Exemplo n.º 1
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][chart] = createBarChartForReg(1, 1, 0, $build, $version, $comp, $cat, 0, $regr, $gren, $rap);
        //$moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][comment] ='Yet to Run in this build';
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][basetable] = createBasetable(0, $baseValue[$comp]);
        $commentData = getModuleComments($comp, $cat, $build, $version, $regr);
        $ownerData = getModuleOwners($modName);
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][comment] = $commentData[comment];
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][bugLink] = createModuleBugField($commentData[bugs]);
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][bugs] = $commentData[bugs];
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][bugsOld] = $commentData[bugsOld];
        $moduleArr[categories][$cat][modules][$comp][bugLinkOld] = createModuleBugField($commentData[bugsOld]);
    $moduleArr[basetable] = createBasetable($pass + $fail, $baseVal + $catextra);
//////4. till here///////////////////
$moduleArr[stats] = createTPFtable2($pass, $fail, $version, $build, "", "", "", "platform.php");
$moduleArr[chart] = createBarChartForReg($pass + $fail, $pass, $fail, $build, $version, $modName, $catName, 0);
$moduleArr[time] = Sec2Time($time);
// sort category / component names in alphabetical order
ksort($moduleArr[categories], SORT_STRING);
foreach ($moduleArr[categories] as $catName => $module) {
    ksort($moduleArr[categories][$catName][modules], SORT_STRING);
// export to excel
if ($regr == "phase") {
    $build = $_GET[build];
$index = 1;
$filename = "casedata/exportData" . $build . ".csv";
Exemplo n.º 2
function createGrenRegBuildTable($build, $name, $noneDisplay, $combineResults = 0)
    $i = 0;
    $table = "";
    ereg("([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+", $build[version], $regs);
    $release = $regs[1];
    if ($noneDisplay == "none") {
        $onMouse = "<tr\r\n                  onClick=\"location.href='modules.php?version=" . $build[version] . "&build=" . $name . "&gren=grenreg'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" onmouseover=\"mouse_event(this, 'hlt');\" onmouseout=\"mouse_event(this, '');\">";
    } else {
        $onMouse = "<tr onmouseover=\"mouse_event(this, 'hlt');\" onmouseout=\"mouse_event(this, '');\">";
    $onClick = " onClick=\"location.href='platform.php?version=" . $build[version] . "&build=" . $name . "'&gren=grenreg\"";
    $bugField = createBugField2($build, $release, $name, $noneDisplay);
    if ($bugField == "N/A") {
        $bugFieldCol = "<td align=\"center\" style=\"color: #E1EEF7; border-left: 1pt dashed #059;\"";
    } else {
        $bugFieldCol = "<td align=\"center\" style=\"border-left: 1pt dashed #059;\"";
    $borderTop = "<td ";
    if ($build[status] == "Pass") {
        $statusColor = "<td style=\"color: green;\"";
    } elseif ($build[status] == "Fail") {
        $statusColor = "<td style=\"color: red;\"";
    } elseif ($build[status] == "Pending") {
        $statusColor = "<td style=\"color: blue;\"";
    } else {
        $statusColor = "<td style=\"color: #E1EEF7;\"";
    // resolve comment field
    if ($noneDisplay == "none") {
        $comment = $build[comment] == "" ? "<td style=\"color: #E1EEF7\">N/A</td>" : "<td style=\"padding: 0 5px 0 9px;" . "font: bold 8px \"Trebuchet MS\", Verdana, " . "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\" align=\"left\">" . $build[comment] . "</td>";
    } else {
        $comment = "<td style=\"border-left: 1pt dashed #059;\"><input type=\"text\" maxlength=\"80\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . $build[comment] . "\"" . " name=\"comment-" . $name . "\"/></td>";
    // resolve buildType
    if (ereg("(.*)-FIPS", $build[version], $regs)) {
        $buildName = !$i ? $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\" align=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/arrow_org.gif\"/><b>" . $name . "</b></td>" : $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>";
        $buildType = "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small; color: blue\" align=\"center\">FIPS</td>";
        $versionFormat = $regs[1];
    } elseif (ereg("(.*)_OAW", $name, $regs)) {
        $buildName = !$i ? $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\" align=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/arrow_org.gif\"/><b>" . $regs[1] . "</b></td>" : $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>";
        $buildType = "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small; color: #483D8B\" align=\"center\">ALCATEL</td>";
        $versionFormat = $build[version];
    } elseif (ereg("-hosp", $build[version], $regs)) {
        $buildName = !$i ? $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\" align=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/arrow_org.gif\"/><b>" . $name . "</b></td>" : $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>";
        $buildType = "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small; color: red\" align=\"center\">HOSPITALITY</td>";
        $versionFormat = $build[version];
    } else {
        $buildName = !$i ? $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\" align=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/arrow_org.gif\"/><b>" . $name . "</b></td>" : $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>";
        #        $buildType = "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small; color: green\" align=\"center\"><b>AOS</b></td>";
        $buildType = "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small; color: green\" align=\"center\"><b>INSTANT</b></td>";
        $versionFormat = $build[version];
    if ($combineResults) {
        $buildName = $borderTop . " style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>";
    $table .= $onMouse . $buildName . $buildType . "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small\" align=\"center\">" . $versionFormat . "</td>" . "<td style=\"font-size: xx-small\">" . $build[started] . "</td>" . "<td style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" . createTPFtableGren($build[passed], $build[failed], $build[version], $name, "", "", "yes", "yes", "") . "</td>" . createRunStatusColor3($build[runstatus], $name, $noneDisplay) . createResultMenu2($statusColor, $noneDisplay, "<td style=\"cursor: pointer; ", $name, $build[status], $build[runstatus]) . "<td style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" . createBarChartForReg($build[passed] + $build[failed], $build[passed], $build[failed], $name, $build[version], "", "", 1, "grenreg") . "</td>" . $comment . $bugFieldCol . " align=\"left\">" . $bugField . "</td>" . "</tr>";
    return $table;