Exemplo n.º 1
function displayEveryone()
    $person = new Person();
    $people = $person->getAllLikeMe();
    dbm_debug('info', 'Found ' . count($people) . ' entries.');
    foreach ($people as $person) {
        dbm_debug("info", "Person {$person->ID}: {$person->firstname} {$person->lastname}");
    return $people;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct()
     dbm_debug('info', "Trying to create a new " . get_class($this));
     if ($this->is_constructor_blocked()) {
         dbm_debug('info', "Found constructor block. Stopping");
     } else {
         $foo = new $this->sibling();
     // End if
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected $table_name = 'myBooks';
    protected $table_columns = array('isbn' => "varchar(20)", 'author' => "tinytext", 'title' => "tinytext", 'pubyear' => "year");
    protected $autoprimary = TRUE;
$pub = new collection(1);
dbm_debug('heading', "Loading \"{$pub->name}\" from the first example.");
dbm_debug('info', "Default ordering");
$books = $pub->getLinks("Book");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    dbm_debug('data', "{$book->title} ({$book->pubyear})");
dbm_debug('info', "Order by year ascending");
$books = $pub->getLinks("Book", "ORDER BY pubyear ASC");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    dbm_debug('data', "{$book->title} ({$book->pubyear})");
dbm_debug('info', "Order by year descending");
$books = $pub->getLinks("Book", "ORDER BY pubyear DESC");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    dbm_debug('data', "{$book->title} ({$book->pubyear})");
dbm_debug('info', "Order by year ascending with limit (kind of a hack)");
$books = $pub->getLinks("Book", "ORDER BY pubyear ASC LIMIT 1");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    dbm_debug('data', "{$book->title} ({$book->pubyear})");
dbm_debug('info', "Order by year descending with limit (kind of a hack)");
$books = $pub->getLinks("Book", "ORDER BY pubyear DESC LIMIT 1");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    dbm_debug('data', "{$book->title} ({$book->pubyear})");
Exemplo n.º 4
 function save($force = FALSE)
     $defs = $this->getTableDefs();
     $columns = $this->getTableColumns($defs);
     $allclean = array();
     $savedata = array();
     $key = $this->findTableKey();
     $a = $this->getAttribs();
     if (!isset($a[$key]) || $a[$key] == NULL) {
         // This object has never been saved, force save regardless of status
         // It's very probable that this object is being linked to or is linking another object and needs an ID
         $force = TRUE;
         // Exclude the ID in the sql query.  This will trigger an auto_increment ID to be generated
         $excludeID = TRUE;
         dbm_debug("info deep", "This " . get_class($this) . " is new, and we are saving all attributes regardless of status");
     } else {
         // Object has been saved before, OR a new ID was specified by the constructor parameters.
         // either way, we need to include the ID in the SQL statement so that the proper row gets set,
         // or the proper ID is used in the new row
         $excludeID = FALSE;
     $magicput_needs_rewrite = TRUE;
     foreach ($columns as $col) {
         if ($this->status[$col] != "clean" || $force || $magicput_needs_rewrite) {
             if (isset($a[$col])) {
                 $savedata[$col] = $a[$col];
     if (count($savedata) >= 1) {
         if (!$excludeID) {
             $savedata[$key] = $a[$key];
         $id = $this->sqlMagicPut($savedata);
         if ($id) {
             // Successful auto_increment Save
             $this->attributes[$key] = $id;
             // Set all statuses to clean.
             $this->status = array_fill_keys(array_keys($this->status), "clean");
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             if ($id !== FALSE) {
                 // We are not working with an auto_increment ID
                 // Set all statuses to clean.
                 $this->status = array_fill_keys(array_keys($this->status), "clean");
                 return TRUE;
             } else {
                 // ID === false, there was an error
                 die("Save Failed!\n" . mysql_error());
                 return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 5
$info = array('firstname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Doe');
dbm_debug('data', $info);
// Make the call to set the attributes from the info.
// Returns the attributes back into the $attribs variable
$attribs = $person->attribs();
// The above could have been done in one line: // $attribs = $person->attribs($info); // I separated it for illustrative purposes
dbm_debug('info', "First Name: " . $attribs['firstname']);
dbm_debug('info', "Last Name: " . $attribs['lastname']);
dbm_debug('info', "Full Name: " . $attribs['fullname']);
dbm_debug('info', "Reverse Name: " . $attribs['lastfirst']);
dbm_debug('info', "Showing the data actually stored in the object:");
dbm_debug('info', "Showing attributes.");
dbm_debug('data', $person->attribs());
dbm_debug('heading', "With overload operators");
dbm_debug('info', "The overload operators __set() and __get() work with attribs(), so they will automatically work with your custom attribs function:");
$person = new Person();
// $person is now blank, it doesn't have any info from the previous example
dbm_debug('info', "Setting the first and last name of the person.");
$person->firstname = "John";
$person->lastname = "Doe";
dbm_debug('info', "First Name: " . $person->firstname);
dbm_debug('info', "Last Name: " . $person->lastname);
dbm_debug('info', "Full Name: " . $person->fullname);
dbm_debug('info', "Reverse Name: " . $person->lastfirst);
dbm_debug('heading', "Showing the data actually stored in the object.");
dbm_debug('heading', "Showing attributes.");
dbm_debug('data', $person->attribs());
Exemplo n.º 6
$m->lastname = "Doe";
$mid = $m->getPrimary();
dbm_debug('info', "When saving the second example Person, it received a primary key value of {$mid}");
$r = new Restaurant();
$r->name = "Joe's Place";
$r->rating = 5;
$r->owner = $p;
$r->manager = $m;
dbm_debug('info', 'Done saving examples.');
$rid = $r->getPrimary();
dbm_debug('info', "When saving the example restaurant, it received a primary key value of {$rid}, which can be used later to load the Restaurant from the database.");
dbm_debug('info', "Like this:");
$joes = new Restaurant($rid);
dbm_debug('info', 'The restaurant object has been created, but there won\'t be any database traffic until you try to access its attributes:');
// This next line will trigger the load from the database
echo "{$joes->name} is a {$joes->rating}-star restaurant.";
dbm_debug('info', 'Similarly, the external table objects, in this case the owner and manager, have been created, but they won\'t load themselves from the database until you try to access their attributes.');
// This next line will trigger the owner object to load itself from the database
echo "{$joes->name} is owned by {$joes->owner->firstname} {$joes->owner->lastname}.";
// This next line will trigger the manager object to load itself from the database
echo "{$joes->name} is run by {$joes->manager->firstname} {$joes->manager->lastname}.";
dbm_debug('info', "Notice that the returned attribs include a Person object as the 'owner' and 'manager' attributes.  You get the actual objects, not just their primary keys");
dbm_debug('data', $joes->attribs());
dbm_debug('data', $joes->owner->attribs());
dbm_debug('data', $joes->manager->attribs());
dbm_debug('info', "The dumpview command runs on the AmortizeFeatures level, and is ignorant of externals.  It shows you how the external data will be saved to the database.");
Exemplo n.º 7

class RingNode extends AmortizeInterface
    protected $table_name = "ringnodes";
    protected $table_columns = array('payload' => 'tinytext');
    protected $externals = array('next' => 'RingNode');
    protected $autoprimary = true;
class RingHandle extends AmortizeInterface
    protected $table_name = "rings";
    protected $table_columns = array('name' => 'tinytext');
    protected $externals = array('currentnode' => 'RingNode');
    protected $autoprimary = true;
$handle = new RingHandle(1);
dbm_debug('heading', $handle->currentnode->payload);
$handle->currentnode = $handle->currentnode->next;
Exemplo n.º 8
dbm_debug('info', 'Creating a new newBook(4), this should NOT generate any database traffic.');
$poky = new newBook(4);
dbm_debug('info', 'Verifying that the proper primary key is set to 4, also no database traffic should be generated');
if ($poky->getPrimary() == 4) {
    dbm_debug('info', 'Verified.');
} else {
    dbm_debug('error', 'Failed.');
dbm_debug('info', 'Getting the attributes for the newBook, this should trigger a load.');
echo "{$poky->title}, by {$poky->author}: <img src=\"{$poky->photoURL}\" />\n";
dbm_debug('info', 'Creating a new newBook(4), this should NOT generate any database traffic.');
$poky2 = new newBook(4);
dbm_debug('info', 'Saving the newBook(4), this should NOT overwrite the current DB entry');
dbm_debug('info', 'Checking data integrity');
$poky3 = new newBook(4);
if ($poky->title == $poky3->title) {
    dbm_debug('info', 'data preserved.');
} else {
    dbm_debug('error', 'data corrupted');
dbm_debug('heading', "Testing external objects");
$review = new Review();
$review->subject = new Book(4);
dbm_debug('info', $review->subject->title);
$review->subject->title .= " follows his nose home";
dbm_debug('info', $review->subject->title);
$poky = new Book(4);
dbm_debug('info', $poky->title);
Exemplo n.º 9

class Person extends AmortizeInterface
    protected $table_name = 'people';
    protected $table_columns = array('firstname' => 'varchar(20)', 'lastname' => 'varchar(20)');
    protected $autoprimary = true;
    // Full name generator
    public function attribs($info = null, $force = null)
        $info = parent::attribs($info, $force);
        $info['fullname'] = "{$info['firstname']} {$info['lastname']}";
        return $info;
class Restaurant extends AmortizeInterface
    protected $autoprimary = true;
    protected $table_name = 'restaurants';
    protected $table_columns = array('name' => 'varchar(20)', 'rating' => 'tinyint');
    protected $externals = array('owner' => 'Person', 'manager' => 'Person');
class Dining extends AmortizeInterface
    protected $table_name = 'restaurants';
$foo = new Dining();
dbm_debug('data', $foo->getTableDefs());
Exemplo n.º 10
class FormattingTest extends Amortize
    protected $table_name = 'format_testing';
    protected $table_columns = array('options' => "set('foo','bar','boo','baz')", 'someDate' => 'date', 'pointInTime' => 'datetime', 'aTime' => 'time', 'testBool' => 'boolean');
    protected $autoprimary = true;
$test = new FormattingTest();
dbm_debug('info', 'Setting the info:');
$options = array('foo' => true, 'bar' => false, 'invalidoption' => true, 'baz' => true);
$test->options = $options;
$test->someDate = "Last Tuesday";
$test->pointInTime = "Saturday, 5:00 PM";
$test->aTime = "Noon";
$test->testBool = true;
dbm_debug('info', 'Doing the save: The SQL statement should have sql-compatible formats for our info.');
dbm_debug('info', 'Loading back out of the database:');
$id = $test->getPrimary();
$newTest = new FormattingTest($id);
dbm_debug('data', $newTest->attribs());
dbm_debug('heading', "End of test.");
// Code below deals with dropping the the testing table.
if (isset($_POST['drop']) && $_POST['drop'] == "Drop Testing Table") {
<form method="POST">
<div class="info">You can drop the test table if you want to see the table recreated on the next run, or if you just want to clean the testing DB</div>
<input name="drop" type="submit" value="Drop Testing Table" />
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Makes every attempt to succeed at doing the query you ask it to do.
  * This function will attempt the query and react by modifying the database to match your definitions if the query fails
 protected function makeQueryHappen($query)
     $tableDefs = $this->table_defs;
     $tableName = $this->getTableName();
     dbm_debug("regular query", $query);
     $sql = $this->getSQLConnection();
     $result = amtz_query($query, $sql);
     if (!$result) {
         // We have a problem here
         dbm_debug("system error", mysql_error());
         if (!$this->table_exists()) {
             dbm_debug("error", "Query Failed . . . table {$tableName} doesn't exist.");
         } else {
             if ($tableDefs[$tableName] != $this->getActualTableDefs()) {
                 dbm_debug("error", "Query Failed . . . table {$tableName} needs updating.");
         dbm_debug("regular query", $query);
         $result = amtz_query($query, $sql);
         if (!$result) {
             // We tried :(
             dbm_debug("error", "Query Retry Failed . . . table {$tableName} could not be fixed.");
             return FALSE;
     // If we got to here, that means we have got a valid result!
     switch (strtoupper(first_val(explode(' ', $query)))) {
         case 'SELECT':
             $returnVal = array();
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $returnVal[] = $row;
             return $returnVal;
         case 'INSERT':
         case 'REPLACE':
             return mysql_insert_id($sql);
Exemplo n.º 12
    protected function createTable($foo = null)
        // First: take care of the obligations to this function call.
        // Next: attempt to make a delete trigger if our configuration allows it.
        if ($this->createTriggers) {
            $mapName = $this->getFullTableName();
            $fromTableName = $this->from->getFullTableName();
            $fromPrimary = $this->from->findTableKey();
            $toTableName = $this->to->getFullTableName();
            $toPrimary = $this->to->findTableKey();
            $sql = $this->getSQLConnection();
            $mapFromCol = MAP_FROM_COL;
            $mapToCol = MAP_TO_COL;
            $fromQuery = <<<QUERY
\t\t\t\tCREATE TRIGGER {$mapName}_FromDeleteTrigger
\t\t\t\t  AFTER DELETE ON {$fromTableName}
\t\t\t\t  FOR EACH ROW
\t\t\t\t    DELETE FROM {$mapName} WHERE {$mapFromCol}=OLD.{$fromPrimary}
            $toQuery = <<<QUERY
\t\t\t\tCREATE TRIGGER {$mapName}_ToDeleteTrigger
\t\t\t\t  AFTER DELETE ON {$toTableName}
\t\t\t\t  FOR EACH ROW
\t\t\t\t    DELETE FROM {$mapName} WHERE {$mapToCol}=OLD.{$toPrimary}
            dbm_debug("system query", $fromQuery);
            mysql_query($fromQuery, $sql) or die($fromQuery . "\n\n" . mysql_error());
            dbm_debug("system query", $toQuery);
            mysql_query($toQuery, $sql) or die($toQuery . "\n\n" . mysql_error());