function print_error($errstr, $predef) { $exp_error['predef'] = $predef; $exp_error['errorstr'] = $errstr; display_directory($exp_error); page_close(); exit; }
/** main process... NOTE: In order to add a file to the supported list below, apart from adding its extension to the list, you *MUST* supply a corresponding icon, and put it in the editor/icons folder */ function main_process($dir, $type, $lessons_ID) { if ($type == "image") { $valid_file_types_temp = array("jpg", "gif", "png", "bmp"); } elseif ($type == "files") { $valid_file_types_temp = array("zip", "html", "htm", "pdf", "doc", "xls", "ppt", "pps", "txt", "jpg", "gif", "png", "exe", "zip", "m", "mp3", "wav", "ra", "avi", "mov", "mpeg", "mid", "wma", "bmp", "wmv", "mp4"); if ($_SESSION['s_type'] == "administrator") { $valid_file_types_temp[] = "php"; } } elseif ($type == "flash") { $valid_file_types_temp = array("swf"); } elseif ($type == "java") { $valid_file_types_temp = array("class"); } elseif ($type == "videomusic") { $valid_file_types_temp = array("mp3", "wav", "ra", "avi", "mov", "mpeg", "mpg", "mid", "wma", "wmv", "mp4"); } elseif ($type == 'all_files') { $valid_file_types_temp = array(); } elseif ($type == "media") { $valid_file_types_temp = array("mp3", "wav", "ra", "avi", "mov", "mpeg", "mpg", "mid", "wma", "swf", "wmv", "avi", "mp4"); } $valid_file_types = $valid_file_types_temp; // prostheto kai tis antistoixes katalikseis me kefalaia. makriria for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($valid_file_types_temp); $i++) { $valid_file_types[] = mb_strtoupper($valid_file_types_temp[$i]); } // $dir = preg_replace(G_RELATIVELESSONSLINK, "", $dir); //echo $dir; if (!$dir) { $dir = G_LESSONSPATH . $_SESSION['s_lessons_ID']; } display_directory($dir, $valid_file_types, $type, $lessons_ID); }
$kat = trim($kat); $capabilities = get_caps($perm, $kat); // this is used at many places /* Mod_rewrite directs us all the queries to the directory to this file. Now we will have to find out whether we have to display a node, or a trail. If it's a trail, we must find out, if we can only redirect to the Trail-Window (we got called from the correct directory-node) or if we have to display the correct node (parent of Trail) and open the Trail in a new Window */ if (preg_match('/^\\/Experts\\/(.+)/', $kat, $found)) { display_mypage($found[1]); } else { if (!is_trail($kat) or $kat == "/") { display_directory(); } else { $autoopen = $kat; $sess->register("autoopen"); header("Location: " . $sess->url(parent_path($kat))); } } page_close(); //echo("<p>"); /*foreach($auth->auth as $key => $value) echo("$key = $value<br>"); */ /*foreach($GLOBALS as $key => $value) echo("$key = $value<br>");*/ ?>