Exemplo n.º 1
function vhp_echo_marker($marker, $var)
    global $VHP, $cpg_time_start;
    if (!isset($VHP)) {
        $VHP = array();
    $VHP[][$marker] = round(cpgGetMicroTime() - $cpg_time_start, 3);
    dbug(array(strtoupper($marker) => $var));
    if (!is_array($var) && !is_bool($var) && $marker != 'page_html') {
        $var .= dbug_export(array(strtoupper($marker) => $var), '', $marker);
    return $var;
  Coppermine version: 1.5.40
  $HeadURL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/coppermine/code/trunk/cpg1.5.x/include/init.inc.php $
  $Revision: 8830 $
define('COPPERMINE_VERSION', '1.5.40');
define('COPPERMINE_VERSION_STATUS', 'stable');
if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) {
    die('Not in Coppermine...');
function cpgGetMicroTime()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
    return (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
$cpg_time_start = cpgGetMicroTime();
// Set a flag if register globals is on to show a warning to admin
if (ini_get('register_globals') == '1' || strtolower(ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on') {
    $register_globals_flag = true;
} else {
    $register_globals_flag = false;
require_once 'include/inspekt.php';
// Set $strict to false to make the superglobals available
$strict = TRUE;
$superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage($strict);
// Remove any variables introduced by register_globals, if enabled
$keysToSkip = array('keysToSkip', 'register_globals_flag', 'superCage', 'cpg_time_start', 'key');
if ($register_globals_flag && is_array($GLOBALS)) {
    foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
        if (!in_array($key, $keysToSkip) && isset(${$key})) {
function cpg_debug_output()
    global $USER, $USER_DATA, $ALBUM_SET, $CONFIG, $time_start, $query_stats, $queries, $lang_cpg_debug_output;
    $time_end = cpgGetMicroTime();
    $time = round($time_end - $time_start, 3);
    $query_count = count($query_stats);
    $query_times = '';
    $total_query_time = 0;
    foreach ($query_stats as $qtime) {
        $query_times .= round($qtime, 3) . "s ";
        $total_query_time += $qtime;
    $total_query_time = round($total_query_time, 3);
    $debug_underline = '
    $debug_separate = '
    echo '<form name="debug">';
    starttable('100%', $lang_cpg_debug_output['debug_info'], 2);
    echo '<tr><td align="center" valign="middle" class="tableh2">';
    echo '<script language="Javascript">

function HighlightAll(theField) {
var tempval=eval("document."+theField)
    echo '
        <div class="admin_menu"><a href="javascript:HighlightAll(\'debug.debugtext\')" class="adm_menu">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['select_all'] . '</a></div>';
    echo '</td><td align="left" valign="middle" class="tableh2">';
        echo '<span class="album_stat">(' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['copy_and_paste_instructions'] . ')</span>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class="tableb" colspan="2">';
    echo '<textarea  rows="10" class="debug_text" name="debugtext">';
    echo "USER: "******"USER DATA:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "Queries:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "GET :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "POST :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
        echo "VERSION INFO :";
        echo $debug_underline;
        $version_comment = ' - OK';
        if (strcmp('4.0.0', phpversion()) == 1) {
            $version_comment = ' - your PHP version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 4.x';
        echo 'PHP version: ' . phpversion() . $version_comment;
        echo $debug_underline;
        $version_comment = '';
        $mySqlVersion = cpg_phpinfo_mysql_version();
        if (strcmp('3.23.23', $mySqlVersion) == 1) {
            $version_comment = ' - your mySQL version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 3.23.23';
        echo 'mySQL version: ' . $mySqlVersion . $version_comment;
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Coppermine version: ';
        echo $debug_separate;
        error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
        echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('gd', 'text');
        echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('mysql', 'text');
        echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('zlib', 'text');
        echo 'Server restrictions (safe mode)?';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_exec_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_gid");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_include_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_exec_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sql.safe_mode");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("disable_functions");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("file_uploads");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("include_path");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("open_basedir");
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'email';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sendmail_from");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sendmail_path");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("SMTP");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("smtp_port");
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'Size and Time';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("max_execution_time");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("max_input_time");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("upload_max_filesize");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("post_max_size");
        echo $debug_separate;
    echo <<<EOT
Page generated in {$time} seconds - {$query_count} queries in {$total_query_time} seconds - Album set : {$ALBUM_SET}
    echo "</textarea>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\" colspan=\"2\">";
        echo "<a href=\"phpinfo.php\">" . $lang_cpg_debug_output['phpinfo'] . "</a>";
        error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
        echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</form>";
Exemplo n.º 4
function pagefooter()
    global $USER, $USER_DATA, $ALBUM_SET, $CONFIG, $time_start, $query_stats, $queries;
    global $template_footer;
    if ($CONFIG['debug_mode'] == 1 || $CONFIG['debug_mode'] == 2 && GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) {
        $time_end = cpgGetMicroTime();
        $time = round($time_end - $time_start, 3);
        $query_count = count($query_stats);
        $query_times = '';
        $total_query_time = 0;
        foreach ($query_stats as $qtime) {
            $query_times .= round($qtime, 3) . "s ";
            $total_query_time += $qtime;
        $total_query_time = round($total_query_time, 3);
        starttable('100%', 'Debug info');
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "USER: <pre>";
        echo "</pre></td></tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "USER DATA: <pre>";
        echo "</pre></td></tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "Queries: <pre>";
        echo "</pre></td></tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "GET :<pre>";
        echo "</pre></td></tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "POST :<pre>";
        echo "</pre></td></tr><td class=\"tableb\" >";
        echo <<<EOT
                Page generated in <b>{$time}</b> seconds - <b>{$query_count}</b> queries in <b>{$total_query_time}</b> seconds - Album set : {$ALBUM_SET}
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\">";
        echo "<a href=\"phpinfo.php\">Advanced debug mode</a> (phpinfo)";
        echo "</td></tr>";
    echo $template_footer;
    if (defined('CMS_INTEGRATION')) {
        $custom_footer = cms_pagefooter();
        echo $custom_footer;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * custom query for minicms_configure to avoid Coppermine from aborting out on a failed query.
 * @param string $q
 * @return object mysql result
function minicms_configure_query($query)
    global $CONFIG, $query_stats, $queries;
    $query_start = cpgGetMicroTime();
    $result = mysql_query($query, $CONFIG['LINK_ID']);
    $query_end = cpgGetMicroTime();
    if (isset($CONFIG['debug_mode']) && ($CONFIG['debug_mode'] == 1 || $CONFIG['debug_mode'] == 2)) {
        $duration = round($query_end - $query_start, 3);
        $query_stats[] = $duration;
        $queries[] = "{$query} ({$duration}s)";
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * cpg_debug_output()
 * defined new debug_output function here in functions.inc.php instead of theme.php with different function names to avoid incompatibilities with users not updating their themes as required. Advanced info is only output if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE == TRUE)
function cpg_debug_output()
    global $USER, $USER_DATA, $META_ALBUM_SET, $ALBUM_SET, $CONFIG, $cpg_time_start, $query_stats, $queries, $lang_cpg_debug_output;
    $time_end = cpgGetMicroTime();
    $time = round($time_end - $cpg_time_start, 3);
    $query_count = count($query_stats);
    $total_query_time = array_sum($query_stats);
    $debug_underline = '&#0010;------------------&#0010;';
    $debug_separate = '&#0010;==========================&#0010;';
    $debug_toggle_link = ' <a href="javascript:;" onclick="show_section(\'debug_output_rows\');" class="admin_menu" id="debug_output_toggle" style="display:none;">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['show_hide'] . '</a>';
    echo '<form name="debug" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" id="debug">';
    starttable('100%', $lang_cpg_debug_output['debug_info'] . $debug_toggle_link, 2);
    //echo '<div name="debug_output_rows" id="debug_output_rows" style="display:block;">';
    echo '<tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="100%" colspan="2">';
    echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id="debug_output_rows">';
    echo '<tr><td align="center" valign="middle" class="tableh2" width="100">';
    echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function HighlightAll(theField) {
var tempval=eval("document."+theField)
// only hide the debug_output if the user is capable to display it, i.e. if JavaScript is enabled. If JavaScript is off, debug_output will be displayed and the toggle will remain invisible (as it would not do anything anyway with JS off)
addonload("document.getElementById(\'debug_output_rows\').style.display = \'none\'");
addonload("document.getElementById(\'debug_output_toggle\').style.display = \'inline\'");
    echo '
        <a href="javascript:HighlightAll(\'debug.debugtext\')" class="admin_menu">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['select_all'] . '</a>';
    echo '</td><td align="left" valign="middle" class="tableh2">';
        echo '<span class="album_stat">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['copy_and_paste_instructions'] . '</span>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class="tableb" colspan="2">';
    echo '<textarea  rows="10" cols="60" class="debug_text" name="debugtext">';
    echo "USER: "******"USER DATA:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "Queries:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "GET :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "POST :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
        echo "VERSION INFO :";
        echo $debug_underline;
        $version_comment = ' - OK';
        if (strcmp('4.0.0', phpversion()) == 1) {
            $version_comment = ' - your PHP version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 4.x';
        echo 'PHP version: ' . phpversion() . $version_comment;
        echo $debug_underline;
        $version_comment = '';
        $mySqlVersion = cpg_phpinfo_mysql_version();
        if (strcmp('3.23.23', $mySqlVersion) == 1) {
            $version_comment = ' - your mySQL version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 3.23.23';
        echo 'mySQL version: ' . $mySqlVersion . $version_comment;
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Coppermine version: ';
        echo $debug_separate;
        //        error_reporting  (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); // New maze's error report system
        if (function_exists('gd_info') == true) {
            echo 'Module: GD';
            echo $debug_underline;
            $gd_array = gd_info();
            foreach ($gd_array as $key => $value) {
                echo $key . ': ' . $value . "\n";
            echo $debug_separate;
        } else {
            echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('gd', 'text');
        echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('mysql', 'text');
        echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('zlib', 'text');
        echo 'Server restrictions (safe mode)?';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_exec_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_gid");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_include_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_exec_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sql.safe_mode");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("disable_functions");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("file_uploads");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("include_path");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("open_basedir");
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'email';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sendmail_from");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sendmail_path");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("SMTP");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("smtp_port");
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'Size and Time';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("max_execution_time");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("max_input_time");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("upload_max_filesize");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("post_max_size");
        echo $debug_separate;
    echo <<<EOT
Page generated in {$time} seconds - {$query_count} queries in {$total_query_time} seconds - Album set : {$ALBUM_SET}; Meta set: {$META_ALBUM_SET};
    echo '</textarea>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tablef\" colspan=\"2\">";
        echo "<a href=\"phpinfo.php\" class=\"admin_menu\">" . $lang_cpg_debug_output['phpinfo'] . "</a>";
        //          error_reporting  (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); // New maze's error report system
        echo "</td></tr>";
    // Maze's new error report system
    global $cpgdebugger;
    $report = $cpgdebugger->stop();
    if (is_array($report) && $CONFIG['debug_notice'] != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td class="tableh1" colspan="2">';
        echo '<b>';
        echo $lang_cpg_debug_output['notices'];
        echo '</b>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td class="tableb" colspan="2">';
        foreach ($report as $file => $errors) {
            echo '<b>' . substr($file, $strstart) . '</b><ul>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                echo "<li>{$error}</li>";
            echo '</ul>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
    echo "</form>";
 * cpg_debug_output()
 * defined new debug_output function here in functions.inc.php instead of theme.php with different function names to avoid incompatibilities with users not updating their themes as required. Advanced info is only output if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE == TRUE)
function cpg_debug_output()
    global $USER, $USER_DATA, $CONFIG, $cpg_time_start, $query_stats, $queries, $lang_cpg_debug_output, $CPG_PHP_SELF, $superCage, $CPG_PLUGINS, $LINEBREAK;
    if ($CONFIG['performance_timestamp'] == 0 || date('Y-m-d', $CONFIG['performance_timestamp']) < date('Y-m-d')) {
        // The metering data in the config table are outdated, let's write fresh values.
        // Currently happens each day. To extend the metering period to a whole week,
        // use 'Y-m-W' for both date functions above. Use 'Y-m' to extend the period over
        // one month and subsequently 'Y' for an entire year.
        $CONFIG['performance_timestamp'] = time();
        cpg_config_set('performance_timestamp', $CONFIG['performance_timestamp']);
        $CONFIG['performance_page_generation_time'] = 0;
        $CONFIG['performance_page_query_time'] = 0;
        $CONFIG['performance_page_query_count'] = 0;
    $time_end = cpgGetMicroTime();
    $time = round(($time_end - $cpg_time_start) * 1000, 2);
    if ($CONFIG['performance_page_generation_time'] < $time) {
        $CONFIG['performance_page_generation_time'] = $time;
        cpg_config_set('performance_page_generation_time', $CONFIG['performance_page_generation_time']);
    $query_count = count($query_stats);
    $total_query_time = round(array_sum($query_stats), 2);
    if ($CONFIG['performance_page_query_time'] < $total_query_time) {
        $CONFIG['performance_page_query_time'] = $total_query_time;
        cpg_config_set('performance_page_query_time', $CONFIG['performance_page_query_time']);
    if ($CONFIG['performance_page_query_count'] < $query_count) {
        $CONFIG['performance_page_query_count'] = $query_count;
        cpg_config_set('performance_page_query_count', $CONFIG['performance_page_query_count']);
    $debug_underline = '&#0010;------------------&#0010;';
    $debug_separate = '&#0010;==========================&#0010;';
    $debug_toggle_link = $lang_cpg_debug_output['debug_output'] . ': <span class="detail_head_collapsed">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['show_hide'] . '</span>';
    $debug_help = '&nbsp;' . cpg_display_help('f=empty.htm&amp;h=lang_cpg_debug_output[debug_output_explain]&amp;t=lang_cpg_debug_output[copy_and_paste_instructions]', 470, 245);
    $debug_phpinfo_link = GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE ? '<a href="phpinfo.php" class="admin_menu">' . cpg_fetch_icon('phpinfo', 1) . $lang_cpg_debug_output['phpinfo'] . '</a> ' : '';
    echo <<<EOT
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        addonload("document.getElementById('debug_output_select_all').style.display = 'inline'");
    <form name="debug" action="{$CPG_PHP_SELF}" id="debug">
    starttable('100%', cpg_fetch_icon('bug', 2) . $lang_cpg_debug_output['debug_info'] . $debug_help, 2);
    echo <<<EOT

        <td valign="top" align="left" class="tableb">
            <span class="detail_body">
                <button type="button" class="button" name="debug_output_select_all" style="display:none" id="debug_output_select_all" value="{$lang_cpg_debug_output['select_all']}" onclick="HighlightAll('debug.debugtext');">{$lang_cpg_debug_output['select_all']}</button><br />
                <textarea  rows="30" cols="60" class="debug_text" name="debugtext">
    echo "USER: "******"USER DATA:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo htmlentities(print_r($USER_DATA, true));
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "Queries:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo htmlentities(print_r($queries, true));
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "GET :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo htmlentities(print_r($superCage->get->_source, true));
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "POST :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo htmlentities(print_r($superCage->post->_source, true));
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "COOKIE :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo htmlentities(print_r($superCage->cookie->_source, true));
    echo $debug_separate;
    if ($superCage->cookie->keyExists('PHPSESSID')) {
        echo "SESSION :";
        echo $debug_underline;
        if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
        echo htmlentities(print_r($_SESSION, true));
        echo $debug_separate;
        $table = array();
        echo "VERSION INFO :";
        echo $debug_underline;
        $my_php_version = phpversion();
        if ($my_php_version == '') {
            $my_php_version = PHP_VERSION;
        if (version_compare($my_php_version, '4.3.0', '>=')) {
            $version_comment = 'OK';
        } else {
            $version_comment = 'Your PHP version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 4.3.0';
        $table[] = array('PHP version', $my_php_version, $version_comment);
        $mySqlVersion = cpg_phpinfo_mysql_version();
        if (version_compare($mySqlVersion, '3.23.23', '>=')) {
            $version_comment = 'OK';
        } else {
            $version_comment = 'Your MySQL version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 3.23.23';
        $table[] = array('MySQL version', $mySqlVersion, $version_comment);
        $table[] = array('Coppermine version', COPPERMINE_VERSION, COPPERMINE_VERSION_STATUS);
        echo cpg_fill_string_array_with_spaces($table, ' ', 'left', 'string');
        echo $debug_separate;
        if (function_exists('gd_info') == true) {
            echo 'Module: GD';
            echo $debug_underline;
            $gd_array = gd_info();
            $table = array();
            if (array_key_exists('GD Version', $gd_array) == TRUE) {
                $table[] = array('Exact version', preg_replace('/[[:alpha:][:space:]()]+/', '', $gd_array['GD Version']));
            foreach ($gd_array as $key => $value) {
                $table[] = array($key, $value);
            echo cpg_fill_string_array_with_spaces($table, ' ', 'left', 'string');
            echo $debug_separate;
        } else {
            echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('gd', 'text', '|');
        echo 'Key config settings';
        echo $debug_underline;
        $table = array();
        $table[] = array('site_url', $CONFIG['site_url']);
        $table[] = array('charset', $CONFIG['charset']);
        $table[] = array('allow_private_albums', $CONFIG['allow_private_albums']);
        $table[] = array('cookie_name', $CONFIG['cookie_name']);
        $table[] = array('cookie_path', $CONFIG['cookie_path']);
        $table[] = array('impath', $CONFIG['impath']);
        $table[] = array('lang', $CONFIG['lang']);
        $table[] = array('main_page_layout', $CONFIG['main_page_layout']);
        $table[] = array('silly_safe_mode', $CONFIG['silly_safe_mode']);
        $table[] = array('smtp_host', $CONFIG['smtp_host']);
        $table[] = array('theme', $CONFIG['theme']);
        $table[] = array('thumb_method', $CONFIG['thumb_method']);
        echo cpg_fill_string_array_with_spaces($table, ' ', 'left', 'string');
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'Plugins';
        echo $debug_underline;
        $table = array();
        foreach ($CPG_PLUGINS as $plugin) {
            $table[] = array('Name', $plugin->name);
            $table[] = array('Actions', implode(', ', array_keys($plugin->actions)));
            $table[] = array('Filters', implode(', ', array_keys($plugin->filters)));
            $table[] = array('--------------');
        echo cpg_fill_string_array_with_spaces($table, ' ', 'left', 'string');
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'Server restrictions';
        echo $debug_underline;
        $table = array();
        $table[] = array('safe_mode', ini_get('safe_mode'));
        $table[] = array('safe_mode_exec_dir', ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir'));
        $table[] = array('safe_mode_gid', ini_get('safe_mode_gid'));
        $table[] = array('safe_mode_include_dir', ini_get('safe_mode_include_dir'));
        $table[] = array('sql.safe_mode', ini_get('sql.safe_mode'));
        $table[] = array('disable_functions', ini_get('disable_functions'));
        $table[] = array('file_uploads', ini_get('file_uploads'));
        $table[] = array('include_path', ini_get('include_path'));
        $table[] = array('open_basedir', ini_get('open_basedir'));
        $table[] = array('allow_url_fopen', ini_get('allow_url_fopen'));
        $table[] = array('max_execution_time', ini_get('max_execution_time'));
        $table[] = array('max_input_time', ini_get('max_input_time'));
        $table[] = array('upload_max_filesize', ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
        $table[] = array('post_max_size', ini_get('post_max_size'));
        $table[] = array('memory_limit', ini_get('memory_limit'));
        $table[] = array('suhosin.post.max_vars', ini_get('suhosin.post.max_vars'));
        $table[] = array('suhosin.request.max_vars', ini_get('suhosin.request.max_vars'));
        echo cpg_fill_string_array_with_spaces($table, ' ', 'left', 'string');
        echo $LINEBREAK . $debug_separate;
        echo 'Page (performance)';
        echo $debug_underline;
        $table = array();
        $table[] = array('Parameter', 'Current', 'Peak');
        if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
            $peak_memory_usage = cpg_format_bytes(memory_get_peak_usage());
        } else {
            $peak_memory_usage = 'n/a';
        $table[] = array('Memory usage', cpg_format_bytes(memory_get_usage()), $peak_memory_usage);
        $table[] = array('Page generation', $time . ' ms', $CONFIG['performance_page_generation_time'] . ' ms');
        $table[] = array('Page query time', $total_query_time . ' ms', $CONFIG['performance_page_query_time'] . ' ms');
        $table[] = array('Page query count', $query_count, $CONFIG['performance_page_query_count']);
        echo cpg_fill_string_array_with_spaces($table, ' ', 'left', 'string');
        echo $LINEBREAK . $debug_separate;
    echo <<<EOT

    if ($CONFIG['debug_notice'] != 0) {
        // Maze's error report system
        global $cpgdebugger;
        $report = $cpgdebugger->stop();
        //$debug_notices_icon = cpg_fetch_icon('text_left', 2);
        if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) {
            $notices_help = 'notices_help_admin';
        } else {
            $notices_help = 'notices_help_non_admin';
        $notices_help = '&nbsp;' . cpg_display_help('f=empty.htm&amp;h=lang_cpg_debug_output[notices]&amp;t=lang_cpg_debug_output[' . $notices_help . ']', 470, 245);
        if (is_array($report)) {
            echo <<<EOT
                <td class="tableh2">
            $noticesLoopCounter = 0;
            foreach ($report as $file => $errors) {
                if ($noticesLoopCounter / 2 == floor($noticesLoopCounter / 2)) {
                    $cellstyle = 'tableb tableb_alternate';
                } else {
                    $cellstyle = 'tableb';
                echo <<<EOT
                <td class="{$cellstyle}">
                //echo '<strong>' . substr($file, $strstart) . '</strong><ul>'; //$strstart does not exist
                echo '<strong>' . $file . '</strong><ul>';
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                    echo "<li>{$error}</li>";
                echo <<<EOT
    echo '</form>';
Exemplo n.º 8
 * cpg_debug_output()
 * defined new debug_output function here in functions.inc.php instead of theme.php with different function names to avoid incompatibilities with users not updating their themes as required. Advanced info is only output if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE == TRUE)
function cpg_debug_output()
    global $USER, $USER_DATA, $META_ALBUM_SET, $ALBUM_SET, $CONFIG, $cpg_time_start, $query_stats, $queries, $lang_cpg_debug_output, $CPG_PHP_SELF, $superCage, $CPG_PLUGINS;
    $time_end = cpgGetMicroTime();
    $time = round($time_end - $cpg_time_start, 3);
    $query_count = count($query_stats);
    $total_query_time = array_sum($query_stats);
    $debug_underline = '&#0010;------------------&#0010;';
    $debug_separate = '&#0010;==========================&#0010;';
    $debug_toggle_link = ' <a href="javascript:;" onclick="show_section(\'debug_output_rows\');" class="admin_menu" id="debug_output_toggle" style="display:none;">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['show_hide'] . '</a>';
    echo '<form name="debug" action="' . $CPG_PHP_SELF . '" id="debug">';
    starttable('100%', $lang_cpg_debug_output['debug_info'] . $debug_toggle_link, 2);
    //echo '<div name="debug_output_rows" id="debug_output_rows" style="display:block;">';
    echo '<tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="100%" colspan="2">';
    echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id="debug_output_rows">';
    echo '<tr><td align="center" valign="middle" class="tableh2" width="100">';
    echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// only hide the debug_output if the user is capable to display it, i.e. if JavaScript is enabled. If JavaScript is off, debug_output will be displayed and the toggle will remain invisible (as it would not do anything anyway with JS off)
addonload("document.getElementById(\'debug_output_rows\').style.display = \'none\'");
addonload("document.getElementById(\'debug_output_toggle\').style.display = \'inline\'");
    echo <<<EOT
        <script type="text/javascript">
            document.write('<a href="javascript:HighlightAll(\\'debug.debugtext\\')" class="admin_menu">');
        </td><td align="left" valign="middle" class="tableh2">
        echo '<span class="album_stat">' . $lang_cpg_debug_output['copy_and_paste_instructions'] . '</span>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class="tableb" colspan="2">';
    echo '<textarea  rows="10" cols="60" class="debug_text" name="debugtext">';
    echo "USER: "******"USER DATA:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "Queries:";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "GET :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "POST :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    echo "COOKIE :";
    echo $debug_underline;
    echo $debug_separate;
    if ($superCage->cookie->keyExists('PHPSESSID')) {
        echo "SESSION :";
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo "VERSION INFO :";
        echo $debug_underline;
        $version_comment = ' - OK';
        if (strcmp('4.2.0', phpversion()) == 1) {
            $version_comment = ' - your PHP version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 4.2.0';
        echo 'PHP version: ' . phpversion() . $version_comment;
        echo "\n";
        $version_comment = ' - OK';
        $mySqlVersion = cpg_phpinfo_mysql_version();
        if (strcmp('3.23.23', $mySqlVersion) == 1) {
            $version_comment = ' - your MySQL version isn\'t good enough! Minimum requirements: 3.23.23';
        echo 'MySQL version: ' . $mySqlVersion . $version_comment;
        echo "\n";
        echo 'Coppermine version: ';
        echo "\n";
        echo $debug_separate;
        //        error_reporting  (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); // New maze's error report system
        if (function_exists('gd_info') == true) {
            echo 'Module: GD';
            echo $debug_underline;
            $gd_array = gd_info();
            foreach ($gd_array as $key => $value) {
                echo $key . ': ' . $value . "\n";
            echo $debug_separate;
        } else {
            echo cpg_phpinfo_mod_output('gd', 'text');
        echo 'Key config settings';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo cpg_config_output("allow_private_albums");
        echo cpg_config_output("cookie_name");
        echo cpg_config_output("cookie_path");
        echo cpg_config_output("ecards_more_pic_target");
        echo cpg_config_output("impath");
        echo cpg_config_output("lang");
        echo cpg_config_output("language_fallback");
        echo cpg_config_output("main_page_layout");
        echo cpg_config_output("silly_safe_mode");
        echo cpg_config_output("smtp_host");
        echo cpg_config_output("theme");
        echo cpg_config_output("thumb_method");
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'Plugins';
        echo $debug_underline;
        foreach ($CPG_PLUGINS as $plugin) {
            echo 'Plugin: ' . $plugin->name . "\n";
            echo 'Actions: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($plugin->actions)) . "\n";
            echo 'Filters: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($plugin->filters));
            echo $debug_underline;
        echo $debug_separate;
        echo 'Server restrictions';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_exec_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_gid");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_include_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("safe_mode_exec_dir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("sql.safe_mode");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("disable_functions");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("file_uploads");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("include_path");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("open_basedir");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("allow_url_fopen");
        echo "\n{$debug_separate}";
        echo 'Resource limits';
        echo $debug_underline;
        echo 'Directive | Local Value | Master Value';
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("max_execution_time");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("max_input_time");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("upload_max_filesize");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("post_max_size");
        echo cpg_phpinfo_conf_output("memory_limit");
        echo "\n{$debug_separate}";
    echo <<<EOT
Page generated in {$time} seconds - {$query_count} queries in {$total_query_time} seconds - Album set : {$ALBUM_SET}; Meta set: {$META_ALBUM_SET};
    echo '</textarea>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
        echo "<tr><td class=\"tablef\" colspan=\"2\">";
        echo "<a href=\"phpinfo.php\" class=\"admin_menu\">" . $lang_cpg_debug_output['phpinfo'] . "</a>";
        //          error_reporting  (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); // New maze's error report system
        echo "</td></tr>";
    // Maze's new error report system
    global $cpgdebugger;
    $report = $cpgdebugger->stop();
    if (is_array($report) && $CONFIG['debug_notice'] != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td class="tableh1" colspan="2">';
        echo '<b>';
        echo $lang_cpg_debug_output['notices'];
        echo '</b>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td class="tableb" colspan="2">';
        foreach ($report as $file => $errors) {
            echo '<b>' . substr($file, $strstart) . '</b><ul>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                echo "<li>{$error}</li>";
            echo '</ul>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
    echo "</form>";