Exemplo n.º 1
 *  This function returns the TARGET IOP values for a given ($pid) if ever set, otherwise returns the DEFAULT IOP.
 *  when a value is found for a given field in the Eye Form for a given patient ($pid)
 *  @param $name is in the name of the field
 *  @return $ranges.  A mysqlArray(max_FIELD,max_date,min_date)
function display_GlaucomaFlowSheet($pid, $bywhat = 'byday')
    global $PMSFH;
    global $documents;
    global $form_folder;
    global $priors;
    global $providerID;
    global $documents;
    global $encounter_data;
    global $ODIOPTARGET;
    global $OSIOPTARGET;
    global $dated;
    if (!$documents) {
        list($documents) = document_engine($pid);
    $count_OCT = count($documents['docs_in_name']['OCT']);
    if ($count_OCT > 0) {
        foreach ($documents['docs_in_name']['OCT'] as $OCT) {
            $OCT_date[] = $OCT['docdate'];
    $count_VF = count($documents['docs_in_name']['VF']);
    if ($count_VF > 0) {
        foreach ($documents['docs_in_name']['VF'] as $VF) {
            $VF_date[] = $VF['docdate'];
    $i = 0;
    //if there are no priors, this is the first visit, display a generic splash screen.
    if ($priors) {
        foreach ($priors as $visit) {
            //we need to build the lists - dates_OU,times_OU,gonio_OU,OCT_OU,VF_OU,ODIOP,OSIOP,IOPTARGETS
            $old_date_timestamp = strtotime($visit['visit_date']);
            $visit['exam_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $old_date_timestamp);
            $VISITS_date[$i] = $visit['exam_date'];
            //$date_OU[$i] = $visit['exam_date'];
            $time_here = explode(":", $visit['IOPTIME']);
            $time = $time_here[0] . ":" . $time_here[1];
            $time_OU[$i] = $time;
            if ($visit['ODGONIO'] > '' || $visit['OSGONIO'] > '') {
                $GONIO_date[$i] = $visit["exam_date"];
                $GONIO[$i]["list"] = '1';
            } else {
                $GONIO[$i]["list"] = '';
            if ($visit['ODIOPAP'] > '') {
                $ODIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $visit['ODIOPAP'];
                $ODIOP[$i]['method'] = "AP";
            } else {
                if ($visit['ODIOPTPN'] > '') {
                    $ODIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $visit['ODIOPTPN'];
                    $ODIOP[$i]['method'] = "TPN";
                } else {
                    $ODIOP[$i]['IOP'] = "";
            if ($visit['OSIOPAP'] > '') {
                $OSIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $visit['OSIOPAP'];
                $OSIOPMETHOD[$i]['method'] = "AP";
            } else {
                if ($visit['OSIOPTPN'] > '') {
                    $OSIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $visit['OSIOPTPN'];
                    $OSIOPMETHOD[$i]['method'] = "TPN";
                } else {
                    $OSIOP[$i]['IOP'] = "null";
                    //we are ignoring finger tension for graphing purposes but include this should another form of IOP measurement arrive...
                    //What about the Triggerfish contact lens continuous IOP device for example...
            //build the Target line values for each date.
            $j = $i - 1;
            if ($visit['ODIOPTARGET'] > '') {
                $ODIOPTARGETS[$i] = $visit['ODIOPTARGET'];
            } else {
                if (!$ODIOPTARGETS[$j]) {
                    //get this from the provider's default list_option
                    $query = "SELECT *  FROM `list_options` WHERE `list_id` LIKE 'Eye_defaults_" . $providerID . "' and (option_id = 'ODIOPTARGET' OR  option_id = 'OSIOPTARGET')";
                    $results = sqlQuery($query);
                    while ($default_TARGETS = sqlFetchArray($result)) {
                        if ($default_TARGETS['option_id'] == 'ODIOPTARGET') {
                            $ODIOPTARGETS[$i] = $default_TARGETS["title"];
                        if ($default_TARGETS['option_id'] == 'OSIOPTARGET') {
                            $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $default_TARGETS["title"];
                } else {
                    $ODIOPTARGETS[$i] = $ODIOPTARGETS[$j];
            if ($visit['OSIOPTARGET'] > '') {
                $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $visit['OSIOPTARGET'];
            } else {
                if (!$OSIOPTARGETS[$j] > '') {
                    if (!$OSIOPTARGETS[$i]) {
                        $query = "SELECT *  FROM `list_options` WHERE `list_id` LIKE 'Eye_defaults_" . $providerID . "' and (option_id = 'ODIOPTARGET' OR  option_id = 'OSIOPTARGET')";
                        $results = sqlQuery($query);
                        while ($default_TARGETS = sqlFetchArray($result)) {
                            if ($default_TARGETS['option_id'] == 'OSIOPTARGET') {
                                $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $default_TARGETS["title"];
                } else {
                    $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $OSIOPTARGETS[$j];
    } else {
        //there are no priors, get info for this visit
        $VISITS_date[0] = $dated;
        if ($encounter_data['IOPTIME']) {
            $time_here = explode(":", $encounter_data['IOPTIME']);
            $time = $time_here[0] . ":" . $time_here[1];
            $time_OU[] = $time;
        if ($encounter_data['ODGONIO'] || $encounter_data['OSGONIO']) {
            $GONIO_date[$i] = $dated;
        $ODIOP[$i]['time'] = $time;
        $OSIOP[$i]['time'] = $time;
        //$IOPTARGET['visit_date'] = $encounter_data['exam_date'];
        if ($encounter_data['ODIOPAP'] > '') {
            $ODIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $encounter_data['ODIOPAP'];
            $ODIOP[$i]['method'] = "AP";
        } else {
            if ($encounter_data['ODIOPTPN'] > '') {
                $ODIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $encounter_data['ODIOPTPN'];
                $ODIOP[$i]['method'] = "TPN";
        if ($encounter_data['OSIOPAP'] > '') {
            $OSIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $encounter_data['OSIOPAP'];
            $OSIOP[$i]['method'] = "AP";
        } else {
            if ($encounter_data['OSIOPTPN'] > '') {
                $OSIOP[$i]['IOP'] = $encounter_data['OSIOPTPN'];
                $OSIOP[$i]['method'] = "TPN";
            } else {
                //we are ignoring finger tension for graphing purposes but include this should another form of IOP measurement arrive...
                //What about the Triggerfish contact lens continuous IOP device for example...
        if ($encounter_data['ODIOPTARGET'] > '') {
            $ODIOPTARGETS[$i] = $encounter_data['ODIOPTARGET'];
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT *  FROM `list_options` WHERE `list_id` LIKE 'Eye_defaults_" . $providerID . "' and (option_id = 'ODIOPTARGET' OR  option_id = 'OSIOPTARGET')";
            $results = sqlQuery($query);
            while ($default_TARGETS = sqlFetchArray($result)) {
                if ($default_TARGETS['option_id'] == 'ODIOPTARGET') {
                    $ODIOPTARGETS[$i] = $default_TARGETS["title"];
                if ($default_TARGETS['option_id'] == 'OSIOPTARGET') {
                    $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $default_TARGETS["title"];
        if ($encounter_data['OSIOPTARGET'] > '') {
            $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $encounter_data['ODIOPTARGET'];
        } else {
            if (!$OSIOPTARGETS[$i] > '') {
                $query = "SELECT *  FROM `list_options` WHERE `list_id` LIKE 'Eye_defaults_" . $providerID . "' and (option_id = 'ODIOPTARGET' OR  option_id = 'OSIOPTARGET')";
                $results = sqlQuery($query);
                while ($default_TARGETS = sqlFetchArray($result)) {
                    if ($default_TARGETS['option_id'] == 'OSIOPTARGET') {
                        $OSIOPTARGETS[$i] = $default_TARGETS["title"];
    //There are visits for testing only, no IOP.
    //We need to insert these dates into the arrays created above.
    //recreate them to include the testing only dates, placing null values for those dates if not done.
    //can't merge empty arrays
    $list = array();
    $arrs[] = $OCT_date;
    $arrs[] = $VF_date;
    $arrs[] = $GONIO_date;
    $arrs[] = $VISITS_date;
    foreach ($arrs as $arr) {
        if (is_array($arr)) {
            $list = array_merge($list, $arr);
    $date_OU = array_unique($list);
    usort($date_OU, "cmp");
    $times_OU = $time_OU;
    usort($times_OU, "cmp");
    for ($a = 0; $a < count($date_OU); $a++) {
        foreach ($GONIO_date as $GONIO) {
            if ($date_OU[$a] == $GONIO) {
                $GONIO_values[$a] = "1";
        if (!$GONIO_values[$a]) {
            $GONIO_values[$a] = "";
        if ($count_OCT > 0) {
            foreach ($OCT_date as $OCT) {
                if ($date_OU[$a] == $OCT) {
                    $OCT_values[$a] = "1";
        if (!$OCT_values[$a]) {
            $OCT_values[$a] = "";
        if ($count_VF > 0) {
            foreach ($VF_date as $VF) {
                if ($date_OU[$a] == $VF) {
                    $VF_values[$a] = "1";
        if (!$VF_values[$a]) {
            $VF_values[] = "";
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($VISITS_date); $k++) {
            if ($date_OU[$a] == $VISITS_date[$k]) {
                $OD_values[$a] = "'" . $ODIOP[$k]['IOP'] . "'";
                $OD_methods[$a] = $ODIOP[$k]['method'];
                $OS_values[$a] = $OSIOP[$k]['IOP'];
                $OS_methods[$a] = $OSIOP[$k]['method'];
                $ODIOPTARGET_values[$a] = $ODIOPTARGETS[$k];
                $OSIOPTARGET_values[$a] = $OSIOPTARGETS[$k];
        if (!$OD_values[$a]) {
            $OD_values[$a] = '';
        if (!$OS_values[$a]) {
            $OS_values[$a] = '';
        if (!$OD_methods[$a]) {
            $OD_methods[$a] = "";
        if (!$OS_methods[$a]) {
            $OS_methods[$a] = "";
        if (!$ODIOPTARGET_values[$a]) {
            $ODIOPTARGET_values[$a] = "";
        if (!$OSIOPTARGET_values[$a]) {
            $OSIOPTARGET_values[$a] = "";
    for ($a = 0; $a < count($times_OU); $a++) {
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($ODIOP); $k++) {
            if ($times_OU[$a] == $time_OU[$k]) {
                $OD_time_values[$a] = $ODIOP[$k]['IOP'];
                $OS_time_values[$a] = $OSIOP[$k]['IOP'];
        if (!$OD_time_values[$a]) {
            $OD_time_values[$a] = "";
        if (!$OS_time_values[$a]) {
            $OS_time_values[$a] = "";
    $dates_OU = "'" . implode("','", $date_OU) . "'";
    $OD_values = implode(",", $OD_values);
    $OS_values = implode(",", $OS_values);
    $OCT_values = "'" . implode("','", $OCT_values) . "'";
    $VF_values = "'" . implode("','", $VF_values) . "'";
    $GONIO_values = "'" . implode("','", $GONIO_values) . "'";
    $IOPTARGET_values = implode(",", $ODIOPTARGET_values);
    $times_OU = "'" . implode("','", $times_OU) . "'";
    $OD_time_values = "'" . implode("','", $OD_time_values) . "'";
    $OS_time_values = "'" . implode("','", $OS_time_values) . "'";
 <b> <?php 
    echo xlt('Glaucoma Zone');
        <br /><br />
       <span class="closeButton fa fa-close" id="Close_IOP" name="Close_IOP"></span>
        <div id="GFS_table" name="GFS_table" class="table-responsive borderShadow" style="position:relative;display:table;float:left;margin-top:10px;padding:15px;text-align:left;vertical-align:center;width:30%;">
            <table class="GFS_table">
                <tr >
                    <td colspan="1" class="GFS_title_1" style="padding-bottom:3px;border:none;" nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('Current Target');
                        <td class='GFS_title center' style="padding-bottom:3px;border:none;" nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('OD{{right eye}}');
: <input type="text" style="width: 20px;" name="ODIOPTARGET" id="ODIOPTARGET" value="<?php 
    echo attr($ODIOPTARGET);
" /></td>
                        <td class='GFS_title center' style="padding-bottom:3px;border:none;" nowrap><?php 
    echo xlt('OS{{left eye}}');
: <input type="text" style="width: 20px;" name="OSIOPTARGET" id="OSIOPTARGET"  value="<?php 
    echo attr($OSIOPTARGET);
"  /></td>
                    <td colspan="3" class="hideme nodisplay">
                        TARGET IOP HISTORY
    //what active meds have a subtype eye?
    $i = 0;
    $count_Meds = count($PMSFH[0]['Medication']);
    if ($count_Meds > '0') {
        foreach ($PMSFH[0]['Medication'] as $drug) {
            if ($drug['row_subtype'] == "eye" && $drug['enddate'] !== "") {
                $current_drugs .= "<tr><td colspan='2' class='GFS_td_1'><span name='QP_PMH_" . attr($drug['rowid']) . "' href='#PMH_anchor' id='QP_PMH_" . attr($drug['rowid']) . "'\n                                      onclick=\"alter_issue2('" . attr(addslashes($drug['rowid'])) . "','Medication','{$i}');\">" . text($drug['title']) . "</span></td>\n                                      <td class='GFS_td'>" . oeFormatShortDate($drug['begdate']) . "</td></tr>";
            } else {
                if ($drug['row_subtype'] == "eye" && $drug['enddate'] > "" && strtotime($drug['enddate']) < strtotime($visit_date)) {
                    //what meds have a subtype eye that are discontinued?
                    $hideme = "hideme_drugs nodisplay";
                    $FAILED_drugs .= "<tr class='" . $hideme . "'><td colspan='1' class='GFS_td_1'><span name='QP_PMH_" . attr($drug['rowid']) . "' href='#PMH_anchor' id='QP_PMH_" . attr($drug['rowid']) . "'\n                                      onclick=\"alter_issue2('" . attr(addslashes($drug['rowid'])) . "','Medication','{$i}');\">" . text($drug['title']) . "</span></td>\n                                      <td class='GFS_td'>" . oeFormatShortDate($drug['begdate']) . "</td><td class='GFS_td'>" . oeFormatShortDate($drug['enddate']) . "</td></tr>";
        if (!$current_drugs) {
            $current_drugs = "<tr><td colspan='3' class='GFS_td_1' style='text-align:center;'>" . xlt('None documented') . "</td></tr>";
            $no_drugs = '1';
        foreach ($PMSFH[0]['Medication'] as $drug) {
            if ($drug['row_subtype'] == "eye" && $drug['enddate'] > "") {
                $FAILED_drug .= "<li>" . text($drug['title']) . "</li>";
                <tr class="GFS_tr">
                    <td colspan="2" class="GFS_title"><?php 
    echo xlt('Current Eye Meds');
    $no_drugs ? $meds_here = '' : ($meds_here = xlt('Start'));
                    <td class="GFS_title" style="text-align:center;"><?php 
    echo $meds_here;
    if ($FAILED_drugs) {
        echo '<td><span class="right toggleme" id="toggle_drugs"><i class="fa fa-toggle-down"></i></span></td>';
    echo $current_drugs;
    if ($FAILED_drugs) {
        echo '<tr class="' . $hideme . '"><td class="GFS_title" colspan="1">' . xlt('Prior Eye Meds') . '</td><td class="GFS_title" style="text-align:center;">' . xlt('Start') . '</td><td  style="text-align:center;" class="GFS_title">End</td></tr>';
    echo $FAILED_drugs;
    //start VF section
    if ($count_VF > '0') {
        //need to decide how many to show on open, and hide the rest?  For now the first only.
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($documents['docs_in_name']['VF'] as $VF) {
            if ($count < 1) {
                $current_VF = '<tr><td colspan="3" class="GFS_td_1 blue"><a href="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($VF['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=VF" ' . 'onclick="return dopopup(\'../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($VF['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=VF">
                            ' . $VF['encounter_date'] . '&nbsp;<img src="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/images/jpg.png" class="little_image" style="width:15px; height:15px;" /></a></td></tr>';
            } else {
                $old_VFs .= '<tr><td colspan="3" class="GFS_td_1 hideme_VFs nodisplay""><a href="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($VF['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=VF" ' . 'onclick="return dopopup(\'../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($VF['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=VF">
                            ' . $VF['encounter_date'] . '&nbsp;<img src="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/images/jpg.png" class="little_image" style="width:15px; height:15px;" /></a></td></tr>';
    } else {
        $current_VF = "<tr><td colspan='3' class='GFS_td_1' style='text-align:center;'>" . xlt('Not documented') . "</td></tr>";
                <tr class="GFS_tr">
                    <td colspan="3" class="GFS_title"><?php 
    echo xlt('Visual Fields');
    if ($old_VFs) {
        echo '<td><span class="top right" id="toggle_VFs"><i class="fa fa-toggle-down"></i></span></td>';
    echo $current_VF . $old_VFs;
    //end VF section
    //start Optic Nerve section
                    <td colspan="3" class="GFS_title"><?php 
    echo xlt('Optic Nerve Analysis');
    if ($count_OCT > '0') {
        //need to decide how many to show on open, and hide the rest?  For now show first, hide rest.
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($documents['docs_in_name']['OCT'] as $OCT) {
            //get encounter date from encounter id
            if ($count < 1) {
                $current_OCT = '<tr><td colspan="3" class="GFS_td_1"><a href="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($OCT['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=OCT" ' . 'onclick="return dopopup(\'../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($OCT['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=OCT">
                                    ' . $OCT['encounter_date'] . '&nbsp;<img src="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/images/jpg.png" class="little_image" style="width:15px; height:15px;" /></a></td></tr>';
            } else {
                $old_OCTs .= '<tr><td class="hideme_OCTs nodisplay GFS_td_1" colspan="3"><a href="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($OCT['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=OCT" ' . 'onclick="return dopopup(\'../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/php/Anything_simple.php?display=i&category_id=' . attr($OCT['parent']) . '&encounter=' . $encounter . '&category_name=OCT">
                                    ' . $OCT['encounter_date'] . '&nbsp;<img src="../../forms/' . $form_folder . '/images/jpg.png" class="little_image" style="width:15px; height:15px;" /></a></td></tr>';
    } else {
        $current_OCT = "<tr><td colspan='3' class='GFS_td_1' style='text-align:center;'>" . xlt('Not documented') . "</td></tr>";
    if ($old_OCTs) {
        echo '<td><span class="top right " id="toggle_OCTs"><i class="fa fa-toggle-down"></i></span></td>';
    echo "</tr>";
    echo $current_OCT . $old_OCTs;
    $count = 0;
    $hideme = '';
    foreach ($priors as $visit) {
        if ($visit['ODGONIO'] > " " || $visit['OSGONIO'] > " ") {
            // something is here
            if ($count > 0) {
                $hideme = "hideme_gonios nodisplay";
            // show the first only, hide the rest for now
            $gonios .= "<tr><td class='GFS_td_1 " . $hideme . "'>" . $visit['exam_date'] . "</td><td class='GFS_td " . $hideme . "' style='border:1pt dotted gray;'>" . $visit['ODGONIO'] . "</td><td class='GFS_td " . $hideme . "' style='border:1pt dotted gray;'>" . $visit['OSGONIO'] . "</td></tr>";
            $GONIO_chart .= '"1",';
        } else {
            $GONIO_chart .= ',';
    $GONIO = chop($GONIO, ",");
    if ($count == 0) {
        $gonios = "<tr><td colspan='3' class='GFS_td_1' style='text-align:center;'>" . xlt('Not documented') . "</td></tr>";
                    <td class="GFS_title_1" id="GFS_gonios" name="GFS_gonios" style="position:relative;"><?php 
    echo xlt('Gonioscopy');
    if ($count > '0') {
        echo "<td class='GFS_title center'>" . xlt('OD{{right eye}}') . "</td><td class='GFS_title center'>" . xlt('OS{{left eye}}') . "</td>";
    } else {
        echo "<td class='GFS_title center'></td><td class='GFS_title center'></td>";
    if ($hideme) {
        echo '<td><span class="top right" id="toggle_gonios"><i class="fa fa-toggle-down"></i></span></td>';
    echo $gonios;
    $count = '0';
    $hideme = '';
    foreach ($priors as $visit) {
        if ($visit['ODCUP'] > "" || $visit['OSCUP'] > "") {
            if ($count > 0) {
                $hideme = "hideme_cups nodisplay";
            $cups .= "<tr><td class='GFS_td_1 " . $hideme . " '>" . text($visit['exam_date']) . "</td><td class='GFS_td " . $hideme . "' style='border:1pt dotted gray;'>" . text($visit['ODCUP']) . "</td><td class='GFS_td " . $hideme . "' style='border:1pt dotted gray;''>" . text($visit['OSCUP']) . "</td></tr>";
            $DISCS_chart .= '"1",';
        } else {
            $DISCS_chart .= '"",';
    $DISCS_chart = chop($DISCS_chart, ",");
    if ($count == 0) {
        $cups = "<tr><td colspan='3' class='GFS_td_1' style='text-align:center;'>" . xlt('Not documented') . "</td></tr>";
                    <td class="GFS_title_1" id="GFS_cups" name="GFS_cups" title="<?php 
    echo xla('Click this to display/hide additional tests');
    echo xlt('Optic Discs');
    if ($hideme) {
        $plus = '<td><span class="top right" id="toggle_cups"><i class="fa fa-toggle-down"></i></span></td>';
    if ($count > '0') {
        echo "<td class='GFS_title center'>" . xlt('OD{{right eye}}') . "</td><td class='GFS_title center'>" . xlt('OS{{left eye}}') . "</td>" . $plus;
    } else {
        echo "<td class='GFS_title center'></td><td class='GFS_title center'></td>";
    echo $cups;

        <script src="<?php 
    echo $GLOBALS['assets_static_relative'];
        <div style="position:relative;float:right; margin: 0px 5px;text-align:center;width:60%;">
    if ($priors) {
        if ($bywhat == 'byday') {
            $class_1 = "nodisplay";
            $class_2 = "";
        } else {
            $class_2 = "nodisplay";
            $class_1 = "";
                <canvas id="canvas_byday" class="<?php 
        echo $class_2;
                <canvas id="canvas_byhour" class="<?php 
        echo $class_1;

                <button id="dailyData" class="<?php 
        echo $class_1;
" style="background: #063f80;"><?php 
        echo xlt('Show IOP by Date');
                <button id="hourlyData" class="<?php 
        echo $class_2;
" style="background: #063f80;"><?php 
        echo xlt('Show IOP by Time');
                     *  Below is the Chart.js code to render IOP by day and IOP by time
                    var visit_date = '<?php 
        echo attr($dated);
                    var dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
                    var timeFormat = 'HH tt';
                    var customTooltips = function(tooltip) {
                        // Tooltip Element
                        var tooltipEl = $('#chartjs-tooltip');
                        if (!tooltipEl[0]) {
                            $('body').append('<div id="chartjs-tooltip"></div>');
                            tooltipEl = $('#chartjs-tooltip');
                            // Hide if no tooltip
                        if (!tooltip.opacity) {
                                          opacity: 0.3
                            $('.chartjs-wrap canvas')
                            .each(function(index, el) {
                                  $(el).css('cursor', 'default');
                        $(this._chart.canvas).css('cursor', 'pointer');
                            // Set caret Position
                        tooltipEl.removeClass('above below no-transform');
                        if (tooltip.yAlign) {
                        } else {

                            // Set Text
                        if (tooltip.body) {
                            var innerHtml = [
                                             (tooltip.beforeTitle || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.title || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.afterTitle || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.beforeBody || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.body || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.afterBody || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.beforeFooter || [])
                                             .join('\n'), (tooltip.footer || []).join('\n'), (tooltip.afterFooter || []).join('\n')

                            // Find Y Location on page
                        var top = 0;
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                    var config_byhour = {
                        type: 'line',
                        data: {
                            labels: [<?php 
        echo $times_OU;
                            datasets: [{
                                   label: "OD",
                                   data: [<?php 
        echo $OD_time_values;
                                   fill: false,
                                   borderColor : "#44a3a7",
                                   backgroundColor : "#44a3a7",
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                                   pointBackgroundColor : "#44a3a7",
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                                   pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
                                   pointRadius: 1,
                                   pointHitRadius: 3
                                   }, {
                                   label: 'OS',
                                   data: [<?php 
        echo $OS_time_values;
                                   fill: false,
                                   lineTension: 3,
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                                   pointBackgroundColor : "#000099",
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                            animation: false,
                            onAnimationComplete: function () {
                                    // prevents the update from triggering an infinite loop
                                if (!this.clearCycle) {
                                    this.clearCycle = true;

                                    this.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) {
                                                          dataset.points.forEach(function (point) {
                                                                                 if (point.value === 0) {
                                                                                 point.display = false;
                                                                                 point.hasValue = function () {
                                                                                 return false;
                                delete this.clearCycle;
                            scaleShowHorizontalLines: true,
        echo xla("Intraocular Pressures") . " (" . xla("mmHg") . ") by Hour";
                            tooltips: {
                            mode: 'label'
                            hover: {
                            mode: 'dataset'
                            scales: {
                                xAxes:  [{
                                     type: "time",
                                     time: {
                                     format: "HH:mm",
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                                     'minute': 'h:mm a',
                                     'hour': 'h:mm a'
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                                     display: true,
                                     labelString: 'Time'
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                                    display: false
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                                    scaleLabel: {
                                    display: true,
                                    labelString: 'IOP (mmHg)'
                                    ticks: {
                                    suggestedMin: 0,
                                    suggestedMax: 24,

                    $('#dailyData').click(function(event) {

                    $('#hourlyData').click(function(event) {
                    var config_byday = {
                        type: 'bar',
                        data: {
                        labels: [<?php 
        echo $dates_OU;
                        datasets: [
                               type: 'line',
                               label: "Target",
                               data: [<?php 
        echo $IOPTARGET_values;
                               fill: false,
                               borderColor : "#f28282",
                               backgroundColor : "#f28282",
                               pointBorderColor : "black",
                               pointBackgroundColor : "#f28282",
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                               drugs: ["test1\ntimoptic","test2","test3"],
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                               pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
                               pointRadius: 1,
                               pointHitRadius: 3
                               },{ type: 'line',
                               label: "OD",
                               data: [<?php 
        echo $OD_values;
                               fill: false,
                               borderColor : "#44a3a7",
                               backgroundColor : "#44a3a7",
                               pointBorderColor : "#055d2b",
                               pointBackgroundColor : "#44a3a7",
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                               borderJoinStyle: 'miter',
                               pointHoverRadius: 5,
                               pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
                               pointRadius: 1,
                               pointHitRadius: 3
                               }, {
                               type: 'line',
                               label: 'OS',
                               data: [<?php 
        echo $OS_values;
                               fill: false,
                               lineTension: 3,
                               borderColor : "#000099",
                               backgroundColor : "#000099",
                               pointBorderColor : "black",
                               pointBackgroundColor : "#000099",
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                               yAxisID: 'y-axis-1',
                               lineTension: 0.3,
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                               pointHoverRadius: 5,
                               pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
                               pointRadius: 1,
                               pointHitRadius: 3,
                               type: 'bar',
                               label: "VF",
                               strokeColor: '#5CABFA',
                               data: [<?php 
        echo $VF_values;
                               fill: false,
                               backgroundColor: '#5CABFA',
                               borderColor: '#000000',
                               yAxisID: 'y-axis-2'
                               type: 'bar',
                               label: "OCT",
                               data: [<?php 
        echo $OCT_values;
],//0/null is not done, 1 if performed.
                               fill: true,
                               backgroundColor: '#71B37C',
                               borderColor: '#000000',
                               yAxisID: 'y-axis-2'
                               type: 'bar',
                               label: "Gonio",
                               data: [<?php 
        echo $GONIO_values;
                               fill: false,
                               strokeColor: 'rgba(209, 30, 93, 0.3)',
                               fillColor:'rgba(209, 30, 93, 0.3)',
                               backgroundColor: 'red',
                               borderColor: '#000000',
                               yAxisID: 'y-axis-2'
                        options: {
                            responsive: true,
                            scaleShowHorizontalLines: true,
                            display: true,
        echo xla("Intraocular Pressures (mmHg) by Date");
                            tooltips: {
                            enabled: true,
                                //id: "tooltip-1",
                                //backgroundColor: '#FCFFC5',
                                //mode: 'label',
                            enabled: true,
                            shared: false,

                            callbacks: {
                            label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
                                if (tooltipItem.yLabel =='0') {
                                    return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label + "  ---  "; ;
                                } else if (tooltipItem.yLabel =='1') {
                                    return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label + " <?php 
        echo xlt('performed');
                                } else if (tooltipItem.yLabel > '1') {
                                    return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label + ": "+tooltipItem.yLabel;
                                afterBody: function(tooltipItems, data) {
                                    //return data.datasets[2].drugs[tagme];
                            hover: {
                                mode: 'label'
                            scales: {
                            xAxes:  [{
                                 type: "time",
                                 id: "x-axis-1",
                                 time: {
                                 format: dateFormat,
                                 round: 'day',
                                 tooltipFormat: 'll'
                                 categoryPercentage: 0.5,
                                 scaleLabel: {
                                 display: true,
                                 labelString: 'Date'
                                 ticks: {
                                 suggestedMin: 3,
                                 suggestedMax: 6
                                 }, ],
                            yAxes: [{
                                type: "linear",
                                display: false,
                                position: "right",
                                id: "y-axis-2",
                                stacked: false,
                                display: false
                                labels: {
                                scaleLabel: {
                                display: false,
                                labelString: 'Testing'
                                ticks: {
                                suggestedMin: 4,
                                suggestedMax: 4
                                }, {
                                type: "linear",
                                display: true,
                                position: "left",
                                id: "y-axis-1",
                                display: true
                                labels: {
                                scaleLabel: {
                                display: true,
                                labelString: 'IOP (mmHg)'
                                ticks: {
                                suggestedMin: 4,
                                suggestedMax: 24,

                    var ctx1 = document.getElementById("canvas_byday").getContext("2d");
                    var ctx2 = document.getElementById("canvas_byhour").getContext("2d");

                    var myLine = new Chart.Bar(ctx1, config_byday);
                    var myLine2 = new Chart(ctx2, config_byhour);
    } else {
        echo "<div style='text-align:left;padding-left:20px;'><h4>The Glaucoma Flow Sheet graphically displays:\n                <ul>\n                <li> IOP measurements</li>\n                <li> Target IOPs </li>\n                <li> related tests (OCT/VF/Gonio)</li>\n                <li> diurnal IOP curve</li>\n                </ul>\n                The graphs are not generated on the initial visit...</h4></div>";
Exemplo n.º 2
$display = $_REQUEST['display'];
$category_id = $_REQUEST['category_id'];
$encounter = $_REQUEST['encounter'];
$category_name = $_REQUEST['category_name'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM patient_data where pid=?";
$pat_data = sqlQuery($query, array($pid));
$providerID = getProviderIdOfEncounter($encounter);
$providerNAME = getProviderName($providerID);
$query = "SELECT * FROM users where id = ?";
$prov_data = sqlQuery($query, array($providerID));
$query = "select form_encounter.date as encounter_date, form_eye_mag.* from form_eye_mag ,forms,form_encounter\n    where \n    form_encounter.encounter =? and \n    form_encounter.encounter = forms.encounter and \n    form_eye_mag.id=forms.form_id and\n    forms.deleted != '1' and \n    form_eye_mag.pid=? ";
$encounter_data = sqlQuery($query, array($encounter, $pid));
$dated = new DateTime($encounter_data['encounter_date']);
$dated = $dated->format('Y-m-d');
$visit_date = oeFormatShortDate($dated);
list($documents) = document_engine($pid);
<!DOCTYPE html>
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