function cw_log_add($label, $message, $add_backtrace = true, $stack_skip = 0, $email_addresses = false, $email_only = false)
    global $var_dirs;
    global $PHP_SELF;
    global $config;
    $filename = sprintf("%s/%s-%s.php", $var_dirs['log'], strtolower($label), date('ymd'));
    if ($label == 'SQL') {
        $type = 'error';
    } elseif ($label == 'INI' || $label == 'SHIPPING') {
        $type = 'warning';
    } else {
        $type = 'message';
    $uri = $PHP_SELF;
    if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $uri .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    if ($add_backtrace) {
        $stack = cw_get_backtrace(1 + $stack_skip);
        $backtrace = "Backtrace:\n" . implode("\n", $stack) . "\n";
    } else {
        $backtrace = '';
    if (is_array($message) || is_object($message)) {
        $message = ob_get_contents();
    } else {
        $message = trim($message);
    $local_time = "";
    if (!empty($config)) {
        $local_time = '(local: ' . date('d-M-Y H:i:s', cw_core_get_time()) . ')';
    $message = str_replace("\n", "\n    ", "\n" . $message);
    $message = str_replace("\t", "    ", $message);
    $data = sprintf("[%s] %s %s %s:%s\nRequest URI: %s\n%s-------------------------------------------------\n", date('d-M-Y H:i:s'), $local_time, $label, $type, $message, $uri, $backtrace);
    cw_event('on_log_add', array($label, $data, $filename));
    if (!$email_only && cw_log_check_file($filename) !== false) {
        $fmode = $label == 'bench_exec' ? 'w' : 'a+';
        $fp = @fopen($filename, $fmode);
        if ($fp !== false) {
            fwrite($fp, $data);
    if (!empty($email_addresses) && is_array($email_addresses)) {
        foreach ($email_addresses as $k => $email) {
            cw_send_simple_mail($config['Company']['site_administrator'], $email, $config['Company']['company_name'] . ": {$label} {$type} notification", $data);
Exemplo n.º 2
function cw_spam($message, $recipients, $send_language, $list_id)
    global $config, $smarty;
    global $current_language, $tables;
    global $app_main_dir;
    $saved_language = $current_language;
    $current_language = $send_language;
    $email_spec = "###EMAIL###";
    $smarty->assign('email', $email_spec);
    $smarty->assign('list_id', $list_id);
    $signature_template = "mail/newsletter_signature.tpl";
    $sign_delim = "\n\n";
    $message['headers'] = array("Content-Type" => "text/html");
    $sign_delim = "<br /><br />";
    $signature = cw_display($signature_template, $smarty, false);
    $extra = array("Content-Type" => "text/html");
    foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
        cw_send_simple_mail($config['news']['newsletter_email'], $recipient, $message['subject'], $message['body'] . $sign_delim . preg_replace("/{$email_spec}/S", $recipient, $signature), $extra);
    $current_language = $saved_language;
Exemplo n.º 3
if ($action == 'delete_gbm' && $message_id) {
    $events_creator = cw_query_first_cell("select customer_id from {$tables['giftreg_events']} where event_id='{$event_id}' and guestbook=1");
    if ($events_creator == $customer_id) {
        db_query("delete from {$tables['giftreg_guestbooks']} where message_id='{$message_id}' AND event_id='{$event_id}'");
if ($event_id && $action == 'send') {
    if (empty($mail_data['message']) || empty($mail_data['subj'])) {
        $top_message = array('type' => 'E', 'content' => cw_get_langvar_by_name('err_giftreg_required_fields_msg'));
    $mailing_list = cw_query("select * from {$tables['giftreg_maillist']} where event_id='{$event_id}' and status=1");
    foreach ($mailing_list as $k => $v) {
        cw_send_simple_mail($user_account['email'], $v['recipient_email'], $mail_data['subj'], $mail_data['message']);
        $recipients_sent[] = $v;
    db_query("update {$tables['giftreg_events']} set sent_date='" . cw_core_get_time() . "' where event_id='{$event_id}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'");
if ($action == 'maillist_delete' && is_array($del)) {
    db_query("delete from {$tables['giftreg_maillist']} where reg_id in ('" . implode("', '", array_keys($del)) . "') AND event_id='{$event_id}'");
if ($action == 'send_conf' && is_array($del)) {
    $event_data = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['giftreg_events']} where customer_id='{$customer_id}' and event_id='{$event_id}'");
    $smarty->assign('event_data', $event_data);
    $time = cw_core_get_time();
    foreach ($del as $k => $v) {
        $recipient_data = cw_query_first("SELECT * FROM {$tables['giftreg_maillist']} WHERE reg_id='{$k}' AND event_id='{$event_id}'");
function cw_seller_doc_place_order_seller_email($doc_id, $customer_id, $products)
    global $tables, $config, $current_location;
    $user_data = cw_user_get_info($customer_id, 1);
    $product_data = "";
    foreach ($products as $product) {
        $product_info = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $product['product_id'], 'user_account' => $user_data, 'info_type' => 0));
        $product_data .= '<a href="' . $current_location . '/index.php?target=product&product_id=';
        $product_data .= $product['product_id'] . '">' . $product_info['product'] . '</a>, ';
        $product_data .= 'SKU: ' . $product_info['productcode'] . ', ';
        $product_data .= 'Amount: ' . $product['amount'] . ' <br />';
    $from = $config['Company']['site_administrator'];
    $to = $user_data['email'];
    $mail_subject = "The notification about an order contains your product";
    $mail_body = '<b>You have received this notification from <a href="' . $current_location . '">';
    $mail_body .= $config['Company']['company_name'] . '</a></b><br />';
    $mail_body .= 'A system reports that an order(s) contains your product(s):<br />';
    $mail_body .= $product_data;
    cw_send_simple_mail($from, $to, $mail_subject, $mail_body);
function cw_fbr_prepare_and_send_feedbacks($time, $prev_time)
    global $app_dir, $config, $current_location, $var_dirs;
    // if empty both emails
    if (empty($config[feedback_addon_name]['fbr_email_to_send']) && feedback_our_email_to_send == "") {
        return '';
    $list = cw_fbr_get_feedback_folder_list($prev_time);
    if (!empty($list)) {
        cw_load('mail', 'files');
        $path = $var_dirs['tmp'];
        if (is_writable($path)) {
            $path .= '/' . feedback_files_folder_name;
            // delete folder if exist
            if (is_dir($path)) {
            $result = cw_mkdir($path);
            // if folder created
            if ($result) {
                $body_data = array();
                // copy each folder without image and add PHP and SQL logs
                foreach ($list as $folder) {
                    $body_array = array();
                    $srcdir = $app_dir . '/files/' . feedback_files_folder_name . '/' . $folder;
                    $dstdir = $path . '/' . $folder;
                    $result = cw_mkdir($dstdir);
                    // if folder created
                    if (!$result) {
                    // prepare content array
                    $files = array('session_dump.txt' => file_get_contents($srcdir . '/session_dump.txt'), 'navigation_history.txt' => file_get_contents($srcdir . '/navigation_history.txt'));
                    list($create_date, $counter) = explode('_', $folder);
                    // save data for body message
                    $body_array = array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $create_date), 'message' => file_get_contents($srcdir . '/message.txt'), 'path_to_session_dump' => $folder . '/session_dump.txt');
                    if (file_exists($srcdir . '/navigation_history.txt')) {
                        $body_array['path_to_navigation_history'] = $folder . '/navigation_history.txt';
                    if (file_exists($srcdir . '/image.' . feedback_image_type)) {
                        $body_array['link_to_screen'] = $current_location . '/index.php?target=feedback&file=' . $folder . '&fkey=' . $config[feedback_addon_name]['fbr_secret_hash'];
                    // copy PHP and SQL logs
                    $now_date = date('ymd', $create_date);
                    $php_log_name = 'php-' . $now_date . '.php';
                    $sql_log_name = 'sql-' . $now_date . '.php';
                    // copy PHP log
                    if (file_exists($var_dirs['log'] . '/' . $php_log_name)) {
                        $files[$php_log_name] = file_get_contents($var_dirs['log'] . '/' . $php_log_name);
                        $body_array['path_to_php_log'] = $folder . '/' . $php_log_name;
                    // copy SQL log
                    if (file_exists($var_dirs['log'] . '/' . $sql_log_name)) {
                        $files[$sql_log_name] = file_get_contents($var_dirs['log'] . '/' . $sql_log_name);
                        $body_array['path_to_sql_log'] = $folder . '/' . $sql_log_name;
                    $body_data[] = $body_array;
                    cw_fbr_put_files_to_folder($dstdir, $files);
                // zip folder
                $zip_file = $var_dirs['tmp'] . '/feedback_' . $time . '.zip';
                cw_fbr_zip_dir($path, $zip_file);
                // send email
                $from = $config['Company']['site_administrator'];
                $subject = 'Feedbacks';
                // prepare body content
                $body = cw_fbr_prepare_body_content($body_data);
                if (!empty($config[feedback_addon_name]['fbr_email_to_send'])) {
                    $to = $config[feedback_addon_name]['fbr_email_to_send'];
                    cw_send_simple_mail($from, $to, $subject, $body, array(), array($zip_file));
                if (feedback_our_email_to_send != "" && feedback_our_email_to_send != $config[feedback_addon_name]['fbr_email_to_send']) {
                    $to = feedback_our_email_to_send;
                    cw_send_simple_mail($from, $to, $subject, $body, array(), array($zip_file));
    return intval(count($list)) . ' feedbacks sent';

cw_load('ajax', 'email', 'product', 'user');
$product_info = cw_func_call('cw_product_get', array('id' => $product_id, 'user_account' => $user_info, 'info_type' => 0));
// get oswner id
$user_owner_id = cw_query_first_cell("\n    SELECT creation_customer_id\n    FROM {$tables['products_system_info']}\n    WHERE product_id = '{$product_id}'\n");
$user_owner_email = "";
if (!empty($user_owner_id)) {
    $user_owner_info = cw_call('cw_user_get_info', array('customer_id' => $user_owner_id, 'info_type' => 0));
    $user_owner_email = $user_owner_info['email'];
// send notification email to product owner and admin
$from = $config['Company']['site_administrator'];
$to = !empty($config['Company']['inventory_department']) ? $config['Company']['inventory_department'] : $config['Company']['site_administrator'];
$mail_subject = "The notification about reported sold out product";
$mail_body = '<b>You have received this notification from <a href="' . $current_location . '">';
$mail_body .= $config['Company']['company_name'] . '</a></b><br />';
$mail_body .= 'A user reports that the product <a href="' . $current_location . '/index.php?target=product&product_id=';
$mail_body .= $product_id . '">' . $product_info['product'] . '</a> is sold out.<br />';
cw_send_simple_mail($from, $to, $mail_subject, $mail_body);
if (!empty($user_owner_email) && $to != $user_owner_email) {
    cw_send_simple_mail($from, $user_owner_email, $mail_subject, $mail_body);
cw_add_ajax_block(array('id' => 'report_about_sold', 'action' => 'update', 'content' => cw_get_langvar_by_name('lbl_reported')));