function init($plugin)
     $this->plugin = $plugin;
     // Get rid of the list parent.
     unset($this->plugin['menu']['items']['list callback']);
  * Implements Drupal\configuration\Config\Configuration::saveToActiveStore().
 public function saveToActiveStore(ConfigIteratorSettings &$settings)
     $object = ctools_export_crud_load($this->getComponent(), $this->getIdentifier());
     if ($object) {
         ctools_export_crud_delete($this->getComponent(), $object);
     $data = $this->getData();
     $data->export_type = NULL;
     // get title_pane key if configured.
     if (isset($data->conf['display']->title_pane)) {
         $title_pane = $data->conf['display']->title_pane;
     $display = panels_save_display($data->conf['display']);
     // title_pane configuration workaround.
     if (isset($display->content[$title_pane])) {
         $pid = $display->content[$title_pane]->pid;
         $display->{$title_pane} = $pid;
         db_update('panels_display')->fields(array('title_pane' => $pid))->condition('did', $display->did)->execute();
     $data->conf['did'] = $data->conf['display']->did;
     ctools_export_crud_save($this->getComponent(), $data);
     $settings->addInfo('imported', $this->getUniqueId());
 public function access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL)
     if ($op !== 'create' && empty($entity)) {
         return FALSE;
     // The administer permission is a blanket override.
     if (user_access('administer fieldable panels panes')) {
         return TRUE;
     $bundle = is_string($entity) ? $entity : $entity->bundle;
     if ($op == 'create') {
         return user_access('create fieldable ' . $bundle);
     if ($op == 'view') {
         return ctools_access($entity->view_access, fieldable_panels_panes_get_base_context($entity));
     if ($op == 'update') {
         return user_access('edit fieldable ' . $bundle) && ctools_access($entity->edit_access, fieldable_panels_panes_get_base_context($entity));
     if ($op == 'delete') {
         return user_access('delete fieldable ' . $bundle) && ctools_access($entity->edit_access, fieldable_panels_panes_get_base_context($entity));
     return FALSE;
 protected function loadFromDb()
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         $result = ctools_export_load_object('ldap_authorization', 'names', array($this->consumerType));
         // @todo, this is technically wrong, but I don't quite grok what we're doing in the non-ctools case - justintime
         $server_record = array_pop($result);
         // There's no ctools api call to get the reserved properties, so instead of hardcoding a list of them
         // here, we just grab everything.  Basically, we sacrifice a few bytes of RAM for forward-compatibility.
     } else {
         $select = db_select('ldap_authorization', 'ldap_authorization');
         $select->condition('ldap_authorization.consumer_type', $this->consumerType);
         $server_record = $select->execute()->fetchObject();
     if (!$server_record) {
         $this->inDatabase = FALSE;
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($this->field_to_properties_map() as $db_field_name => $property_name) {
         if (isset($server_record->{$db_field_name})) {
             if (in_array($db_field_name, $this->field_to_properties_serialized())) {
                 $this->{$property_name} = unserialize($server_record->{$db_field_name});
             } else {
                 $this->{$property_name} = $server_record->{$db_field_name};
     $this->numericConsumerConfId = isset($server_record->numeric_consumer_conf_id) ? $server_record->numeric_consumer_conf_id : NULL;
     $this->server = ldap_servers_get_servers($this->sid, NULL, TRUE);
     return TRUE;
 protected function loadFromDb()
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         $result = ctools_export_load_object('ldap_authorization', 'names', array($this->consumerType));
         // @todo, this is technically wrong, but I don't quite grok what we're doing in the non-ctools case - justintime
         $consumer_conf = array_pop($result);
         // There's no ctools api call to get the reserved properties, so instead of hardcoding a list of them
         // here, we just grab everything.  Basically, we sacrifice a few bytes of RAM for forward-compatibility.
     } else {
         $select = db_select('ldap_authorization', 'ldap_authorization');
         $select->condition('ldap_authorization.consumer_type', $this->consumerType);
         $consumer_conf = $select->execute()->fetchObject();
     if (!$consumer_conf) {
         $this->inDatabase = FALSE;
     $this->sid = $consumer_conf->sid;
     $this->consumerType = $consumer_conf->consumer_type;
     $this->numericConsumerConfId = isset($consumer_conf->numeric_consumer_conf_id) ? $consumer_conf->numeric_consumer_conf_id : NULL;
     $this->status = $consumer_conf->status ? 1 : 0;
     $this->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated = (bool) @$consumer_conf->only_ldap_authenticated;
     $this->useFirstAttrAsGroupId = (bool) @$consumer_conf->useFirstAttrAsGroupId;
     $this->searchAll = (bool) @$consumer_conf->searchAll;
     $this->mappings = $this->pipeListToArray($consumer_conf->mappings, FALSE);
     $this->useMappingsAsFilter = (bool) @$consumer_conf->use_filter;
     $this->synchToLdap = (bool) @$consumer_conf->synch_to_ldap;
     $this->synchOnLogon = (bool) @$consumer_conf->synch_on_logon;
     $this->regrantLdapProvisioned = (bool) @$consumer_conf->regrant_ldap_provisioned;
     $this->revokeLdapProvisioned = (bool) @$consumer_conf->revoke_ldap_provisioned;
     $this->createConsumers = (bool) @$consumer_conf->create_consumers;
     $this->server = ldap_servers_get_servers($this->sid, NULL, TRUE);
 function edit_form(&$form, &$form_state)
     parent::edit_form($form, $form_state);
     ctools_include('stack-admin', 'panels_frame');
     ctools_include('plugins', 'panels');
     ctools_add_css('panels_dnd', 'panels');
     ctools_add_css('panels-frame.ui-stack', 'panels_frame');
     // Set the cache identifier and immediately set an object cache.
     $form_state['cache_key'] = panels_frame_cache_key($form_state['item']->name);
     if (is_object($cache = panels_frame_cache_get('stack', $form_state['cache_key']))) {
         $form_state['item'] = $cache;
     panels_frame_cache_set('stack', $form_state['cache_key'], $form_state['item']);
     $form['info']['#type'] = 'container';
     $form['info']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'stack-admin-info';
     $form['frames'] = panels_frame_stack_edit_form(array(), $form_state);
     $form['frames']['#type'] = 'container';
     $form['frames']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'stack-admin-frames';
     $form['buttons']['#type'] = 'container';
     $form['buttons']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'stack-admin-buttons';
     $form['info']['plugin'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => 'stack');
 public function save()
     $op = $this->inDatabase ? 'edit' : 'insert';
     $values = new stdClass();
     // $this;
     $values->sid = $this->sid;
     $values->consumer_type = $this->consumerType;
     $values->consumer_module = $this->consumer->consumerModule;
     $values->status = $this->status ? 1 : 0;
     $values->only_ldap_authenticated = (int) $this->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated;
     $values->derive_from_dn = (int) $this->deriveFromDn;
     $values->derive_from_dn_attr = $this->deriveFromDnAttr;
     $values->derive_from_attr = (int) $this->deriveFromAttr;
     $values->derive_from_attr_attr = $this->arrayToLines($this->deriveFromAttrAttr);
     $values->derive_from_attr_use_first_attr = (int) $this->deriveFromAttrUseFirstAttr;
     $values->derive_from_attr_nested = (int) $this->deriveFromAttrNested;
     $values->derive_from_entry = (int) $this->deriveFromEntry;
     $values->derive_from_entry_search_all = (int) $this->deriveFromEntrySearchAll;
     $values->derive_from_entry_entries = $this->arrayToLines($this->deriveFromEntryEntries);
     $values->derive_from_entry_entries_attr = $this->deriveFromEntryEntriesAttr;
     $values->derive_from_entry_attr = $this->deriveFromEntryMembershipAttr;
     $values->derive_from_entry_user_ldap_attr = $this->deriveFromEntryAttrMatchingUserAttr;
     $values->derive_from_entry_use_first_attr = (int) $this->deriveFromEntryUseFirstAttr;
     $values->derive_from_entry_nested = (int) $this->deriveFromEntryNested;
     $values->mappings = $this->arrayToPipeList($this->mappings);
     $values->use_filter = (int) $this->useMappingsAsFilter;
     $values->synch_to_ldap = (int) $this->synchToLdap;
     $values->synch_on_logon = (int) $this->synchOnLogon;
     $values->revoke_ldap_provisioned = (int) $this->revokeLdapProvisioned;
     $values->create_consumers = (int) $this->createConsumers;
     $values->regrant_ldap_provisioned = (int) $this->regrantLdapProvisioned;
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         // Populate our object with ctool's properties
         $object = ctools_export_crud_new('ldap_authorization');
         foreach ($object as $property => $value) {
             if (!isset($values->{$property})) {
                 $values->{$property} = $value;
         $result = ctools_export_crud_save('ldap_authorization', $values);
     } elseif ($op == 'edit') {
         $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_authorization', $values, 'consumer_type');
     } else {
         // insert
         $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_authorization', $values);
     if ($result) {
         $this->inDatabase = TRUE;
     } else {
         drupal_set_message(t('Failed to write LDAP Authorization to the database.'));
     // revert mappings to array and remove temporary properties from ctools export
     $this->mappings = $this->pipeListToArray($values->mappings, TRUE);
     foreach (array('consumer_type', 'consumer_module', 'only_ldap_authenticated', 'derive_from_dn', 'derive_from_dn_attr', 'derive_from_attr', 'derive_from_attr_attr', 'derive_from_attr_use_first_attr', 'derive_from_attr_nested', 'derive_from_entry', 'derive_from_entry_entries', 'derive_from_entry_attr', 'derive_from_entry_search_all', 'derive_from_entry_use_first_attr', 'derive_from_entry_nested', 'use_filter', 'synch_to_ldap', 'synch_on_logon', 'revoke_ldap_provisioned', 'create_consumers', 'regrant_ldap_provisioned') as $prop_name) {
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getDefinition($plugin_id, $exception_on_invalid = TRUE)
     $definition = ctools_get_plugins($this->pluginOwner, $this->pluginType, $plugin_id);
     if (!$definition && $exception_on_invalid) {
         throw new PluginNotFoundException($plugin_id, sprintf('The "%s" plugin does not exist.', $plugin_id));
     return $definition;
function _content_menu_filter_elements_by_domain($form, &$form_state)
    $domain = $form_state['values']['domainselect'];
    $_SESSION['content_menu_domain_filter'] = $domain;
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
  * Page callback; Displays the subqueue add form.
 public function subqueue_add_page($js, $input, EntityQueue $queue)
     global $user;
     drupal_set_title(t('Add subqueue to %queue', array('%queue' => $queue->label)), PASS_THROUGH);
     $plugins = ctools_get_plugins('entityqueue', 'handler');
     $subqueue = entityqueue_subqueue_create(array('queue' => $queue->name, 'module' => $plugins[$queue->handler]['module'], 'uid' => $user->uid));
     return drupal_get_form('entityqueue_subqueue_edit_form', $queue, $subqueue);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Load information about Plugins by module and type
  * This is a wrapper around ctools_get_plugins, with the benefit of loading the
  * relevant ctools include. We store the information locally in case its
  * required for reuse in this operation.
  * @param string $module
  *  The module providing the plugin
  * @param string $type
  *  The type of plugin
 public function getPlugins($module, $type)
     $plugins = ctools_get_plugins($module, $type);
     if (!empty($plugins)) {
         if (!isset($this->plugins[$module])) {
             $this->plugins[$module] = array();
         $this->plugins[$module][$type] = $plugins;
  * Include some ctools stuff required for drupal ajax to work properly.
  * @see ctools_export_ui::edit_form()
 public function edit_form(&$form, &$form_state)
     // This is needed in order to get the ajax working in the ctools form.
     ctools_get_plugins('ctools', 'export_ui', 'entity_collection');
     parent::edit_form($form, $form_state);
     // We need to define our own function, the one provided by ctools does not
     // work with the Drupal ajax API.
     $form['info']['name']['#machine_name']['exists'] = 'entity_collection_bundle_exists';
Exemplo n.º 13
  * @param $event_type
  * @return array
 public function formatJson($event_type)
     $formatters = ctools_get_plugins('bat_event', 'bat_eventstyle');
     foreach ($formatters as $formatter) {
         $class = ctools_plugin_get_class($formatter, 'handler');
         $object_formatter = new $class($this->event);
         $event = $object_formatter->format($event_type);
     return $event;
function _content_menu_filter_elements_by_language($form, &$form_state)
    $lang = $form_state['values']['langselect'];
    $_SESSION['content_menu_lang_filter'] = $lang;
    if ($lang = '') {
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
 public function save()
     $op = $this->inDatabase ? 'edit' : 'insert';
     $values = new stdClass();
     // $this;
     $values->sid = $this->sid;
     $values->numeric_consumer_conf_id = $this->numericConsumerConfId;
     $values->consumer_type = $this->consumerType;
     $values->consumer_module = $this->consumer->consumerModule;
     $values->status = $this->status ? 1 : 0;
     $values->only_ldap_authenticated = (int) $this->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated;
     $values->use_first_attr_as_groupid = (int) $this->useFirstAttrAsGroupId;
     $values->mappings = serialize($this->mappings);
     $values->use_filter = (int) $this->useMappingsAsFilter;
     $values->synch_to_ldap = (int) $this->synchToLdap;
     $values->synch_on_logon = (int) $this->synchOnLogon;
     $values->revoke_ldap_provisioned = (int) $this->revokeLdapProvisioned;
     $values->create_consumers = (int) $this->createConsumers;
     $values->regrant_ldap_provisioned = (int) $this->regrantLdapProvisioned;
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         // Populate our object with ctool's properties
         $object = ctools_export_crud_new('ldap_authorization');
         foreach ($object as $property => $value) {
             if (!isset($values->{$property})) {
                 $values->{$property} = $value;
         try {
             $values->export_type = NULL;
             $result = ctools_export_crud_save('ldap_authorization', $values);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //  debug($e); Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry
             $values->export_type = EXPORT_IN_DATABASE;
             $result = ctools_export_crud_save('ldap_authorization', $values);
         // ctools_export_crud_save doesn't invalidate cache
     } else {
         if ($op == 'edit') {
             $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_authorization', $values, 'consumer_type');
         } else {
             // insert
             $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_authorization', $values);
         if ($result) {
             $this->inDatabase = TRUE;
         } else {
             drupal_set_message(t('Failed to write LDAP Authorization to the database.'));
Exemplo n.º 16
 private function getQuestion()
     if (!$this->question) {
         $this->question = ctools_object_cache_get('ctools_ajax_sample', $this->getQuestionId());
     if (!$this->question) {
         module_load_include('class.php', 'chgk_db', 'classes/DbQuestionFactory');
         $factory = new DbQuestionFactory();
         $this->question = $factory->getQuestionFromTextId($this->getQuestionId());
     return $this->question;
  * Build configuration form.
 public function configForm(&$form_state)
     $form = array();
     $form['authenticate_plugin'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Authentication plugin'), '#description' => t('Choose an authentication plugin'), '#options' => _mailhandler_build_options(mailhandler_get_plugins('mailhandler', 'authenticate')), '#default_value' => $this->config['authenticate_plugin'], '#required' => FALSE);
     $plugins = mailhandler_get_plugins('mailhandler', 'commands');
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name => $plugin) {
         if ($class = mailhandler_plugin_load_class('mailhandler', $plugin_name, 'commands', 'handler')) {
             $class->configForm($form, $form_state, $this->config);
     return $form;
 function edit_form_rules(&$form, &$form_state)
     // The 'access' UI passes everything via $form_state, unlike the 'context' UI.
     // The main difference is that one is about 3 years newer than the other.
     $form_state['access'] = $form_state['item']->access;
     $form_state['contexts'] = ctools_context_load_contexts($form_state['item']);
     $form_state['module'] = 'ctools_export_ui';
     $form_state['callback argument'] = $form_state['object']->plugin['name'] . ':' . $form_state['object']->edit_cache_get_key($form_state['item'], $form_state['form type']);
     $form_state['no buttons'] = TRUE;
     $form = array_merge($form, ctools_access_admin_form($form_state));
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Saves the configuration object into the DataStore.
 public function getDataToSave()
     $filename = $this->filename;
     $export = '$api = ' . $this->export($this->api_version) . ";\n\n";
     $export .= '$data = ' . ctools_export_crud_export($this->table, $this->data) . "\n\n";
     $export .= '$dependencies = ' . $this->export($this->dependencies) . ";\n\n";
     $export .= '$optional = ' . $this->export($this->optional_configurations) . ";\n\n";
     $export .= '$modules = ' . $this->export($this->required_modules) . ";";
     $file_contents = "<?php\n/**\n * @file\n * {$filename}\n */\n\n" . $export . "\n";
     $this->hash = sha1($file_contents);
     return $file_contents;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Implements Drupal\configuration\Config\Configuration::saveToActiveStore().
 public function saveToActiveStore(ConfigIteratorSettings &$settings)
     $object = ctools_export_crud_load($this->getComponent(), $this->getIdentifier());
     if ($object) {
         ctools_export_crud_delete($this->getComponent(), $object);
     $data = $this->getData();
     $data->export_type = NULL;
     $group = field_group_unpack($data);
     ctools_export_crud_save($this->getComponent(), $group);
     $settings->addInfo('imported', $this->getUniqueId());
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function save($op)
     $op = $this->inDatabase ? 'edit' : 'insert';
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         // add or edit with ctolls
         $ctools_values = clone $this;
         foreach ($this->fields() as $field_id => $field) {
             $value = $this->{$field['property_name']};
             if (isset($field['exportable']) && $field['exportable'] === FALSE) {
                 // field not exportable
             } elseif (isset($field['schema']) && $field['property_name'] != $field_id) {
                 // field in property with different name
                 $ctools_values->{$field_id} = $value;
             } else {
                 // do nothing.  property is already in cloned objecat
         // Populate our object with ctool's properties.  copying all properties for backward compatibility
         $object = ctools_export_crud_new('ldap_query');
         foreach ($object as $property_name => $value) {
             if (!isset($ctools_values->{$property_name})) {
                 $ctools_values->{$property_name} = $value;
         $result = ctools_export_crud_save('ldap_query', $ctools_values);
         // ctools_export_crud_save doesn't invalidate cache
     } else {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($this->fields() as $field_id => $field) {
             if (isset($field['schema'])) {
                 $values[$field_id] = $this->{$field['property_name']};
         if ($op == 'edit') {
             // edit w/o ctools
             $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_query', $values, 'qid');
         } else {
             // insert
             $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_query', $values);
     if ($result) {
         $this->inDatabase = TRUE;
     } else {
         drupal_set_message(t('Failed to write LDAP Query to the database.'));
 public function save()
     $op = $this->inDatabase ? 'edit' : 'insert';
     $values = new stdClass();
     // $this;
     $values->sid = $this->sid;
     $values->numeric_consumer_conf_id = $this->numericConsumerConfId;
     $values->consumer_type = $this->consumerType;
     $values->consumer_module = $this->consumer->consumerModule;
     $values->status = $this->status ? 1 : 0;
     $values->only_ldap_authenticated = (int) $this->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated;
     $values->useFirstAttrAsGroupId = (int) $this->useFirstAttrAsGroupId;
     $values->mappings = $this->arrayToPipeList($this->mappings);
     $values->use_filter = (int) $this->useMappingsAsFilter;
     $values->synch_to_ldap = (int) $this->synchToLdap;
     $values->synch_on_logon = (int) $this->synchOnLogon;
     $values->revoke_ldap_provisioned = (int) $this->revokeLdapProvisioned;
     $values->create_consumers = (int) $this->createConsumers;
     $values->regrant_ldap_provisioned = (int) $this->regrantLdapProvisioned;
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         // Populate our object with ctool's properties
         $object = ctools_export_crud_new('ldap_authorization');
         foreach ($object as $property => $value) {
             if (!isset($values->{$property})) {
                 $values->{$property} = $value;
         $values->export_type = $this->numericConsumerConfId ? EXPORT_IN_DATABASE : NULL;
         $result = ctools_export_crud_save('ldap_authorization', $values);
         // ctools_export_crud_save doesn't invalidate cache
     } else {
         if ($op == 'edit') {
             $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_authorization', $values, 'consumer_type');
         } else {
             // insert
             $result = drupal_write_record('ldap_authorization', $values);
         if ($result) {
             $this->inDatabase = TRUE;
         } else {
             drupal_set_message(t('Failed to write LDAP Authorization to the database.'));
     // revert mappings to array and remove temporary properties from ctools export
     $this->mappings = $this->pipeListToArray($values->mappings, FALSE);
     foreach (array('consumer_type', 'consumer_module', 'only_ldap_authenticated', 'use_filter', 'synch_to_ldap', 'synch_on_logon', 'revoke_ldap_provisioned', 'create_consumers', 'regrant_ldap_provisioned') as $prop_name) {
  * Implements Drupal\configuration\Config\Configuration::saveToActiveStore().
 public function saveToActiveStore(ConfigIteratorSettings &$settings)
     $object = ctools_export_crud_load($this->getComponent(), $this->getIdentifier());
     if ($object) {
         ctools_export_crud_delete($this->getComponent(), $object);
     $data = $this->getData();
     $data->export_type = NULL;
     $data->conf['did'] = $data->conf['display']->did;
     ctools_export_crud_save($this->getComponent(), $data);
     $settings->addInfo('imported', $this->getUniqueId());
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Allow modules to provide their own caching mechanism for the display editor.
 * @param string $argument
 *   The second half of the cache key. Full key module:TASK_NAME:HANDLER_NAME
 *   passed part: TASK_NAME:HANDLER_NAME
 * @return stdClass|NULL
 *   The cached display or NULL if the cache wasn't hit.
function hook_panels_cache_get($argument)
    ctools_include('common', 'panels');
    list($handler, $item) = _panels_mini_panels_cache_get($argument);
    if (isset($item->mini_panels_display_cache)) {
        return $item->mini_panels_display_cache;
    $cache = new stdClass();
    $cache->display = $item->display;
    $cache->display->context = ctools_context_load_contexts($item);
    $cache->display->cache_key = 'panels_mini:' . $argument;
    $cache->content_types = panels_common_get_allowed_types('panels_mini', $cache->display->context);
    $cache->display_title = TRUE;
    // @TODO support locking.
    $cache->locked = FALSE;
    return $cache;
 protected function loadFromDb()
     if (module_exists('ctools')) {
         $result = ctools_export_load_object('ldap_authorization', 'names', array($this->consumerType));
         // @todo, this is technically wrong, but I don't quite grok what we're doing in the non-ctools case - justintime
         $server_record = array_pop($result);
         // There's no ctools api call to get the reserved properties, so instead of hardcoding a list of them
         // here, we just grab everything.  Basically, we sacrifice a few bytes of RAM for forward-compatibility.
     } else {
         $select = db_select('ldap_authorization', 'ldap_authorization');
         $select->condition('ldap_authorization.consumer_type', $this->consumerType);
         $server_record = $select->execute()->fetchObject();
     if (!$server_record) {
         $this->inDatabase = FALSE;
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($this->field_to_properties_map() as $db_field_name => $property_name) {
         if (isset($server_record->{$db_field_name})) {
             if (in_array($db_field_name, $this->field_to_properties_serialized())) {
                 $this->{$property_name} = unserialize($server_record->{$db_field_name});
             } else {
                 $this->{$property_name} = $server_record->{$db_field_name};
     $this->numericConsumerConfId = isset($server_record->numeric_consumer_conf_id) ? $server_record->numeric_consumer_conf_id : NULL;
     $this->server = ldap_servers_get_servers($this->sid, NULL, TRUE);
     return TRUE;
     // $this->sid = $consumer_conf->sid;
     // $this->consumerType = $consumer_conf->consumer_type;
     //  $this->status = ($consumer_conf->status) ? 1 : 0;
     //  $this->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated  = (@$consumer_conf->only_ldap_authenticated);
     //  $this->useFirstAttrAsGroupId  = (@$consumer_conf->use_first_attr_as_groupid);
     // $this->mappings = unserialize($consumer_conf->mappings);
     // dpm($this->mappings); dpm($consumer_conf->mappings);
     //  $this->useMappingsAsFilter = (@$consumer_conf->use_filter);
     //   $this->synchToLdap = (@$consumer_conf->synch_to_ldap);
     //   $this->synchOnLogon = (@$consumer_conf->synch_on_logon);
     //   $this->regrantLdapProvisioned = (@$consumer_conf->regrant_ldap_provisioned);
     //  $this->revokeLdapProvisioned = (@$consumer_conf->revoke_ldap_provisioned);
     //  $this->createConsumers = (@$consumer_conf->create_consumers);
  * Overrides EntityInlineEntityFormController::entityForm().
  * Copied from fieldable_panels_panes_entity_edit_form().
 public function entityForm($entity_form, &$form_state)
     // Make the other form items dependent upon it.
     $entity = $entity_form['#entity'];
     $entity_type = 'fieldable_panels_pane';
     list(, , $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
     // Map these properties for entity translations.
     $entity_form['#entity_type'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $entity->bundle);
     $form_state['fieldable_panels_pane'] = $entity_form['#entity'];
     $entity_form['title'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Title'), '#default_value' => $entity->title, '#weight' => -10);
     $entity_form['language'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $entity->language);
     $entity_form['link'] = array('#weight' => -10);
     $entity_form['link']['link'] = array('#title' => t('Make title a link'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $entity->link, '#description' => t('Check here to make the title link to another page.'), '#id' => 'edit-link');
     $entity_form['link']['path'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Path'), '#description' => t('The path for this link. This can be an internal Drupal path such as %add-node or an external URL such as %drupal. Enter %front to link to the front page.', array('%front' => '<front>', '%add-node' => 'node/add', '%drupal' => '')), '#dependency' => array('edit-link' => array(1)), '#default_value' => $entity->path);
     $entity_form['reusable'] = array('#weight' => 10);
     $entity_form['revision'] = array('#weight' => 11);
     if (empty($entity->fpid)) {
         $entity_form['revision']['#access'] = FALSE;
     $entity_form['reusable']['reusable'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Make this entity reusable'), '#default_value' => $entity->reusable, '#id' => 'edit-reusable');
     $entity_form['reusable']['category'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Category'), '#description' => t('The category this content will appear in the "Add content" modal. If left blank the category will be "Miscellaneous".'), '#dependency' => array('edit-reusable' => array(1)), '#default_value' => $entity->category);
     $entity_form['reusable']['admin_title'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Administrative title'), '#description' => t('The name this content will appear in the "Add content" modal.'), '#dependency' => array('edit-reusable' => array(1)), '#default_value' => $entity->admin_title);
     $entity_form['reusable']['admin_description'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Administrative description'), '#description' => t('A description of what this content is, does or is for, for administrative use.'), '#dependency' => array('edit-reusable' => array(1)), '#default_value' => $entity->admin_description);
     $entity_form['revision']['revision'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Create new revision'), '#default_value' => 1, '#id' => 'edit-revision');
     if (!user_access('administer fieldable panels panes') || empty($entity->fpid) || $entity->vid != $entity->current_vid) {
         $form['revision']['revision']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
         $form['revision']['revision']['#value'] = TRUE;
     $entity_form['revision']['log'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Log message'), '#description' => t('Provide an explanation of the changes you are making. This will help other authors understand your motivations.'), '#dependency' => array('edit-revision' => array(1)), '#default_value' => '');
     $langcode = entity_language('fieldable_panels_pane', $entity);
     field_attach_form('fieldable_panels_pane', $entity, $entity_form, $form_state, $langcode);
     // _field_extra_fields_pre_render() doesn't execute properly, so manually
     // set the weights.
     $extra_fields = field_info_extra_fields($entity_type, $bundle, 'form');
     foreach ($extra_fields as $name => $settings) {
         if (isset($entity_form[$name])) {
             $entity_form[$name]['#weight'] = $settings['weight'];
     return $entity_form;
Exemplo n.º 27
 * Implements template_preprocess_page().
function oa_radix_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    // Rework search_form to our liking.
    $vars['search_form'] = '';
    if (module_exists('search') && user_access('search content')) {
        $search_box_form = drupal_get_form('search_form');
        $search_box_form['basic']['keys']['#title'] = '';
        $search_box_form['basic']['keys']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' => 'Search');
        $search_box_form['basic']['keys']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'search-query';
        $search_box_form['basic']['submit']['#value'] = t('Search');
        $search_box_form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'navbar-form';
        $search_box_form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'pull-right';
        $search_box = drupal_render($search_box_form);
        $vars['search_form'] = user_access('search content') ? $search_box : NULL;
    // Add user_badge to header.
    $vars['user_badge'] = '';
    if (module_exists('oa_dashboard')) {
        $user_badge = module_invoke('oa_dashboard', 'block_view', 'oa_user_badge');
        $vars['user_badge'] = $user_badge['content'];
    $toolbar = panels_mini_block_view('oa_toolbar_panel');
    $vars['oa_toolbar_panel'] = isset($toolbar) ? $toolbar['content'] : '';
    $footer = panels_mini_block_view('oa_footer_panel');
    $vars['oa_footer_panel'] = isset($footer) ? $footer['content'] : '';
    $banner = ctools_content_render('oa_space_banner', '', array('banner_position' => 2));
    if (!empty($banner->content)) {
        $vars['oa_banner'] = $banner->content;
    $vars['oa_space_menu'] = '';
    $space_id = oa_core_get_space_context();
    if (variable_get('oa_space_menu_' . $space_id, TRUE)) {
        $space_menu = ctools_content_render('oa_space_menu', '', array(), array());
        if (!empty($space_menu->content)) {
            $vars['oa_space_menu'] = $space_menu->content;
 public function access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL)
     if ($op !== 'create' && !$entity) {
         return FALSE;
     // The administer permission is a blanket override.
     if (user_access('administer command buttons')) {
         return TRUE;
     switch ($op) {
         case 'create':
             return user_access('create button ' . $entity);
         case 'view':
             return TRUE;
         case 'update':
             return user_access('edit button ' . $entity->bundle);
         case 'delete':
             return user_access('delete button ' . $entity->bundle);
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Implements BeanPlugin::form().
 public function form($bean, $form, &$form_state)
     $form = array();
     // Show select box for the option set
     $optionsets = array();
     foreach (zm_template_load_all() as $name => $optionset) {
         $optionsets[$name] = check_plain($optionset->title);
     $template_empty_des = '';
     if (empty($optionsets)) {
         $template_empty_des = t(' You don\'t have any template, please <a href="@href">click here</a> to create one.', array('@href' => url('admin/config/content/zm_template/add')));
     $form['template'] = array('#title' => t('Template'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $optionsets, '#default_value' => $bean->template, '#description' => t("Chose template apply for slideshow.") . $template_empty_des);
     $image_styles = image_styles();
     $image_style_options = array();
     foreach ($image_styles as $stylename => $style) {
         $image_style_options[$stylename] = $style['label'];
     $form['image_style_1'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Image Style 1'), '#options' => $image_style_options, '#default_value' => $bean->image_style_1, '#description' => t("Chose image style 1 apply for image field"));
     $form['image_style_2'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Image Style 2'), '#options' => $image_style_options, '#default_value' => $bean->image_style_2, '#description' => t("Chose image style 2 apply for image field"));
     return $form;
  * Prepare the list of panes to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access
  * settings and rendering order.
  * This method represents the standard approach for determining the list of
  * panes to be rendered that is compatible with all parts of the Panels
  * architecture. It first applies visibility checks, then sorts panes into
  * their proper rendering order, and returns the result as an array.
  * Inheriting classes should override this method if that renderer needs to
  * regularly make additions to the set of panes that will be rendered.
  * @param array $panes
  *  An associative array of pane data (stdClass objects), keyed on pane id.
  * @return array
  *  An associative array of panes to be rendered, keyed on pane id and sorted
  *  into proper rendering order.
 function prepare_panes($panes)
     // Override parent::prepare_panes, so that any access-controls are not
     // applied to ESI panes. This ensures that panes are al
     // Use local variables as writing to them is very slightly faster
     $first = $normal = $last = array();
     // Prepare the list of panes to be rendered
     foreach ($panes as $pid => $pane) {
         if (empty($this->admin)) {
             // TODO remove in 7.x and ensure the upgrade path weeds out any stragglers; it's been long enough
             $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);
             // guarantee this field exists.
             // If this pane is not displayed, skip out and do the next one.
             // Do not handle user-access controls here for ESI panes (handle in the
             // ESI rendering).
             if (!$this->pane_should_be_rendered($pane)) {
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
         // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
         // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
         if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
             $last[$pid] = $pane;
         } else {
             if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
                 $first[$pid] = $pane;
             } else {
                 $normal[$pid] = $pane;
     $this->prepared['panes'] = $first + $normal + $last;
     return $this->prepared['panes'];