function createEmailFromTemplate($templateName, $user, $data = null) { global $APP_DIR; $email_config = getConfig("_email"); if (!$email_config || !$templateName || !$user) { return null; } $templateDir = $email_config["templates"]; $template = readTextFile("{$APP_DIR}/{$templateDir}/{$templateName}.html"); if (!$template) { return null; } $name = is_string($user) ? substringBefore($user, "@") : $user["first_name"] . " " . $user["last_name"]; $to_email = is_string($user) ? $user : $user["email"]; if (isset($email_config["to"])) { $to_email = $email_config["to"]; } $logo = combine($email_config["baseUrl"], getConfig("app.logo")); $cfg = array("site" => getConfig("defaultTitle"), "baseUrl" => $email_config["baseUrl"], "logo" => $logo, "name" => $name, "to" => $to_email); $template = replaceVariables($template, $cfg); $template = replaceVariables($template, $user); $template = replaceVariables($template, $data); $subject = substringBefore($template, "\n"); $body = substringAfter($template, "\n"); //replace classes with inlineStyles $styles = readConfigFile("{$APP_DIR}/{$templateDir}/inline.css"); if ($styles) { $body = "<div class=\"fp-email\">{$body}</div>"; $body = inlineStyles($body, $styles); } debug("createEmail subject", $subject); debug("createEmail body", $body); return createEmail($to_email, $subject, $body, true); }
function optimizeJS($scripts) { if (!isNitroEnabled() || !getNitroPersistence('Mini.Enabled')) { return $scripts; } global $registry; $oc_root = dirname(DIR_APPLICATION); $cache = NULL; $cachefile = NULL; $filename = NULL; //load NitroCache require_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'nitro/core/cdn.php'; $nitroSettings = getNitroPersistence(); $excludes = explodeTrim("\n", getNitroPersistence('Mini.JSExclude')); if (getNitroPersistence('Mini.JS')) { $scripts = minify('js', $scripts, $excludes); } if (getNitroPersistence('Mini.JSCombine')) { $scripts = combine('js', $scripts, $excludes); } return nitroCDNResolve($scripts); }
function build_arr($columns, $values) { $multi_value = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { $multi_value[] = combine($columns, $value); } return $multi_value; }
function combine($ingredients, $spoons, $maxCal = false, $properties = null, $availableIng = null, $calories = 0) { if ($availableIng === null) { $availableIng = array_keys($ingredients); } $ingredient = $ingredients[array_shift($availableIng)]; if ($properties === null) { $properties = array_map(function ($a) { return 0; }, $ingredient); unset($properties['calories']); } $values = []; if (empty($availableIng)) { $value = 1; foreach ($properties as $prop => $v) { $v += $spoons * $ingredient[$prop]; $value *= $v; if ($value <= 0) { return []; } } $calories += $spoons * $ingredient['calories']; array_push($values, !$maxCal || $calories == $maxCal ? $value : 0); return $values; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $spoons; $i++) { $props = $properties; foreach ($props as $prop => $value) { $props[$prop] += $i * $ingredient[$prop]; } $cals = $calories + $i * $ingredient['calories']; $values = array_merge($values, combine($ingredients, $spoons - $i, $maxCal, $props, $availableIng, $cals)); } return $values; }
/** * @param int $min * @param int $max * @return \Closure */ function betweenRight($min, $max) { return combine(sizeMinStrict($min), sizeMax($max)); }
/** * 根据姓名、姓获取姓名全拼和简拼 * @param string $formatted_name 姓名 * @param string $family_name 姓 * @return array */ function get_name_phonetic($formatted_name, $family_name) { $sort = $phonetic = ''; if ($formatted_name) { if (mb_strlen($formatted_name, 'utf-8') > 6) { $all_phonetic = getPinYin($formatted_name, FALSE, ' ', FALSE); $tmp = explode(' ', $all_phonetic); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $sort .= isset($t[0]) ? $t[0] : ''; } $t = ord($sort[0]); if (empty($sort) or $t < 97 or $t > 122) { $sort = '#'; } $phonetic = implode('', $tmp); } else { $all_phonetic = getPinYin($formatted_name, false, " ", true, "string"); if ($all_phonetic) { $tmp = explode(' ', $all_phonetic); fix_family_name($formatted_name, $family_name, $tmp); array_walk($tmp, create_function('&$val, $key', '$val = explode(",", $val);')); $combined_phonetic = combine($tmp, 0); if ($combined_phonetic) { $count = count($combined_phonetic); foreach ($combined_phonetic as $key => $pair) { if (is_array($pair)) { foreach ($pair as $t) { $sort .= isset($t[0]) ? $t[0] : ''; $phonetic .= $t; } } else { $sort .= isset($pair[0]) ? $pair[0] : ''; $phonetic .= $pair; } if ($key != $count - 1) { $sort .= ','; $phonetic .= ','; } } $t = ord($sort[0]); if (empty($sort) or $t < 97 or $t > 122) { $sort = '#'; } } } } } $sort = empty($sort) ? '#' : implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $sort))); $phonetic = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $phonetic))); return array('phonetic' => $phonetic, 'sort' => $sort); }
/** * 模板内容替换 * @access protected * @param string $content 模板内容 * @return string */ protected function templateContentReplace_bak($content) { // 系统默认的特殊变量替换 $replace = array('__TMPL__' => APP_TMPL_PATH, '__ROOT__' => __ROOT__, '__APP__' => __APP__, '__GROUP__' => defined('GROUP_NAME') ? __GROUP__ : __APP__, '__ACTION__' => __ACTION__, '__SELF__' => __SELF__, '__URL__' => __URL__, '../Public' => APP_TMPL_PATH . 'Public', '__PUBLIC__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public'); // 允许用户自定义模板的字符串替换 if (is_array(C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING'))) { $replace = array_merge($replace, C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING')); } unset($replace['__PUBLIC__']); $content = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $content); $content = preg_replace_callback("/__PUBLIC__/", create_function('$matches', "return 'http://'.C('CDNSERVERHEADER').rand(C('CDNSERVERSTART'),C('CDNSERVEREND')).C('CDNSERVERFOOTER');"), $content); //|widget/select/select.v1.js|widget/tab/tab.v1.js|widget/slider/slider.v1.js|widget/share/share.v1.js|widget/dialog/dialog.v1.js|widget/datepicker/datepicker.v1.js|widget/validate/validate.v1.js|index_v1.js|global.js|tab.js|?t=20140213) //js 合并 //js css 重复加载判断 $allowJs = $allowCss = array(); preg_match_all("/\\(.+js\\|\\?t=[0-9]+\\)/", $content, $matches); if (isset($matches['0']) && ($matches = $matches['0'])) { $jsDest = C('JS_DEST_DIR_COMBINE'); $jsSource = C('JS_SOURCE_DIR'); foreach ($matches as $matche) { $destFileName = md5($matche) . '.js'; $sourceFiles = explode('|', str_replace(array('(', ')'), array('', ''), $matche)); $timeStep = array_pop($sourceFiles); if (!file_exists($jsSource . $jsDest . $destFileName)) { $sourceFiles = array_diff($sourceFiles, $allowJs); $res = combine($destFileName, $sourceFiles, $jsSource . $jsDest, $jsSource, 'js'); $allowJs = array_merge($allowJs, $sourceFiles); } $content = str_replace($matche, $jsDest . $destFileName . $timeStep, $content); } } //css 合并 preg_match_all("/\\(.+css\\|\\?t=[0-9]+\\)/", $content, $matches); if (isset($matches['0']) && ($matches = $matches['0'])) { $cssDest = C('CSS_DEST_DI_COMBINE'); $cssSource = C('CSS_SOURCE_DIR'); foreach ($matches as $matche) { $destFileName = md5($matche) . '.css'; $sourceFiles = explode('|', str_replace(array('(', ')'), array('', ''), $matche)); $timeStep = array_pop($sourceFiles); if (!file_exists($cssSource . $cssDest . $destFileName)) { $sourceFiles = array_diff($sourceFiles, $allowCss); $res = combine($destFileName, $sourceFiles, $cssSource . $cssDest, $cssSource, 'css'); $allowCss = array_merge($allowCss, $sourceFiles); } $content = str_replace($matche, $cssDest . $destFileName . $timeStep, $content); } } return $content; }
function getImageUrl($u, $subdir = "") { $basePath = getConfig("upload.baseUrl"); return combine($basePath, $u["username"], $subdir, $u["filename"]); }
<?php $sum = ""; function addfour($a, $b, $c, $d) { $sum = $a + $b + $c + $d; return $sum; } $answer = addfour(20, 54234, 6234234, 33123); echo $answer; ?> <?php function combine($a, $b) { $fullName = $a . " " . $b; return $fullName; } echo combine('Christopher', 'Igaya') . "<br>"; ?> <?php function checkSentence($sentence) { if (strlen($sentence) >= 20 && is_numeric(substr($sentence, 0, 2))) { echo "This sentence has 20 or more characters and the first two numbers characters are numeric"; } else { echo "F**k no"; } } checkSentence("43 people in the classroom need to take a lunch break");
function combine($array) { $a = ''; if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { combine($array); } else { $a .= $v; } } } else { $a = $array; } return $a; }
case "sendResetEmail": $dbUser = getUser($db, $postData["email"], "email"); $response["success"] = !!$dbUser; if (!$dbUser) { $response["message"] = "No user found with this email address."; break; } //Generate key, update user in db, then send in email $resetKey = getResetKey($dbUser["email"]); $dbUser["reset_key"] = $resetKey; $response["success"] = updateUser($db, $dbUser); if (!$response["success"]) { $response["message"] = "Error updating user."; break; } $resetLink = combine("#/reset-password", $dbUser["email"], $resetKey); $data = array("resetLink" => $resetLink); $response["success"] = sendEmailFromTemplate("reset1", $dbUser, $data); $response["message"] = $response["success"] ? "Reset email has been sent." : "Error sending reset email."; break; case "resetPassword": $response["success"] = false; if (!@$postData["password"]) { $response["message"] = "Password cannot be empty."; break; } $dbUser = getUser($db, $postData["email"], "email"); if (!$dbUser) { $response["message"] = "No user found with this email address."; break; }
/** * @param string $method * @param callable $callback * @param array $methodArgs * @return \Closure */ function methodReturnApply($method, callable $callback, array $methodArgs = []) { return combine(isObject(), hasMethod($method), function ($object) use($method, $callback, $methodArgs) { return $callback(callOnClone($object, $method, $methodArgs)); }); }
$message = ["type" => "error", "title" => "Missing Parameter", "body" => "The sort sequence hasn't been initialized. Please try again."]; } } else { $message = ["type" => "error", "title" => "Invalid Action", "body" => "We didn't recognize what you wanted us to do. Care to try again? "]; } } } } } } // handle automatic rebuild cycle from GET if (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "autocycle") { // perform complete cycle purge(); SassCompiler::run("scss/", "css/", "scss_formatter_compressed"); combine(); purge(); // return contents of app.css header("Content-Type: text/css"); $file = fopen("app.css", "r"); while ($line = fgets($file)) { print $line; } fclose($file); } // fetch all css files $files = []; foreach (glob("css/*.css") as $css) { $files[] = ["name" => substr($css, 4, -4), "timestamp" => date("j F Y, H:i:s", filemtime($css))]; } // initial sorting of files
function importImages($db, $username) { // list files in dir that are not in the database for this user $dataRoot = getConfig("upload._diskPath"); $userDir = combine($dataRoot, $username); $files = scandir($userDir); array_shift($files); array_shift($files); debug(count($files) . " files", $files); $dbImages = $db->select("SELECT distinct filename from user_upload where username='******'", null, true); debug(count($dbImages) . " DB filenames", $dbImages); //difference: insert //interserction : update or ignore ? }
/** * @param string $key * @param callable $callback * @return \Closure */ function keyApply($key, callable $callback) { if (!is_string($key)) { return never(); } return combine(hasKey($key), function ($item) use($key, $callback) { $args = func_get_args(); $args[0] = polymorphicKeyValue($item, $key); return variadicCallBoolVal($callback, $args); }); }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); // Write a function that combines two lists by alternatingly taking elements. // For example: given the two lists [a, b, c] and [1, 2, 3], // the function should return [a, 1, b, 2, c, 3]. function combine($list, $anotherList) { $resultList = []; $longerList = count($list) > count($anotherList) ? $list : $anotherList; for ($i = 0; $i < count($longerList); $i++) { if (isset($list[$i])) { $resultList[] = $list[$i]; } if (isset($anotherList[$i])) { $resultList[] = $anotherList[$i]; } } return $resultList; } $list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']; $anotherList = [1, 2, 3]; $result = sprintf("The merged list looks like this: [%s].", implode(', ', combine($list, $anotherList))); echo $result;