Exemplo n.º 1
function copyRectypeIcon($sourceDBName, $importRtyID, $importedRecTypeID, $thumb = "")
    // BUG TODO: this is not always true, and what about cross server
    $filename = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $sourceDBName . "/rectype-icons/" . $thumb . $importRtyID . ".png";
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        $target_filename = HEURIST_ICON_DIR . $thumb . $importedRecTypeID . ".png";
        if (file_exists($target_filename)) {
        if (!copy($filename, $target_filename)) {
            makeLogEntry("<b>Warning</b> Importing Record-type", $importRtyID, " Can't copy " . ($thumb == "" ? "icon" : "thumbnail") . " " . $filename . " to " . $target_filename);
    } else {
        makeLogEntry("<b>Warning</b> Importing Record-type", $importRtyID, " " . ($thumb == "" ? "icon" : "thumbnail") . " does not exist");
    if ($thumb == "") {
        copyRectypeIcon($sourceDBName, $importRtyID, $importedRecTypeID, "thumb/th_");
Exemplo n.º 2
function copyRectypeIcon($source_RtyID, $target_RtyID, $thumb = "")
    global $sourceIconURL;
    $sourceURL = $sourceIconURL . $thumb . $source_RtyID . ".png";
    $targetPath = HEURIST_ICON_DIR . $thumb . $target_RtyID . ".png";
    //print "<br>sourcce=".$sourceURL;
    //print "<br>path=".$targetPath;
    saveURLasFile($sourceURL, $targetPath);
    if ($thumb == "") {
        copyRectypeIcon($source_RtyID, $target_RtyID, "thumb/th_");
Exemplo n.º 3
function importRectype($importRty)
    global $error, $importLog, $tempDBName, $sourceDBName, $targetDBName, $sourceDBID;
    //was static $importRtyGroupID;
    $importRtyID = $importRty['rty_ID'];
    //error_log("import rtyID $importRtyID to  $targetDBName DB");
    // Get Imported  rectypeGroupID
    if (!$error) {
        // && !$importRtyGroupID) {
        //find group in source
        $query = "select * from " . $tempDBName . ".defRecTypeGroups where rtg_ID = " . $importRty['rty_RecTypeGroupID'];
        $res = mysql_query($query);
        if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
            makeLogEntry("<b>Error</b> Creating Record-type Group", -1, " Can not find group #" . $importRty['rty_RecTypeGroupID']);
            $error = true;
        } else {
            $rtyGroup_src = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            //find group by name in target
            $rtyGroup = mysql_query("select rtg_ID from " . $targetDBName . ".defRecTypeGroups where rtg_Name = '" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Name'] . "'");
            if (mysql_num_rows($rtyGroup) == 0) {
                //not found
                //add new one
                mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . $targetDBName . ".defRecTypeGroups " . "(rtg_Name,rtg_Domain,rtg_Order, rtg_Description) " . "VALUES ('" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Name'] . "','" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Domain'] . "' , '" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Order'] . "'," . " '" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Description'] . "')");
                if (mysql_error()) {
                    $error = true;
                    makeLogEntry("<b>Error</b> Creating Record-type Group", -1, ". Could not add record type group '" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Name'] . "' - " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    $importRtyGroupID = mysql_insert_id();
                    makeLogEntry("Creating Record-type Group", -1, " '" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Name'] . "' as #{$importRtyGroupID}");
            } else {
                $row = mysql_fetch_row($rtyGroup);
                $importRtyGroupID = $row[0];
                makeLogEntry("Using Record-type Group", -1, " '" . $rtyGroup_src['rtg_Name'] . "' as #{$importRtyGroupID}");
        /* ARTEM: old way with Imported group
        		// Finded 'Imported' rectype group or create it if it doesn't exist
        		$rtyGroup = mysql_query("select rtg_ID from ".$targetDBName.".defRecTypeGroups where rtg_Name = 'Imported'");
        		if(mysql_num_rows($rtyGroup) == 0) {
        			//not exist
        			mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$targetDBName.".defRecTypeGroups ".
        						"(rtg_Name,rtg_Domain,rtg_Order, rtg_Description) ".
        						"VALUES ('Imported','functionalgroup' , '999',".
        								" 'This group contains all record types that were imported from external databases')");
        		// Write the insert action to $logEntry, and set $error to true if one occurred
        			if(mysql_error()) {
        				$error = true;
        				makeLogEntry("<b>Error</b> Creating Record-type Group", -1, ". Could not find record type group 'Imported' - ".mysql_error());
        			} else {
        				$importRtyGroupID = mysql_insert_id();
        				makeLogEntry("Creating Record-type Group", -1, " 'Imported' as #$importRtyGroupID");
        		} else {
        			$row = mysql_fetch_row($rtyGroup);
        			$importRtyGroupID = $row[0];
        			makeLogEntry("Using Record-type Group", -1, " 'Imported' as #$importRtyGroupID");
    //error_log("import rty 3a");
    if (!$error) {
        //error_log("import rty 3aa");
        // get rectype Fields and check they are not already imported
        $recStructuresByDtyID = array();
        // get the rectypes structure
        $resRecStruct = mysql_query("select * from " . $tempDBName . ".defRecStructure where rst_RecTypeID = " . $importRtyID);
        while ($rtsFieldDef = mysql_fetch_assoc($resRecStruct)) {
            $importFieldDtyID = $rtsFieldDef['rst_DetailTypeID'];
            $recStructuresByDtyID[$importFieldDtyID] = $rtsFieldDef;
            // If this recstructure field has originating DBID 0 it's an original concept
            // need to set the origin DBID to the DB it is being imported from
            if ($rtsFieldDef["rst_OriginatingDBID"] == 0 || $rtsFieldDef["rst_OriginatingDBID"] == "") {
                $rtsFieldDef["rst_OriginatingDBID"] = $sourceDBID;
                $rtsFieldDef["rst_IDInOriginatingDB"] = $rtsFieldDef["rst_ID"];
            // check that field doesn't already exist
            $resRstExist = mysql_query("select rst_ID from " . $targetDBName . ".defRecStructure " . "where rst_OriginatingDBID = " . $rtsFieldDef["rst_OriginatingDBID"] . " AND rst_IDInOriginatingDB = " . $rtsFieldDef["rst_IDInOriginatingDB"]);
            if (mysql_num_rows($resRstExist)) {
                makeLogEntry("<b>Error</b> Importing Field", $rtsFieldDef["rst_ID"], " '" . $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayName"] . "' already exists detail type #{$importFieldDtyID} rectype #{$importRtyID}");
                makeLogEntry("", -1, ". Originating DBID = " . $rtsFieldDef["rst_OriginatingDBID"] . " Originating Field #" . $rtsFieldDef["rst_IDInOriginatingDB"]);
                //				$error = true;
        //error_log("import rty 3b");
        if (!$error) {
            //import rectype
            //error_log("import rty 3bb");
            $recTypeSuffix = 2;
            while (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from " . $targetDBName . ".defRecTypes where rty_Name = '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "'")) != 0) {
                $importRty["rty_Name"] = $importRty["rty_Name"] . $recTypeSuffix;
                makeLogEntry("Record type", $importRtyID, "Record type name used in the source DB already exist in the target DB({$targetDBName}) but with different concept code. Added suffix: " . $recTypeSuffix);
            // Change some recordtype fields to make it suitable for the new DB
            $importRty["rty_RecTypeGroupID"] = $importRtyGroupID;
            $importRty["rty_Name"] = mysql_escape_string($importRty["rty_Name"]);
            $importRty["rty_Description"] = mysql_escape_string($importRty["rty_Description"]);
            $importRty["rty_Plural"] = mysql_escape_string($importRty["rty_Plural"]);
            $importRty["rty_NameInOriginatingDB"] = mysql_escape_string($importRty["rty_NameInOriginatingDB"]);
            $importRty["rty_ReferenceURL"] = mysql_escape_string($importRty["rty_ReferenceURL"]);
            $importRty["rty_AlternativeRecEditor"] = mysql_escape_string($importRty["rty_AlternativeRecEditor"]);
            // Insert recordtype
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . $targetDBName . ".defRecTypes " . "(" . implode(", ", array_keys($importRty)) . ") VALUES " . "('" . implode("', '", array_values($importRty)) . "')");
            // Write the insert action to $logEntry, and set $error to true if one occurred
            if (mysql_error()) {
                $error = true;
                //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 3bbb  ". mysql_error());
                makeLogEntry("Importing Record-type", $importRtyID, "MySQL error importing record type - " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                $importedRecTypeID = mysql_insert_id();
                makeLogEntry("Importing Record-type", $importRtyID, " '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "' as #{$importedRecTypeID}");
                copyRectypeIcon($sourceDBName, $importRtyID, $importedRecTypeID);
        if (!$error) {
            // Import the structure for the recordtype imported
            foreach ($recStructuresByDtyID as $dtyID => $rtsFieldDef) {
                // get import detailType for this field
                $resDTY = mysql_query("select * from " . $tempDBName . ".defDetailTypes where dty_ID = {$dtyID}");
                if (mysql_num_rows($resDTY) == 0) {
                    $error = true;
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 3cc  dtyID = $dtyID not in source db ");
                    makeLogEntry("<b>Error</b> Importing Field-type", $dtyID, " '" . $rtsFieldDef['rst_DisplayName'] . "' for record type #" . $rtsFieldDef['rst_RecTypeID'] . " not found in the source db. Please contact owner of {$sourceDBName}");
                    return null;
                    // missing detatiltype in importing DB
                } else {
                    $importDty = mysql_fetch_assoc($resDTY);
                    //error_log("Import dty is  ".print_r($importDty,true));
                // If detailtype has originating DBID 0, set it to the DBID from the DB it is being imported from
                if (!$importDty["dty_OriginatingDBID"] || $importDty["dty_OriginatingDBID"] == 0 || $importDty["dty_OriginatingDBID"] == "") {
                    $importDty["dty_OriginatingDBID"] = $sourceDBID;
                    $importDty["dty_IDInOriginatingDB"] = $importDty['dty_ID'];
                    $importDty["dty_NameInOriginatingDB"] = $importDty['dty_Name'];
                // Check to see if the detailType for this field exist in the target DB
                $resExistingDty = mysql_query("select dty_ID from " . $targetDBName . ".defDetailTypes " . "where dty_OriginatingDBID = " . $importDty["dty_OriginatingDBID"] . " AND dty_IDInOriginatingDB = " . $importDty["dty_IDInOriginatingDB"]);
                // Detailtype is not in target DB so import it
                if (mysql_num_rows($resExistingDty) == 0) {
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 4a  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']);
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"] = importDetailType($importDty);
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 4b  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."->".$rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"]);
                } else {
                    $existingDtyID = mysql_fetch_array($resExistingDty);
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"] = $existingDtyID[0];
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 5  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."=".$rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"]);
                if (!$error && @$rtsFieldDef['rst_FilteredJsonTermIDTree'] && $rtsFieldDef['rst_FilteredJsonTermIDTree'] != '') {
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 6  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."->".$rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"]." (".$rtsFieldDef['rst_FilteredJsonTermIDTree'].")");
                    // term tree exist so need to translate to new ids
                    $rtsFieldDef['rst_FilteredJsonTermIDTree'] = translateTermIDs($rtsFieldDef['rst_FilteredJsonTermIDTree'], "filtered term tree", " field '" . $rtsFieldDef['rst_DisplayName'] . "' detailTypeID = {$dtyID} in rectype '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "'");
                if (!$error && @$rtsFieldDef['rst_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs'] && $rtsFieldDef['rst_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs'] != '') {
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 7  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."->".$rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"]);
                    // term non selectable list exist so need to translate to new ids
                    //error_log("non selectable = ". print_r($rtsFieldDef['rst_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs'],true));
                    $rtsFieldDef['rst_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs'] = translateTermIDs($rtsFieldDef['rst_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs'], "non-selectable", " field '" . $rtsFieldDef['rst_DisplayName'] . "' detailTypeID = {$dtyID} in rectype '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "'");
                if (!$error && @$rtsFieldDef['rst_PtrFilteredIDs'] && $rtsFieldDef['rst_PtrFilteredIDs'] != '') {
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 8  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."->".$rtsFieldDef["rst_PtrFilteredIDs"]);
                    // Target Rectype list exist so need to translate to new ids
                    $rtsFieldDef['rst_PtrFilteredIDs'] = translateRtyIDs($rtsFieldDef['rst_PtrFilteredIDs'], 'filtered pointers', $importDty["dty_ID"]);
                //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 9  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."->".$rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"]);
                if (!$error) {
                    //error_log("import rty $importRtyID 10  dtyID = ".$importDty['dty_ID']."->".$rtsFieldDef["rst_DetailTypeID"]);
                    // Adjust values of the field structure for the imported recordtype
                    $importRstID = $rtsFieldDef["rst_ID"];
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_RecTypeID"] = $importedRecTypeID;
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayName"] = mysql_escape_string($rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayName"]);
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayHelpText"] = mysql_escape_string($rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayHelpText"]);
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayExtendedDescription"] = mysql_escape_string($rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayExtendedDescription"]);
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DefaultValue"] = mysql_escape_string($rtsFieldDef["rst_DefaultValue"]);
                    $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayHelpText"] = mysql_escape_string($rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayHelpText"]);
                    // Import the field structure for the imported recordtype
                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . $targetDBName . ".defRecStructure (" . implode(", ", array_keys($rtsFieldDef)) . ") VALUES ('" . implode("', '", array_values($rtsFieldDef)) . "')");
                    // Write the insert action to $logEntry, and set $error to true if one occurred
                    if (mysql_error()) {
                        $error = true;
                        makeLogEntry("<b>Error</b> Importing Field", $importRstID, " '" . $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayName"] . "' for record type '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "' - " . mysql_error());
                    } else {
                        makeLogEntry("Importing Field", mysql_insert_id(), " '" . $rtsFieldDef["rst_DisplayName"] . "' for record type '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "'");
                if ($error) {
            if (!$error) {
                return $importedRecTypeID;
        return null;