 * Default options.
 * @since 1.0.1
 * @return array Default options
function crp_default_options()
    $title = __('<h3>Related Posts:</h3>', CRP_LOCAL_NAME);
    $blank_output_text = __('No related posts found', CRP_LOCAL_NAME);
    $thumb_default = plugins_url('default.png', __FILE__);
    $crp_get_all_image_sizes = crp_get_all_image_sizes();
    // get relevant post types
    $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => true);
    $post_types = array('post' => 'post', 'page' => 'page');
    $post_types = http_build_query($post_types, '', '&');
    $crp_settings = array('cache' => false, 'add_to_content' => true, 'add_to_page' => true, 'add_to_feed' => false, 'add_to_home' => false, 'add_to_category_archives' => false, 'add_to_tag_archives' => false, 'add_to_archives' => false, 'content_filter_priority' => 10, 'show_metabox' => true, 'show_metabox_admins' => false, 'show_credit' => false, 'limit' => '6', 'daily_range' => '1095', 'match_content' => true, 'match_content_words' => '0', 'post_types' => $post_types, 'exclude_categories' => '', 'exclude_cat_slugs' => '', 'exclude_post_ids' => '', 'title' => $title, 'blank_output' => true, 'blank_output_text' => $blank_output_text, 'show_excerpt' => false, 'show_date' => false, 'show_author' => false, 'excerpt_length' => '10', 'title_length' => '60', 'link_new_window' => false, 'link_nofollow' => false, 'before_list' => '<ul>', 'after_list' => '</ul>', 'before_list_item' => '<li>', 'after_list_item' => '</li>', 'exclude_on_post_ids' => '', 'exclude_on_post_types' => '', 'post_thumb_op' => 'inline', 'thumb_size' => 'crp_thumbnail', 'thumb_height' => '150', 'thumb_width' => '150', 'thumb_crop' => true, 'thumb_html' => 'html', 'thumb_meta' => 'post-image', 'scan_images' => true, 'thumb_default' => $thumb_default, 'thumb_default_show' => true, 'limit_feed' => '5', 'post_thumb_op_feed' => 'text_only', 'thumb_height_feed' => '50', 'thumb_width_feed' => '50', 'show_excerpt_feed' => false, 'custom_CSS' => '', 'include_default_style' => true, 'crp_styles' => 'rounded_thumbs');
     * Filters the default options array.
     * @since	1.9.1
     * @param	array	$crp_settings	Default options
    return apply_filters('crp_default_options', $crp_settings);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Function generates the plugin settings page.
 * @since	1.0.1
function crp_options()
    global $wpdb, $crp_url;
    $crp_settings = crp_read_options();
    $wp_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true));
    parse_str($crp_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
    $posts_types_inc = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types);
    parse_str($crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'], $exclude_on_post_types);
    $posts_types_excl = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $exclude_on_post_types);
    // Temporary check if default styles are off and rounded thumbnails are selected - will be eventually deprecated
    // This is a mismatch, so we force it to no style
    if (false == $crp_settings['include_default_style'] && 'rounded_thumbs' == $crp_settings['crp_styles']) {
        $crp_settings['crp_styles'] = 'no_style';
        update_option('ald_crp_settings', $crp_settings);
    if (true == $crp_settings['include_default_style'] && 'rounded_thumbs' != $crp_settings['crp_styles']) {
        $crp_settings['crp_styles'] = 'rounded_thumbs';
        update_option('ald_crp_settings', $crp_settings);
    if (isset($_POST['crp_save']) && check_admin_referer('crp-plugin-settings')) {
        /**** General options ***/
        $crp_settings['cache'] = isset($_POST['cache']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['limit'] = intval($_POST['limit']);
        $crp_settings['daily_range'] = intval($_POST['daily_range']);
        $crp_settings['match_content'] = isset($_POST['match_content']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['match_content_words'] = intval($_POST['match_content_words']);
        $crp_settings['add_to_content'] = isset($_POST['add_to_content']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_page'] = isset($_POST['add_to_page']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_feed'] = isset($_POST['add_to_feed']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_home'] = isset($_POST['add_to_home']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_category_archives'] = isset($_POST['add_to_category_archives']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_tag_archives'] = isset($_POST['add_to_tag_archives']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_archives'] = isset($_POST['add_to_archives']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['content_filter_priority'] = intval($_POST['content_filter_priority']);
        $crp_settings['show_metabox'] = isset($_POST['show_metabox']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_metabox_admins'] = isset($_POST['show_metabox_admins']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_credit'] = isset($_POST['show_credit']) ? true : false;
        /**** Output options ****/
        $crp_settings['title'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['title']);
        $crp_settings['blank_output'] = $_POST['blank_output'] == 'blank' ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['blank_output_text'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['blank_output_text']);
        $crp_settings['show_excerpt'] = isset($_POST['show_excerpt']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_date'] = isset($_POST['show_date']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_author'] = isset($_POST['show_author']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['excerpt_length'] = intval($_POST['excerpt_length']);
        $crp_settings['title_length'] = intval($_POST['title_length']);
        $crp_settings['link_new_window'] = isset($_POST['link_new_window']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['link_nofollow'] = isset($_POST['link_nofollow']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['before_list'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['before_list']);
        $crp_settings['after_list'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['after_list']);
        $crp_settings['before_list_item'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['before_list_item']);
        $crp_settings['after_list_item'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['after_list_item']);
        $crp_settings['exclude_on_post_ids'] = $_POST['exclude_on_post_ids'] == '' ? '' : implode(',', array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['exclude_on_post_ids'])));
        $crp_settings['exclude_post_ids'] = $_POST['exclude_post_ids'] == '' ? '' : implode(',', array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['exclude_post_ids'])));
        /**** Thumbnail options ****/
        $crp_settings['post_thumb_op'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['post_thumb_op']);
        $crp_settings['thumb_size'] = $_POST['thumb_size'];
        if ('crp_thumbnail' != $crp_settings['thumb_size']) {
            $crp_thumb_size = crp_get_all_image_sizes($crp_settings['thumb_size']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_height'] = intval($crp_thumb_size['height']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_width'] = intval($crp_thumb_size['width']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_crop'] = $crp_thumb_size['crop'];
        } else {
            $crp_settings['thumb_height'] = intval($_POST['thumb_height']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_width'] = intval($_POST['thumb_width']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_crop'] = isset($_POST['thumb_crop']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['thumb_html'] = $_POST['thumb_html'];
        $crp_settings['thumb_meta'] = '' == $_POST['thumb_meta'] ? 'post-image' : wp_kses_post($_POST['thumb_meta']);
        $crp_settings['scan_images'] = isset($_POST['scan_images']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['thumb_default'] = '' == $_POST['thumb_default'] || '/default.png' == $_POST['thumb_default'] ? $crp_url . '/default.png' : $_POST['thumb_default'];
        $crp_settings['thumb_default_show'] = isset($_POST['thumb_default_show']) ? true : false;
        /**** Feed options ****/
        $crp_settings['limit_feed'] = intval($_POST['limit_feed']);
        $crp_settings['post_thumb_op_feed'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['post_thumb_op_feed']);
        $crp_settings['thumb_height_feed'] = intval($_POST['thumb_height_feed']);
        $crp_settings['thumb_width_feed'] = intval($_POST['thumb_width_feed']);
        $crp_settings['show_excerpt_feed'] = isset($_POST['show_excerpt_feed']) ? true : false;
        /**** Styles ****/
        $crp_settings['custom_CSS'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['custom_CSS']);
        $crp_settings['crp_styles'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['crp_styles']);
        if ('rounded_thumbs' == $crp_settings['crp_styles']) {
            $crp_settings['include_default_style'] = true;
            $crp_settings['post_thumb_op'] = 'inline';
            $crp_settings['show_excerpt'] = false;
            $crp_settings['show_author'] = false;
            $crp_settings['show_date'] = false;
        } elseif ('text_only' == $crp_settings['crp_styles']) {
            $crp_settings['include_default_style'] = false;
            $crp_settings['post_thumb_op'] = 'text_only';
        } else {
            $crp_settings['include_default_style'] = false;
        /**** Exclude categories ****/
        $exclude_categories_slugs = array_map('trim', explode(',', wp_kses_post($_POST['exclude_cat_slugs'])));
        $crp_settings['exclude_cat_slugs'] = implode(', ', $exclude_categories_slugs);
        foreach ($exclude_categories_slugs as $exclude_categories_slug) {
            $catObj = get_category_by_slug($exclude_categories_slug);
            if (isset($catObj->term_taxonomy_id)) {
                $exclude_categories[] = $catObj->term_taxonomy_id;
        $crp_settings['exclude_categories'] = isset($exclude_categories) ? join(',', $exclude_categories) : '';
        /**** Post types to include ****/
        $wp_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true));
        $post_types_arr = isset($_POST['post_types']) && is_array($_POST['post_types']) ? $_POST['post_types'] : array('post' => 'post');
        $post_types = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types_arr);
        $crp_settings['post_types'] = http_build_query($post_types, '', '&');
        /**** Post types to exclude display on ****/
        $post_types_excl_arr = isset($_POST['exclude_on_post_types']) && is_array($_POST['exclude_on_post_types']) ? $_POST['exclude_on_post_types'] : array();
        $exclude_on_post_types = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types_excl_arr);
        $crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'] = http_build_query($exclude_on_post_types, '', '&');
         * Filters $crp_settings before it is saved into the database
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param	array	$crp_settings	CRP settings
         * @param	array	$_POST			POST array that consists of the saved settings
        $crp_settings = apply_filters('crp_save_options', $crp_settings, $_POST);
        /**** Update CRP options into the database ****/
        update_option('ald_crp_settings', $crp_settings);
        $crp_settings = crp_read_options();
        parse_str($crp_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
        $posts_types_inc = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types);
        parse_str($crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'], $exclude_on_post_types);
        $posts_types_excl = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $exclude_on_post_types);
        // Delete the cache
        /* Echo a success message */
        $str = '<div id="message" class="notice is-dismissible updated"><p>' . __('Options saved successfully. If enabled, the cache has been cleared.', 'contextual-related-posts') . '</p>';
        if ('rounded_thumbs' == $crp_settings['crp_styles']) {
            $str .= '<p>' . __('Rounded Thumbnails style selected. Author, Excerpt and Date will not be displayed.', 'contextual-related-posts') . '</p>';
        if ('text_only' == $crp_settings['crp_styles']) {
            $str .= '<p>' . __('Text Only style selected. Thumbnails will not be displayed.', 'contextual-related-posts') . '</p>';
        if ('crp_thumbnail' != $crp_settings['thumb_size']) {
            $str .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Pre-built thumbnail size selected. Thumbnail set to %d x %d.', 'contextual-related-posts'), $crp_settings['thumb_width'], $crp_settings['thumb_height']) . '</p>';
        $str .= '</div>';
        echo $str;
    if (isset($_POST['crp_default']) && check_admin_referer('crp-plugin-settings')) {
        $crp_settings = crp_default_options();
        update_option('ald_crp_settings', $crp_settings);
        $crp_settings = crp_read_options();
        $wp_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true));
        parse_str($crp_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
        $posts_types_inc = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types);
        parse_str($crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'], $exclude_on_post_types);
        $posts_types_excl = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $exclude_on_post_types);
        $str = '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Options set to Default.', 'contextual-related-posts') . '</p></div>';
        echo $str;
    if (isset($_POST['crp_recreate']) && check_admin_referer('crp-plugin-settings')) {
        $str = '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Index recreated', 'contextual-related-posts') . '</p></div>';
        echo $str;
    /**** Include the views page ****/
    include_once 'main-view.php';
 * Function generates the plugin settings page.
 * @since	1.0.1
function crp_options()
    global $wpdb, $crp_url;
    $crp_settings = crp_read_options();
    $wp_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true));
    parse_str($crp_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
    $posts_types_inc = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types);
    parse_str($crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'], $exclude_on_post_types);
    $posts_types_excl = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $exclude_on_post_types);
    if (isset($_POST['crp_save']) && check_admin_referer('crp-plugin-settings')) {
        /**** General options ***/
        $crp_settings['cache'] = isset($_POST['cache']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['limit'] = intval($_POST['limit']);
        $crp_settings['daily_range'] = intval($_POST['daily_range']);
        $crp_settings['match_content'] = isset($_POST['match_content']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['match_content_words'] = intval($_POST['match_content_words']);
        $crp_settings['add_to_content'] = isset($_POST['add_to_content']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_page'] = isset($_POST['add_to_page']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_feed'] = isset($_POST['add_to_feed']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_home'] = isset($_POST['add_to_home']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_category_archives'] = isset($_POST['add_to_category_archives']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_tag_archives'] = isset($_POST['add_to_tag_archives']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['add_to_archives'] = isset($_POST['add_to_archives']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['content_filter_priority'] = intval($_POST['content_filter_priority']);
        $crp_settings['show_metabox'] = isset($_POST['show_metabox']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_metabox_admins'] = isset($_POST['show_metabox_admins']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_credit'] = isset($_POST['show_credit']) ? true : false;
        /**** Output options ****/
        $crp_settings['title'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['title']);
        $crp_settings['blank_output'] = $_POST['blank_output'] == 'blank' ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['blank_output_text'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['blank_output_text']);
        $crp_settings['show_excerpt'] = isset($_POST['show_excerpt']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_date'] = isset($_POST['show_date']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['show_author'] = isset($_POST['show_author']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['excerpt_length'] = intval($_POST['excerpt_length']);
        $crp_settings['title_length'] = intval($_POST['title_length']);
        $crp_settings['link_new_window'] = isset($_POST['link_new_window']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['link_nofollow'] = isset($_POST['link_nofollow']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['before_list'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['before_list']);
        $crp_settings['after_list'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['after_list']);
        $crp_settings['before_list_item'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['before_list_item']);
        $crp_settings['after_list_item'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['after_list_item']);
        $crp_settings['exclude_on_post_ids'] = $_POST['exclude_on_post_ids'] == '' ? '' : implode(',', array_map('intval', explode(",", $_POST['exclude_on_post_ids'])));
        $crp_settings['exclude_post_ids'] = $_POST['exclude_post_ids'] == '' ? '' : implode(',', array_map('intval', explode(",", $_POST['exclude_post_ids'])));
        /**** Thumbnail options ****/
        $crp_settings['post_thumb_op'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['post_thumb_op']);
        $crp_settings['thumb_size'] = $_POST['thumb_size'];
        if ('crp_thumbnail' != $crp_settings['thumb_size']) {
            $crp_thumb_size = crp_get_all_image_sizes($crp_settings['thumb_size']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_height'] = intval($crp_thumb_size['height']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_width'] = intval($crp_thumb_size['width']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_crop'] = $crp_thumb_size['crop'];
        } else {
            $crp_settings['thumb_height'] = intval($_POST['thumb_height']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_width'] = intval($_POST['thumb_width']);
            $crp_settings['thumb_crop'] = isset($_POST['thumb_crop']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['thumb_html'] = $_POST['thumb_html'];
        $crp_settings['thumb_meta'] = '' == $_POST['thumb_meta'] ? 'post-image' : wp_kses_post($_POST['thumb_meta']);
        $crp_settings['scan_images'] = isset($_POST['scan_images']) ? true : false;
        $crp_settings['thumb_default'] = '' == $_POST['thumb_default'] || "/default.png" == $_POST['thumb_default'] ? $crp_url . '/default.png' : $_POST['thumb_default'];
        $crp_settings['thumb_default_show'] = isset($_POST['thumb_default_show']) ? true : false;
        /**** Feed options ****/
        $crp_settings['limit_feed'] = intval($_POST['limit_feed']);
        $crp_settings['post_thumb_op_feed'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['post_thumb_op_feed']);
        $crp_settings['thumb_height_feed'] = intval($_POST['thumb_height_feed']);
        $crp_settings['thumb_width_feed'] = intval($_POST['thumb_width_feed']);
        $crp_settings['show_excerpt_feed'] = isset($_POST['show_excerpt_feed']) ? true : false;
        /**** Custom styles ****/
        $crp_settings['custom_CSS'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['custom_CSS']);
        if (isset($_POST['include_default_style'])) {
            $crp_settings['include_default_style'] = true;
            $crp_settings['post_thumb_op'] = 'inline';
            $crp_settings['show_excerpt'] = false;
            $crp_settings['show_author'] = false;
            $crp_settings['show_date'] = false;
        } else {
            $crp_settings['include_default_style'] = false;
        /**** Exclude categories ****/
        $crp_settings['exclude_cat_slugs'] = wp_kses_post($_POST['exclude_cat_slugs']);
        $exclude_categories_slugs = explode(", ", $crp_settings['exclude_cat_slugs']);
        foreach ($exclude_categories_slugs as $exclude_categories_slug) {
            $catObj = get_category_by_slug($exclude_categories_slug);
            if (isset($catObj->term_id)) {
                $exclude_categories[] = $catObj->term_id;
        $crp_settings['exclude_categories'] = isset($exclude_categories) ? join(',', $exclude_categories) : '';
        /**** Post types to include ****/
        $wp_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true));
        $post_types_arr = isset($_POST['post_types']) && is_array($_POST['post_types']) ? $_POST['post_types'] : array('post' => 'post');
        $post_types = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types_arr);
        $crp_settings['post_types'] = http_build_query($post_types, '', '&');
        /**** Post types to exclude display on ****/
        $post_types_excl_arr = isset($_POST['exclude_on_post_types']) && is_array($_POST['exclude_on_post_types']) ? $_POST['exclude_on_post_types'] : array();
        $exclude_on_post_types = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types_excl_arr);
        $crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'] = http_build_query($exclude_on_post_types, '', '&');
         * Filters $crp_settings before it is saved into the database
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param	array	$crp_settings	CRP settings
         * @param	array	$_POST			POST array that consists of the saved settings
        $crp_settings = apply_filters('crp_save_options', $crp_settings, $_POST);
        /**** Update CRP options into the database ****/
        update_option('ald_crp_settings', $crp_settings);
        $crp_settings = crp_read_options();
        parse_str($crp_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
        $posts_types_inc = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types);
        parse_str($crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'], $exclude_on_post_types);
        $posts_types_excl = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $exclude_on_post_types);
        // Delete the cache
        /* Echo a success message */
        $str = '<div id="message" class="notice is-dismissible updated"><p>' . __('Options saved successfully.', CRP_LOCAL_NAME) . '</p>';
        if (isset($_POST['include_default_style'])) {
            $str .= '<p>' . __('Default styles selected. Author, Excerpt and Date will not be displayed.', CRP_LOCAL_NAME) . '</p>';
        if ('crp_thumbnail' != $crp_settings['thumb_size']) {
            $str .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Pre-built thumbnail size selected. Thumbnail set to %d x %d.', CRP_LOCAL_NAME), $crp_settings['thumb_width'], $crp_settings['thumb_height']) . '</p>';
        $str .= '</div>';
        echo $str;
    if (isset($_POST['crp_default']) && check_admin_referer('crp-plugin-settings')) {
        $crp_settings = crp_default_options();
        update_option('ald_crp_settings', $crp_settings);
        $crp_settings = crp_read_options();
        $wp_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true));
        parse_str($crp_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
        $posts_types_inc = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $post_types);
        parse_str($crp_settings['exclude_on_post_types'], $exclude_on_post_types);
        $posts_types_excl = array_intersect($wp_post_types, $exclude_on_post_types);
        $str = '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Options set to Default.', CRP_LOCAL_NAME) . '</p></div>';
        echo $str;
    if (isset($_POST['crp_recreate']) && check_admin_referer('crp-plugin-settings')) {
        if ($wpdb->get_results("SHOW INDEX FROM {$wpdb->posts} where Key_name = 'crp_related'")) {
            $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE " . $wpdb->posts . " DROP INDEX crp_related");
        if ($wpdb->get_results("SHOW INDEX FROM {$wpdb->posts} where Key_name = 'crp_related_title'")) {
            $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE " . $wpdb->posts . " DROP INDEX crp_related_title");
        if ($wpdb->get_results("SHOW INDEX FROM {$wpdb->posts} where Key_name = 'crp_related_content'")) {
            $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE " . $wpdb->posts . " DROP INDEX crp_related_content");
        $str = '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Index recreated', CRP_LOCAL_NAME) . '</p></div>';
        echo $str;
    /**** Include the views page ****/
    include_once 'main-view.php';
Exemplo n.º 4
							<p style="color: #F00"><?php 
    _e('This setting cannot be changed because an inbuilt style has been selected under the Styles section. If you would like to change this option, please select <strong>No styles</strong> under the Styles section.', 'contextual-related-posts');
				<tr><th scope="row"><?php 
_e('Thumbnail size:', 'contextual-related-posts');
$crp_get_all_image_sizes = crp_get_all_image_sizes();
if (isset($crp_get_all_image_sizes['crp_thumbnail'])) {
foreach ($crp_get_all_image_sizes as $size) {
							<input type="radio" name="thumb_size" value="<?php 
    echo $size['name'];
" id="<?php 
    echo $size['name'];
" <?php 
    if ($crp_settings['thumb_size'] == $size['name']) {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
 * Fetch related posts IDs.
 * @since 1.9
 * @param array $args
 * @return object $results
function get_crp_posts_id($args = array())
    global $wpdb, $post, $crp_settings;
    // Initialise some variables
    $fields = '';
    $where = '';
    $join = '';
    $groupby = '';
    $orderby = '';
    $having = '';
    $limits = '';
    $match_fields = '';
    $defaults = array('postid' => false, 'strict_limit' => true);
    $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $crp_settings);
    // Parse incoming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    // Fix the thumb size in case it is missing
    $crp_thumb_size = crp_get_all_image_sizes($args['thumb_size']);
    if (isset($crp_thumb_size['width'])) {
        $thumb_width = $crp_thumb_size['width'];
        $thumb_height = $crp_thumb_size['height'];
    if (empty($thumb_width)) {
        $thumb_width = $crp_settings['thumb_width'];
    if (empty($thumb_height)) {
        $thumb_height = $crp_settings['thumb_height'];
    $post = empty($args['postid']) ? $post : get_post($args['postid']);
    $limit = $args['strict_limit'] ? $args['limit'] : $args['limit'] * 3;
    // Save post types in $post_types variable
    parse_str($args['post_types'], $post_types);
     * Filter the post_type clause of the query.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @param array  $post_types  Array of post types to filter by
     * @param int    $post->ID    Post ID
    $post_types = apply_filters('crp_posts_post_types', $post_types, $post->ID);
    // Are we matching only the title or the post content as well?
    $match_fields = array('post_title');
    $match_fields_content = array($post->post_title);
    if ($args['match_content']) {
        $match_fields[] = 'post_content';
        $match_fields_content[] = crp_excerpt($post->ID, $args['match_content_words'], false);
     * Filter the fields that are to be matched.
     * @since	2.2.0
     * @param array   $match_fields	Array of fields to be matched
     * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
    $match_fields = apply_filters('crp_posts_match_fields', $match_fields, $post->ID);
     * Filter the content of the fields that are to be matched.
     * @since	2.2.0
     * @param array	$match_fields_content	Array of content of fields to be matched
     * @param int	$post->ID	Post ID
    $match_fields_content = apply_filters('crp_posts_match_fields_content', $match_fields_content, $post->ID);
    // Convert our arrays into their corresponding strings after they have been filtered
    $match_fields = implode(',', $match_fields);
    $stuff = implode(' ', $match_fields_content);
    // Make sure the post is not from the future
    $time_difference = get_option('gmt_offset');
    $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $time_difference * 3600);
    // Limit the related posts by time
    $current_time = current_time('timestamp', 0);
    $from_date = $current_time - $args['daily_range'] * DAY_IN_SECONDS;
    $from_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $from_date);
    // Create the SQL query to fetch the related posts from the database
    if (is_int($post->ID)) {
        // Fields to return
        $fields = " {$wpdb->posts}.ID ";
        // Create the base MATCH clause
        $match = $wpdb->prepare(' AND MATCH (' . $match_fields . ") AGAINST ('%s') ", $stuff);
        // FULLTEXT matching algorithm
         * Filter the MATCH clause of the query.
         * @since	2.1.0
         * @param string   $match  		The MATCH section of the WHERE clause of the query
         * @param string   $stuff  		String to match fulltext with
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $match = apply_filters('crp_posts_match', $match, $stuff, $post->ID);
        // Create the maximum date limit
        $now_clause = $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date < '%s' ", $now);
        // Show posts before today
         * Filter the Maximum date clause of the query.
         * @since	2.1.0
         * @param string   $now_clause  The Maximum date of the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $now_clause = apply_filters('crp_posts_now_date', $now_clause, $post->ID);
        // Create the minimum date limit
        $from_clause = 0 == $args['daily_range'] ? '' : $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date >= '%s' ", $from_date);
        // Show posts after the date specified
         * Filter the Maximum date clause of the query.
         * @since	2.1.0
         * @param string   $from_clause  The Minimum date of the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $from_clause = apply_filters('crp_posts_from_date', $from_clause, $post->ID);
        // Create the base WHERE clause
        $where = $match;
        $where .= $now_clause;
        $where .= $from_clause;
        $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' ";
        // Only show published posts
        $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID != %d ", $post->ID);
        // Show posts after the date specified
        if ('' != $args['exclude_post_ids']) {
            $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID NOT IN (" . $args['exclude_post_ids'] . ') ';
        $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type IN ('" . join("', '", $post_types) . "') ";
        // Array of post types
        // Create the base LIMITS clause
        $limits .= $wpdb->prepare(' LIMIT %d ', $limit);
         * Filter the SELECT clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $fields  The SELECT clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $fields = apply_filters('crp_posts_fields', $fields, $post->ID);
         * Filter the JOIN clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $join  The JOIN clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $join = apply_filters('crp_posts_join', $join, $post->ID);
         * Filter the WHERE clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $where  The WHERE clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $where = apply_filters('crp_posts_where', $where, $post->ID);
         * Filter the GROUP BY clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $groupby  The GROUP BY clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $groupby = apply_filters('crp_posts_groupby', $groupby, $post->ID);
         * Filter the HAVING clause of the query.
         * @since	2.2.0
         * @param string  $having  The HAVING clause of the query.
         * @param int	    $post->ID	Post ID
        $having = apply_filters('crp_posts_having', $having, $post->ID);
         * Filter the ORDER BY clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $orderby  The ORDER BY clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $orderby = apply_filters('crp_posts_orderby', $orderby, $post->ID);
         * Filter the LIMIT clause of the query.
         * @since	2.0.0
         * @param string   $limits  The LIMIT clause of the query.
         * @param int	   $post->ID	Post ID
        $limits = apply_filters('crp_posts_limits', $limits, $post->ID);
        if (!empty($groupby)) {
            $groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
        if (!empty($having)) {
            $having = 'HAVING ' . $having;
        if (!empty($orderby)) {
            $orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby;
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$fields} FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join} WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$groupby} {$having} {$orderby} {$limits}";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    } else {
        $results = false;
     * Filter object containing the post IDs.
     * @since	1.9
     * @param 	object   $results  Object containing the related post IDs
    return apply_filters('get_crp_posts_id', $results);