$params[] = '%' . $vars['query'] . '%'; } $query .= ' ORDER BY `' . $ip_version . '_network`;'; //print_vars($query); break; case 'ifspeed': $query_permitted = generate_query_permitted('ports'); $query = 'SELECT `ifSpeed`, COUNT(ifSpeed) as `count` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifSpeed` > 0 ' . $query_permitted . ' GROUP BY ifSpeed ORDER BY `count` DESC'; $call_function = 'formatRates'; $call_params = array(4, 4); break; default: json_output('error', 'Search type unknown'); } if (strlen($query)) { $options = dbFetchColumn($query, $params); if (count($options)) { if (isset($call_function)) { $call_options = array(); foreach ($options as $option) { $call_options[] = call_user_func_array($call_function, array_merge(array($option), $call_params)); } $options = $call_options; } if ($vars['cache'] != 'no') { $_SESSION['cache']['options_' . $vars['field']] = $options; // Cache query data in session for speedup } header("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); echo json_encode(array('options' => $options)); } else {
$peer_device_id = array('NULL'); foreach ($ip_array as $entry) { $as_array = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `bgpPeerRemoteAs` FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($entry['device_id'])); if (in_array($bgpLocalAs, $as_array)) { $peer_device_id = $entry['device_id']; $peer_device = device_by_id_cache($peer_device_id); if ($peer_device['status'] && $entry['ifOperStatus'] == 'up') { break; // Stop on first UP device/port } } } } else { if ($ip_array) { // It simple, only one device $as_array = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `bgpPeerRemoteAs` FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($ip_array[0]['device_id'])); if (in_array($bgpLocalAs, $as_array)) { $peer_device_id = $ip_array[0]['device_id']; } } else { $peer_device_id = array('NULL'); } } } if (is_numeric($peer_device_id)) { $peer_device = device_by_id_cache($peer_device_id); } else { unset($peer_device); } $table_rows[$peer['ip']] = array($peer['local_ip'], $peer['as'], $peer['ip'], '', $reverse_dns, truncate($peer_device['hostname'], 30)); $params = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'bgpPeerIdentifier' => $peer['id'], 'bgpPeerRemoteAddr' => $peer['ip'], 'bgpPeerLocalAddr' => $peer['local_ip'], 'bgpPeerRemoteAs' => $peer['as'], 'astext' => $astext, 'reverse_dns' => $reverse_dns, 'peer_device_id' => $peer_device_id);
if (count($key_val) != 2) { $key_val[] = ''; } $key = $key_val[0]; $value = $key_val[1]; $prop_id = explode('.', $key); if (count($prop_id) != 2 || !ctype_digit($prop_id[1])) { continue; } $property = $prop_id[0]; $id = intval($prop_id[1]); $sla_table[$id][$property] = trim($value); } // var_dump($sla_table); // Get existing SLAs $existing_slas = dbFetchColumn('SELECT `sla_id` FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = :device_id AND `deleted` = 0', array('device_id' => $device['device_id'])); foreach ($sla_table as $sla_nr => $sla_config) { $query_data = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'sla_nr' => $sla_nr); $sla_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `sla_id` FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = :device_id AND `sla_nr` = :sla_nr', $query_data); $data = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'sla_nr' => $sla_nr, 'owner' => $sla_config['rttMonCtrlAdminOwner'], 'tag' => $sla_config['rttMonCtrlAdminTag'], 'rtt_type' => $sla_config['rttMonCtrlAdminRttType'], 'status' => $sla_config['rttMonCtrlAdminStatus'] == 'active' ? 1 : 0, 'opstatus' => $sla_config['rttMonLatestRttOperSense'] == 'ok' ? 0 : 2, 'deleted' => 0); // Some fallbacks for when the tag is empty if (!$data['tag']) { switch ($data['rtt_type']) { case 'http': $data['tag'] = $sla_config['rttMonEchoAdminURL']; break; case 'dns': $data['tag'] = $sla_config['rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddressString']; break; case 'echo': $parts = explode(' ', $sla_config['rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress']);
foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ports`' . $where) as $device_id) { if ($cache['devices']['id'][$device_id]['hostname']) { $form_items['devices'][$device_id] = $cache['devices']['id'][$device_id]['hostname']; } } natcasesort($form_items['devices']); // If device IDs passed, limit ports to specified devices if ($vars['device']) { $neighbours_ports = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `port_id` FROM `ports`' . $where . generate_query_values($vars['device'], 'device_id')); $where = ' WHERE 1 '; $where .= generate_query_values($neighbours_ports, 'port_id'); //r($where); } $form_params = array('platforms' => 'remote_platform', 'versions' => 'remote_version', 'protocols' => 'protocol'); foreach ($form_params as $param => $column) { foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `' . $column . '` FROM `neighbours`' . $where) as $entry) { if (!empty($entry)) { $form_items[$param][$entry] = $param == 'protocols' ? nicecase($entry) : escape_html($entry); } } } $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => generate_url($vars)); $form['row'][0]['device'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Device', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['device'], 'values' => $form_items['devices']); $form['row'][0]['protocol'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Protocol', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['protocol'], 'values' => $form_items['protocols']); $form['row'][0]['platform'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Platform', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['platform'], 'values' => $form_items['platforms']); $form['row'][0]['version'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Version', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['version'], 'values' => $form_items['versions']); $form['row'][0]['remote_port_id'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'Version', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => escape_html($vars['remote_port_id']), 'values' => array('' => 'All Devices', '1' => 'Known Devices', '0' => 'Unknown Devices')); // search button $form['row'][0]['search'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'right' => TRUE); $panel_form = array('type' => 'rows', 'title' => 'Search Neighbours', 'space' => '10px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => generate_url($vars)); $panel_form['row'][0]['device'] = $form['row'][0]['device'];
function get_locations($filter = array()) { foreach ($filter as $var => $value) { switch ($var) { case 'location_lat': case 'location_lon': case 'location_country': case 'location_state': case 'location_county': case 'location_city': // Check geo params only when GEO enabled globally if (!$GLOBALS['config']['geocoding']['enable']) { break; } case 'location': $where_array[$var] = generate_query_values($value, $var); break; } } if (count($where_array)) { // Return only founded locations $where = implode('', $where_array) . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['devices_permitted']; $locations = dbFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT `location` FROM `devices_locations` WHERE 1 {$where};"); } else { $locations = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['cache']['device_locations'] as $location => $count) { $locations[] = $location; } } sort($locations); return $locations; }
/** * Poll a table or oids from SNMP and build an RRD based on an array of arguments. * * Current limitations: * - single MIB and RRD file for all graphs * - single table per MIB * - if set definition 'call_function', than poll used specific function for snmp walk/get, * else by default used snmpwalk_cache_oid() * - allowed oids only with simple numeric index (oid.0, oid.33), NOT allowed (oid.1.2.23) * - only numeric data * * Example of (full) args array: * array( * 'file' => 'someTable.rrd', // [MANDATORY] RRD filename, but if not set used MIB_table.rrd as filename * 'call_function' => 'snmpwalk_cache_oid' // [OPTIONAL] Which function to use for snmp poll, bu default snmpwalk_cache_oid() * 'mib' => 'SOMETHING-MIB', // [OPTIONAL] MIB or list of MIBs separated by a colon * 'mib_dir' => 'something', // [OPTIONAL] OS MIB directory or array of directories * 'graphs' => array('one','two'), // [OPTIONAL] List of graph_types that this table provides * 'table' => 'someTable', // [RECOMENDED] Table name for OIDs * 'numeric' => '.', // [OPTIONAL] Numeric table OID * 'ds_rename' => array('http' => ''), // [OPTIONAL] Array for renaming OIDs to DSes * 'oids' => array( // List of OIDs you can use as key: full OID name * 'someOid' => array( // OID name (You can use OID name, like 'cpvIKECurrSAs') * 'descr' => 'Current IKE SAs', // [OPTIONAL] Description of the OID contents * 'numeric' => '.', // [OPTIONAL] Numeric OID * 'index' => '0', // [OPTIONAL] OID index, if not set equals '0' * 'ds_name' => 'IKECurrSAs', // [OPTIONAL] DS name, if not set used OID name truncated to 19 chars * 'ds_type' => 'GAUGE', // [OPTIONAL] DS type, if not set equals 'COUNTER' * 'ds_min' => '0', // [OPTIONAL] Min value for DS, if not set equals 'U' * 'ds_max' => '30000' // [OPTIONAL] Max value for DS, if not set equals '100000000000' * ) * ) * */ function collect_table($device, $oids_def, &$graphs) { $rrd = array(); $mib = NULL; $mib_dirs = NULL; $use_walk = isset($oids_def['table']) && $oids_def['table']; // Use snmpwalk by default $call_function = strtolower($oids_def['call_function']); switch ($call_function) { case 'snmp_get_multi': $use_walk = FALSE; break; case 'snmpwalk_cache_oid': default: $call_function = 'snmpwalk_cache_oid'; if (!$use_walk) { // Break because we should use snmpwalk, but walking table not set return FALSE; } } if (isset($oids_def['numeric'])) { $oids_def['numeric'] = '.' . trim($oids_def['numeric'], '. '); } // Remove trailing dot if (isset($oids_def['mib'])) { $mib = $oids_def['mib']; } if (isset($oids_def['mib_dir'])) { $mib_dirs = mib_dirs($oids_def['mib_dir']); } if (isset($oids_def['file'])) { $rrd_file = $oids_def['file']; } else { if ($mib && isset($oids_def['table'])) { // Try to use MIB & tableName as rrd_file $rrd_file = strtolower(safename($mib . '_' . $oids_def['table'])) . '.rrd'; } else { print_debug(" WARNING, not have rrd filename."); return FALSE; // Not have RRD filename } } // Get MIBS/Tables/OIDs permissions if ($use_walk) { // if use table walk, than check only this table permission (not oids) if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `mib` = ? AND `table_name` = ?\n AND (`oid` = '' OR `oid` IS NULL) AND `disabled` = '1'", array($device['device_id'], $mib, $oids_def['table']))) { print_debug(" WARNING, table '" . $oids_def['table'] . "' for '{$mib}' disabled and skipped."); return FALSE; // table disabled, exit } $oids_ok = TRUE; } else { // if use multi_get, than get all disabled oids $oids_disabled = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `oid` FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `mib` = ?\n AND (`oid` != '' AND `oid` IS NOT NULL) AND `disabled` = '1'", array($device['device_id'], $mib)); $oids_ok = empty($oids_disabled); // if empty disabled, than set to TRUE } $search = array(); $replace = array(); if (is_array($oids_def['ds_rename'])) { foreach ($oids_def['ds_rename'] as $s => $r) { $search[] = $s; $replace[] = $r; } } // rrd DS limit is 20 bytes (19 chars + NULL terminator) $ds_len = 19; $oids = array(); $oids_index = array(); foreach ($oids_def['oids'] as $oid => $entry) { if (is_numeric($entry['numeric']) && isset($oids_def['numeric'])) { $entry['numeric'] = $oids_def['numeric'] . '.' . $entry['numeric']; // Numeric oid, for future using } if (!isset($entry['index'])) { $entry['index'] = '0'; } if (!isset($entry['ds_type'])) { $entry['ds_type'] = 'COUNTER'; } if (!isset($entry['ds_min'])) { $entry['ds_min'] = 'U'; } if (!isset($entry['ds_max'])) { $entry['ds_max'] = '100000000000'; } if (!isset($entry['ds_name'])) { // Convert OID name to DS name $ds_name = $oid; if (is_array($oids_def['ds_rename'])) { $ds_name = str_replace($search, $replace, $ds_name); } } else { $ds_name = $entry['ds_name']; } if (strlen($ds_name) > $ds_len) { $ds_name = truncate($ds_name, $ds_len, ''); } if (isset($oids_def['no_index']) && $oids_def['no_index'] == TRUE) { $oids[] = $oid; } else { $oids[] = $oid . '.' . $entry['index']; } $oids_index[] = array('index' => $entry['index'], 'oid' => $oid); if (!$use_walk) { // Check permissions for snmp_get_multi _ONLY_ // if at least one oid missing in $oids_disabled than TRUE $oids_ok = $oids_ok || !in_array($oid, $oids_disabled); } $rrd['rrd_create'][] = ' DS:' . $ds_name . ':' . $entry['ds_type'] . ':600:' . $entry['ds_min'] . ':' . $entry['ds_max']; if ($GLOBALS['debug']) { $rrd['ds_list'][] = $ds_name; } // Make DS lists for compare with RRD file in debug } if (!$use_walk && !$oids_ok) { print_debug(" WARNING, oids '" . implode("', '", array_keys($oids_def['oids'])) . "' for '{$mib}' disabled and skipped."); return FALSE; // All oids disabled, exit } switch ($call_function) { case 'snmpwalk_cache_oid': $data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $oids_def['table'], array(), $mib, $mib_dirs); break; case 'snmp_get_multi': $data = snmp_get_multi($device, $oids, "-OQUs", $mib, $mib_dirs); break; } if (isset($GLOBALS['exec_status']['exitcode']) && $GLOBALS['exec_status']['exitcode'] !== 0) { // Break because latest snmp walk/get return not good exitstatus (wrong mib/timeout/error/etc) print_debug(" WARNING, latest snmp walk/get return not good exitstatus for '{$mib}', RRD update skipped."); return FALSE; } if (isset($oids_def['no_index']) && $oids_def['no_index'] == TRUE) { $data[0] = $data['']; } foreach ($oids_index as $entry) { $index = $entry['index']; $oid = $entry['oid']; if (is_numeric($data[$index][$oid])) { $rrd['ok'] = TRUE; // We have any data for current rrd_file $rrd['rrd_update'][] = $data[$index][$oid]; } else { $rrd['rrd_update'][] = 'U'; } } // Ok, all previous checks done, update RRD, table/oids permissions, $graphs if (isset($rrd['ok']) && $rrd['ok']) { // Create/update RRD file $rrd_create = implode('', $rrd['rrd_create']); $rrd_update = 'N:' . implode(':', $rrd['rrd_update']); rrdtool_create($device, $rrd_file, $rrd_create); rrdtool_update($device, $rrd_file, $rrd_update); foreach ($oids_def['graphs'] as $graph) { $graphs[$graph] = TRUE; // Set all graphs to TRUE } // Compare DSes form RRD file with DSes from array if (OBS_DEBUG) { $graph_template = "\$config['graph_types']['device']['GRAPH_CHANGE_ME'] = array(\n"; $graph_template .= " 'file' => '{$rrd_file}',\n"; $graph_template .= " 'ds' => array(\n"; $rrd_file_info = rrdtool_file_info(get_rrd_path($device, $rrd_file)); foreach ($rrd_file_info['DS'] as $ds => $nothing) { $ds_list[] = $ds; $graph_template .= " '{$ds}' => array('label' => '{$ds}'),\n"; } $graph_template .= " )\n);"; $in_args = array_diff($rrd['ds_list'], $ds_list); if ($in_args) { print_message("%rWARNING%n, in file '%W" . $rrd_file_info['filename'] . "%n' different DS lists. NOT have: " . implode(', ', $in_args)); } $in_file = array_diff($ds_list, $rrd['ds_list']); if ($in_file) { print_message("%rWARNING%n, in file '%W" . $rrd_file_info['filename'] . "%n' different DS lists. Excess: " . implode(', ', $in_file)); } // Print example for graph template using rrd_file and ds list print_message($graph_template); } } else { if ($use_walk) { // Table NOT exist on device! // Disable polling table (only if table not enabled manually in DB) if (!dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `mib` = ?\n AND `table_name` = ? AND (`oid` = '' OR `oid` IS NULL)", array($device['device_id'], $mib, $oids_def['table']))) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'mib' => $mib, 'table_name' => $oids_def['table'], 'disabled' => '1'), 'devices_mibs'); } print_debug(" WARNING, table '" . $oids_def['table'] . "' for '{$mib}' disabled."); } else { // OIDs NOT exist on device! // Disable polling oids (only if table not enabled manually in DB) foreach (array_keys($oids_def['oids']) as $oid) { if (!dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices_mibs` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `mib` = ?\n AND `oid` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $mib, $oid))) { dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'mib' => $mib, 'oid' => $oid, 'disabled' => '1'), 'devices_mibs'); } } print_debug(" WARNING, oids '" . implode("', '", array_keys($oids_def['oids'])) . "' for '{$mib}' disabled."); } } // Return obtained snmp data return $data; }
$search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '设备', 'id' => 'device_id', 'width' => '125px', 'value' => $vars['device_id'], 'values' => $devices_array); // Add device_id limit for other fields if (isset($vars['device_id'])) { $where .= generate_query_values($vars['device_id'], 'device_id'); } //Message field $search[] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => '信息', 'id' => 'message', 'width' => '150px', 'placeholder' => 'Message', 'value' => $vars['message']); //Severity field foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `severity` FROM `eventlog`' . $where) as $severity) { $severities[$severity] = ucfirst($config['syslog']['priorities'][$severity]['name']); } krsort($severities); $search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '严重程度', 'id' => 'severity', 'width' => '110px', 'subtext' => TRUE, 'value' => $vars['severity'], 'values' => $severities); //Types field $types['device'] = '设备'; foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `entity_type` FROM `eventlog` IGNORE INDEX (`type`)' . $where) as $type) { //$type = $data['type']; $types[$type] = ucfirst($type); } $search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '类型', 'id' => 'type', 'width' => '100px', 'value' => $vars['type'], 'values' => $types); // Newline //$search[] = array('type' => 'newline', // 'hr' => TRUE); // Datetime field $search[] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'id' => 'timestamp', 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `eventlog`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT 0,1;'), 'max' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `eventlog`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;'), 'from' => $vars['timestamp_from'], 'to' => $vars['timestamp_to']); print_search($search, '事件日志', 'search', 'eventlog/'); // Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; // Print events print_events($vars); $page_title[] = '事件日志';
* @subpackage webui * @author Adam Armstrong <*****@*****.**> * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ $where = ' WHERE 1 ' . generate_query_values($device['device_id'], 'device_id'); $timestamp_min = dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `eventlog` ' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT 0,1;'); $timestamp_max = dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `eventlog` ' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;'); // Note, this form have more complex grid and class elements for responsive datetime field $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => generate_url($vars)); // Message field $form['row'][0]['message'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Message', 'placeholder' => 'Message', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6', 'value' => $vars['message']); // Severities field $form_filter = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `severity` FROM `eventlog`' . $where); $form_items['severities'] = generate_form_values('eventlog', $form_filter, 'severity'); $form['row'][0]['severity'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Severities', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-2 col-sm-2', 'subtext' => TRUE, 'value' => $vars['severity'], 'values' => $form_items['severities']); // Types field $form_filter = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `entity_type` FROM `eventlog` IGNORE INDEX (`type`)' . $where); $form_items['types'] = generate_form_values('eventlog', $form_filter, 'type'); $form['row'][0]['type'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Types', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-2 col-sm-2', 'size' => '15', 'value' => $vars['type'], 'values' => $form_items['types']); // Datetime field $form['row'][0]['timestamp'] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-5 col-md-7 col-sm-10', 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => $timestamp_min, 'max' => $timestamp_max, 'from' => $vars['timestamp_from'], 'to' => $vars['timestamp_to']); // search button $form['row'][0]['search'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-5 col-sm-2', 'right' => TRUE); print_form($form); unset($form, $form_items, $form_devices); /// Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; print_events($vars); register_html_title("Events"); // EOF
} // Collect port IDs and ifIndexes who has adsl/cbqos/pagp/ip and other. $cache['ports_option'] = array(); $ext_tables = array('ports_adsl', 'ports_cbqos', 'mac_accounting', 'neighbours'); if ($port_details) { $ext_tables = array_merge($ext_tables, array('ipv4_addresses', 'ipv6_addresses', 'pseudowires')); // Here stored ifIndex! $cache['ports_option']['ports_pagp'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `pagpGroupIfIndex` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? GROUP BY `pagpGroupIfIndex`", array($device['device_id'])); $cache['ports_option']['ports_stack_low'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `port_id_low` FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `port_id_high` != 0 GROUP BY `port_id_low`", array($device['device_id'])); $cache['ports_option']['ports_stack_high'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `port_id_high` FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `port_id_low` != 0 GROUP BY `port_id_high`", array($device['device_id'])); } //$where = ' IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($port_cache)).')'; $where = generate_query_values(array_keys($port_cache), 'port_id'); foreach ($ext_tables as $table) { // Here stored port_id! $cache['ports_option'][$table] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT `port_id` FROM `{$table}` WHERE 1 " . $where); } $cache['ports_vlan'] = array(); // Cache port vlans foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` AS PV LEFT JOIN vlans AS V ON PV.`vlan` = V.`vlan_vlan` AND PV.`device_id` = V.`device_id` WHERE PV.`device_id` = ? ORDER BY PV.`vlan`', array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) { $cache['ports_vlan'][$entry['port_id']][$entry['vlan']] = $entry; } echo generate_box_open(); echo '<table class="' . $table_class . ' table-hover">' . PHP_EOL; $cols = array(array(NULL, 'class="state-marker"'), array(NULL), 'port' => array('Port'), array(NULL), 'traffic' => array('Traffic'), 'speed' => array('Speed'), 'mac' => array('MAC Address'), array(NULL)); echo get_table_header($cols, $vars); echo '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($ports as $port) { if (is_filtered()) { continue;
<?php $dsktable_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'dskTable', null, 'UCD-SNMP-MIB'); $sql = "SELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '" . $device['device_id'] . "' AND `storage_type` != 'dsk'"; $tmp_storage = dbFetchColumn($sql); if (is_array($dsktable_array)) { foreach ($dsktable_array as $dsk) { if (isset($dsk['dskPath'])) { if (!in_array($dsk['dskPath'], $tmp_storage)) { $dsk['dskTotal'] = $dsk['dskTotal'] * 1024; $dsk['dskAvail'] = $entry['dskAvail'] * 1024; $dsk['dskUsed'] = $dsk['dskTotal'] - $dsk['dskAvail']; $deny = ignore_storage($dsk['dskPath']); if ($deny != 1) { discover_storage($valid_storage, $device, $dsk['dskIndex'], 'dsk', 'ucd-dsktable', $dsk['dskPath'], $dsk['dskTotal'], 1024, $dsk['dskUsed']); } } } } }
$where .= generate_query_values($vars['device_id'], 'device_id'); } //Message field $search[] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => '信息', 'id' => 'message', 'placeholder' => 'Message', 'width' => '130px', 'value' => $vars['message']); //Priority field //$priorities[''] = '所有优先级'; foreach ($config['syslog']['priorities'] as $p => $priority) { if ($p > 7) { continue; } $priorities[$p] = ucfirst($priority['name']); } $search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '优先级', 'id' => 'priority', 'width' => '125px', 'subtext' => TRUE, 'value' => $vars['priority'], 'values' => $priorities); //Program field //$programs[''] = '所有程序'; foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT `program` FROM `syslog` IGNORE INDEX (`program`)' . $where . 'GROUP BY `program`;') as $program) { $program = $program != '' ? $program : OBS_VAR_UNSET; $programs[$program] = $program; } $search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '程序', 'id' => 'program', 'width' => '125px', 'size' => '15', 'value' => $vars['program'], 'values' => $programs); //$search[] = array('type' => 'newline', // 'hr' => TRUE); $search[] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'id' => 'timestamp', 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `syslog`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT 0,1;'), 'max' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `syslog`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;'), 'from' => $vars['timestamp_from'], 'to' => $vars['timestamp_to']); print_search($search, '系统日志', 'search', 'syslog/'); // Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; // Print syslog print_syslogs($vars); $page_title[] = '系统日志'; ?> </div> <!-- col-md-12 -->
/** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage update * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ echo 'Clean incorrect syslog entries: '; $entries_deteted = dbDelete('syslog', "`msg` = ''"); if ($entries_deteted) { echo "{$entries_deteted} deleted, "; } $devices_iosxr = dbFetchColumn('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `os` = ?;', array('iosxr')); if (count($devices_iosxr)) { // Fix old syslog entries for IOS-XR devices foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `syslog` WHERE `device_id` IN (" . implode(',', $devices_iosxr) . ");") as $entry) { if (is_numeric($entry['program'])) { $update_array = array('timestamp' => $entry['timestamp']); list(, $entry['program'], $update_array['msg']) = explode(' : ', $entry['msg'], 3); list(, $update_array['program']) = explode(' %', $entry['program'], 2); dbUpdate($update_array, 'syslog', '`seq` = ?', array($entry['seq'])); $entries_fixed++; } } if ($entries_fixed) { echo "{$entries_fixed} fixed"; } }
/** * Params: * * pagination, pageno, pagesize * device, type, adminstatus, state */ function get_bgp_array($vars) { $array = array(); // With pagination? (display page numbers in header) $array['pagination'] = isset($vars['pagination']) && $vars['pagination']; pagination($vars, 0, TRUE); // Get default pagesize/pageno $array['pageno'] = $vars['pageno']; $array['pagesize'] = $vars['pagesize']; $start = $array['pagesize'] * $array['pageno'] - $array['pagesize']; $pagesize = $array['pagesize']; // Require cached IDs from html/includes/cache-data.inc.php $cache_bgp =& $GLOBALS['cache']['bgp']; // Begin query generate $param = array(); $where = ' WHERE 1 '; foreach ($vars as $var => $value) { if ($value != '') { switch ($var) { case 'device': case 'device_id': $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'B.device_id'); break; case 'type': if ($value == 'external' || $value == 'ebgp') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['external'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } else { if ($value == 'internal' || $value == 'ibgp') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['internal'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } } break; case 'adminstatus': if ($value == 'stop') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['start'], 'B.bgpPeer_id', '!='); // NOT IN } else { if ($value == 'start') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['start'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } } break; case 'state': if ($value == 'down') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['up'], 'B.bgpPeer_id', '!='); // NOT IN } else { if ($value == 'up') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['up'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } } break; } } } // Cache IP array $cache_ip = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `ipv4_address` FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` NOT IN (?, ?)" . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['ports_permitted'], array('', '')); $cache_ip = array_merge($cache_ip, dbFetchColumn("SELECT `ipv6_address` FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `ipv6_compressed` NOT IN (?)" . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['ports_permitted'], array('::1'))); //r($cache_ip); // Show peers only for permitted devices $query_permitted = generate_query_values($cache_bgp['permitted'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); $query = 'FROM `bgpPeers` AS B'; $query_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query . $where . $query_permitted; // Use only bgpPeer_id and device_id in query! $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `bgpPeers-state` AS S ON B.`bgpPeer_id` = S.`bgpPeer_id`'; $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON B.`device_id` = D.`device_id`'; $query .= $where . $query_permitted; $query = 'SELECT D.`hostname`, D.`bgpLocalAs`, B.*, S.* ' . $query; $query .= ' ORDER BY D.`hostname`, B.`bgpPeerRemoteAs`, B.`bgpPeerRemoteAddr`'; $query .= " LIMIT {$start},{$pagesize}"; // Query BGP foreach (dbFetchRows($query, $param) as $entry) { humanize_bgp($entry); $peer_addr = $entry['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']; $peer_devices[$entry['device_id']] = 1; // Collect devices for AFIs query if (!isset($cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr])) { $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr] = array(); if (in_array($peer_addr, $cache_ip)) { $peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer_addr); if ($peer_addr_type) { $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; $query_ip = 'SELECT `device_id`, `port_id`, `ifOperStatus`, `ifAdminStatus` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` JOIN `ports` USING (`port_id`) WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ?;'; $ip_array = dbFetchRows($query_ip, array($peer_addr)); if (count($ip_array) > 1) { // We have multiple ports for same IPs, complicated logic foreach ($ip_array as $ip) { $device_tmp = device_by_id_cache($ip['device_id']); // Crazy logic, exclude down/disabled ports/devices if (!$device_tmp['bgpLocalAs'] || $device_tmp['status'] == 0 || $ip['ifAdminStatus'] != 'up') { continue; } $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['device_id'] = $ip['device_id']; $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = $ip['port_id']; } } else { $device_tmp = device_by_id_cache($ip_array[0]['device_id']); if ($device_tmp['bgpLocalAs']) { // We found device in DB by IP, but this device really have BGP? $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['device_id'] = $ip_array[0]['device_id']; $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = $ip_array[0]['port_id']; } } } //r($cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]); } } $entry['peer_port_id'] = $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id']; //$entry['peer_port'] = get_port_by_id_cache($entry['peer_port_id']); $entry['peer_device_id'] = $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['device_id']; //$entry['peer_device'] = device_by_id_cache($entry['peer_device_id']); $array['entries'][] = $entry; } // Query AFI/SAFI $query_afi = 'SELECT * FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE 1' . generate_query_values(array_keys($peer_devices), 'device_id'); //.generate_query_values(array_keys($cache_bgp['ips']), 'bgpPeerRemoteAddr'); foreach (dbFetchRows($query_afi) as $entry) { $array['afisafi'][$entry['device_id']][$entry['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']][] = $entry['afi'] . '.' . $entry['safi']; } // Query BGP peers count if ($array['pagination']) { $array['count'] = dbFetchCell($query_count, $param); $array['pagination_html'] = pagination($vars, $array['count']); } else { $array['count'] = count($array['entries']); } return $array; }
* * @package observium * @subpackage webui * @author Adam Armstrong <*****@*****.**> * @copyright (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong * */ unset($search, $types); //Message field $search[] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'message', 'placeholder' => '信息', 'name' => '信息', 'value' => $vars['message']); //Severity field foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `severity` FROM `eventlog` WHERE `device_id` = ?;', array($vars['device'])) as $severity) { $severities[$severity] = ucfirst($config['syslog']['priorities'][$severity]['name']); } krsort($severities); $search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '严重程度', 'id' => 'severity', 'width' => '125px', 'subtext' => TRUE, 'value' => $vars['severity'], 'values' => $severities); //Type field $types['device'] = '设备'; foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `entity_type` FROM `eventlog` IGNORE INDEX (`type`) WHERE `device_id` = ?;', array($vars['device'])) as $type) { $types[$type] = ucfirst($type); } $search[] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => '类型', 'id' => 'type', 'width' => '125px', 'value' => $vars['type'], 'values' => $types); //$search[] = array('type' => 'newline', // 'hr' => TRUE); $search[] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'id' => 'timestamp', 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `eventlog` WHERE `device_id` = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT 0,1;', array($vars['device'])), 'max' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `eventlog` WHERE `device_id` = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;', array($vars['device'])), 'from' => $vars['timestamp_from'], 'to' => $vars['timestamp_to']); print_search($search, '事件日志'); /// Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; print_events($vars); $page_title[] = "事件"; // EOF
<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php if (!is_array($alert_rules)) { $alert_rules = cache_alert_rules(); } // Note, this form have more complex grid and class elements for responsive datetime field $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => generate_url($vars)); $where = ' WHERE 1 ' . generate_query_values($device['device_id'], 'device_id'); // Checkers Field $form_filter = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `alert_test_id` FROM `alert_log`' . $where); $form_items['checkers'] = generate_form_values('alert_log', $form_filter, 'alert_test_id'); $form['row'][0]['alert_test_id'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Checkers', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-4', 'subtext' => TRUE, 'value' => $vars['alert_test_id'], 'values' => $form_items['checkers']); // Status Type Field $form_filter = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `log_type` FROM `alert_log`' . $where); $form_items['statuses'] = generate_form_values('alert_log', $form_filter, 'log_type'); $form['row'][0]['log_type'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Status Type', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-4', 'size' => '15', 'value' => $vars['log_type'], 'values' => $form_items['statuses']); // Datetime Field $form['row'][0]['timestamp'] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-5 col-md-7 col-sm-9', 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `alert_log`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT 0,1;'), 'max' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `alert_log`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;'), 'from' => $vars['timestamp_from'], 'to' => $vars['timestamp_to']); // Second row with timestamp for sm //$form['row_options'][1] = array('class' => 'hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-xs'); //$form['row'][1]['timestamp'] = $form['row'][0]['timestamp']; //$form['row'][1]['timestamp']['div_class'] = 'text-nowrap col-sm-9'; // search button $form['row'][0]['search'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-3 col-md-1 col-sm-3', 'right' => TRUE); print_form($form); unset($form, $form_items, $form_filter); // Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; // Print Alert Log
$port['out_rate'] = $port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8; $in_perc = @round($port['in_rate'] / $port['ifSpeed'] * 100); $out_perc = @round($port['in_rate'] / $port['ifSpeed'] * 100); echo "<img src='images/16/arrow_left.png' align=absmiddle> <span style='color: " . percent_colour($in_perc) . "'>" . formatRates($port['in_rate']) . "<br />\n <img align=absmiddle src='images/16/arrow_out.png'> <span style='color: " . percent_colour($out_perc) . "'>" . formatRates($port['out_rate']) . "<br />\n <img src='images/icons/arrow_pps_in.png' align=absmiddle> " . format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps</span><br />\n <img src='images/icons/arrow_pps_out.png' align=absmiddle> " . format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span>'; } echo "</td><td width=75 onclick=\"location.href='" . generate_port_url($port) . "'\" >"; if ($port['ifSpeed']) { echo '<span class=box-desc>' . humanspeed($port['ifSpeed']) . '</span>'; } echo '<br />'; if ($port[ifDuplex] != 'unknown') { echo '<span class=box-desc>' . $port['ifDuplex'] . '</span>'; } else { echo '-'; } $vlans = dbFetchColumn('SELECT vlan FROM `ports_vlans` AS PV, vlans AS V ' . 'WHERE PV.`port_id`=? AND PV.`device_id`=? AND V.`vlan_vlan`=PV.vlan AND V.device_id = PV.device_id', array($port['port_id'], $device['device_id'])); $vlan_count = count($vlans); if ($vlan_count > 1) { echo '<p class=box-desc><span class=purple><a href="'; echo generate_device_url($device, array('tab' => 'vlans')); echo '" title="'; echo implode(', ', $vlans); echo '">VLANs: '; echo $vlan_count; echo '</a></span></p>'; } elseif ($vlan_count == 1 || $port['ifVlan']) { echo '<p class=box-desc><span class=blue>VLAN: '; echo $vlans[0] ?: $port['ifVlan']; echo '</span></p>'; } elseif ($port['ifVrf']) { $vrf = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM vrfs WHERE vrf_id = ?', array($port['ifVrf']));
/** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage webui * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php $form_devices = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `wifi_sessions`;'); $form_items['devices'] = generate_form_values('device', $form_devices); $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => 'search/search=dot1x/'); //Device field $form['row'][0]['device_id'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Device', 'width' => '100%', 'grid' => 3, 'value' => $vars['device_id'], 'groups' => array('', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'DISABLED'), 'values' => $form_items['devices']); //Search by field $form['row'][0]['searchby'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'Search By', 'width' => '100%', 'grid' => 2, 'onchange' => "\$('#address').prop('placeholder', \$('#searchby option:selected').text())", 'value' => $vars['searchby'], 'values' => array('mac' => 'MAC Address', 'ip' => 'IP Address', 'username' => 'Username')); if ($vars['searchby'] == 'mac') { $name = 'MAC Address'; } else { if ($vars['searchby'] == 'ip') { $name = 'IP Address'; } else { $name = 'Username'; } }
* Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage webui * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php // Select the devices only with ARP/NDP tables $form_devices = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ip_mac` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`)'); $form_items['devices'] = generate_form_values('device', $form_devices); $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => 'search/search=arp/'); $form['row'][0]['device_id'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Device', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['device_id'], 'groups' => array('', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'DISABLED'), 'values' => $form_items['devices']); $form['row'][0]['ip_version'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'IP', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['ip_version'], 'values' => array('' => 'IPv4 & IPv6', '4' => 'IPv4 only', '6' => 'IPv6 only')); $form['row'][0]['searchby'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'Search By', 'width' => '100%', 'onchange' => "\$('#address').prop('placeholder', \$('#searchby option:selected').text())", 'value' => $vars['searchby'], 'values' => array('mac' => 'MAC Address', 'ip' => 'IP Address')); $form['row'][0]['address'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => $vars['searchby'] == 'ip' ? 'IP Address' : 'MAC Address', 'width' => '100%', 'grid' => 3, 'placeholder' => TRUE, 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'value' => escape_html($vars['address'])); // search button $form['row'][0]['search'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'grid' => 3, 'value' => 'arp', 'right' => TRUE); print_form($form); unset($form, $form_items, $form_devices); // Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; print_arptable($vars); register_html_title('ARP/NDP Search'); ?>
function getRates($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto) { $data = array(); $mq_text = 'SELECT count(delta) FROM bill_data '; $mq_text .= " WHERE bill_id = '" . mres($bill_id) . "'"; $mq_text .= " AND timestamp > '" . mres($datefrom) . "' AND timestamp <= '" . mres($dateto) . "'"; $measurements = dbFetchCell($mq_sql); $measurement_95th = round($measurements / 100 * 95) - 1; $q_95_sql = "SELECT delta FROM bill_data WHERE bill_id = '" . mres($bill_id) . "'"; $q_95_sql .= " AND timestamp > '" . mres($datefrom) . "' AND timestamp <= '" . mres($dateto) . "' ORDER BY delta ASC"; $a_95th = dbFetchColumn($q_95_sql); $m_95th = $a_95th[$measurement_95th]; $sum_data = getSum($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto); $mtot = $sum_data['total']; $mtot_in = $sum_data['inbound']; $mtot_out = $sum_data['outbound']; $ptot = $sum_data['period']; $data['rate_95th_in'] = get95thIn($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto); $data['rate_95th_out'] = get95thOut($bill_id, $datefrom, $dateto); if ($data['rate_95th_out'] > $data['rate_95th_in']) { $data['rate_95th'] = $data['rate_95th_out']; $data['dir_95th'] = 'out'; } else { $data['rate_95th'] = $data['rate_95th_in']; $data['dir_95th'] = 'in'; } $data['total_data'] = $mtot; $data['total_data_in'] = $mtot_in; $data['total_data_out'] = $mtot_out; $data['rate_average'] = $mtot / $ptot * 8; $data['rate_average_in'] = $mtot_in / $ptot * 8; $data['rate_average_out'] = $mtot_out / $ptot * 8; // print_r($data); return $data; }
// Show devices only with syslog messages $form_devices = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `syslog`' . $where); $form_items['devices'] = generate_form_values('device', $form_devices); // Device field $form['row'][0]['device_id'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Devices', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-2 col-sm-2', 'value' => $vars['device_id'], 'groups' => array('', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'DISABLED'), 'values' => $form_items['devices']); // Add device_id limit for other fields if (isset($vars['device_id'])) { $where .= generate_query_values($vars['device_id'], 'device_id'); } // Message field $form['row'][0]['message'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Message', 'placeholder' => 'Message', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-4', 'value' => $vars['message']); // Priority field $form_items['priorities'] = generate_form_values('syslog', NULL, 'priorities'); $form['row'][0]['priority'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Priorities', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-2 col-sm-2', 'subtext' => TRUE, 'value' => $vars['priority'], 'values' => $form_items['priorities']); // Program field $form_filter = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `program` FROM `syslog` IGNORE INDEX (`program`)' . $where); $form_items['programs'] = generate_form_values('syslog', $form_filter, 'programs'); $form['row'][0]['program'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Programs', 'width' => '100%', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-2 col-sm-2', 'size' => '15', 'value' => $vars['program'], 'values' => $form_items['programs']); // Datetime Field $form['row'][0]['timestamp'] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-5 col-md-7 col-sm-10 col-lg-push-0 col-md-push-2 col-sm-push-2', 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `syslog`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` LIMIT 0,1;'), 'max' => dbFetchCell('SELECT `timestamp` FROM `syslog`' . $where . ' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,1;'), 'from' => $vars['timestamp_from'], 'to' => $vars['timestamp_to']); // Second row with timestamp for md and sm //$form['row_options'][1] = array('class' => 'hidden-lg hidden-xs'); //$form['row'][1]['timestamp'] = $form['row'][0]['timestamp']; //$form['row'][1]['timestamp']['div_class'] = 'text-nowrap col-md-7 col-sm-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-offset-2'; // search button $form['row'][0]['search'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'div_class' => 'col-lg-1 col-md-5 col-sm-2', 'right' => TRUE); print_form($form); unset($form, $form_items, $form_devices); // Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; // Print syslog
function get_device_graphs($device) { $query = 'SELECT `graph` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?'; return dbFetchColumn($query, array($device['device_id'])); }
/** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage webui * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php $form_devices = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`);'); $form_items['devices'] = generate_form_values('device', $form_devices); $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => 'search/search=ipv4/'); $form['row'][0]['device'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Device', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['device'], 'groups' => array('', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'DISABLED'), 'values' => $form_items['devices']); $form['row'][0]['interface'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'Interface', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['interface'], 'values' => array('' => 'All Interfaces', 'Lo' => 'Loopbacks', 'Vlan' => 'Vlans')); $form['row'][0]['network'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'IP Network', 'width' => '100%', 'placeholder' => TRUE, 'ajax' => TRUE, 'ajax_vars' => array('field' => 'ipv4_network'), 'value' => escape_html($vars['network'])); $form['row'][0]['address'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'IP Address', 'width' => '100%', 'grid' => 3, 'placeholder' => TRUE, 'value' => escape_html($vars['address'])); // search button $form['row'][0]['search'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'grid' => 3, 'value' => 'ipv4', 'right' => TRUE); print_form($form); unset($form, $form_items, $form_devices); // Pagination $vars['pagination'] = TRUE; // Print addresses print_addresses($vars); register_html_title("IPv4 Addresses");
/** * Get the Device Group IDs of a Device from the database * @param $device_id * @param int $extra Return extra info about the groups (name, desc, pattern) * @return array */ function GetGroupsFromDevice($device_id, $extra = 0) { $ret = array(); if ($extra === 0) { $ret = dbFetchColumn('SELECT `device_group_id` FROM `device_group_device` WHERE `device_id`=?', array($device_id)); } else { $ret = dbFetchRows('SELECT `device_groups`.* FROM `device_group_device` LEFT JOIN `device_groups` ON `device_group_device`.`device_group_id`=`device_groups`.`id` WHERE `device_group_device`.`device_id`=?', array($device_id)); } return $ret; }
// Collect port IDs and ifIndexes who has adsl/cbqos/pagp/ip and other. $ports_has_ext = array(); $ext_tables = array('ports_adsl', 'ports_cbqos', 'mac_accounting'); if ($port_details) { $ext_tables = array_merge($ext_tables, array('ipv4_addresses', 'ipv6_addresses', 'pseudowires')); // Here stored ifIndex! $ports_has_ext['ports_pagp'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `pagpGroupIfIndex` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? GROUP BY `pagpGroupIfIndex`", array($device['device_id'])); $ports_has_ext['ports_stack_low'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `port_id_low` FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `port_id_high` != 0 GROUP BY `port_id_low`", array($device['device_id'])); $ports_has_ext['ports_stack_high'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `port_id_high` FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `port_id_low` != 0 GROUP BY `port_id_high`", array($device['device_id'])); } $where = ' IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($port_cache)) . ')'; foreach ($ext_tables as $table) { // Here stored port_id! $ports_has_ext[$table] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `port_id` FROM `{$table}` WHERE `port_id` {$where} GROUP BY `port_id`"); } $ports_has_ext['links'] = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `local_port_id` FROM `links` WHERE `local_port_id` {$where} AND `remote_port_id` != 0 GROUP BY `local_port_id`"); $ports_vlan_cache = array(); // Cache port vlans foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` AS PV LEFT JOIN vlans AS V ON PV.`vlan` = V.`vlan_vlan` AND PV.`device_id` = V.`device_id` WHERE PV.`device_id` = ? ORDER BY PV.`vlan`', array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) { $ports_vlan_cache[$entry['port_id']][$entry['vlan']] = $entry; } foreach ($ports as $port) { if (is_filtered()) { continue; } include "includes/print-interface.inc.php"; $i++; } echo "</table>"; }
/** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage poller * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ echo ' CISCO-RTTMON-MIB '; $sla_states =& $GLOBALS['config']['mibs']['CISCO-RTTMON-MIB']['sla_states']; // Events from MIB definitions $sla_oids = array('jitter' => array('rttMonLatestJitterOperRTTMin', 'rttMonLatestJitterOperRTTMax', 'rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfRTT', 'rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossSD', 'rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossDS'), 'icmpjitter' => array('rttMonLatestIcmpJitterRTTMin', 'rttMonLatestIcmpJitterRTTMax', 'rttMonLatestIcmpJitterNumRTT', 'rttMonLatestIcmpJitterPktLoss')); $sla_poll = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "rttMonLatestRttOperEntry", array(), 'CISCO-RTTMON-MIB'); foreach (dbFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT `rtt_type` FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `rtt_type` != ? AND `deleted` = 0 AND `sla_status` = 'active';", array($device['device_id'], 'echo')) as $rtt_type) { switch ($rtt_type) { case 'jitter': // Additional data for Jitter $sla_poll = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "rttMonLatestJitterOperEntry", $sla_poll, 'CISCO-RTTMON-MIB'); break; case 'icmpjitter': // Additional data for ICMP jitter $sla_poll = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "rttMonLatestIcmpJitterOperEntry", $sla_poll, 'CISCO-RTTMON-ICMP-MIB'); break; } } // Uptime offset for timestamps $uptime = timeticks_to_sec($poll_device['sysUpTime']); $uptime_offset = time() - intval($uptime) / 100; /// WARNING. System timezone BOMB
$cache['where']['devices_permitted'] = generate_query_permitted(array('device')); $cache['where']['ports_permitted'] = generate_query_permitted(array('port')); // CEF $routing['cef']['count'] = count(dbFetchColumn("SELECT `cef_switching_id` FROM `cef_switching` WHERE 1 " . $cache['where']['devices_permitted'] . " GROUP BY `device_id`, `afi`;")); // VRF $routing['vrf']['count'] = count(dbFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT `mplsVpnVrfRouteDistinguisher` FROM `vrfs` WHERE 1 " . $cache['where']['devices_permitted'])); // Status $cache['status']['count'] = $statuses['count']; //dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(`status_id`) FROM `status` WHERE 1 ".$cache['where']['devices_permitted']); // Additional common counts if ($config['enable_pseudowires']) { $cache['ports']['pseudowires'] = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `port_id` FROM `pseudowires` WHERE 1 ' . $cache['where']['ports_permitted']); $cache['pseudowires']['count'] = count($cache['ports']['pseudowires']); } if ($config['poller_modules']['cisco-cbqos'] || $config['discovery_modules']['cisco-cbqos']) { $cache['ports']['cbqos'] = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `port_id` FROM `ports_cbqos` WHERE 1 ' . $cache['where']['ports_permitted']); $cache['cbqos']['count'] = count($cache['ports']['cbqos']); } if ($config['poller_modules']['unix-agent']) { $cache['packages']['count'] = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `packages` WHERE 1 " . $cache['where']['devices_permitted']); } if ($config['poller_modules']['applications']) { $cache['applications']['count'] = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `applications` WHERE 1 " . $cache['where']['devices_permitted']); } if ($config['poller_modules']['wifi'] || $config['discovery_modules']['wifi']) { $cache['wifi_sessions']['count'] = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `wifi_sessions` WHERE 1 " . $cache['where']['devices_permitted']); } if ($config['poller_modules']['printersupplies'] || $config['discovery_modules']['printersupplies']) { $cache['printersupplies']['count'] = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `printersupplies` WHERE 1 " . $cache['where']['devices_permitted']); } $cache['neighbours']['count'] = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `neighbours` WHERE `active` = 1 " . $cache['where']['ports_permitted']);
$pagetitle[] = "Devices"; if ($vars['searchbar'] != "hide") { // Generate array with form elements $search_items = array(); foreach (array('os', 'hardware', 'version', 'features', 'type') as $entry) { $query = "SELECT `{$entry}` FROM `devices`"; if (isset($where_array[$entry])) { $tmp = $where_array[$entry]; unset($where_array[$entry]); $query .= ' WHERE 1 ' . implode('', $where_array); $where_array[$entry] = $tmp; } else { $query .= $where; } $query .= " AND `{$entry}` != '' {$query_permitted} GROUP BY `{$entry}` ORDER BY `{$entry}`"; foreach (dbFetchColumn($query) as $item) { if ($entry == 'os') { $name = $config['os'][$item]['text']; } else { $name = nicecase($item); } $search_items[$entry][$item] = $name; } } foreach (get_locations() as $entry) { $search_items['location'][$entry] = $entry == '' ? 'UNSET' : htmlspecialchars($entry); } foreach (get_type_groups('device') as $entry) { $search_items['group'][$entry['group_id']] = $entry['group_name']; } $search_items['sort'] = array('hostname' => 'Hostname', 'location' => 'Location', 'os' => 'Operating System', 'uptime' => 'Uptime');
$form_items = array(); $form_devices = dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `device_id` FROM `bgpPeers`;'); $form_items['devices'] = generate_form_values('device', $form_devices); //r($form_items['devices']); $param = 'peer_as'; $column = 'bgpPeerRemoteAs'; foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT DISTINCT `' . $column . '`, `astext` FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE 1 ' . $cache['where']['devices_permitted'] . ' ORDER BY `' . $column . '`') as $entry) { if (empty($entry[$column])) { continue; } $form_items[$param][$entry[$column]]['name'] = 'AS' . $entry[$column]; $form_items[$param][$entry[$column]]['subtext'] = $entry['astext']; } $form_params = array('local_ip' => 'bgpPeerLocalAddr', 'peer_ip' => 'bgpPeerRemoteAddr'); foreach ($form_params as $param => $column) { foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT `' . $column . '` FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE 1 ' . $cache['where']['devices_permitted'] . ' ORDER BY `' . $column . '`') as $entry) { if (empty($entry)) { continue; } if (strpos($entry, ':') !== FALSE) { $form_items[$param][$entry]['group'] = 'IPv6'; $form_items[$param][$entry]['name'] = Net_IPv6::compress($entry); } else { $form_items[$param][$entry]['group'] = 'IPv4'; $form_items[$param][$entry]['name'] = escape_html($entry); } } } $form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => generate_url($vars)); $form['row'][0]['device'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Local Device', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['device'], 'values' => $form_items['devices']); $form['row'][0]['local_ip'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Local address', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['local_ip'], 'values' => $form_items['local_ip']);
// Show which other devices are on the same subnet as this interface if (!isset($ports_has_ext['ipv4_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $ports_has_ext['ipv4_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchColumn("SELECT A4.`ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` AS A4\n LEFT JOIN `ipv4_networks` AS N4 ON A4.`ipv4_network_id` = N4.`ipv4_network_id`\n WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `ipv4_network` NOT IN (?) GROUP BY A4.`ipv4_network_id`", array($port['port_id'], $config['ignore_common_subnet'])) as $network_id) { $sql = "SELECT N.*, P.`port_id`, P.`device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` AS A, `ipv4_networks` AS N, `ports` AS P\n WHERE A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` AND P.`device_id` != ?\n AND A.`ipv4_network_id` = ? AND N.`ipv4_network_id` = A.`ipv4_network_id`\n AND P.`ifAdminStatus` = 'up'"; $params = array($device['device_id'], $network_id); foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $params) as $new) { if ($cache['devices']['id'][$new['device_id']]['disabled'] && !$config['web_show_disabled']) { continue; } $int_links[$new['port_id']] = $new['port_id']; $int_links_v4[$new['port_id']][] = $new['ipv4_network']; } } } if (!isset($ports_has_ext['ipv6_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $ports_has_ext['ipv6_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchColumn("SELECT A6.`ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_addresses` AS A6\n LEFT JOIN `ipv6_networks` AS N6 ON A6.`ipv6_network_id` = N6.`ipv6_network_id`\n WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `ipv6_network` NOT IN (?) GROUP BY A6.`ipv6_network_id`", array($port['port_id'], $config['ignore_common_subnet'])) as $network_id) { $ipv6_network_id = $net['ipv6_network_id']; $sql = "SELECT P.`port_id`, P.`device_id` FROM `ipv6_addresses` AS A, `ipv6_networks` AS N, `ports` AS P\n WHERE A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` AND P.device_id != ?\n AND A.`ipv6_network_id` = ? AND N.`ipv6_network_id` = A.`ipv6_network_id`\n AND P.`ifAdminStatus` = 'up' AND A.`ipv6_origin` != 'linklayer' AND A.`ipv6_origin` != 'wellknown'"; $params = array($device['device_id'], $network_id); foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $params) as $new) { if ($cache['devices']['id'][$new['device_id']]['disabled'] && !$config['web_show_disabled']) { continue; } $int_links[$new['port_id']] = $new['port_id']; $int_links_v6[$new['port_id']][] = $new['port_id']; } } } foreach ($int_links as $int_link) { $link_if = get_port_by_id_cache($int_link); $link_dev = device_by_id_cache($link_if['device_id']);
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])) > 0) { $navbar['options']['entphysical'] = array('text' => 'Inventory', 'icon' => 'oicon-wooden-box'); } elseif (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])) > 0) { $navbar['options']['hrdevice'] = array('text' => 'Inventory', 'icon' => 'oicon-wooden-box'); } // Print service tab if show_services enabled and there are entries in the services table ## DEPRECATED if ($config['show_services'] && dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM services WHERE device_id = ?', array($device['device_id'])) > 0) { $navbar['options']['services'] = array('text' => 'Services', 'icon' => 'oicon-target'); } // Print printing tab if there are entries in the printersupplies table if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `printersupplies` WHERE device_id = ?', array($device['device_id'])) > 0) { $navbar['options']['printing'] = array('text' => 'Printing', 'icon' => 'oicon-printer-color'); // $printing_tabs is used in device/printing/ to build the tabs menu. we build it here to save some queries /// FIXME. sid3windr, I not see what this query "save" here, must be moved to device/printing.inc.php $printing_tabs = dbFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT `supply_type` FROM `printersupplies` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])); } // Always print logs tab $navbar['options']['logs'] = array('text' => 'Logs', 'icon' => 'oicon-clipboard-audit'); // Print alerts tab $navbar['options']['alerts'] = array('text' => 'Alerts', 'icon' => 'oicon-bell'); // If the user has secure global read privileges, check for a device config. if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= 7) { $device_config_file = get_rancid_filename($device['hostname']); // Print the config tab if we have a device config if ($device_config_file) { $navbar['options']['showconfig'] = array('text' => 'Config', 'icon' => 'oicon-application-terminal'); } } /* // If the user has global read privileges, check for device notes.