Exemplo n.º 1
  * Renders HTML to display one course module in a course section
  * This includes link, content, availability, completion info and additional information
  * that module type wants to display (i.e. number of unread forum posts)
  * This function calls:
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_name()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_text()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_availability()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_completion()}
  * {@link course_get_cm_edit_actions()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_edit_actions()}
  * @param stdClass $course
  * @param completion_info $completioninfo
  * @param cm_info $mod
  * @param int|null $sectionreturn
  * @param array $displayoptions
  * @return string
 public function course_section_cm($course, &$completioninfo, cm_info $mod, $sectionreturn, $displayoptions = array())
     $output = '';
     // We return empty string (because course module will not be displayed at all)
     // if:
     // 1) The activity is not visible to users
     // and
     // 2) The 'availableinfo' is empty, i.e. the activity was
     //     hidden in a way that leaves no info, such as using the
     //     eye icon.
     if (!$mod->uservisible && empty($mod->availableinfo)) {
         return $output;
     $indentclasses = 'mod-indent';
     if (!empty($mod->indent)) {
         $indentclasses .= ' mod-indent-' . $mod->indent;
         if ($mod->indent > 15) {
             $indentclasses .= ' mod-indent-huge';
     $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div');
     if ($this->page->user_is_editing()) {
         $output .= course_get_cm_move($mod, $sectionreturn);
     $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'mod-indent-outer'));
     // This div is used to indent the content.
     $output .= html_writer::div('', $indentclasses);
     // Start a wrapper for the actual content to keep the indentation consistent
     $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div');
     // Display the link to the module (or do nothing if module has no url)
     $cmname = $this->course_section_cm_name($mod, $displayoptions);
     if (!empty($cmname)) {
         // Start the div for the activity title, excluding the edit icons.
         $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'activityinstance'));
         $output .= $cmname;
         // Module can put text after the link (e.g. forum unread)
         $output .= $mod->afterlink;
         // Closing the tag which contains everything but edit icons. Content part of the module should not be part of this.
         $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
         // .activityinstance
     // If there is content but NO link (eg label), then display the
     // content here (BEFORE any icons). In this case cons must be
     // displayed after the content so that it makes more sense visually
     // and for accessibility reasons, e.g. if you have a one-line label
     // it should work similarly (at least in terms of ordering) to an
     // activity.
     $contentpart = $this->course_section_cm_text($mod, $displayoptions);
     $url = $mod->url;
     if (empty($url)) {
         $output .= $contentpart;
     $modicons = '';
     if ($this->page->user_is_editing()) {
         $editactions = course_get_cm_edit_actions($mod, $mod->indent, $sectionreturn);
         $modicons .= ' ' . $this->course_section_cm_edit_actions($editactions, $mod, $displayoptions);
         $modicons .= $mod->afterediticons;
     $modicons .= $this->course_section_cm_completion($course, $completioninfo, $mod, $displayoptions);
     if (!empty($modicons)) {
         $output .= html_writer::span($modicons, 'actions');
     // If there is content AND a link, then display the content here
     // (AFTER any icons). Otherwise it was displayed before
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $output .= $contentpart;
     // show availability info (if module is not available)
     $output .= $this->course_section_cm_availability($mod, $displayoptions);
     $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
     // $indentclasses
     // End of indentation div.
     $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
     $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
     return $output;
  * Renders HTML to display one course module in a course section
  * This includes link, content, availability, completion info and additional information
  * that module type wants to display (i.e. number of unread forum posts)
  * This function calls:
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_name()}
  * {@link cm_info::get_after_link()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_text()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_availability()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_completion()}
  * {@link course_get_cm_edit_actions()}
  * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_edit_actions()}
  * @param stdClass $course
  * @param completion_info $completioninfo
  * @param cm_info $mod
  * @param int|null $sectionreturn
  * @param array $displayoptions
  * @return string
 public function course_section_cm($course, &$completioninfo, cm_info $mod, $sectionreturn, $displayoptions = array())
     $output = '';
     // We return empty string (because course module will not be displayed at all)
     // if:
     // 1) The activity is not visible to users
     // and
     // 2) The 'availableinfo' is empty, i.e. the activity was
     //     hidden in a way that leaves no info, such as using the
     //     eye icon.
     if (!$mod->uservisible && empty($mod->availableinfo)) {
         return $output;
     $output .= "<div class='asset-wrapper'>";
     // Start the div for the activity content.
     $output .= "<div class='activityinstance'>";
     // Display the link to the module (or do nothing if module has no url).
     $cmname = $this->course_section_cm_name($mod, $displayoptions);
     $assetlink = '';
     // SHAME - For moodles ajax show/hide call to work it needs activityinstance > a to add a class of dimmed to.
     // This dimmed class is of course inaccessible junk.
     if (!empty($cmname)) {
         $assetlink = "<a></a><h4 class='snap-asset-link'>" . $cmname . "</h4>";
     // Meta.
     $assetmeta = "<div class='snap-meta'>";
     // Activity/resource type.
     $snapmodtype = $this->get_mod_type($mod)[0];
     $assetmeta .= "<span class='snap-assettype'>" . $snapmodtype . "</span>";
     if (!empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', context_course::instance($mod->course))) {
         // Grouping label.
         $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($mod->course);
         $assetmeta .= "<span class='snap-groupinglabel'>" . format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name) . "</span>";
         // TBD - add a title to show this is the Grouping...
     // Draft status - always output, shown via css of parent.
     $assetmeta .= "<span class='draft_info'>" . get_string('draft', 'theme_snap') . "</span>";
     $availabilityinfo = $this->course_section_cm_availability($mod, $displayoptions);
     if ($availabilityinfo !== '') {
         $conditionalinfo = get_string('conditional', 'theme_snap');
         $assetmeta .= "<span class='conditional_info'>{$conditionalinfo}</span>";
         $assetmeta .= "<div class='availabilityinfo'>{$availabilityinfo}</div>";
     $assetmeta .= "</div>";
     // Close asset-meta.
     $contentpart = $this->course_section_cm_text($mod, $displayoptions);
     // Build output.
     $output .= $assetlink . $assetmeta . $contentpart;
     if (!empty($cmname)) {
         // Module can put text after the link (e.g. forum unread).
         $output .= $mod->afterlink;
     $output .= "</div>";
     // Close activity instance.
     // Build up edit icons.
     $modicons = '';
     if ($this->page->user_is_editing()) {
         $editactions = $this->course_get_cm_edit_actions($mod, $sectionreturn);
         $modicons .= $this->course_section_cm_edit_actions($editactions, $mod, $displayoptions);
         $modicons .= $mod->afterediticons;
         $modicons .= course_get_cm_move($mod, $sectionreturn);
     if (!$this->page->user_is_editing()) {
         $modicons .= $this->course_section_cm_completion($course, $completioninfo, $mod, $displayoptions);
     // Add actions menu.
     if ($modicons) {
         $output .= "<div class='actions' role='region' aria-label='actions'>";
         $output .= $modicons;
         $output .= "</div>";
     $output .= "</div>";
     // Close clearfix.
     return $output;