function loadData($def) { global $_COOKIE; $mydata = $def; if (array_key_exists("data", $_COOKIE)) { $tempdata = json_decode(decrypt_data($_COOKIE["data"]), true); if (is_array($tempdata) && array_key_exists("showpassword", $tempdata) && array_key_exists("bgcolor", $tempdata)) { if (preg_match('/^#(?:[a-f\\d]{6})$/i', $tempdata['bgcolor'])) { $mydata['showpassword'] = $tempdata['showpassword']; $mydata['bgcolor'] = $tempdata['bgcolor']; } } } return $mydata; }
/** * Add a new user to the database. This user is just able to give and receive referrals. * * @return int */ function update_member() { global $Conf, $order, $User; // Process and store payment information $privateKey = decrypt_data($this->ID, true); // Return the stored encrypted key if (!$privateKey) { // No key exists create a new one. $privateKey = genPrivateKey(); //Generate a private key - This will made into a static value after generating it once } $data = array('status' => $this->ccStatus, 'details' => $this->ccDetails, 'error' => $this->ccError, 'tcode' => $this->ccTCode, 'name' => $order->name, 'ccType' => $order->cardtype, 'ccNum' => $order->cardnumber, 'MM' => $order->cardexpmonth, 'YY' => $order->cardexpyear, 'ccCODE' => $order->cvmvalue); $data = encrypt(serialize($data), $privateKey); //Catches the ciphertext from the encrypt function // Convert the string value users enter and update it to and numeric string, autoid $state = $User->get_province_by_name(strtoupper($order->state)); $tA = $Conf["data"]->UserTable; myDBC::new_andWhere(); myDBC::andWhere("{$tA}.AutoID = '{$this->ID}'"); $fields = array("`shipAddr1`" => "'{$order->address1}'", "`shipCity`" => "'{$order->city}'", "`shipState`" => "'{$state->autoid}'", "`shipZip`" => "'{$order->zip}'", "`cc`" => "'{$data}'", "`level`" => "'member'", "`is_enabled`" => "'yes'", "`date_added`" => "NOW()", "`paymentType`" => "'Credit Card'"); capture_cc($this->ID, '', $privateKey); myDBC::update_Record($tA, $fields, myDBC::get_andWhere(), " LIMIT 1"); }
} } if (!$input_errors) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name'])) { /* read the file contents */ $data = file_get_contents($_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name']); if (!$data) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("Warning, could not read file %s"), $_FILES['conffile']['tmp_name'])); return 1; } if ($_POST['decrypt']) { if (!tagfile_deformat($data, $data, "config.xml")) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The uploaded file does not appear to contain an encrypted pfsense configuration."); return 1; } $data = decrypt_data($data, $_POST['decrypt_password']); } if (stristr($data, "<m0n0wall>")) { log_error(gettext("Upgrading m0n0wall configuration to pfsense.")); /* m0n0wall was found in config. convert it. */ $data = str_replace("m0n0wall", "pfsense", $data); $m0n0wall_upgrade = true; } if ($_POST['restorearea']) { /* restore a specific area of the configuration */ if (!stristr($data, "<" . $_POST['restorearea'] . ">")) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You have selected to restore an area but we could not locate the correct xml tag."); } else { if (!restore_config_section($_POST['restorearea'], $data)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You have selected to restore an area but we could not locate the correct xml tag."); } else {
<?php /* * Вызывается скриптом gate_hashes.php * Выдает тело тр-ии * */ define('DC', TRUE); define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); set_time_limit(0); require_once ABSPATH . 'db_config.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'includes/autoload.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'includes/errors.php'; $db = new MySQLidb(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_PORT); $encrypted_data = $_REQUEST['data']; //debug_print("encrypted_data={$encrypted_data}", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__); $binary_tx_hashes = decrypt_data($encrypted_data, $db, $decrypted_key); if (substr($binary_tx_hashes, 0, 7) == '[error]') { die($binary_tx_hashes); } //debug_print("binary_tx_hashes={$binary_tx_hashes}", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__); $binary_tx = ''; // Разбираем список транзакций do { list(, $tx_hash) = unpack("H*", string_shift($binary_tx_hashes, 16)); if (!$tx_hash) { continue; } $tx = $db->query(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__, "\n\t\t\tSELECT `data`\n\t\t\tFROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "transactions`\n\t\t\tWHERE `hash` = 0x{$tx_hash}\n\t\t\t", 'fetch_one'); if ($tx) { $binary_tx .= ParseData::encode_length_plus_data($tx); }
require_once ABSPATH . 'includes/autoload.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'includes/errors.php'; $db = new MySQLidb(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_PORT); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /* * Защита от случайного ддоса * */ //ddos_protection ($ip); /***/ //ob_start(); /* * Пробуем работать без локов * */ $encrypted_data = $_POST['data']; // извлечем ключ, декодируем его и декодируем им данные $binary_data = decrypt_data($encrypted_data, $db); if (substr($binary_data, 0, 7) == '[error]') { die($binary_data); } /* * структура данных: * user_id - 5 байт * type - 1 байт. 0 - блок, 1 - список тр-ий * {если type==1}: * <любое кол-во следующих наборов> * high_rate - 1 байт * tx_hash - 16 байт * </> * {если type==0}: * block_id - 3 байта * hash - 32 байт
} if ($input_errors) { print_input_errors($input_errors); } else { $ds = split("\\+\\+\\+\\+", $data); $revision = $_REQUEST['download']; $sha256sum = $ds[0]; if ($sha256sum == "0") { $sha256sum = "None on file."; } $data = $ds[1]; $configtype = "Encrypted"; if (!tagfile_deformat($data, $data, "config.xml")) { $input_errors[] = "The downloaded file does not appear to contain an encrypted pfSense configuration."; } $data = htmlentities(decrypt_data($data, $decrypt_password)); if (!strstr($data, "pfsense")) { $data = "Could not decrypt. Different encryption key?"; $input_errors[] = "Could not decrypt config.xml"; } echo "<h2>Hostname</h2>"; echo "<textarea rows='1' cols='70'>{$hostname}</textarea>"; echo "<h2>Revision date/time</h2>"; echo "<textarea name='download' rows='1' cols='70'>{$_REQUEST['download']}</textarea>"; echo "<h2>Revision reason</h2>"; echo "<textarea name='download' rows='1' cols='70'>{$_REQUEST['reason']}</textarea>"; echo "<h2>SHA256 summary</h2>"; echo "<textarea name='shasum' rows='1' cols='70'>{$sha256sum}</textarea>"; echo "<h2>Encrypted config.xml</h2>"; echo "<textarea name='config_xml' rows='40' cols='70'>{$ds[1]}</textarea>"; echo "<h2>Decrypted config.xml</h2>";
private static function decrypt($text) { return decrypt_data($text, self::SALT); }
function getFriendsRequest($appID, $data, $iv) { global $friendTable; $json = json_decode(decrypt_data($appID, $data, $iv)); $id1 = $json->idusuario_a; $response["status"] = 0; $dbh = getConnection(); $sql = "SELECT idusuario, nome, email, addressLat, addressLong, imagePath\n\t\t\t\tfrom usuario, (SELECT idusuario_b AS friend FROM {$friendTable}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE idusuario_a = :id1 and status = 0 UNION SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tidusuario_a AS friend FROM {$friendTable} WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tidusuario_b = :id1 and status = 0) as tmp WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tidusuario = tmp.friend"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":id1", $id1); $stmt->execute(); /* get user information as a associative array */ $tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $response["users"] = storeElements("user", $tmp); if ($response["users"]) { $response["status"] = 1; } closeConnection($dbh); $json = json_encode($response); $data = encrypt_data($appID, $json); echo json_encode($data); }
function removeObjFilm() { global $filmTable; /* verifica se existe alguma informacao no corpo da mensagem */ $request = Slim::getInstance()->request(); $json = readRequestBody($request); if (!$json) { $response["status"] = 0; echo json_encode($response); return; } /* lendo dados do json */ $appID = $json->appID; $crypt_data = $json->data; $iv = $json->iv; $json = json_decode(decrypt_data($appID, $crypt_data, $iv)); $id = $json->idFilme; $response["status"] = 1; $dbh = getConnection(); $sql = "delete from {$filmTable} where idFilme = :id"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":id", $id); $stmt->execute(); closeConnection($dbh); $json = json_encode($response); $data = encrypt_data($appID, $json); echo json_encode($data); return; }
function is_valid_spam_key($key) { $time = decrypt_data(base64_decode($key), $GLOBALS['_spam_key']); return $time < time() - 4 && $time > strtotime('-4 hours'); }
function addUserObj() { global $patrimonio; /* verifica se existe alguma informacao no corpo da mensagem */ $request = Slim::getInstance()->request(); $json = readRequestBody($request); if (!$json) { $response["status"] = 0; echo json_encode($response); return; } /* lendo dados do json */ $appID = $json->appID; $crypt_data = $json->data; $iv = $json->iv; $json = json_decode(decrypt_data($appID, $crypt_data, $iv)); $userId = $json->userId; $objId = $json->objId; $objType = $json->objType; /* the objType doesn't exist */ if (!isset($patrimonio[$objType])) { $response["status"] = 0; echo json_encode($response); return; } $response["status"] = 1; $dbh = getConnection(); $obj = $patrimonio[$objType][0]; $possui = $patrimonio[$objType][1]; try { /* if the ids exist in their tables and are not linked, add a new row */ $sql = "insert into {$possui} select idusuario, id{$obj} from\n\t\t\t\t\tusuario, obj{$obj} where idusuario = :userID and\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid{$obj} = :objID and (select count(*) from {$possui} where\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfk_idUser = :userID and fk_id{$obj} = :objID) = 0"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":userID", $userId); $stmt->bindParam(":objID", $objId); $stmt->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { /* couldn't insert */ $response["status"] = 0; } closeConnection($dbh); $json = json_encode($response); $data = encrypt_data($appID, $json); echo json_encode($data); return; }
/** * Gets all a member's custom fields that match certain parameters. * * @param MEMBER The member. * @param ?BINARY That are publicly viewable (NULL: don't care). * @param ?BINARY That are owner viewable (NULL: don't care). * @param ?BINARY That are owner settable (NULL: don't care). * @param ?BINARY That are encrypted (NULL: don't care). * @param ?BINARY That are required (NULL: don't care). * @param ?BINARY That are to be shown in posts (NULL: don't care). * @param ?BINARY That are to be shown in post previews (NULL: don't care). * @param BINARY That start 'ocp_' * @param ?boolean That are to go on the join form (NULL: don't care). * @return array A mapping of field title to a map of details: 'RAW' as the raw field value, 'RENDERED' as the rendered field value. */ function ocf_get_all_custom_fields_match_member($member_id, $public_view = NULL, $owner_view = NULL, $owner_set = NULL, $encrypted = NULL, $required = NULL, $show_in_posts = NULL, $show_in_post_previews = NULL, $special_start = 0, $show_on_join_form = NULL) { $fields_to_show = ocf_get_all_custom_fields_match($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups($member_id), $public_view, $owner_view, $owner_set, $required, $show_in_posts, $show_in_post_previews, $special_start, $show_on_join_form); $custom_fields = array(); $member_mappings = ocf_get_custom_field_mappings($member_id); $member_value = mixed(); // Initialise type to mixed $all_cpf_permissions = get_member() == $member_id || $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(get_member()) ? array() : list_to_map('field_id', $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_select('f_member_cpf_perms', array('*'), array('member_id' => $member_id))); require_code('fields'); foreach ($fields_to_show as $i => $field_to_show) { $member_value = $member_mappings['field_' . strval($field_to_show['id'])]; // Decrypt the value if appropriate if (array_key_exists('cf_encrypted', $field_to_show) && $field_to_show['cf_encrypted'] == 1) { require_code('encryption'); if (is_encryption_enabled() && !is_null(post_param('decrypt', NULL))) { $member_value = decrypt_data($member_value, post_param('decrypt')); } } $ob = get_fields_hook($field_to_show['cf_type']); list(, , $storage_type) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($field_to_show); if (strpos($storage_type, '_trans') !== false) { if (is_null($member_value) || $member_value == 0) { $member_value = ''; } else { $member_value = get_translated_tempcode($member_value, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']); } // This is meant to be '' for blank, not new ocp_tempcode() if (is_object($member_value) && $member_value->is_empty()) { $member_value = ''; } } // get custom permissions for the current CPF $cpf_permissions = array_key_exists($field_to_show['id'], $all_cpf_permissions) ? $all_cpf_permissions[$field_to_show['id']] : array(); $display_cpf = true; // if there are custom permissions set and we are not showing to all if (array_key_exists(0, $cpf_permissions) && !is_null($public_view)) { $display_cpf = false; // Negative ones if ($cpf_permissions[0]['guest_view'] == 1) { $display_cpf = true; } if (!is_guest()) { if ($cpf_permissions[0]['member_view'] == 1) { $display_cpf = true; } } if (!$display_cpf) { if ($cpf_permissions[0]['friend_view'] == 1) { if (!is_null($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('chat_buddies', 'member_liked', array('member_likes' => $member_id, 'member_liked' => get_member())))) { $display_cpf = true; } } if (!is_guest()) { if ($cpf_permissions[0]['group_view'] == 'all') { $display_cpf = true; } else { if (strlen($cpf_permissions[0]['group_view']) > 0) { require_code('ocfiltering'); $groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list(false, false, false, NULL, $member_id); $groups_to_search = array(); foreach (array_keys($groups) as $group_id) { $groups_to_search[$group_id] = NULL; } $matched_groups = ocfilter_to_idlist_using_memory($cpf_permissions[0]['group_view'], $groups_to_search); if (count($matched_groups) > 0) { $display_cpf = true; } } } } } } if ($display_cpf) { $rendered_value = $ob->render_field_value($field_to_show, $member_value, $i, NULL); $custom_fields[$field_to_show['trans_name']] = array('RAW' => $member_value, 'RENDERED' => $rendered_value); } } return $custom_fields; }
imagesetpixel($i, $x, $y, imagecolorallocate($i, $r, $g, $b)); $n++; } } //imagepng($i, 'test.png'); return $i; } $gameFolder = 'c:/juegos/brave_s'; foreach (glob("{$gameFolder}/scenario/*.dat") as $fileIn) { $fileOut = substr($fileIn, 0, -4) . '.scr'; echo "{$fileIn} -> {$fileOut}\n"; if (!file_exists($fileOut)) { file_put_contents($fileOut, decrypt_data(file_get_contents($fileIn))); } } foreach (glob("{$gameFolder}/map/*.dat") as $fileIn) { $fileOut = substr($fileIn, 0, -4) . '.scr'; echo "{$fileIn} -> {$fileOut}\n"; if (!file_exists($fileOut)) { file_put_contents($fileOut, decrypt_data(file_get_contents($fileIn))); } } foreach (glob("{$gameFolder}/parts/*.CRP") as $fileIn) { $fileOut1 = substr($fileIn, 0, -4) . '.CRP.u'; $fileOut2 = substr($fileIn, 0, -4) . '.PNG'; echo "{$fileIn} -> {$fileOut2}\n"; if (!file_exists($fileOut2)) { `ms-expand.exe {$fileIn} {$fileOut1}`; imagepng(decodeImage(fopen($fileOut1, 'rb')), $fileOut2); } }
function changeEmprestimoStatus() { global $loanTable; /* verifica se existe alguma informacao no corpo da mensagem */ $request = Slim::getInstance()->request(); $json = readRequestBody($request); if (!$json) { $response["status"] = 0; echo json_encode($response); return; } /* lendo dados do json */ $appID = $json->appID; $crypt_data = $json->data; $iv = $json->iv; $json = json_decode(decrypt_data($appID, $crypt_data, $iv)); $idEmp = $json->idemprestimo; $status = $json->status; $response["status"] = 1; $dbh = getConnection(); $sql = "update {$loanTable} set status = :status where idemprestimo = :idEmp"; try { $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":idEmp", $idEmp); $stmt->bindParam(":status", $status); $stmt->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $response["status"] = 0; } closeConnection($dbh); $json = json_encode($response); $data = encrypt_data($appID, $json); echo json_encode($data); return; }
function getCloseUsers($appID, $data, $iv) { global $friendTable; $json = json_decode(decrypt_data($appID, $data, $iv)); $response["status"] = 0; $id1 = $json->idusuario; $userLat = $json->addressLat; $userLong = $json->addressLong; $dbh = getConnection(); $sql = "SELECT idusuario, nome, email, addressLat, addressLong, imagePath\n\t\t\t\tfrom usuario, (SELECT idusuario_b AS friend FROM {$friendTable}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE idusuario_a = :id1 UNION SELECT idusuario_a AS friend\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$friendTable} WHERE idusuario_b = :id1) as tmp WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tidusuario = tmp.friend"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":id1", $id1); $stmt->execute(); /* get user information as a associative array */ $elements = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $type = "user"; if (count($elements) != 0) { $arr = array(); $i = 0; $coordUser = coordenadasEsfericas($userLat, $userLong); foreach ($elements as $elem) { $arr[$i] = array(); $arr[$i][$type] = array(); /* verifica proximidade */ $friendLat = $elements[$i]["addressLat"]; $friendLong = $elements[$i]["addressLong"]; $coordFriend = coordenadasEsfericas($friendLat, $friendLong); if (!distBetweenUsers($coordUser, $coordFriend)) { continue; } echo $elements[$i]['idusuario']; foreach ($elements[$i] as $key => $value) { $arr[$i][$type][$key] = $value ? $value : null; } $i++; } } if ($i == 0) { $arr = null; } $response["users"] = $arr; if ($response["users"]) { $response["status"] = 1; } closeConnection($dbh); $json = json_encode($response); $data = encrypt_data($appID, $json); echo json_encode($data); return; }