Exemplo n.º 1
function editUser($u, $p)
    $fileName = file('/etc/squid3/basic.passwd');
    $users = array();
    foreach ($fileName as $key => $value) {
        list($k, $v) = preg_split("/:/", $value);
        print "key = " . $k . " :: val = " . $v . "<br>";
        $users[$k] = $v;
    print "<br>====  BEFORE EDITING ====<br>";
    $users[$u] = htpasswd($p);
    print "<br>====  AFTER EDITING ====<br>";
    //print $u." gets new password ".$p." {".$users[$u]."}<br>";
    if (!($fp = fopen('/etc/squid3/basic.passwd', 'w+'))) {
        print "Cannot open file (" . $fileName . ")";
    if ($fp) {
        foreach ($users as $uname => $pass) {
            fwrite($fp, $uname . ":" . $pass);
Exemplo n.º 2
function getPlotBarData($channelID)
    global $DEBUG;
    global $names;
    // #query average temp for days
    $sqlQuery = "SELECT day1, min1, avg1, max1 FROM (" . "\tSELECT * FROM ( " . "\t\tSELECT channel, " . "\t\tDAY(date_time) as day1,  " . "\t\tMAX(temp)*.1 as max1, " . "\t\tAVG(temp)*.1 as avg1, " . "\t\tMIN(temp)*.1 as min1, " . "\t\tAVG(humidity) as humi1, " . "\t\tdate_time, " . "\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date_time, '%j') as dayofyear " . "\t\tFROM `avrdb`.`avrtemp`  " . "\t\tWHERE channel=" . $channelID . " " . "\t\tGROUP BY " . "\t\tday1, dayofyear " . "\t\tWITH ROLLUP " . "\t\t) as myroundup " . "\tWHERE day1 is not null " . "\tAND DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%j') - dayofyear < 14  " . "\tORDER BY date_time ASC) as mydays " . "order by date_time ASC " . "LIMIT 14 " . ";";
    $sqlResult = mysql_query($sqlQuery);
    if ($sqlResult) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult)) {
            $dataResult[] = $row;
    } else {
        $dataResult[] = array(array(1, 2), array(3, 4));
    if ($DEBUG) {
    return $dataResult;
Exemplo n.º 3

 * create a folder
 * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
 * @link www.phpletter.com
 * @since 22/May/2007
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "inc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php";
echo "{";
$error = "";
$info = "";
/*	$_POST['new_folder'] = substr(md5(time()), 1, 5);
	$_POST['currentFolderPath'] = "../../uploaded/";*/
    $error = SYS_DISABLED;
} elseif (empty($_POST['new_folder'])) {
} elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\- ]+\$/", $_POST['new_folder'])) {
    $error = ERR_FOLDER_FORMAT;
} else {
    if (empty($_POST['currentFolderPath']) || !isUnderRoot($_POST['currentFolderPath'])) {
    } elseif (file_exists(addTrailingSlash($_POST['currentFolderPath']) . $_POST['new_folder'])) {
        $error = ERR_FOLDER_EXISTS;
    } else {
        include_once CLASS_FILE;
Exemplo n.º 4
function dataStartEnd($mystart, $myend)
    global $DEBUG;
    //Get the data from the database
    $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . "(SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%Y%m%d%H%i') as dtime, temp/10 as temp1, humidity, channel, state FROM avrtemp " . " GROUP BY dtime " . " where channel=4 ORDER BY dtime ASC) as bad " . " WHERE dtime > " . $mystart . " AND dtime < " . $myend . " " . ";";
    if ($DEBUG) {
        echo "<p>" . $sqlQuery . "</p>";
    $sqlResult = mysql_query($sqlQuery);
    if ($sqlResult) {
        //	    $dataResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult)) {
            $dataResult[] = $row;
        //draw line graph
        $countData = count($dataResult);
        //Set chd parameter to no value
        $chd = '';
        $chd .= "['Zeit','Temperatur','Luftfeuchte'],";
        //Start to compile the data
        for ($row = 0; $row < $countData; $row++) {
            //Check for a value if one exists, add to $chd
            if (isset($dataResult[$row]['dtime']) && isset($dataResult[$row]['temp1']) && isset($dataResult[$row]['humidity'])) {
                $chd .= "['" . $dataResult[$row]['dtime'] . "'," . $dataResult[$row]['temp1'] . "," . $dataResult[$row]['humidity'] . "],\r\n";
        if ($DEBUG) {
            echo "<p>" . $chd . "</p>";
        $channelID = 4;
        // see "chart_div".$channelID
        // see https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart
        echo "    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>\r\n";
        echo "    <script type='text/javascript'>\r\n";
        echo "      google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['corechart']});\r\n";
        echo "      google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\r\n";
        echo "      var myStart;\r\n";
        echo "      var myEnd;\r\n";
        echo "      var bSetStart=true;\r\n";
        echo "      function drawChart() {\r\n";
        echo "        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\r\n";
        echo $chd . "";
        echo "        \r\n]);";
        echo "\n\n";
        echo "        var options = {\r\n";
        echo "          title: 'Temperatur und Luftfeuchte von " . "Bad" . "',";
        //	echo "			vAxis: {maxValue: 25, minValue: -10}";
        //######## DO NOT USE COMMENTS inside options! ######
        echo "\t\t\tseries: {";
        echo "\t\t\t   0:{targetAxisIndex:0, color: 'red'},";
        echo "\t\t\t   1:{targetAxisIndex:1, color: 'blue'}";
        echo "\t\t\t},\r\n";
        echo "\t\t\tvAxes:  {";
        echo "\t\t\t   0: {title:'Temperatur',textStyle:{color: 'red'}, maxValue: 25, minValue: -10},";
        echo "\t\t\t   1: {title:'Luftfeuchte',textStyle:{color: 'blue'},maxValue: 100, minValue: 0}";
        echo "\t\t\t}\r\n";
        echo "        };\r\n";
        echo "\n\n";
        echo "        var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div" . $channelID . "'));\r\n";
        echo "        function selectHandler(e) {\r\n";
        //	    echo " alert('hello'); \r\n";
        echo "          var selection = chart.getSelection();\r\n";
        echo "          if(selection.length>0 && typeof selection[0].row != 'undefined') {\r\n";
        echo "             //alert('That is row/column no. '+selection[0].row+'/'+selection[0].column);\r\n";
        echo "             if(bSetStart){\r\n";
        echo "               document.getElementById('start').value=data.getValue(selection[0].row,0);\r\n";
        echo "               bSetStart= !bSetStart;\r\n";
        echo "               //alert('data='+data.getValue(selection[0].row,0));\r\n";
        echo "             }\r\n";
        echo "             else{\r\n";
        echo "               document.getElementById('end').value=data.getValue(selection[0].row,0);\r\n";
        echo "               bSetStart= !bSetStart;\r\n";
        echo "             }//if bSetStart\r\n";
        echo "          }//if selection\r\n";
        echo "          return;\r\n";
        echo "        }//selectHandler\r\n";
        echo "\t      // Must wait for the ready event in order to";
        echo "        // request the chart and subscribe to 'onmouseover'.\r\n";
        echo "        google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'ready', onReady);\r\n";
        echo "        function onReady() {\r\n";
        // Every time the table fires the "select" event, it should call your
        // selectHandler() function.
        echo "          google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'select', selectHandler);\r\n";
        echo "        }";
        //Draw the chart
        echo "        chart.draw(data, options);\r\n";
        echo "      } //end of function drawChart\r\n";
        echo "    </script>\r\n";
        if ($DEBUG) {
        $countData = count($dataResult);
    } else {
        echo "<p>NO DATA</p>";
    return $dataResult;
Exemplo n.º 5
function showBarDays($channelID)
    global $DEBUG;
    global $names;
    // #query average temp for days
    $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM (" . "\tSELECT * FROM ( " . "\t\tSELECT channel, " . "\t\tDAY(date_time) as day1,  " . "\t\tAVG(temp)*.1 as temp1, " . "\t\tdate_time, " . "\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date_time, '%j') as dayofyear " . "\t\tFROM `avrdb`.`avrtemp`  " . "\t\tWHERE channel=" . $channelID . " " . "\t\tGROUP BY " . "\t\tday1, dayofyear " . "\t\tWITH ROLLUP " . "\t\t) as myroundup " . "\tWHERE day1 is not null " . "\tAND DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%j') - dayofyear < 14  " . "\tORDER BY date_time ASC) as mydays " . "order by date_time ASC" . ";";
    $sqlResult = mysql_query($sqlQuery);
    $dataResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult)) {
        $dataResult[] = $row;
    // 'month1', 'day1', 'hour1', 'temp1'
    // '9', '4', '18', '16.95000'
    if ($DEBUG) {
    $countData = count($dataResult);
    //count number of data
    //Set chd parameter to no value
    $chd = '';
    //	$chd.="['month1', 'day1', 'hour1', 'temp1'],";
    $chd .= "['day1', 'temp1'],";
    //Start to compile the data
    for ($row = 0; $row < $countData; $row++) {
        //Check for a value if one exists, add to $chd
        if (isset($dataResult[$row]['day1'])) {
            $chd .= "['" . $dataResult[$row]['day1'] . "'" . "," . $dataResult[$row]['temp1'] . "],\n";
    if ($DEBUG) {
        echo "<p>DEBUG</p>";
        echo "<p>" . $chd . "</p>";
    // see https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart
    echo "    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>";
    echo "    <script type='text/javascript'>";
    echo "      google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['corechart']});";
    echo "      google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);";
    echo "      function drawChart() {";
    echo "        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([";
    echo $chd;
    //	echo "          ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses'],";
    //	echo "          ['2004',  1000,      400],";
    //	echo "          ['2005',  1170,      460],";
    //	echo "          ['2006',  660,       1120],";
    //	echo "          ['2007',  1030,      540]";
    echo "        ]);";
    echo "";
    echo "        var options = {";
    //	echo "          title: 'Temperatur / Stunde'";
    	echo "          vAxes:[";
    	echo "             {title:'Temperatur',textStyle:{color: 'blue'}}, //  axis 0";
    	echo "             {title:'Luftfeuchte',textStyle:{color: 'red'}} // Axis 1";
    	echo "          ]";
    echo "          title: 'Temperatur von " . $names[$channelID] . "', ";
    echo "          vAxis: {maxValue: 30, minValue: -10}";
    echo "        };";
    echo "";
    //	echo "        var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div".$channelID."'));";
    echo "        var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div" . $channelID . "'));";
    echo "        chart.draw(data, options);";
    //	echo "        chart.draw(data, {title:'Temperatur/Stunde', vAxis: {maxValue=}});";
    echo "      }";
    echo "    </script>";
Exemplo n.º 6
function shuffleArray(&$array)
    //Create and init tem array
    $tempQuantity = count($array);
    $tempArr = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $tempQuantity; $i++) {
        $tempArr[$i] = FALSE;
    //Shuffle input array
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $tempQuantity; $i++) {
        while (TRUE) {
            $temp = mt_rand(0, $tempQuantity - 1);
            if (!$tempArr[$temp]) {
                //if FALSE
                $tempArr[$temp] = $array[$i];
    //Return result via link
    $array = $tempArr;
arrayInit($Arr, $quantity);
// Output execution time for script
$time = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
echo "<br />" . "<br />";
printf('Script are executed %.8F sec.', $time);
Exemplo n.º 7
<div id="menu">
    <h1><a href="http://localhost:8888/Gits/notes/">Martin Campillo</a></h1>
    <p>Carnet de notes, travaux en cours et reflexions diverses.</p>
require_once "./php/functions.php";
$root = "./content/";
displayArray(sortArray(createArray($root), "date"));
    <div id="footer">
        <div class="colorSwitch night">  
          <input type="checkbox" id="colorSwitch" checked />
          <label for="colorSwitch"></label>
        <h6>Version 0.0.1
        <a href="https://github.com/fclmprod/notes/">github.com/fclmprod/notes/</a></h6>
    <script src="./js/main.js"></script>
Exemplo n.º 8
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host={$dbhost};dbname={$dbname}", $dbuser, $dbpass);
} catch (PDOException $pe) {
    die('Connection error, because ' . $pe->getMessage());
function mySelectPDO($what, $from, $where, $order = '')
    global $conn;
    $q = "SELECT " . implode($what, ',') . " FROM " . implode($from) . " WHERE " . implode($where, " AND ");
    $r = $conn->query($q);
    return $r;
$what = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'u_name', 'email');
$from = array('users');
$where = array('user_id<10');
$result = mySelectPDO($what, $from, $where);
while ($r = $result->fetch()) {
// Prepare goes outside the loop
$sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT user_id,first_name,last_name FROM users WHERE u_name = :uname");
$sql->bindParam(':uname', $uname);
$users = array('knichel', 'klobk', 'myerr', 'ziburaz');
foreach ($users as $user) {
    $uname = $user;
    $r = $sql->fetch();
    //print "<br />";
Exemplo n.º 9
 * create a folder
 * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
 * @link www.phpletter.com
 * @since 22/May/2007
require_once '../../config/config.inc.php';
require_once '../init.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "inc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php";
$safe_post = array();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $safe_post[Tools::safeOutput($key)] = Tools::safeOutput($value);
echo "{";
$error = "";
$info = "";
/*	$_POST['new_folder'] = substr(md5(time()), 1, 5);
	$_POST['currentFolderPath'] = "../../uploaded/";*/
    $error = SYS_DISABLED;
} elseif (empty($_POST['new_folder'])) {
} elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\- ]+\$/", $_POST['new_folder'])) {
    $error = ERR_FOLDER_FORMAT;
} elseif (empty($_POST['currentFolderPath']) || !isUnderRoot($_POST['currentFolderPath'])) {
} elseif (file_exists(addTrailingSlash($_POST['currentFolderPath']) . $_POST['new_folder'])) {
Exemplo n.º 10

$host = '';
$dbname = 'Gradebook';
$user = '******';
$pass = '******';
$conn = mssql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
mssql_select_db("Gradebook", $conn);
if (!$conn) {
    die("Error connecting to mssql server\n");
function displayArray($a)
    print "<pre><br />";
    print "</pre><br />";
$query = "\nSELECT\n\tClassByTeacher.SectionID, ClassByTeacher.username, ClassByTeacher.tsn, ClassByTeacher.BuildingID, ClassByTeacher.SchoolYear, ClassByTeacher.TakesAttendance,\n\tUSERS.teacher as isTeacher, USERS.uid as TGUID,\n\tClassRoster.STGUID, ClassRoster.Active as isActive,\n\tStudentDemographicData.FirstName, StudentDemographicData.LastName\nFROM\n\tClassByTeacher, USERS, ClassRoster, StudentDemographicData\nWHERE\n\tClassByTeacher.SchoolYear='2010-2011' AND\n\t((ClassByTeacher.BuildingID=13)OR(ClassByTeacher.BuildingID=14)) AND\n\tClassByTeacher.TakesAttendance='True' AND\n\tUSERS.username=ClassByTeacher.username AND\n\tClassRoster.SectionID=ClassByTeacher.SectionID AND\n\tClassRoster.Active='True' AND\nStudentDemographicData.STGUID=ClassRoster.STGUID\nORDER BY\n\tClassByTeacher.username, ClassByTeacher.tsn";
print $query;
$result = mssql_query($query, $conn);
while ($row = mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Dont set to inactive for ALL rosters, only the ones where the course is a CORE class
 * Otherwise teacher created classes (ie integrated) will get disabled....
if ($manual) {
    print "Working on Rosters\n";
$msg = '';
$error = false;
$currentSchoolYear = get_current_school_year();
$sql = "UPDATE student2class SET isActive='N' where class_id IN (\n        SELECT class_id FROM classes, courses\n        WHERE classes.course_id=courses.course_id\n        AND courses.school_year_id = " . $currentSchoolYear . "\n        AND courses.isCore='Y')";
//$err = $db->query($sql);
$regi = array();
$smsClassRosters = make_array_from_sql(getClassRostersFromSMS(), 'ms');
$q3aitClassRosters = make_assoc_array_from_sql(getClassRostersForSMS(), 'SectionID', 'my');
$q3aitUsers = make_assoc_array_from_sql(getCurrentStudentsForSMS(), 'STGUID', 'my');
$q3aitCourses = make_assoc_array_from_sql(getCoursesForSMS(), 'SectionID', 'my');
$register = array();
// user_id, class_id
foreach ($smsClassRosters as $row) {
    if (array_key_exists($row['SectionID'], $q3aitCourses)) {
        if (array_key_exists($row['STGUID'], $q3aitUsers)) {
            if ($row['DateExited'] == NULL) {
                $student_id = $regi['student_id'] = $q3aitUsers[$row['STGUID']]['user_id'];
                $course_id = $regi['course_id'] = $q3aitCourses[$row['SectionID']]['course_id'];
Exemplo n.º 12
function showLineChart($channelID)
    global $DEBUG;
    global $names;
    //Get the data from the database
    $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM ( " . "SELECT * FROM ( " . "SELECT channel, " . "DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%H') as hour1, " . "DAY(date_time) as day1,  " . "AVG(temp)*.1 as temp1, " . "ROUND(AVG(humidity)) as humi1, " . "date_time, " . "DATE_FORMAT(date_time, '%j') as dayofyear " . "FROM `avrdb`.`avrtemp`  " . "WHERE channel=" . $channelID . " " . "GROUP BY " . "day1, hour1, dayofyear " . "WITH ROLLUP " . ") as myroundup " . "WHERE day1 is not null AND hour1 is NOT NULL " . "AND ((DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%j') - dayofyear) < 2) " . "ORDER BY date_time DESC LIMIT 48 " . ") as sorted_hours " . "order by date_time asc; ";
    $sqlResult = mysql_query($sqlQuery);
    $dataResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult)) {
        $dataResult[] = $row;
    if ($DEBUG) {
    $countData = count($dataResult);
    if ($countData < 48) {
        echo "<h3>Temperatur und Luftfeuchte von " . $names[$channelID] . "</h3>zu wenig daten letzte 48 Stunden!<br>";
    //Set chd parameter to no value
    $chd = '';
    $limit = 10;
    DataArrayTable [
    		["time", Temperature1, Temperature2, Temperature3],
    		["2013-08-31 14:43:59", 19.9, 20.3, 21.0],
    //	$chd.="['Zeit','Temperatur'],";
    $chd .= "['Zeit','Temperatur','Luftfeuchte'],";
    //Start to compile the data
    for ($row = 0; $row < $countData; $row++) {
        //Check for a value if one exists, add to $chd
        if (isset($dataResult[$row]['hour1']) && isset($dataResult[$row]['temp1']) && isset($dataResult[$row]['humi1'])) {
            $chd .= "['" . $dataResult[$row]['hour1'] . "'," . $dataResult[$row]['temp1'] . "," . $dataResult[$row]['humi1'] . "],";
    if ($DEBUG) {
        echo "<p>DEBUG</p>";
        echo "<p>" . $chd . "</p>";
    // see https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart
    echo "    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>";
    echo "    <script type='text/javascript'>";
    echo "      google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['corechart']});";
    echo "      google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);";
    echo "      function drawChart() {";
    echo "        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([";
    echo $chd . "";
    //	echo "          ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses'],";
    //	echo "          ['2004',  1000,      400],";
    //	echo "          ['2005',  1170,      460],";
    //	echo "          ['2006',  660,       1120],";
    //	echo "          ['2007',  1030,      540]";
    echo "        ]);";
    echo "\n\n";
    echo "        var options = {";
    echo "          title: 'Temperatur und Luftfeuchte von " . $names[$channelID] . "',";
    //	echo "			vAxis: {maxValue: 25, minValue: -10}";
    //######## DO NOT USE COMMENTS inside options! ######
    echo "\t\t\tseries: {";
    echo "\t\t\t   0:{targetAxisIndex:0, color: 'red'},";
    echo "\t\t\t   1:{targetAxisIndex:1, color: 'blue'}";
    echo "\t\t\t},";
    echo "\t\t\tvAxes:  {";
    echo "\t\t\t   0: {title:'Temperatur',textStyle:{color: 'red'}, maxValue: 25, minValue: -10},";
    echo "\t\t\t   1: {title:'Luftfeuchte',textStyle:{color: 'blue'},maxValue: 100, minValue: 0}";
    echo "\t\t\t}";
    echo "        };";
    echo "\n\n";
    echo "        var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div" . $channelID . "'));";
    echo "        chart.draw(data, options);";
    echo "      } //end of function drawChart";
    echo "    </script>";
Exemplo n.º 13

require '_configPath.php';
require $configPath . 'config.php';
require $_CONF['webRoot'] . 'functionLib.php';
 * MySQL
$db = new mysqli($_CONF['DB_host'], $_CONF['DB_user'], $_CONF['DB_pass'], $_CONF['DB_name']);
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    die("There was an error connecting to the database: " . mysqli_connect_error());
$host = '';
$dbname = 'SMS';
$user = '******';
$pass = '******';
$conn = mssql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
mssql_select_db("SMS", $conn);
if (!$conn) {
    die("Error connecting to mssql server\n");
$smsStudents = make_assoc_array_from_sql(getCurrentStudentsFromSMS(), 'STGUID', 'ms');