foreach (array('snippet_title', 'video_title', 'video_desc', 'video_time', 'video_date') as $option) { if (isset($_POST[$option])) { $args[$option] = $_POST[$option]; } } $status = update_option('bsf_video', $args); displayStatus($status); } if (isset($_POST['article_submit'])) { foreach (array('snippet_title', 'article_name', 'article_author', 'article_desc', 'article_image') as $option) { if (isset($_POST[$option])) { $args[$option] = $_POST[$option]; } } $status = update_option('bsf_article', $args); displayStatus($status); } function displayStatus($status) { if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('Success! Your changes were successfully saved!', 'rich-snippets') . '</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>' . __('Sorry, Your changes are not saved!', 'rich-snippets') . '</p></div>'; } } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'reset') { $option_to_reset = $_GET['options']; if ($option_to_reset == 'review') { delete_option('bsf_review'); }
<head> <title><?php print $header . ' | ' . $this->preference->item('site_name'); ?> </title> <?php print $this->page->output_variables(); ?> <?php print $this->page->output_assets('admin'); ?> </head> <body style="padding: 2em;"> <a name="top"></a> <?php print displayStatus(); ?> <?php print isset($content) ? $content : NULL; ?> <?php if (isset($page)) { if (isset($module)) { $this->load->module_view($module, $page); } else { $this->load->view($page); } } ?> </body> </html>
<div id="navigation"> <?php print $this->load->view($this->config->item('backendpro_template_admin') . 'menu');?> </div> <div id="breadcrumb"> <?php print $this->bep_site->get_breadcrumb();?> </div> <div id="content"> <a name="top"></a> <?php print displayStatus();?> <?php print (isset($content)) ? $content : NULL; ?> <?php if( isset($page)){ if( isset($module)){ $this->load->view($module."/".$page); } else { $this->load->view($page); }} ?> <br style="clear: both" /> </div>
// send users logged in status $header .= clean($user->data['is_registered'] ? 1 : 0) . $delims[1]; // send new private message count $header .= clean($user->data['user_new_privmsg']); // insert this into the output $output = $header . $delims[2] . $output; // send the output to TouchBB echo $appName; if ($get == 'status') { echo count($delims) . implode($delims, ''); } echo $output . $delims[1] . md5($output); // clean up properly garbage_collection(); } else { displayStatus(); } // *************************** // ******** FUNCTIONS ******** // *************************** function clean($str, $uid = '') { global $fm, $config, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $delims; $str = stripslashes($str); $str = replace_all("\r\n", "\n", $str); if ($uid) { $str = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $str); // convert bbcode smilies to img sources, checking image width to see if it will fit on the phone or not if (preg_match_all('/<!-- s(.*?) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}\\/(.*?)" alt="(.*?)" title="(.*?)" \\/><!-- s(.*?) -->/is', $str, $matches)) { $tags = $matches[0]; $icons = $matches[2];
function bookPage() { $books = new Books(); $id = (int) $_GET['book'] + 0; if (!isset($books[$id])) { notFound(); } $book = $books[$id]; global $tpl; $tpl->assign('page_title', $book['title']); $tpl->assign('menu_links', Path::menu('book')); $tpl->assign('menu_links_admin', Path::menuAdmin('book')); $tpl->assign('book', $book); $tpl->assign('id', $book['id']); $tpl->assign('displayStatus', displayStatus($book['status'])); $tpl->assign('displayAuthors', displayAuthors($book['author'])); $tpl->assign('displayNote', displayNote($book['note'])); $tpl->assign('country', $book['country']); $tpl->assign('displayGenres', displayGenres($book['genre'])); $tpl->assign('token', getToken()); $tpl->assign('books_count', $books->count()); $tpl->assign('book_next', $books->nextBook($book['id'])); $tpl->assign('book_previous', $books->previousBook($book['id'])); $social_url = str_replace('./', BASE_URL, Path::book($book['id'])); $tpl->assign('social', ['title' => $book['title'], 'description' => ($book['status'] == Book::SEEN ? displaySimpleNote($book['note']) . ' — ' : '') . str_replace('<br />', '', displaySummary($book['summary'], 250)), 'image' => Books::CompleteImageURI($book), 'twitter' => urlencode(($book['status'] == Book::SEEN ? 'I’ve rated ' . $book['note'] . ' ' . String::pluralize('star', $book['note']) : 'I want to read') . ' “' . $book['title'] . '” from ' . $book['author'] . ' ' . $social_url), 'url' => $social_url]); $tpl->draw('book'); exit; }
} elseif ($key == "xmlurl" . $i && $value != '' && $_POST["addbox" . $i] != 'checkbox') { $i++; } } if ($list->save()) { if (ZF_DEBUG) { print_r($list->channels); } displayStatus("list saved"); //TODO : goto list button displayGotoButton($list->name); } else { displayStatus($list->lastError); } } else { displayStatus("Error parsing the subscriptions list : " . $list->name . "<br/>Feeds were NOT added."); } echo '</div>'; } else { ?> <div id="core"> <div class="frame"> <form method="post" name="subopml" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?zfaction=importlist'; ?> "> <strong>Import OPML subscriptions</strong><br/><br/><br/> Local path or remote URL of an OPML subscription list<br/> <input name="opmlurl" type="text" size="50"/> <input name="fetchopml" type="submit" id="fetchopml" value=" go "/>
exit; } if (!is_writable(ZF_CONFIGFILE)) { displayStatus('config.php is not writable (you cannot save changes)!'); } if (isset($_POST['dosave']) && $_POST['dosave'] == 'Save') { if ($_POST['newpassword'] == $_POST['confirmpassword'] && $_POST['newpassword'] != '') { $_POST['adminpassword'] = crypt($_POST['newpassword']); } else { $_POST['adminpassword'] = ZF_ADMINPASS; } $_POST['zfurl'] = ZF_URL; if (saveConfig($_POST)) { displayStatus('Configuration saved.'); } else { displayStatus('Configuration NOT saved.'); } } else { ?> <div id="core"> <form name="configform" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?zfaction=config'; ?> " method="post"> <div class="frame"> <h2>General configuration</h2> <div class="twocols"> <div class="col1"> <label for="adminname">Admin username: </label>
$stmt->execute(array(':id' => $TimeLog['id'], ':pid' => $TimeLog['pid'], ':description' => $TimeLog['description'], ':start' => $TimeLog['start'], ':end' => $TimeLog['end'], ':dur' => $TimeLog['dur'], ':client' => $TimeLog['client'], ':project' => $TimeLog['project'])); displayStatus("Added time record " . $TimeLog['id']); } catch (PDOException $e) { displayStatus("Couldn't insert time record " . $TimeLog['id']); die($e); } } } catch (PDOException $e) { displayStatus("Couldn't check for existing time record (" + $TimeLog['id'] + ")"); die($e); } } } catch (PDOException $e) { displayStatus("Error looking for project " . $Project['id'] . " in database."); die($e); } } /** * $endTime * Mark when the program finished so we can show the time elapsed */ $endTime = microtime(true); /** * $elapsedTime * Total time spent executing the program */ $elapsedTime = $endTime - $startTime; //Show the elapsed time. displayStatus("Program finished in " . $elapsedTime . " seconds."); displayStatus("===========================================");
// Allow testing admins to display the hidden puzzle info if ($hidePuzzleInfo) { echo '<a href="#" id="showTestLink">Show Answer, Summary, and Description</a>'; echo '<a href="#" id="hideTestLink" class="hideFromTest">Hide Answer, Summary, and Description</a>'; } // Allow author and lurkers to edit summary and description echo '<p class="small"><a href="' . URL . "/puzzle.php?edit&pid={$pid}" . '">'; echo 'Edit Title, Summary and Description</a></p>'; echo "</div>"; // List various people working on the puzzle echo "<div class='peopleInfo'>"; displayPeople($uid, $pid); echo "</div>"; // List puzzle status echo "<div class='statusInfo'>"; displayStatus($uid, $pid); echo "</div>"; // List puzzle notes echo "<div class='notesInfo'>"; displayNotes($uid, $pid); echo "</div>"; // List puzzle editor notes echo "<div class='notesInfo'>"; displayEditorNotes($uid, $pid); echo "</div>"; // List puzzle runtime info echo "<div class='notesInfo'>"; displayRuntime($uid, $pid); echo "</div>"; // List credits if (USING_CREDITS) {
@($datas = fread($fp, 4096)); if (strlen($datas) == 0) { break; } $sitehtmldata .= $datas; } @fclose($fp); if ($sitehtmldata != '') { $rssloc = getRSSlocation($sitehtmldata, $siteurl); if ($rssloc != false) { echo parse_feed($rssloc, $htmldata); } else { displayStatus("Autodiscovery didn't detected any feeds. If the site has them add them manually from the Feed URL form."); } } else { displayStatus("Error: could not read the specified URL"); } echo '</div>'; } elseif (isset($feedurl) && $feedurl != '') { echo '<div id="core">'; /* Case 3: parse feed(s) given in the form or via bookmarklet display a form for each feed */ //if got from the bookmarklet, all urls are separated by a pipe character $tempfeedurl = explode("|", $feedurl); foreach ($tempfeedurl as $xmlurl) { echo parse_feed($xmlurl, $htmldata); } echo '</div>'; } else { // Default: basic form to enter feed or site address