function copy_directory($directory, $destination) { $destination = $destination . basename($directory); # The directory will be created if (!file_exists($destination)) { if (!mkdir($destination)) { return false; } } $directory_list = @scandir($directory); # Directory scanning if (!$directory_list) { return false; } foreach ($directory_list as $item_name) { $item = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item_name; if ($item_name == '.' || $item_name == '..') { continue; } if (filetype($item) == 'dir') { copy_directory($item, $destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } else { var_dump($item); var_dump($destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item_name); if (!copy($item, $destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item_name)) { return false; } } } return true; }
function copy_directory($source, $destination) { global $log; if (is_dir($source)) { mkdir($destination); $directory = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($readdirectory = $directory->read())) { if ($readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..') { continue; } $PathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory; if (is_dir($PathDir)) { copy_directory($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); continue; } try { copy($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { $log->error($e->getMessage()); } } $directory->close(); } else { try { copy($source, $destination); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { $log->error($e->getMessage()); } } }
function unzipFile($filename, $filenameRail, $feedDirectory) { $results = unzip($filename, $dest_dir = false, $create_zip_name_dir = true, $overwrite = true); $results2 = unzip($filenameRail, $dest_dir = false, $create_zip_name_dir = true, $overwrite = true); $filenameRailFolder = $feedDirectory . "/gtfs/" . basename($filenameRail, ".zip"); $test = copy_directory($filenameRailFolder, $feedDirectory . "/" . basename($filenameRail, ".zip")); }
public function generateBlog() { set_time_limit(0); global $app; $this->parser = new \Parsedown(); $data = $this->getData(); $layout = $data['settings']['layout'] ?: 'default'; $layoutDir = $app->view->getData('layoutsDir') . $layout . '/'; // first copy all contents of template to public folder copy_directory($layoutDir, $this->publicDir); // now create actual html pages $mustache = new \Mustache_Engine(array('loader' => new \Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader($layoutDir), 'partials_loader' => new \Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader($layoutDir . '/partials'))); $mustacheFiles = glob($layoutDir . '/*.mustache'); $excludedFiles = array('category', 'post', 'page', 'archive', 'tag'); foreach ($mustacheFiles as $mustacheFile) { $fileName = basename($mustacheFile); $fileName = str_replace('.mustache', '', $fileName); // we will generate these later if (true === in_array($fileName, $excludedFiles)) { continue; } $template = $mustache->loadTemplate($fileName); $html = $template->render($data); file_put_contents($this->publicDir . $fileName . '.html', $html); } // delete mustache particals folders from public folder rrmdir($this->publicDir . 'partials/'); // delete *.mustache from public dir $mustacheFiles = glob($this->publicDir . '/*.mustache'); foreach ($mustacheFiles as $mustacheFile) { @unlink($mustacheFile); } // generate post files $this->generatePostPageFiles($mustache, $data, 'post'); // generate page files $this->generatePostPageFiles($mustache, $data, 'page'); // generate category and tag files $this->generateCategoryTagFiles($mustache, $data, 'category'); $this->generateCategoryTagFiles($mustache, $data, 'tag'); // generate archive files $this->generateArchiveFiles($mustache, $data); // generate RSS file $this->generateRSS($data); // generate sitemap.xml $this->generateSitemap($data); // copy blog data file copy('data/blog.json', 'public/data/blog.json'); $message = ''; $message .= 'Blog has been generated in <strong>public</strong> folder :)<br><br>'; $message .= '<a id="viewGenLog" class="btn btn-primary">View Log</a><br><br>'; $message .= '<div id="genlog">' . $this->getGenerateLog($this->generateLog) . '</div>'; echo $message; }
/** * This procedural script copies all non-blacklisted files from the development folder to the production folder, in preparation for FTPing to the server. * * Instructions: * To run, simply go to the correct address in your web browser while your local web server is running (e.g. http://localhost:8888/development/deploy.php) * To add new files to the blacklist, simply add a new string element to the blacklist array with the full name of the desired folder or file. * * Notes: * Any new files that are added to development will be copied to production by default. The blacklist array only needs to be modified if tester files or other development-specific files are added to the development folder. */ function copy_directory($source, $destination) { mkdir($destination); $directory = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($readdirectory = $directory->read())) { if ($readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..') { continue; } $pathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory; if (is_dir($pathDir)) { copy_directory($pathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); continue; } if (copy($pathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory)) { echo "Successfully copied {$pathDir}.\n"; } } $directory->close(); }
function copy_directory($source, $destination) { if (is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($destination); $directory = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($readdirectory = $directory->read())) { if ($readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..') { continue; } $PathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory; if (is_dir($PathDir)) { copy_directory($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); continue; } copy($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); } $directory->close(); } else { copy($source, $destination); } }
} } else { if ($addons['type'] == 'themes') { $folder = "../plugins/{$addons['folder']}"; $copy = @copy_directory("../tmp/{$name_file}", "../themes/{$addons['folder']}"); } else { if ($addons['type'] == 'admin_themes') { $flback = siteConfig('backend_folder'); $folder = "../{$flback}/themes/{$addons['folder']}"; $copy = @copy_directory("../tmp/{$name_file}", $folder); } else { if ($addons['type'] == 'updater') { $copy = @copy_directory("../tmp/{$name_file}", "../"); $dapur = siteConfig('backend_folder'); if (siteConfig('backend_folder') != 'dapur') { @copy_directory("../dapur", "../{$dapur}", true); } } else { $fail = true; alert('error', File_uploaded_not_valid); } } } } } } if (!isset($fail)) { if (isset($folder) and file_exists("{$folder}/installer.php")) { @unlink("{$folder}/installer.php"); } if ($copy) {
function copy_directory($source, $destination, $cut = null) { $copy = false; if (is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($destination); $directory = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($readdirectory = $directory->read())) { if ($readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..') { continue; } $PathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory; if (is_dir($PathDir)) { copy_directory($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); continue; } $copy = copy($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); } $directory->close(); } else { $copy = copy($source, $destination); } if (isset($cut)) { delete_directory($source); } if ($copy) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function copy_directory($source, $destination, $holo, $name, $check_holo = true) { $log = Logger::getLogger("copy"); $log->debug("copy directory : " . $source . " in " . $destination); if (is_dir($source)) { $directory = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($readdirectory = $directory->read())) { if ($readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..' || $readdirectory == '.DS_Store') { continue; } $PathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory; $log->debug("File : " . $readdirectory . " Path : " . $PathDir . " holo=" . $check_holo); if (is_dir($PathDir)) { copy_directory($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory, $holo, $name, $check_holo); continue; } if ($check_holo == false) { $log->debug("holo false => copy " . $PathDir . " in " . $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); copy($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); if (strstr($readdirectory, ".xml")) { filter_file($destination . '/' . $readdirectory, $name); } } else { if (strpos($readdirectory, $holo)) { $log->debug("holo true => copy " . $PathDir . " in " . $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); copy($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory); if (strstr($readdirectory, ".xml")) { filter_file($destination . '/' . $readdirectory, $name); } } } } $directory->close(); } else { copy($source, $destination); } }
} } else { echo 0; } if (isset($_POST['patching']) and $_POST['patching'] != false and $site_version != $latest_version and $xml) { $plink = $p['link']; $root = "../../.."; $newfile = "{$root}/tmp/patch_{$p['number']}.zip"; if (!file_exists("{$root}/tmp")) { mkdir("{$root}/tmp"); } if (copy($plink, $newfile)) { if (extractZip($newfile, "{$root}/tmp")) { $dapur = siteConfig('backend_folder'); if (siteConfig('backend_folder') != 'dapur') { copy_directory("{$root}/dapur", "{$root}/{$dapur}", true); } $db = new FQuery(); $db->connect(); $db->update(FDBPrefix . 'setting', array('value' => "{$p['number']}"), "name='version'"); $sup = $p['number']; @unlink("{$root}/installer.php"); ?> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $(".update-info").LoadingDot({ "speed": 500, "maxDots": 4, "word": " <?php echo Installing_patch . $p['number']; ?>
This will remove the {FUNCTION} text from the functions file if no extras are needed */ $functions = NULL; if ($has_menu) { $functions .= file_get_contents(BASE . '/build_parts/wp_nav_menu/_functions.php'); } if ($has_widget) { $functions .= file_get_contents(BASE . '/build_parts/register_sidebar/_functions.php'); } if ($has_custom_post_type) { // add the include to the functions file $functions .= file_get_contents(BASE . '/build_parts/custom_post_type/_functions.php'); // Copy over the custom_post_type.php file and add edits copy_directory(BASE . '/build_parts/custom_post_type/files/', $new_theme . '/inc/php/'); $custom_post_type_contents = file_get_contents($new_theme . '/inc/php/custom_post_type.php'); $custom_post_type_name = $_POST['custom_post_type_name']; $custom_post_type_info = array('{SINGULAR}' => ucfirst($custom_post_type_name), '{PLURAL}' => Inflect::pluralize(ucfirst($custom_post_type_name)), '{PLURAL_LOWERCASE}' => strtolower(Inflect::pluralize($custom_post_type_name))); $custom_post_type_file = fopen($new_theme . '/inc/php/custom_post_type.php', "w+"); foreach ($custom_post_type_info as $replace => $with) { $custom_post_type_contents = preg_replace("/{$replace}/", $with, $custom_post_type_contents); } fwrite($custom_post_type_file, $custom_post_type_contents); fclose($custom_post_type_file); } $contents = preg_replace("/{FUNCTIONS}/", $functions, $contents); break; case 'sidebar.php': $widget_area = ''; if ($has_widget) {
/** * @author Oliver Tupman <*****@*****.**> * Date: 08/06/2012 * Time: 16:34 */ echo "[deploy] Starting xBoilerplate deployment\n\n"; function copy_directory($source, $destination) { $result = exec('cp -R ' . $source . ' ' . $destination); return $result; } $autogeneratedDirs = array('tmp', 'test', 'config'); if (!file_exists('vendor')) { die("[deploy] FAILED: Command must be run at the same level as composer.json\n"); } if (file_exists('httpdocs')) { die("[deploy] FAILED: httpdocs directory already exists, remove if you wish to deploy a new xBoilerplate skeleton\n"); } $baseDir = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; foreach ($autogeneratedDirs as $directory) { if (!file_exists($directory)) { mkdir($directory); } } copy_directory($baseDir . 'httpdocs', '.'); copy($baseDir . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php', 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'); copy($baseDir . "Vagrantfile", "Vagrantfile"); echo "[deploy] SUCCESS: your xBoilerplate skeleton was created\n"; echo " You can start it by using the command: vagrant up\n"; echo " And then accessing it via\n";
/** * Copy selected directory * * @param string $source * @param string $destination */ function copy_directory($source, $destination) { $file_array = array(); if (is_file($source)) { $perm = fileperms($source); copy($source, $destination); chmod($destination, 0744); } if (@is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($destination, 0777); $dir_handle = opendir($source); while ($files = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ($files != "." && $files != "..") { $file_array[] = $files; } } closedir($dir_handle); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($file_array); $i++) { $file = $file_array[$i]; if ($destination != "{$source}/{$file}") { copy_directory("{$source}/{$file}", "{$destination}/{$file}"); } } }
} } else { if (file_exists($plg)) { extractZip($path_file, '../plugins'); include $plg; alert('info', AddOns_installed); if (isset($plugin_info)) { echo "<div class='install_info'>{$plugin_info}</div>"; } } else { if (file_exists($app)) { extractZip($path_file, "../{$folback}/apps"); include $app; $insser_apps_data = insert_new_apps($apps_name, $apps_folder, $apps_author, $apps_type); if ($apps_type == 1) { copy_directory($apf, "../apps/{$folder}"); delete_directory("../{$folback}/apps/{$folder}/{$folder}"); } alert('info', AddOns_installed); if (isset($apps_info)) { echo "<div class='install_info'>{$apps_info}</div>"; } } else { if (file_exists($thm)) { extractZip($path_file, '../themes'); include $thm; alert('info', AddOns_installed); echo "<div class='install_info'>{$theme_info}</div>"; } else { if (file_exists($atm)) { extractZip($path_file, "../{$folback}/themes");
/** * Copy directories * * @param string $dir * @param array &$errorLog * @param bool $createDest * * @return bool|void */ function copy_directories($dir, &$errorLog, $createDest = true) { // Ensure the destination directory exists $exists = file_exists(MAUTIC_ROOT . $dir); if ($createDest && !$exists) { mkdir(MAUTIC_ROOT . $dir, 0755, true); } elseif (!$exists) { $errorLog[] = sprintf('%s does not exist.', MAUTIC_ROOT . $dir); return false; } // Copy root level files first copy_files($dir, $errorLog); $iterator = new DirectoryIterator(MAUTIC_UPGRADE_ROOT . $dir); /** @var DirectoryIterator $directory */ foreach ($iterator as $directory) { // Sanity checks if (!$directory->isDot() && $directory->isDir()) { $src = $directory->getPath() . '/' . $directory->getFilename(); $dest = str_replace(MAUTIC_UPGRADE_ROOT, MAUTIC_ROOT, $src); $result = copy_directory($src, $dest); if ($result !== true) { if (is_array($result)) { $errorLog += $result; } else { $errorLog[] = $result; } } $deleteDir = recursive_remove_directory($src); if (!$deleteDir) { $errorLog[] = sprintf('Failed to remove the upgrade directory %s folder', str_replace(MAUTIC_UPGRADE_ROOT, '', $src)); } } } }
$folderThumb .= $registry['query_ID'] . '_' . $_POST['full_name'] . '/'; $folder_temp .= $_POST['full_name'] . '/'; chmod($folder, 0777); chmod($folderThumb, 0777); // Returns array of files $files1 = scandir($folder); // Count number of files and store them to variable.. $num_files = count($files1) - 1; if ($num_files > 5) { echo '{"status":"error"}'; die; } function copy_directory($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); @mkdir($dst); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); } copy_directory($folder_temp, $folder); copy_directory($folder_temp, $folderThumb); die; }
} } exec("mkdir -p ~/Downloads/spot_mini_debug"); $output = "DEBUG: "; // // check for library update in progress if (file_exists($w->data() . "/update_library_in_progress")) { $w->result('', '', "Library update in progress", "", 'fileicon:' . $w->data() . '/update_library_in_progress', 'no', null, ''); $output = $output . "Library update in progress: " . "the file" . $w->data() . "/update_library_in_progress is present\n"; } if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/settings.json")) { $output = $output . "The file " . $w->data() . "/settings.json is not present\n"; } else { copy($w->data() . "/settings.json", $w->home() . "/Downloads/spot_mini_debug/settings.json"); } copy_directory($w->cache(), $w->home() . "/Downloads/spot_mini_debug/cache"); if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/fetch_artworks.db")) { $output = $output . "The file " . $w->data() . "/fetch_artworks.db is not present\n"; } else { copy($w->data() . "/fetch_artworks.db", $w->home() . "/Downloads/spot_mini_debug/fetch_artworks.db"); } if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/library.db")) { $output = $output . "The file " . $w->data() . "/library.db is not present\n"; } else { copy($w->data() . "/library.db", $w->home() . "/Downloads/spot_mini_debug/library.db"); } if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/library_new.db")) { $output = $output . "The file " . $w->data() . "/library_new.db is not present\n"; } else { copy($w->data() . "/library_new.db", $w->home() . "/Downloads/spot_mini_debug/library_new.db"); }