Exemplo n.º 1
                sql_query(" update {$g5['board_table']} set bo_count_write = bo_count_write - '{$count_write}', bo_count_comment = bo_count_comment - '{$count_comment}' where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' ");
    } else {
        // 코멘트 삭제시 답변 코멘트 까지 삭제되지는 않음
        $comment_id = $wr_id;
        $len = strlen($write['wr_comment_reply']);
        if ($len < 0) {
            $len = 0;
        $comment_reply = substr($write['wr_comment_reply'], 0, $len);
        // 코멘트 삭제
        if (!delete_point($write['mb_id'], $bo_table, $comment_id, '코멘트')) {
            insert_point($write['mb_id'], $board['bo_comment_point'] * -1, "{$board['bo_subject']} {$write[wr_parent]}-{$comment_id} 코멘트삭제");
        // 코멘트 삭제
        sql_query(" delete from {$write_table} where wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ");
        // 코멘트가 삭제되므로 해당 게시물에 대한 최근 시간을 다시 얻는다.
        $sql = " select max(wr_datetime) as wr_last from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$write['wr_parent']}' ";
        $row = sql_fetch($sql);
        // 원글의 코멘트 숫자를 감소
        sql_query(" update {$write_table} set wr_comment = wr_comment - 1, wr_last = '{$row['wr_last']}' where wr_id = '{$write['wr_parent']}' ");
        // 코멘트 숫자 감소
        sql_query(" update {$g5['board_table']} set bo_count_comment = bo_count_comment - 1 where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' ");
        // 새글 삭제
        sql_query(" delete from {$g5['board_new_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ");
Exemplo n.º 2
        // 원글 포인트 삭제
        if (!delete_point($row[mb_id], $bo_table, $row[wr_id], '쓰기')) {
            insert_point($row[mb_id], $board[bo_write_point] * -1, "{$board['bo_subject']} {$row['wr_id']} 글삭제");
        // 업로드된 파일이 있다면 파일삭제
        $sql2 = " select * from {$g4['board_file_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$row['wr_id']}' ";
        $result2 = sql_query($sql2);
        while ($row2 = sql_fetch_array($result2)) {
        // 파일테이블 행 삭제
        sql_query(" delete from {$g4['board_file_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$row['wr_id']}' ");
    } else {
        // 코멘트 포인트 삭제
        if (!delete_point($row[mb_id], $bo_table, $row[wr_id], '코멘트')) {
            insert_point($row[mb_id], $board[bo_comment_point] * -1, "{$board['bo_subject']} {$write[wr_id]}-{$row[wr_id]} 코멘트삭제");
// 게시글 삭제
sql_query(" delete from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$write['wr_id']}' ");
// 최근게시물 삭제
sql_query(" delete from {$g4['board_new_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_parent = '{$write['wr_id']}' ");
// 스크랩 삭제
sql_query(" delete from {$g4['scrap_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$write['wr_id']}' ");
// 공지사항 삭제
$notice_array = explode("\n", trim($board[bo_notice]));
$bo_notice = "";
for ($k = 0; $k < count($notice_array); $k++) {
Exemplo n.º 3
             @unlink(G5_DATA_PATH . '/file/' . $bo_table . '/' . $row2['bf_file']);
             // 썸네일삭제
             if (preg_match("/\\.({$config['cf_image_extension']})\$/i", $row2['bf_file'])) {
                 delete_board_thumbnail($bo_table, $row2['bf_file']);
         // 에디터 썸네일 삭제
         // 에디터 이미지 삭제
         // 파일테이블 행 삭제
         sql_query(" delete from {$g5['board_file_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$row['wr_id']}' ");
     } else {
         // 코멘트 포인트 삭제
         if (!delete_point($row['mb_id'], $bo_table, $row['wr_id'], '댓글')) {
             insert_point($row['mb_id'], $board['bo_comment_point'] * -1, "{$board['bo_subject']} {$write['wr_id']}-{$row['wr_id']} 댓글삭제");
     // 신고글
     sql_query(" delete from {$g5['apms_shingo']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$row['wr_id']}' ", false);
 // 게시글 삭제
 sql_query(" delete from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$write['wr_id']}' ");
 // 최근게시물 삭제
 sql_query(" delete from {$g5['board_new_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_parent = '{$write['wr_id']}' ");
 // 스크랩 삭제
 sql_query(" delete from {$g5['scrap_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$write['wr_id']}' ");
 // 내글반응 삭제
 sql_query(" delete from {$g5['apms_response']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$write['wr_id']}' ", false);
Exemplo n.º 4
// 글읽을 조건
if ($mw_basic[cf_read_point] && !$is_admin) {
    if ($member[mb_point] < $mw_basic[cf_read_point]) {
        alert("이 게시판은 {$mw_basic['cf_read_point']} 포인트 이상 소지자만 글읽기가 가능합니다.");
if ($mw_basic[cf_read_register] && !$is_admin) {
    $gap = ($g4[server_time] - strtotime($member[mb_datetime])) / (60 * 60 * 24);
    if ($gap < $mw_basic[cf_read_register]) {
        alert("이 게시판은 가입후 {$mw_basic['cf_read_register']} 일이 지나야 글읽기가 가능합니다.");
if ($board[bo_read_point] < 0 && $view[mb_id] != $member[mb_id] && !$point && $is_member && !$is_admin && $mw_basic[cf_read_point_message]) {
    $tmp = sql_fetch(" select * from {$g4['point_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and po_rel_table = '{$bo_table}' and po_rel_id = '{$view[wr_id]}' and po_rel_action = '읽기' and po_datetime = '{$g4['time_ymdhis']}'");
    if ($tmp) {
        delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $view[wr_id], '읽기');
        set_session("ss_view_{$bo_table}_{$wr_id}", '');
        $sign = '&';
        if ($mw['config']['cf_seo_url']) {
            $url = mw_seo_url($bo_table, $wr_id, $qstr);
            $sign = '?';
        echo <<<HEREDOC
        if (confirm("글을 읽으시면 {$board['bo_read_point']} 포인트 차감됩니다.\\n\\n현재포인트 : {$member['mb_point']}p\\n\\n"))
            location.href = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}{$sign}point=1';
Exemplo n.º 5
    $it_time = G5_TIME_YMDHIS;
    if ($w == "u") {
        $row = sql_fetch("select it_time from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} where it_id = '{$it_id}' ");
        $it_time = $row['it_time'];
    apms_add_tag($it_id, $pt_tag, $it_time);
    $file_upload_msg = apms_upload_file('item', $it_id);
    // 네이버 신디
    if ($is_admin == 'super' && $it_use && $pt_syndi) {
// 등록비 기존 삭제
if ($is_regit = "2") {
    if (!delete_point($member['mb_id'], '@regit', $member['mb_id'], $it_id)) {
        insert_point($member['mb_id'], $old_upoint * -1, "{$it_id} 등록 취소");
// 등록비 신규 등록
if ($is_regit) {
    insert_point($member['mb_id'], $new_upoint, "{$it_id} 등록", "@regit", $member['mb_id'], $it_id);
$qstr = "{$qstr}&amp;sca={$sca}&amp;page={$page}";
if ($w == "u") {
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">";
Exemplo n.º 6
        /* 주문 수정에서 "품절" 선택시 해당 상품 자동 품절 처리하기
           else if ($ct_status == '품절') {
               $stock_use = 1;
               // 재고에서 뺀다.
               $sql =" update {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} set it_stock_qty = 0 where it_id = '{$ct['it_id']}' ";
           } */
    $point_use = $ct['ct_point_use'];
    // 회원이면서 포인트가 0보다 크면
    // 이미 포인트를 부여했다면 뺀다.
    if ($mb_id && $ct['ct_point'] && $ct['ct_point_use']) {
        $point_use = 0;
        //insert_point($mb_id, (-1) * ($ct[ct_point] * $ct[ct_qty]), "주문번호 $od_id ($ct_id) 취소");
        delete_point($mb_id, "@delivery", $mb_id, "{$od_id},{$ct_id}");
    // 히스토리에 남김
    // 히스토리에 남길때는 작업|아이디|시간|IP|그리고 나머지 자료
    $now = G5_TIME_YMDHIS;
    $ct_history = "\n{$ct_status}|{$member['mb_id']}|{$now}|{$REMOTE_ADDR}";
    $sql = " update {$g5['g5_shop_cart_table']}\n                set ct_point_use  = '{$point_use}',\n                    ct_stock_use  = '{$stock_use}',\n                    ct_status     = '{$ct_status}',\n                    ct_history    = CONCAT(ct_history,'{$ct_history}')\n                where od_id = '{$od_id}'\n                and ct_id  = '{$ct_id}' ";
    // APMS : 가정산 자동반영 - 2014.07.20
    apms_account_auto($od_id, $ct_id, $ct_status);
    // it_id를 배열에 저장
    if ($ct_status == '주문' || $ct_status == '취소' || $ct_status == '반품' || $ct_status == '품절' || $ct_status == '완료') {
        $arr_it_id[] = $ct['it_id'];
// 상품 판매수량 반영
Exemplo n.º 7
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
include_once "_common.php";
include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php";
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$g4['charset']}");
if (!($is_admin or $write[mb_id] && $member[mb_id] && $write[mb_id] == $member[mb_id])) {
    die("권한이 없습니다.");
$vote = sql_fetch("select * from {$mw['vote_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}'");
if (!$vote) {
    die("설문이 존재하지 않습니다.");
$sql = "select * from {$mw['vote_log_table']} where vt_id = '{$vote['vt_id']}' ";
$qry = sql_query($sql);
while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
    delete_point($row[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, "설문");
sql_query("delete from {$mw['vote_log_table']} where vt_id = '{$vote['vt_id']}'");
sql_query("update {$mw['vote_item_table']} set vt_hit = 0 where vt_id = '{$vote['vt_id']}'");
sql_query("update {$mw['vote_table']} set vt_total = 0 where vt_id = '{$vote['vt_id']}'");
Exemplo n.º 8
        $qry = sql_query($sql);
    } else {
        $sql = "update {$mw['reward_table']} set {$sql_common}, re_status = '{$re_status}' where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}'";
        $qry = sql_query($sql);
    $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write] reward update");
// 익명
if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous]) {
    sql_query(" update {$write_table} set wr_anonymous = '{$wr_anonymous}' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
    if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous_nopoint] && $wr_anonymous) {
        if ($w == '') {
            delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, '쓰기');
        } else {
            if ($w == 'r') {
                delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, '쓰기');
    $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write] anonymous point");
// 글읽기 레벨
if ($mw_basic[cf_read_level] && $mw_basic[cf_read_level_own] <= $member[mb_level]) {
    sql_query(" update {$write_table} set wr_read_level = '{$wr_read_level}' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
    $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write] update read_level");
// 모바일
if ($w == '' || $w == 'r') {
    if (mw_agent_mobile()) {
        sql_query("update {$write_table} set wr_is_mobile = '1' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}'", false);
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) {
// 개별 페이지 접근 불가
$sql = "update {$write_table} set wr_option = '{$wr_option}' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}'";
// 익명
if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous]) {
    sql_query(" update {$write_table} set wr_anonymous = '{$wr_anonymous}' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ");
    if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous_nopoint] && $wr_anonymous && $w == 'c') {
        delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $comment_id, '코멘트');
// 모바일
if ($w == 'c') {
    if (mw_agent_mobile()) {
        sql_query("update {$write_table} set wr_is_mobile = '1' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}'", false);
// 비회원 이름 쿠키 저장
if (!$is_member) {
    set_cookie("mw_cookie_name", $wr_name, -1 * $g4[server_time]);
    set_cookie("mw_cookie_email", $wr_email, -1 * $g4[server_time]);
    set_cookie("mw_cookie_homepage", $wr_homepage, -1 * $g4[server_time]);
if ($w == 'c' && mw_is_rate($bo_table, $write['wr_id']) == '' && $wr_rate) {
Exemplo n.º 10
         // 추천(찬성), 비추천(반대) 카운트 증가
         if ($write["wr_{$row[bg_flag]}"] > 0) {
             sql_query(" update {$g4[write_prefix]}{$bo_table} set wr_{$row[bg_flag]} = wr_{$row[bg_flag]} - 1 where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
         } else {
             sql_query(" update {$g4[write_prefix]}{$bo_table} set wr_{$row[bg_flag]} = 0 where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
         // 내역 삭제
         sql_query(" delete from {$g4['board_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}' and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' ");
         sql_query(" delete from {$mw['comment_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and parent_id = '{$parent_id}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}' and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' ");
         if ($row[bg_flag] == "good") {
             delete_point($write[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, $member[mb_id] . '@good');
             delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, $member[mb_id] . '@good_re');
         } else {
             delete_point($write[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, $member[mb_id] . '@nogood');
             delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, $member[mb_id] . '@nogood_re');
         $row = sql_fetch(" select wr_{$good} from {$g4[write_prefix]}{$bo_table} where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
         die("이 코멘트 '{$status}'을 취소 하셨습니다.|" . $row["wr_{$good}"]);
 } else {
     if ($mw_basic[cf_good_days]) {
         if ($g4[server_time] - strtotime($write[wr_datetime]) > $mw_basic[cf_good_days] * 86400) {
             die("추천/비추천 할 수 있는 기간이 지났습니다.\n\n글 작성 후 {$mw_basic[cf_good_days]}일 동안만 추천/비추천이 가능합니다. ");
     if ($mw_basic[cf_good_count]) {
         $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g4['board_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and bg_datetime like '{$g4['time_ymd']}%' ";
         $tm1 = sql_fetch($sql);
         $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$mw['comment_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and bg_datetime like '{$g4['time_ymd']}%' ";
         $tm2 = sql_fetch($sql);
Exemplo n.º 11
             die("'{$status}'을 취소할 수 있는 기간({$mw_basic['cf_good_cancel_days']}일)이 지났습니다.");
         // 추천(찬성), 비추천(반대) 카운트 증가
         if ($write["wr_{$row[bg_flag]}"] > 0) {
             sql_query(" update {$g4[write_prefix]}{$bo_table} set wr_{$row[bg_flag]} = wr_{$row[bg_flag]} - 1 where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
         } else {
             sql_query(" update {$g4[write_prefix]}{$bo_table} set wr_{$row[bg_flag]} = 0 where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
         // 내역 삭제
         sql_query(" delete from {$g4['board_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}' and mb_id = '{$mb_id}' ");
         if ($row[bg_flag] == "good") {
             delete_point($write[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, $mb_id . '@good');
             delete_point($mb_id, $bo_table, $wr_id, $mb_id . '@good_re');
         } else {
             delete_point($write[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, $mb_id . '@nogood');
             delete_point($mb_id, $bo_table, $wr_id, $mb_id . '@nogood_re');
         die("'{$status}'을 취소 하셨습니다.");
 } else {
     if ($mw_basic[cf_good_days]) {
         if ($g4[server_time] - strtotime($write[wr_datetime]) > $mw_basic[cf_good_days] * 86400) {
             die("추천/비추천 할 수 있는 기간이 지났습니다.\n\n글 작성 후 {$mw_basic[cf_good_days]}일 동안만 추천/비추천이 가능합니다. ");
     if ($mw_basic[cf_good_count]) {
         $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g4['board_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and mb_id = '{$mb_id}' and bg_datetime like '{$g4['time_ymd']}%' ";
         $tm1 = sql_fetch($sql);
         $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$mw['comment_good_table']} where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and mb_id = '{$mb_id}' and bg_datetime like '{$g4['time_ymd']}%' ";
         $tm2 = sql_fetch($sql);
         if ($tm1[cnt] + $tm2[cnt] >= $mw_basic[cf_good_count]) {
Exemplo n.º 12
    if ($answer[mb_id] == $write[mb_id] && !$is_admin) {
        die("자신의 답변은 채택하실 수 없습니다.");
    if ($answer[wr_ip] == $write[wr_ip] && !$is_admin) {
        die("자신의 답변은 채택하실 수 없습니다.");
    if ($answer[mb_id] == '@lucky-writing') {
        $mb = get_member("@lucky-writing", "mb_nick");
        die("{$mb[mb_nick]}은 채택하실 수 없습니다.");
    $row = sql_fetch("select wr_id from {$write_table} where wr_id = '{$choose_id}' and wr_parent = '{$wr_id}' and wr_is_comment = '1'");
    if (!$row) {
        die("존재하지 않는 게시물입니다.");
    sql_query("update {$write_table} set wr_qna_status = '1', wr_qna_id = '{$choose_id}' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}'");
    $qna_save_point = round($write[wr_qna_point] * round($mw_basic[cf_qna_save] / 100, 2));
    $qna_total_point = $qna_save_point + $mw_basic[cf_qna_point_add];
    delete_point($write[mb_id], $bo_table, $wr_id, '@qna-hold');
    insert_point($answer[mb_id], $qna_total_point, "답변채택 포인트", $bo_table, $wr_id, '@qna-choose');
    if (function_exists('mw_moa_insert')) {
        $w = 'a';
        mw_moa_insert($wr_id, $choose_id, $answer[mb_id], $write[mb_id]);
    die("답변이 채택되었습니다.|ok");
} else {
    // 보류
    sql_query("update {$write_table} set wr_qna_status = '2' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}'");
    $hold_point = round($write[wr_qna_point] * $mw_basic[cf_qna_hold] / 100, 0);
    insert_point($write[mb_id], $hold_point, "질문 보류, 포인트 {$mw_basic['cf_qna_hold']}% 환원", $bo_table, $wr_id, '@qna-hold');
    die("질문이 보류되었습니다.|ok");
Exemplo n.º 13
} else {
    if ($member['mb_id']) {
        if ($member['mb_id'] != $write['mb_id']) {
            apms_alert('1|자신의 댓글이 아니므로 삭제할 수 없습니다.');
    } else {
        apms_alert('1|로그인한 회원만 삭제할 수 있습니다.');
        //if (sql_password($wr_password) != $write['wr_password'])
        //    apms_alert('1|비밀번호가 틀립니다.');
$len = strlen($write['wr_comment_reply']);
if ($len < 0) {
    $len = 0;
$comment_reply = substr($write['wr_comment_reply'], 0, $len);
$sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$comment_table}\n            where wr_comment_reply like '{$comment_reply}%'\n            and wr_id <> '{$comment_id}'\n            and wr_comment = '{$write[wr_comment]}' ";
$row = sql_fetch($sql);
if ($row['cnt'] && !$is_admin) {
    apms_alert('1|이 댓글과 관련된 대댓글이 존재하므로 삭제 할 수 없습니다.');
// 댓글 포인트 삭제
if (!delete_point($write['mb_id'], $it_id, $comment_id, '댓글')) {
    insert_point($write['mb_id'], $default['pt_comment_point'] * -1, "{$it_id}-{$comment_id} 댓글 삭제");
// 댓글 삭제
sql_query(" delete from {$comment_table} where wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ");
// 상품의 댓글 숫자를 감소
sql_query(" update {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} set pt_comment = pt_comment - 1 where it_id = '{$it_id}' ");
//apms_alert('0|삭제 하셨습니다.');