echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='delete' > </form>"; } echo "</br>"; echo "</br>"; $done = NULL; while ($tab2 = get_type_categorie($tab, 'Other', $done)) { echo "<form method='post' action='admin.php'>"; echo "Categorie :"; echo "<input type='text' name='type' value='" . $tab2[0]['type'] . "'></br>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='delete_categorie' > </form>"; $done[] = $tab2[0]['type']; } } if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Create') { include "create_content.php"; create_content($_POST['name'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['med_type'], $_POST['med_value'], $_POST['desc'], $_POST['prix']); $_POST['submit_admin'] = 'Admin'; $_POST['name'] = NULL; } if ($_POST['name']) { foreach ($tab as $key) { if ($_POST['name'] == $key['name']) { echo "<form method='post' action='admin.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='old_name' value='" . $key['name'] . "'></br>"; echo "nom : \n" . "<input type='text' name='name' value='" . $key['name'] . "'> </br>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='old_type' value='" . $key['type'] . "'></br>"; echo "Categorie : \n" . "<input type='text' name='type' value='" . $key['type'] . "'></br>"; echo "type de media (vid/img) : \n" . "<input type='text' name='med_type' value='" . $key['med_type'] . "'></br>"; echo "url / path : \n" . "<input type='text' name='med_value' value='" . $key['med_value'] . "'></br>"; echo "description : " . substr($key['description'], 0, 25) . "..." . "</br>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='old_desc' value='" . $key['description'] . "''> </br>";
<?php session_start(); // Aloitetaan istunto. require_once 'kokonaisuudet/asetukset/tietokantayhteys.php'; require_once 'kokonaisuudet/yhteiset/php_yhteismetodit.php'; load_files("home"); $head = create_head(); $nav = create_nav(); $footer = create_footer(); $content = create_content(); $content_container = Html::luo_div($content, array(Attr::classs("container text-center"))); $html = Html::luo_body($head . $nav . $content_container . $footer, array()); $doc = Html::luo_html($html, array()); echo $doc; //===================== Funktiot =========================================== /** * Creates the html for head element with addresses for Bootstrap. * @return type */ function create_head() { $text = Html::luo_head(Html::luo_title(Tekstit::$home_title, array()) . Html::luo_link_to_stylesheet("") . Html::luo_link_to_stylesheet("css/etusivutyylit.css") . Html::luo_script_to_js("") . Html::luo_script_to_js("") . Html::luo_meta(array(Attr::charset("utf-8"))) . Html::luo_meta(array(Attr::name("viewport"), Attr::content("width=device-width, initial-scale=1"))), array()); return $text; } /** * Creates the html for the main content. */ function create_content() { $content = Html::luo_div(Html::luo_div(Html::luo_div(Html::luo_otsikko(Tekstit::$home_heading_main, array(Attr::classs("")), 1) . Html::luo_p(Tekstit::$home_wellcome_text, array()), array(Attr::classs("col-sm-12"))), array(Attr::classs("row"))) . Html::luo_div(Html::luo_div(Html::luo_div(Html::luo_otsikko(ucwords(Tekstit::$oppiaine_nimi_MA), array(Attr::classs("")), 3) . create_links_of_subject(Oppiaineet::$MA), array(Attr::classs("well"))), array(Attr::classs("col-sm-4"))) . Html::luo_div(Html::luo_div(Html::luo_otsikko(ucwords(Tekstit::$oppiaine_nimi_TT), array(Attr::classs("")), 3) . create_links_of_subject(Oppiaineet::$TT), array(Attr::classs("well"))), array(Attr::classs("col-sm-4"))) . Html::luo_div(Html::luo_div(Html::luo_otsikko(ucwords(Tekstit::$oppiaine_nimi_FY), array(Attr::classs("")), 3) . create_links_of_subject(Oppiaineet::$FY), array(Attr::classs("well"))), array(Attr::classs("col-sm-4"))), array(Attr::classs("row"))), array(Attr::classs("container text-center")));
/** * Summary of update_post * @param mixed $post_data * @param mixed $file_data * @param mixed $draft * @return bool|string */ function update_post($post_data, $file_data = '', $draft = null) { $found = true; $errors = ''; $updated_post = create_post_array($post_data); $i = 0; //Check if the post exist to proceed if (post_exist((int) $post_data['id'])) { $posts_file = get_json_content(CONTENTPATH . 'content.json'); $posts =& $posts_file['posts']; // Update database and update image if submitted while ($i < count($posts)) { if ($posts[$i]['id'] === (int) $post_data['id']) { //Avoid updating .content file and url $updated_post['content'] = $posts[$i]['content']; $updated_post['url'] = $posts[$i]['url']; //Set extra settings if ($draft === null) { $updated_post['status'] = $posts[$i]['status']; } else { $updated_post['status'] = $draft === true ? 'DRAFT' : 'ACTIVE'; } //Update image if (!empty($file_data)) { $uploaded = upload_img($file_data, 5000000); $updated_post['image'] = $uploaded['response']; if (!$uploaded['success']) { $errors .= "Your header image was not updated.\r\n"; } } else { $updated_post['image'] = $posts[$i]['image']; } //Place new post in place of old one $posts[$i] = $updated_post; break; } $i++; } //If posts was found and database updated continue with .content and //saving the database if ($found === true) { if (create_content($post_data['url'] . '.content', $post_data['content'])) { if (!write_to_json(CONTENTPATH . 'content.json', $posts_file)) { $errors .= "Your post could not be saved please try again\r\n"; } $errors .= "contentError:Your post could not be saved please try again\r\n"; } } } else { $errors .= "Post could not be found\r\n"; } return empty($errors) ? true : $errors; }