function currency_converter($convertable_amount, $convert_currency_from)
    	author: angshuman baruah
    	subject : currency_converter - stage 1
    	year : 2016
    $to_crncy_geo = currency_code();
    $from_currency = $convert_currency_from;
    // as per php get
    $to_currency = $to_crncy_geo;
    $amount = $convertable_amount;
    $results = converCurrency($from_currency, $to_currency, $amount);
    $regularExpression = '#\\<span class=bld\\>(.+?)\\<\\/span\\>#s';
    preg_match($regularExpression, $results, $finalData);
    $pre_final_x = $finalData[0];
    $pre_final = str_replace($to_currency, "", $pre_final_x);
    $before_final = str_replace(" ", "", $pre_final);
    return $before_final;

	author: angshuman baruah
	subject : Country-wise-Currency-Converter ver 1
	year : 2016
	Please give feedback to this email
include "currency_converter.php";
$amount = "10";
$from_currency = "USD";
$convertable_amount = currency_converter($amount, $from_currency);
// jst only call this function for currency convert
$currency_code = currency_code();
// get currency code
$client_ip = current_location_ip();
// get client IP
$client_country = client_country();
// get client country with code
echo $convertable_amount . " " . $currency_code . " for" . $client_country . " with Client IP : " . $client_ip;
Exemplo n.º 3
function chk_avail_hotel($user, $pass, $param)
    $hotel_id = isset($param->hotel_id) ? $param->hotel_id : 0;
    $check_in = isset($param->check_in) ? $param->check_in : 0;
    $check_out = isset($param->check_out) ? $param->check_out : 0;
    $rooms = isset($param->rooms) ? $param->rooms : 1;
    $passengers = isset($param->passengers) ? $param->passengers : 1;
    //    print_r($passengers);
    //    echo $hotel_id."\n\r";
    if ($hotel_id == 0 || $check_in == '' || $check_out == '') {
        $return['err']['code'] = 2002;
        $return['err']['code'] = 20061;
        $return['err']['msg'] = "HOTEL ID IS FAIL";
        return json_encode($return);
    global $db_hotel;
    $avails = array();
    $passengers = json_decode($passengers, TRUE);
    //     print_r($passengers);
    for ($room = 1; $room <= $rooms; $room++) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `hot_room_type` where (`capa_adult`+`capa_extra`) >= " . $passengers[$room]['adult'] . " AND hotels_id={$hotel_id} ";
        //            $query = "SELECT * FROM `hot_room_type` where (`capa_adult`+`capa_extra`) >=  $adult  ";
        //            echo '<hr>'.$query.'<hr>';
        $query = $db_hotel->query($query);
        $return = array();
        $numDays = date_diff(date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $check_out), date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $check_in));
        $numDays = $numDays->d;
        $days = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numDays; $i++) {
            $d = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $check_in);
            date_add($d, DateInterval::createFromDateString($i . ' days'));
            array_push($days, $d->format('Y-m-d'));
        //    print_r($days);
        if ($query == true) {
            while ($room_avail = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
                $wh = array();
                $pri = array();
                foreach ($days as $date) {
                    $wh[] = "(SELECT `has_avail_ondate`('" . $room_avail['id'] . "','" . $date . "')) >=1 ";
                    $pri[] = "(SELECT `has_avail_ondate`('" . $room_avail['id'] . "','" . $date . "'))";
                $wh = implode(" AND ", $wh);
                $pri = implode(" + ", $pri);
                $qavail = NULL;
                $qavail = "SELECT `currency_id`,({$pri}) as price  FROM hotel_avail  WHERE {$wh} LIMIT 1 ";
                $qavail = $db_hotel->query($qavail);
                if ($qavail->num_rows > 0) {
                    $avail = $qavail->fetch_assoc();
                    //                    echo $avail['price']."\n\r";
                    if ($avail['price'] != 0) {
                        $cur = "SELECT `currency_id` FROM hotel_avail  WHERE room_type_id=" . $room_avail['id'] . " LIMIT 1 ";
                        $cur = $db_hotel->query($cur);
                        $cur = $cur->fetch_assoc();
                        $cur = $cur['currency_id'];
                        if ($cur) {
                            $avails[$room][$room_avail['id']] = array("name" => $room_avail['name'], "en_name" => $room_avail['en_name'], "capa_adult" => $room_avail['capa_adult'], "price" => $avail['price'], "currency" => currency_code($cur));
        //    echo 'ROOM :: '.$room."\n\r\n";
        //    echo 'ROOM :: ';
        //    print_r($avails[$room]);
        //    echo "\n\r\n";
        if (!isset($avails[$room]) || count($avails[$room]) == 0) {
            $return['err']['code'] = 2021;
            $return['err']['ecode'] = 20062;
            $return['err']['msg'] = "NOT AVAIL";
            return json_encode($return);
        //    print_r($avails);
    return json_encode($avails);
  * Payment process
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function process()
     $currency = currency_code();
     $cc_owner = $this->ci->input->post('cc_owner');
     $cc_type = $this->ci->input->post('cc_type');
     $cc_number_nh_dns = $this->ci->input->post('cc_number_nh-dns');
     $cc_starts_month = $this->ci->input->post('cc_starts_month');
     $cc_starts_year = $this->ci->input->post('cc_starts_year');
     $cc_expires_month = $this->ci->input->post('cc_expires_month');
     $cc_expires_year = $this->ci->input->post('cc_expires_year');
     $cc_cvc_nh_dns = $this->ci->input->post('cc_cvc_nh-dns');
     $cc_issue_nh_dns = $this->ci->input->post('cc_issue_nh-dns');
     if (isset($cc_owner) && !empty($cc_owner) && isset($cc_type) && isset($this->cc_types[$cc_type]) && isset($cc_number_nh_dns) && !empty($cc_number_nh_dns)) {
         $params = array('USER' => $this->config['MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DIRECT_API_USERNAME'], 'PWD' => $this->config['MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DIRECT_API_PASSWORD'], 'VERSION' => '3.2', 'SIGNATURE' => $this->config['MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DIRECT_API_SIGNATURE'], 'METHOD' => 'DoDirectPayment', 'PAYMENTACTION' => $this->config['MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DIRECT_METHOD'] == 'Sale' ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization', 'IPADDRESS' => get_ip_address(), 'AMT' => currencies_format_raw($this->ci->shopping_cart->get_total() - $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_method('cost'), $currency), 'CREDITCARDTYPE' => $cc_type, 'ACCT' => $cc_number_nh_dns, 'STARTDATE' => $cc_starts_month . $cc_starts_year, 'EXPDATE' => $cc_expires_month . $cc_expires_year, 'CVV2' => $cc_cvc_nh_dns, 'FIRSTNAME' => substr($cc_owner, 0, strpos($cc_owner, ' ')), 'LASTNAME' => substr($cc_owner, strpos($cc_owner, ' ') + 1), 'STREET' => $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_billing_address('street_address'), 'CITY' => $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_billing_address('city'), 'STATE' => $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_billing_address('state'), 'COUNTRYCODE' => $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_billing_address('country_iso_code_2'), 'ZIP' => $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_billing_address('postcode'), 'EMAIL' => $this->ci->customer->get_email_address(), 'PHONENUM' => $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_billing_address('telephone_number'), 'CURRENCYCODE' => $currency, 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'tomatcart');
         if ($cc_type == 'SWITCH' || $cc_type == 'SOLO') {
             $params['ISSUENUMBER'] = $cc_issue_nh_dns;
         if ($this->ci->shopping_cart->has_shipping_address()) {
             $params['SHIPTONAME'] = $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('firstname') . ' ' . $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('lastname');
             $params['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('street_address');
             $params['SHIPTOCITY'] = $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('city');
             $params['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('zone_code');
             $params['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'] = $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('country_iso_code_2');
             $params['SHIPTOZIP'] = $this->ci->shopping_cart->get_shipping_address('postcode');
         $post_string = '';
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             $post_string .= $key . '=' . urlencode(trim($value)) . '&';
         $post_string = substr($post_string, 0, -1);
         $response = $this->send_transaction_to_gateway($this->api_url, $post_string);
         $response_array = array();
         parse_str($response, $response_array);
         if ($response_array['ACK'] != 'Success' && $response_array['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
             $this->ci->message_stack->add_session('checkout', stripslashes($response_array['L_LONGMESSAGE0']), 'error');
         } else {
             $orders_id = $this->ci->order->create_order();
             //update order order status
             $comments = 'PayPal Website Payments Pro (US) Direct Payments [' . 'ACK: ' . $response_array['ACK'] . '; TransactionID: ' . $response_array['TRANSACTIONID'] . ';' . ']';
             $this->ci->order->process($orders_id, ORDERS_STATUS_PAID, $comments);
     } else {
         $this->ci->message_stack->add_session('checkout', lang('payment_paypal_direct_error_all_fields_required'), 'error');