function SitepresenterEditSlideForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/sitepresenter/forms/edit/slide/settings.php'); page_add_script(' function cms_cancel (f) { if (arguments.length == 0) { window.location.href = "/index/cms-app"; } else { if (f.elements["_return"] && f.elements["_return"].value.length > 0) { window.location.href = f.elements["_return"].value; } else { window.location.href = "/index/sitepresenter-app"; } } return false; } '); $this->widgets['submit_button']->buttons[1]->extra = 'onclick="return cms_cancel (this.form)"'; global $cgi; page_title(intl_get('Adding Slide to Presentation') . ': ' . db_shift('select title from sitepresenter_presentation where id = ?', $cgi->presentation)); $res = db_single('select * from sitepresenter_slide where id = ?', $cgi->id); foreach (get_object_vars($res) as $k => $v) { $this->widgets[$k]->setValue($v); } }
function SiteblogCommentForm() { parent::MailForm(); global $cgi; $this->parseSettings('inc/app/siteblog/forms/comment/settings.php'); if (isset($cgi->_key) && !empty($cgi->_key)) { //edit a comment page_title('Editing Comment'); $comment = db_single('select * from siteblog_comment where id = ?', $cgi->_key); $this->widgets['name']->setValue($comment->author); $this->widgets['email']->setValue($comment->email); $this->widgets['url']->setValue($comment->url); $this->widgets['body']->setValue($comment->body); } elseif (!isset($cgi->post)) { header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index'); exit; } else { if (session_valid()) { $this->widgets['name']->setValue(session_username()); $user = session_get_user(); $this->widgets['email']->setValue($user->email); $this->widgets['url']->setValue($user->website); } $this->widgets['post']->setValue($cgi->post); //page_title ('Post a Comment'); } if (!appconf('comments_security')) { unset($this->widgets['security_test']); } }
function SiteblogPropertiesForm() { parent::MailForm(); global $cgi; if (empty($cgi->blog)) { return; } $this->parseSettings('inc/app/siteblog/forms/properties/settings.php'); page_title('Editing Category Properties: ' . $cgi->blog); $category = db_single('select * from siteblog_category where id = ?', $cgi->blog); $set = array(); if ($category->comments == 'on') { $set[] = 'Enable Comments'; } if ($category->poster_visible == 'yes') { $set[] = 'Author Visible'; } if ($category->display_rss == 'yes') { $set[] = 'Include RSS Links'; } if ($category->status == 'on') { $set[] = 'Enabled'; } $this->widgets['blog_properties']->setValue($set); $this->widgets['blog']->setValue($cgi->blog); $this->widgets['refer']->setValue($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); }
function SiteglossaryEditForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/siteglossary/forms/edit/settings.php'); global $cgi; page_title(intl_get('Editing Glossary Term') . ': ' . $cgi->_key); page_add_script(' function cms_cancel (f) { if (arguments.length == 0) { window.location.href = "/index/cms-app"; } else { if (f.elements["_return"] && f.elements["_return"].value.length > 0) { window.location.href = f.elements["_return"].value; } else { window.location.href = "/index/siteglossary-app"; } } return false; } '); // add cancel handler $this->widgets['submit_button']->buttons[1]->extra = 'onclick="return cms_cancel (this.form)"'; $res = db_single('select * from siteglossary_term where word = ?', $cgi->_key); foreach (get_object_vars($res) as $k => $v) { $this->widgets[$k]->setValue($v); } }
function flickr_places_get_by_woeid($woeid, $more = array()) { if (!isset($more['force'])) { if (isset($GLOBALS['flickr_places_cache'][$woeid])) { return $GLOBALS['flickr_places_cache'][$woeid]; } # filter by date too? $enc_woeid = AddSlashes($woeid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Places WHERE woeid='{$enc_woeid}'"; if ($row = db_single(db_fetch($sql))) { $place = json_decode($row['flickr_data'], "as hash"); $GLOBALS['flickr_places_cache'][$woeid] = $place; return $place; } } $rsp = _flickr_places_getinfo($woeid); if (!$rsp['ok']) { return null; } $place = $rsp['rsp']['place']; $insert = array('woeid' => AddSlashes($woeid), 'flickr_data' => AddSlashes(json_encode($place)), 'date_created' => time()); $rsp = db_insert('Places', $insert); $GLOBALS['flickr_places_cache'][$woeid] = $place; return $place; }
function flickr_push_subscriptions_get_by_user_and_topic(&$user, $topic_id, $topic_args = null) { if ($topic_args) { $topic_args = json_encode($topic_args); } $cache_key = "flickr_push_subscriptions_user_{$user['id']}_{$topic_id}"; if ($topic_args) { $cache_key .= "#" . md5($topic_args); } $cache = cache_get($cache_key); if ($cache['ok']) { $row = $cache['data']; } else { $enc_id = AddSlashes($user['id']); $enc_topic = AddSlashes($topic_id); $enc_args = $topic_args ? AddSlashes($topic_args) : ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrPushSubscriptions WHERE user_id='{$enc_id}' AND topic_id='{$enc_topic}' AND topic_args='{$enc_args}'"; $rsp = db_fetch($sql); $row = db_single($rsp); if ($row) { cache_set($cache_key, $row, "cache locally"); } } return $row; }
/** * Retrieves the info from the most recent indexing. */ function getCurrentIndex() { $res = db_single('select * from sitesearch_index order by mtime desc limit 1'); if (!$res) { $this->error = db_error(); } return $res; }
function flickr_contacts_get_contact($user_id, $contact_id) { $user = users_get_by_id($user_id); $cluster_id = $user['cluster_id']; $enc_user = AddSlashes($user_id); $enc_contact = AddSlashes($contact_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrContacts WHERE user_id='{$enc_user}' AND contact_id='{$enc_contact}'"; $rsp = db_fetch_users($cluster_id, $sql); return db_single($rsp); }
function foursquare_users_random_user() { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS count FROM FoursquareUsers"; $rsp = db_single(db_fetch($sql)); $count = $rsp['count']; $offset = $count == 1 ? 0 : rand(1, $count - 1); $sql = "SELECT * FROM FoursquareUsers LIMIT 1 OFFSET {$offset}"; $rsp = db_single(db_fetch($sql)); return $rsp; }
function DeadlinesEditForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/deadlines/forms/edit/settings.php'); page_title('Deadlines - Edit Item'); global $cgi; $res = db_single('select * from deadlines where id = ?', $cgi->id); foreach ((array) $res as $k => $v) { $this->widgets[$k]->setValue($v); } }
function SiteinvoiceEditClientForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/siteinvoice/forms/edit/client/settings.php'); global $cgi; page_title('SiteInvoice - Editing Client: ' . $cgi->id); $client = db_single('select * from siteinvoice_client where id = ?', $cgi->id); foreach (get_object_vars($client) as $k => $v) { $this->widgets[$k]->setValue($v); } }
function flickr_faves_count_for_user(&$user, $more = array()) { $defaults = array('viewer_id' => 0); $more = array_merge($defaults, $more); $cluster_id = $user['cluster_id']; $enc_user = AddSlashes($user['id']); # TO DO: perms $sql = "SELECT COUNT(photo_id) AS cnt FROM FlickrFaves WHERE user_id='{$enc_user}' {$extra}"; $row = db_single(db_fetch_users($cluster_id, $sql)); return $row['cnt']; }
function TodoEditForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/todo/forms/edit/settings.php'); global $cgi; $f = db_single('select * from todo_list where id = ?', $cgi->id); $this->widgets['todo']->setValue($f->todo); $this->widgets['priority']->setValue($f->priority); $this->widgets['project']->setValue($f->project); $this->widgets['person']->setValue($f->person); }
function SitememberHomepageForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/sitemember/forms/homepage/settings.php'); page_title(intl_get('Editing') . ' ' . session_username() . '\'s ' . intl_get('Homepage')); $res = db_single('select * from sitellite_homepage where user = ?', session_username()); if (is_object($res)) { $this->widgets['title']->setValue($res->title); $this->widgets['template']->setValue($res->template); $this->widgets['body']->setValue($res->body); } }
function timetracker_filter_username($user) { $info = db_single('select firstname, lastname from sitellite_user where username = ?', $user); if (!empty($info->lastname)) { $out = $info->lastname; if (!empty($info->firstname)) { $out .= ', ' . $info->firstname; } } else { $out = $user; } return $out; }
function login_check_login() { $auth_cookie = $_COOKIE[$GLOBALS['cfg']['auth_cookie_name']]; if (!$auth_cookie) { return; } $auth_cookie_enc = AddSlashes($auth_cookie); $user = db_single(db_fetch("SELECT * FROM glitchmash_players WHERE oauth_token='{$auth_cookie_enc}'")); if (!$user['tsid']) { return; } $GLOBALS['cfg']['user'] = $user; }
function flickr_users_path_aliases_get_by_alias($alias) { $cache_key = "flickr_user_path_aliases_{$alias}"; $cache = cache_get($cache_key); if ($cache['ok']) { return $cache['data']; } $enc_alias = AddSlashes($alias); $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrUsersPathAliases WHERE path_alias='{$enc_alias}'"; $row = db_single(db_fetch($sql)); cache_set($cache_key, $row, "cache locally"); return $row; }
function get_room_depth($room_id) { if ($room_id == 1) { return 1; } //list($parent_room_id) = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1=".$room_id." OR room_2=".$room_id)); $parent_room_id = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1=" . $room_id . " OR room_2=" . $room_id)); //echo "<!-- Parent ID: ".$parent_room_id['id']." --/>"; if ($parent_room_id['id']) { return 1 + get_room_depth($parent_room_id['id']); } return 1; }
function dots_lookup_dot($dot_id) { $cache_key = "dots_lookup_{$dot_id}"; $cache = cache_get($cache_key); if ($cache['ok']) { return $cache['data']; } $enc_id = AddSlashes($dot_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM DotsLookup WHERE dot_id='{$enc_id}'"; $rsp = db_fetch($sql); if ($rsp['ok']) { cache_set($cache_key, $rsp, 'cache locally'); } return db_single($rsp); }
function reverse_geoplanet($lat, $lon, $remote_endpoint = '') { # this takes care of its own caching if ($remote_endpoint) { return _reverse_geoplanet_remote($lat, $lon, $remote_endpoint); } $cache_key = _reverse_geoplanet_cache_key($lat, $lon); # try to pull it out of memcache $cache = cache_get($cache_key); if ($cache['ok']) { return okay($cache); } # try to pull it out of the local db list($short_lat, $short_lon, $geohash) = _reverse_geoplanet_shorten($lat, $lon); $enc_hash = AddSlashes($geohash); $sql = "SELECT * FROM reverse_geoplanet WHERE geohash='{$enc_hash}'"; $rsp = db_single(db_fetch($sql)); if ($rsp) { cache_set($cache_key, $rsp, "cache locally"); return okay(array('data' => $rsp)); } # try to pull it out of flickr $loc = geo_flickr_reverse_geocode($lat, $lon); if (!$loc) { return not_okay("failed to reverse geocode"); } $woeid = $loc['woeid']; $loc = geo_flickr_get_woeid($loc['woeid']); if (!$loc) { return not_okay("failed to retrieve data for WOE ID '{$loc['woeid']}"); } if (!$loc['woeid']) { return not_okay("failed to parse data for WOE ID '{$loc['woeid']}"); } # $hierarchy = array(); foreach (array('locality', 'region', 'country') as $placetype) { $hierarchy[$placetype] = $loc[$placetype]['woeid']; } $now = time(); $data = array('latitude' => $short_lat, 'longitude' => $short_lon, 'geohash' => $geohash, 'woeid' => $loc['woeid'], 'locality' => $hierarchy['locality'], 'region' => $hierarchy['region'], 'country' => $hierarchy['country'], 'name' => $loc['name'], 'placetype' => $loc['place_type_id'], 'created' => $now); $rsp = reverse_geoplanet_add($data); if (!$rsp['ok']) { return $rsp; } return $rsp; }
function getTrail($id, $limit, $incl_self = false) { if (!$id || $id == '') { return array(); } $trail = array(); if ($incl_self) { $trail[] = (object) array('id' => $id, 'title' => $this->getTitle($id)); } $parent = db_shift('select below_page from sitellite_page where id = ?', $id); while ($parent) { $next = db_single('select id, if(nav_title != "", nav_title, if(title != "", title, id)) as title, below_page from sitellite_page where id = ?', $parent); if (is_object($next)) { $trail[] = (object) array('id' => $next->id, 'title' => $next->title); $parent = $next->below_page; } else { $parent = false; } } $trail = array_reverse($trail); $out = array((object) array('id' => '', 'title' => intl_get('Root'))); foreach ($trail as $item) { //info ($item); if (!$incl_self && $item->id == $id) { continue; } $out[] = (object) array('id' => $item->id, 'title' => $item->title); } //exit; return $out; /* if (! $id || $id == '') { return array (); } global $menu; $out = array ((object) array ('id' => '', 'title' => intl_get ('Root'))); foreach ($menu->trail ($id) as $item) { //info ($item); if (! $incl_self && $item->id == $id) { continue; } $out[] = (object) array ('id' => $item->id, 'title' => $item->title); } //exit; return $out; */ }
function SiteforumPostForm() { parent::MailForm(); page_title(intl_get('Post a Message')); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/siteforum/forms/post/settings.php'); page_add_script(' function siteforum_preview (f) { t =; a = f.action; = "_blank"; f.action = "' . site_prefix() . '/index/siteforum-post-preview-action"; f.submit (); = t; f.action = a; return false; } function siteforum_insert_tag (tag) { e = document.getElementById ("siteforum-body"); if (tag == "a") { e.value += "<a href=\\"http://\\"></a>"; } else { e.value += "<" + tag + "></" + tag + ">"; } return false; } '); global $cgi; $this->widgets['submit_button']->buttons[1]->extra = 'onclick="return siteforum_preview (this.form)"'; $this->widgets['submit_button']->buttons[2]->extra = 'onclick="history.go (-1); return false"'; if (!empty($cgi->quote)) { $obj = db_single('select * from siteforum_post where id = ?', $cgi->quote); if (strpos($obj->subject, 'Re: ') !== 0) { $obj->subject = 'Re: ' . $obj->subject; } $this->widgets['subject']->setValue($obj->subject); $this->widgets['body']->setValue("<strong>" . $obj->user_id . " said:</strong>\n" . "<blockquote>" . $obj->body . "</blockquote>\n\n"); } if (!session_admin()) { $this->widgets['notice'] = new MF_Widget_hidden('notice'); $this->widgets['notice']->form =& $this; $this->widgets['notice']->setValue('no'); } }
function api_oauth2_grant_tokens_get_for_user_and_key(&$user, &$key) { $cache_key = "oauth2_grant_token_uk_{$user['id']}_{$key['id']}"; $cache = cache_get($cache_key); if ($cache['ok']) { return $cache['data']; } $enc_user = AddSlashes($user['id']); $enc_key = AddSlashes($key['id']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM OAuth2GrantTokens WHERE user_id='{$enc_user}' AND api_key_id='{$enc_key}'"; $rsp = db_fetch($sql); $row = db_single($rsp); if ($rsp['ok']) { cache_set($cache_key, $row); } return $row; }
function delete_room($id){ $room = db_single(db_fetch("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=$id")); $parent = db_single(db_fetch("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1=$id OR room_2=$id")); if ($room[room_1]) return 0; if ($room[room_2]) return 0; db_write("DELETE FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=$id"); if ($parent[id]){ db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_1=0 WHERE id=$parent[id] AND room_1=$id"); db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_2=0 WHERE id=$parent[id] AND room_2=$id"); } return 1; }
function delete_room($id) { $room = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=" . $id)); $parent = db_single(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE room_1=" . $id . " OR room_2=" . $id)); if ($room['room_1']) { return 0; } if ($room['room_2']) { return 0; } db_write("DELETE FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=" . $id); if ($parent['id']) { db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_1=0 WHERE id=" . $parent['id'] . " AND room_1=" . $id); db_write("UPDATE choose_rooms SET room_2=0 WHERE id=" . $parent['id'] . " AND room_2=" . $id); } return 1; }
function DiggerCommentsEditForm() { parent::MailForm(); $this->parseSettings('inc/app/digger/forms/comments/edit/settings.php'); page_title(intl_get('Editing Comment')); global $cgi; $comment = db_single('select * from digger_comments where id = ?', $cgi->id); $this->widgets['user']->setValue($comment->user); $this->widgets['comment_date']->setValue($comment->comment_date); $this->widgets['comments']->setValue($comment->comments); $this->widgets['story']->setValue($comment->story); page_add_script(' function digger_cancel (f) { window.location.href = "' . site_prefix() . '/index/digger-comments-action/id.' . $cgi->story . '"; return false; } '); $this->widgets['submit_button']->buttons[1]->extra = 'onclick="return digger_cancel (this.form)"'; }
function invite_codes_get_by_code($code, $ensure_sent = 1) { $cache_key = "invite_codes_code_{$code}"; $cache = cache_get($cache_key); if ($cache['ok']) { return $cache['data']; } $enc_code = AddSlashes($code); $sql = "SELECT * FROM InviteCodes WHERE code='{$code}'"; $rsp = db_fetch($sql); $row = db_single($rsp); if ($ensure_sent && !$row['sent']) { $row = null; } if ($row) { cache_set($cache_key, $row, "cache locally"); } return $row; }
function getTopics() { if (session_admin()) { $perms = session_allowed_sql(); } else { $perms = session_approved_sql(); } $list = db_fetch_array('select * from siteforum_topic where ' . $perms . ' order by name asc'); foreach (array_keys($list) as $k) { $list[$k]->threads = db_shift('select count(*) from siteforum_post where topic_id = ? and post_id = ""', $list[$k]->id); $list[$k]->posts = db_shift('select count(*) from siteforum_post where topic_id = ?', $list[$k]->id); $obj = db_single('select ts, user_id, id from siteforum_post where topic_id = ? order by ts desc limit 1', $list[$k]->id); $list[$k]->last_post = $obj->ts; $list[$k]->last_post_user = $obj->user_id; $list[$k]->last_post_id = $obj->id; $list[$k]->last_post_user_public = db_shift('select public from sitellite_user where username = ?', $obj->user_id); } return $list; }
function getThread($post, $reverse = false) { if (session_admin()) { $perms = session_allowed_sql(); } else { $perms = session_approved_sql(); } if ($reverse) { $append = ' ORDER BY ts DESC'; } else { $append = ' ORDER BY ts ASC'; } $q = db_query('SELECT * FROM siteforum_post WHERE (id = ? OR post_id = ?) AND ' . $perms . $append); if ($q->execute($post, $post)) { $this->total = $q->rows(); $res = $q->fetch($this->offset, $this->limit); $q->free(); } else { $this->error = $q->error(); return array(); } foreach (array_keys($res) as $k) { $res[$k]->posts = db_shift('select count(*) from siteforum_post where user_id = ?', $res[$k]->user_id); $user = db_single('select public, province, country from sitellite_user where username = ?', $res[$k]->user_id); $res[$k]->public = $user->public; if ($user->public == 'yes') { $res[$k]->location = ''; $concat = ''; if (!empty($user->province)) { $res[$k]->location .= $concat . $user->province; $concat = ', '; } if (!empty($user->country)) { $res[$k]->location .= $concat . $user->country; } } } return $res; }
function insertRoutes($id, $data){ $count = 0; $room = db_single(db_fetch("SELECT * FROM choose_rooms WHERE id=$id")); if ($room[end_here]){ print $data."<td bgcolor=\"#ffcccc\"><a href=\"room.php?room=$id\">$id</a></td></tr>"; $count++; }else{ $data .= "<td bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\"><a href=\"room.php?room=$id\">$id</a></td>"; if ($room[room_1]){ $count += insertRoutes($room[room_1],$data); }else{ print $data."<td bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">0a</td></tr>"; $count++; } if ($room[room_2]){ $count += insertRoutes($room[room_2],$data); }else{ print $data."<td bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">0b</td></tr>"; $count++; } } return $count; }