public function run() { $modelsDir = $appConfig['modelsDir'] ?? realpath(__DIR__ . str_repeat(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..', 3) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models'); $appConfig = configGet('appConfig'); $dbConfig = configGet('dbConfig'); $dsn = $dbConfig['dsn'] . ';dbname=' . $dbConfig['dbName']; $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbConfig['user'], $dbConfig['password']); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); foreach (glob($modelsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php') as $file) { $mdFile = $this->_retrieveMetadataFile($file); $md = $this->_retrieveMetadata($mdFile, $file); if ($md === false) { continue; } $tableName = $md['table'] ?? pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); unset($md['table']); if ($this->_alterOrCreate($tableName) == self::CREATE) { $this->_createTable($tableName, $md); } else { $this->_alterTable($tableName, $md); } echo "Successfully updated {$tableName} into database !" . PHP_EOL; } $this->dbh = null; }
private function _updateConfig() { $result = $this->prompter->getResults(); $dbConfig = configGet('dbConfig'); $dbConfig['dbName'] = $result['name']; $dbConfig['charset'] = $result['charset']; configSet('dbConfig', $dbConfig); }
function loadOptions($argv) { $options = getopt('', configGet('options')); if (isset($options['help'])) { return false; } if (isset($options['configDir'])) { configSet('configDir', $options['configDir']); } }
public function run() { $appConfig = configGet('appConfig'); $modelsDir = $appConfig['modelsDir'] ?? realpath(__DIR__ . str_repeat(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..', 3) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models'); foreach (glob($modelsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php') as $file) { $generated = PHP_EOL; $contents = file_get_contents($file); $attributes = $this->_retrieveAttributes($contents); if ($attributes === false) { continue; } foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ($this->_isGetterPresent($contents, $attribute) === false) { $this->_addGetter($generated, $attribute); } if ($this->_isSetterPresent($contents, $attribute) === false) { $this->_addSetter($generated, $attribute); } } $this->_addGeneratedToFile($contents, $generated, $file); echo "Getters and setters successfully added to {$file} !" . PHP_EOL; } }
# # Old-fashioned pre-x4 pre-jquery way to set focus. # Don't ever use this! It will be deprecated # sooner or later. # # ===================================================================== $jqdr = vgfGet('jqDocReady', array()); if (count($jqdr) > 0) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { <?php echo implode("\n", $jqdr); ?> }); </script> <?php } if (configGet('deprecated', 'Y') == 'Y') { $scriptend = ElementImplode('scriptend'); if ($scriptend != '') { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php echo $scriptend; ?> </script> <?php } }
/** * Takes a list of tables and UNIONs them together * and builds the complete query for them. Supports * only very limited abilities at this time, basically * assuming the queries are defined correctly and * doing a UNION ALL. * * Returns: A SQL SELECT statement */ function genSQLSectionUnion($yamlP2) { $page = $this->page; $uifilter = $this->page['uifilter']; $sql = array(); foreach ($yamlP2 as $table_id => $tabinfo) { $SQL_COLSWHA = array(); $collist = array("'{$table_id}' as _source"); $collist[] = 'skey'; foreach ($tabinfo['column'] as $column_id => $colinfo) { if (a($colinfo, 'constant', '') != '') { $collist[] = SQLFC($colinfo['constant']) . " as {$column_id}"; } else { $collist[] = "{$table_id}.{$column_id}"; # KFD 6/18/08, reroute to new SQLFilter #$compare = sqlFilter($colinfo, $compare = $this->SQLCompare($table_id, $column_id, $colinfo); if ($compare != '') { $SQL_COLSWHA[] = $compare; } } } $sq = "SELECT " . implode("\n ,", $collist) . " FROM {$table_id} "; if (count($SQL_COLSWHA) > 0) { $sq .= "\n WHERE " . implode("\n AND ", $SQL_COLSWHA); } $sql[] = $sq; } # Build the sql $sql = implode("\nUNION ALL\n", $sql); if (gp('gp_post') == 'onscreen') { $sql .= " LIMIT " . configGet('sql_limit'); } return $sql; }
function main() { $this->PageSubtitle = "Please Login"; // KFD 3/6/08, changed login processing to st2login=1, // its not a page anymore. hidden('st2login', 1); hidden('gp_page', 'x_login'); hidden('gp_posted', '1'); // Send these out so they are available after successful login $gpz = aFromGp('gpz_'); foreach ($gpz as $var => $val) { hidden('gpz_' . $var, $val); } $loginUID = gp("loginUID", "", false); vgfSet("HTML_focus", "loginUID"); // EXPERIMENTAL. DOING THIS FOR ONLY ONE CLIENT RIGHT NOW $hForgot = vgaget('hfmode', false) == true ? 'x_password.phtml' : 'index.php?gp_page=x_password'; /** name:Replace Login Form You can replace the default login form by putting a file named "" into the [[Application Directory]]. */ if (File_exists_incpath('')) { if (vgaGet('html_main') != 'html_skin_tc') { include ''; return; } } ?> <!-- LOGIN HTML (BEGIN) --> <div class="row"> <div class="span3"></div> <div class="span3"> <fieldset> <legend align="center"><?php echo configGet('loginbefore', $GLOBALS['AG']['app_desc']); ?> </legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label">Login Name:</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="loginUID" name="loginUID" maxlength="60" value="<?php echo $loginUID; ?> " /> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label">Password:</label> <div class="controls"> <input name="loginPWD" type="password" maxlength="20"/> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="pushSave" value="Login" /> </div> </div> <p align="center"><a href="<?php echo $hForgot; ?> ">Forgotten Password and Change Password</a></p> </fieldset> </div> <div class="span3"></div> </div> <!-- LOGIN HTML (END) --> <?php }
/** * Generate search results for an x4browse/search * * @author: Kenneth Downs */ function browseFetch() { # This is the list of columns to return $acols = explode(',', $this->dd['projections']['_uisearch']); # By default the search criteria come from the # variables, unless it is a child table search $vals = aFromGP('x4w_'); $awhere = array(); $tabPar = gp('tableIdPar'); if ($tabPar != '') { $ddpar = ddTable(gp('tableIdPar')); $pks = $ddpar['pks']; $stab = ddView(gp('tableIdPar')); $skey = SQLFN(gp('skeyPar')); $vals2 = SQL_OneRow("SELECT {$pks} FROM {$stab} WHERE skey = {$skey}"); if (!$vals2) { $vals2 = array(); } $vals = array_merge($vals, $vals2); } # Build the where clause # foreach ($vals as $column_id => $colvalue) { if (!isset($this->flat[$column_id])) { continue; } $colinfo = $this->flat[$column_id]; $exact = isset($vals2[$column_id]); //$tcv = trim($colvalue); $tcv = $colvalue; $type = $colinfo['type_id']; if ($tcv != "") { // trap for a % sign in non-string $xwhere = sqlFilter($this->flat[$column_id], $tcv); if ($xwhere != '') { $awhere[] = "({$xwhere})"; } } } # <----- RETURN if (count($awhere) == 0) { x4Debug("returning"); return; } # Generate the limit # KFD 11/12/08, modified to respect sql_limit, with default of 100 $SLimit = ' LIMIT ' . configGet('sql_limit', 100); if ($tabPar != '') { if (a($this->dd['fk_parents'][$tabPar], 'uiallrows', 'N') == 'Y') { $SLimit = ''; } } # Build the Order by # $ascDesc = gp('sortAD') == 'ASC' ? ' ASC' : ' DESC'; $aorder = array(); $searchsort = trim(a($this->dd, 'uisearchsort', '')); if (gpExists('sortAD')) { $aorder[] = gp('sortCol') . ' ' . gp('sortAD'); } if ($searchsort != '') { $aocols = explode(",", $searchsort); foreach ($aocols as $pmcol) { $char1 = substr($pmcol, 0, 1); $column_id = substr($pmcol, 1); if ($char1 == '+') { $aorder[] = $column_id . ' ASC'; } else { $aorder[] = $column_id . ' DESC'; } } $SQLOrder = " ORDER BY " . implode(',', $aorder); } else { # KFD 6/18/08, new routine that works out sort $aorder = sqlOrderBy($vals); if (count($aorder) == 0) { $SQLOrder = ''; } else { $SQLOrder = " ORDER BY " . implode(',', $aorder); } } # just before building the query, drop out # any columns that have a table_id_fko to the parent foreach ($acols as $idx => $column_id) { if ($this->flat[$column_id]['table_id_fko'] == $tabPar && $tabPar != '') { unset($acols[$idx]); } } // Build the where and limit $SWhere = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $awhere); // Retrieve data $SQL = "SELECT skey," . implode(',', $acols) . " FROM " . $this->view_id . $SWhere . $SQLOrder . $SLimit; $answer = SQL_AllRows($SQL); $this->browseFetchModify($answer); x4Data('browseFetch', $answer); return; }
} else { $paypal['url'] = ""; } # KFD 1/21/09, Another test system, "one dollar mode". If # this flag is set, the trx is switched to # one dollar only. Intended for final run-throughs # on live system. if (configGet('paypal_onedollar', 'N') == 'Y') { $paypal['amount'] = 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // MANY SETTINGS BELOW ARE REM'D OUT IN THE STANDARD ARRANGEMENT, // ADD BACK IN ANYTHING YOU NEED FOR AN APPLICATION // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // An icon user sees while on paypal, personalizes it a bit $paypal['image_url'] = configGet('paypal_image_url', ''); // url to call in background while user is waiting $paypal['notify_url'] = "?gp_page=x_paypalipn"; $paypal['return_method'] = "1"; //1=GET 2=POST $paypal['currency_code'] = "USD"; //[USD,GBP,JPY,CAD,EUR] $paypal['lc'] = "US"; //fso=fsockopen(); curl=curl command line //libCurl=php compiled with libCurl support $paypal['post_method'] = "fso"; $paypal['curl_location'] = "/usr/local/bin/curl"; $paypal['bn'] = "toolkit-php"; $paypal['cmd'] = "_xclick"; //Payment Page Settings $paypal['display_comment'] = "0";
function tmpLoadModules($module) { if ($module == 'footer') { echo configGet('notesfooter'); } }
function X_EMAIL_SEND($em) { $retval = false; //scDBConn_Push('admin'); if (SQLX_TrxLevel() > 0) { ErrorAdd("ERROR: Cannot send an email within a transaction"); } else { if (configGet('email_fromaddr')) { $from_addr = configGet('email_fromaddr'); $from_name = configGet('email_fromname'); } else { $from_addr = trim(OPTION_GET("EMAILFROM_ADDR")); $from_name = trim(OPTION_GET("EMAILFROM_NAME")); } $smtp_server = trim(OPTION_GET('SMTP_SERVER', 'localhost')); if ($from_addr == "") { ErrorAdd("The system's return email address, defined in system variable " . "EMAILFROM_ADDR, must be set to a valid email address. " . HTMLE_A_STD("System Variables", "variables", "")); } else { if ($from_name != "") { $from_name = '"' . $from_name . '"'; } $from = "From: " . $from_name . " <" . $from_addr . ">"; include_once 'Mail.php'; $recipients = $em["email_to"]; $headers['From'] = $from_name . "<" . $from_addr . ">"; $headers['To'] = $em["email_to"]; $headers['Subject'] = $em["email_subject"]; $headers['Date'] = date("D, j M Y H:i:s O", time()); foreach ($em['headers'] as $hname => $hval) { $headers[$hname] = $hval; } $body = $em["email_message"]; $params['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; $params['host'] = $smtp_server; // Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method $mail_object = Mail::factory('smtp', $params); $mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $body); if (!$mail_object) { ErrorAdd("Email was not accepted by server"); } else { $table_ref = DD_TableRef('adm_emails'); SQLX_Insert($table_ref, $em, false); $retval = false; } } } //scDBConn_Pop(); return $retval; }
function x6main() { $top = html('div'); $top->hp['style'] = 'text-align: center;'; $top->addClass('fadein'); $top->h('h1', configGet('x4menutitle')); # Get some basic dimensions we will use to build the # menu system. Our basic metric is 10% of the # screen width, and then 10% of that. $pad0 = x6CssDefine('pad0'); $insidewidth = x6CssDefine('insidewidth'); $width1 = intval($insidewidth / 10); $widthl = $width1 * 3; $widthr = $width1 * 3; $width1b = intval($width1 / 2); $width2 = intval($width1 / 10); $outer = $top->h('div'); $outer->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_outer'; $outer->hp['xWidth1'] = $width1; $outer->hp['xWidth1b'] = $width1b; $outer->hp['xWidth2'] = $width2; $outer->hp['style'] = "padding: {$width1b}px {$width1}px;\n text-align: left;"; # Calculate height of inner, this forces height of outer $iHeight = x6cssDefine('insideheight'); $iHeight -= x6cssHeight('h1'); $iHeight -= $width1b * 2; $inner = $outer->h('div'); $inner->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_inner'; $inner->hp['style'] = " border: 1px solid " . x6cssDefine('bgcdark') . ";\n height: {$iHeight}px;\n padding:{$width2}px"; # calculate height of left; $lHeight = $iHeight - $width2; $leftDiv = $inner->h('div'); $leftDiv->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_left'; $leftDiv->hp['style'] = "background-color: " . x6cssDefine('bgcdark') . ";\n float: left;\n height: {$lHeight}px;\n width: {$widthl}px"; $rightDiv = $inner->h('div'); $rightDiv->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_right'; $rightDiv->hp['style'] = "position: relative; float: left; width: {$widthr}px;"; $AGMENU = SessionGet('AGMENU'); $countLeft = 1; foreach ($AGMENU as $menuid => $menuinfo) { if (count(arr($menuinfo, 'items', array())) == 0) { continue; } $h2 = $leftDiv->h('div', $countLeft . ": " . $menuinfo['description']); $h2->hp['xKey'] = $countLeft; $countLeft++; $h2->hp['id'] = 'module_' . $menuid; $h2->hp['xMenuId'] = $menuid; $h2->hp['style'] = "padding: {$width2}px"; $h2->hp['onclick'] = "x6.byId('x6menu_outer').clicked('module_{$menuid}');"; $h2->hp['onmouseover'] = "'underline'"; $h2->hp['onmouseout'] = "''"; $idLeft = $width2 * 2; $itemsDiv = $rightDiv->h('div'); $itemsDiv->hp['id'] = 'items_' . $menuid; $itemsDiv->hp['style'] = "position: absolute; top: 0; left: {$idLeft}px; display: none"; $countRight = 65; foreach ($menuinfo['items'] as $page => $pageinfo) { # Special hardcoded hack for x6 to remove some items if ($page == 'apppub') { continue; } if ($page == 'userssimple') { continue; } $pd = strtolower(chr($countRight)) . ': ' . $pageinfo['description']; $a = $itemsDiv->h('div', $pd); $a->hp['xKey'] = strtolower(chr($countRight)); $a->hp['xactive'] = 'N'; $countRight++; $a->hp['onmouseover'] = "\$('#x6menu_right .hilight').removeClass('hilight');\n \$(this).addClass('hilight')"; # DUPLICATE CODE ALERT. THIS CODE IS ALSO IN # TEMPLATES/X6/X6MENUTOP.PHP # KFD 2/20/09 Sourceforge 2616802 if ($pageinfo['uix2'] == 'Y') { $href = "?gp_page={$page}&x2=1"; } else { $href = "?x6page={$page}&x6module={$menuid}"; } $a->hp['onclick'] = "window.location='{$href}'"; $a->hp['id'] = 'page_' . $page; if (arr($pageinfo, 'spaceafter', 'N') == 'Y') { $itemsDiv->h('hr'); } } } $top->render(); }
function index_hidden_template($mode) { # KFD 1/10/08. If x6 is set, we follow a completely different # path, x6 settings win out. $flagx6 = configGet('flag_x6', 'N'); $x6template = configGet('x6_template', ''); $x6group = configGet('x6_group', ''); if ($flagx6 == 'Y') { # In x6, we consider the "app_template()" function first, # if it returns something it always wins. if (function_exists('app_template')) { vgfSet('template', app_template()); } else { if ($x6template == '') { vgfSet('template', 'x6'); } else { if (!LoggedIn() || inGroup($x6group)) { vgfSet('template', $x6template); } else { vgfSet('template', 'x6'); } } } } else { # this is old x2/x4 mode, begin by obtaining a # 'candidate' they may have been set $candidate = vgfGet('template'); # KFD 7/23/08. Give application a chance to # play with setting if (function_exists('app_template')) { vgfSet('template', app_template($candidate)); } # KFD 7/23/08. If no template has been set by vgfSet, # and the candidate is not empty, pick it if ($candidate != '' && vgfGet('template') == '') { vgfSet('template', $candidate); } # KFD 7/23/08. Finally, if we still don't have something, # pick according to mode if (vgfGet('template') == '') { if ($mode == 'x4') { vgfSet('template', 'pixel2'); } else { vgfSet('template', 'rt_pixel'); } } } # KFD 9/2/08. We still have one customer with a public # interface that is not a Joomla template. If the # template is "*" then we DO NOT set up Joomla # compatibility. The application will use its own # file in the application directory that is specified # with vgaSet('html_pub'). if (vgfGet('template') == '*') { return; } # Tell the JOOMLA files that we are legit # Fool them, that is... define("_ANDROMEDA_JOOMLA", 1); define("_JOOMLA_ANDROMEDA", 1); # Activate the template by creating public $J and calling funcs global $J, $AG; $J['TEMPLATE'] = vgfGet('template'); JoomlaCompatibility($J['TEMPLATE']); $aphp = $AG['dirs']['root'] . '/templates/' . $J['TEMPLATE'] . '/andromeda.php'; if (file_exists($aphp)) { include $aphp; } # <----- EARLY RETURN # The rest of this is totally superseded, and can # be removed after we go live with Beta 1 return; /* global $AG; # KFD 7/3/08. Have the vgfGet() value override anything else # if(vgfGet('template')<>'') { # Assign the template to spots where the legacy code will find it $AG['template'] = vgfGet('template'); } // First conditional fix contributed by Don Organ 9/07, $AG['template'] // was getting lost on passes 2+ if(ArraySafe($AG,'template')<>'') { SessionSet('TEMPLATE',$AG['template']); } else { if(SessionGet("TEMPLATE")=='') { if(!file_exists(fsDirTop().'templates')) { // There is no templates directory, so stop looking SessionSet('TEMPLATE','*'); } else { if(ArraySafe($AG,'template')<>'') { // if the app or instance specified a template at build time, // use that. SessionSet('TEMPLATE',$AG['template']); } else { // At this point nobody has told us what to do, pick the // first template we can find. // Big change by KFD 3/15/08 If we do not know what // template to use, prefer to pick rt_pixel, our // default template, unless we find another one. // In that case we assume that template is there for // a reason and we use it. $dir = $AG['dirs']['root'].'templates/'; $DIR = opendir($dir); $rt_pixel = false; while (false!==($filename = readdir($DIR))) { if ($filename=='.') continue; if ($filename=='..') continue; if ($filename=='andro_classic') continue; if ($filename=='x4') continue; // DO 2-1-2008 Added to ignore SVN directory if ($filename=='.svn') continue; if ($filename=='rt_pixel') $rt_pixel = true; if (is_dir($dir.$filename)) { SessionSet('TEMPLATE',scFileName($filename)); break; } } closedir($DIR); // Here is where we pick rt_pixel if we could not // find anything else if($rt_pixel && SessionGet('TEMPLATE','')=='') { SessionSet('TEMPLATE',$rt_pixel); } } } } } // Now if a template was identified if(SessionGet("TEMPLATE")<>'*') { // Notify any code that may need to know that we are in a hybrid // Andromeda-joomla situation. This is for both template code and // Andromeda code. We define both variables in case people forget // which one we defined. define("_ANDROMEDA_JOOMLA",1); define("_JOOMLA_ANDROMEDA",1); // Activate the template by creating public $J and calling funcs global $J; $J['TEMPLATE']=SessionGet('TEMPLATE'); JoomlaCompatibility($J['TEMPLATE']); $aphp=$AG['dirs']['root'].'/templates/'.$J['TEMPLATE'].'/andromeda.php'; if(file_exists($aphp)) { include($aphp); } } */ }
# ===================================================================== echo "\n<title>" . vgfGet('pageTitle') . "</title>\n"; # ===================================================================== # # The jQuery libraries always come first # # NOTICE! Andromeda has its own mini-fication system, # so do not fear all of these individual files! # # ===================================================================== # The jQuery library always comes first jsInclude('clib/jquery-1.8.3.min.js', 'JQuery is distributed under the GPL license, written by a team of programmers led by John Resig, more info at', 'Y'); $xpath = arr($_COOKIE, 'altjs', 'clib/'); $configJS = trim(configGet('js_css_debug', 'N')); if ($deprecated == 'Y') { $styles = ElementImplode('styles'); if ($styles != '') { ?> <style type="text/css"> <?php echo $styles; ?> </style> <?php } ob_start(); ElementOut('script'); $script = ob_get_clean(); if ($script != '') {
function mosShowListMenu($menutype) { // ------------------------------------------------------- // Andromeda Code: If we are in an Andromeda situation // then everything is vastly simplified, we already have // the menu and we don't do much conversion // ------------------------------------------------------- if (defined('_ANDROMEDA_JOOMLA')) { if (!LoggedIn()) { return; } // KFD 7/6/07, cache the menu so we don't have to do // this on every call. // Cachegrind cost to build menu : 259 / 199 // Cachegrind cost logging in : 140 // Cachegrind cost login, cache to session: 2!!!! // Cachegrind cost to cache to disk : 400! # KFD 4/17/08, rebuild menu if they switched modes # KFD 6/21/08, simplify this by just looking at x4Welcome #$menu_mode = gpExists('x4Page') # ? (vgfGet('x4menu',false)==true ? 'x4' : 'classic') # : 'classic'; $menu_mode = configGet('x4welcome', 'N') == 'Y' ? 'x4' : 'classic'; vgfSet('menu_mode', $menu_mode); # KFD 6/21/08 (END) if ($menu_mode != SessionGet('menu_mode')) { sessionSet('menu', ''); sessionSet('menu_mode', $menu_mode); } $menu = SessionGet('menu', ''); if ($menu != '') { echo $menu; return; } ob_start(); $children = array(); $open = array(); $indents = array(array("<ul>", "<li>", "</li>", "</ul>")); $class_sfx = null; $hilightid = SessionGET('AGMENU_MODULE'); $hilightid = ''; $menus = SessionGET("AGMENU"); foreach ($menus as $menuid => $menuinfo) { //if($menuid=='datadict') continue; //if($menuid=='sysref') continue; $x = new joomla_fake(); $x->type = 'url'; $x->id = $menuid; if (sessionGet('menu_mode') == 'x4') { $x->link = 'javascript:void(0);'; } else { $x->link = "?x_module=" . urlencode($menuid); } $x->browserNav = ''; $x->name = $menuinfo['description']; $children[0][] = $x; foreach ($menuinfo['items'] as $page => $pageinfo) { $x = new joomla_fake(); $x->type = 'url'; $x->id = $page; # KFD 6/26/08, the vgfX(x4) was experimental, get rid of it #if(vgfGet('x4')===true) { # $pd = $pageinfo['description']; # $x->link="javascript:x4Page('$page','$pd')"; #} #else { # KFD 6/26/08, work out the menu mode first $xmode = 'x2'; if (sessionGet('menu_mode') == 'x4') { $xmode = a($pageinfo, 'uix2', 'N') == 'Y' ? 'x2' : 'x4'; } if ($xmode == 'x4') { $x->link = '?x4Page=' . urlencode($page); $x->link .= '&x4Return=' . vgaGet('nopage', 'menu'); } else { $x->link = "?x_module={$menuid}&x2=1&gp_page=" . urlencode($page); } if (ArraySafe($pageinfo, 'menu_parms') != '') { $x->link .= '&' . urlencode($pageinfo['menu_parms']); } #} $x->browserNav = ''; $x->name = $pageinfo['description']; $children[$menuid][] = $x; } } mosRecurseListMenu(0, 0, $children, $open, $indents, $class_sfx, $hilightid); $menu = ob_get_clean(); echo $menu; SessionSet('menu', $menu); //$fsMenuFileHTML=ob_get_clean(); //file_put_contents($fsMenuFile,$fsMenuFileHTML); //echo $fsMenuFileHTML; return; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // Andromeda Code: END // ------------------------------------------------------- global $database, $my, $cur_template, $Itemid; global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_shownoauth; $class_sfx = null; $hilightid = null; /* If a user has signed in, get their user type */ $intUserType = 0; if ($my->gid) { switch ($my->usertype) { case 'Super Administrator': $intUserType = 0; break; case 'Administrator': $intUserType = 1; break; case 'Editor': $intUserType = 2; break; case 'Registered': $intUserType = 3; break; case 'Author': $intUserType = 4; break; case 'Publisher': $intUserType = 5; break; case 'Manager': $intUserType = 6; break; } } else { /* user isn't logged in so make their usertype 0 */ $intUserType = 0; } if ($mosConfig_shownoauth) { $database->setQuery("SELECT m.*, count(p.parent) as cnt" . "\nFROM #__menu AS m" . "\nLEFT JOIN #__menu AS p ON p.parent =" . "\nWHERE m.menutype='{$menutype}' AND m.published='1'" . "\nGROUP BY ORDER BY m.parent, m.ordering "); } else { $database->setQuery("SELECT m.*, sum(case when p.published=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt" . "\nFROM #__menu AS m" . "\nLEFT JOIN #__menu AS p ON p.parent =" . "\nWHERE m.menutype='{$menutype}' AND m.published='1' AND m.access <= '{$my->gid}'" . "\nGROUP BY ORDER BY m.parent, m.ordering "); } $rows = $database->loadObjectList('id'); echo $database->getErrorMsg(); //work out if this should be highlighted $sql = "SELECT m.* FROM #__menu AS m" . "\nWHERE menutype='" . $menutype . "' AND m.published='1'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $subrows = $database->loadObjectList('id'); $maxrecurse = 5; $parentid = $Itemid; //this makes sure toplevel stays hilighted when submenu active while ($maxrecurse-- > 0) { $parentid = getParentRow($subrows, $parentid); if (isset($parentid) && $parentid >= 0 && $subrows[$parentid]) { if (vgfGet('menu_mode') != 'x4') { $hilightid = $parentid; } } else { break; } } if (vgfGet('menu_mode') == 'x4') { $hilightid = ''; } //echo "<!--[if lte IE 7]>\n"; include_once "{$mosConfig_absolute_path}/templates/" . $cur_template . "/js/ie.js"; //echo "<![endif]-->\n"; $indents = array(array("<ul>", "<li>", "</li>", "</ul>")); // establish the hierarchy of the menu $children = array(); // first pass - collect children foreach ($rows as $v) { $pt = $v->parent; $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array(); array_push($list, $v); $children[$pt] = $list; } // second pass - collect 'open' menus $open = array($Itemid); $count = 20; // maximum levels - to prevent runaway loop $id = $Itemid; while (--$count) { if (isset($rows[$id]) && $rows[$id]->parent > 0) { $id = $rows[$id]->parent; $open[] = $id; } else { break; } } $class_sfx = null; mosRecurseListMenu(0, 0, $children, $open, $indents, $class_sfx, $hilightid); }
} else { if (installerStep() === STEP_DB_REQUIREMENTS) { if (isRedirect()) { redirectSelf(); } $result['page'] = "DB Requirements"; $result['mysql_check'] = dbVersionCheck(); $result['db_config'] = dbGetConfig(); } else { if (installerStep() === STEP_CONFIG) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") { if (isRedirect()) { redirectSelf(); } $result['page'] = "Configuration"; $result['configuration'] = configGet(); } else { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if (processConfig()) { transitionNextStep(); } redirectSelf(); } } } else { if (installerStep() == STEP_PERMISSION) { if (isRedirect()) { redirectSelf(); } $result['page'] = 'Check Permission'; $result['permission'] = permissionProcess();
/** * @deprecated */ function cssInclude($file, $force_immediate = false) { // This program echos out immediately if not in debug // mode, otherwise they all get output as one $cssExcludes = vgfGet('cssExcludes', array()); if (!in_array($file, $cssExcludes)) { if (configGet('js_css_debug', 'Y') == 'Y' || $force_immediate) { ?> <link rel='stylesheet' href='<?php echo tmpPathInsert() . $file; ?> ' /> <?php } else { $css = vgfGet('cssIncludes', array()); $css[] = $file; vgfSet('cssIncludes', $css); } } }
function mainLayout(&$container) { # load the javascript jsInclude("clib/androX4Menu.js"); # Set focus if requested if (($focus = gp('x4Focus')) != '') { x4Script("\$('#x4Menu')[0].lastFocusId = 'x4menu_{$focus}'"); } # Other miscellaneous commands vgfSet('suppress_hidden', true); //vgfSet('show_menu',false); # Fetch some text $h1 = configGet("x4menutitle", "Extended Desktop Menu"); $text = configGet("x4menutext", ""); ob_start(); ?> <div id="x4Menu" class="x4Pane x4Menu"> <center> <h1><?php echo $h1; ?> </h1> <?php echo $text; ?> </center> <br/> <?php $table = html('table'); $table->hp['class'] = 'tab100'; $tr = html('tr', $table); $array = SessionGet('AGMENU'); $first = true; $letters = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $col = 0; $grid = array(); foreach ($array as $module => $modinfo) { if (!$first) { $td = html('td', $tr); $td->hp['style'] = 'width: 10px'; } $first = false; $td = html('td', $tr); $td->hp['class'] = 'style1'; $h3 = html('h3', $td); $h3->setHtml($letters[$col] . ') ' . $modinfo['description']); $row = 0; foreach ($modinfo['items'] as $page => $info) { // Add the link $a = html('a', $td); $a->hp['id'] = 'x4menu_' . $page; $a->hp['href'] = "?x4Return=menu&x4Page={$page}"; $a->setHTML($row . ') ' . $info['description']); $a->hp['onkeyup'] = "return \$a.byId('x4Menu').x4KeyUp(event,{$col},{$row})"; $a->hp['onkeydown'] = "return false;"; $a->hp['onmouseover'] = '$(this).focus()'; $a->hp['onfocus'] = "this.className = 'x4MenuOn'"; $a->hp['onblur'] = "this.className = ''"; $grid[$col][$row] = 'x4menu_' . $page; $row++; // Add a BR html('br', $td); } $col++; } $table->render(); echo "</div>"; # put out the grid and set the HTML x4data('grid', $grid); $container->setHTML(ob_get_clean()); }