Exemplo n.º 1
function insertAIML()
    //db globals
    global $template, $msg;
    $dbconn = db_open();
    $aiml = "<category><pattern>[pattern]</pattern>[thatpattern]<template>[template]</template></category>";
    $aimltemplate = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['template']));
    $pattern = strtoupper(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['pattern'])));
    $thatpattern = strtoupper(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['thatpattern'])));
    $aiml = str_replace('[pattern]', $pattern, $aiml);
    $aiml = empty($thatpattern) ? str_replace('[thatpattern]', "<that>{$thatpattern}</that>", $aiml) : $aiml;
    $aiml = str_replace('[template]', $aimltemplate, $aiml);
    $topic = strtoupper(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['topic'])));
    $bot_id = isset($_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_id']) ? $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_id'] : 1;
    if ($pattern == "" || $template == "") {
        $msg = 'You must enter a user input and bot response.';
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `aiml` (`id`,`bot_id`, `aiml`, `pattern`,`thatpattern`,`template`,`topic`,`filename`, `php_code`) VALUES (NULL,'{$bot_id}', '{$aiml}','{$pattern}','{$thatpattern}','{$aimltemplate}','{$topic}','admin_added.aiml', '')";
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbconn) or die('You have a SQL error on line ' . __LINE__ . ' of ' . __FILE__ . '. Error message is: ' . mysql_error() . ".<br />\nSQL = {$sql}<br />\n");
        if ($result) {
            $msg = "AIML added.";
        } else {
            $msg = "There was a problem adding the AIML - no changes made.";
    return $msg;
Exemplo n.º 2
function db_generate($fname, $db = false)
    global $dbh;
    if (!$db) {
        $db = db_open($fname);
        if (!$db) {
            die('db open failed!');
    $dbh = $db;
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE users (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, user TEXT, pass TEXT, name TEXT, email TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE groups (gid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, name TEXT, belongsto TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE categories (cid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, title TEXT, gids TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE posts (pid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, title TEXT, text TEXT, cid INTEGER);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE msgs (mid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, from_id INTEGER, to_id INTEGER, msg TEXT, files TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE files (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, up_user_id INTEGER, file TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE news (nid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, ts INTEGER, content TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "CREATE TABLE admin (name TEXT);";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL,'admin','" . sha1(sha1('KolohMun7p')) . "','Administrator','*****@*****.**')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO groups VALUES (NULL,'admin','1')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO groups VALUES (NULL,'everyone','1')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO categories VALUES (NULL,'carders','1,2')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO categories VALUES (NULL,'xploits','1,2')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO categories VALUES (NULL,'0days','1,2')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO categories VALUES (NULL,'XSS','1,2')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO categories VALUES (NULL,'sql injections','1,2')";
    $qa[] = "INSERT INTO news VALUES (NULL, '" . time() . "','rwthctf has started, have fun hacking and good luck(-:')";
    foreach ($qa as $q) {
        db_query($q, $dbh);
    echo 'Database initialized:-)' . "\n";
    return $dbh;
Exemplo n.º 3
function execQuery($query)
    $conn = db_open();
    $rs = mysql_query($query, $conn);
    // or die (mysql_error());
    return $rs;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * function db_make_safe()
 * Makes a str safe to insert in the db
 * @param string $str - the string to make safe
 * @return string $str - the safe string
function db_make_safe($str)
    $dbconn = db_open();
    $out = mysql_real_escape_string($str, $dbconn);
    // Takes into account the character set of the chosen database
    return $out;
function return_device($device_id)
    $con = db_open();
    $sql = "\r\n\t\tSELECT owner ,device_id , type_id, type , sensitivity, offset, last_calibrated \r\n\t\tFROM sensors INNER JOIN sensorboards \r\n\t\tON sensor_id=id_co2 OR sensor_id=id_co OR sensor_id=id_pm10 OR sensor_id=id_pm25 \r\n\t\tOR sensor_id=id_no OR sensor_id=id_no2 OR sensor_id=id_so2 OR sensor_id=id_o3\r\n\t\tWHERE `device_id`={$device_id}\r\n\t\t";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $con);
    $xml = generate_calibxml($result);
    echo $xml;
function connect_to_db($query)
    $con = db_open();
    $result = mysql_query($query, $con);
    if (!$result) {
        die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    return $result;
function sample_group_create($user_id, $comment = NULL)
    $con = db_open();
    $sql = sample_group_insert_SQL($user_id, $comment);
    db_table_lock("SampleGroups", $con);
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $con);
    $id = mysql_insert_id($con);
    return $id;
Exemplo n.º 8
function getDbTime()
    $dbase = db_open($dbase);
    if (!$dbase) {
        echo "<font class='error'>ERROR</font> : cannot open DB<br>";
    $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP( CONVERT_TZ(now(),@@time_zone,'+0:00') )";
    $res = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);
    if (!@$res) {
        writelog("error.log", "Wrong query : \" {$sql} \"");
        echo "<font class='error'>ERROR</font> : Wrong query : {$sql}<br><br>";
    list($date) = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
    return $date;
Exemplo n.º 9
function stats_get_num_samples(&$samples_today)
    global $con;
    $con = db_open();
    $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()));
    $total_count = 0;
    $today_count = 0;
    $sql = "SELECT `date` FROM `Samples`";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $con);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $date = strtotime($row['date']);
        if ($date >= $today) {
    $samples_today = $today_count;
    return $total_count;
Exemplo n.º 10
function getChatLines($i, $j)
    global $bot_id;
    $dbconn = db_open();
    $sql = <<<endSQL
SELECT AVG(`chatlines`) AS TOT
\t\t\t\tFROM `users`
\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `conversation_log` ON `users`.`id` = `conversation_log`.`userid`
\t\t\t\tWHERE `conversation_log`.`bot_id` = {$bot_id} AND [endCondition];
    if ($i == "average") {
        $endCondition = '`chatlines` != 0;';
    } else {
        $endCondition = "(`chatlines` >= {$i} AND `chatlines` <= {$j})";
    $sql = str_replace('[endCondition]', $endCondition, $sql);
    //get undefined defaults from the db
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbconn) or die('You have a SQL error on line ' . __LINE__ . ' of ' . __FILE__ . '. Error message is: ' . mysql_error() . ".<br />\nSQL = {$sql}<br />\n");
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $res = $row['TOT'];
    return $res;
Exemplo n.º 11
function showChatFrame()
    global $template, $bot_name, $bot_id;
    $dbconn = db_open();
    $sql = "select `format` from `bots` where `bot_id` = {$bot_id} limit 1;";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbconn) or die('You have a SQL error on line ' . __LINE__ . ' of ' . __FILE__ . '. Error message is: ' . mysql_error() . ".<br />\nSQL = {$sql}<br />\n");
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $format = strtolower($row['format']);
    switch ($format) {
        case "html":
            $url = '../gui/plain/';
        case "json":
            $url = '../gui/jquery/';
        case "xml":
            $url = '../gui/xml/';
    $out = $template->getSection('ChatDemo');
    $out = str_replace('[pageSource]', $url, $out);
    $out = str_replace('[format]', strtoupper($format), $out);
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 12

require_once 'db-config.php';
$userid = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$locSelected = $_GET['locSelected'];
$userIsReviewer = $_GET['userIsReviewer'];
// Escape User Input to help prevent SQL Injection
$locSelected = mysql_real_escape_string($locSelected);
$userIsReviewer = mysql_real_escape_string($userIsReviewer);
$location = explode("~", $locSelected);
// Build SQL
// Build SELECT statement
$sqlselect = 'SELECT users.firstname, users.lastname, users.ID';
// Build FROM statement
if ($userIsReviewer != "1") {
    $sqlfrom = ' FROM users';
} else {
    $sqlfrom = ' FROM peerreview, users';
// Build WHERE statement
if ($userIsReviewer != "1") {
    $sqlwhere = ' WHERE role="2"';
} else {
    $sqlwhere = ' WHERE role="2" AND (peerreview.reviewer = "' . $userid . '") AND (users.ID = peerreview.reviewee)';
$sqlwhere2 = "";
if ($location) {
    $kv = array();
    foreach ($location as $key => $value) {
Exemplo n.º 13
if (0) {
    // quitamos esto del medio de momento - lo de artistas_etc4.php
    // son 3 relaciones 1 a N - artistas -> albumes -> canciones -> videos
    // usa unordered lists, se puede presentar algo mejor con un poco de CSS
    // los parametros del script: co(ntinente) pa(is) ci(udad)
    param("ar", $ar);
    // param() cambia(defina) el valor de la variable(global) 2º argumento
    param("al", $al);
    // mira lo que hace extract(), todavía no lo uso aquí
    param("ca", $ca);
    // seria buena idea si son muchos parametros
    param("vi", $vi);
    // empezamos el query string para pasarlo a hacer_lista()
    $qs = "{$yo}?";
    $con = db_open($db_name);
    echo "KEYS:", br();
    foreach (["artistas", "albumes", "canciones", "videos"] as $t) {
        echo "{$t} PK: ", db_getPK($db_name, $t), br();
        $ka = db_getFK($db_name, $t);
        if ($ka[0]) {
            echo "{$t} FK: " . $ka[1][0][0] . " ref tabla " . $ka[1][0][1] . " col " . $ka[1][0][2] . br();
        PC::db($ka, "{$t}");
        $rfk = db_getrFK($db_name, $t);
        if ($rfk[0]) {
            echo "Referencias a {$t}: ", table($rfk[0], $rfk[1]);
    // empezamos por las canciones de momento, luego veremos que hacer con los videos
    if ($ca) {
Exemplo n.º 14
function solusvmcontrol_summary_tab()
    // Make sure subtab is set
    if (!isset($_GET['subtab'])) {
        $_GET['subtab'] = "active";
    // Tab styling
    $activestyle = " style=\"background-color: #FFF !important;border-bottom:solid 1px white !important;\"";
    $out_inactive = false;
    $out_active = false;
    $out_all = false;
    switch ($_GET['subtab']) {
        case "inactive":
            $active_in = $activestyle;
            $out_inactive = true;
        case "all":
            $active_al = $activestyle;
            $out_all = true;
        case "active":
            $active_ac = $activestyle;
            $out_active = true;
            // This looks a bit confusing, but basically case "active" is the default
    // Init arrays for output
    $active = "";
    $inactive = "";
    $all = "";
    // Init query
    $svmc_servers_query = "SELECT group_concat(DISTINCT relid SEPARATOR ',') AS svmc_servers FROM tblcustomfields WHERE (fieldname = 'solusvm_server' OR  fieldname = 'solusvm_api_key' OR fieldname = 'solusvm_api_hash')";
    $svmc_servers_result = mysql_query($svmc_servers_query);
    // Get the login Credentials into an assoc array
    $svmc_servers = mysql_fetch_assoc($svmc_servers_result);
    if (empty($svmc_servers["svmc_servers"])) {
        $out = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\">SolusVMControl is not currently active on any of your VPS.</td></tr>";
    } else {
        // Get all VPS
        $all_vps_result = mysql_query("SELECT tblhosting.*, tblproducts.name FROM tblhosting, tblproducts WHERE tblhosting.packageid IN ({$svmc_servers["svmc_servers"]}) AND tblhosting.packageid = tblproducts.id");
        $all_vps = null;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($all_vps_result)) {
            $all_vps[] = $row;
        // Itterate through $all_vps
        foreach ($all_vps as $vps) {
            // Get credentials for $vps
            $vps_svmc_settings_result = mysql_query("SELECT tblcustomfieldsvalues.relid,fieldname,value FROM tblcustomfields, tblcustomfieldsvalues WHERE tblcustomfields.id = tblcustomfieldsvalues.fieldid AND fieldname LIKE 'solusvm_%' AND tblcustomfieldsvalues.relid = '" . $vps['id'] . "'");
            $vps_svmc_settings = null;
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($vps_svmc_settings_result)) {
                $vps_svmc_settings[] = $row;
            // Pick up VPS with no details logged
            if (sizeof($vps_svmc_settings) < 3) {
                $inactive[$vps['id']]['name'] = $vps['name'];
                $inactive[$vps['id']]['domain'] = rtrim($vps['domain'], '. ');
                $inactive[$vps['id']]['id'] = $vps['id'];
            // Sort the results
            foreach ($vps_svmc_settings as $vps_svmc_settings_item) {
                // Create output arrays
                $active[$vps['id']][$vps_svmc_settings_item['fieldname']] = $vps_svmc_settings_item['value'];
                $active[$vps['id']]['name'] = $vps['name'];
                $active[$vps['id']]['domain'] = rtrim($vps['domain'], '. ');
                $active[$vps['id']]['id'] = $vps['id'];
    // Check through the active ones (as some may not actually be active (empty))
    if (!empty($active)) {
        foreach ($active as $active_item) {
            if (empty($active_item['solusvm_api_key']) || empty($active_item['solusvm_api_hash']) || empty($active_item['solusvm_server'])) {
                $inactive[] = $active_item;
    if ($out_active) {
        $outrows = $active;
    } else {
        if ($out_inactive) {
            $outrows = $inactive;
        } else {
            if ($out_all) {
                $outrows = array_merge($active, $inactive);
    if (!empty($outrows)) {
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($outrows as $row) {
            if ($i % 2) {
                $switch = "";
            } else {
                $switch = "background-color:#F5F5F5";
            $out .= "\n\t\t\t<tr style=\"height:50px;{$switch}\">" . "\n\t\t\t\t<td>{$row['name']}</td>" . "\n\t\t\t\t<td><a href=\"clientshosting.php?id={$row['id']}\">{$row['domain']}</a></td>";
            if (($out_active || $out_all) && !empty($row['solusvm_server'])) {
                $out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<td>Server: {$row['solusvm_server']}<br />API Key: {$row['solusvm_api_key']}<br />API Hash:{$row['solusvm_api_hash']}</td>";
            } else {
                $out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>";
            $out .= "<td style=\"text-align:rigtht\"><a href=\"clientshosting.php?id={$row['id']}\" style=\"background-color: #339BB9;background-repeat: repeat-x;\n                                background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #5bc0de, #339bb9);cursor: pointer;padding: 5px 14px 6px;\n                                border: 1px solid #CCC;border: 1px solid #CCC;-webkit-transition: 0.1s linear all;-webkit-border-radius: 4px;\n                                -moz-border-radius: 4px;border-radius: 4px;text-decoration:none;color:#FFF\">Edit Settings</a></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>";
    if (empty($active_ac)) {
        $active_ac = "";
    if (empty($active_in)) {
        $active_in = "";
    if (empty($active_al)) {
        $active_al = "";
    return "\n        <div id=\"clienttabs\">\n        \t<ul>\n        \t\t<li class=\"tab\"><a href=\"addonmodules.php?module=solusvmcontrol&tab=summary&subtab=active\"{$active_ac}>Active</a></li>\n        \t\t<li class=\"tab\"><a href=\"addonmodules.php?module=solusvmcontrol&tab=summary&subtab=inactive\"{$active_in}>Inactive</a></li>\n        \t\t<li class=\"tab\"><a href=\"addonmodules.php?module=solusvmcontrol&tab=summary&subtab=all\"{$active_al}>All</a></li>\n            </ul>\n        </div>\n\n        <div id=\"tab0box\" class=\"tabbox\">\n            <div id=\"tab_content\" style=\"text-align:left;\">\n                <table id=\"box-table-a\" summary=\"SolsuVMControl\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n                    <thead>\n                        <tr style=\"height:50px;\">\n                            <th scope=\"col\" width=\"250\" style=\"border-bottom: solid 3px #333\">SolusVM Package</th>\n                            <th scope=\"col\" width=\"300\" style=\"border-bottom: solid 3px #333\">Domain</th>\n                            <th scope=\"col\" style=\"border-bottom: solid 3px #333\">Details</th>\n                            <th scope=\"col\" style=\"border-bottom: solid 3px #333\">Edit Settings</th>\n                        </tr>\n                    </thead>\n                    <tbody>\n                        {$out}\n                    </tbody>\n                </table>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    ";
Exemplo n.º 15
function db_switch($target = false)
    global $_josh;
    if (!$target) {
        $target = $_josh["db"]["database"];
    if ($_josh["db"]["language"] == "mssql") {
        mssql_select_db($target, $_josh["db"]["pointer"]);
    } elseif ($_josh["db"]["language"] == "mysql") {
        mysql_select_db($target, $_josh["db"]["pointer"]);
    $_josh["db"]["switched"] = $target == $_josh["db"]["database"] ? false : true;
Exemplo n.º 16
function addBotPersonality()
    $dbconn = db_open();
      $postVars = print_r($_POST, true);
      die ("Post vars:<pre>\n$postVars\n</pre>");
    $bot_id = $_POST['bot_id'];
    $sql = "Insert into `botpersonality` (`id`, `bot`, `name`, `value`) values\n";
    $sql2 = "(null, {$bot_id}, '[key]', '[value]'),\n";
    $msg = "";
    $newEntryNames = isset($_POST['newEntryName']) ? $_POST['newEntryName'] : '';
    $newEntryValues = isset($_POST['newEntryValue']) ? $_POST['newEntryValue'] : '';
    if (!empty($newEntryNames)) {
        foreach ($newEntryNames as $index => $key) {
            $value = $newEntryValues[$index];
            if (!empty($value)) {
                $tmpSQL = str_replace('[key]', $key, $sql2);
                $tmpSQL = str_replace('[value]', $value, $tmpSQL);
                $sql .= $tmpSQL;
    $skipKeys = array('bot_id', 'action', 'func', 'newEntryName', 'newEntryValue');
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if (!in_array($key, $skipKeys)) {
            if ($value == "") {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                foreach ($value as $index => $fieldValue) {
                    $field = $key[$fieldValue];
                    $fieldValue = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($fieldValue));
                    $tmpSQL = str_replace('[key]', $field, $sql2);
                    $tmpSQL = str_replace('[value]', $fieldValue, $tmpSQL);
                    $sql .= $tmpSQL;
            } else {
                $value = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($value));
                $tmpSQL = str_replace('[key]', $key, $sql2);
                $tmpSQL = str_replace('[value]', $value, $tmpSQL);
                $sql .= $tmpSQL;
    $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n");
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbconn) or die('You have a SQL error on line ' . __LINE__ . ' of ' . __FILE__ . '. Error message is: ' . mysql_error() . ".<br />SQL:<br /><pre>\n{$sql}\n<br />\n</pre>\n");
    if (!$result) {
        $msg = 'Error updating bot personality.';
    } elseif ($msg == "") {
        $msg = 'Bot personality added!';
    return $msg;
Exemplo n.º 17
# 	'host' => 'localhost',
#	'user' => 'root',
#	'pass' => '',
#	'db' => 'aaa',
#	'networks_table' => 'networks',
#	'networks_uamsecret_field' => 'uamsecret',
#	);
// initialize globals
$hotspot_ap = false;
$hotspot_network = false;
$hotspot_user = false;
$hotspot_device = false;
$hotspot_code = false;
$hotspot_session = false;
$dblink = db_open();
// Look up access point based on MAC address
$hotspot_ap = get_ap();
if (!is_array($hotspot_ap) || !isset($hotspot_ap['network_id'])) {
    echo 'Reply-Message: Access Point not found';
// Load the network that owns the access point to get uamsecret
$hotspot_network = get_network();
if (!is_array($hotspot_network) || !isset($hotspot_network['id'])) {
    echo 'Reply-Message: Network is not configured correctly';
// Verify the query string parameters with uamsecret
switch ($_GET['stage']) {
Exemplo n.º 18
function updateSpell()
    //global vars
    global $template, $msg;
    $dbconn = db_open();
    $missspelling = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['missspelling']));
    $correction = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['correction']));
    $id = trim($_POST['id']);
    if ($id == "" || $missspelling == "" || $correction == "") {
        $msg = '<div id="errMsg">There was a problem editing the correction - no changes made.</div>';
    } else {
        $sql = "UPDATE `spellcheck` SET `missspelling` = '{$missspelling}',`correction`='{$correction}' WHERE `id`='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbconn) or die('You have a SQL error on line ' . __LINE__ . ' of ' . __FILE__ . '. Error message is: ' . mysql_error() . ".<br />\nSQL = {$sql}<br />\n");
        if ($result) {
            $msg = '<div id="successMsg">Correction edited.</div>';
        } else {
            $msg = '<div id="errMsg">There was a problem editing the correction - no changes made.</div>';
Exemplo n.º 19
require_once "db.php";
$yo = basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
// para enlaces relativos a este mismo script
// son 2 relaciones 1 a N - artistas -> albumes -> canciones
// usa unordered lists, se puede presentar algo mejor con un poco de CSS
// los parametros del script: co(ntinente) pa(is) ci(udad)
param("ar", $ar);
// param() cambia(defina) el valor de la variable(global) 2º argumento
param("al", $al);
// mira lo que hace extract(), todavía no lo uso aquí
param("ca", $ca);
// seria buena idea si son muchos parametros
// empezamos el query string para pasarlo a hacer_lista()
$qs = "{$yo}";
$con = db_open("discoteca");
// cojemos los artistas
$artistas = db_query($con, "SELECT id_artista, nombre FROM artistas ORDER BY nombre")[1];
// 0 son headings
// mostrar siempre los artistas
echo hacer_lista("Artistas", "", "?ar", $artistas);
if ($ar) {
    // mostrar albumes si se ha selecionado un artista
    $qs .= "?ar={$ar}";
    // cojemos los albumes
    $albumes = db_query($con, "SELECT id_album, titulo_album FROM albumes WHERE id_artista={$ar} ORDER BY titulo_album")[1];
    // 0 son headings
    echo hacer_lista("Álbumes", " de artista {$ar}", "&al", $albumes);
    if ($al) {
        // mostrar canciones si se ha selecionado un album
        $qs .= "&al={$al}";
Exemplo n.º 20
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<center><span class='headingtext'>{$title}</span></center>\n";
echo "<br>";
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
    if (!isset($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'])) {
        display_error("You must select an SQL script for update");
    } else {
        include_once $path_to_root . "/config_db.php";
        if (!isset($_POST['user']) || !isset($_POST['passwd']) || $_POST['user'] == "") {
            display_error("You must select a user name and an optional password");
        } else {
            foreach ($db_connections as $id => $conn) {
                $conn['dbuser'] = $_POST['user'];
                $conn['dbpassword'] = $_POST['passwd'];
                if (!($db = db_open($conn))) {
                    display_error("Wrong user name or password - " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    if (!db_import($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $conn)) {
                        display_error("Bad SQL file or you have already updated the company: " . $id . " " . $conn['name'] . " - " . mysql_error());
                    } else {
                        display_notification("Database has been updated for company: " . $id . " " . $conn['name']);
if (!isset($_POST['passwd'])) {
    $_POST['passwd'] = "";
Exemplo n.º 21

Header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ru_RU.UTF-8');
include_once 'passwd.php';
include_once 'functions.php';
include_once 'db.php';
$pages_menu = array("map" => array("name" => "map", "text" => "Карта Online", "color" => "#99bd1b"), "navigator" => array("name" => "navigator", "text" => "Для навигаторов", "color" => "#f58720"), "about" => array("name" => "about", "text" => "О проекте", "color" => "#db4c39"));
$db_type = "postgresql";
if (function_exists("pg_connect")) {
    // чтобы можно было тестировать не поднимая БД
    $dbapi = db_open($db_type, $pg_base, $pg_user, $pg_pass, $pg_host);
    pg_connect("host='" . $pg_host . "' user='******' password='******' dbname='" . $pg_base . "'");
    //mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
    //mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8');
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: main.php Projeto: pyur/site
        if ($gfle) {
            $parent = db_read(array('table' => $table, 'col' => 'p', 'where' => $where));
            db_write(array('table' => $table, 'set' => $set, 'where' => $where));
            b('/' . $mod . '/?p=' . $parent);
        } else {
            //$gfle = db_write(array('table'=>$table, 'set'=>$set));
            b('/' . $mod . '/');
    } elseif (!$post && $gfle) {
        $parent = db_read(array('table' => $table, 'col' => 'p', 'where' => $where));
        $has_children = db_read(array('table' => $table, 'col' => 'id', 'where' => '`p` = ' . $gfle));
        if (!$has_children) {
            $result = db_write(array('table' => $table, 'where' => $where));
            img_delete_fdb($table, $gfle);
            db_write(array('db' => 'thumb.sqlite3', 'table' => 't', 'where' => 'id = ' . $gfle));
        b('/' . $mod . '/?p=' . $parent);
    // end: delete
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------- AJAX ----------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------- file upload -------------------------------- //
if ($act == 'fup') {
    $ajax = TRUE;
    //          [name] => Sol9pbjQC4M.jpg
    //          [type] => image/jpeg
Exemplo n.º 23
function getSelOpts()
    global $dbn, $bot_id, $msg;
    $out = "                  <!-- Start Selectbox Options -->\n";
    $dbconn = db_open();
    $optionTemplate = "                  <option value=\"[val]\">[val]</option>\n";
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT filename FROM `aiml` where `bot_id` = {$bot_id} order by `filename`;";
    #return "SQL = $sql";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbconn) or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $msg = "This bot has no AIML categories. Please select another bot.";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if (empty($row['filename'])) {
            $curOption = "                  <option value=\"\">{No Filename entry}</option>\n";
        } else {
            $curOption = str_replace('[val]', $row['filename'], $optionTemplate);
        $out .= $curOption;
    $out .= "                  <!-- End Selectbox Options -->\n";
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 24
$session_cookie_path = str_replace("http://{$server_name}", '', _DEBUG_URL_);
session_set_cookie_params($session_lifetime, $session_cookie_path);
$session_name = 'PGO_DEBUG';
$iframeURL = 'about:blank';
$post_vars = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $options);
if (isset($post_vars['logout'])) {
    $_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] = false;
    header('Location: ' . _DEBUG_URL_);
if (isset($post_vars['name'])) {
    $name = $post_vars['name'];
    $pass = md5($post_vars['pass']);
    $dbConn = db_open();
    $sql = "select `password` from `myprogramo` where `user_name` = '{$name}' limit 1;";
    $sth = $dbConn->prepare($sql);
    $row = $sth->fetch();
    if ($row !== false) {
        $verify = $row['password'];
        if ($pass == $verify) {
            $_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] = true;
            header('Location: ' . _DEBUG_URL_);
        } else {
            $iframeURL = _LIB_URL_ . 'accessdenied.htm';
    } else {
        echo 'No results found!';
Exemplo n.º 25

$host = $_GET['host'];
if (!isset($host) || !strlen($host)) {
    $host = false;
    $hosts = $_POST['hosts'];
    if (!isset($hosts)) {
require_once 'mod_file.php';
require_once 'mod_dbase.php';
$dbase = db_open($dbase);
while (true) {
    if ($host !== false) {
        $host = str_replace("\r", "", $host);
        // host is unique?
        $sql = "SELECT host FROM hostban WHERE host = '{$host}' LIMIT 1";
        $res = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);
        if (!@$res) {
            // error
            writelog("error.log", "Wrong query : {$sql}");
            $content .= "<font class='error'>ERROR</font> : Wrong query : {$sql}<br><br>";
        } else {
            if (mysqli_num_rows($res) == 1) {
                // no
                $content .= "<font class='error'>ERROR</font> : Host \"{$host}\" already exists!<br><br>";
            } else {
                // yep
                // insert new

$site_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
require_once "{$site_root}/db/db_functions.php";
$location = 'Randwick';
$con = db_open();
$query = "SELECT date, no2, o3 FROM Samples \nWHERE location_name='{$location}' \nAND datediff(date,'2014-05-01')>0";
$result = mysql_query($query, $con);
if (!$result) {
    die("invalid query" . mysql_error());
$text = array();
while ($temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    array_push($text, $temp['date'] . ',' . $temp['no2'] . ',' . $temp['o3']);
$output = implode("</br>", $text);
echo 'date,no2,o3</br>' . $output;
Exemplo n.º 27

require "common.php";
function print_suite_performance($branch, $config_set, $config, $suite, $runs)
    echo "<!-- START GENERATED CHART FOR SUITE [" . $suite . "] -->\n";
    echo "<div id=\"suite_chart_container\">\n";
    echo "\t<div>Suite: " . $suite . "</div>\n\n";
    $numRuns = count($runs);
    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT name FROM results WHERE branch = \"" . $branch . "\" AND suite_name = \"" . $suite . "\"";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        // need to use "id" for the 3rd element in order to deal with odd suite names
        $testId = $config_set . "_" . $config . "_" . str_replace('/', '_', $suite) . "_" . $row["name"];
        echo "\t<div id=\"suite_chart_contents\">\n";
        echo "\t\t<div id=\"" . $testId . "\" style=\"width: " . $numRuns * 100 . "px\"></div>\n";
        echo "\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
        echo "\t\t\tvar runIds = [];\n";
        echo "\t\t\tvar driverIds = [];\n";
        echo "\t\t\tvar chartData = [];\n\n";
        $query2 = "SELECT DISTINCT driver_id FROM results WHERE branch = \"" . $branch . "\" AND name = \"" . $row["name"] . "\" AND suite_name = \"" . $suite . "\" ORDER BY driver_id ASC";
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
            echo "\t\t\tdriverIds.push(\"" . $row2["driver_id"] . "\");\n\n";
            echo "\t\t\tvar driverPerformanceData = [];\n";
            for ($i = 0; $i < $numRuns; $i++) {
                echo "\t\t\tif (runIds.length < " . ($i + 1) . ") {\n";
                echo "\t\t\t\trunIds.push(\"" . date("n-j-Y g:i:s A", $runs[$i]["timestamp"]) . "  /  " . substr($runs[$i]["git_hash"], 0, 10) . "\");\n";
                echo "\t\t\t}\n";
                $query3 = "SELECT * FROM results WHERE driver_id = \"" . $row2["driver_id"] . "\" AND run_id = " . $runs[$i]["id"] . " AND name = \"" . $row["name"] . "\" LIMIT 1";
Exemplo n.º 28
function _clean($max)
    $old = time() - $max;
    // Open the database connection
    $db = db_open();
    $stmt = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE access < :old");
    $stmt->bindParam(":old", $old, PDO::PARAM_INT, 10);
    $return = $stmt->execute();
    // Close the database connection
    return $return;
Exemplo n.º 29

$guid = urldecode($_GET['guid']);
if (strlen($guid) === false) {
    $content .= '<b>ERROR</b> : Invalid bot GUID';
$pos = strpos($guid, "!");
$guid2 = "SYSTEM" . substr($guid, $pos);
$guid3 = "" . substr($guid, $pos);
require_once 'mod_file.php';
require_once 'mod_time.php';
require_once 'mod_dbase.php';
require_once 'mod_strenc.php';
$dbase = db_open();
$sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM rep1' . " WHERE bot_guid = '{$guid}'" . ' LIMIT 1';
$res = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);
if (!@$res) {
    writelog("error.log", "Wrong query : \" {$sql} \"");
if (!mysqli_num_rows($res)) {
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM rep1' . " WHERE bot_guid = '{$guid2}' OR bot_guid = '{$guid3}'" . ' LIMIT 1';
    $res = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);
    if (!@$res) {
        writelog("error.log", "Wrong query : \" {$sql} \"");
    if (!mysqli_num_rows($res)) {
        $content = "<center><font class='error'>ERROR</font> : cannot find info bot this bot : <b>{$guid}</b> or <b>{$guid2}</b> or <b>{$guid3}</b></center>";
Exemplo n.º 30
function update_last_login($user_id)
    // Get current datetime for last_update
    $current_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    // Open the database connection
    $db = db_open();
    // Update the last login
    $stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE user SET `last_login`=:last_login WHERE `value`=:user_id");
    $stmt->bindParam(":last_login", $current_datetime, PDO::PARAM_STR, 20);
    $stmt->bindParam(":user_id", $user_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    // Close the database connection
    return true;