Exemplo n.º 1
include './navi/sidebar.php';
<div class="CONTENT" id="COINTOSS"> 
  <h1>Coin Toss Program</h1>
  <p>Whenever two battlers have the same speed, the originator of the battle must 
    flip a coin in order to determine the player that will be able to attack first. 
    This is a simple program that simulates the coin toss, because I know on occassion, 
    sometimes you can't find a coin when you need one!</p>
  <p>Please remember Eorl's Honor battle code when using this program.</p>
    <li> <b>Battle with honor</b>.�Never lie about stats or coin flips.�Always 
      follow proper rules and procedure. </li>
      <th>Your Coin Toss Result is...</th>
  <div class="LINK_BACK"> 
    <p>Back to <a href="../index.php">Index</a></p>
include 'footer.php';
Exemplo n.º 2
Staring from 0, all prices come from column 4 in the table/array; starting from 0, the first number refers to 
each string of the $bookData array.*/
echo "<p>";
echo "Your total price is: \$" . ($bookData[1][4] + $bookData[2][4] + $bookData[3][4] + $bookData[4][4] + $bookData[5][4] + $bookData[6][4]);
echo "</p>";

<h1>Challenge:  Coin Toss, continued</h1>
/*Repeat the coin exercise from HW2, but modify your program to 
1) Be a function that takes one argument – the number of heads in a row you'd like to flip
2) Modify your code to use this argument to allow a variable number of heads in a row to be chosen
You should print out the number of heads in a row you are seeking and the total number of flips it took. */
$headsFlipped = 8;
function coinToss($headsFlipped)
    $previousFlip = 8;
    $totalFlips = 0;
    $heads = 0;
    echo "Beginning the coin flipping, looking for {$headsFlipped} heads in a row....<br>";
    while ($headsFlipped != $heads) {
        $recentFlip = mt_rand(0, 1);
        /*1 of mt_rand = heads; if $recentFlip = 1, count of $heads increases by 1*/
        if ($recentFlip == 0) {
            echo "<img src='http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah299/rikkiap202/lincoln%20penny%202010_zpsqyqxsmzr.jpg' height='100', width='100'>";
        } else {
            echo "<img src='http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah299/rikkiap202/lincoln%20penny%202010%20-%20Copy_zps4najflyw.jpg' height='100', width='100'>";