public function build_query() { // Add selectors to WHERE clause foreach ($this->selectors as $key => $value) { $this->wherefields[] = "{$key} = " . dbize($value, $this->get_column_datatype($key)); } $wherestring = $this->wherefields_to_string(); $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->table_with_schema() . $wherestring; $this->query = $query; return $this->query; }
public function dbGet($params = array()) { if (empty($params) && $this->id > 0) { $params = array("id" => $this->id); } if (empty($params)) { return false; } $query = "SELECT " . implode(",", $this->params) . " FROM " . $this->schema . $this->table . " WHERE "; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $query .= $key . "=" . dbize($val); } $dbvals = db_get($query, "row"); if ($dbvals != NULL) { $this->setFromArray($dbvals[0]); } $this->afterDbGet(); }
public function build_query() { $setstring = ""; // If insertIfAbsent is set, check for the row if ($this->insertIfAbsent) { $sel = new SQLSelect($this->table, $this->schema); $sel->selectfields[] = "1"; $sel->wherearray = $this->selectors; $val = $sel->execute(); if ($val == NULL || empty($val) || $val[1] == array()) { $ins = new SQLInsert($this->table, $this->values); $q = $ins->build_query(); $this->query = $q; return $this->query; } } // Perform the UPDATE foreach ($this->values as $key => $value) { // Skip selectors if (isset($this->selectors[$key])) { continue; } // Build 'SET' string if ($setstring != "") { $setstring .= ","; } $setstring .= $key . "=" . dbize($value, $this->get_column_datatype($key)); } if ($setstring != "") { $setstring = " SET " . $setstring; } // Add selectors to WHERE clause foreach ($this->selectors as $key => $value) { $this->wherefields[] = "{$key} = " . dbize($value, $this->get_column_datatype($key)); } $wherestring = $this->wherefields_to_string(); if ($setstring != "" && $wherestring != "") { $query = "UPDATE " . $this->table_with_schema() . $setstring . $wherestring; $this->query = $query; } return $this->query; }
public function findRow($idfields) { // Create a key=>value pair of the idfields $idvals = array(); foreach ($idfields as $field) { if (isset($this->values[$field])) { $idvals[$field] = $this->values[$field]; } else { // Couldn't find value for field $field return false; } } // Check for a row where the idfields are identical to the values in $values $sqls = new SQLSelect($this->table); $sqls->international = $this->international; $sqls->selectfields = array("1"); foreach ($idvals as $key => $value) { $sqls->wherefields[] = "{$key} = " . dbize($value, $this->getElementAttribute($key, "type")); } $ret = $sqls->execute(); if (empty($ret[1])) { // Did not find row //error_out("Could not find matching record"); return false; } else { return $idvals; } }
foreach ($newusers as $user) { if (isset($user['USERNAME'])) { echo "<li><a href='?username="******"'>" . $user['USERNAME'] . ': ' . $user['FIRSTNAME'] . " " . $user['LASTNAME'] . "</a></li>"; } } echo "</ul>"; } else { echo "<div class='status success'>No unapproved accounts! You're all good</div>"; } echo "</div></body></html>"; exit; } $action = ""; $newuser = $_REQUEST["username"]; // Check for user $newuserinfo_raw = $db->get("SELECT id, username, email, firstname, lastname, created FROM login_user WHERE username = "******"row"); $newuserinfo = $newuserinfo_raw[0]; $suquery = "SELECT id, username, email, firstname, lastname, created, pending,(SELECT listagg(login_group.fullname, ', ') within group (order by login_group.fullname) FROM login_user_group_map LEFT JOIN login_group ON WHERE login_user_group_map.login_user_id = login_groups FROM login_user WHERE (upper(firstname) LIKE upper('%" . $newuserinfo["FIRSTNAME"] . "%') OR upper(lastname) LIKE upper('%" . $newuserinfo["LASTNAME"] . "%')) AND id <> " . $newuserinfo["ID"]; $similar_users = $db->get($suquery, "row"); if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { $action = $_REQUEST["action"]; $useremail = $newuserinfo["EMAIL"]; $headers = "From: " . $db->admin_email . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $db->admin_email . "\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; if ($action == 'approve') { $db->execute("UPDATE login_user SET pending = NULL WHERE username = "******"User account approved"; $body = "You have been granted access to the " . $system_name . ". You can now log in with your username: {$newuser}"; mail($useremail, $subject, $body, $headers);
$field = 'email'; } else { $form->errors[] = "No user found with username or email <strong>" . $unvalue . "</strong>"; $form->valid = false; } } if (isset($field)) { $userinfo = db_get("SELECT id,email FROM login_user WHERE {$field} = '{$unvalue}'", 'row'); $email = $userinfo[0]["EMAIL"]; $userid = $userinfo[0]["ID"]; $length = 10; $randomString = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length); //$randomString = "TestPassword1"; $newpassword = $randomString; $hash = db_hash_password($newpassword); db_execute("UPDATE login_user SET pass = "******" WHERE id = " . dbize($userid)); $to = $email; $subject = "New Password for RMV Data System"; $message = "Your new password is: {$newpassword}"; $headers = 'From: ' . $admin_email . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $admin_email . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, "-f" . $admin_email); if ($sent) { $status = "<div class='success status'>An email has been sent to your email address on file, " . $email . ", with your new password.</div>"; $form->valid = true; } else { $form->errors[] = "Could not send mail."; $form->valid = false; } } } ?>