Exemplo n.º 1
function create_bargraph($value, $maximum, $b, $type = "")
    global $webpath;
    $textdir = direction();
    $imgpath = 'modules/System/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET . '/images/';
    $maximum == 0 ? $barwidth = 0 : ($barwidth = round(100 / $maximum * $value) * $b);
    $red = 90 * $b;
    $yellow = 75 * $b;
    if (!file_exists("/modules/System/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/nobar_left.gif")) {
        if ($barwidth == 0) {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="1" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } elseif (file_exists("/modules/System/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/yellowbar_left.gif") && $barwidth > $yellow && $barwidth < $red) {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } elseif ($barwidth < $red || $type == "iso9660" || $type == "CDFS") {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } else {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
    } else {
        if ($barwidth == 0) {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . 100 * $b . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } elseif (file_exists("/modules/System/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/yellowbar_left.gif") && $barwidth > $yellow && $barwidth < $red) {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . (100 * $b - $barwidth) . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } elseif ($barwidth < $red || $type == "iso9660" || $type == "CDFS") {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . (100 * $b - $barwidth) . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } elseif ($barwidth == 100 * $b) {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . 100 * $b . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
        } else {
            return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . (100 * $b - $barwidth) . '" alt="">' . '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif" alt="">';
Exemplo n.º 2
function html_hddtemp()
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    global $sensor_program;
    $textdir = direction();
    $scale_factor = 2;
    $_text = "";
    $maxvalue = "+60";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/HDDTemp")) {
        for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/HDDTemp")); $i < $max; $i++) {
            if ($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/HDDTemp/Item[" . $i . "]/Value") != 0) {
                $_text .= "  <tr>\n";
                $_text .= "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/HDDTemp/Item[" . $i . "]/Model") . "</font></td>\n";
                $_text .= "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\" nowrap><font size=\"-1\">";
                $_text .= create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/HDDTemp/Item[" . $i . "]/Value"), $maxvalue, $scale_factor);
                $_text .= temperature($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/HDDTemp/Item[" . $i . "]/Value")) . "</font></td>\n";
                $_text .= "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . temperature($maxvalue) . "</font></td></tr>\n";
    if (strlen($_text) > 0 && empty($sensor_program)) {
        $_text = "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_label'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_value'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_limit'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "  </tr>" . $_text;
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 3
function html_filesystems()
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    global $show_mount_point;
    $textdir = direction();
    $arrSum = array("size" => 0, "used" => 0, "free" => 0);
    $arrCounteddevlist = array();
    $intScalefactor = 2;
    $_text = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n";
    if ($show_mount_point) {
        $_text .= "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['mount'] . "</b></font></td>\n";
    $_text .= "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['type'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['partition'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['percent'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['free'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['used'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $text['size'] . "</b></font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/MountPointID")) {
            if (!$XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Options") || !stristr($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Options"), "bind")) {
                if (!in_array($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Device/Name"), $arrCounteddevlist)) {
                    $arrSum['size'] += $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Size");
                    $arrSum['used'] += $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Used");
                    $arrSum['free'] += $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Free");
                    if (PHP_OS != "WINNT") {
                        $arrCounteddevlist[] = $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Device/Name");
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n";
            if ($show_mount_point) {
                $_text .= "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/MountPoint") . "</font></td>\n";
            $_text .= "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Type") . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Device/Name") . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Used"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Size"), $intScalefactor, $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Type")) . "&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Percent") . "%";
            if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Inodes")) {
                $_text .= " (" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Inodes") . "%)";
            $_text .= "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Free")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Used")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/FileSystem/Mount[" . $i . "]/Size")) . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n";
    if ($show_mount_point) {
        $_text .= "  <td class=\"tabdata\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><i>" . $text['totals'] . " :&nbsp;&nbsp;</i></font></td>\n";
    } else {
        $_text .= "  <td class=\"tabdata\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><i>" . $text['totals'] . " :&nbsp;&nbsp;</i></font></td>\n";
    $_text .= "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . create_bargraph($arrSum['used'], $arrSum['size'], $intScalefactor) . "&nbsp;";
    if ($arrSum['size'] == 0) {
        $_text .= "0";
    } else {
        $_text .= round(100 / $arrSum['size'] * $arrSum['used']);
    $_text .= "%" . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($arrSum['free']) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($arrSum['used']) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($arrSum['size']) . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n" . "</table>\n";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 4
function create_bargraph ($value, $maximum, $b, $type = "") {
	global $webpath;
	$textdir = direction();
	$imgpath = $webpath . 'templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET . '/images/';
	$maximum == 0 ? $barwidth = 0 : $barwidth = round((100  / $maximum) * $value) * $b;
	$red = 90 * $b;
	$yellow = 75 * $b;
	if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT . "/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/nobar_left.gif")) {
		if ($barwidth == 0) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="1">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} elseif ( file_exists( APP_ROOT . "/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/yellowbar_left.gif") && ( $barwidth > $yellow ) && ( $barwidth < $red ) ) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} elseif ( ( $barwidth < $red ) || ( $type == "iso9660" ) || ( $type == "CDFS" ) ) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} else {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
	} else {
		if ($barwidth == 0) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( 100 * $b ) . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} elseif ( file_exists( APP_ROOT . "/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/yellowbar_left.gif" ) && ( $barwidth > $yellow ) && ( $barwidth < $red ) ) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( ( 100 * $b ) - $barwidth ) . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} elseif ( ( $barwidth < $red ) || ( $type == "iso9660" ) || ( $type == "CDFS" ) ) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( ( 100 * $b ) - $barwidth ) . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} elseif ( $barwidth == ( 100 * $b ) ) {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . ( 100 * $b ) . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
		} else {
			return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( ( 100 * $b ) - $barwidth ) . '">'
				  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
Exemplo n.º 5
function html_vitals()
    global $webpath;
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    $textdir = direction();
    $scale_factor = 2;
    $strLoadbar = "";
    $uptime = "";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/CPULoad")) {
        $strLoadbar = "<br>" . create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/CPULoad"), 100, $scale_factor) . "&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/CPULoad") . "%";
    $_text = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['hostname'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['ip'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['kversion'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Kernel") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['dversion'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><img width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" src=\"" . $webpath . "images/" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Distroicon") . "\">&nbsp;<font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Distro") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['uptime'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . uptime($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Uptime")) . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['users'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Users") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['loadavg'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/LoadAvg") . $strLoadbar . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "</table>\n";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 6
function html_vitals()
    global $webpath;
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    $textdir = direction();
    $scale_factor = 2;
    $loadbar = "";
    $uptime = "";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/CPULoad")) {
        $loadbar = "<br/>" . create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/CPULoad"), 100, $scale_factor) . "&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/CPULoad") . "%";
    $_text = "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"100%\" " . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td width=20% align=right class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['hostname'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td width=80% class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=right class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['ip'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=right  class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['kversion'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Kernel") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=right class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['dversion'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"cellText small\"><img width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" src=\"modules/System/images/" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Distroicon") . "\">&nbsp;<font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Distro") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=right  class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['uptime'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . uptime($XPath->getData('/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Uptime')) . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=right class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['users'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Users") . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=right class=\"cellLabel small\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['loadavg'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Vitals/LoadAvg") . $loadbar . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "</table>\n";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 7
function html_memory()
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    $textdir = direction();
    $scale_factor = 1;
    $strRam = create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Used"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Total"), $scale_factor);
    $strRam .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Percent") . "% ";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Total")) {
        $strSwap = create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Used"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Total"), $scale_factor);
        $strSwap .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Percent") . "% ";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Memory/AppPercent")) {
        $strApp = create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/App"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Total"), $scale_factor);
        $strApp .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/AppPercent") . "% ";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Memory/BuffersPercent")) {
        $strBuffers = create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Buffers"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Total"), $scale_factor);
        $strBuffers .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/BuffersPercent") . "% ";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Memory/CachedPercent")) {
        $strCached = create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Cached"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Total"), $scale_factor);
        $strCached .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/CachedPercent") . "% ";
    $_text = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['type'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['percent'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['free'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['used'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabhead\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['size'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['phymem'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $strRam . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Free")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Used")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Total")) . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    if (isset($strApp)) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">- " . $text['app'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $strApp . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/App")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    if (isset($strBuffers)) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">- " . $text['buffers'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $strBuffers . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Buffers")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    if (isset($strCached)) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">- " . $text['cached'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $strCached . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Memory/Cached")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    if (isset($strSwap)) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $text['swap'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $strSwap . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Free")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Used")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swap/Total")) . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    if (($max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices"))) > 2) {
        for ($i = 1; $i < $max; $i++) {
            $strSwapdev = create_bargraph($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Used"), $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Size"), $scale_factor);
            $strSwapdev .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Percent") . "% ";
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"> - " . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Device/Name") . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . $strSwapdev . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Free")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Used")) . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td class=\"tabdata\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Swapdevices/Mount[" . $i . "]/Size")) . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>";
    $_text .= "</table>";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 8
function html_network()
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    $textdir = direction();
    $_text = "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <td width=40% class=\"colHeader small\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['device'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td width=20% class=\"colHeader small\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['received'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td width=20% class=\"colHeader small\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['sent'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td width=20% class=\"colHeader small\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['errors'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/Network")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Network/NetDevice[{$i}]/Name")) {
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n";
            $_text .= "    <td class=\"listTableRow small\" align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Network/NetDevice[{$i}]/Name") . "</font></td>\n";
            $_text .= "    <td class=\"listTableRow small\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Network/NetDevice[{$i}]/RxBytes") / 1024) . "</font></td>\n";
            $_text .= "    <td class=\"listTableRow small\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Network/NetDevice[{$i}]/TxBytes") / 1024) . "</font></td>\n";
            $_text .= "    <td class=\"listTableRow small\" align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Network/NetDevice[{$i}]/Errors") . '/' . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Network/NetDevice[{$i}]/Drops") . "</font></td>\n";
            $_text .= "  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "</table>";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 9
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
// $Id: system_footer.php,v 2007/08/19 09:22:21 xqus Exp $
if (!defined('IN_PHPSYSINFO')) {
    die("No Hacking");
$arrDirection = direction();
if (!$hide_picklist) {
    echo "<center>\n";
    $update_form = "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "\">\n" . "\t" . $text['template'] . ":&nbsp;\n" . "\t<select name=\"template\">\n";
    $resDir = opendir(APP_ROOT . '/templates/');
    while (false !== ($strFile = readdir($resDir))) {
        if ($strFile != 'CVS' && $strFile[0] != '.' && is_dir(APP_ROOT . '/templates/' . $strFile)) {
            $arrFilelist[] = $strFile;
    foreach ($arrFilelist as $strVal) {
        if ($_COOKIE['template'] == $strVal) {
            $update_form .= "\t\t<option value=\"" . $strVal . "\" SELECTED>" . $strVal . "</option>\n";
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 10
function html_mbvoltage()
    global $text;
    global $mbinfo;
    $textdir = direction();
    $_text = "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_label'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_value'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_min'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_max'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    $data = $mbinfo->voltage();
    for ($i = 0, $max = sizeof($data); $i < $max; $i++) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $data[$i]['label'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $data[$i]['value'] . " " . $text['voltage_mark'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $data[$i]['min'] . " " . $text['voltage_mark'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $data[$i]['max'] . " " . $text['voltage_mark'] . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "</table>\n";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 11
function html_hardware()
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    $pci_devices = "";
    $ide_devices = "";
    $usb_devices = "";
    $scsi_devices = "";
    $textdir = direction();
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts('/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI')); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI/Device[{$i}]/Name")) {
            $pci_devices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI/Device[{$i}]/Name") . "</font></td></tr>";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts('/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE')); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[{$i}]")) {
            $ide_devices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[{$i}]/Name");
            if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[{$i}]/Capacity")) {
                $ide_devices .= " (" . $text['capacity'] . ": " . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[{$i}]/Capacity") / 2) . ")";
            $ide_devices .= "</font></td></tr>";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts('/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI')); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[{$i}]")) {
            $scsi_devices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[{$i}]/Name");
            if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[{$i}]/Capacity")) {
                $scsi_devices .= " (" . $text['capacity'] . ": " . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[{$i}]/Capacity") / 2) . ")";
            $scsi_devices .= "</font></td></tr>";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts('/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB')); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB/Device[{$i}]/Name")) {
            $usb_devices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB/Device[{$i}]/Name") . "</font></td></tr>";
    $_text = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Number")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['numcpu'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Number") . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Model")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cpumodel'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Model") . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cpuspeed")) {
        $tmp_speed = $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cpuspeed");
        if ($tmp_speed < 1000) {
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cpuspeed'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $tmp_speed . " MHz</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
        } else {
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cpuspeed'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . round($tmp_speed / 1000, 2) . " GHz</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Busspeed")) {
        $tmp_speed = $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Busspeed");
        if ($tmp_speed < 1000) {
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['busspeed'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $tmp_speed . " MHz</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
        } else {
            $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['busspeed'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . round($tmp_speed / 1000, 2) . " GHz</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cache")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cache'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cache") . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Bogomips")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['bogomips'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Bogomips") . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['pci'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\">";
    if ($pci_devices) {
        $_text .= "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>" . $pci_devices . "</table>";
    } else {
        $_text .= "<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . $text['none'] . "</i></font>";
    $_text .= "</td>\n  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['ide'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\">";
    if ($ide_devices) {
        $_text .= "<table>" . $ide_devices . "</table>";
    } else {
        $_text .= "<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . $text['none'] . "</i></font>";
    $_text .= "</td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($scsi_devices) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['scsi'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><table>" . $scsi_devices . "</table></td>\n  </tr>";
    if ($usb_devices) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td class=\"cellLabel small\" align=right valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['usb'] . "</font></td>\n    <td class=\"cellText small\"><table>" . $usb_devices . "</table></td>\n  </tr>";
    $_text .= "</table>";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 12
<h5 class="title fn" ><span class="rt"><input  class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"type="button" value="<?php 
        echo L('delete');
" onclick="check(<?php 
        echo $v['id'];
, -1, '<?php 
        echo $v['commentid'];
')" />
</span><input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="<?php 
        echo $v['id'];
        echo direction($v['direction']);
        echo $v['username'];
        echo $v['ip'];
) <?php 
        echo L('chez');
        echo Format::date($v['creat_at'], 1);
        echo L('release');
Exemplo n.º 13
 <div class="comment_button"><a href="?m=comment&c=comment_admin&a=lists&show_center_id=1&commentid=<?php echo $commentid?>&hot=0"<?php if (empty($hot)) {?> class="on"<?php }?>>×îÐÂ</a> <a href="?m=comment&c=comment_admin&a=lists&show_center_id=1&commentid=<?php echo $commentid?>&hot=1"<?php if ($hot==1) {?> class="on"<?php }?>>×îÈÈ</a></div> 	
 <div class="btn"><label for="check_box"><?php echo L('select_all')?>/<?php echo L('cancel')?></label></div>
 <form action="?" method="get">
 <input type="hidden" name="m" value="comment">
  <input type="hidden" name="c" value="check">
   <input type="hidden" name="a" value="ajax_checks">
    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="-1">
    <input type="hidden" name="form" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="commentid" value="<?php echo $commentid?>">
<div class="comment">
<?php if(is_array($list)) foreach($list as $v) :
<div  id="tbody_<?php echo $v['id']?>">
<h5 class="title fn" ><span class="rt"><input  class="button"  type="button" value="<?php echo L('delete')?>" onclick="check(<?php echo $v['id']?>, -1, '<?php echo $v['commentid']?>')" />
</span><input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="<?php echo $v['id']?>"><?php echo direction($v['direction'])?> <?php echo $v['username']?> (<?php echo $v['ip']?>) <?php echo L('chez')?> <?php echo format::date($v['creat_at'], 1)?> <?php echo L('release')?> <?php echo L('support')?>£º<?php echo $v['support']?></h5>
    <div class="content">
    	<pre><?php echo $v['content']?></pre>
    <div class="bk20 hr mb8"></div>
<?php endforeach;?>
 <div class="btn"><label for="check_box"><input type="checkbox"  onclick="selectall('id[]');" id="check_box" style="width:0px;height: 0px;" /><?php echo L('select_all')?>/<?php echo L('cancel')?></label> <input type="submit" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo L('are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete')?>')" class="button" value="<?php echo L('delete')?>" /></div>
<div id="pages"><?php echo $pages;?></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php if(!isset($_GET['show_center_id'])) {?> window.top.$('#display_center_id').css('display','none');<?php }?>
function check(id, type, commentid) {
	if(type == -1 && !confirm('<?php echo L('are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete')?>')) {
Exemplo n.º 14
<td>Plafond couche convective</td>
$max = $utcStop + 1;
for ($h = $utcStart; $h < $max; $h++) {
    $pbltop = round($jsondata[$place][$run['day']][$h]['pbltop']);
    echo "<td>{$pbltop}</td>\n";
<td>Direction du vent</td>
for ($h = $utcStart; $h < $max; $h++) {
    $dir = direction($jsondata[$place][$run['day']][$h]['usfc'], $jsondata[$place][$run['day']][$h]['vsfc'], $good);
    echo "{$dir}\n";
<td>Vitesse du vent (km/h)</td>
for ($h = $utcStart; $h < $max; $h++) {
    $vit = vitesse($jsondata[$place][$run['day']][$h]['usfc'], $jsondata[$place][$run['day']][$h]['vsfc']);
    echo "<td>{$vit}</td>\n";
<td>Vitesse moyenne des thermiques</td>
Exemplo n.º 15
		<?php if($setting[code]) { ?>
		  <label>验证码:<input type="text" name="code"  class="input-text" id="yzmText" onfocus="var offset = $(this).offset();$('#yzm').css({'left': +offset.left-8, 'top': +offset.top-$('#yzm').height()});$('#yzm').show();$('#yzmText').data('hide', 1)" onblur='$("#yzmText").data("hide", 0);setTimeout("hide_code()", 3000)' /></label>
		  <div id="yzm" class="yzm"><?php echo form::checkcode();?><br />点击图片更换</a></div>
        <div class="bk10"></div>
		<?php } ?>
        <div class="btn"><input type="submit" value="发表评论" /></div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php if($userid) { ?><?php echo get_nickname();?> <a href="<?php echo APP_PATH;?>index.php?m=member&c=index&a=logout&forward=<?php echo urlencode(($comment[url] ? $comment[url] : $url));?>"  target="_top">退出</a><?php } else { ?><a href="<?php echo APP_PATH;?>index.php?m=member&c=index&a=login&forward=<?php echo urlencode(($comment[url] ? $comment[url] : $url));?>" target="_top" class="blue">登录</a><span> | </span><a href="<?php echo APP_PATH;?>index.php?m=member&c=index&a=register" class="blue"  target="_top">注册</a> <?php if(!$setting[guest]) { ?><span style="color:red">需要登陆才可发布评论</span><?php } ?><?php } ?>
<?php if(defined('IN_ADMIN')  && !defined('HTML')) {echo "<div class=\"admin_piao\" pc_action=\"comment\" data=\"op=comment&tag_md5=71fd9313c9b343e002e68467d3174568&action=lists&commentid=%24commentid&siteid=%24siteid&page=%24_GET%5Bpage%5D&hot=%24hot&num=20\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"admin_piao_edit\">编辑</a>";}$comment_tag = pc_base::load_app_class("comment_tag", "comment");if (method_exists($comment_tag, 'lists')) {$pagesize = 20;$page = intval($_GET[page]) ? intval($_GET[page]) : 1;if($page<=0){$page=1;}$offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;$comment_total = $comment_tag->count(array('commentid'=>$commentid,'siteid'=>$siteid,'hot'=>$hot,'limit'=>$offset.",".$pagesize,'action'=>'lists',));$pages = pages($comment_total, $page, $pagesize, $urlrule);$data = $comment_tag->lists(array('commentid'=>$commentid,'siteid'=>$siteid,'hot'=>$hot,'limit'=>$offset.",".$pagesize,'action'=>'lists',));}?>
<?php if(!empty($data)) { ?>      
<div class="comment_button"><a href="<?php echo APP_PATH;?>index.php?m=comment&c=index&a=init&commentid=<?php echo $commentid;?>&title=<?php echo urlencode(($comment[title] ? $comment[title] : $title));?>&url=<?php echo urlencode(($comment[url] ? $comment[url] : $url));?>&hot=0&iframe=1"<?php if(empty($hot)) { ?> class="on"<?php } ?>>最新</a> <a href="<?php echo APP_PATH;?>index.php?m=comment&c=index&a=init&commentid=<?php echo $commentid;?>&title=<?php echo urlencode(($comment[title] ? $comment[title] : $title));?>&url=<?php echo urlencode(($comment[url] ? $comment[url] : $url));?>&hot=1&iframe=1"<?php if($hot) { ?> class="on"<?php } ?>>最热</a></div>
<div class="comment">
<?php $n=1;if(is_array($data)) foreach($data AS $r) { ?>
    <h5 class="title fn"><?php echo direction($r[direction]);?> <font color="#FF0000"><?php echo format::date($r[creat_at], 1);?></font> <?php if($r[userid]) { ?><?php echo get_nickname($r[userid]);?><?php } else { ?><?php echo $r['username'];?><?php } ?> </h5>
    <div class="content"><?php echo $r['content'];?>
	<div class="rt"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="reply(<?php echo $r['id'];?>, '<?php echo $commentid;?>')">回复</a>  <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="support(<?php echo $r['id'];?>, '<?php echo $commentid;?>')">支持</a>(<font id="support_<?php echo $r['id'];?>"><?php echo $r['support'];?></font>)
	<div id="reply_<?php echo $r['id'];?>" style="display:none"></div>
  <div class="bk30 hr mb8"></div>
  <?php $n++;}unset($n); ?>

 <div id="pages" class="text-r"><?php echo $pages;?></div>
 <?php } ?>
 <?php if(defined('IN_ADMIN') && !defined('HTML')) {echo '</div>';}?>
<div class="bk10"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
Exemplo n.º 16
function html_mbvoltage()
    global $text;
    global $XPath;
    $textdir = direction();
    $_text = "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_label'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_value'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_min'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $text['s_max'] . "</b></font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/MBinfo/Voltage")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['left'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/MBinfo/Voltage/Item[" . $i . "]/Label") . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/MBinfo/Voltage/Item[" . $i . "]/Value") . " " . $text['voltage_mark'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/MBinfo/Voltage/Item[" . $i . "]/Min") . " " . $text['voltage_mark'] . "</font></td>\n" . "    <td align=\"" . $textdir['right'] . "\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/MBinfo/Voltage/Item[" . $i . "]/Max") . " " . $text['voltage_mark'] . "</font></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "</table>\n";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 17
function html_hardware()
    global $XPath;
    global $text;
    $strPcidevices = "";
    $strIdedevices = "";
    $strUsbdevices = "";
    $strScsidevices = "";
    $textdir = direction();
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI/Device[" . $i . "]/Name")) {
            $strPcidevices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/PCI/Device[" . $i . "]/Name") . "</font></td></tr>";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[" . $i . "]")) {
            $strIdedevices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[" . $i . "]/Name");
            if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[" . $i . "]/Capacity")) {
                $strIdedevices .= " (" . $text['capacity'] . ": " . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/IDE/Device[" . $i . "]/Capacity") / 2) . ")";
            $strIdedevices .= "</font></td></tr>";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[" . $i . "]")) {
            $strScsidevices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[" . $i . "]/Name");
            if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[" . $i . "]/Capacity")) {
                $strScsidevices .= " (" . $text['capacity'] . ": " . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/SCSI/Device[" . $i . "]/Capacity") / 2) . ")";
            $strScsidevices .= "</font></td></tr>";
    for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($XPath->getDataParts("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB")); $i < $max; $i++) {
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB/Device[" . $i . "]/Name")) {
            $strUsbdevices .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">-</font></td><td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/USB/Device[" . $i . "]/Name") . "</font></td></tr>";
    $_text = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Number")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['numcpu'] . "</font></td>\n    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Number") . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Model")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cpumodel'] . "</font></td>\n    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Model");
        if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cputemp")) {
            $_text .= "&nbsp;@&nbsp;" . temperature($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cputemp"));
        $_text .= "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cpuspeed")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cpuspeed'] . "</font></td>\n    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . format_speed($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cpuspeed")) . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Busspeed")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['busspeed'] . "</font></td>\n    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . format_speed($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Busspeed")) . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cache")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['cache'] . "</font></td>\n    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . format_bytesize($XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Cache")) . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    if ($XPath->match("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Bogomips")) {
        $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['bogomips'] . "</font></td>\n    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $XPath->getData("/phpsysinfo/Hardware/CPU/Bogomips") . "</font></td>\n  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['pci'] . "</font></td>\n    <td>";
    if ($strPcidevices) {
        $_text .= "<table>" . $strPcidevices . "</table>";
    } else {
        $_text .= "<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . $text['none'] . "</i></font>";
    $_text .= "</td>\n  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['ide'] . "</font></td>\n    <td>";
    if ($strIdedevices) {
        $_text .= "<table>" . $strIdedevices . "</table>";
    } else {
        $_text .= "<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . $text['none'] . "</i></font>";
    $_text .= "</td>\n  </tr>\n";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['scsi'] . "</font></td>\n    <td>";
    if ($strScsidevices) {
        $_text .= "<table>" . $strScsidevices . "</table></td>\n  </tr>";
    } else {
        $_text .= "<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . $text['none'] . "</i></font>";
    $_text .= "  <tr>\n    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['usb'] . "</font></td>\n    <td>";
    if ($strUsbdevices) {
        $_text .= "<table>" . $strUsbdevices . "</table></td>\n  </tr>";
    } else {
        $_text .= "<font size=\"-1\"><i>" . $text['none'] . "</i></font>";
    $_text .= "</table>";
    return $_text;
Exemplo n.º 18
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// $Id: system_footer.php,v 1.46 2006/01/21 09:30:19 bigmichi1 Exp $
if (!defined('IN_PHPSYSINFO')) {
    die("No Hacking");
$direction = direction();
if (!$hide_picklist) {
    echo "<center>";
    $update_form = "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">\n" . "\t" . $text['template'] . ":&nbsp;\n" . "\t<select name=\"template\">\n";
    $dir = opendir(getcwd() . '/modules/System/templates/');
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
        if ($file != 'CVS' && $file[0] != '.' && is_dir(getcwd() . '/modules/System/templates/' . $file)) {
            $filelist[] = $file;
    while (list($key, $val) = each($filelist)) {
        if ($_COOKIE['template'] == $val) {
            $update_form .= "\t\t<option value=\"{$val}\" SELECTED>{$val}</option>\n";
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 19
 function makebox($title, $content)
     if (empty($content)) {
         return "";
     } else {
         global $webpath;
         $textdir = direction();
         $t = new Template(APP_ROOT . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET);
         $t->set_file(array('box' => 'box.tpl'));
         $t->set_var('title', $title);
         $t->set_var('content', $content);
         $t->set_var('webpath', $webpath);
         $t->set_var('text_dir', $textdir['direction']);
         return $t->parse('out', 'box');
Exemplo n.º 20
    if ($hot) {
<div class="comment">
    $n = 1;
    if (is_array($data)) {
        foreach ($data as $r) {
    <h5 class="title fn"><?php 
            echo direction($r[direction]);
 <font color="#FF0000"><?php 
            echo format::date($r[creat_at], 1);
</font> <?php 
            if ($r[userid]) {
                echo get_nickname($r[userid]);
            } else {
                echo $r['username'];
    <div class="content"><?php 
            echo $r['content'];