/** * ### İçeriğe ait Custom Fields alan verilerini alma * Custom fields ile oluşturulan dinamik form bilgilerini görüntüler. * İçerik id'sine göre, belirtilen custom field değerini alır. * Index sayfalarında content_id değeri belirtilir, show (detay) * sayfalarında content_id değeri boş bırakılır. * İşlemler için yardımcı fonksiyon olan content_value() kullanılır. * * @example show page : Content::get('custom_field_name') * @example index page : Content::get('custom_field_name', $content_id) * * @param $key : Form name adı / anahtarı * @param $content_id : içerik id'si * * @return string */ public function get($key, $content_id = null) { if ($content_id) { return content_value($key, $content_id); } return content_value($key, content('id')); }
function childs() { $usable_path = $this->path; // if(starts_with($this->path, '.')){ // $usable_path = $this->file->getRelativePath(); // } return content()->section_menu($usable_path); }
public function protected_content() { if ($this->admin) { return content(); } else { $session->set_message("You must be an admin to view this page: Click <a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>here</a> to return to the previous page."); $session->output_message(); } }
function do_page_content() { global $error_page; if (isset($error_page)) { $error_page(); } else { content(); } }
public function search($what) { $result = DB::query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `picture` " . "FROM `{$this->table_name}` WHERE " . "`name` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($what) . "%'\r\n LIMIT 5", false); if (!$result) { return false; } $univ_list = array(); while ($univ = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $univ_list[$univ['id']] = array('name' => $univ['name'], 'img' => $univ['picture'] ? content($univ['picture']) : url('img/udef.png')); } return empty($univ_list) ? false : $univ_list; }
public function search($what) { $result = DB::query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `picture` FROM `{$this->group_table}` WHERE\n `name` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($what) . "%'\n LIMIT 5", false); if (!$result) { return false; } $group_list = array(); while ($group = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $group_list[$group['id']] = array('name' => $group['name'], 'img' => $group['picture'] ? content($group['picture']) : url('img/gdef.png')); } return empty($group_list) ? false : $group_list; }
function content($var) { global $pages, $config; if (!isset($var)) { $out = content($config['loadedpages'][0]); } else { if (!is_array($pages[$var]['content']) && $pages[$var]['status'] == 'active') { $out = $pages[$var]['content']; } elseif (is_array($pages[$var]['content']) && $pages[$var]['status'] == 'active') { include $config['pagedir'] . '/' . $pages[$var]['content'][0] . '/' . $pages[$var]['content'][1]; $out = output(); } else { $out = "<h1>Error 404</h1>Page Not Found!"; } } return $out; }
} head(1); // Means we're in the feed ?> </head> <body> <?php title(); newsbar(1); // Means we're in the feed navbarleft(); content(1, 0, 1, 0, $filename); // in feed, for the fn entries, filename for echoContent if (!$_GET["num"]) { // Makes $num be the newest news item of any type $num = end(getposts(0)); } else { $num = $_GET["num"]; } bottom($num); ?> </body> </html>
function testimonials_output_func($atts) { $testimonialoutput = '<div id="testimonials"><div class="quotes"> <ul>'; wp_reset_query(); query_posts('post_type=testimonials'); if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $possition = esc_html(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'possition', true)); $testimonialoutput .= ' <li> <div class="tm_thumb"> ' . get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), array(80, 80)) . ' <h6> ' . get_the_title() . '</h6> <span>' . $possition . '</span> </div> <div class="tm_description"> ' . content(60) . ' </div> </li> '; } $testimonialoutput .= '</ul></div></div>'; } else { $testimonialoutput = '<div id="testimonials"> <div class="quotes"> <ul> <li> <div class="tm_thumb"> <img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/testimonial.jpg" . '" alt="" /> <h6>Eficitur Sodale</h6> <span>Web Developer</span> </div> <div class="tm_description"> <p>Aliquam et varius orci, ut ornare justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue metus, blandit vel nibh sed, sollicitudin placerat quam. Quisque id scelerisque nibh. Phasellus in orci et felis tristique finibus non quis erat. Quisque nec congue nunc, sagittis aliquet orci. Quisque pulvinar feugiat sodales. Nam fermentum tempus odio sed euismod Quisque pulvinar feugiat sodales. Nam fermentum tempus odio sed euismod.</p> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tm_thumb"> <img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/testimonial.jpg" . '" alt="" /> <h6>Eficitur Sodale</h6> <span>Web Developer</span> </div> <div class="tm_description"> <p>Aliquam et varius orci, ut ornare justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue metus, blandit vel nibh sed, sollicitudin placerat quam. Quisque id scelerisque nibh. Phasellus in orci et felis tristique finibus non quis erat. Quisque nec congue nunc, sagittis aliquet orci. Quisque pulvinar feugiat sodales. Nam fermentum tempus odio sed euismod Quisque pulvinar feugiat sodales. Nam fermentum tempus odio sed euismod.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> '; } wp_reset_query(); $testimonialoutput .= '</div>'; return $testimonialoutput; }
session_start(); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('error_prepend_string', "<p class=text-error>"); ini_set('error_append_string', "</p>"); if (!isset($_SESSION["uid"])) { header("location:miniadm.logon.php"); } include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.templates.inc"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.users.menus.inc"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.miniadm.inc"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.mysql.postfix.builder.inc"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.user.inc"; if (isset($_GET["content"])) { content(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["tabs"])) { tabs(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["master-content"])) { master_content(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["graph1"])) { graph1(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["graph2"])) {
</div> <h3 class="entity-title"> <a href="<?php echo @route($topic->getURL()); ?> "> <?php echo @escape($topic->title); ?> </a> </h3> <div class="entity-description"> <?php echo @helper('text.truncate', @content($topic->body, array('exclude' => 'gist')), array('length' => 200, 'consider_html' => true)); ?> </div> <div class="entity-meta"> <ul class="an-meta inline"> <li><?php echo sprintf(@text('LIB-AN-MEDIUM-NUMBER-OF-COMMENTS'), $topic->numOfComments); ?> </li> </ul> <div class="an-meta vote-count-wrapper" id="vote-count-wrapper-<?php echo $topic->id; ?> ">
function testimonialoutput_func($atts) { $testimonialoutput = ''; wp_reset_query(); $n = 0; query_posts('post_type=testimonial&posts_per_page=3'); if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $n++; if ($n % 3 == 0) { $nomgn = ' last'; } else { $nomgn = ' '; } $testimonialoutput .= '<div class="testimonial-box' . $nomgn . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), array(82, 82)) . ' <div class="testimonial-post"> <h4>' . get_the_title() . '</h4> <p>' . content(50) . '</p> </div> </div>'; } } wp_reset_query(); $testimonialoutput .= '<div class="clear"></div>'; return $testimonialoutput; }
<div class="an-meta"><?php echo @date($topic->creationTime); ?> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="entity-title"> <?php echo @escape($topic->title); ?> </h3> <div class="entity-description"> <?php echo @content($topic->body); ?> </div> <div class="entity-meta"> <ul class="an-meta inline"> <?php if ($topic->numOfComments) { ?> <li><?php echo sprintf(@text('LIB-AN-MEDIUM-NUMBER-OF-COMMENTS'), $topic->numOfComments); ?> </li> <li><?php echo sprintf(@text('LIB-AN-MEDIUM-LAST-COMMENT-BY-X'), @name($topic->lastCommenter), @date($topic->lastCommentTime));
."<div>Opacity = <i>$opacity%</i></div>" ."<div align='center' >" ."<input type='button' id='btn$numb' value='View the effect' /></div>"; return $content; } // UpdatePannel declare $StyleUpdate1 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate1" ); $StyleUpdate2 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate2" ); $StyleUpdate3 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate3" ); $StyleUpdate4 = new UpdatePanel( "StyleUpdate4" ); // each panel has its own style to describe in its content . $StyleUpdate1->content = content( "picture #1" , "white" , 50 , 1 , "green" ); $StyleUpdate2->content = content( "picture #4" , "#f4f4f4" , 70 , 2 , "orange" ); $StyleUpdate3->content = content( "picture #3" , "#f4f599" , 55 , 3 , "blue" ); $StyleUpdate4->content = content( "picture #9" , "(blank)" , 25 , 4 , "brown" ); // Add the event update for the button to 4 updatepanel $StyleUpdate1->addTrigger( "btn1" , 'onclick' ); $StyleUpdate2->addTrigger( "btn2" , 'onclick' ); $StyleUpdate3->addTrigger( "btn3" , 'onclick' ); $StyleUpdate4->addTrigger( "btn4" , 'onclick' ); // 4 UpdatePanel have the same css style $StyleUpdate1->cssclass = $StyleUpdate2->cssclass = $StyleUpdate3->cssclass = $StyleUpdate4->cssclass = "cssStyle"; // each loading $StyleUpdate1->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/KoolAjax/loading/1.gif" , "white" , 50 ); $StyleUpdate2->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/KoolAjax/loading/4.gif" , "#f4f4f4" , 70 ); $StyleUpdate3->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/KoolAjax/loading/3.gif" , "#fff4f5" , 55 ); $StyleUpdate4->setLoading("$KoolControlsFolder/KoolAjax/loading/9.gif" , "" , 75 ); ?> <?php echo $koolajax->Render();?> <style>
<!-- 1 --> <div class="app-shops"> <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?> /scripts/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "icon", $single = true); ?> &h=60&w=59" alt=""> <h1> <?php the_title_limit(30, '...'); ?> </h1> <p> <?php content('10'); ?> </p> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " class="mini-red" style="margin-right:4px;">more</a> <?php if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'price', true)) { ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " class="mini-yellow"><?php
function track_delete_confirm($track_id, $album_id) { $album = fetch_album($album_id); $track = fetch_track($track_id); $a = start_form(); $a .= heading('Confirm Delete'); $a .= "<p> Are you sure you want to delete the track \"" . $track['title'] . "\" from the album \"" . $album['title'] . "\"?" . "</p>\n"; $a .= "<p>\n"; $a .= button_element('cancel', " Cancel ") . " "; $a .= button_element('delete_confirm', " Confirm Delete "); $a .= "</p>\n"; $a .= hidden_element('a', 'track_delete_confirm') . hidden_element('id', $track['id']); $a .= end_form(); content($a); page('plain'); }
$args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'category_name' => 'blog', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'posts_per_page' => '1'); query_posts($args); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <li><h2 class="three_section">Latest Blog</h2> <h3 class="animated" data-animation="fadeInDown" data-revert="fadeOutDown"><?php echo substr(get_the_title(), 0, 98); ?> ...</h3> <p class="animated" data-animation="fadeIn" data-revert="fadeOut"> <?php //echo substr(get_the_content(), 0 , 150); ?> <?php echo content(30); ?> </p> <a class="read-more-post" href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?> ">Read more..</a> </li> <?php } wp_reset_query(); ?> <?php $args = array('category_name' => 'news-page', 'order' => 'DESC', 'posts_per_page' => '1'); $myposts = get_posts($args);
<data name="title"> <?php echo sprintf(@text('COM-TOPICS-STORY-MENTION-COMMENT'), @name($subject), @route($object->getURL() . '&permalink=' . $comment->id)); ?> </data> <data name="body"> <h4 class="entity-title"> <?php echo @link($object); ?> </h4> <div class="entity-body"> <blockquote> <?php $body = @content($object->body, array('exclude' => 'gist')); ?> <?php echo @helper('text.truncate', $body, array('length' => 200, 'read_more' => true, 'consider_html' => true)); ?> </blockquote> </div> </data> <?php if ($type == 'notification') { $commands->insert('view-comment', array('label' => @text('LIB-AN-VIEW-COMMENT')))->href($object->getURL() . '&permalink=' . $comment->id); ?> <data name="email_body"> <h4 class="entity-title"> <?php
echo @escape($location->name); ?> </h2> <div class="entity-meta"> <?php echo @helper('address', $location); ?> </div> <?php if ($location->description) { ?> <div class="entity-description"> <?php echo @helper('text.truncate', @content(nl2br($location->description), array('exclude' => array('syntax', 'video'))), array('length' => 200, 'consider_html' => true)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <div class="btn-toolbar clearfix"> <div class="pull-right btn-group"> <a class="btn <?php echo $sort != 'top' ? 'disabled' : ''; ?> " href="<?php
</data> <data name="body"> <h4 class="entity-title"> <?php echo @link($object); ?> </h4> <div class="entity-body"> <?php if ($object->excerpt) { ?> <?php echo @helper('text.truncate', @escape($object->excerpt), array('length' => 200)); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo @helper('text.truncate', @content(nl2br($object->body), array('exclude' => 'gist')), array('length' => 200, 'read_more' => true, 'consider_html' => true)); ?> <?php } ?> </div> </data> <?php if ($type == 'notification') { $commands->insert('view-post', array('label' => @text('LIB-AN-MEDIUM-VIEW')))->href($object->getURL()); }
"> <?php echo $object->title; ?> </a> </h4> <?php } ?> <?php if ($object->description) { ?> <div class="entity-description"> <?php echo @content(nl2br($object->description), array('exclude' => 'gist')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="media-grid"> <?php $photos = $object->photos->order('photoSets.ordering')->limit(10)->fetchSet(); ?> <?php foreach ($photos as $i => $photo) { ?> <?php $caption = htmlspecialchars($photo->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
function render($view, $locals = null, $layout = null) { if (is_array($locals) && count($locals)) { extract($locals, EXTR_SKIP); } if (($view_root = config('views.root')) == null) { error(500, "[views.root] is not set"); } ob_start(); include "{$view_root}/{$view}.html.php"; content(trim(ob_get_clean())); if ($layout !== false) { if ($layout == null) { $layout = config('views.layout'); $layout = $layout == null ? 'layout' : $layout; } $layout = "{$view_root}/{$layout}.html.php"; header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ob_start(); require $layout; echo trim(ob_get_clean()); } else { echo content(); } }
?> </span> <?php if ($item->isLeadable()) { ?> / <?php echo $item->leaderCount; ?> <span class="stat-name"><?php echo @text('COM-ACTORS-SOCIALGRAPH-LEADERS'); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="entity-description"> <?php echo @helper('text.truncate', @content($item->body, array('exclude' => array('syntax', 'video'))), array('consider_html' => true, 'length' => 150)); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
function rparser($startfile, $default_template, $overwrite_template = "") { global $db, $debugging, $pathvars, $specialvars, $environment, $ausgaben, $element, $lnk, $dataloop, $hidedata, $mapping, $loopcheck; if ($overwrite_template == "") { if (file_exists($pathvars["templates"] . $startfile)) { $template = $pathvars["templates"] . $startfile; } else { $template = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "templates/default/" . $startfile; } // wenn es fuer eine unterseite kein eigenes template gibt default.tem.html verwenden. if (!file_exists($template) && $default_template != "") { if ($startfile == $loopcheck) { if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "rparser note: template \"" . $template . "\" not found. Loop detect!!!" . $debugging["char"]; } } else { if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "rparser note: template \"" . $template . "\" not found, using: " . $default_template . $debugging["char"]; } if (file_exists($pathvars["templates"] . $default_template)) { $template = $pathvars["templates"] . $default_template; } else { $template = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "templates/default/" . $default_template; } } $loopcheck = $startfile; } else { unset($loopcheck); } } else { if (file_exists($pathvars["templates"] . $overwrite_template)) { $template = $pathvars["templates"] . $overwrite_template; } else { $template = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "templates/default/" . $overwrite_template; } if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "rparser note: template \"" . $startfile . "\" overwrite, using: " . $template . $debugging["char"]; } } // reset template overwrite inner recursive procedure $overwrite_template = ""; if (file_exists($template)) { $fd = fopen($template, "r"); while (!feof($fd)) { $line = fgets($fd, 1024); // alles vor ##begin und nach ##end wird nicht ausgegeben if (strpos($line, "##begin") !== false) { $begin = "1"; } else { if (strpos($line, "##end") !== false) { $begin = "0"; } elseif ($begin == "1") { // style path korrektur + dynamic style if (strpos($line, "css/" . $environment["design"] . "/") !== false) { if ($specialvars["dynamiccss"] != "") { $line = str_replace("_default", "_" . $specialvars["dynamiccss"], $line); } $line = str_replace("../../css/", $pathvars["subdir"] . "/css/", $line); } elseif (strpos($line, "../../css/") !== false) { $line = str_replace("../../css/", $pathvars["subdir"] . "/css/", $line); } // image path korrektur (subdir support siehe weiter unten) if (strpos($line, "../../images/") !== false) { $line = str_replace("../../images/", "/images/", $line); } // js path korrektur if (strpos($line, "../../js/") !== false) { $line = str_replace("../../js/", $pathvars["subdir"] . "/js/", $line); } // dynamic bg if (strpos($line, "background=\"!#specialvars_dynamicbg\"") !== false) { if ($specialvars["dynamicbg"] != "") { $line = str_replace("background=\"!#specialvars_dynamicbg\"", "background=\"/images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $specialvars["dynamicbg"] . "\"", $line); } else { $line = str_replace("background=\"!#specialvars_dynamicbg\" ", "", $line); } } // image language korrektur if (strpos($line, "_" . $specialvars["default_language"] . ".") !== false && $environment["language"] != $specialvars["default_language"] && $environment["language"] != "") { $line = str_replace("_" . $specialvars["default_language"] . ".", "_" . $environment["language"] . ".", $line); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // language "#(label)" - erster lauf: hier kommt der text anhand von sprache, // template und marke aus der datenbank // ( der content kann !#ausgaben_xxx enthalten ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strpos($line, "#(") !== false || strpos($line, "g(") !== false) { // wie heisst das template $tname = substr($startfile, 0, strpos($startfile, ".tem.html")); $line = content($line, $tname); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // variable "!#marke" - hier werden die variablen in die ausgabe eingebaut ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // !#ausgaben array pruefen und evtl. einsetzen if (strpos($line, "!#ausgaben_") !== false) { foreach ($ausgaben as $name => $value) { // php5 only // $line = str_replace("!#ausgaben_$name", $value, $line, &$count); // if ( $count > 0 ) { // if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info (ausgaben): ".$name.$debugging["char"]; // } $line = str_replace("!#ausgaben_{$name}", $value, $line); #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info (ausgaben): ".$name.$debugging["char"]; } } // !#element array pruefen und evtl. einsetzen if (strpos($line, "!#element_") !== false) { foreach ((array) $element as $name => $value) { $line = str_replace("!#element_{$name}", $value, $line); #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info (element): ".$name." : ".$element[$name].$debugging["char"]; } } // !#environment array pruefen und evtl. einsetzen if (strpos($line, "!#environment_") !== false) { foreach ((array) $environment as $name => $value) { $line = str_replace("!#environment_{$name}", $value, $line); #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info (environment): ".$name." : ".$environment[$name].$debugging["char"]; } } // !#pathvars array pruefen und evtl. einsetzen if (strpos($line, "!#pathvars_") !== false) { foreach ((array) $pathvars as $name => $value) { $line = str_replace("!#pathvars_{$name}", $value, $line); #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info (pathvars): ".$name." : ".$pathvars[$name].$debugging["char"]; } } // !#lnk array pruefen und evtl. einsetzen // $lnk wird in kekse.inc.php erstellt if (strpos($line, "!#lnk_") !== false) { foreach ((array) $lnk as $name => $value) { $line = str_replace("!#lnk_{$name}", $value, $line); #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info (lnk): ".$name." : ".$lnk[$name].$debugging["char"]; } } // ##loop-??? -> ##cont bereich bearbeiten // und inhalte aus $dataloop array einbauen if (strpos($line, "##loop") !== false) { $loop = "1"; $loop_mark = explode("-", strstr($line, "##loop"), 3); $loop_label = $loop_mark[1]; $loop_buffer = ""; } else { if (strpos($line, "##cont") !== false) { $loop = "0"; $loop_block = ""; $labelloop = $dataloop[$loop_label]; foreach ((array) $labelloop as $data) { $loop_work = $loop_buffer; foreach ((array) $data as $name => $value) { $loop_work = str_replace("!{" . $name . "}", $value, $loop_work); } $loop_work = preg_replace("/!\\{[0-9a-zA-Z]+\\}/", " ", $loop_work); $loop_block .= $loop_work; } $line = $loop_block . trim($line) . "\n"; } elseif ($loop == "1") { $loop_buffer .= trim($line) . "\n"; continue; } } // ##hide-??? - ##show bereich bearbeiten // nur wenn $hidedata["???"] verfuegbar ist einblenden if (strpos($line, "##hide") !== false) { $hide = "1"; $hide_mark = explode("-", strstr($line, "##hide"), 3); $hide_label = $hide_mark[1]; $hide_buffer = ""; continue; // marke ebenfalls kicken! } else { if (strpos($line, "##show") !== false) { $hide = "0"; $hide_block = ""; if (is_array($hidedata[$hide_label])) { foreach ($hidedata[$hide_label] as $name => $value) { $hide_buffer = str_replace("!{" . $name . "}", $value, $hide_buffer); } $hide_block = preg_replace("/!\\{[0-9a-zA-Z]+\\}/", " ", $hide_buffer); } #$line = $block.trim($line)."\n"; $line = $hide_block; // marke ebenfalls kicken! } elseif ($hide == "1") { $hide_buffer .= trim($line) . "\n"; continue; } } if (strpos($line, "!#") !== false && strpos($line, "<textarea") === false) { $line = str_replace("!#date", gerdate(), $line); $line = str_replace("!#specialvars_pagetitle", $specialvars["pagetitle"], $line); $line = str_replace("!#specialvars_phpsessid", $specialvars["phpsessid"], $line); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // language "#(label)" - zweiter lauf: hier kommt der text anhand von sprache, // template und marke aus der datenbank // ( wurde bei !#ausgaben_xxx ein #(label) eingebaut // wird auch dieses mit content versehen ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strpos($line, "#(") !== false || strpos($line, "g(") !== false) { // wie heisst das template $tname = substr($startfile, 0, strpos($startfile, ".tem.html")); $line = content($line, $tname); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // subdir support images ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($pathvars["subdir"] != "") { // images in templates + funktionen $line = str_replace("/images/", $pathvars["subdir"] . "/images/", $line); // images im content aber nur bei der ausgabe (nicht im cms editor und im filesystem (magic.php)) # if ( strpos($line,"=".$cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"]) === false && strpos($line,$cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"]) === false ) { if (strpos($line, "textarea") === false && strpos($line, $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"]) === false) { $line = str_replace($cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"], $pathvars["subdir"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"], $line); } #else { # echo "####".$line."####"; #} } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // automatic "#{marke}" - rekursives !!!, automatisches einparsen von sub templates ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strpos($line, "#{") !== false) { // tausche wenn nötig die inhalte aus if (isset($mapping)) { foreach ($mapping as $name => $value) { #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "parser info: #{".$name."}:"."#{".$value."}".$debugging["char"]; // evtl. globaler print button #if ( strstr($line,"#{main") ) { # global $HTTP_GET_VARS; # if ( $HTTP_GET_VARS["print"] != true ) $print = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"660\"><tr><td width=\"16\"> </td><td width=\"628\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"".$pathvars["uri"]."?print=true\">Print Ausgabe</a></td><td width=\"16\"> </td></tr></table>"; # if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "print schalter: ".$environment["template"].$debugging["char"]; #} #$line = str_replace("#{".$name."}","#{".$value."}".$print,$line); #if ( strstr($line,"#{main}") ) { // datenbank wechseln -> variablen in menuctrl.inc.php if (strpos($line, "#{main}") !== false && $specialvars["dynlock"] == "") { if ($environment["fqdn"][0] == $specialvars["dyndb"]) { $db->selectDb($specialvars["dyndb"], FALSE); #echo "1: ".$db->getDb(); $specialvars["changed"] = "###switchback###"; } } $line = str_replace("#{" . $name . "}", "#{" . $value . "}" . $specialvars["changed"], $line); } } // marke aus der zeile schneiden und anfang und ende merken while (strpos($line, "#{") !== false) { // wo beginnt die marke $tokenbeg = strpos($line, "#{"); // wo endet die marke $tokenend = strpos($line, "}", $tokenbeg); // loopfix // wie lang ist die marke $tokenlen = $tokenend - $tokenbeg; // anfang der zeile merken $lline = substr($line, 0, $tokenbeg); // ende der zeile merken $rline = substr($line, $tokenend + 1); // token name extrahieren $token_name = substr($line, $tokenbeg + 2, $tokenlen - 2); // den token aus der zeile loeschen $token_replace = "#{" . $token_name . "}"; $line = str_replace($token_replace, "", $line); if ($specialvars["crc32"] == -1) { if ($environment["ebene"] != "" && $token_name == $environment["kategorie"]) { // das normale template ist! $newstartfile = eCRC($environment["ebene"]) . "." . $token_name . ".tem.html"; if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "crc32 template/content basis: " . $newstartfile . " for ebene (" . $environment["ebene"] . ")" . $debugging["char"]; } // gibt es ein overwrite template? $path_element = explode("/", substr($environment["ebene"] . "/", 1) . $environment["kategorie"]); foreach ($path_element as $value) { $find_kategorie = array_pop($path_element); if ($value != "") { $find_ebene = "/" . implode("/", $path_element); if ($find_ebene != "/") { $overwrite_template = eCRC($find_ebene) . "." . $find_kategorie . ".tem.html"; } else { $overwrite_template = $find_kategorie . ".tem.html"; } if (!file_exists($pathvars["templates"] . $overwrite_template)) { if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "crc32 overwrite template search: " . $overwrite_template . " for ebene (" . $find_ebene . ")" . $debugging["char"]; } $overwrite_template = ""; } else { if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "crc32 overwrite template found: " . $overwrite_template . " for ebene (" . $find_ebene . ")" . $debugging["char"]; } break; } } } } else { // token name und template endung zusammen bauen $newstartfile = $token_name . ".tem.html"; } } else { // ist das eine sub kategorie ? if ($token_name == $environment["katid"] && $environment["subkatid"] != "") { // token name und template endung zusammen bauen $newstartfile = $token_name . "." . $environment["subkatid"] . ".tem.html"; // es gibt kein besonderes template if (!file_exists($pathvars["templates"] . $newstartfile)) { if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "no " . $newstartfile . " template found using " . $token_name . ".tem.html" . $debugging["char"]; } $newstartfile = $token_name . ".tem.html"; } } else { // token name und template endung zusammen bauen $newstartfile = $token_name . ".tem.html"; } } // gemerkten zeilen anfang ausgeben echo ltrim($lline); // parser nochmal aufrufen um untertemplate mit dem namen: "$token".tem.html zu parsen rparser($newstartfile, $default_template, $overwrite_template); // reset template overwrite outer recursive procedure $overwrite_template = ""; if (strpos($rline, "###switchback###") !== false) { $db->selectDb(DATABASE, FALSE); #echo "<br />2: ".$db->getDb(); unset($specialvars["changed"]); $rline = str_replace("###switchback###", "", $rline); } // gemerktes zeilen ende ausgeben echo rtrim($rline) . "\n"; } } else { // eWeBuKi tag schutz part 4 $mark_o = array("#(", "g(", "#{", "!#"); $hide_o = array("::1::", "::2::", "::3::", "::4::"); $line = str_replace($hide_o, $mark_o, $line); // da keine marken fuer sub templates da waren zeile unveraendert ausgeben echo trim($line) . "\n"; } # ende automatic "#{marke}" } # hier passiert alles bevor ##end } # ende zeile enthaelt kein ##begin } # ende der file while schleife fclose($fd); } else { if ($debugging["html_enable"]) { $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "rparser error: template " . $template . " not found!!!" . $debugging["char"]; } } # ende der file existenz pruefung }
/** * Front-end display of widget. * * @see WP_Widget::widget() * * @param array $args Widget arguments. * @param array $instance Saved values from database. */ function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); global $interval; // User-selected settings $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? '' : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base); $category = $instance['category']; $post_count = $instance['post_count']; $post_desc = $instance['post_desc']; $post_desc_limit = $instance['post_desc_limit']; $date = $instance['date']; $t_height = $instance['t_height']; $t_width = $instance['t_width']; echo $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } ?> <?php global $wp_query, $paged, $post; $temp = $wp_query; $wp_query = null; $wp_query = new WP_Query(); if (!empty($category)) { $args .= '&category_name=' . $category; } if (!empty($post_count)) { $args .= '&showposts=' . $post_count; } else { $args .= '&showposts=4'; } if (!empty($args)) { $args .= $args; } $wp_query->query($args); ?> <ul class="loop_blog_widget"> <?php while ($wp_query->have_posts()) { $wp_query->the_post(); unset($img); if (current_theme_supports('post-thumbnails') && has_post_thumbnail()) { $customloop_thumb_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full'); $url = $customloop_thumb_image_url[0]; } ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " rel="bookmark"><?php if ($url) { ?> <figure class="custom_img_b_thin alignleft"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /inc/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $url; ?> &<?php if ($t_width) { echo 'w=' . $t_width; } else { echo 'w=60'; } ?> &<?php if ($t_height) { echo 'h=' . $t_height; } else { echo 'h=60'; } ?> &zc=1" alt="<?php the_title(); ?> " title="<?php the_title(); ?> " height="<?php if ($t_height) { echo $t_height; } else { echo '60'; } ?> " width="<?php if ($t_width) { echo $t_width; } else { echo '60'; } ?> " /></figure><?php } ?> <div><p class="sh_title"><?php the_title(); ?> </p> <?php if ($date) { ?> <span class="entry-date"><i class="icon-calendar"></i> <?php the_time('M jS, Y'); ?> </span></div><?php } if ($post_desc == true && $post_desc_limit) { content($post_desc_limit); } ?> <div class="clear"></div></a></li> <?php } wp_reset_query(); ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> <?php echo $after_widget; }
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echo $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname; ?> " /></div> <span class="day"><?php the_time('d.m.y'); ?> </span> <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "> <?php the_title(); ?> </a></h3> <?php echo content(50); ?> <div class="clearfix"></div> <?php if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')) { dynamic_sidebar('share-sidebar'); } ?> <div class="more"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><i class="sprite-arrow-right"></i><?php echo _e('[:ua]Детальніше [:en]More'); ?> </a></div>
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