function popp($link, $d, $arrD) { $dt_d = prevmday($d); # Y-m-d $iscurwk = prevmday($dt_d) == prevmday(date('Y-m-d')) ? 1 : 0; $str = ''; // Get info for popups for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $mysqldt_p = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dt_d)) . " +{$i} day")); list($dy, $dt, $mnth) = explode(" ", d_format($mysqldt_p, 4)); // 29/04/15 - Shorten day name to three letters so day and date fits: if (strlen($dy . $dt) > 11) { $dy = substr($dy, 0, 3); } // 22/05/09: We use htmlspecialchars() so that the pop display info correctly - Added to get_info() function instead! on 26/05/2009 $popuptxt2 = '<div class="date_s">' . d_format($mysqldt_p) . '<br />[' . days_from_days_to($mysqldt_p) . "]</div><p>" . get_info($link, $mysqldt_p, 400) . '</p>'; $str .= "-||-<a tooltiptxt=\"{$popuptxt2}\" title3=\"{$mysqldt_p}\" title4=\"" . substr($dy, 0, 3) . "\" iscurwk=\"{$iscurwk}\"" . " class=\"datehead\">{$dy} {$dt}<br />{$mnth}</a>"; // $str.= "-||-<a title2=\"$popuptxt2\"" // . ' class="datehead" onclick="makerequest(\''.TOOLS_SCRIPT.'?act=getday\' ' // . ", 'dateinfo', '$mysqldt_p', '{$arrD[$i]}', $iscurwk);\">$dy $dt<br />$mnth</a>"; } // End for. return $str; }
function helpcal($link, $i, $subsequentrowcellcounter, $subseq = 0) { global $tootipchars, $arr_d, $colspan_1; $full_date = "{$_GET['y']}-" . sing_num($_GET['m']) . '-' . sing_num($i); $full_date2 = date('l jS F, Y', strtotime($full_date)); $popuptxt = get_info($link, $full_date, $tootipchars); if (strlen($popuptxt) > 0) { $popuptxt2 = '<div class="date_s">' . "{$full_date2}<br />[" . days_from_days_to($full_date) . "]</div>\r\n <p>{$popuptxt}</p>"; $tdclass = 'three_col'; } else { // No entry $popuptxt2 = ''; $tdclass = 'four_col'; } // End if. $str = ''; if ($subseq and $subsequentrowcellcounter > 6) { $subsequentrowcellcounter = $subsequentrowcellcounter % 7; } if (date("j") == $i and date("n") == $_GET['m'] and date("Y") == $_GET['y']) { // Highlight current date $str .= writetdcell('curDate', $popuptxt2, $full_date, $arr_d[$subsequentrowcellcounter], 1, $i); } else { if (isset($_GET['d']) and $_GET['d'] == $i) { // Selected day that is not the current day: $str .= writetdcell('sel_col', $popuptxt2, $full_date, $arr_d[$subsequentrowcellcounter], isCurWk($full_date), $i); } else { // $str .= writetdcell($tdclass, $popuptxt2, $full_date, $arr_d[$subsequentrowcellcounter], isCurWk($full_date), $i); } } // End if. return $str; }