$pdf->Image(FPDF_IMGPATH.'zade-inv-1.jpg',170,65,30,30); //IMAGE POINT 2 $pdf->Image(FPDF_IMGPATH.'zade-inv-2.jpg',170,95,30,30); //IMAGE POINT 3 $pdf->Image(FPDF_IMGPATH.'zade-inv-3.jpg',170,125,30,30); //IMAGE POINT 4 $pdf->Image(FPDF_IMGPATH.'zade-inv-4.jpg',170,160,30,30); */ } elseif ($order['jng_sp_id'] == '10') { ///////////////////// // EBAY.DE INVOICE // ///////////////////// $pdf->logo_image = 'jng'; $pdf->AddPage(); //Order Counter $counter_display = dailyCounterNo($order['order_date'], $order['daily_count']); $pdf->SetXY(10, 5); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '12'); $pdf->Cell(40, 5, $counter_display); //coop with otto text $coop_xpos = $margin + $pdf->logo_collection['jng']['w'] + 6; $coop_ypos = $pdf->logo_collection['jng']['y'] + $pdf->logo_collection['jng']['h'] - 4; $pdf->SetXY($coop_xpos, $coop_ypos); $pdf->Cell(100, 4, 'Ihre Bestellung über eBay.de'); //Invoice Header //$header_text = 'Rechnung für '.$invoice_no; //$pdf->setFont('Arial','','11'); //$pdf->SetXY($margin, $margin); //$pdf->Cell(70,10,$header_text,0,0); //$pdf->SetXY(80, $margin); //$pdf->Cell(70,10,tep_date_only($invoice_date),0,0);
} elseif (strtoupper($order['payment_method']) == strtoupper(PAYMENT_METHOD_INVOICE)) { //Rechnung $class_pi->createFromOrderJNG($order, $items); } else { //Paypal invoice $class_pi->createFromOrderJNG($order, $items, '+0 days', '2'); } $invoice_id = tep_db_insert_id(); if ($invoice_id != '') { $class_pi = new payone_invoice("invoice_id", $invoice_id); } else { $class_pi = new payone_invoice("invoice_order_id", $order_id, "invoice_order_type='J'"); } //Order Counter $order_counter++; $counter_display = dailyCounterNo($order['date_purchased'], $order['daily_count']); $pdf->SetXY(10, 5); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '12'); $pdf->Cell(40, 5, $counter_display); if (count($class_pi->detail) > 0) { //RETRIEVE INVOICE COMPLETE DATA if (!$print_delivery_note) { // $invoice_products = $class_mi->retrieveInvoiceProducts($invoice['invoices_id']); $orders_total = $class_o->retrieveTotals($order_id); } if (strtoupper(trim($order['delivery_name'])) != strtoupper(trim($order['billing_name']))) { $print_address_note = true; } //START DRAWING INVOICE //Invoice Header $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '11');
function printPageAdmin($order_product, $orders_id) { $order = isset($this->orders[$orders_id]) ? $this->orders[$orders_id] : null; $pair_qty = ''; global $cat_double_qty; if (in_array($order_product['categories_id'], $cat_double_qty)) { if ($order_product['type'] == 'CP' && $order['type'] == 'JNG') { $pair_qty .= $order_product['qty'] / 2; } else { $pair_qty .= $order_product['qty']; } if ($pair_qty != '') { $pair_qty = "{$pair_qty} pair" . ($pair_qty > 1 ? 's' : ''); } } $op_quantity = $pair_qty == '' ? $order_product['qty'] : $pair_qty; $result = array(); //$result[] = '<div class="page-head">Admin</div>'; $result[] = '<div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:none;">'; $result[] = '<tr><td width="500" style="border:none;">'; //Left Part (Order & Product Info) $result[] = '<table class="od" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; if (!is_null($order)) { $result[] = '<tr><td class="highlight" colspan="2"><strong>Shipping Info</strong></td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td class="col1">Ship to</td><td class="col2">' . $order['ship_to'] . '</td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td>Shiping Address</td><td>' . $order['ship_address'] . '</td></tr>'; //$result[] = '<tr><td> </td><td>'.$order['customer']['name'].' (ID:'.$order['customer']['id'].')</td></tr>'; //$result[] = '<tr><td> </td><td><strong>'.$order['customer']['status'].'</strong></td></tr>'; /* $result[] = '<tr><td class="highlight" colspan="2"><strong>Order Info (ID:'.$order['id'].')</strong></td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td class="col1">Order No</td><td class="col2">'.$order['code'].' '.$order_product['count'].'</td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td>Order Date</td><td>'.date('j F Y H:i', strtotime($order['date'])).'</td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td class="highlight" colspan="2"><strong>Customer</strong></td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td>Name</td><td>'.$order['customer']['name'].' (ID:'.$order['customer']['id'].')</td></tr>'; //if($order['customer']['email']!='') $result[] = '<tr><td>Email Address</td><td>'.$order['customer']['email'].'</td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td>Status</td><td><strong>'.$order['customer']['status'].'</strong></td></tr>'; */ } $result[] = '<tr><td class="highlight" colspan="2"><strong>Product</strong></td></tr>'; if ($order_product['ean'] != '') { $result[] = '<tr><td>Product EAN</td><td>' . $order_product['ean'] . '</td></tr>'; } if ($order_product['category'] != '') { $result[] = '<tr><td class="col1">Product Type</td><td class="col2">' . $order_product['category'] . '</td></tr>'; } $result[] = '<tr><td>Product Code</td><td><strong>' . $order_product['code'] . '</strong> (ID:' . $order_product['id'] . ')</td></tr>'; if ($order_product['name'] != '') { $result[] = '<tr><td>Product Name</td><td>' . $order_product['name'] . '</td></tr>'; } //$result[] = '<tr><td>Product Sharing Status</td><td>'.$order_product['share_status'].'</td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td>Product Price per Piece</td><td>' . displayCurrency($order['currency'], $order_product['price']) . '</td></tr>'; $result[] = '<tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>' . $op_quantity . '</td></tr>'; if ($order_product['qty'] > 1) { $result[] = '<tr><td>Product Price Total</td><td>' . displayCurrency($order['currency'], $order_product['price_total']) . '</td></tr>'; } if ($order_product['custom_image'] != '') { $custom_img_filename = explode('_', basename($order_product['custom_image'])); unset($custom_img_filename[0]); unset($custom_img_filename[1]); $result[] = '<tr class="important"><td>Custom Image</td><td>' . implode('_', $custom_img_filename) . '</td></tr>'; } if ($order_product['custom_text'][0] != '') { $result[] = '<tr class="important"><td>Custom Text</td><td>' . implode('<br />', $order_product['custom_text']) . '</td></tr>'; } if (count($order_product['options']) > 0) { $result[] = '<tr class="important"><td>Product Attributes</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'; foreach ($order_product['options'] as $option_key => $option) { if ($option == CHANGE_LENGTH) { $option = 'New Length'; $value = $order_product['length'] + $order_product['options_values'][$option_key]; } else { $value = $order_product['options_values'][$option_key]; } $result[] = "{$option} : {$value} <br />"; } $result[] = '</td></tr>'; } if (in_array($order_product['id'], $this->gold_plated)) { $result[] = '<tr class="goldplated"><td class="highlight-red">Additional Info</td><td class="highlight-red">GOLDPLATED</td></tr>'; } /* if($order['type']=='SP' && $order_product['stock_status']=='P') { $result[] = '<tr><td>Stock Status</td><td>'.$this->stock_status[$order_product['stock_status']].'</td></tr>'; } */ $result[] = '</table>'; $result[] = '</td><td style="border:none;">'; //Right Part //if($order['daily_count']>0) $result[] = '<div class="dailycount">'.date('d. M', strtotime($order['date'])).' - No. '.$order['daily_count'].'</div>'; //(Main Barcode) //echo $order['id']; //echo $order_product['id']; /*COMMENT ADD BY DEWA (16112010) > FOR JNG BARCODE ORDER PRINTED : JNG-XXXX > REPLACE JNG to JG $barcode_code39_no = $order['type'].'-'.$order_product['item_id']; */ //START REPLACE WITH 3 rows below $barcode_prefix = $order['type']; if ($barcode_prefix == 'JNG') { $barcode_prefix = 'JG'; } $barcode_code39_no = $barcode_prefix . '-' . $order_product['item_id']; //END REPLACE WITH 3 rows above //$barcode_code39_no = '999999'; $barcode_code39 = drawBarcode('CODE39', 'M', $barcode_code39_no, true); $result[] = '<div class="address barcode-code39">' . $barcode_code39 . '</div>'; if ($order_product['stock_status'] == 'P') { $result[] = '<div class="pi-stamp">FG STOCK</div>'; } //(First Order) //if($order['customer']['no']=='1') $result[] = '<div class="firstorder">FIRST ORDER</div>'; //(Customer Info) //$result[] = '<div class="address"><h3>Customers Address</h3><div>'.$customers_address.'</div></div>'; //$result[] = '<div class="address"><h3>Shipping Address</h3><div>'.$order['shipping'].'</div></div>'; $result[] = '<div class="address" style="font-size:12px;">'; $result[] = '<h3>Order Info</h3>'; $result[] = '<strong>' . $order['customer']['name'] . '</strong><br />'; //$result[] = '<strong>Product '..'</strong><br />'; //$result[] = 'Order ID '.$order['id'].'<br />'; $result[] = dailyCounterNo($order['date'], $order['daily_count']) . '<br />'; $result[] = $order['code'] . ' (' . $order_product['count'] . ')<br />'; $result[] = $order['customer']['status']; $result[] = '</div>'; // if($order['type']=='JNG') { // if($order['billing']!=$order['shipping']) $result[] = '<div class="address"><h3>Billing Address</h3><div>'.$order['billing'].'</div></div>'; // } /* if($order_product['brand_image']!='') { $brand_image = webImage($order_product['brand_image'],'180',''); if(strpos($brand_image, 'color-pattern-8.png')===false) $result[] = '<div class="address" style="text-align:center;">'.$brand_image.'</div>'; } */ $result[] = '</td></tr>'; $result[] = '</table></div>'; $result[] = '<div> </div>'; if (!is_null($order)) { $show = true; $have_comment = $order['comment'] != '' || $order_product['comment'] != ''; $use_giftoption = count($order['gift']) > 0; if ($have_comment && $use_giftoption) { $wh1 = '315'; $wh2 = '385'; $wc1 = '300'; $wc2 = '378'; } elseif ($have_comment && !$use_giftoption || !$have_comment && $use_giftoption) { $wh1 = '700'; $wh1 = '700'; $wc1 = '690'; $wc2 = '690'; } else { $show = false; } if ($show) { $result[] = '<div>'; $result[] = '<table class="noborder" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'; if ($have_comment) { $result[] = '<td width="' . $wh1 . '"><div class="table-head"><h2>Order Comment:</h2></div></td>'; } if ($use_giftoption) { $result[] = '<td width="' . $wh2 . '"><div class="table-head"><h2>Greeting Card:</h2></div></td>'; } $result[] = '</tr></table>'; $result[] = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'; if ($have_comment) { $comments = array(); if ($order['comment'] != '') { $comments[] = $order['comment']; } if ($order_product['comment'] != '') { $comments[] = '<strong>' . $order_product['comment'] . '</strong>'; } $comment = nl2br(implode("\n", $comments)); $result[] = '<td width="' . $wc1 . '"><div class="comment-box">' . $comment . '</div></td>'; } if ($use_giftoption) { $result[] = '<td width="' . $wc2 . '">'; $result[] = '<div class="comment-box"><table class="noborder" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>'; $result[] = '<td width="140">' . $order['gift']['card'] . '</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'; $result[] = '<strong>From: ' . $order['gift']['from'] . '</strong><br />'; $result[] = '<strong>For: ' . $order['gift']['for'] . '</strong><br />'; $result[] = nl2br($order['gift']['greeting']); $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '</tr></table></div>'; $result[] = '</td>'; } $result[] = '</tr></table>'; $result[] = '</div>'; $result[] = '<div> </div>'; } } /* //PRODUCTION PROCESS if($order_product['type']!='NEP') { $counter_123 = 1; $result[] = '<div class="table-head"><h2>Production Process</h2></div>'; $result[] = '<div><table class="pp" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<th class="col1">No</th>'; $result[] = '<th class="col2">Process</th>'; $result[] = '<th class="col3">Description</th>'; $result[] = '<th class="col4">OK</th>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Elements Preparation</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Prepare Elements in WH</td>'; $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; if($order_product['type']=='CP') { //Customized Product $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Production</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Check quality of all elements, exchange in WH if necessary</td>'; $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; } elseif($order_product['type']=='SP') { //Standard Product $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Workshop</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Smithing, Setting, Soldering, Polishing</td>'; $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Finishing</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Cleaning, Plating, Antitarnishing</td>'; $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; } $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Assembly</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Assemby of Jewelry</td>'; $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; if(in_array($order_product['id'],$this->gold_plated)) { $result[] = '<tr class="goldplated">'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Goldplating</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Goldplating Process of Product</td>'; $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; } $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Quality Control</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Check quality of finished product</td>'; // (elements qty, weight, length, etc.) $result[] = '<td> </td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; if(!is_null($order)) { /* $packaging = (isset($this->package_type[$order_product['item_id']])) ? $this->package_type[$order_product['item_id']] : 'Ribbon, Hang Tag, Bag, Package'; if($order_product['brand_name']!='') { $packaging = $order_product['brand_name'].' Ribbon, '.$packaging; } else { if($order_product['use_logo']=='1') $packaging = 'J&G Ribbon, '.$packaging; else $packaging = 'White Ribbon, '.$packaging; } $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td class="no">'.$counter_123.'</td>'; $result[] = '<td>Packaging</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'.$packaging.'</td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $counter_123++; $result[] = '<tr class="highlight">'; $result[] = '<td colspan="4" style="text-align:center;">Set Product Status to <strong>"FINISH"</strong></td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $result[] = '<tr>'; } $result[] = '</table></div>'; $result[] = '</div>'; } */ $result[] = '<div> </div>'; $result_text = implode("\n", $result); return $result_text; }