\'Anvers', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province d\'Anvers', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="111,99,111,94,113,92,118,96,125,96,126,93,129,93,130,91,135,89,137,92,143,90,147,90,149,84,156,84,159,87,164,88,166,90,171,88,171,97,157,103,147,102,145,107,141,107,141,110,137,110,136,108,127,107,121,102,117,101,117,98,114,97,111,98,111,99" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province du Brabant wallon', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province du Brabant wallon', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province du Brabant wallon', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="124,78,133,74,135,79,136,81,134,88,129,89,123,85" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Région de Bruxelles', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Région de Bruxelles', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Région de Bruxelles', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="122,62,133,67,175,65,178,64,171,74,175,76,181,76,174,96,167,90,153,89,134,90,134,80,131,76,124,79,123,84,129,89,133,89,126,95,119,95,115,93,101,95,101,88,112,86,109,80,114,74,116,72,117,58,122,65" HREF="javascript:displayRegion(\'' . t('Province du Brabant flamand', array(), $language) . '\');" ALT="' . t('Province du Brabant flamand', array(), $language) . '" TITLE="' . t('Province du Brabant flamand', array(), $language) . '">'; $output .= '</map>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= drupal_render($form); $output .= '</div>'; return $output; }
function _yaml_3col_subcol_add_styles($vars = array()) { global $theme, $language; $base_theme_directory = str_replace('/layouts/' . $theme, '', $vars['directory']); $styles = drupal_get_css($vars['css']); // Page settings $styles .= _yaml_get_css_themesettings(); // The styles array is complete, get the styled css and append the // IE Hacks. Additional this allows to dynamically add add packed or other iehacks. $styles .= "<!--[if lte IE 7]>\n"; $styles .= '<style type="text/css" media="all">' . "\n"; $styles .= '@import "' . base_path() . $base_theme_directory . '/yaml/core/iehacks' . (variable_get('preprocess_css', FALSE) ? '.pack' : '') . '.css";' . "\n"; if (defined('LANGUAGE_RTL') && $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL) { $styles .= '@import "' . base_path() . $base_theme_directory . '/yaml/core/iehacks-rtl' . (variable_get('preprocess_css', FALSE) ? '.pack' : '') . '.css";' . "\n"; } $styles .= '@import "' . base_path() . $base_theme_directory . '/css/patches/patch_nav_vlist_drupal.css";' . "\n"; $styles .= '@import "' . base_path() . $base_theme_directory . '/css/patches/patch_drupal.css";' . "\n"; $styles .= "</style>\n"; $styles .= "<![endif]-->\n"; // IE 6 settings and styles. $styles_ie6 = _yaml_get_css_ie6_themesettings('', $base_theme_directory); if (!empty($styles_ie6)) { $styles .= "<!--[if lte IE 6]>\n"; $styles .= '<style type="text/css" media="all">' . $styles_ie6 . "</style>\n"; $styles .= "<![endif]-->\n"; } // Return themed styles return $styles; }
/** * Preprocessor for page.tpl.php template file. * The default functionality can be found in preprocess/preprocess-page.inc */ function omega_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) { // Prepare 960gs CSS. Fixed width is default, fluid is optional via theme-settings if(theme_get_setting('omega_fixed_fluid') == 'fluid') { $css_960 = drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/960-fluid.css'; } else { $css_960 = drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/960.css'; } drupal_add_css($css_960, 'module', 'all'); // enable/disable optional CSS files if (theme_get_setting('reset_css') == '1') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/reset.css', 'module', 'all'); } if (theme_get_setting('text_css') == '1') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/text.css', 'module', 'all'); } if (theme_get_setting('regions_css') == '1') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/regions.css', 'module', 'all'); } if (theme_get_setting('defaults_css') == '1') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/defaults.css', 'module', 'all'); } if (theme_get_setting('custom_css') == '1') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') .'/css/custom.css', 'module', 'all'); } // redeclare $styles //krumo($vars['styles']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); //krumo($vars['styles']); } // end preprocess_page
/** * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates. */ function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) { /* Load js and css files */ drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/js/aasa.js'); drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/editor.css'); $node = aasa_theme_current_node(); $url = explode('/', $_GET['q']); /* BROWSER TITLE */ $vars['head_title'] = $node->field_browser_title[0]['value']; $vars['template'] = 'admin.inc.php'; $vars['classes'] = $node->type; switch ($node->type) { case 'front_page': $vars['template'] = 'front.inc.php'; if ($url[2] != 'edit') { drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/js/jquery-1.6.2.js'); drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/js/nivo-slider/jquery.nivo.slider.js'); } break; case 'internal_page': case 'board_of_director': case 'education_and_event': case 'member_resources': case 'membership': case 'sponsorship': case 'the_cutting_edge': case 'the_cutting_edge_past': case 'national_conference': case 'regional_conferences': case 'contact_form': case 'webinars_widget': case 'widget_container': case 'widget_gallery': $vars['template'] = 'node.tpl.php'; if ($url[2] != 'edit') { drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/js/jquery-1.6.2.js'); drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/js/nivo-slider/jquery.nivo.slider.js'); } break; } $vars['node_nid_widget'] = $node->nid; if ($url[0] == 'admin' || $url[2] == 'edit' || $url[1] == 'add' || $url[2] == 'delete') { $vars['template'] = 'admin.inc.php'; } if ($url[0] == 'node' && $url[1] == 'add' && $url[2] == 'profile') { $vars['template'] = 'node.tpl.php'; drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/profile.css'); } $globals = node_load(56); /* FOOTER TEXT*/ $vars['title'] = $globals->title; $vars['field_footer_text'] = $globals->field_footer_text[0]['value']; $vars['node_nid_widget'] = $globals->title; /* Reload the javascript and css files */ $vars['scripts'] = drupal_get_js(); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); $vars['active_menu'] = title_internal(); }
/** * Override or insert variables into the page template. */ function seven_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = menu_primary_local_tasks(); $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks(); // get all the current css information into an array $css = drupal_add_css(); // Removing the css files of vertical tabs module because and use the seven style instead. unset($css['all']['module'][drupal_get_path('module', 'vertical_tabs') . '/vertical_tabs.css']); // now place the remaining css files back into the template variable for rendering $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); }
/** * Preprocessor for theme('page'). */ function cube_preprocess_page(&$vars) { // Automatically adjust layout for page with right sidebar content if no // explicit layout has been set. $layout = module_exists('context_layouts') ? context_layouts_get_active_layout() : NULL; if (arg(0) != 'admin' && !empty($vars['right']) && !$layout) { $vars['template_files'][] = 'layout-sidebar'; $css = array('screen' => array('theme' => array(drupal_get_path('theme', 'cube') . '/layout-sidebar.css' => TRUE))); $vars['styles'] .= drupal_get_css($css); } }
/** * Preprocessor for page.tpl.php template file. */ function ninesixty_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) { // For easy printing of variables. $vars['logo_img'] = $vars['logo'] ? theme('image', str_replace(base_path(), '', $vars['logo']), t('Home'), t('Home')) : ''; $vars['linked_logo_img'] = $vars['logo_img'] ? l($vars['logo_img'], '<front>', array('rel' => 'home', 'title' => t('Home'), 'html' => TRUE)) : ''; $vars['linked_site_name'] = $vars['site_name'] ? l($vars['site_name'], '<front>', array('rel' => 'home', 'title' => t('Home'))) : ''; $vars['main_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'links main-menu')); $vars['secondary_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['secondary_links'], array('class' => 'links secondary-menu')); // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others. $vars['css_alt'] = ninesixty_css_reorder($vars['css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']); }
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) { // Add css for search $array_q = explode('/', $_GET['q']); if ($array_q[0] == 'search') { drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/css/search.css', 'theme'); $vars['tabs'] = null; // don't show search tabs } //Reload css/js. This is needed for preprocess_page since css/js is already loaded. $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); }
/** * Implementation of template_process_html(). */ function precision_process_html(&$variables, $hook) { // Check if overlay is activated. if (theme_get_setting('precision_show_overlay')) { // Extract and put back the body classes. $variables['classes_array'][] = 'show-grid'; $variables['classes'] = implode(' ', $variables['classes_array']); // Add the overlay css to the page. $styles = drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'precision') . '/debug/debug.css'); $variables['css'] = $styles; $variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css($variables['css']); } }
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) { // Setup theme path variable $vars['path'] = base_path() . path_to_theme(); if ($hook == 'page') { // Menüüde genereerimine $vars['menu_level_1'] = theme('menu_links', menu_primary_links(1), 1); $vars['menu_level_2'] = theme('menu_links_2', menu_primary_links(2), 2); // Eemalda druapi css $css = drupal_add_css(); unset($css['all']['module']['modules/system/system.css']); unset($css['all']['module']['modules/system/defaults.css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); // Kasuta agregeeritud javascripti if (module_exists('javascript_aggregator') && $vars['scripts']) { $vars['scripts'] = javascript_aggregator_cache($vars['scripts']); } // Määra title page_title mooduli kaudu if (module_exists('page_title')) { $vars['head_title'] = page_title_page_get_title(); } // Eemalda ebavajalikud tab'id _phptemplate_adminlogo($vars); // Ära näita tabe otsingus if (preg_match("|search/node|", $_GET['q'])) { $vars['show_tabs'] = false; } else { $vars['show_tabs'] = true; } // Title näitamise flag if (isset($vars['node']->field_hide_page_title)) { if ($vars['node']->field_hide_page_title[0]['value'] == 1) { $vars['show_title'] = false; } else { $vars['show_title'] = true; } } else { $vars['show_title'] = true; } } else { if ($hook == 'node') { // ... } else { if ($hook == 'block') { // ... } } } return $vars; }
function phptemplate_preprocess(&$vars, $hook) { global $theme; // Set Page Class $vars['page_class'] = theme_get_setting('page_class'); // Hide breadcrumb on all pages if (theme_get_setting('breadcrumb') == 0) { $vars['breadcrumb'] = ''; } $vars['closure'] .= ' <p id="theme-credit"><a href="http://drupal.org/project/strange_little_town">Strange Little Town</a> | ' . t('Original Designed : ') . '<a href="http://magical.nu/">Magical.nu</a> | ' . t('Drupal Ported : ') . '<a href="http://webzer.net/">Webzer.net</a></p> '; // Theme primary and secondary links. $vars['primary_menu'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'links primary-menu')); $vars['secondary_menu'] = theme('links', $vars['secondary_links'], array('class' => 'links secondary-menu')); // Set Accessibility nav bar if ($vars['primary_menu'] != '') { $vars['nav_access'] = ' <ul id="nav-access" class="hidden"> <li><a href="#primary-menu" accesskey="N" title="' . t('Skip to Primary Menu') . '">' . t('Skip to Primary Menu') . '</a></li> <li><a href="#main-content" accesskey="M" title="' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '">' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '</a></li> </ul> '; } else { $vars['nav_access'] = ' <ul id="nav-access" class="hidden"> <li><a href="#main-content" accesskey="M" title="' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '">' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '</a></li> </ul> '; } // Set Back to Top link toggle $vars['to_top'] = theme_get_setting('totop'); if (theme_get_setting('totop') == 0) { $vars['to_top'] = ''; } else { $vars['to_top'] = '<p id="to-top"><a href="#page">' . t('Back To Top') . '</a></p>'; } // Comments count if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_comments'])) { if ($vars['teaser']) { $all = comment_num_all($vars['node']->nid); $vars['comments_count'] = format_plural($all, '1 comment', '@count comments'); } } // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others. $vars['css_alt'] = css_reorder($vars['css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']); }
/** * The Zen theme allows its subthemes to have their own template.php files * The only restriction with these files is that they cannot redefine any of the * functions that are already defined in Zen's main template.php file. * * Also remember that the "main" theme is still Zen, so your theme functions * should be named as such: * theme_block() becomes zen_block() * theme_feed_icon() becomes zen_feed_icon() as well * * Additionally, it is not possible for subthemes to redefine regions. * * For a subtheme to add its own variables, use the function name * zen_variables($hook, $vars) */ function zen_variables($hook, $vars) { $vars['subtheme_directory'] = path_to_subtheme(); switch ($hook) { case 'page': // add main Zen styles drupal_add_css($vars['directory'] . '/layout.css', 'theme', 'all'); drupal_add_css($vars['directory'] . '/icons.css', 'theme', 'all'); drupal_add_css($vars['directory'] . '/zen.css', 'theme', 'all'); drupal_add_css($vars['directory'] . '/print.css', 'theme', 'print'); // then load the overrides for the above css $vars['css'] = drupal_add_css($vars['subtheme_directory'] . '/overrides.css', 'theme', 'all'); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); } return $vars; }
/** * Preprocessor for page.tpl.php template file. */ function pechi_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) { global $language, $user; // For easy printing of variables. $vars['logo_img'] = $vars['logo'] ? theme('image', substr($vars['logo'], strlen(base_path())), t('Home'), t('Home')) : ''; $vars['linked_logo_img'] = $vars['logo_img'] ? l($vars['logo_img'], '<front>', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'), 'html' => TRUE)) : ''; $vars['linked_site_name'] = $vars['site_name'] ? l($vars['site_name'], '<front>', array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'home'), 'title' => t('Home'))) : ''; $vars['main_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'links main-menu')); $vars['secondary_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['secondary_links'], array('class' => 'links secondary-menu')); // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others. $vars['css_alt'] = pechi_css_reorder($vars['css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'pechi') . '/js/pechi.js'); // Remove sidebars if disabled e.g., for Panels if (!$vars['show_blocks']) { $vars['sidebar_first'] = ''; $vars['sidebar_last'] = ''; } // Add to array of helpful body classes $body_classes = explode(' ', $vars['body_classes']); // Default classes $body_classes[] = $language->prefix; if (isset($vars['node'])) { $body_classes[] = $vars['node'] ? 'full-node' : ''; // Full node $body_classes[] = $vars['node']->type == 'forum' || arg(0) == 'forum' ? 'forum' : ''; // Forum page } else { $body_classes[] = arg(0) == 'forum' ? 'forum' : ''; // Forum page } if (module_exists('panels') && function_exists('panels_get_current_page_display')) { // Panels page $body_classes[] = panels_get_current_page_display() ? 'panels' : ''; } $body_classes = array_filter($body_classes); // Remove empty elements $vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Create class list separated by spaces $vars['body_id'] = 'pid-' . strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', '-', drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']))); // Add a unique page id if (module_exists('uc_product') && uc_product_is_product((int) $vars['node']->nid)) { // Kill the page title to surface our own. $vars['title'] = NULL; } }
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) { // get rid of all module css unless it's admin menu $css =& $vars['css']; foreach ($css['all']['module'] as $key => $value) { if (!preg_match('/admin_menu/', $key)) { unset($css['all']['module'][$key]); } } // get rid of all print css unset($css['print']); // reset the styles $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); // add title to breadcrumb $icon = uiphone_get_menu_icon($_REQUEST['q']); $vars['breadcrumb'] .= '<span class="nav-title"><span class="nav-title-icon">' . $icon . '</span><span class="nav-title-text">' . $vars['title'] . '</span></span>'; }
/** * Implementation of theme_preprocess_page(). */ function precision_preprocess_page(&$vars) { // Get theme setting for debug overlay. $grid_overlay = theme_get_setting('precision_show_overlay'); // Check if overlay is activated. if ($grid_overlay == 1) { // Extract the body classes. $body_classes = explode(' ', $vars['body_classes']); // Add overlay class to body. $body_classes[] = 'show-grid'; $vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Add the overlay css to the page. $path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'precision'); $styles = drupal_add_css($path . '/debug/debug.css', 'theme'); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($styles); } }
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars = array()) { switch ($hook) { case 'page': global $theme; drupal_add_css($vars['directory'] . '/additional.css', 'theme', 'all'); drupal_add_js($vars['directory'] . '/jquery.color.js', 'theme'); drupal_add_js($vars['directory'] . '/scripts.js', 'theme'); // turn off title? $vars['suppress_title'] = $vars['node']->type == 'crime'; break; } $vars['css'] = drupal_add_css(); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); $vars['scripts'] = drupal_get_js(); return $vars; }
function navin_process_maintenance_page(&$variables) { // Include @font-your-face support if (module_exists('fontyourface')) { fontyourface_preprocess_page($variables); $fonts = (array) $variables['fontyourface']; foreach ($fonts as $font) { if (module_hook($font->provider, 'preprocess_page')) { call_user_func_array($font->provider . '_preprocess_page', array(&$variables)); } } } // Add theme's maintenance CSS drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/css/maintenance.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 10)); // Reset variables $variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head(); $variables['css'] = drupal_add_css(); $variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); $variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js(); }
function wistar_preprocess_page(&$vars) { jquery_ui_add(array('effects.slide')); if( $vars['is_front'] ) { $vars['homepage'] = wistar_theme_get_active('homepage'); $vars['head_title'] = $vars['homepage']->title; // load up the quicktabs $quicktabs = quicktabs_load(1); $vars['quicktabs'] = theme('quicktabs', $quicktabs); // load the alert $vars['alert'] = wistar_theme_get_alert(); // we need to re-render the js, since qt relies on it's own $vars['css'] = drupal_add_css(); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); $vars['scripts'] = drupal_get_js(); // rebuild the less files - this sucks, but is needed beacuse of how // quicktabs adds the required files in a theme function // this shouldn't be a problem in production, since this function only builds // the less files if they aren't built already. Otherwise, it just modifies the // css array to include the built files. _less_build($vars, 'page'); } if( isset($vars['title']) && $vars['title'] ) { $vars['body_classes'] .= ' ' . wistar_str2class($vars['title']); } if(isset($_SESSION['donation_form'])&&arg(0)!='give'&&arg(1)!='confirmation'){ unset($_SESSION['donation_form']); } $node = $vars['node']; if ($node->type=='microsite_subpage') { if ($node->field_template_type[0]['value'] == 1) { $vars['body_classes'] .= ' microsite-subpage-fullwidth'; } } }
public static function deliverMinimalHtmlPage($result) { if (is_int($result)) { drupal_deliver_html_page($result); return; } // Emit the correct charset HTTP header, but not if the page callback // result is NULL, since that likely indicates that it printed something // in which case, no further headers may be sent, and not if code running // for this page request has already set the content type header. if (isset($result) && is_null(drupal_get_http_header('Content-Type'))) { drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); } // Send appropriate HTTP-Header for browsers and search engines. global $language; drupal_add_http_header('Content-Language', $language->language); if (isset($result)) { print '<html><head><title>' . drupal_get_title() . '</title>' . drupal_get_css() . drupal_get_js() . '</head>'; print '<body>' . render($result) . '</body></html>'; } drupal_page_footer(); }
/** * Override or insert variables into the page templates. * * @param $vars * An array of variables to pass to the theme template. */ function cmssimplicity_preprocess_page(&$vars) { //Adding stylesheet for color $theme_color_style = theme_get_setting('theme_color_style'); $theme_background = theme_get_setting('theme_background'); $css_color_style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/colors/' . $theme_color_style . '/' . $theme_color_style . '.css'; if (!file_exists($css_color_style_path)) { $css_color_style_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'cmssimplicity') . '/css/colors/' . $theme_color_style . '/' . $theme_color_style . '.css'; } $background_color_style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/background/' . $theme_background . '/' . $theme_background . '.css'; if (!file_exists($background_color_style_path)) { $background_color_style_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'cmssimplicity') . '/css/background/' . $theme_background . '/' . $theme_background . '.css'; } $themes = array(); foreach ($vars['css']['all']['theme'] as $key => $value) { $themes[$key] = $value; if ($key == drupal_get_path('theme', 'cmssimplicity') . '/css/cmssimplicity.css') { $themes[$css_color_style_path] = 1; $themes[$background_color_style_path] = 1; } } $vars['css']['all']['theme'] = $themes; $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css']); if (!module_exists('conditional_styles')) { $vars['styles'] .= $vars['conditional_styles'] = variable_get('conditional_styles_' . $GLOBALS['theme'], ''); } $classes = split(' ', $vars['body_classes']); // Add class to body depends on selected primary menu from theme settings. $vars['body_classes_array'] = $classes; $classes[] = 'color-' . $theme_color_style; $classes[] = 'bg-' . $theme_background; $vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $classes); // Concatenate with spaces. // Hook into color.module if (module_exists('color')) { _color_page_alter($vars); } }
/** * Override or insert variables into the node templates. * * @param $variables * An array of variables to pass to the theme template. * @param $hook * The name of the template being rendered ("node" in this case.) */ function zen_nmu_preprocess_node(&$variables, $hook) { //add a css and js file to the fearless_nmu_homepage content type //this will appear above the main styles.css include so these styles can be overwritten if ($variables['type'] == 'fearless_nmu_homepage') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/css/nmu-homepage.css'); $css = drupal_add_css(); $styles = drupal_get_css($css); } elseif ($variables['type'] == 'fearless_admissions_home') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/css/nmu-admissions.css'); $css = drupal_add_css(); $styles = drupal_get_css($css); } elseif ($variables['type'] == 'fearless_block_newsletter') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/css/fearless-block-newsletter.css'); $css = drupal_add_css(); $styles = drupal_get_css($css); } elseif ($variables['type'] == 'fearless_homepage' || $variables['type'] == 'fearless_homepage_info') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/css/fearless-homepage.css'); $css = drupal_add_css(); $styles = drupal_get_css($css); //homepages need this JS library for the cycle to work drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/js/vendor/jquery.cycle2.min.js', array('type' => 'file', 'scope' => 'header')); } elseif ($variables['type'] == 'fearless_northern_notes') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/css/fearless-northern-notes.css'); $css = drupal_add_css(); $styles = drupal_get_css($css); } elseif ($variables['type'] == 'programs_what_s_new_nmu') { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen_nmu') . '/css/fearless-alumni-newsletter.css'); $css = drupal_add_css(); $styles = drupal_get_css($css); } }
/** * Override or insert variables into the page templates. * * @param $vars * An array of variables to pass to the theme template. */ function city_magazine_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $theme_color_style = theme_get_setting('theme_color_style'); $theme_background = theme_get_setting('theme_background'); $css_color_style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/colors/' . $theme_color_style . '/' . $theme_color_style . '.css'; if (!file_exists($css_color_style_path)) { $css_color_style_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'city_magazine') . '/css/colors/' . $theme_color_style . '/' . $theme_color_style . '.css'; } $background_color_style_path = path_to_theme() . '/css/background/' . $theme_background . '/' . $theme_background . '.css'; if (!file_exists($background_color_style_path)) { $background_color_style_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'city_magazine') . '/css/background/' . $theme_background . '/' . $theme_background . '.css'; } $themes = array(); foreach ($vars['css']['all']['theme'] as $key => $value) { $themes[$key] = $value; if ($key == drupal_get_path('theme', 'city_magazine') . '/css/city_magazine.css') { $themes[$css_color_style_path] = 1; $themes[$background_color_style_path] = 1; } } $vars['css']['all']['theme'] = $themes; $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css']); if (!module_exists('conditional_styles')) { $vars['styles'] .= $vars['conditional_styles'] = variable_get('conditional_styles_' . $GLOBALS['theme'], ''); } $body_classes = split(' ', $vars['body_classes']); // Add class to body depends on selected primary menu from theme settings. $vars['body_classes_array'] = $body_classes; $body_classes[] = 'color-' . $theme_color_style; $body_classes[] = 'bg-' . $theme_background; if (empty($vars['preface_upper_top'])) { $body_classes[] = 'no-preface-upper-top'; } $vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Concatenate with spaces. }
/** * Intercept page template variables * * @param $vars * A sequential array of variables passed to the theme function. */ function SimplyCivi_preprocess_page(&$vars) { global $user; $vars['path'] = base_path() . path_to_theme() . '/'; $vars['path_parent'] = base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'SimplyCivi') . '/'; $vars['user'] = $user; // Prep the logo for being displayed $site_slogan = !$vars['site_slogan'] ? '' : ' - ' . $vars['site_slogan']; $logo_img = ''; $title = $text = variable_get('site_name', ''); if ($vars['logo']) { $logo_img = "<img src='" . $vars['logo'] . "' alt='" . $title . "' border='0' />"; $text = $vars['site_name'] ? $logo_img . $text : $logo_img; } $vars['logo_block'] = !$vars['site_name'] && !$vars['logo'] ? '' : l($text, '', array('attributes' => array('title' => $title . $site_slogan), 'html' => !empty($logo_img))); //Play nicely with the page_title module if it is there. if (!module_exists('page_title')) { // Fixup the $head_title and $title vars to display better. $title = drupal_get_title(); $headers = drupal_set_header(); // if this is a 403 and they aren't logged in, tell them they need to log in if (strpos($headers, 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden') && !$user->uid) { $title = t('Please login to continue'); } $vars['title'] = $title; if (!drupal_is_front_page()) { $vars['head_title'] = $title . ' | ' . $vars['site_name']; if ($vars['site_slogan'] != '') { $vars['head_title'] .= ' – ' . $vars['site_slogan']; } } $vars['head_title'] = strip_tags($vars['head_title']); } //Perform RTL - LTR swap and load RTL Styles. if ($vars['language']->dir == 'rtl') { // Remove SimplyCivi Grid and use RTL grid $css = $vars['css']; $css['screen,projection']['theme'][path_to_theme() . '/SimplyCivi/SimplyCivi/plugins/rtl/screen.css'] = TRUE; $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); //setup rtl css for IE $vars['styles_ie']['ie'] = '<link href="' . $path . 'css/ie-rtl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />'; $vars['styles_ie']['ie6'] = '<link href="' . $path . 'css/ie6-rtl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />'; } $vars['meta'] = ''; // SEO optimization, add in the node's teaser, or if on the homepage, the mission statement // as a description of the page that appears in search engines if ($vars['is_front'] && $vars['mission'] != '') { $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . SimplyCivi_trim_text($vars['mission']) . '" />' . "\n"; } elseif (isset($vars['node']->teaser) && $vars['node']->teaser != '') { $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . SimplyCivi_trim_text($vars['node']->teaser) . '" />' . "\n"; } elseif (isset($vars['node']->body) && $vars['node']->body != '') { $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . SimplyCivi_trim_text($vars['node']->body) . '" />' . "\n"; } // SEO optimization, if the node has tags, use these as keywords for the page if (isset($vars['node']->taxonomy)) { $keywords = array(); foreach ($vars['node']->taxonomy as $term) { $keywords[] = $term->name; } $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . implode(',', $keywords) . '" />' . "\n"; } // SEO optimization, avoid duplicate titles in search indexes for pager pages if (isset($_GET['page']) || isset($_GET['sort'])) { $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />' . "\n"; } if (theme_get_setting('SimplyCivi_showgrid')) { $vars['body_classes'] .= ' showgrid '; } // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others. $vars['css_alt'] = SimplyCivi_css_reorder($vars['css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']); /* I like to embed the Google search in various places, uncomment to make use of this // setup search for custom placement $search = module_invoke('google_cse', 'block', 'view', '0'); $vars['search'] = $search['content']; */ /* to remove specific CSS files from modules use this trick // Remove stylesheets $css = $vars['css']; unset($css['all']['module']['sites/all/modules/contrib/plus1/plus1.css']); $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); */ }
function acquia_marina_preprocess_page(&$vars) { global $language; // Remove sidebars if disabled e.g., for Panels if (!$vars['show_blocks']) { $vars['sidebar_first'] = ''; $vars['sidebar_last'] = ''; } // Build array of helpful body classes $body_classes = array(); $body_classes[] = $vars['logged_in'] ? 'logged-in' : 'not-logged-in'; // Page user is logged in $body_classes[] = $vars['is_front'] ? 'front' : 'not-front'; // Page is front page if (isset($vars['node'])) { $body_classes[] = $vars['node'] ? 'full-node' : ''; // Page is one full node $body_classes[] = $vars['node']->type == 'forum' || arg(0) == 'forum' ? 'forum' : ''; // Page is Forum page $body_classes[] = $vars['node']->type ? 'node-type-' . $vars['node']->type : ''; // Page has node-type-x, e.g., node-type-page } else { $body_classes[] = arg(0) == 'forum' ? 'forum' : ''; // Page is Forum page } $body_classes[] = module_exists('panels_page') && panels_page_get_current() ? 'panels' : ''; // Page is Panels page $body_classes[] = 'layout-' . ($vars['sidebar_first'] ? 'first-main' : 'main') . ($vars['sidebar_last'] ? '-last' : ''); // Page sidebars are active if ($vars['preface_first'] || $vars['preface_middle'] || $vars['preface_last']) { // Preface regions are active $preface_regions = 'preface'; $preface_regions .= $vars['preface_first'] ? '-first' : ''; $preface_regions .= $vars['preface_middle'] ? '-middle' : ''; $preface_regions .= $vars['preface_last'] ? '-last' : ''; $body_classes[] = $preface_regions; } if ($vars['postscript_first'] || $vars['postscript_middle'] || $vars['postscript_last']) { // Postscript regions are active $postscript_regions = 'postscript'; $postscript_regions .= $vars['postscript_first'] ? '-first' : ''; $postscript_regions .= $vars['postscript_middle'] ? '-middle' : ''; $postscript_regions .= $vars['postscript_last'] ? '-last' : ''; $body_classes[] = $postscript_regions; } $body_classes = array_filter($body_classes); // Remove empty elements $vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Create class list separated by spaces // Add preface & postscript classes with number of active sub-regions $region_list = array('prefaces' => array('preface_first', 'preface_middle', 'preface_last'), 'postscripts' => array('postscript_first', 'postscript_middle', 'postscript_last')); foreach ($region_list as $sub_region_key => $sub_region_list) { $active_regions = array(); foreach ($sub_region_list as $region_item) { if (!empty($vars[$region_item])) { $active_regions[] = $region_item; } } $vars[$sub_region_key] = $sub_region_key . '-' . strval(count($active_regions)); } // Generate menu tree from source of primary links if (module_exists('i18nmenu')) { $vars['primary_links_tree'] = i18nmenu_translated_tree(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links')); } else { $vars['primary_links_tree'] = menu_tree(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links')); } // TNT THEME SETTINGS SECTION // Display mission statement on all pages if (theme_get_setting('mission_statement_pages') == 'all') { $vars['mission'] = theme_get_setting('mission', false); } // Hide breadcrumb on all pages if (theme_get_setting('breadcrumb_display') == 0) { $vars['breadcrumb'] = ''; } // Set site title, slogan, mission, page title & separator if (!module_exists('page_title')) { $title = t(variable_get('site_name', '')); $slogan = t(variable_get('site_slogan', '')); $mission = t(variable_get('site_mission', '')); $page_title = t(drupal_get_title()); $title_separator = theme_get_setting('configurable_separator'); if (drupal_is_front_page()) { // Front page title settings switch (theme_get_setting('front_page_title_display')) { case 'title_slogan': $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($title . $title_separator . $slogan); break; case 'slogan_title': $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($slogan . $title_separator . $title); break; case 'title_mission': $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($title . $title_separator . $mission); break; case 'custom': if (theme_get_setting('page_title_display_custom') !== '') { $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title(t(theme_get_setting('page_title_display_custom'))); } } } else { // Non-front page title settings switch (theme_get_setting('other_page_title_display')) { case 'ptitle_slogan': $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($page_title . $title_separator . $slogan); break; case 'ptitle_stitle': $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($page_title . $title_separator . $title); break; case 'ptitle_smission': $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($page_title . $title_separator . $mission); break; case 'ptitle_custom': if (theme_get_setting('other_page_title_display_custom') !== '') { $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title($page_title . $title_separator . t(theme_get_setting('other_page_title_display_custom'))); } break; case 'custom': if (theme_get_setting('other_page_title_display_custom') !== '') { $vars['head_title'] = drupal_set_title(t(theme_get_setting('other_page_title_display_custom'))); } } } $vars['head_title'] = strip_tags($vars['head_title']); // Remove any potential html tags } // Set meta keywords and description (unless using Meta tags module) if (!module_exists('nodewords')) { if (theme_get_setting('meta_keywords') !== '') { $keywords = '<meta name="keywords" content="' . theme_get_setting('meta_keywords') . '" />'; $vars['head'] .= $keywords . "\n"; } if (theme_get_setting('meta_description') !== '') { $keywords = '<meta name="description" content="' . theme_get_setting('meta_description') . '" />'; $vars['head'] .= $keywords . "\n"; } } // Add custom theme settings $theme_settings_path = path_to_theme() . '/theme_settings/'; drupal_add_css($theme_settings_path . theme_get_setting('theme_width') . '.css', 'theme'); drupal_add_css($theme_settings_path . theme_get_setting('theme_fonts') . '.css', 'theme'); $banner_file = theme_get_setting('theme_banner'); $vars['banner_image'] = $banner_file == 'none' ? '' : 'style="background: url(' . base_path() . $theme_settings_path . 'banners/' . $banner_file . ') no-repeat;"'; // Set IE6 & IE7 stylesheets, plus right-to-left versions $theme_path = base_path() . path_to_theme(); $vars['ie6_styles'] = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . $theme_path . '/ie6-fixes.css" />' . "\n"; $vars['ie7_styles'] = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . $theme_path . '/ie7-fixes.css" />' . "\n"; if (defined('LANGUAGE_RTL') && $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL) { $vars['ie6_styles'] .= ' <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . $theme_path . '/ie6-fixes-rtl.css" />' . "\n"; $vars['ie7_styles'] .= ' <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . $theme_path . '/ie7-fixes-rtl.css" />' . "\n"; } if (file_exists(path_to_theme() . '/local.css')) { // Add local css file if present $theme_path = base_path() . path_to_theme() . '/local.css'; $vars['local_styles'] = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . $theme_path . '" />' . "\n"; } // Use grouped import technique for more than 30 un-aggregated stylesheets (css limit fix for IE) $css = drupal_add_css(); if (theme_get_setting('fix_css_limit') && !variable_get('preprocess_css', FALSE) && acquia_marina_css_count($css) > 26) { $styles = ''; $suffix = "\n" . '</style>' . "\n"; foreach ($css as $media => $types) { $prefix = '<style type="text/css" media="' . $media . '">' . "\n"; $imports = array(); foreach ($types as $files) { foreach ($files as $file => $preprocess) { $imports[] = '@import "' . base_path() . $file . '";'; if (count($imports) == 30) { $styles .= $prefix . implode("\n", $imports) . $suffix; $imports = array(); } } } $styles .= count($imports) > 0 ? $prefix . implode("\n", $imports) . $suffix : ''; } $vars['styles'] = $styles; } else { $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); // Use normal link technique } if (drupal_is_front_page()) { $vars['closure'] .= '<div id="legal-notice">Theme provided by <a href="http://www.acquia.com">Acquia, Inc.</a> under GPL license from TopNotchThemes <a href="http://www.topnotchthemes.com">Drupal themes</a></div>'; } }
/** * Delivery callback to display an empty page. * * This function is used to print out a bare minimum empty page which still has * the scripts and styles necessary in order to trigger the overlay to close. */ function omega_override_overlay_deliver_empty_page() { $empty_page = '<html><head><title></title>' . drupal_get_css() . omega_get_js() . '</head><body class="overlay"></body></html>'; print $empty_page; drupal_exit(); }
/** * Implementation of template_preprocess_page(). */ function csa_base_preprocess_page(&$variables) { $conditional = array(); $query_string = '?' . substr(variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0'), 0, 1); $conditional['IE'] = array(); // Target all IE versions $conditional['IE 6'] = array(); // Target Internet Explorer 6 only $conditional['IE 7'] = array(); // Target Internet Explorer 7 only $conditional['IE 8'] = array(); // Target Internet Explorer 8 only $conditional['IE 6'][] .= '<script type="text/javascript">var blankImgIE="' . theme('theme_path', '/images/blank.gif') . '";</script>'; $conditional['IE 6'][] .= '<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "' . theme('theme_path', '/css/fix-ie-6.css') . $query_string . '";</style>'; $conditional['IE 6'][] .= '<style type="text/css">img { behavior: url(' . theme('theme_path', '/script/iepngfix.htc') . $query_string . ') }</style>'; $conditional['IE 7'][] .= '<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "' . theme('theme_path', '/css/fix-ie-7.css') . $query_string . '";</style>'; $conditional_output = ''; foreach ($conditional as $version => $rules) { if (count($rules)) { $conditional_output .= '<!--[if ' . $version . "]>\n"; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $conditional_output .= $rule . "\n"; } $conditional_output .= "<![endif]-->\n"; } } // Rebuild the $scripts output $js = drupal_add_js(); // remove sticky table headers, we use our own modified version for this unset($js['module']['misc/tableheader.js']); $variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js('header', $js) . $conditional_output; // Rebuild the $styles output $css = drupal_add_css(); $variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); $http = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https'; $variables['styles'] .= "<link href='" . $http . "://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Molengo' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n"; $variables['styles'] .= "<link href='" . $http . "://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n"; // add a var $admin_section to see if we are in the admin section of the site $variables['admin_section'] = FALSE; if (arg(0) == 'admin' || arg(2) == 'edit' || arg(2) == 'webform-results') { $variables['body_classes'] .= ' admin-section'; $variables['admin_section'] = TRUE; } // Move second sidebar to first if this option is enabled in the theme settings and the user is viewing an admin page if (theme_get_setting('csa_base_move_sidebar') && $variables['admin_section']) { if (!empty($variables['sidebar_1']) && !empty($variables['sidebar_2'])) { $variables['sidebar_1'] .= $variables['sidebar_2']; unset($variables['sidebar_2']); } elseif (!empty($variables['sidebar_2'])) { $variables['sidebar_1'] = $variables['sidebar_2']; unset($variables['sidebar_2']); } } // Set up layout variable $variables['layout'] = 'none'; if (!empty($variables['sidebar_1'])) { $variables['layout'] = 'sidebar-1'; } if (!empty($variables['sidebar_2'])) { $variables['layout'] = $variables['layout'] == 'sidebar-1' ? 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/** * Implementation of preprocess_page(). */ function tao_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $attr = array(); $attr['class'] = $vars['body_classes']; $attr['class'] .= ' tao'; // Add the tao class so that we can avoid using the 'body' selector // Replace screen/all stylesheets with print // We want a minimal print representation here for full control. if (isset($_GET['print'])) { $css = tao_css_stripped(); unset($css['all']); unset($css['screen']); $css['all'] = $css['print']; $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css); // Add print header $vars['print_header'] = theme('print_header'); // Replace all body classes $attr['class'] = 'print'; // Use print template $vars['template_file'] = 'print-page'; // Suppress devel output $GLOBALS['devel_shutdown'] = FALSE; } else { $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css(tao_css_stripped()); } // Split primary and secondary local tasks $vars['tabs'] = theme('menu_local_tasks', 'primary'); $vars['tabs2'] = theme('menu_local_tasks', 'secondary'); // Use the logo if it exists $vars['logo'] = file_exists($vars['logo']) ? l(theme('image', $logo), '<front>', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'logo'), 'html' => TRUE)) : NULL; $vars['site_name'] = empty($vars['logo']) ? l($vars['site_name'], '<front>') : NULL; // Don't render the attributes yet so subthemes can alter them $vars['attr'] = $attr; }
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break; case "fiq" : $a[$c-1] = "Fiqh-us-Sunnah"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; case "SHB" : $a[$c-1] = "Sahih Al-Bukhari"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; case "SHM" : $a[$c-1] = "Sahih Muslim"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } } if(arg(3)=='english') { $val = arg(5); switch ($val) { case "TLT" : $a[$c-1] = "Transliteration"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } switch ($val) { case "ASD" : $a[$c-1] = "Asad Translation"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } switch ($val) { case "MAL" : $a[$c-1] = "Malik Translation"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } switch ($val) { case "PIK" : $a[$c-1] = "Pickthall Translation"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } switch ($val) { case "YAT" : $a[$c-1] = "Yusuf Ali Translation"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } } if(arg(3)=='introduction') { $val = arg(5); switch ($val) { case "MAL" : $a[$c-1] = "Malik Surah Introductions"; $crumb=array_merge($crumb,$a); break; } switch ($val) { case "QSI" : $a[$c-1] = "Maududi Surah Introductions"; 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