Exemplo n.º 1
        $form_use[$value]->add('Submit', 'submit')->value("Utiliser");
        //construct a array with the product_id
        array_push($tbx_use_index, $value);
    //Arrays for error and confirm message
    $error_buy = array();
    $msg_confirm = array();
    //Treatment for each form
    foreach ($tbx_use_index as $value) {
        //which product user wants to buy
        if ($form_use[$value]->is_valid($_POST)) {
            //add nutrionals aspect to rabbit skill
            use_product($value, $_SESSION['id_nabz']);
            $quantity = display_quantity($value, $_SESSION['id']);
            //Operation on quantity, delete if we you the last in cart or -1 if there is still some in
            if ($quantity - 1 == 0) {
                header("Location: index.php?module=nabz&action=treat&id=" . $_SESSION['id']);
                //Reload page
            } else {
            $msg_confirm[] = "Action effectuée avec succès, votre lapin se sent déjà mieux.";
        //end of is_valid
    //end of foreach
    include PATH_VIEW . 'view_treat.php';
Exemplo n.º 2
//display each product as in the rabbit store
foreach ($item_cat as $value) {
    $infos_product = infos_product($value);
    echo '<table id=\'table_product_profile\'><tbody><tr>';
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<img src=' . PATH_IMAGE_STORE . $infos_product['product_image'] . '>' . '<br \\>';
    echo $infos_product['product_name'] . '<br \\>';
    echo $infos_product['product_description'] . '<br \\>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    echo "<img id=\"img_skill\" src=\"" . PATH_IMAGE_RESSOURCE . "health.png\">";
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '+' . $infos_product['prdct_health_pt'] . '<br \\>';
    echo "<img id=\"img_skill\" src=\"" . PATH_IMAGE_RESSOURCE . "food.png\">";
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '+' . $infos_product['prdct_angry_pt'] . '<br \\>';
    echo "<img id=\"img_skill\" src=\"" . PATH_IMAGE_RESSOURCE . "drink.png\">";
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '+' . $infos_product['prdct_thirst_pt'] . '<br \\>';
    echo "<img id=\"img_skill\" src=\"" . PATH_IMAGE_RESSOURCE . "portion.png\">";
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . display_quantity($infos_product['product_id'], $_SESSION['id']) . ' portions disponibles' . '<br \\>';
    echo $form_use[$value];
    echo '</td></tr></tbody>';
    echo '</table>';
Exemplo n.º 3
function delete_product_incart($id_product)
    $pdo = PDO2::getInstance();
    $quantity = display_quantity($id_product, $_SESSION['id']);
    $query = $pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM tbl_cart WHERE product_id = :id_product");
    $query->bindValue(':id_product', $id_product);
    return $query->rowCount() == 1;