function collect_pppoe_users_api(&$host) { $rows = array(); $api = new RouterosAPI(); $api->debug = false; $rekey_array = array('host_id', 'name', 'index', 'userType', 'serverID', 'domain', 'bytesIn', 'bytesOut', 'packetsIn', 'packetsOut', 'curBytesIn', 'curBytesOut', 'curPacketsIn', 'curPacketsOut', 'prevBytesIn', 'prevBytesOut', 'prevPacketsIn', 'prevPacketsOut', 'present', 'last_seen'); // Put the queues into an array $users = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc_prepared("SELECT \n\t\thost_id, '0' AS `index`, '1' AS userType, '0' AS serverID, SUBSTRING(name, 7) AS name, '' AS domain,\n\t\tBytesIn AS bytesIn, BytesOut AS bytesOut, PacketsIn as packetsIn, PacketsOut AS packetsOut,\n\t\tcurBytesIn, curBytesOut, curPacketsIn, curPacketsOut, \n\t\tprevBytesIn, prevBytesOut, prevPacketsIn, prevPacketsOut, present, last_seen\n\t\tFROM plugin_mikrotik_queues \n\t\tWHERE host_id = ? \n\t\tAND name LIKE 'PPPOE-%'", array($host['id'])), 'name', $rekey_array); $creds = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM plugin_mikrotik_credentials WHERE host_id = ?', array($host['id'])); $start = microtime(true); if (sizeof($creds)) { if ($api->connect($host['hostname'], $creds['user'], $creds['password'])) { $api->write('/ppp/active/getall'); $read = $api->read(false); $array = $api->parseResponse($read); $end = microtime(true); $sql = array(); cacti_log('MIKROTIK RouterOS API STATS: API Returned ' . sizeof($array) . ' PPPoe Users in ' . round($end - $start, 2) . ' seconds.', false, 'SYSTEM'); if (sizeof($array)) { foreach ($array as $row) { if (!isset($row['name'])) { continue; } $name = strtoupper($row['name']); if (isset($users[$name])) { $user = $users[$name]; $user['mac'] = $row['caller-id']; $user['ip'] = $row['address']; $user['connectTime'] = uptimeToSeconds($row['uptime']); $user['host_id'] = $host['id']; $user['radius'] = $row['radius'] == 'true' ? 1 : 0; $user['limitBytesIn'] = $row['limit-bytes-in']; $user['limitBytesOut'] = $row['limit-bytes-out']; $user['userType'] = 1; $sql[] = '(' . $user['host_id'] . ',' . $user['index'] . ',' . $user['userType'] . ',' . $user['serverID'] . ',' . db_qstr($user['name']) . ',' . db_qstr($user['domain']) . ',' . db_qstr($user['mac']) . ',' . db_qstr($user['ip']) . ',' . $user['connectTime'] . ',' . $user['bytesIn'] . ',' . $user['bytesOut'] . ',' . $user['packetsIn'] . ',' . $user['packetsOut'] . ',' . $user['curBytesIn'] . ',' . $user['curBytesOut'] . ',' . $user['curPacketsIn'] . ',' . $user['curPacketsOut'] . ',' . $user['prevBytesIn'] . ',' . $user['prevBytesOut'] . ',' . $user['prevPacketsIn'] . ',' . $user['prevPacketsOut'] . ',' . $user['limitBytesIn'] . ',' . $user['limitBytesOut'] . ',' . $user['radius'] . ',' . $user['present'] . ',' . db_qstr($user['last_seen']) . ')'; } } if (sizeof($sql)) { db_execute('INSERT INTO plugin_mikrotik_users (host_id, `index`, userType, serverID, name, domain, mac, ip, connectTime, bytesIn, bytesOut, packetsIn, packetsOut, curBytesIn, curBytesOut, curPacketsIn, curPacketsOut, prevBytesIn, prevBytesOut, prevPacketsIn, prevPacketsOut, limitBytesIn, limitBytesOut, radius, present, last_seen) VALUES ' . implode(', ', $sql) . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE connectTime=VALUES(connectTime), bytesIn=VALUES(bytesIn), bytesOut=VALUES(bytesOut), packetsIn=VALUES(packetsIn), packetsOut=VALUES(packetsOut), curBytesIn=VALUES(curBytesIn), curBytesOut=VALUES(curBytesOut), curPacketsIn=VALUES(curPacketsIn), curPacketsOut=VALUES(curPacketsOut), prevBytesIn=VALUES(prevBytesIn), prevBytesOut=VALUES(prevBytesOut), prevPacketsIn=VALUES(prevPacketsIn), prevPacketsOut=VALUES(prevPacketsOut), limitBytesIn=VALUES(limitBytesIn), limitBytesOut=VALUES(limitBytesOut), radius=VALUES(radius), present=VALUES(present), last_seen=VALUES(last_seen)'); } } $idle_users = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT name FROM plugin_mikrotik_users WHERE last_seen < FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ?) AND present=1 AND host_id = ?', array(read_config_option('mikrotik_queues_freq'), $host['id'])); db_execute_prepared('UPDATE IGNORE plugin_mikrotik_users SET bytesIn=0, bytesOut=0, packetsIn=0, packetsOut=0, connectTime=0, curBytesIn=0, curBytesOut=0, curPacketsIn=0, curPacketsOut=0, prevBytesIn=0, prevBytesOut=0, prevPacketsIn=0, prevPacketsOut=0, present=0 WHERE host_id = ? AND userType = 1 AND last_seen < FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ?)', array($host['id'], read_config_option('mikrotik_queues_freq'))); $api->disconnect(); } else { cacti_log('ERROR:RouterOS @ ' . $host['description'] . ' Timed Out'); } } }
function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $host_field_override, $local_data_id, $rrd_step, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = '', $arg2 = '', $arg3 = '') { static $hosts = array(); if (!isset($hosts[$host_id])) { $host = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT, host.hostname, host.snmp_community, host.snmp_version, host.snmp_username, host.snmp_password, host.snmp_auth_protocol, host.snmp_priv_passphrase, host.snmp_priv_protocol, host.snmp_context, host.snmp_port, host.snmp_timeout, host.disabled FROM host WHERE = ?', array($host_id)); $hosts[$host_id] = $host; } else { $host = $hosts[$host_id]; } /* the $host_field_override array can be used to override certain host fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($host)) { $host = array_merge($host, $host_field_override); } if (isset($host['id']) || isset($host_id)) { if (isset($host)) { if ($host['disabled'] == 'on') { return; } } else { if ($poller_action_id == 0) { return; } $host['id'] = 0; $host['snmp_community'] = ''; $host['snmp_timeout'] = ''; $host['snmp_username'] = ''; $host['snmp_password'] = ''; $host['snmp_auth_protocol'] = ''; $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'] = ''; $host['snmp_priv_protocol'] = ''; $host['snmp_context'] = ''; $host['snmp_version'] = ''; $host['snmp_port'] = ''; $host['hostname'] = 'None'; } if ($poller_action_id == 0) { if ($host['snmp_version'] < 1 || $host['snmp_version'] > 3 || $host['snmp_community'] == '' && $host['snmp_version'] != 3) { return; } } $rrd_next_step = api_poller_get_rrd_next_step($rrd_step, $num_rrd_items); return "({$local_data_id}, " . '0, ' . $host['id'] . ", {$poller_action_id}," . db_qstr($host['hostname']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_community']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_version']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_timeout']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_username']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_password']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_auth_protocol']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_priv_passphrase']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_priv_protocol']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_context']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_port']) . ', ' . db_qstr($data_source_item_name) . ', ' . db_qstr(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($num_rrd_items) . ', ' . db_qstr($rrd_step) . ', ' . db_qstr($rrd_next_step) . ', ' . db_qstr($arg1) . ', ' . db_qstr($arg2) . ', ' . db_qstr($arg3) . ", '1')"; } }
function get_CTAlias_table($site, &$device) { global $debug, $scan_date; mactrack_debug("FUNCTION: get_CTAlias_table started"); /* get the CTAlias Table for the device */ $CTAliasInterfaces = xform_indexed_data(".", $device, 2); mactrack_debug("CTAliasInterfaces data collection complete: " . sizeof($CTAliasInterfaces)); /* get the CTAliasMacAddress for the device */ $CTAliasMacAddress = xform_indexed_data(".", $device, 2); mactrack_debug("CTAliasMacAddress data collection complete: " . sizeof($CTAliasMacAddress)); /* convert the mac address if necessary */ $keys = array_keys($CTAliasMacAddress); $i = 0; foreach ($CTAliasMacAddress as $MacAddress) { $CTAliasMacAddress[$keys[$i]] = xform_mac_address($MacAddress); $i++; } /* get the CTAliasProtocol Table for the device */ $CTAliasProtocol = xform_indexed_data(".", $device, 2); mactrack_debug("CTAliasProtocol data collection complete: " . sizeof($CTAliasProtocol)); /* get the CTAliasAddressText for the device */ $CTAliasAddressText = xform_indexed_data(".", $device, 2); mactrack_debug("CTAliasAddressText data collection complete: " . sizeof($CTAliasAddressText)); /* get the ifNames for the device */ $keys = array_keys($CTAliasInterfaces); $i = 0; $CTAliasEntries = array(); foreach ($CTAliasInterfaces as $ifIndex) { $CTAliasEntries[$i]["ifIndex"] = $ifIndex; # $CTAliasEntries[$i]["timestamp"] = @substr($keys[$i], 0, stripos($keys[$i], '.')); $CTAliasEntries[$i]["timestamp"] = $keys[$i]; $CTAliasEntries[$i]["CTAliasProtocol"] = @$CTAliasProtocol[$keys[$i]]; $CTAliasEntries[$i]["CTAliasMacAddress"] = @$CTAliasMacAddress[$keys[$i]]; # $CTAliasEntries[$i]["CTAliasAddressText"] = @xform_net_address($CTAliasAddressText[$keys[$i]]); $CTAliasEntries[$i]["CTAliasAddressText"] = @$CTAliasAddressText[$keys[$i]]; $i++; } mactrack_debug("CTAliasEntries assembly complete: " . sizeof($CTAliasEntries)); /* output details to database */ if (count($CTAliasEntries) > 0) { foreach ($CTAliasEntries as $CTAliasEntry) { /* drop non-IP protocols */ if ($CTAliasEntry["CTAliasProtocol"] != 1) { continue; } $insert_string = "REPLACE INTO mac_track_ips " . "(site_id,device_id,hostname,device_name,port_number," . "mac_address,ip_address,scan_date)" . " VALUES ('" . $device["site_id"] . "','" . $device["device_id"] . "','" . $device["hostname"] . "'," . db_qstr($device["device_name"]) . ",'" . $CTAliasEntry["ifIndex"] . "','" . $CTAliasEntry["CTAliasMacAddress"] . "','" . $CTAliasEntry["CTAliasAddressText"] . "','" . $scan_date . "')"; # mactrack_debug("SQL: " . $insert_string); db_execute($insert_string); } } /* save ip information for the device */ $device["ips_total"] = sizeof($CTAliasEntries); db_execute("UPDATE mac_track_devices SET ips_total ='" . $device["ips_total"] . "' WHERE device_id='" . $device["device_id"] . "'"); mactrack_debug("HOST: " . $device["hostname"] . ", IP address information collection complete: " . $device["ips_total"]); }
function get_netscreen_arp_table($site, &$device) { global $debug, $scan_date; /* get the atifIndexes for the device */ $atifIndexes = xform_indexed_data('.', $device, 6); if (sizeof($atifIndexes)) { $ifIntcount = 1; } else { $ifIntcount = 0; } if ($ifIntcount != 0) { $atifIndexes = xform_indexed_data('.', $device, 5); } mactrack_debug(__('atifIndexes data collection complete')); /* get the atPhysAddress for the device */ if ($ifIntcount != 0) { $atPhysAddress = xform_indexed_data('.', $device, 5); } else { $atPhysAddress = xform_indexed_data('.', $device, 6); } /* convert the mac address if necessary */ $keys = array_keys($atPhysAddress); $i = 0; if (sizeof($atPhysAddress)) { foreach ($atPhysAddress as $atAddress) { $atPhysAddress[$keys[$i]] = xform_mac_address($atAddress); $i++; } } mactrack_debug(__('atPhysAddress data collection complete')); /* get the atPhysAddress for the device */ if ($ifIntcount != 0) { $atNetAddress = xform_indexed_data('.', $device, 5); } else { $atNetAddress = xform_indexed_data('.', $device, 6); } mactrack_debug(__('atNetAddress data collection complete')); /* get the ifNames for the device */ $keys = array_keys($atifIndexes); $i = 0; if (sizeof($atifIndexes)) { foreach ($atifIndexes as $atifIndex) { $atEntries[$i]['atifIndex'] = $atifIndex; $atEntries[$i]['atPhysAddress'] = $atPhysAddress[$keys[$i]]; $atEntries[$i]['atNetAddress'] = xform_net_address($atNetAddress[$keys[$i]]); $i++; } } mactrack_debug(__('atEntries assembly complete.')); /* output details to database */ if (sizeof($atEntries)) { foreach ($atEntries as $atEntry) { $insert_string = 'REPLACE INTO mac_track_ips (site_id,device_id,hostname,device_name,port_number, mac_address,ip_address,scan_date) VALUES (' . $device['site_id'] . ',' . $device['device_id'] . ',' . db_qstr($device['hostname']) . ',' . db_qstr($device['device_name']) . ',' . db_qstr($atEntry['atifIndex']) . ',' . db_qstr($atEntry['atPhysAddress']) . ',' . db_qstr($atEntry['atNetAddress']) . ',' . db_qstr($scan_date) . ')'; db_execute($insert_string); } } /* save ip information for the device */ $device['ips_total'] = sizeof($atEntries); db_execute('UPDATE mac_track_devices SET ips_total =' . $device['ips_total'] . ' WHERE device_id=' . $device['device_id']); mactrack_debug(__('HOST: %s, IP address information collection complete', $device['hostname'])); }
function data_query_format_record($host_id, $snmp_query_id, $field_name, $value, $snmp_index, $oid) { return "({$host_id}, {$snmp_query_id}, " . db_qstr($field_name) . ", " . db_qstr($value) . ", " . db_qstr($snmp_index) . ", " . db_qstr($oid) . ", 1)"; }
function template_save_edit() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ get_filter_request_var('id'); get_filter_request_var('thold_type'); get_filter_request_var('thold_hi'); get_filter_request_var('thold_low'); get_filter_request_var('thold_fail_trigger'); get_filter_request_var('time_hi'); get_filter_request_var('time_low'); get_filter_request_var('time_fail_trigger'); get_filter_request_var('time_fail_length'); get_filter_request_var('thold_warning_type'); get_filter_request_var('thold_warning_hi'); get_filter_request_var('thold_warning_low'); get_filter_request_var('thold_warning_fail_trigger'); get_filter_request_var('time_warning_hi'); get_filter_request_var('time_warning_low'); get_filter_request_var('time_warning_fail_trigger'); get_filter_request_var('time_warning_fail_length'); get_filter_request_var('bl_ref_time_range'); get_filter_request_var('bl_pct_down'); get_filter_request_var('bl_pct_up'); get_filter_request_var('bl_fail_trigger'); get_filter_request_var('repeat_alert'); get_filter_request_var('data_type'); get_filter_request_var('cdef'); get_filter_request_var('notify_warning'); get_filter_request_var('notify_alert'); get_filter_request_var('snmp_event_severity'); get_filter_request_var('snmp_event_warning_severity'); /* ==================================================== */ /* clean up date1 string */ if (isset_request_var('name')) { set_request_var('name', trim(str_replace(array("\\", "'", '"'), '', get_nfilter_request_var('name')))); } if (isset_request_var('snmp_trap_category')) { set_request_var('snmp_event_category', db_qstr(trim(str_replace(array("\\", "'", '"'), '', get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_category'))))); } /* save: data_template */ $save['id'] = get_nfilter_request_var('id'); $save['hash'] = get_hash_thold_template($save['id']); $save['name'] = get_nfilter_request_var('name'); $save['thold_type'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_type'); // High / Low $save['thold_hi'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_hi'); $save['thold_low'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_low'); $save['thold_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_fail_trigger'); // Time Based $save['time_hi'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_hi'); $save['time_low'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_low'); $save['time_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_fail_trigger'); $save['time_fail_length'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_fail_length'); if (isset_request_var('thold_fail_trigger') && get_nfilter_request_var('thold_fail_trigger') != '') { $save['thold_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_fail_trigger'); } else { $alert_trigger = read_config_option('alert_trigger'); if ($alert_trigger != '' && is_numeric($alert_trigger)) { $save['thold_fail_trigger'] = $alert_trigger; } else { $save['thold_fail_trigger'] = 5; } } /*** Warnings ***/ // High / Low Warnings $save['thold_warning_hi'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_warning_hi'); $save['thold_warning_low'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_warning_low'); $save['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_warning_fail_trigger'); // Time Based Warnings $save['time_warning_hi'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_warning_hi'); $save['time_warning_low'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_warning_low'); $save['time_warning_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_warning_fail_trigger'); $save['time_warning_fail_length'] = get_nfilter_request_var('time_warning_fail_length'); if (isset_request_var('thold_warning_fail_trigger') && get_nfilter_request_var('thold_warning_fail_trigger') != '') { $save['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('thold_warning_fail_trigger'); } else { $alert_trigger = read_config_option('alert_trigger'); if ($alert_trigger != '' && is_numeric($alert_trigger)) { $save['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] = $alert_trigger; } else { $save['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] = 5; } } $save['thold_enabled'] = isset_request_var('thold_enabled') ? 'on' : 'off'; $save['exempt'] = isset_request_var('exempt') ? 'on' : ''; $save['restored_alert'] = isset_request_var('restored_alert') ? 'on' : ''; if (isset_request_var('bl_ref_time_range') && get_nfilter_request_var('bl_ref_time_range') != '') { $save['bl_ref_time_range'] = get_nfilter_request_var('bl_ref_time_range'); } else { $alert_bl_timerange_def = read_config_option('alert_bl_timerange_def'); if ($alert_bl_timerange_def != '' && is_numeric($alert_bl_timerange_def)) { $save['bl_ref_time_range'] = $alert_bl_timerange_def; } else { $save['bl_ref_time_range'] = 10800; } } $save['bl_pct_down'] = get_nfilter_request_var('bl_pct_down'); $save['bl_pct_up'] = get_nfilter_request_var('bl_pct_up'); if (isset_request_var('bl_fail_trigger') && get_nfilter_request_var('bl_fail_trigger') != '') { $save['bl_fail_trigger'] = get_nfilter_request_var('bl_fail_trigger'); } else { $alert_bl_trigger = read_config_option('alert_bl_trigger'); if ($alert_bl_trigger != '' && is_numeric($alert_bl_trigger)) { $save['bl_fail_trigger'] = $alert_bl_trigger; } else { $save['bl_fail_trigger'] = 3; } } if (isset_request_var('repeat_alert') && get_nfilter_request_var('repeat_alert') != '') { $save['repeat_alert'] = get_nfilter_request_var('repeat_alert'); } else { $alert_repeat = read_config_option('alert_repeat'); if ($alert_repeat != '' && is_numeric($alert_repeat)) { $save['repeat_alert'] = $alert_repeat; } else { $save['repeat_alert'] = 12; } } if (isset_request_var('snmp_event_category')) { $save['snmp_event_category'] = get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_category'); $save['snmp_event_severity'] = get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_severity'); } if (isset_request_var('snmp_event_warning_severity')) { if (get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_warning_severity') > get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_severity')) { $save['snmp_event_warning_severity'] = get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_severity'); } else { $save['snmp_event_warning_severity'] = get_nfilter_request_var('snmp_event_warning_severity'); } } $save['notify_extra'] = get_nfilter_request_var('notify_extra'); $save['notify_warning_extra'] = get_nfilter_request_var('notify_warning_extra'); $save['notify_warning'] = get_nfilter_request_var('notify_warning'); $save['notify_alert'] = get_nfilter_request_var('notify_alert'); $save['cdef'] = get_nfilter_request_var('cdef'); $save['data_type'] = get_nfilter_request_var('data_type'); $save['percent_ds'] = get_nfilter_request_var('percent_ds'); $save['expression'] = get_nfilter_request_var('expression'); if (!is_error_message()) { $id = sql_save($save, 'thold_template'); if ($id) { raise_message(1); if (isset_request_var('notify_accounts') && is_array(get_nfilter_request_var('notify_accounts'))) { thold_save_template_contacts($id, get_nfilter_request_var('notify_accounts')); } elseif (!isset_request_var('notify_accounts')) { thold_save_template_contacts($id, array()); } thold_template_update_thresholds($id); plugin_thold_log_changes($id, 'modified_template', $save); } else { raise_message(2); } } if (is_error_message() || isempty_request_var('id')) { header('Location: thold_templates.php?header=false&action=edit&id=' . (empty($id) ? get_request_var('id') : $id)); } else { header('Location: thold_templates.php?header=false'); } }
function mactrack_rescan_device_types() { global $cnn_id; /* let's allocate an array for results */ $insert_array = array(); /* get all the various device types from the database */ $device_types = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT DISTINCT snmp_sysObjectID, snmp_sysDescr, device_type_id\n\t\tFROM mac_track_devices\n\t\tWHERE snmp_sysObjectID!='' AND snmp_sysDescr!=''"); /* get all known devices types from the device type database */ $known_types = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT sysDescr_match, sysObjectID_match FROM mac_track_device_types'); /* loop through all device rows and look for a matching type */ if (sizeof($device_types)) { foreach ($device_types as $type) { $found = FALSE; if (sizeof($known_types)) { foreach ($known_types as $known) { if (substr_count($type['snmp_sysDescr'], $known['sysDescr_match']) && substr_count($type['snmp_sysObjectID'], $known['sysObjectID_match'])) { $found = TRUE; break; } } } if (!$found) { $insert_array[] = $type; } } } if (sizeof($insert_array)) { foreach ($insert_array as $item) { $desc = trim($item['snmp_sysDescr']); $name = __('New Type'); if (substr_count(strtolower($desc), 'cisco')) { $vendor = __('Cisco'); $temp_name = str_replace('(tm)', '', $desc); $pos = strpos($temp_name, '('); if ($pos > 0) { $pos2 = strpos($temp_name, ')'); if ($pos2 > $pos) { $desc = substr($temp_name, $pos + 1, $pos2 - $pos - 1); $name = $desc . ' (' . $item['device_type_id'] . ')'; } } } else { $vendor = __('Unknown'); } db_execute("REPLACE INTO mac_track_device_types\n\t\t\t\t(description, vendor, device_type, sysDescr_match, sysObjectID_match)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (" . db_qstr($name) . "," . db_qstr($vendor) . "," . db_qstr($item['device_type']) . "," . db_qstr($desc) . "," . db_qstr($item['snmp_sysObjectID']) . ")"); } print __('There were %d Device Types Added!', sizeof($insert_array)); } else { print __('No New Device Types Found!'); } }
function collectHostIndexedOid(&$host, $tree, $table, $name, $preserve = false) { global $cnn_id; static $types; debug("Beginning Processing for '" . $host['description'] . '[' . $host['hostname'] . "]', Table '{$name}'"); if (sizeof($host)) { /* mark for deletion */ db_execute("UPDATE {$table} SET present=0 WHERE host_id=" . $host['id']); debug("Polling {$name} from '" . $host['description'] . '[' . $host['hostname'] . "]'"); $hostMib = array(); foreach ($tree as $mname => $oid) { if ($name == 'processor') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN; } elseif ($mname == 'mac') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY; } elseif ($mname == 'date') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY; } elseif ($mname != 'baseOID') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN; } else { continue; } $walk = cacti_snmp_walk($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], $oid, $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), $host['max_oids'], $retrieval, SNMP_WEBUI); if (($mname == 'index' || $mname == 'name') && !sizeof($walk)) { debug('No Index Information for OID: ' . $oid . ' on ' . $host['description'] . ' returning'); return; } $hostMib = array_merge($hostMib, $walk); debug('Polled: ' . $host['description'] . ', OID: ' . $oid . ', Size: ' . sizeof($walk)); } $set_string = ''; $values = ''; $sql_suffix = ''; $sql_prefix = "INSERT INTO {$table}"; if (sizeof($tree)) { foreach ($tree as $bname => $oid) { if ($bname != 'baseOID' && $bname != 'index') { $values .= (strlen($values) ? '`, `' : '`') . $bname; $sql_suffix .= (!strlen($sql_suffix) ? ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `index`=VALUES(`index`), `' : ', `') . $bname . '`=VALUES(`' . $bname . '`)'; } } } $sql_prefix .= ' (`host_id`, `index`, ' . ($preserve ? '`last_seen`, ' : '') . $values . '`) VALUES '; $sql_suffix .= ', present=1' . ($preserve ? ', last_seen=NOW()' : ''); // Locate the values names $prevIndex = ''; $new_array = array(); if (sizeof($hostMib)) { foreach ($hostMib as $mib) { /* do some cleanup */ if (substr($mib['oid'], 0, 1) != '.') { $mib['oid'] = '.' . $mib['oid']; } if (substr($mib['value'], 0, 4) == 'OID:') { $mib['value'] = trim(str_replace('OID:', '', $mib['value'])); } $splitIndex = mikrotik_splitBaseIndex($mib['oid']); if (sizeof($splitIndex)) { $index = $splitIndex[1]; $oid = $splitIndex[0]; $key = array_search($oid, $tree); if (!empty($key)) { if ($key == 'type') { if ($mib['value'] == '.') { $new_array[$index][$key] = 11; } elseif ($mib['value'] == '.') { $new_array[$index][$key] = 14; } } elseif ($key == 'name') { $new_array[$index][$key] = strtoupper($mib['value']); } elseif ($key == 'date') { $new_array[$index][$key] = mikrotik_dateParse($mib['value']); } elseif ($key != 'index') { $new_array[$index][$key] = $mib['value']; } } if (!empty($key) && $key != 'index') { debug("Key:'" . $key . "', Orig:'" . $mib['oid'] . "', Val:'" . $new_array[$index][$key] . "', Index:'" . $index . "', Base:'" . $oid . "'"); } } else { echo "WARNING: Error parsing OID value\n"; } } } /* dump the output to the database */ $sql_insert = ''; $count = 0; if (sizeof($new_array)) { foreach ($new_array as $index => $item) { $sql_insert .= (strlen($sql_insert) ? '), (' : '(') . $host['id'] . ', ' . $index . ', ' . ($preserve ? 'NOW(), ' : ''); $i = 0; foreach ($tree as $mname => $oid) { if ($mname != 'baseOID' && $mname != 'index') { $sql_insert .= ($i > 0 ? ', ' : '') . (isset($item[$mname]) && strlen(strlen($item[$mname])) ? db_qstr($item[$mname]) : "''"); $i++; } } } $sql_insert .= ')'; $count++; if ($count % 200 == 0) { db_execute($sql_prefix . $sql_insert . $sql_suffix); $sql_insert = ''; } } //print $sql_prefix . $sql_insert . $sql_suffix . "\n"; if (strlen($sql_insert)) { db_execute($sql_prefix . $sql_insert . $sql_suffix); } } }
$dns_hostname == $unresolved_ip['ip_address']; } if ($primary_down && $secondary_down) { mactrack_debug('ERROR: Both Primary and Seconary DNS timed out, please increase timeout. Placing both DNS servers back online now.'); $secondary_down = FALSE; $primary_down = FALSE; } $unresolved_ips[$key]['dns_hostname'] = $dns_hostname; } mactrack_debug('DNS host association complete.'); /* output updated details to database */ foreach ($unresolved_ips as $unresolved_ip) { $insert_string = 'REPLACE INTO mac_track_temp_ports (site_id,device_id,hostname,dns_hostname,device_name,vlan_id,vlan_name, mac_address,vendor_mac,ip_address,port_number,port_name,scan_date) VALUES (' . $unresolved_ip['site_id'] . ',' . $unresolved_ip['device_id'] . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['hostname']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['dns_hostname']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['device_name']) . ',' . $unresolved_ip['vlan_id'] . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['vlan_name']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['mac_address']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['vendor_mac']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['ip_address']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['port_number']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['port_name']) . ',' . db_qstr($unresolved_ip['scan_date']) . ')'; db_execute($insert_string); } mactrack_debug('Records updated with DNS information included.'); } if ($break) { break; } } /* allow parent to close by removing process and then exit */ db_process_remove(0); exit; /* display_help - displays the usage of the function */ function display_help() { $info = plugin_mactrack_version();
function syslog_log_alert($alert_id, $alert_name, $severity, $msg, $count = 1, $html) { global $config, $severities; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; if ($count <= 1) { $save['seq'] = ''; $save['alert_id'] = $alert_id; $save['logseq'] = $msg['seq']; $save['logtime'] = $msg['date'] . ' ' . $msg['time']; $save['logmsg'] = db_qstr($msg['message']); $save['host'] = $msg['host']; $save['facility_id'] = $msg['facility_id']; $save['priority_id'] = $msg['priority_id']; $save['count'] = 1; $save['html'] = db_qstr($html); $id = 0; $id = syslog_sql_save($save, '`' . $syslogdb_default . '`.`syslog_logs`', 'seq'); cacti_log("WARNING: The Syslog Alert '{$alert_name}' with Severity '" . $severities[$severity] . "', has been Triggered on Host '" . $msg['host'] . "', and Sequence '{$id}'", false, 'SYSLOG'); return $id; } else { $save['seq'] = ''; $save['alert_id'] = $alert_id; $save['logseq'] = 0; $save['logtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $save['logmsg'] = db_qstr($alert_name); $save['host'] = 'N/A'; $save['facility_id'] = $msg['facility_id']; $save['priority_id'] = $msg['priority_id']; $save['count'] = $count; $save['html'] = db_qstr($html); $id = 0; $id = syslog_sql_save($save, '`' . $syslogdb_default . '`.`syslog_logs`', 'seq'); cacti_log("WARNING: The Syslog Intance Alert '{$alert_name}' with Severity '" . $severities[$severity] . "', has been Triggered, Count was '" . $count . "', and Sequence '{$id}'", false, 'SYSLOG'); return $id; } }
$socket_int_value = $parms[0]; array_shift($parms); /* last, recombine the arguments */ $command = implode(' ', $parms); /* execute the command */ if ($config['cacti_server_os'] == 'win32') { $handle = popen($command, 'rb'); } else { $handle = popen($command, 'r'); } /* get the results */ $result = fread($handle, 1024); if (!strlen(trim($result))) { $result = 'OK'; } else { if (substr_count($result, "\r")) { $result = str_replace("\r", '', $result); } $result_array = explode("\n", $result); if (sizeof($result_array)) { $result = $result_array[sizeof($result_array) - 2]; } else { $result = 'ERROR: Detected unknown error'; } } /* add the value to the table */ db_execute("INSERT INTO poller_output_boost_processes\n\t(sock_int_value, status)\n\tVALUES ('" . $socket_int_value . "'," . db_qstr($result, get_magic_quotes_gpc()) . ')'); /* close the connection */ pclose($handle); /* return the rrdupdate results */ return $result;
function collectHostIndexedOid(&$host, $tree, $table, $name) { global $cnn_id; static $types; debug("Beginning Processing for '" . $host['description'] . '[' . $host['hostname'] . "]', Table '{$name}'"); if (!sizeof($types)) { $types = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id, oid, description FROM plugin_hmib_types'), 'oid', array('id', 'description')); } $cols = db_get_table_column_types($table); if (sizeof($host)) { /* mark for deletion */ db_execute("UPDATE {$table} SET present=0 WHERE host_id=" . $host['id']); debug("Polling {$name} from '" . $host['description'] . '[' . $host['hostname'] . "]'"); $hostMib = array(); foreach ($tree as $mname => $oid) { if ($name == 'hrProcessor') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN; } elseif ($mname == 'date') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY; } elseif ($mname != 'baseOID') { $retrieval = SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN; } else { continue; } $walk = cacti_snmp_walk($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], $oid, $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), $host['max_oids'], $retrieval, SNMP_WEBUI); $hostMib = array_merge($hostMib, $walk); } $set_string = ''; $values = ''; $sql_suffix = ''; $sql_prefix = "INSERT INTO {$table}"; if (sizeof($tree)) { foreach ($tree as $bname => $oid) { if ($bname != 'baseOID' && $bname != 'index') { $values .= (strlen($values) ? '`, `' : '`') . $bname; $sql_suffix .= (!strlen($sql_suffix) ? ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `index`=VALUES(`index`), `' : ', `') . $bname . '`=VALUES(`' . $bname . '`)'; } } } $sql_prefix .= ' (`host_id`, `index`, ' . $values . '`) VALUES '; $sql_suffix .= ', present=1'; // Locate the values names $prevIndex = ''; $new_array = array(); $wonky = false; $hrProcValid = false; $effective = 0; if (sizeof($hostMib)) { foreach ($hostMib as $mib) { /* do some cleanup */ if (substr($mib['oid'], 0, 1) != '.') { $mib['oid'] = '.' . $mib['oid']; } if (substr($mib['value'], 0, 4) == 'OID:') { $mib['value'] = trim(str_replace('OID:', '', $mib['value'])); } $splitIndex = hmib_splitBaseIndex($mib['oid']); if (sizeof($splitIndex)) { $index = $splitIndex[1]; $oid = $splitIndex[0]; $key = array_search($oid, $tree); /* issue workaround for snmp issues */ if ($name == 'hrProcessor' && $mib['value'] == '.0.0') { if ($wonky) { $key = 'load'; $mib['value'] = $effective; } elseif (!$hrProcValid) { if (db_fetch_cell("SELECT count(*) FROM plugin_hmib_hrSystem WHERE sysDescr LIKE '%Linux%' AND host_id=" . $host['id'])) { /* look for the hrProcessorLoad value */ $temp_mib = $hostMib; foreach ($temp_mib as $kk => $vv) { if (substr_count($kk, '.')) { $hrProcValid = true; } } if (!$hrProcValid) { $user = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), $host['max_oids'], SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY, SNMP_WEBUI); $system = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), $host['max_oids'], SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY, SNMP_WEBUI); $effective = ($user + $system) * 2 / sizeof($mib); $key = 'load'; $mib['value'] = $effective; $wonky = true; } } else { $effective = 0; } } } if (!empty($key)) { if ($key == 'type') { $value = explode('(', $mib['value']); if (sizeof($value) > 1) { $value = trim($value[1], " \n\r)"); if ($table != 'plugin_hmib_hrSWInstalled' && $table != 'plugin_hmib_hrSWRun') { $new_array[$index][$key] = isset($types[$value]) ? $types[$value]['id'] : 0; } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = $value; } } else { if ($table != 'plugin_hmib_hrSWInstalled' && $table != 'plugin_hmib_hrSWRun') { $new_array[$index][$key] = isset($types[$value[0]]) ? $types[$value[0]]['id'] : 0; } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = $value[0]; } } } elseif ($key == 'date') { $new_array[$index][$key] = hmib_dateParse($mib['value']); } elseif ($key == 'name' && $table == 'plugin_hmib_hrSWRun') { if (!empty($mib['value']) && $mib['value'] != 'NULL') { $parts = explode('/', $mib['value']); $new_array[$index][$key] = $parts[0]; } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = ''; } } elseif ($key == 'path' && $table == 'plugin_hmib_hrSWRun') { if (!empty($mib['value']) && $mib['value'] != 'NULL') { $new_array[$index][$key] = $mib['value']; } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = ''; } } elseif ($key == 'parameters' && $table == 'plugin_hmib_hrSWRun') { if (!empty($mib['value']) && $mib['value'] != 'NULL') { $new_array[$index][$key] = $mib['value']; } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = ''; } } elseif ($key != 'index') { if (isset($cols[$key]['type'])) { if (strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'int') !== false || strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'float') !== false || strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'double') !== false) { if (empty($mib['value'])) { $new_array[$index][$key] = 0; } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = $mib['value']; } } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = $mib['value']; } } else { $new_array[$index][$key] = $mib['value']; } } } if (!empty($key) && $key != 'index') { debug("Key:'" . $key . "', Orig:'" . $mib['oid'] . "', Val:'" . $new_array[$index][$key] . "', Index:'" . $index . "', Base:'" . $oid . "'"); } } else { echo "WARNING: Error parsing OID value\n"; } } } /* dump the output to the database */ $sql_insert = ''; $count = 0; if (sizeof($new_array)) { foreach ($new_array as $index => $item) { $sql_insert .= (strlen($sql_insert) ? '), (' : '(') . $host['id'] . ', ' . $index . ', '; $i = 0; foreach ($tree as $key => $oid) { if ($key != 'baseOID' && $key != 'index') { if (isset($item[$key]) && strlen(strlen($item[$key]))) { if (isset($cols[$key]['type'])) { if (strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'int') !== false || strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'float') !== false || strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'double') !== false) { $sql_insert .= ($i > 0 ? ', ' : '') . (isset($item[$key]) ? $item[$key] : 0); } else { $sql_insert .= ($i > 0 ? ', ' : '') . (isset($item[$key]) ? db_qstr($item[$key]) : '""'); } $i++; } } else { if (isset($cols[$key])) { if (strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'int') !== false || strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'float') !== false || strstr($cols[$key]['type'], 'double') !== false) { $sql_insert .= ($i > 0 ? ', ' : '') . (isset($item[$key]) ? $item[$key] : 0); } else { $sql_insert .= ($i > 0 ? ', ' : '') . (isset($item[$key]) ? db_qstr($item[$key]) : '""'); } $i++; } } } } } $sql_insert .= ')'; $count++; if ($count % 200 == 0) { db_execute($sql_prefix . $sql_insert . $sql_suffix); $sql_insert = ''; } } if ($sql_insert != '') { db_execute($sql_prefix . $sql_insert . $sql_suffix); } /* remove old records */ db_execute("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE present=0 AND host_id=" . $host['id']); } }
function hmib_host_type_import_processor(&$host_types) { $i = 0; $sysDescrMatch_id = -1; $sysObjectID_id = -1; $host_type_id = -1; $save_vendor_id = -1; $save_description_id = -1; $save_version_id = -1; $save_name_id = -1; $save_order = ''; $update_suffix = ''; $return_array = array(); $insert_columns = array(); foreach ($host_types as $host_type) { /* parse line */ $line_array = str_getcsv($host_type); //$line_array = explode(',', $host_type); /* header row */ if ($i == 0) { $save_order = '('; $j = 0; $first_column = TRUE; $update_suffix = ''; $required = 0; foreach ($line_array as $line_item) { switch ($line_item) { case 'id': if (!$first_column) { $save_order .= ', '; } $host_type_id = $j; $required++; $save_order .= $line_item; $insert_columns[] = $j; $first_column = FALSE; if (strlen($update_suffix)) { $update_suffix .= ", {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } else { $update_suffix .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } break; case 'sysDescrMatch': if (!$first_column) { $save_order .= ', '; } $sysDescrMatch_id = $j; $required++; $save_order .= $line_item; $insert_columns[] = $j; $first_column = FALSE; if (strlen($update_suffix)) { $update_suffix .= ", {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } else { $update_suffix .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } break; case 'sysObjectID': if (!$first_column) { $save_order .= ', '; } $sysObjectID_id = $j; $required++; $save_order .= $line_item; $insert_columns[] = $j; $first_column = FALSE; if (strlen($update_suffix)) { $update_suffix .= ", {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } else { $update_suffix .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } break; case 'version': if (!$first_column) { $save_order .= ', '; } $save_order .= $line_item; $insert_columns[] = $j; $save_vendor_id = $j; $first_column = FALSE; if (strlen($update_suffix)) { $update_suffix .= ", {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } else { $update_suffix .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } break; case 'name': if (!$first_column) { $save_order .= ', '; } $save_order .= $line_item; $insert_columns[] = $j; $save_description_id = $j; $first_column = FALSE; if (strlen($update_suffix)) { $update_suffix .= ", {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } else { $update_suffix .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$line_item}=VALUES({$line_item})"; } break; default: /* ignore unknown columns */ } $j++; } $save_order .= ')'; if ($required >= 3) { array_push($return_array, '<strong>HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK</strong>: <br>Columns found where: ' . $save_order . '<br>'); } else { array_push($return_array, '<strong>HEADER LINE PROCESSING ERROR</strong>: Missing required field <br>Columns found where:' . $save_order . '<br>'); break; } } else { $save_value = '('; $j = 0; $first_column = TRUE; $sql_where = ''; foreach ($line_array as $line_item) { if (in_array($j, $insert_columns)) { if (!$first_column) { $save_value .= ','; } else { $first_column = FALSE; } if ($j == $host_type_id || $j == $sysDescrMatch_id || $j == $sysObjectID_id) { if (strlen($sql_where)) { switch ($j) { case $host_type_id: $sql_where .= " AND id=" . db_qstr($line_item); break; case $sysDescrMatch_id: $sql_where .= " AND sysDescrMatch=" . db_qstr($line_item); break; case $sysObjectID_id: $sql_where .= " AND sysObjectID=" . db_qstr($line_item); break; default: /* do nothing */ } } else { switch ($j) { case $host_type_id: $sql_where .= "WHERE id=" . db_qstr($line_item); break; case $sysDescrMatch_id: $sql_where .= "WHERE sysDescrMatch=" . db_qstr($line_item); break; case $sysObjectID_id: $sql_where .= "WHERE sysObjectID=" . db_qstr($line_item); break; default: /* do nothing */ } } } if ($j == $sysDescrMatch_id) { $sysDescrMatch = $line_item; } if ($j == $sysObjectID_id) { $sysObjectID = $line_item; } if ($j == $save_vendor_id) { $vendor = $line_item; } if ($j == $save_description_id) { $description = $line_item; } $save_value .= db_qstr($line_item); } $j++; } $save_value .= ')'; if ($j > 0) { if (isset_request_var('allow_update')) { $sql_execute = 'INSERT INTO mac_track_device_types ' . $save_order . ' VALUES' . $save_value . $update_suffix; if (db_execute($sql_execute)) { array_push($return_array, "INSERT SUCCEEDED: Name: {$name}, Version: {$version}, sysDescr: {$sysDescrMatch}, sysObjectID: {$sysObjectID}"); } else { array_push($return_array, "<strong>INSERT FAILED:</strong> Name: {$name}, Version: {$version}, sysDescr: {$sysDescrMatch}, sysObjectID: {$sysObjectID}"); } } else { /* perform check to see if the row exists */ $existing_row = db_fetch_row("SELECT * FROM plugin_hmib_hrSystemTypes {$sql_where}"); if (sizeof($existing_row)) { array_push($return_array, "<strong>INSERT SKIPPED, EXISTING:</strong> Name: {$name}, Vendor: {$vendor}, sysDescr: {$sysDescrMatch}, sysObjectID: {$sysObjectID}"); } else { $sql_execute = 'INSERT INTO plugin_hmib_hrSystemTypes ' . $save_order . ' VALUES' . $save_value; if (db_execute($sql_execute)) { array_push($return_array, "INSERT SUCCEEDED: Name: {$name}, Version: {$version}, sysDescr: {$sysDescrMatch}, sysObjectID: {$sysObjectID}"); } else { array_push($return_array, "<strong>INSERT FAILED:</strong> Name: {$name}, Version: {$version}, sysDescr: {$sysDescrMatch}, sysObjectID: {$sysObjectID}"); } } } } } $i++; } return $return_array; }