function transfer($toAccount, $fromAccount, $amount) { if (!debit($amount, $fromAccount)) { return false; } credit($amount, $toAccount); return true; }
/** TODO validation of bike / stand for commands */ if (!validateNumber($sms->Number())) { sendSMS($sms->Number(), _('Your number is not registered.')); } else { switch ($args[0]) { case "HELP": help($sms->Number()); break; case "CREDIT": if (iscreditenabled() == FALSE) { unknownCommand($sms->Number(), $args[0]); break; } credit($sms->Number()); break; case "FREE": freeBikes($sms->Number()); break; case "RENT": validateReceivedSMS($sms->Number(), count($args), 2, _('with bike number:') . " RENT 47"); rentbike($sms->Number(), $args[1]); //intval break; case "RETURN": validateReceivedSMS($sms->Number(), count($args), 3, _('with bike number and stand name:') . " RETURN 47 RACKO"); /* if (!preg_match("/return[\s,\.]+[0-9]+[\s,\.]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+[\s,\.]+(.*)/i",$message ,$matches)) { $userNote="";
echo "<tr" . ($counte % 2 != 1 ? " class=\"alt\"" : "") . ">"; foreach ($configuration["columns_files"] as $keyz => $column) { echo "<td>"; if (array_key_exists(strtoupper(mbFirstChar($songinfo["file"])), $letters_files) && $letters_files[strtoupper(mbFirstChar($songinfo["file"]))] != false) { echo "<a name=\"files_" . strtoupper(mbFirstChar($songinfo["file"])) . "\" style=\"display: inline\"></a>"; $letters_files[strtoupper(mbFirstChar($songinfo["file"]))] = false; } switch ($column) { case "Function": make_link("", "status", $configuration["add"], array("command" => "add", "arg" => htmlentities(rawurlencode($songinfo["file"])))); break; case "Number": echo $counte; break; case "Title": if (credit() > 0) { if (array_key_exists($column, $songinfo) && strlen($songinfo[$column])) { if (!array_key_exists("directory", $configuration)) { make_link("", "status", htmlspecialchars($songinfo["Artist"] . " - " . $songinfo[$column]), array("command" => "add", "arg" => htmlentities(rawurlencode($songinfo["file"])))); // make_link("", "files", htmlspecialchars($songinfo[$column]), array("search" => "1", "searchtext" => htmlentities(rawurlencode($songinfo[$column])), "searchwhat" => "title", "exact" => "true")); } else { make_link("", "status", htmlspecialchars($songinfo[$column]), array("command" => "add", "arg" => htmlentities(rawurlencode($songinfo["file"])))); } } else { make_link("", "status", htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}\$/", "", $songinfo["file"])), array("command" => "add", "arg" => htmlentities(rawurlencode($songinfo["file"])))); } } else { if (array_key_exists($column, $songinfo)) { if (!array_key_exists("directory", $configuration)) { echo htmlspecialchars($songinfo["Artist"] . " - " . $songinfo[$column]); } else {
<div id="playlist"> <?php //$listall=do_mpd_command($connection,"listall"."",null,true); //echo "<pre>";echo $listall["file"][array_rand($listall["file"])];echo "</pre>"; if ($mpd_status["state"] == "play" && array_key_exists("song", $mpd_status) && $mpd_status["song"] == 1) { //playing second song, so first can be removed do_mpd_command($connection, "delete " . "0", null, true); $mpd_status["playlistlength"]--; } if (!array_key_exists("nextsong", $mpd_status) && credit() == 0) { //no mo payed song, do funky random add $listall = do_mpd_command($connection, "listall" . "", null, true); do_mpd_command($connection, "add \"" . $listall["file"][array_rand($listall["file"])] . "\"", null, true); } echo "<span class=\"current_playlist_h\"><a name=\"playlist\"></a>Current Playlist</span>\n"; /*echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\" method=\"post\""; if (array_key_exists("playlists", $layout_vars["default_targets"])) { if ($layout_vars["frames"] == true) echo " target=\"".$layout_vars["default_targets"]["playlists"]["frame"]."\""; echo ">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"content\" value=\"".$layout_vars["default_targets"]["playlists"]["content"]."\" />\n<table cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; } else { echo "><table cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; } echo "<tr>\n<td class=\"nobg\">"; make_link("", "playlist", "Shuffle", array("command" => "shuffle")); echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"nobg\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"arg\" style=\"width: 100%\" class=\"textbox\" /></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"nobg\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"command\" value=\"save\" class=\"button\" /></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"nobg\">"; make_link("", "playlist", "Clear", array("command" => "clear"));
<?php require 'account.php'; session_start(); $amountCred = $_REQUEST['amount']; $accNum = $_SESSION['creditNum']; credit($amountCred, $accNum); header('Location:admin.php');
<center> <br> <input type=text name='lagu' value='<?php if (isset($_POST['lagu'])) { echo strip_tags($_POST['lagu']); } ?> '> <input type=submit value='search'> </form> </center> <?php // If user make lyrics request, this section will start if (isset($_POST['lagu']) && !empty($_POST['lagu'])) { if (!strpos($_POST['plugins'], ".")) { echo "<center>Error!</center>"; die; } // Verified data so user can't include file from another source $plugins = "plugins/" . str_replace('.', '_', $_POST['plugins']) . ".php"; // Rename data that been send by POST request include $plugins; // Include plugins $class = new lyrics(); $class->search_result(strip_tags($_POST['lagu']), $plugins); } else { echo "<center><font color='red'>Please Insert Song Name</font></center>"; } credit();
<div id="status"> <?php $credit = credit(); echo "<center>\n<span class=\"credit\">Credit: " . $credit . "</span><br />\n<span class=\"playing_h\"><a name=\"status\"></a>"; switch ($mpd_status["state"]) { case "play": echo "Playing:"; break; case "pause": do_mpd_command($connection, "play", null, true); echo "Playing:"; break; case "stop": do_mpd_command($connection, "play", null, true); echo "Playing:"; break; } //echo " <small>["; //make_link("index.php", "status", "refresh"); //echo "]</small></h2>"; echo "</span><br /><span class=\"playing\">"; if (array_key_exists("command", $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST["command"]) { if ($command_successful !== true && $configuration["error_msg"]) { echo "Error on command " . $_REQUEST["command"] . " with arguments: " . $_REQUEST["arg"] . "<br />\n"; } } switch ($mpd_status["state"]) { case "play": case "pause": $songinfo = do_mpd_command($connection, "playlistid " . $mpd_status["songid"], null, true); if ($configuration["filenames_only"] == true) {
<?php require 'functions.php'; $term = $_POST['term']; $rate = $_POST['rate']; $amount = $_POST['amount']; $startmonth = $_POST['startmonth']; $startyear = $_POST['startyear']; $credit = credit($term, $rate, $amount, $startmonth, $startyear); echo json_encode($credit);
$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); $files[] = $buffer; } fclose($handle); if (do_mpd_command_list($connection, $command, $files) === true) { $command_successful = true; } else { $command_successful = false; } break; case "add": $command = $_REQUEST["command"]; if (array_key_exists("arg", $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST["arg"]) > 0) { $command .= " \"" . $_REQUEST["arg"] . "\""; } if (credit() > 0 && credit("-1") === true && do_mpd_command($connection, $command) === true) { $command_successful = true; } else { $command_successful = false; } break; default: $command = $_REQUEST["command"]; if (array_key_exists("arg", $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST["arg"]) > 0) { $command .= " \"" . $_REQUEST["arg"] . "\""; } if (do_mpd_command($connection, $command) === true) { $command_successful = true; } else { $command_successful = false; }