Exemplo n.º 1
function fn_projects_project_get_pages(&$pages, $params, $lang_code)
    $projects_pages = array();
    foreach ($pages as $idx => $page) {
        if (!empty($page['page_type']) && $page['page_type'] == PAGE_TYPE_PROJECTS) {
            $projects_pages[$idx] = $page['page_id'];
            if (!empty($page['description'])) {
                if (strpos($page['description'], PROJECTS_CUT) !== false) {
                    list($pages[$idx]['spoiler']) = explode(PROJECTS_CUT, $page['description'], 2);
                } else {
                    $pages[$idx]['spoiler'] = $page['description'];
            if (!empty($page['subpages'])) {
                fn_projects_project_get_pages($pages[$idx]['subpages'], $params, $lang_code);
    if (!empty($projects_pages)) {
        $images = array();
        $authors = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as author, b.page_id FROM ?:projects_authors as b LEFT JOIN ?:users  as u ON b.user_id = u.user_id WHERE b.page_id IN (?n)", array('page_id', 'author'), $projects_pages);
        if (!empty($params['get_image'])) {
            $images = fn_get_image_pairs($projects_pages, 'projects', 'M', true, false, $lang_code);
        foreach ($projects_pages as $idx => $page_id) {
            $pages[$idx]['main_pair'] = !empty($images[$page_id]) ? reset($images[$page_id]) : array();
            $pages[$idx]['author'] = !empty($authors[$page_id]) ? $authors[$page_id] : '';
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Gets brief company data array: <i>(company_id => company_name)</i>
 * @param array $params Array of search params:
 * <ul>
 *        <li>string status - Status field from the <i>?:companies table</i></li>
 *        <li>string item_ids - Comma separated list of company IDs</li>
 *        <li>int displayed_vendors - Number of companies for displaying. Will be used as LIMIT condition</i>
 * </ul>
 * Global variable <i>$_REQUEST</i> can be passed as argument
 * @return mixed If <i>$params</i> was not empty returns array:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>companies - Hash array of companies <i>(company_id => company)</i></li>
 *   <li>count - Number of returned companies</li>
 * </ul>
 * else returns hash array of companies <i>(company_id => company)</i></li>
function fn_get_short_companies($params = array())
    $condition = $limit = $join = $companies = '';
    if (!empty($params['status'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:companies.status = ?s ", $params['status']);
    if (!empty($params['item_ids'])) {
        $params['item_ids'] = fn_explode(",", $params['item_ids']);
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:companies.company_id IN (?n) ", $params['item_ids']);
    if (!empty($params['displayed_vendors'])) {
        $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $params['displayed_vendors'];
    $condition .= Registry::get('runtime.company_id') ? fn_get_company_condition('?:companies.company_id', true, Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) : '';
    fn_set_hook('get_short_companies', $params, $condition, $join, $limit);
    $count = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:companies {$join} WHERE 1 {$condition}");
    $_companies = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT ?:companies.company_id, ?:companies.company FROM ?:companies {$join} WHERE 1 {$condition} ORDER BY ?:companies.company {$limit}", array('company_id', 'company'));
    if (!fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
        $companies[0] = Registry::get('settings.Company.company_name');
        $companies = $companies + $_companies;
    } else {
        $companies = $_companies;
    $return = array('companies' => $companies, 'count' => $count);
    if (!empty($params)) {
        return array($return);
    return $companies;
function fn_exim_set_product_feature_categories($feature_id, $feature_data, $lang_code)
    static $categories_ids;
    if (!empty($feature_data['parent_id'])) {
        $categories_path = '';
        $parent_feature = fn_get_product_feature_data($feature_data['parent_id']);
        if (!empty($parent_feature['categories_path'])) {
            $categories_path = $parent_feature['categories_path'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($feature_data['categories_path'])) {
            $categories_path = array();
            if (!isset($categories_ids)) {
                $categories_ids = db_get_hash_single_array('SELECT category, category_id FROM ?:category_descriptions WHERE lang_code = ?s', array('category', 'category_id'), $lang_code);
            $categories = explode(',', $feature_data['categories_path']);
            if (!empty($categories)) {
                foreach ($categories as $category) {
                    if (!empty($categories_ids[$category])) {
                        $categories_path[] = $categories_ids[$category];
            $categories_path = implode(',', $categories_path);
        } else {
            $categories_path = '';
    db_query("UPDATE ?:product_features SET categories_path = ?s WHERE feature_id = ?i", $categories_path, $feature_id);
    if ($feature_data['feature_type'] == 'G') {
        db_query("UPDATE ?:product_features SET categories_path = ?s WHERE parent_id = ?i", $categories_path, $feature_id);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
function fn_blog_post_get_pages(&$pages, $params, $lang_code)
    $blog_pages = array();
    foreach ($pages as $idx => $page) {
        if (!empty($page['page_type']) && $page['page_type'] == PAGE_TYPE_BLOG) {
            $blog_pages[$idx] = $page['page_id'];
            if (!empty($page['description'])) {
                if (strpos($page['description'], BLOG_CUT) !== false) {
                    list($pages[$idx]['spoiler']) = explode(BLOG_CUT, $page['description'], 2);
                } else {
                    $pages[$idx]['spoiler'] = $page['description'];
            if (!empty($params['get_image'])) {
                $pages[$idx]['main_pair'] = fn_get_image_pairs($page['page_id'], 'blog', 'M', true, false, $lang_code);
            if (!empty($page['subpages'])) {
                fn_blog_post_get_pages($pages[$idx]['subpages'], $params, $lang_code);
    if (!empty($blog_pages)) {
        $authors = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as author, b.page_id FROM ?:blog_authors as b LEFT JOIN ?:users  as u ON b.user_id = u.user_id WHERE b.page_id IN (?n)", array('page_id', 'author'), $blog_pages);
        foreach ($blog_pages as $idx => $page_id) {
            $pages[$idx]['author'] = $authors[$page_id];
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Get promotions
 * @param array $params array with search params
 * @param int $items_per_page
 * @param string $lang_code
 * @return array list of promotions in first element, filtered parameters in second
function fn_get_promotions($params, $items_per_page = 0, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
    // Init filter
    $params = LastView::instance()->update('promotions', $params);
    // Set default values to input params
    $default_params = array('page' => 1, 'items_per_page' => $items_per_page, 'get_hidden' => true);
    $params = array_merge($default_params, $params);
    // Define fields that should be retrieved
    $fields = array("?:promotions.*", "?:promotion_descriptions.name", "?:promotion_descriptions.detailed_description", "?:promotion_descriptions.short_description");
    // Define sort fields
    $sortings = array('name' => "?:promotion_descriptions.name", 'priority' => "?:promotions.priority", 'zone' => "?:promotions.zone", 'status' => "?:promotions.status");
    $condition = $join = $group = '';
    $condition .= fn_get_company_condition('?:promotions.company_id');
    $statuses = array('A');
    if (!empty($params['get_hidden'])) {
        $statuses[] = 'H';
    if (!empty($params['promotion_id'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(' AND ?:promotions.promotion_id IN (?n)', $params['promotion_id']);
    if (!empty($params['active'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND IF(from_date, from_date <= ?i, 1) AND IF(to_date, to_date >= ?i, 1) AND status IN (?a)", TIME, TIME, $statuses);
    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE')) {
        $params['zone'] = 'catalog';
    if (!empty($params['zone'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:promotions.zone = ?s", $params['zone']);
    if (!empty($params['coupon_code'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND (CONCAT(LOWER(?:promotions.conditions_hash), ';') LIKE ?l OR CONCAT(LOWER(?:promotions.conditions_hash), ';') LIKE ?l)", "%coupon_code={$params['coupon_code']};%", "%auto_coupons={$params['coupon_code']};%");
    if (!empty($params['coupons'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:promotions.conditions_hash LIKE ?l", "%coupon_code=%");
    if (!empty($params['auto_coupons'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:promotions.conditions_hash LIKE ?l", "%auto_coupons=%");
    $join .= db_quote(" LEFT JOIN ?:promotion_descriptions ON ?:promotion_descriptions.promotion_id = ?:promotions.promotion_id AND ?:promotion_descriptions.lang_code = ?s", $lang_code);
    fn_set_hook('get_promotions', $params, $fields, $sortings, $condition, $join);
    $sorting = db_sort($params, $sortings, 'name', 'desc');
    $limit = '';
    if (!empty($params['items_per_page'])) {
        $params['total_items'] = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:promotions {$join} WHERE 1 {$condition} {$group}");
        $limit = db_paginate($params['page'], $params['items_per_page'], $params['total_items']);
    if (!empty($params['simple'])) {
        return db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT ?:promotions.promotion_id, ?:promotion_descriptions.name FROM ?:promotions {$join} WHERE 1 {$condition} {$group} {$sorting} {$limit}", array('promotion_id', 'name'));
    } else {
        $promotions = db_get_hash_array('SELECT ' . implode(', ', $fields) . " FROM ?:promotions {$join} WHERE 1 {$condition} {$group} {$sorting} {$limit}", 'promotion_id');
    if (!empty($params['expand'])) {
        foreach ($promotions as $k => $v) {
            $promotions[$k]['conditions'] = !empty($v['conditions']) ? unserialize($v['conditions']) : array();
            $promotions[$k]['bonuses'] = !empty($v['bonuses']) ? unserialize($v['bonuses']) : array();
    return array($promotions, $params);
Exemplo n.º 6
function fn_get_image($image_id, $object_type, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $get_all_alts = false)
    $path = $object_type;
    if (!empty($image_id) && !empty($object_type)) {
        $image_data = db_get_row("SELECT ?:images.image_id, ?:images.image_path, ?:common_descriptions.description as alt, ?:images.image_x, ?:images.image_y FROM ?:images LEFT JOIN ?:common_descriptions ON ?:common_descriptions.object_id = ?:images.image_id AND ?:common_descriptions.object_holder = 'images' AND ?:common_descriptions.lang_code = ?s  WHERE ?:images.image_id = ?i", $lang_code, $image_id);
        if ($get_all_alts && count(fn_get_translation_languages()) > 1) {
            $image_data['alt'] = db_get_hash_single_array('SELECT description, lang_code FROM ?:common_descriptions WHERE object_id = ?i AND object_holder = ?s', array('lang_code', 'description'), $image_data['image_id'], 'images');
    fn_attach_absolute_image_paths($image_data, $object_type);
    return !empty($image_data) ? $image_data : false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Get ebay sites
 * @param array $site_ids
 * @return array
function fn_get_ebay_sites(array $site_ids = null)
    $condition = '';
    if ($site_ids !== null) {
        if (empty($site_ids)) {
            return array();
        $condition .= db_quote("AND site_id IN (?n)", $site_ids);
    $sites = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT * FROM ?:ebay_sites WHERE 1 {$condition}", array('site_id', 'site'));
    return $sites;
Exemplo n.º 8
function fn_get_category_desc($category_id = 0, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $as_array = false)
    if (!empty($category_id)) {
        if (!is_array($category_id) && strpos($category_id, ',') !== false) {
            $category_id = explode(',', $category_id);
        if (is_array($category_id) || $as_array == true) {
            return db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT category_id, description FROM ?:category_descriptions WHERE category_id IN (?n) AND lang_code = ?s", array('category_id', 'description'), $category_id, $lang_code);
        } else {
            return db_get_field("SELECT description FROM ?:category_descriptions WHERE category_id = ?i AND lang_code = ?s", $category_id, $lang_code);
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
function fn_exim_get_extra_fields($user_id, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
    $fields = array();
    $_user = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT d.description, f.value FROM ?:profile_fields_data as f LEFT JOIN ?:profile_field_descriptions as d ON d.object_id = f.field_id AND d.object_type = 'F' AND d.lang_code = ?s WHERE f.object_id = ?i AND f.object_type = 'U'", array('description', 'value'), $lang_code, $user_id);
    $_profile = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT d.description, f.value FROM ?:profile_fields_data as f LEFT JOIN ?:profile_field_descriptions as d ON d.object_id = f.field_id AND d.object_type = 'F' AND d.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:user_profiles as p ON f.object_id = p.profile_id AND f.object_type = 'P' WHERE p.user_id = ?i", array('description', 'value'), $lang_code, $user_id);
    if (!empty($_user)) {
        $fields['user'] = $_user;
    if (!empty($_profile)) {
        $fields['profile'] = $_profile;
    if (!empty($fields)) {
        return YAML_Parser::serialize($fields);
    return '';
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Convert Category names to its IDs
 * Example:
 *      IN array(
 *          'some_data' => ...,
 *          'categories_path' => 'Electronics,Processors'
 *      )
 *      OUT array(
 *          'some_data' => ...,
 *          'categories_path' => '12,52'
 *      )
 * @param array $feature_data List of feature properties
 * @param string $lang_code 2-letters lang code
 * @return string Converted categories_path
function fn_exim_get_features_convert_category_path($feature_data, $lang_code, $category_delimiter = '///')
    $categories_path = '';
    if (!empty($feature_data['parent_id'])) {
        $categories_path = '';
        $parent_feature = fn_get_product_feature_data($feature_data['parent_id']);
        if (!empty($parent_feature['categories_path'])) {
            $categories_path = $parent_feature['categories_path'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($feature_data['categories_path'])) {
            $categories_path = array();
            if (!isset($categories_ids)) {
                $categories_ids = db_get_hash_single_array('SELECT category, category_id FROM ?:category_descriptions WHERE lang_code = ?s', array('category', 'category_id'), $lang_code);
            $_categories_paths = explode(',', $feature_data['categories_path']);
            if (!empty($_categories_paths)) {
                foreach ($_categories_paths as $category_path) {
                    if (strpos($category_path, $category_delimiter)) {
                        $categories = explode($category_delimiter, $category_path);
                        array_walk($categories, 'fn_trim_helper');
                        $cat_ids_path = array();
                        foreach ($categories as $category) {
                            if (!empty($categories_ids[$category])) {
                                $cat_ids_path[] = $categories_ids[$category];
                        $cat_ids_path = implode('/', $cat_ids_path);
                        $__cat_id = db_get_field("SELECT category_id FROM ?:categories WHERE id_path = ?s", $cat_ids_path);
                        if (!empty($__cat_id)) {
                            $categories_path[] = $__cat_id;
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($categories_ids[$category])) {
                            $categories_path[] = $categories_ids[$category];
            $categories_path = implode(',', $categories_path);
    return $categories_path;
Exemplo n.º 11
function fn_get_short_companies($params = array())
    $condition = $limit = '';
    if (!empty($params['status'])) {
        $condition .= db_quote(" AND status = ?s ", $params['status']);
    if (!empty($params['displayed_vendors'])) {
        $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $params['displayed_vendors'];
    $condition .= defined('COMPANY_ID') ? fn_get_company_condition('company_id', true, COMPANY_ID) : '';
    $count = db_get_field('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:companies WHERE 1' . $condition);
    $_companies = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT company_id, company FROM ?:companies WHERE 1 {$condition} ORDER BY company {$limit}", array('company_id', 'company'));
    $companies[0] = Registry::get('settings.Company.company_name');
    $companies = $companies + $_companies;
    $return = array('companies' => $companies, 'count' => $count);
    if (!empty($params)) {
        return array($return);
    return $companies;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Loads received language variables into language cache
  * @param array  $var_names Language variable that to be loaded
  * @param string $lang_code 2-letter language code
  * @return boolean True if any of received language variables were added into cache; false otherwise
 public static function preloadLangVars($var_names, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
     Registry::registerCache('lang_cache', array('language_values', 'ult_language_values'), Registry::cacheLevel('dispatch'), true);
     $values = Registry::get('lang_cache.' . $lang_code);
     if (empty($values)) {
         $values = array();
     $var_names = array_diff($var_names, array_keys($values));
     if ($var_names) {
         foreach ($var_names as $index => $var_name) {
             $var_names[$index] = strtolower($var_name);
             if (isset($values[$var_name])) {
         if (empty($var_names)) {
             return true;
         $fields = array('lang.name' => true, 'lang.value' => true);
         $tables = array('?:language_values lang');
         $left_join = array();
         $condition = array(db_quote('lang.lang_code = ?s', $lang_code), db_quote('lang.name IN (?a)', $var_names));
         $params = array();
         fn_set_hook('get_lang_var', $fields, $tables, $left_join, $condition, $params);
         $joins = !empty($left_join) ? ' LEFT JOIN ' . implode(', ', $left_join) : '';
         $new_values = db_get_hash_single_array('SELECT ' . implode(', ', array_keys($fields)) . ' FROM ' . implode(', ', $tables) . $joins . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $condition), array('name', 'value'));
         foreach ($var_names as $var_name) {
             if (!isset($new_values[$var_name])) {
                 $new_values[$var_name] = '_' . $var_name;
         $values = fn_array_merge($values, $new_values);
         Registry::set('lang_cache.' . $lang_code, $values);
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
function fn_delete_corresponding_subscription($order_ids, $not_confirmed = true)
    $subscriptions = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT subscription_id, order_id FROM ?:recurring_subscriptions WHERE order_id IN (?n)", array('subscription_id', 'order_id'), $order_ids);
    if (!empty($subscriptions)) {
        if ($not_confirmed) {
            $_SESSION['subscriptions'] = $subscriptions;
            $_SESSION['order_ids'] = $order_ids;
            return false;
        } else {
    foreach ($order_ids as $v) {
        $subs = db_get_array("SELECT subscription_id, order_ids FROM ?:recurring_subscriptions WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?i, order_ids)", $v);
        if (!empty($subs)) {
            foreach ($subs as $val) {
                $new_order_ids = explode(',', $val['order_ids']);
                $new_order_ids = array_diff($new_order_ids, $order_ids);
                db_query("UPDATE ?:recurring_subscriptions SET order_ids = ?s WHERE subscription_id = ?i", implode(',', $new_order_ids), $val['subscription_id']);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
function fn_product_configurator_get_products_post(&$products)
    foreach ($products as $pr_id => $product) {
        if ($product['product_type'] == 'C') {
            $conf_product_groups = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT ?:conf_product_groups.group_id, ?:conf_product_groups.default_product_ids FROM ?:conf_product_groups LEFT JOIN ?:conf_groups ON ?:conf_product_groups.group_id = ?:conf_groups.group_id WHERE ?:conf_groups.status = 'A' AND ?:conf_product_groups.product_id = ?i", array('group_id', 'default_product_ids'), $product['product_id']);
            if (!empty($conf_product_groups)) {
                foreach ($conf_product_groups as $k => $v) {
                    if (!empty($v)) {
                        $_products = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT ?:product_prices.product_id, ?:product_prices.price FROM ?:product_prices LEFT JOIN ?:conf_group_products ON ?:conf_group_products.product_id = ?:product_prices.product_id WHERE ?:conf_group_products.group_id = ?i AND ?:product_prices.lower_limit = 1", array('product_id', 'price'), $k);
                        $tmp = explode(':', $v);
                        foreach ($tmp as $pid) {
                            if (!empty($_products[$pid]) && AREA != 'A') {
                                $products[$pr_id]['price'] += $_products[$pid];
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Cleans up addons with incorrect snaphost
 * @return bool Always true
function fn_clean_up_addons()
    $_addons = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT addon, status FROM ?:addons", array('addon', 'status'));
    $skipped_snapshots = fn_get_storage_data('skipped_snapshots');
    $skipped_snapshots = !empty($skipped_snapshots) ? explode(',', $skipped_snapshots) : array();
    foreach ($_addons as $addon => $status) {
        $snaphost = md5(str_rot13($addon));
        if (!fn_check_addon_snapshot($addon)) {
            if ($status == 'A') {
                fn_update_addon_status($addon, 'D');
                $skipped_snapshots[] = $snaphost;
        } elseif (in_array($snaphost, $skipped_snapshots)) {
            fn_update_addon_status($addon, 'A');
            $skipped_snapshots = array_diff($skipped_snapshots, array($snaphost));
    $skipped_snapshots = array_unique($skipped_snapshots);
    fn_set_storage_data('skipped_snapshots', implode(',', $skipped_snapshots));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 private static function _getFromDB()
     $settings = db_get_hash_single_array('SELECT * FROM ?:twigmo_settings', array('name', 'value'));
     $store_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ?:twigmo_stores WHERE type = ?s';
     $settings['admin_connection'] = db_get_row($store_sql, 'A');
     $settings['customer_connections'] = db_get_hash_array($store_sql, 'company_id', 'C');
     return $settings;
Exemplo n.º 17
             $url = "discussion_manager.manage?object_type={$object['object_type']}&post_id={$post_data['post_id']}";
             $view_mail->assign('url', fn_url($url, 'A', 'http', '&'));
         $view_mail->assign('object_data', $object_data);
         $view_mail->assign('post_data', $post_data);
         $view_mail->assign('object_name', $object_name);
         $view_mail->assign('subject', fn_get_lang_var('discussion_title_' . $discussion_object_types[$object['object_type']]) . ' - ' . fn_get_lang_var($discussion_object_types[$object['object_type']]));
         // Send notification if needed
         if (!empty($email_from)) {
             fn_send_mail($email_to, $email_from, 'addons/discussion/notification_subj.tpl', 'addons/discussion/notification.tpl');
 if ($mode == 'update_posts') {
     if (AREA == 'A' && !empty($_REQUEST['posts']) && is_array($_REQUEST['posts'])) {
         $threads = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT post_id, thread_id FROM ?:discussion_posts WHERE post_id IN (?n)", array('post_id', 'thread_id'), array_keys($_REQUEST['posts']));
         $messages_exist = db_get_fields("SELECT post_id FROM ?:discussion_messages WHERE post_id IN (?n)", array_keys($_REQUEST['posts']));
         $rating_exist = db_get_fields("SELECT post_id FROM ?:discussion_rating WHERE post_id IN (?n)", array_keys($_REQUEST['posts']));
         foreach ($_REQUEST['posts'] as $p_id => $data) {
             db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion_posts SET ?u WHERE post_id = ?i", $data, $p_id);
             if (in_array($p_id, $messages_exist)) {
                 db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion_messages SET ?u WHERE post_id = ?i", $data, $p_id);
             } else {
                 $data['thread_id'] = $threads[$p_id];
                 $data['post_id'] = $p_id;
                 db_query("INSERT INTO ?:discussion_messages ?e", $data);
             if (in_array($p_id, $rating_exist)) {
                 db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion_rating SET ?u WHERE post_id = ?i", $data, $p_id);
             } else {
                 $data['thread_id'] = $threads[$p_id];
Exemplo n.º 18
function fn_se_get_products_additionals(&$products, $company_id, $lang_code)
    $product_ids = fn_se_get_ids($products, 'product_id');
    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
        $shared_prices = db_get_hash_multi_array('SELECT product_id, (IF(percentage_discount = 0, price, price - (price * percentage_discount)/100)) as price, usergroup_id FROM ?:ult_product_prices WHERE company_id = ?i AND product_id IN (?n) AND lower_limit = 1', array('product_id', 'usergroup_id'), $company_id, $product_ids);
        $prices = db_get_hash_multi_array('SELECT product_id, (IF(percentage_discount = 0, price, price - (price * percentage_discount)/100)) as price, usergroup_id FROM ?:product_prices WHERE product_id IN (?n) AND lower_limit = 1', array('product_id', 'usergroup_id'), $product_ids);
        $product_categories = db_get_hash_multi_array("SELECT pc.product_id, c.category_id, c.usergroup_ids, c.status FROM ?:categories AS c LEFT JOIN ?:products_categories AS pc ON c.category_id = pc.category_id WHERE c.company_id = ?i AND product_id IN (?n) AND c.status IN ('A', 'H')", array('product_id', 'category_id'), $company_id, $product_ids);
        $shared_descriptions = db_get_hash_array("SELECT product_id, full_description FROM ?:ult_product_descriptions WHERE company_id = ?i AND product_id IN (?n) AND lang_code = ?s", 'product_id', $company_id, $product_ids, $lang_code);
    } else {
        $prices = db_get_hash_multi_array('SELECT product_id, (IF(percentage_discount = 0, price, price - (price * percentage_discount)/100)) as price, usergroup_id FROM ?:product_prices WHERE product_id IN (?n) AND lower_limit = 1', array('product_id', 'usergroup_id'), $product_ids);
        $product_categories = db_get_hash_multi_array("SELECT pc.product_id, c.category_id, c.usergroup_ids, c.status FROM ?:categories AS c LEFT JOIN ?:products_categories AS pc ON c.category_id = pc.category_id WHERE product_id IN (?n) AND c.status IN ('A', 'H')", array('product_id', 'category_id'), $product_ids);
    if (Registry::get('settings.General.inventory_tracking') == 'Y' && Registry::get('settings.General.show_out_of_stock_products') == 'N') {
        $product_options = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT product_id, max(amount) as amount FROM ?:product_options_inventory WHERE product_id IN (?n) GROUP BY product_id", array('product_id', 'amount'), $product_ids);
    $descriptions = db_get_hash_array("SELECT product_id, full_description FROM ?:product_descriptions WHERE 1 AND product_id IN (?n) AND lang_code = ?s", 'product_id', $product_ids, $lang_code);
    foreach ($products as &$product) {
        $product_id = $product['product_id'];
        if (isset($shared_prices[$product_id])) {
            $product['se_prices'] = $shared_prices[$product_id];
        } elseif (isset($prices[$product_id])) {
            $product['se_prices'] = $prices[$product_id];
        } else {
            $product['se_prices'] = array('0' => array('price' => 0));
        if ($product['tracking'] == ProductTracking::TRACK_WITH_OPTIONS && isset($product_options[$product_id])) {
            $product['amount'] = $product_options[$product_id];
        if (!empty($shared_descriptions[$product_id]['full_description'])) {
            $product['se_full_description'] = $shared_descriptions[$product_id]['full_description'];
        } elseif (!empty($descriptions[$product_id]['full_description'])) {
            $product['se_full_description'] = $descriptions[$product_id]['full_description'];
        $product['category_ids'] = array();
        $product['category_usergroup_ids'] = array();
        if (!empty($product_categories[$product_id])) {
            foreach ($product_categories[$product_id] as $pc) {
                $product['category_ids'][] = $pc['category_id'];
                $product['category_usergroup_ids'] = array_merge($product['category_usergroup_ids'], explode(',', $pc['usergroup_ids']));
        $product['empty_categories'] = empty($product['category_ids']) ? 'Y' : 'N';
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Update multiple posts at once
 * @param array $posts posts data
 * @return boolean always true
function fn_update_discussion_posts($posts)
    if (!empty($posts) && is_array($posts)) {
        $threads = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT post_id, thread_id FROM ?:discussion_posts WHERE post_id IN (?n)", array('post_id', 'thread_id'), array_keys($posts));
        $messages_exist = db_get_fields("SELECT post_id FROM ?:discussion_messages WHERE post_id IN (?n)", array_keys($posts));
        $rating_exist = db_get_fields("SELECT post_id FROM ?:discussion_rating WHERE post_id IN (?n)", array_keys($posts));
        foreach ($posts as $p_id => $data) {
            db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion_posts SET ?u WHERE post_id = ?i", $data, $p_id);
            if (in_array($p_id, $messages_exist)) {
                db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion_messages SET ?u WHERE post_id = ?i", $data, $p_id);
            } else {
                $data['thread_id'] = $threads[$p_id];
                $data['post_id'] = $p_id;
                db_query("INSERT INTO ?:discussion_messages ?e", $data);
            if (in_array($p_id, $rating_exist)) {
                db_query("UPDATE ?:discussion_rating SET ?u WHERE post_id = ?i", $data, $p_id);
            } else {
                $data['thread_id'] = $threads[$p_id];
                $data['post_id'] = $p_id;
                db_query("INSERT INTO ?:discussion_rating ?e", $data);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Update addon options
 * @param string $addon addon to update options for
 * @param string $addon_data options data
 * @return bool always true
function fn_update_addon($addon, $addon_data)
    fn_get_schema('settings', 'actions', 'php', false, true);
    // Get old options
    $old_options = db_get_field("SELECT options FROM ?:addons WHERE addon = ?s", $addon);
    $old_options = fn_parse_addon_options($old_options);
    $ml_options = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT object_id, description FROM ?:addon_descriptions WHERE addon = ?s AND object_id != '' AND object_type = 'L' AND lang_code = ?s", array('object_id', 'description'), $addon, CART_LANGUAGE);
    foreach ($old_options as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($addon_data['options'][$k]) && ($v != '%ML%' && $addon_data['options'][$k] != $v || $v == '%ML%' && isset($ml_options[$k]) && $addon_data['options'][$k] != $ml_options[$k]) || !isset($addon_data['options'][$k])) {
            $func = 'fn_settings_actions_addons_' . $addon . '_' . $k;
            if (function_exists($func)) {
                $func($addon_data['options'][$k], $v == '%ML%' ? $ml_options[$k] : $v);
        if ($v == '%ML%') {
            db_query("UPDATE ?:addon_descriptions SET ?u WHERE addon = ?s AND object_id = ?s AND object_type = 'L' AND lang_code = ?s", array('description' => $addon_data['options'][$k]), $addon, $k, CART_LANGUAGE);
            $addon_data['options'][$k] = '%ML%';
    if (!empty($addon_data['options'])) {
        foreach ($addon_data['options'] as $k => $v) {
            if (is_array($v)) {
                $addon_data['options'][$k] = '#M#' . implode('=Y&', $v) . '=Y';
        $addon_data['options'] = serialize($addon_data['options']);
    } else {
        $addon_data['options'] = '';
    db_query("UPDATE ?:addons SET ?u WHERE addon = ?s", $addon_data, $addon);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected function getMarketCategories()
     static $market_categories = null;
     if (!isset($market_categories)) {
         $market_categories = array();
         if ($this->options['market_category'] == "Y" && $this->options['market_category_object'] == "category") {
             $market_categories = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT category_id, yml_market_category FROM ?:categories WHERE yml_market_category != ?s", array('category_id', 'yml_market_category'), '');
     return $market_categories;
Exemplo n.º 22
function fn_reward_points_rma_recalculate_order(&$item, &$mirror_item, &$type, &$ex_data, &$amount)
    if (!isset($item['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) {
        if (isset($mirror_item['extra']['points_info']['reward'])) {
            $item['extra']['points_info']['reward'] = floor((isset($item['primordial_amount']) ? $item['primordial_amount'] : $item['amount']) * ($mirror_item['extra']['points_info']['reward'] / $mirror_item['amount']));
        if (isset($mirror_item['extra']['points_info']['price'])) {
            $item['extra']['points_info']['price'] = floor((isset($item['primordial_amount']) ? $item['primordial_amount'] : $item['amount']) * ($mirror_item['extra']['points_info']['price'] / $mirror_item['amount']));
        if (in_array($type, array('O-', 'M-O+'))) {
            if (isset($item['extra']['points_info']['reward'])) {
                $points = ($type == 'O-' ? 1 : -1) * floor($amount * (!empty($item['amount']) ? $item['extra']['points_info']['reward'] / $item['amount'] : $mirror_item['extra']['points_info']['reward'] / $mirror_item['amount']));
                $additional_data = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT type,data FROM ?:order_data WHERE order_id = ?i", array('type', 'data'), $ex_data['order_id']);
                if (!empty($additional_data[POINTS])) {
                    db_query('UPDATE ?:order_data SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = ?s', array('data' => $additional_data[POINTS] + $points), $ex_data['order_id'], POINTS);
                if (!empty($additional_data[ORDER_DATA_POINTS_GAIN]) && $additional_data[ORDER_DATA_POINTS_GAIN] == 'Y') {
                    $user_id = db_get_field("SELECT user_id FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i", $ex_data['order_id']);
                    $reason = array('return_id' => $ex_data['return_id'], 'to' => $ex_data['status_to'], 'from' => $ex_data['status_from']);
                    fn_change_user_points($points, $user_id, serialize($reason), CHANGE_DUE_RMA);
Exemplo n.º 23
function fn_get_post_attributes($post, $object_id)
    $attributes = fn_get_review_attributes($object_id);
    //get rating values for each post
    $ratings = db_get_hash_single_array('SELECT attr_id, rating FROM ?:review_rating WHERE post_id = ?i', array('attr_id', 'rating'), $post['post_id']);
    foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
        $post['attributes'][$attribute['attr_id']] = $attribute;
        $post['attributes'][$attribute['attr_id']]['value'] = $ratings[$attribute['attr_id']];
    return $post;
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Gets currensies list
 * @param bool $only_avail if true get only available currensies
 * @return array Currencies list
function fn_get_simple_currencies($only_avail = true)
    $status_cond = $only_avail ? "WHERE status = 'A'" : '';
    return db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.*, b.description FROM ?:currencies as a LEFT JOIN ?:currency_descriptions as b ON a.currency_code = b.currency_code AND lang_code = ?s {$status_cond} ORDER BY a.position", array('currency_code', 'description'), CART_LANGUAGE);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Gets only active languages list (as lang_code => name)
  * @param  bool  $include_hidden if true get hiddenlanguages too
  * @return array languages list
 public static function getSimpleLanguages($include_hidden = false)
     $language_condition = $include_hidden ? "WHERE status <> 'D'" : "WHERE status = 'A'";
     if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE')) {
         $language_condition .= db_quote(' OR lang_code = ?s', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
     $languages = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT lang_code, name FROM ?:languages ?p", array('lang_code', 'name'), $language_condition);
     $languages = self::afterFind($languages, true);
     return $languages;
Exemplo n.º 26
function fn_get_localization_data($localization_id, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $additional_data = false)
    $loc_data = array();
    if (!fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE')) {
        $loc_data['data'] = db_get_row("SELECT a.localization_id, a.status, a.custom_weight_settings, a.weight_symbol, a.weight_unit, a.is_default, b.localization FROM ?:localizations as a LEFT JOIN ?:localization_descriptions as b ON a.localization_id = b.localization_id AND b.lang_code = ?s WHERE a.localization_id = ?i ORDER BY localization", $lang_code, $localization_id);
        if (empty($loc_data['data'])) {
            return array();
        if ($additional_data == true) {
            $loc_data['countries'] = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.code, b.country FROM ?:countries as a LEFT JOIN ?:country_descriptions as b ON b.code = a.code AND b.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:localization_elements as c ON c.element_type = 'C' AND c.element = a.code WHERE c.localization_id = ?i ORDER BY position", array('code', 'country'), $lang_code, $localization_id);
            $loc_data['currencies'] = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.currency_code, a.description FROM ?:currency_descriptions as a LEFT JOIN ?:localization_elements as b ON b.element_type = 'M' AND b.element = a.currency_code WHERE b.localization_id = ?i AND a.lang_code = ?s ORDER BY position", array('currency_code', 'description'), $localization_id, $lang_code);
            $loc_data['languages'] = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.lang_code, a.name FROM ?:languages as a LEFT JOIN ?:localization_elements as b ON b.element_type = 'L' AND b.element = a.lang_code WHERE b.localization_id = ?i ORDER BY position", array('lang_code', 'name'), $localization_id);
    return $loc_data;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Return order/orders info after the order placing
  * @param int   $order_id
  * @param array $response
 public static function returnPlacedOrders($order_id, &$response, $items_per_page, $lang_code)
     $order = self::getOrderInfo($order_id);
     $_error = false;
     $status = db_get_field('SELECT status FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id=?i', $order_id);
     if ($status == STATUS_PARENT_ORDER) {
         $child_orders = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT order_id, status FROM ?:orders WHERE parent_order_id = ?i", array('order_id', 'status'), $order_id);
         $status = reset($child_orders);
         $order['child_orders'] = array_keys($child_orders);
     if (!in_array($status, fn_get_order_paid_statuses())) {
         $_error = true;
         if ($status != 'B') {
             if (!empty($child_orders)) {
                 array_unshift($child_orders, $order_id);
             } else {
                 $child_orders = array();
                 $child_orders[] = $order_id;
             $order_id_field = $status == 'N' ? 'processed_order_id' : 'failed_order_id';
             $_SESSION['cart'][$order_id_field] = $child_orders;
             $cart =& $_SESSION['cart'];
             if (!empty($cart['failed_order_id'])) {
                 $_ids = !empty($cart['failed_order_id']) ? $cart['failed_order_id'] : $cart['processed_order_id'];
                 $_order_id = reset($_ids);
                 $_payment_info = db_get_field("SELECT data\n                         FROM ?:order_data\n                         WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = 'P'", $_order_id);
                 if (!empty($_payment_info)) {
                     $_payment_info = unserialize(fn_decrypt_text($_payment_info));
                 $_msg = !empty($_payment_info['reason_text']) ? $_payment_info['reason_text'] : '';
                 $_msg .= empty($_msg) ? __('text_order_placed_error') : '';
                 $response->addError('ERROR_FAIL_POST_ORDER', $_msg);
                 $cart['processed_order_id'] = $cart['failed_order_id'];
             } elseif (!fn_twg_set_internal_errors($response, 'ERROR_FAIL_POST_ORDER')) {
                 $response->addError('ERROR_FAIL_POST_ORDER', __('fail_post_order', $lang_code));
         } else {
             if (!fn_twg_set_internal_errors($response, 'ERROR_ORDER_BACKORDERED')) {
                 $response->addError('ERROR_ORDER_BACKORDERED', __('text_order_backordered', $lang_code));
     $auth =& $_SESSION['auth'];
     $user = fn_get_user_info($auth['user_id']);
     $profile_points = !empty($user['points']) ? $user['points'] : 0;
     if (empty($order['child_orders'])) {
         $response->setData(array('order' => $order, 'profile_points' => $profile_points));
     } else {
         $params = array();
         if (empty($auth['user_id'])) {
             $params['order_id'] = $auth['order_ids'];
         } else {
             $params['user_id'] = $auth['user_id'];
         list($orders, , $totals) = fn_get_orders($params, $items_per_page, true);
         $response->setMeta(!empty($totals['gross_total']) ? $totals['gross_total'] : 0, 'gross_total');
         $response->setMeta(!empty($totals['totally_paid']) ? $totals['totally_paid'] : 0, 'totally_paid');
         $response->setMeta($order, 'order');
         $response->setResponseList(TwigmoOrder::getOrdersAsApiList($orders, $lang_code));
         $response->setData($profile_points, 'profile_points');
         $pagination_params = array('items_per_page' => !empty($items_per_page) ? $items_per_page : TWG_RESPONSE_ITEMS_LIMIT, 'page' => !empty($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1);
         fn_twg_set_response_pagination($response, $pagination_params);
Exemplo n.º 28
function fn_google_sitemap_get_content($map_page = 0)
    $cache_path = fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'google_sitemap/';
    define('ITEMS_PER_PAGE', 500);
    define('MAX_URLS_IN_MAP', 50000);
    // 50 000 is the maximum for one sitemap file
    define('MAX_SIZE_IN_KBYTES', 10000);
    // 10240 KB || 10 Mb is the maximum for one sitemap file
    $sitemap_settings = Registry::get('addons.google_sitemap');
    $location = Registry::get('config.http_location');
    $lmod = date("Y-m-d", TIME);
    header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8");
    $simple_head = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"

    $simple_foot = <<<FOOT

    $index_map_url = <<<HEAD

    $link_counter = 1;
    $file_counter = 1;
    $file = fopen($cache_path . 'sitemap' . $file_counter . '.xml', "wb");
    fwrite($file, $simple_head . $index_map_url);
    $languages = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT lang_code, name FROM ?:languages WHERE status = 'A'", array('lang_code', 'name'));
    if ($sitemap_settings['include_categories'] == "Y") {
        $categories = db_get_fields("SELECT category_id FROM ?:categories WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?i, usergroup_ids) AND status = 'A' ?p", USERGROUP_ALL, fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:categories.company_id'));
        //Add the all active categories
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('category', $category, $languages);
            $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['categories_change'], $sitemap_settings['categories_priority']);
            fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot);
            fwrite($file, $item);
    if ($sitemap_settings['include_products'] == "Y") {
        $page = 1;
        $total = ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
        $params = $_REQUEST;
        $params['page'] = $page;
        $params['custom_extend'] = array('categories');
        $params['sort_by'] = 'null';
        $params['only_short_fields'] = true;
        while (ITEMS_PER_PAGE * ($params['page'] - 1) <= $total) {
            list($products, $search) = fn_get_products($params, ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
            $total = $search['total_items'];
            foreach ($products as $product) {
                $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('product', $product['product_id'], $languages);
                $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['products_change'], $sitemap_settings['products_priority']);
                fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot);
                fwrite($file, $item);
    if ($sitemap_settings['include_pages'] == "Y") {
        $pages = db_get_fields("SELECT page_id FROM ?:pages WHERE status = 'A' AND page_type != 'L' ?p", fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:pages.company_id'));
        //Add the all active pages
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('page', $page, $languages);
            $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['pages_change'], $sitemap_settings['pages_priority']);
            fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot);
            fwrite($file, $item);
    if ($sitemap_settings['include_extended'] == "Y") {
        $vars = db_get_fields("SELECT ?:product_feature_variants.variant_id FROM ?:product_feature_variants " . "LEFT JOIN ?:product_features ON (?:product_feature_variants.feature_id = ?:product_features.feature_id) " . "WHERE ?:product_features.feature_type = 'E' AND ?:product_features.status = 'A'");
        //Add the all active extended features
        foreach ($vars as $var) {
            $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('extended', $var, $languages);
            $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['extended_change'], $sitemap_settings['extended_priority']);
            fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot);
            fwrite($file, $item);
    if (Registry::isExist("addons.news_and_emails") && $sitemap_settings['include_news'] == 'Y') {
        $news = db_get_fields("SELECT news_id FROM ?:news WHERE status = 'A' ?p", fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:news.company_id'));
        if (!empty($news)) {
            foreach ($news as $news_id) {
                $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('news', $news_id, $languages);
                $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['news_change'], $sitemap_settings['news_priority']);
                fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot);
                fwrite($file, $item);
    if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && $sitemap_settings['include_companies'] == 'Y') {
        $companies = db_get_fields("SELECT company_id FROM ?:companies WHERE status = 'A' ?p", fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:companies.company_id'));
        if (!empty($companies)) {
            foreach ($companies as $company_id) {
                $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('companies', $company_id, $languages);
                $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['companies_change'], $sitemap_settings['companies_priority']);
                fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot);
                fwrite($file, $item);
    fn_set_hook('sitemap_item', $sitemap_settings, $file, $lmod, $link_counter, $file_counter);
    fwrite($file, $simple_foot);
    if ($file_counter == 1) {
        fn_rename($cache_path . 'sitemap' . $file_counter . '.xml', $cache_path . 'sitemap.xml');
    } else {
        // Make a map index file
        $maps = '';
        $seo_enabled = Registry::get('addons.seo.status') == 'A' ? true : false;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $file_counter; $i++) {
            if ($seo_enabled) {
                $name = $location . '/sitemap' . $i . '.xml';
            } else {
                $name = fn_url('xmlsitemap.view?page=' . $i, 'C', 'http');
            $name = htmlentities($name);
            $maps .= <<<MAP

        $index_map = <<<HEAD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"

        $file = fopen($cache_path . 'sitemap.xml', "wb");
        fwrite($file, $index_map);
    $filename = $cache_path . 'sitemap.xml';
    if (!empty($map_page)) {
        $name = $cache_path . 'sitemap' . $map_page . '.xml';
        if (file_exists($name)) {
            $filename = $name;
Exemplo n.º 29
function fn_rma_recalculate_order($order_id, $recalculate_type, $return_id, $is_refund, $ex_data)
    if (empty($recalculate_type) || empty($return_id) || empty($order_id) || !is_array($ex_data) || $recalculate_type == 'M' && !isset($ex_data['total'])) {
        return false;
    $order = db_get_row("SELECT total, subtotal, discount, shipping_cost, status FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i", $order_id);
    $order_items = db_get_hash_array("SELECT * FROM ?:order_details WHERE ?:order_details.order_id = ?i", 'item_id', $order_id);
    $additional_data = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT type, data FROM ?:order_data WHERE order_id = ?i", array('type', 'data'), $order_id);
    $order_return_info = @unserialize(@$additional_data[ORDER_DATA_RETURN]);
    $order_tax_info = @unserialize(@$additional_data['T']);
    $status_order = $order['status'];
    if ($recalculate_type == 'R') {
        $product_groups = @unserialize(@$additional_data['G']);
        if ($is_refund == 'Y') {
            $sign = $ex_data['inventory_to'] == 'I' ? -1 : 1;
            // What for is this section ???
            if (!empty($order_return_info['returned_products'])) {
                foreach ($order_return_info['returned_products'] as $item_id => $item) {
                    if (isset($item['extra']['returns'][$return_id])) {
                        $r_item = $o_item = $item;
                        $r_item['amount'] = $item['amount'] - $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount'];
                        fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $r_item, $item, 'O-', $ex_data);
                        if (empty($r_item['amount'])) {
                        } else {
                            $order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id] = $r_item;
                        $o_item['primordial_amount'] = (isset($order_items[$item_id]) ? $order_items[$item_id]['amount'] : 0) + $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount'];
                        $o_item['primordial_discount'] = @$o_item['extra']['discount'];
                        fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $o_item, $item, 'M+', $ex_data);
                        $o_item['amount'] = (isset($order_items[$item_id]) ? $order_items[$item_id]['amount'] : 0) + $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount'];
                        if (isset($order_items[$item_id]['extra'])) {
                            $o_item['extra'] = @unserialize($order_items[$item_id]['extra']);
                        $o_item['extra']['returns'][$return_id] = $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id];
                        $o_item['extra'] = serialize($o_item['extra']);
                        if (!isset($order_items[$item_id])) {
                            db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:order_details ?e", $o_item);
                        } else {
                            db_query("UPDATE ?:order_details SET ?u WHERE item_id = ?i AND order_id = ?i", $o_item, $item_id, $order_id);
            // Check all the products and update their amount and cost.
            foreach ($order_items as $item_id => $item) {
                $item['extra'] = @unserialize($item['extra']);
                if (isset($item['extra']['returns'][$return_id])) {
                    $o_item = $item;
                    $o_item['amount'] = $o_item['amount'] + $sign * $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount'];
                    if (empty($o_item['extra']['returns'])) {
                    fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $o_item, $item, '', $ex_data);
                    if (empty($o_item['amount'])) {
                        db_query("DELETE FROM ?:order_details WHERE item_id = ?i AND order_id = ?i", $item_id, $order_id);
                    } else {
                        $o_item['extra'] = serialize($o_item['extra']);
                        db_query("UPDATE ?:order_details SET ?u WHERE item_id = ?i AND order_id = ?i", $o_item, $item_id, $order_id);
                    if (!isset($order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id])) {
                        $r_item = $item;
                        $r_item['amount'] = $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount'];
                    } else {
                        $r_item = $order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id];
                        $r_item['amount'] = $r_item['amount'] + $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id]['amount'];
                    fn_rma_recalculate_order_routine($order, $r_item, $item, 'M-O+', $ex_data);
                    $r_item['extra']['returns'][$return_id] = $item['extra']['returns'][$return_id];
                    $order_return_info['returned_products'][$item_id] = $r_item;
                    fn_rma_update_order_taxes($order_tax_info, $item_id, $item['amount'], $o_item['amount'], $order);
            $_ori_data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => ORDER_DATA_RETURN, 'data' => $order_return_info);
        $shipping_info = array();
        if ($product_groups) {
            $_total = 0;
            foreach ($product_groups as $key_group => $group) {
                if (isset($group['chosen_shippings'])) {
                    foreach ($group['chosen_shippings'] as $key_shipping => $shipping) {
                        $_total += $shipping['rate'];
            foreach ($product_groups as $key_group => $group) {
                if (isset($group['chosen_shippings'])) {
                    foreach ((array) $ex_data['shipping_costs'] as $shipping_id => $cost) {
                        foreach ($group['chosen_shippings'] as $key_shipping => $shipping) {
                            $shipping_id = $shipping['shipping_id'];
                            $product_groups[$key_group]['chosen_shippings'][$key_shipping]['rate'] = fn_format_price($_total ? $shipping['rate'] / $_total * $cost : $cost / count($product_groups));
                            $product_groups[$key_group]['shippings'][$shipping_id]['rate'] = fn_format_price($_total ? $shipping['rate'] / $_total * $cost : $cost / count($product_groups));
                            if (empty($shipping_info[$shipping_id])) {
                                $shipping_info[$shipping_id] = $product_groups[$key_group]['shippings'][$shipping_id];
                            $shipping_info[$shipping_id]['rates'][$key_group] = $product_groups[$key_group]['shippings'][$shipping_id]['rate'];
            db_query("UPDATE ?:order_data SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = 'G'", array('data' => serialize($product_groups)), $order_id);
            fn_update_shipping_taxes($order_tax_info, $shipping_info, $order);
        $order['total'] -= $order['shipping_cost'];
        $order['shipping_cost'] = isset($ex_data['shipping_costs']) ? array_sum($ex_data['shipping_costs']) : $order['shipping_cost'];
        $order['total'] += $order['shipping_cost'];
        $order['total'] = $order['total'] < 0 ? 0 : $order['total'];
        if (!empty($order_tax_info)) {
            db_query("UPDATE ?:order_data SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = 'T'", array('data' => serialize($order_tax_info)), $order_id);
    } elseif ($recalculate_type == 'M') {
        $order['total'] = $order['total'] + $ex_data['total'];
        $_ori_data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => ORDER_DATA_RETURN, 'data' => array('return' => fn_format_price((isset($order_return_info['return']) ? $order_return_info['return'] : 0) - $ex_data['total']), 'returned_products' => isset($order_return_info['returned_products']) ? $order_return_info['returned_products'] : ''));
        $return_products = db_get_hash_array("SELECT * FROM ?:rma_return_products WHERE return_id = ?i AND type = ?s", 'item_id', $return_id, RETURN_PRODUCT_ACCEPTED);
        foreach ((array) $return_products as $item_id => $v) {
            $v['extra']['product_options'] = @unserialize($v['extra']['product_options']);
            if ($ex_data['inventory_to'] == 'D' || $ex_data['status_to'] == RMA_DEFAULT_STATUS) {
                fn_update_product_amount($v['product_id'], $v['amount'], @$v['extra']['product_options'], '-');
            } elseif ($ex_data['inventory_to'] == 'I') {
                fn_update_product_amount($v['product_id'], $v['amount'], $v['extra']['product_options'], '+');
    if ($is_refund == 'Y') {
        if (isset($_ori_data['data']['return']) && floatval($_ori_data['data']['return']) == 0) {
        if (empty($_ori_data['data']['returned_products'])) {
        if (!empty($_ori_data['data'])) {
            $_ori_data['data'] = serialize($_ori_data['data']);
            db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:order_data ?e", $_ori_data);
        } else {
            db_query("DELETE FROM ?:order_data WHERE order_id = ?i AND type = ?s", $order_id, ORDER_DATA_RETURN);
    foreach ($order as $k => $v) {
        $order[$k] = fn_format_price($v);
    db_query("UPDATE ?:orders SET ?u WHERE order_id = ?i", $order, $order_id);
    if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR')) {
        $_SESSION['cart'] = isset($_SESSION['cart']) ? $_SESSION['cart'] : array();
        $cart =& $_SESSION['cart'];
        $action = 'save';
        fn_mve_place_order($order_id, $action, $status_order, $cart);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Copy all layout data from one layout to another by ID
  * @param  integer $from_layout_id source layout ID
  * @param  integer $to_layout_id   target layout ID
  * @return boolean true on success, false - otherwise
 public function copyById($from_layout_id, $to_layout_id)
     $from_layout = $this->get($from_layout_id);
     if (empty($from_layout)) {
         return false;
     $object_ids = array();
     $location = Location::instance($from_layout_id)->copy($to_layout_id);
     $target_company_id = 0;
     if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
         $target_company_id = db_get_field("SELECT company_id FROM ?:bm_layouts WHERE layout_id = ?i", $to_layout_id);
     // Copy logos
     $types = fn_get_logo_types();
     foreach ($types as $type => $data) {
         if (!empty($data['for_layout'])) {
             $object_ids[$type] = fn_create_logo(array('type' => $type, 'layout_id' => $to_layout_id), $target_company_id);
     $logo_ids = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT logo_id, type FROM ?:logos WHERE layout_id = ?i AND type IN (?a)", array('type', 'logo_id'), $from_layout_id, array_keys($object_ids));
     foreach ($logo_ids as $type => $logo_id) {
         fn_clone_image_pairs($object_ids[$type], $logo_id, 'logos');
     return true;