function comic_display_frontpage($data_id, $scale, $censor_level)
     * get the admin settings
    comic_admin_data(&$image_src, &$admin_censorlvl, &$censor_override, &$remote_enabled, &$filesize);
     * determine what comic to get
    $comic_day = substr(date("D", time()), 0, 2);
    /* today */
     * try to successfully get a random comic match...
     * this would be better with a validated comic_day since some
     * comics have to look back
    if ($data_id == 0) {
        $match_str = "WHERE data_censorlvl <= '" . $censor_level . "' AND " . " data_pubdays LIKE '%" . $comic_day . "%' AND " . "data_enabled='T'";
    } else {
        $match_str = "WHERE data_id='" . intval($data_id) . "' AND " . "data_enabled='T'";
     * get the comic data
    $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("select * from phpgw_comic_data " . $match_str);
     * of the potentially valid returns...lets try to shake it up a bit and
     * pick only one
    if ($data_id == 0) {
        srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
        $randval = rand(1, $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->num_rows());
        for ($index = 1; $index < $randval; $index++) {
     * process valid comic data
    if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record()) {
        $comic_censorlvl = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("data_censorlvl");
        $comic_url = "";
        $fetch_url = "";
         * if user meets censorship criteria
        if ($comic_censorlvl <= $censor_level && ($comic_censorlvl <= $admin_censorlvl || $censor_override == 1)) {
             * resolve the url
            $status = comic_resolve_url($remote_enabled, &$fetch_url, &$comic_url, &$comic_day);
        } else {
             * otherwise have been censored
            $status = STD_CENSOR;
         * set the link data
        $link_tgt = comic_resolve_linkurl($status, $fetch_url, &$link_url, &$comment);
         * if comic_day is not in days allowed flag error
        if (!strstr($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("data_pubdays"), $comic_day)) {
            $status = STD_WARNING;
         * snarf the image
        if ($image_src == COMIC_SNARFED && $status == STD_SUCCESS) {
            $status = comic_snarf(&$comic_url, $filesize);
         * need to determine image size & location
        if ($comic_day == "Su") {
            $image_width = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("data_swidth");
        } else {
            $image_width = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("data_width");
        if ($image_width <= 300) {
            $image_location = 'S';
        } else {
            $image_location = 'C';
         * if no image available, then give error image
        if ($status != STD_SUCCESS && $status != STD_WARNING && $status != STD_CURRENT) {
            comic_error($image_location, $status, &$comic_url);
            $status = STD_TEMPLATE;
         * effectively have something to display
        if ($status == STD_SUCCESS || $status == STD_CURRENT || $status == STD_TEMPLATE) {
             * image scaling
            switch ($scale) {
                case 1:
                    switch ($image_location) {
                        case 'S':
                            $image_width = "350";
                            $image_width = "700";
                    if ($image_width <= 0) {
                        $image_width = "100%";
            $name = lang("%1 by %2", $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("data_title"), $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f("data_author"));
             * our template
            $comic_tpl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->get_tpl_dir('comic'));
            $comic_tpl->set_file(array(table => "table.front.tpl", row => "row.common.tpl"));
            $comic_tpl->set_var(array(image_url => $comic_url, image_width => $image_width, link_url => $link_url, link_tgt => $link_tgt, comment => $comment, name => $name, th_bg => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_bg'], th_text => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_text']));
            $comic_tpl->parse("center_part", "row");
            $comic_tpl->parse(TABLE, "table");
             * put the url and date in the database
            if ($status == STD_SUCCESS) {
                comic_flag_success($comic_url, $data_id);
            return $comic_tpl->fp('out', 'TABLE');
$done_label = lang("Done");
$actionurl = $phpgw->link('/comic/admin_options.php');
$doneurl = $phpgw->link('/admin/index.php');
$message = "";
if ($_POST['submit']) {
    $message = lang("Global Options Updated");
    $image_source = intval($_POST['image_source']);
    $remote_enabled = intval($_POST['remote_enabled']);
    $censor_level = intval($_POST['censor_level']);
    $override_enabled = intval($_POST['override_enabled']);
    $filesize = intval($_POST['filesize']);
    $phpgw->db->query("update phpgw_comic_admin set " . "admin_imgsrc='" . $image_source . "', " . "admin_rmtenabled='" . $remote_enabled . "', " . "admin_censorlvl='" . $censor_level . "', " . "admin_coverride='" . $override_enabled . "', " . "admin_filesize='" . $filesize . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
comic_admin_data(&$image_source, &$censor_level, &$override_enabled, &$remote_enabled, &$filesize);
$remote_checked = "";
if ($remote_enabled == 1) {
    $remote_checked = "checked";
$override_checked = "";
if ($override_enabled == 1) {
    $override_checked = "checked";
$options_tpl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template', $phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('comic'));
$options_tpl->set_file(array(message => "message.common.tpl", options => "admin.options.tpl", coptions => "option.common.tpl"));
for ($loop = 0; $loop < count($g_censor_level); $loop++) {
    $selected = "";
    if ($censor_level == $loop) {
        $selected = "selected";