
            $players = get_ranking($id);
        // started
        // case view
    // case view
    case 'join':
        $id = $_GET['id'];
        $t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tournaments WHERE id = '{$id}'"));
        $name = db_output($t['name']);
        if (strpos($name, "Finals") > 0) {
            echo "<b>Cannot join Finals</b>";
        if (joined($id, $_SESSION['playerID'])) {
            echo "<b>{$MSG_LANG['tournamentalready']}</b>";
        if (get_num($id) == $t['players']) {
            echo "<b>{$MSG_LANG['tournament44']}</b>";
        if ($me['rating'] < $t['min_rating'] || $me['rating'] > $t['max_rating']) {
            echo "<b>{$MSG_LANG['tournamentsorry']}</b>";
Exemplo n.º 2
function db_output($param)
    return $param;
    //Note: NO need to strip slashes since we are escaping strings using mysql_real_escape ..03/14/08 peter.
    if (is_string($param)) {
        return trim(stripslashes($param));
    } elseif (is_array($param)) {
        while (list($key, $value) = each($param)) {
            $param[$key] = db_output($value);
        return $param;
    return $param;
 //what's autor mean? need this in english
 //config option $forums_live == 1 or 0 and use an if
 $forum_module_active = true;
 $smarty->assign('lang_main_menu_forum1', $MSG_LANG['forum1']);
 //forums let's make it a config option
 $smarty->assign('main_messages_per_page', $main_perpage);
 $smarty->assign('lang_main_menu_forum2', $MSG_LANG['forum2']);
 $smarty->assign('lang_main_menu_forum3', $MSG_LANG['forum3']);
 $smarty->assign('forums_module_active', $forum_module_active);
 include_once "forum_functions.php";
 $t1 = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, p.firstName, p.playerID from forum_topics t LEFT JOIN players p ON p.playerID = t.userid ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT {$main_perpage}");
 $forums_data = array();
 while ($forum_data = mysql_fetch_array($t1)) {
     $title = db_output($forum_data['title']);
     $title = strip_tags($title);
     $text = db_output($forum_data['text'], true);
     $text = strip_tags($text, "<br>");
     $text = bbcode($text);
     $text = forum_smilies($text);
     $date = date("d.m.y, H:i", $forum_data['time']);
     $topic = $forum_data['replyto'] > 0 ? $forum_data['replyto'] : $forum_data['topic_id'];
     $count = getcount('forum_topics', "WHERE replyto = '" . $topic . "'");
     $lp1 = mysql_query("SELECT t.topic_id, t.userid, p.firstName FROM forum_topics t\n                        LEFT JOIN players p ON p.playerID = t.userid\n                        WHERE t.replyto = '" . $topic . "'\n                        AND t.time = '" . $t['lastreply'] . "'");
     $lp = mysql_fetch_array($lp1);
     $total_pages = ceil($count / $topics_perpage);
     $start = ($total_pages - 1) * $topics_perpage;
     if ($start < 0) {
         $start = 0;
     $link = 'forum.php?action=viewtopic&id=' . $topic . '&start=' . $start . '#' . $lp['topic_id'];
     $forum_data['date'] = $date;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function db_output($param)
     if (!function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime') || !get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
         //Sucker is NOT on - thanks.
         return $param;
     if (is_array($param)) {
         while (list($key, $value) = each($param)) {
             $param[$key] = db_output($value);
         return $param;
     } elseif (!is_numeric($param)) {
         $param = trim(stripslashes($param));
     return $param;
Exemplo n.º 5
function db_fetch_row($res)
    return $res ? db_output($res->fetch_row()) : NULL;
function crosstable($id) {

global $MSG_LANG;

$t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tournaments WHERE id = '$id'"));

$name = db_output($t['name']);
$date = date("m.d.y", $t['time']);

$i = 1;

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM games WHERE tournament = '$id' ORDER BY gameID ASC");

while ($g = mysql_fetch_array($query))

$games[$i] = $g;


} // while

$p1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE player_id = '".$t['player1']."'"));
$p2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE player_id = '".$t['player2']."'"));
$p3 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE player_id = '".$t['player3']."'"));
$p4 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE player_id = '".$t['player4']."'"));



<table border="1" style="width: 100%">
<?=$MSG_LANG["start"]?>: <?=$date?>

<table width="500">

<td width="100" height="100">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p1['playerID'] . "\">" . $p1['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p2['playerID'] . "\">" . $p2['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p3['playerID'] . "\">" . $p3['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p4['playerID'] . "\">" . $p4['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>

<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p1['playerID'] . "\">" . $p1['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(4, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(7, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(10, $games); ?></b></td>

<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p2['playerID'] . "\">" . $p2['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(1, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(8, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(11, $games); ?></b></td>

<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p3['playerID'] . "\">" . $p3['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(2, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(5, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(12, $games); ?></b></td>

<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP echo "<a href=\"stats_user.php?cod=" . $p4['playerID'] . "\">" . $p4['firstName'] . "</a>"; ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(3, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(6, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100"><b><?PHP show_game(9, $games); ?></b></td>
<td width="100" height="100">&nbsp;</td>




Exemplo n.º 7

echo '</table>';

break; // case list

case 'view':

$g1 = mysql_query("SELECT g.*, p.firstName FROM groups g
                    LEFT JOIN players p on p.playerID = g.creator
                    WHERE g.group_id = '$id'");
echo mysql_error();
$g = mysql_fetch_array($g1);
$c = getcount("group_members", "WHERE group_id = '$id' AND joined > 0");
$title = db_output($g['title']);
$text = db_output($g['text']);


<font size="+1">

echo $title;

echo ($g['ag'] == 1) ? ' - Chess AG' : '';

<?=$MSG_LANG["teamleader4"]?>: <?PHP echo '<a href="stats_user.php?cod='.$g['creator'].'">'.$g['firstName'].'</a>'; ?>
Exemplo n.º 8
function db_fetch_row($res)
    return $res ? db_output(mysql_fetch_row($res)) : NULL;
$g1 = mysql_query("SELECT topic_id FROM forum_topics WHERE replyto = 0 AND gameid = '".$_SESSION['gameID']."'");
$g = mysql_fetch_array($g1);

$t1 = mysql_query("SELECT t.*, p.firstName, p.playerID, p.lastUpdate from forum_topics t
					LEFT JOIN players p ON p.playerID = t.userid
                    WHERE t.topic_id = '".$g['topic_id']."'
                    OR t.replyto = '".$g['topic_id']."'
                    ORDER BY time DESC
                    LIMIT ".$replies_perpage);
//echo mysql_error();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($t1)) {

$title = db_output($t['title']);
$title = strip_tags($title);
$text = db_output($t['text'], true);
$text = strip_tags($text, "<br>");
$text = bbcode($text);
$text = forum_smilies($text);

$date = date("d.m.y, H:i", $t['time']);


<td width="100" valign="top">
Exemplo n.º 10
                $title = db_input($_POST['title']);
                $forum_text = db_input($_POST['forum_text']);
                $query = "UPDATE forums\n                SET forum_title = '{$title}',\n                forum_text = '{$forum_text}'\n                WHERE forum_id = '" . $_POST['id'] . "'";
                echo mysql_error();
                echo "Forum Created!";
            // title
            // case create
        // case create
        case 'delete':
            if ($_GET['confirm'] != true) {
                $f1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE forum_id='" . $_GET['id'] . "'");
                $f = mysql_fetch_array($f1);
                $forum_title = db_output($f['forum_title']);

    <table width="100%">
    <div align="left" width="100%">
    <b>Forum Delete:</b><br><br>
                echo $forum_title;
    <font color="#FF0000">ATTENTION:</font> You are about to delete this post permanently!
    This will delete the first post of the subject  and all replies following
    <a href="forum_admin.php?action=delete&id=<?php