function createAction() { if (!$this->obj->findOne(['user' => 'admin'])) { $ok = $this->obj->insert(['user' => 'admin', 'pwd' => password_hash('admin', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)]); } d($ok); }
public static function sync($source, $destination, $syncTaskId = 0) { // Stats $stats = array('links' => 0); // Get source data $links = BackupsModel::all(array('user_id' => $source['username']['id'], 'sync_task_id' => $syncTaskId, 'entity_type' => static::$kind['link']))->toArray(); $syncedLinks = MigratedDataModel::all(array('source_id' => $source['username']['id'], 'destination_id' => $destination['username']['id'], 'kind' => static::$kind['link']))->column('identifier'); if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link) { if (!in_array($link['entity_id'], $syncedLinks)) { $link['entity'] = json_decode($link['entity'], true); $newLink = array_diff_key($link['entity'], array_flip(static::$skip['link'])); $newLink = \Rest::postJSON(static::$endpoints['link'], $newLink, $destination); if (isset($newLink['result']['error'])) { d($newLink); } $stats['links']++; $syncedCalendar = MigratedDataModel::create(); $syncedCalendar->source_id = $source['username']['id']; $syncedCalendar->destination_id = $destination['username']['id']; $syncedCalendar->kind = static::$kind['link']; $syncedCalendar->identifier = $link['entity_id']; $syncedCalendar->created = date(DATE_TIME); $syncedCalendar->save(); } } } return $stats; }
/** * Adds a entry to the feed list */ function addItem($i) { switch (get_class($i)) { case 'cd\\NewsItem': $item = $i; break; case 'cd\\VideoResource': d($i); die; // d($i); //convert into a NewsItem $item = new NewsItem(); $item->title = $i->title; $item->desc = $i->desc; $item->image_url = $i->thumbnail; $item->image_mime = file_get_mime_by_suffix($i->thumbnail); $item->Url->set($i->Url->get()); $item->Duration->set($i->Duration->get()); $item->Timestamp->set($i->Timestamp->get()); break; default: throw new \Exception('cant handle ' . get_class($i)); } parent::addItem($item); }
/** * {g:a} = $_GET['a'] * {p:a} = $_POST['a'] * {v:a} = d('var')->get('a'); * {} */ function v($str) { //get preg_match_all('/{g:(.+?)}/', $str, $elements); if (!empty($elements[1])) { foreach ($elements[1] as $v) { $str = str_replace('{g:' . $v . '}', $_GET[$v], $str); } } //post preg_match_all('/{p:(.+?)}/', $str, $elements); if (!empty($elements[1])) { foreach ($elements[1] as $v) { $str = str_replace('{p:' . $v . '}', $_POST[$v], $str); } } //var preg_match_all('/{v:(.+?)}/', $str, $elements); if (!empty($elements[1])) { foreach ($elements[1] as $v) { $str = str_replace('{v:' . $v . '}', d('var')->get('a'), $str); } } return $str; }
function dump_post() { global $post; ob_start('kint_debug_globals'); d($post); ob_end_flush(); }
public function __construct(Registry $Registry, array $aData) { $this->Registry = $Registry; $this->aData = $aData; d('$this->aData: ' . print_r($this->aData, 1)); $this->User = $Registry->Viewer; }
/** * Same as d(), but first test the debug level. * @see d * * @param int $lvl Required debug level for output. * @param string $msg Message to output. * @param mixed $var Variable to be shown. */ function dv($lvl, $msg, $var = NULL) { global $debug; if ($debug >= $lvl) { d($msg, $var); } }
public function call(Server\Request $req = null, Server\Error $err = null) { d('CALLING NEWS/SEARCH (#3)'); $res = parent::call($req, $err); // $res->write('<p>URI: '.$req->uri.'</p>'); return $res; }
/** * Список всех элементов */ function index() { $obj_list = $this->obj_name() . "_list"; $model_name = $this->model_name(); d()->{$obj_list} = d()->{$model_name}; print d()->view(); }
/** * Make html block with data about * external Twitter account (avatar, username) * * @return string html block */ protected function makeBlockExternal() { d('oViewer: ' . print_r($this->oViewer->getArrayCopy(), 1)); $aVals = array('LinkedIn', $this->oViewer->getAvatarImgSrc(), $this->oViewer['fn'] . ' ' . $this->oViewer['ln']); $s = \tplAvatarblock::parse($aVals, false); return $s; }
public static function validSignature($clientId, $sig, $ts) { # is req sig still valid $tsClean = str_replace('V', '', str_replace('C', '', $ts)); $currentTime = gmdate('YmdHis'); $minTime = gmdate('YmdHis', strtotime('-1 hours')); if ($tsClean < $minTime) { throw new \Exception('--request object expired--'); } else { # calc the sig from client id, signature, and timestamp # canonical request string # - method # - host # - uri # - access-key # - query-string # - timestamp $clientSecret = consumer::$clientSecret; $reqUri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $reqMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; $host = ''; $canonical = "{$reqMethod}\n{$host}\n{$reqUri}\n{$clientId}\n\n{$ts}"; $digest = hash_hmac('SHA256', $canonical, $clientSecret); $sigCalc = base64_encode($digest); d($sigCalc); d($sig); if ($sigCalc === $sig) { return true; } } return false; }
function getCheckHostResults() { $score = 0; foreach ($this->addedhosts as $host => $whatever) { $host .= ''; $res = SblamURI::gethostbynamel($host); if ($res && count($res)) { d($res, "found banned {$host}"); $score += 3; $mask = 0; foreach ($res as $ip) { $mask |= ip2long($ip); } $mask &= 127 - 1 - 16; // outblaze list has false positives, so lower score d($mask, "banned mask"); while ($mask) { $score++; $mask >>= 1; } d("total surbl score until now is {$score}"); } else { d("{$host} not listed {$res}"); } } $finalscore = min(0.4 + $score / 25, 1.5); if ($score) { return array($finalscore, $score >= 13 ? self::CERTAINITY_HIGH : self::CERTAINITY_NORMAL, "Linked sites in SURBL (" . round($finalscore, 1) . " = {$score})"); } return NULL; }
/** * Just dumps a simple array. Test to see if what it dumps is correct. * * @return assertion */ public function testPingToLiveIp() { $randomArray = ["test" => "array", "im" => "cool", "danny" => "is awesome", "just" => "random gibberish"]; $randomArray2 = ["more" => "stuff", "hello" => "2"]; $randomVar = 12122; d($randomArray); }
public function exec() { try { $request = new Request(); $url = new Url($request->server('REQUEST_URI')); $path = $url->path . '/' . $url->file; d('' . $url); if (!isset($this->routing[$path])) { throw new Exception('routing not found'); } $rounting = $this->routing[$path]; // Controllerをrequire require_once implode('/', [PATH_CONTROLLER, $rounting[0] . '.php']); $controller = $rounting[0]; $action = $rounting[1]; // actionを実行 $class = new ReflectionClass($controller); $instance = $class->newInstance($request); $reflMethod = new ReflectionMethod($controller, $action . 'Action'); $reflMethod->invoke($instance); } catch (Exception $e) { d('####### 処理されない例外 #######'); d($e); } }
protected function _initialize() { $this->user_session = session('user'); $this->assign('user_session', $this->user_session); $this->config = d('Config')->get_config(); $this->config['now_city'] = 2035; $this->assign('config', $this->config); c('config', $this->config); $levelDb = m('User_level'); $tmparr = $levelDb->where('22=22')->order('id ASC')->select(); $levelarr = array(); if ($tmparr) { foreach ($tmparr as $vv) { $levelarr[$vv['level']] = $vv; } } $this->user_level = $levelarr; unset($tmparr); unset($levelarr); $this->assign('levelarr', $this->user_level); $this->common_url['group_category_all'] = c('config.site_url') . '/category/all/all'; $this->static_path = $this->config['site_url'] . '/tpl/Static/' . c('DEFAULT_THEME') . '/'; $this->static_public = $this->config['site_url'] . '/static/'; $this->assign('static_path', $this->static_path); $this->assign('static_public', $this->static_public); $this->assign($this->common_url); }
public function __construct(\Lampcms\Registry $Registry) { $this->Registry = $Registry; $this->aData = $Registry->Request->getArray(); d('$this->aData: ' . print_r($this->aData, 1)); $this->User = $Registry->Viewer; }
/** * __method_systemUser_description__ * @return __return_systemUser_type__ __return_systemUser_description__ * @throws Exception __exception_Exception_description__ */ public static function systemUser() { $user = self::findOne([self::tableName() . '.' . 'email' => self::SYSTEM_EMAIL], false); if (empty($user)) { $superGroup = Group::find()->disableAccessCheck()->where(['system' => 'super_administrators'])->one(); if (!$superGroup) { return false; } $userClass = self::className(); $user = new $userClass(); $user->scenario = 'creation'; $user->first_name = 'System'; $user->last_name = 'User'; $user->email = self::SYSTEM_EMAIL; $user->status = static::STATUS_INACTIVE; $user->password = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomKey(); $user->relationModels = [['parent_object_id' => $superGroup->primaryKey]]; if (!$user->save()) { \d($user->email); \d($user->errors); throw new Exception("Unable to save system user!"); } } return $user; }
function get_compiled_response() { if (isset(d()->datapool['inputs_with_errors']) && count(d()->datapool['inputs_with_errors']) != 0 && isset($_POST['_element'])) { $noticed_inputs = array_values(d()->datapool['inputs_with_errors']); $this->response .= "\$('.error, .has-error').removeClass('error').removeClass('has-error');\n"; if ($_POST['_action'] == htmlspecialchars($_POST['_action'])) { //$this->response.= "var _tmp_form = $('input[value=".$_POST['_action']."]').parents('form');\n"; $this->response .= "var _tmp_form = _current_form[0];\n"; } else { $this->response .= "var _tmp_form = \$(\$('form')[0]);\n"; } $first_element = array(); foreach ($noticed_inputs as $key => $input) { if (isset($_POST['_is_simple_names']) && $_POST['_is_simple_names'] == '1') { $element_name = "'*[name=\"" . $input . "\"]'"; } else { $element_name = "'*[name=\"" . $_POST['_element'] . '[' . $input . ']' . "\"]'"; } $this->response .= '$(' . $element_name . ', _tmp_form).parent().parent().addClass("error").addClass("has-error");' . "\n"; if (isset($_POST['_is_simple_names']) && $_POST['_is_simple_names'] == '1') { $first_element[] = "*[name=\"" . $input . "\"]"; } else { $first_element[] = "*[name=\"" . $_POST['_element'] . '[' . $input . ']' . "\"]"; } } if ($first_element != '') { $this->response .= "\$(\$('" . implode(', ', $first_element) . "', _tmp_form)[0]).focus();" . "\n"; } } return $this->response; }
public function actionIndex() { $solr = new Solr('deal-category'); $solr->getService()->deleteByQuery('*:*'); $cats = KeywordCategory::model()->findAll(); $allkeywords = ''; foreach ($cats as $c) { $sql = "select term from Keyword where category = {$c->id}"; $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql); $rows = $command->queryColumn(); $doc = $solr->getDoc(); $doc->id = trim($c->name); $doc->keywords = implode(" ", $rows); $allkeywords .= $doc->keywords . ' '; d($doc); $solr->getService()->addDocument($doc); } $doc = $solr->getDoc(); $doc->id = "Services & Others"; $doc->keywords = $allkeywords; $solr->getService()->addDocument($doc); $solr->getService()->commit(); $solr->getService()->optimize(); $this->render('index'); }
function preTestPost(ISblamPost $p) { $text = preg_replace('/\\[:..:\\]\\s+/', ' ', $p->getRawContent()); if (strlen($text) < 40) { $text .= $p->getAuthorURI(); } if (strlen($text) < 40) { $text .= $p->getAuthorEmail(); } if (strlen($text) < 40) { $text .= $p->getAuthorName(); } if (strlen($text) < 20) { $text .= $p->getAuthorIP(); } if (strlen($text) < 10) { $this->checksum = NULL; return; } $text = preg_replace(array('/[.,\\s!:;()-]+/', '/([a-f0-9]{1,3}[a-f]{1,6}[0-9]{1,6})+/', '/\\d\\d{1,8}/'), array(' ', 'H', 'D'), strtolower($text)); d($text, 'normalized text'); $this->length = strlen($text); $this->checksum = md5($text); if (!$this->db->exec(sprintf("/*maxtime5*/INSERT INTO dupes (checksum,count,expires,ip) VALUES(UNHEX('%s'),1,%d,%u)\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count = 1 + IF(expires < %d,CEIL(count/10),count), expires = GREATEST(expires + 3600*6, %d)", $this->checksum, time() + 3600 * 18, ip2long($p->getAuthorIP()), time(), time() + 3600 * 18))) { warn($this->db->errorInfo()); } }
/** * May be set as exception handler, i.e. set_exception_handler('alkemann\h2l\handleError'); * * @param \Throwable $e */ function handleError(\Throwable $e) { if ($e instanceof \alkemann\h2l\exceptions\InvalidUrl) { Log::info("InvalidUrl: " . $e->getMessage()); echo (new Error(404, $e->getMessage()))->render(); return; } if ($e instanceof \Exception) { Log::error(get_class($e) . ": " . $e->getMessage()); } elseif ($e instanceof \Error) { Log::alert(get_class($e) . ": " . $e->getMessage()); } if (DEBUG && isset($e->xdebug_message)) { header("Content-type: text/html"); echo '<table>' . $e->xdebug_message . '</table><br>'; dbp('xdebug_message'); d($e); } elseif (DEBUG) { header("Content-type: text/html"); echo '<h1>' . $e->getMessage() . '</h1>'; d($e); } else { (new Error(500, $e->getMessage()))->render(); } }
public function testD() { ob_start(); d(true); $res = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals("bool(true)\n", $res); }
function pd($v) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($v); echo '</pre>'; d(); }
public function authorize() { $request = \OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals(); $response = new \OAuth2\Response(); $server = $this->oauth; // validate the authorize request if (!$server->validateAuthorizeRequest($request, $response)) { $response->send(); d(var_dump($is_authorized)); //die; } // display an authorization form if (!$this->request->isPost()) { exit(' <form method="post"> <label>Do You Authorize TestClient?</label><br /> <input type="submit" name="authorized" value="yes"> <input type="submit" name="authorized" value="no"> </form>'); } // print the authorization code if the user has authorized your client $is_authorized = $_POST['authorized'] == 'yes'; $server->handleAuthorizeRequest($request, $response, $is_authorized); if ($is_authorized) { // this is only here so that you get to see your code in the cURL request. Otherwise, we'd redirect back to the client $code = substr($response->getHttpHeader('Location'), strpos($response->getHttpHeader('Location'), 'code=') + 5, 40); exit("SUCCESS! Authorization Code: {$code}"); } $response->send(); }
/** * Parse title of the question by * tokenizing it * Overrides parent's parse and users mb_split * instead of preg_split to be UTF-8 Safe * because title can be a UTF-8 string * * @return array tokens; */ public function parse() { if (empty($this->origString)) { d('string was empty, returning empty array'); return array(); } \mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); $aTokens = \mb_split('([\\s,;\\"\\?]+)', $this->origString); $aTokens = \array_unique($aTokens); $aStopwords = getStopwords(); \array_walk($aTokens, function (&$val) use($aStopwords) { $val = \trim($val); $val = strlen($val) > 1 && !in_array($val, $aStopwords) ? $val : false; }); /** * Remove empty values * */ $aTokens = \array_filter($aTokens); /** * Call array_values to reindex from 0 * otherwise if filter removed some * elements then Mongo will not * treat this as normal array */ return \array_values($aTokens); }
public function twig_kint_dump($var) { if (!$this->isEnabled()) { return ''; } return @d($var); }
/** * Debug function with die() after * dd($var); * @param $var */ function dd($var) { $tmp_var = debug_backtrace(1); $caller = array_shift($tmp_var); d($var, $caller); die; }
function storeAlitudeToDb($altitudes, $caches, &$cachesAltitudeCount) { $status = (string) $altitudes->status; if ($status !== 'OK') { print 'error occured'; d($caches, $altitudes); return; } $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance(); $i = 0; foreach ($altitudes->result as $key => $value) { $lat = (string) $value->location->lat; $lon = (string) $value->location->lng; $alt = (string) $value->elevation; $altInt = (int) round($alt); if (round($caches[$i]['latitude'], 7) == $lat && round($caches[$i]['longitude'], 7) == $lon) { $query2 = 'INSERT INTO caches_additions (cache_id, altitude) VALUES (:2, :1) '; $db->multiVariableQuery($query2, $altInt, $caches[$i]['cache_id']); } // d($altInt, $key, $value, $lat, $lon, $caches[$i]); $i++; $cachesAltitudeCount++; } return $cachesAltitudeCount; }
/** * Debug function with die() after * dd($var); */ function dd($var) { $dtrace = debug_backtrace(1); $caller = array_shift($dtrace); d($var, $caller); die; }
public function index() { return false; phpinfo(); return false; //CModel::make('login_model'); echo strtotime('+3 days 2 hours 14 minutes'); //echo time(); return false; echo $id = $this->input->get('id'); d($id); return true; //$this->load->model('run_model'); // $this->run_model->test(); // d($this->uri->rsegment(2)); // var_dump($diffTime); $retval = $this->DateDiff('d', 1409050905, 1409335310); $unit = array('y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'h', 'n', 's'); $lang = array('y' => '年', 'm' => '月', 'w' => '周', 'd' => '天', 'h' => '小时', 'n' => '分', 's' => '秒'); foreach ($unit as $abbr) { $log[$abbr] = $this->DateDiff($abbr, 1409050905, 1409335310); } foreach ($log as $key => $value) { if ($value > 0) { echo $value . $lang[$key] . '前'; break; } } }