$tool_content .=" <div class='panel panel-default'> <div class='panel-heading'> <h3 class='panel-title'>$langLearningObjectData</h3> </div> <div class='panel-body'> <div class='row margin-bottom-fat'> <div class='col-sm-3'> <strong>$langTitle:</strong> </div> <div class='col-sm-9'>"; $cmd = ( isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) && is_string($_REQUEST['cmd']) ) ? (string) $_REQUEST['cmd'] : ''; if ($cmd == "updateName") { $tool_content .= "" . disp_message_box1(nameBox(MODULE_, UPDATE_, $langModify)) . ""; } else { $tool_content .= "" . nameBox(MODULE_, DISPLAY_) . ""; } $tool_content .= "</div> </div> <div class='row margin-bottom-fat'> <div class='col-sm-3'> <strong>$langComments:</strong> </div> <div class='col-sm-9'>"; if ($module->contentType != CTLABEL_) { //############################### MODULE COMMENT BOX #################################\\ //#### COMMENT #### courseAdmin cannot modify this if this is a imported module ####\\ // this the comment of the module in ALL learning paths
$num = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM lp_rel_learnPath_module AS LPM, lp_module AS M, lp_asset AS A WHERE M.module_id = LPM.module_id AND M.startAsset_id = A.asset_id AND A.path = ?s AND LPM.learnPath_id = ?d AND M.course_id = ?d", $insertedExercise, $_SESSION['path_id'], $course_id)->count; if ($num == 0) { // used in another LP but not in this one, so reuse the module id reference instead of creating a new one insertInLearningPath($thisExerciseModule->module_id, $order); $messBox .= "<p>" . disp_message_box1(q($exercise->title) . " : " . $langExInsertedAsModule . "<br>", "success") . "</p>"; } else { $messBox .= "<p>" . disp_message_box1(q($listex->title) . " : " . $langExAlreadyUsed . "<br>", "caution") . "</p>"; } } } // end if request } //end while if(!empty($messBox)) { $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>"; $tool_content .= $messBox; $tool_content .= "</div>"; } //STEP ONE : display form to add an exercise $tool_content .= display_my_exercises("", ""); //STEP TWO : display learning path content