function html_default_view($vars) { extract($vars); ?> <p>my content</p> <?php content_for('side'); ?> <p><?php echo 'my'; ?> sidebar</p> <?php end_content_for(); }
content_for('controls'); ?> <div id="controls"> <ul> <li><a href="<?php echo url_for('clients', 'new'); ?> " id="createClient"><img src="img/create_client.png" alt="<?php echo _("New client"); ?> " title="<?php echo _("New client"); ?> "></a></li> </ul> </div> <?php end_content_for(); ?> <?php content_for('scripts'); ?> <?php echo HTML::script("\n\$('.edit_client, #createClient').live('click', function() {\n \$.getScript(this.href);\n return false;\n});\nvar currentNav = 'clients';\n"); ?> <?php end_content_for();
/** * Stops capturing block of text * * @return void */ function end_content_for() { content_for(); }
<!--fichier template pour l'affichage du panneau principal de l'ajout des promos--> <?php content_for('main'); ?> <div class="promos"> <h1>Données</h1></br> <!-- formulaire demendant d'entrer le nom de la promo à créer qui renvoie vers le traintement dans le fichier promo_ajouter.php--> <form class="ajout_promo" action="../controllers/promos/promo_ajouter.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <h2 class="ajout-donnees-heading">Ajouter une promo</h2> <label for="inputPromo" class="sr-only">Promo</label> <input type="text" id="promo" name="promo" class="form-control" required autofocus><br/> <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-ajouter" type="submit">Ajouter</button> </form> <a href="../admin.php/promos"><button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-retour">Retour</button></a> </div> <?php end_content_for();
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# TODO: change die for a nicer way to exit. if (!empty(ActionView::$params['render_type'])) { if (ActionView::$params['render_type'] == 'inline') { echo ActionView::$params['render_value']; } } else { if (false === (include ActionView::$render)) { if (System::$conf->system_error_reporting) { die('Unable to find View file.'); } else { exit_with_status(500); } } } ActionView::$content_for['layout'] = ob_get_clean(); if (Request::$format == 'html' && !empty(ActionView::$layout)) { if (!(include LAYOUTS . ActionView::$layout . '.php')) { if (System::$conf->system_error_reporting) { die('Unable to load Layout.'); } else { exit_with_status(500); } } } else { if (Request::$format == 'html') { content_for('layout'); } elseif (Request::$format == 'xml') { content_for('layout'); } } exit;
?> <?php /* If this is an author archive */ } elseif (is_author()) { ?> <h2 class="pagetitle">Author Archive</h2> <?php content_for('breadcrumbs', array(link_to('Author Archive', '#', array(), false))); ?> <?php /* If this is a paged archive */ } elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])) { ?> <h2 class="pagetitle">Blog Archives</h2> <?php content_for('breadcrumbs', array(link_to('Blog Archives', '#', array(), false))); ?> <?php } ?> <div class="navigation"> <span class="left"><?php next_posts_link('Older Entries'); ?> </span> <span class="right"><?php previous_posts_link('Newer Entries'); ?> </span>
<?php content_for('body'); ?> <div class="header"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <img src="ressources/images/logo_ISEN.png" /> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <h1 class="center blisen">Panneau d'administration</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-1"> <a href="?/" class="button-m">Accueil</a> <a href="?/admin_files" class="button-m">Fichiers / Promos</a> <a href="?/admin_datas" class="button-m">Données élèves</a> </div> </div> </div> <?php
<li><?php echo link_to('Aliases', 'tag_alias#index'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo link_to('Implications', 'tag_implication#index'); ?> </li> <?php if (User::is('>=40')) { ?> <li><?php echo link_to('Mass edit', 'tag#mass_edit'); ?> </li> <?php } ?> <li><?php echo link_to('Edit', 'tag#edit'); ?> </li> <?php echo content_for('footer'); ?> <li><?php echo link_to('Help', 'help#tags'); ?> </li> <?php end_content_for();
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<p><em>This content is available in the layout with the <code>$sidebar</code> variable</em></p> <ul> <li>Exeros quisque modiam aliquipsum facincilit min. </li> <li>Eliquatum amconsendre quatet aciliqu consecte lore. </li> <li>Dolum feugue faccum. </li> <li>Eui lan landignibh, feugiamet nullam modit volorerci, eros nosto sequam veliquisit.</li> </ul> <p><small>Enibh ullan utpationse turpis velisim ullut alismolum. </small></p> <?php end_content_for(); ?> <?php content_for('sidebar'); ?> <p><em>This content is available in the layout with the <code>$sidebar</code> variable</em></p> <ul> <li>Exeros quisque modiam aliquipsum facincilit min. </li> <li>Eliquatum amconsendre quatet aciliqu consecte lore. </li> <li>Dolum feugue faccum. </li> <li>Eui lan landignibh, feugiamet nullam modit volorerci, eros nosto sequam veliquisit.</li> </ul> <p><small>Enibh ullan utpationse turpis velisim ullut alismolum. </small></p> <?php end_content_for();
//echo auto_discovery_link_tag_with_id :rss, {:controller => "post", :action => "piclens", :tags => params[:tags], :page => params[:page]}, {:id => 'pl'} ?> <?php //echo navigation_links(@posts) end_content_for(); ?> <?php render_partial('footer'); ?> <?php if (check_content_for('subnavbar')) { ?> <!-- Align the links to the content, not the window. --> <div style="clear: both;"> <div class="sidebar"> </div> <div class="footer" style="clear: none;"> <ul class="flat-list" id="subnavbar"> <?php content_for('subnavbar'); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php empty_content_for('subnavbar'); } ?>
<?php ob_start(); the_category('</li><li>'); $cats = ob_get_clean(); content_for('title', the_title(null, ' - ', false) . get_bloginfo('name')); content_for('breadcrumbs', array($cats, link_to(the_title(null, null, false), get_permalink($post->ID), array(), false))); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <div class="navigation"> <span class="right"><?php previous_post_link('%link'); ?> </span> <span class="left"><?php next_post_link('%link'); ?> </span> </div> <div <?php post_class(); ?> id="post-<?php
<?php !isset($include_tag_hover_highlight) && ($include_tag_hover_highlight = false); !isset($include_tag_reverse_aliases) && ($include_tag_reverse_aliases = false); ?> <div> <?php render_partial('post/show_partials/quick_edit'); ?> <ul id="tag-sidebar"> <?php !empty($tags['exclude']) && (print tag_links($tags['exclude'], array('prefix' => "-", 'with_hover_highlight' => true, 'with_hover_highlight' => $include_tag_hover_highlight))); ?> <?php !empty($tags['include']) && (print tag_links($tags['include'], array('with_aliases' => $include_tag_reverse_aliases, 'with_hover_highlight' => $include_tag_hover_highlight))); ?> <?php !empty($tags['related']) && (print tag_links(Tag::find_related($tags['related']), array('with_hover_highlight' => true, 'with_hover_highlight' => $include_tag_hover_highlight))); ?> </ul> <?php content_for("quick_edit_form"); ?> </div>
<?php content_for('title', get_bloginfo('name') . ' - Welcome!'); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) { ?> <?php while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <div <?php post_class(); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> "> <?php post_datestamp($post->post_date, true); ?> <h3 class="archivetitle"> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>