/** * Connect to Database * @method connnectDatabase * @return void */ protected function connect_database($dsn, $user = '', $passwd = '') { require_once CX_BASE_DIR . 'classes' . DS . 'cx' . DS . 'database' . DS . 'db.php'; $this->database = new cx_db($dsn, $user, $passwd); if (!is_object($this->database)) { cx_email_error('The Database is DOWN!!!'); if (defined('CX_LIVE') && CX_LIVE === true) { cx_global_error_handler(); exit; } else { echo "The Database is down"; exit; } } if (is_object($this->database)) { $this->database->error_callback_set('cx_global_error_handler'); $this->database->init_db(); } else { throw new \Exception('Unable to connect to database!!'); } }
private function debug() { $error = array("Error" => $this->error); if (!empty($this->sql)) { $error["SQL Statement"] = $this->sql; } if (!empty($this->bind)) { $error["Bind Parameters"] = trim(print_r($this->bind, true)); } $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); if (!empty($backtrace)) { foreach ($backtrace as $info) { if ($info["file"] != __FILE__) { $error["Backtrace"] = $info["file"] . " at line " . $info["line"]; } } } $msg = "SQL Error\n" . str_repeat("-", 50); foreach ($error as $key => $val) { $msg .= "\n\n{$key}:\n{$val}"; } if (defined('CX_LIVE') && CX_LIVE === false) { echo "<pre>"; echo $msg; echo "</pre>"; exit; } else { cx_email_error($msg); if (!empty($this->error_callback_function)) { $func = $this->error_callback_function; $func($msg); exit; } } }
function cx_custom_error_checker() { $a_errors = error_get_last(); if (is_array($a_errors)) { if (defined('CX_LIVE') && CX_LIVE === true) { $msg = "Error: {$a_errors['message']} File:{$a_errors['file']} Line:{$a_errors['line']}."; cx_email_error($msg); cx_global_error_handler(); } else { echo '<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">'; echo '<base href="' . CX_BASE_REF . '"/>'; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../cx/assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" media="all" />'; echo "</head>\r\n<body>\r\n"; echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">'; echo "{$a_errors['message']}, in file: {$a_errors['file']}, on line #{$a_errors['line']}."; echo '</div>'; echo "</body>\r\n</html>"; } } }