Exemplo n.º 1
 function RepStandardQuery()
     $sreport = SQLFC($this->report_id);
     // Now the tables
     $rows_tab = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * From reporttables WHERE report={$sreport}");
     $rows_tab = KeyRowsFromRows($rows_tab, 'table_id');
     // Now all columns
     $rows_col = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * From reportcolumns WHERE report={$sreport}\n           ORDER BY uicolseq ");
     $this->rows_col = $rows_col;
     foreach ($this->rows_col as $key => $colinfo) {
         $table_dd = dd_Tableref($colinfo['table_id']);
         $column_id = $colinfo['column_id'];
         if (intval($colinfo['dispsize']) == 0) {
             $this->rows_col[$key]['dispsize'] = $table_dd['flat'][$column_id]['dispsize'];
     // Make two header lines out of column information
     $aTemp = array();
     foreach ($this->rows_col as $colinfo) {
         $x = substr($colinfo['description'], 0, $colinfo['dispsize']);
         $aTemp[] = str_pad($x, $colinfo['dispsize'], ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
     $this->hTitles = implode('  ', $aTemp);
     $aTemp = array();
     foreach ($this->rows_col as $colinfo) {
         $aTemp[] = str_repeat('=', $colinfo['dispsize']);
     $this->hDashes = implode('  ', $aTemp);
     $this->hWidth = strlen($this->hDashes);
     $this->hTitle = str_repeat(' ', intval(($this->hWidth - strlen($this->hTitle)) / 2)) . $this->hTitle;
     // Go get the joins
     $SQL_FROMJOINS = $this->ehProcessFromJoins(array_keys($rows_tab));
     // Build a list of columns, and order-by columns, and filters'
     $this->Cols = array();
     $SQL_COLSA = array();
     $SQL_COLSOBA = array();
     $SQL_COLSWHA = array();
     foreach ($rows_col as $row_col) {
         $this->Cols[] = $row_col['column_id'];
         $SQL_COLSA[] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'];
         if ($row_col['flag_sort'] == 'Y') {
             //   =$row_col['table_id'].'.'.$row_col['column_id'];
             $SQL_COLSOBA[] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'];
         //if($row_col['compoper']<>'' && $row_col['compval']<>'') {
         //   $table_dd=DD_TableRef($row_col['table_id']);
         //   $ddcol=&$table_dd['flat'][$row_col['column_id']];
         //   $colval=SQL_Format($ddcol['type_id'],$row_col['compval']);
         //   $SQL_COLSWHA[]
         //      =$row_col['table_id'].'.'.$row_col['column_id']
         //      .$row_col['compoper']
         //      .$colval;
     // Collapse the lists into strings
     $SQL_COLS = implode("\n       ,", $SQL_COLSA);
     $SQL_COLSOB = '';
     if (count($SQL_COLSOBA) > 0) {
         $SQL_COLSOB = "\n ORDER BY " . implode(',', $SQL_COLSOBA);
     $SQL_WHERE = '';
     if ($this->row_rep['repfilters'] != '') {
         $SQL_WHERE = "\n WHERE " . $this->row_rep['repfilters'];
     //if(count($SQL_COLSWHA)>0) {
     //   $SQL_WHERE="\n WHERE ".implode("\n       ",$SQL_COLSWHA);
     // Now build the final SQL
     //echo $SQ;
     return $SQ;
Exemplo n.º 2
function index_hidden_ajxFETCH()
    $returns = array();
    // First fetch the values
    $table_id = gp('ajxtable');
    $table_dd = dd_Tableref($table_id);
    $colname = gp('ajxcol');
    $colvalue = gp('ajxval');
    $lcontrols = gp('ajxcontrols');
    $lcolumns = gp('ajxcolumns');
    $acontrols = explode(',', $lcontrols);
    $acolumns = explode(',', $lcolumns);
    // Since this is an ajax call, malformed requests exit with
    // no error or explanation
    if (count($acontrols) != count($acolumns)) {
    if (count($acontrols) == '') {
    if ($colvalue == '') {
    // Split column names and values and build a where clause
    // If any funny business, exit with no explanation
    $acols = explode(',', $colname);
    $avals = explode(',', $colvalue);
    $awhere = array();
    if (count($acols) != count($avals)) {
    foreach ($acols as $x => $acol) {
        $awhere[] = str_replace("'", "''", $acol) . ' = ' . SQLFC($avals[$x]);
    // Build and execute some SQL
    $sq = "SELECT " . str_replace("'", "''", $lcolumns) . "  FROM " . str_replace("'", "''", $table_id) . " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $awhere);
    $row = SQL_OneRow($sq);
    // Any unusable results return with no error or complaint
    if (!is_array($row)) {
        return false;
    if (count($row) == 0) {
        return false;
    // Build and return the controls
    foreach ($acontrols as $x => $acontrol) {
        $cn = $acolumns[$x];
        if ($table_dd['flat'][$cn]['type_id'] == 'date') {
            $row[$cn] = hFormat('date', $row[$cn]);
        if (is_null($row[$cn])) {
            $row[$cn] = '';
        } else {
            $row[$cn] = trim($row[$cn]);
        $returns[] = '_value|' . $acontrol . '|' . trim($row[$acolumns[$x]]);
    echo implode('|-|', $returns);