function addparent($d) { $ardata = explode(";", $d); $nom = $ardata[8]; $prenom = utf8_encode($ardata[9]); $prenom2 = utf8_encode($ardata[10]); $dn = reversedate($ardata[11]); $obs = $ardata[12]; $obs2 = $ardata[13]; $email = $ardata[14]; $tel = $ardata[15]; $fax = $ardata[16]; $codeprenom = str_replace('-', '', $prenom); $codenom = str_replace('-', '', $nom); $clientcode = code($dn, $codenom, $codeprenom); print $prenom; $mysqli = new mysqli(DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPWD, DB); $mysqli->set_charset("utf8"); $query = "INSERT INTO `" . DB . "`.`clients` (`clientcode`, `clientstatus`," . " `clientcivilite`, `clientnom`, `clientprenom`, `clientprenom2`, `clientdatenaissance`," . " `clientemail`, `clienttelephone`,`clientfax`,`obs`)" . " VALUES ('" . $clientcode . "', '1', 'MR', '" . $nom . "', '" . $prenom . "', '" . $prenom2 . "', '" . $dn . "'," . "'" . $email . "','" . $tel . "','" . $fax . "','" . $obs . " " . $obs2 . "')"; $mysqli->query($query); $lastid = $mysqli->insert_id; //use it to insert the details. $mysqli->close(); print $query; return $lastid; }
function add($d) { $ardata = explode(";", $d); $arbp = explode(" ", $ardata[6]); $arprenom = explode(" ", $ardata[1]); $nom = $ardata[0]; if (strpos($nom, "pse") > 0) { $arnom = explode(" ", $ardata[0]); $nom = $arnom[0]; $nommarriage = $arnom[2]; } $prenom = utf8_encode($arprenom[0]); $prenom2 = utf8_encode($arprenom[1]); $gender = $ardata[2]; $dn = reversedate($ardata[3]); $lieun = $ardata[4]; $obs = $ardata[5]; $bp = $arbp[1]; $cp = $ardata[7]; $codeprenom = str_replace('-', '', $prenom); $codenom = str_replace('-', '', $nom); $clientcode = code($dn, $codenom, $codeprenom); if (!exist($clientcode)) { $mysqli = new mysqli(DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPWD, DB); $mysqli->set_charset("utf8"); $query = "INSERT INTO `" . DB . "`.`clients` (`clientcode`, `clientstatus`," . " `clientcivilite`, `clientnom`, `clientnommarital`, `clientprenom`, `clientprenom2`, `clientdatenaissance`, `clientlieunaissance`," . " `clientbp`, `clientcp`,`obs`)" . " VALUES ('" . $clientcode . "', '1', '{$gender}', '" . $nom . "', '" . $nommarriage . "', '" . $prenom . "', '" . $prenom2 . "', '" . $dn . "', '" . $lieun . "'," . "'" . $bp . "','" . $cp . "','" . $obs . "')"; $mysqli->query($query); $mysqli->close(); print $query; } }
function textile($text, $lite = '') { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { $text = stripslashes($text); } $text = incomingEntities($text); $text = encodeEntities($text); $text = fixEntities($text); $text = cleanWhiteSpace($text); $text = getRefs($text); $text = noTextile($text); $text = image($text); $text = links($text); $text = span($text); $text = superscript($text); $text = footnoteRef($text); $text = code($text); $text = glyphs($text); $text = retrieve($text); if ($lite == '') { $text = lists($text); $text = table($text); $text = block($text); } /* clean up <notextile> */ $text = preg_replace('/<\\/?notextile>/', "", $text); /* turn the temp char back to an ampersand entity */ $text = str_replace("x%x%", "&", $text); $text = str_replace("<br />", "<br />\n", $text); return trim($text); }
function grab($link) { $link = code($link); $link = explode('<source src="', $link); $link = explode('"', $link[1]); $link = $link[0]; return $link; }
/** * @param string $content * @param string $lang * @param string $size * @param string $classes * @return string */ function spoiler_code($content, $lang, $size = '', $classes = '') { $classes = $classes ? " {$classes}" : ''; if ($size) { $classes = "spoiler-{$size}{$classes}"; } return spoiler(code($content, $lang), $classes); }
function test_users_model($user_id, $activated) { $this->load->model('users'); $this->title('users'); $this->test('get_user_by_id'); $test = $this->users->get_user_by_id($user_id, $activated); code($test); }
/** * Prints a test result */ function test($file, $minExpected, $skip) { global $cssmin; if (!empty($skip) && in_array(basename($file), $skip)) { p("INFO: CSSmin: skipping " . basename($file), 'info'); return; } $src = file_get_contents($file); $minOutput = $cssmin->run($src); $passed = assertTrue(strcmp($minOutput, $minExpected) === 0, 'CSSmin: ' . basename(dirname($file)) . '/' . basename($file)); if (!$passed) { p("---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes", ''); $opcodes = FineDiff::getDiffOpcodes($minExpected, $minOutput); code(FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcodes($minExpected, $opcodes)); p("---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes", ''); code($minExpected); p("---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes", ''); code($src); } }
function up() { // on récupère tous les profils $q = $this->db->get('user_data'); $old_data = $q->result(); code($old_data); $new_data = array(); foreach ($old_data as $key => $user) { if ($user->profile == 'candidat') { $profile = 'perso'; } else { $profile = $user->profile; } // on prépare le batch $new_data[] = array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'option' => 'profile', 'value' => $profile); } code($new_data); // on importe tous les profils dans les options $this->db->insert_batch('user_options', $new_data); // on drop la colonne profil de la table user_data $this->dbforge->drop_column('user_data', 'profile'); }
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <?php session_start(); require ""; require ""; $i = infosEntreprise(); $connexion = connect(); $nomE = $_GET['nomEntreprise']; if (isset($_POST['mdp'])) { //$mdp = md5($_POST['mdp']); $mdp = $_POST['mdp']; } if (isset($_POST['nomClient']) && isset($_POST['mailClient']) && isset($_POST['prenomClient']) && isset($_POST['loginClient']) && isset($_POST['mdpClient'])) { //récupération des infos de connexion des clients $code = code($nomE . "_client", 'id_client'); $id = $code; $nomClient = $_POST['nomClient']; $prenomClient = $_POST['prenomClient']; $mail = $_POST['mailClient']; $login = $_POST['loginClient']; //$mdpHash = md5($_POST['mdp']); $mdp = $_POST['mdpClient']; //faire fonction ajouter client ajoutClient($connexion, $id, $nomClient, $prenomClient, $mail, $login, $mdp, $nomE); $_SESSION["estConnecte"] = 1; $_SESSION["nomSession"] = $_GET['nomEntreprise']; ?> <SCRIPT language="javascript"> javascript:parent.opener.location.reload(); window.close(); </SCRIPT>
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <?php echo code('php', ' // PHP php > $foo = "10"; php > print $foo - 5; 5'); ?> </div> </section>
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <?php echo code('php', ' <?php declare(strict_types=1); // must be the first line (function(string $a) { var_dump($a); })(15); // Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: // Argument 1 passed to {closure}() // must be of the type string, integer given ... '); ?> </div> </section>
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <?php echo code('php', ' class Person { public $name = \'Bob\'; } (function() { echo $this->name; })->call(new Person); // Bob '); ?> </div> </section>
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <br/> <br/> <?php echo code('php', ' php > echo strlen("Hello"); 5 php > echo strlen("Привет"); 12'); ?> </div> </section>
<pre class="code fs-65"> <?php echo code('php', ' $users = [ [\'first_name\' => \'Max\', \'last_name\' => \'Gopey\', \'company\' => \'CGI\'], [\'first_name\' => \'Bob\', \'last_name\' => \'Doe\', \'company\' => \'Google\'], [\'first_name\' => \'Alice\', \'last_name\' => \'Doe\', \'company\' => \'Google\'], ]; $CgiUsers = array_filter($users, function($user) { return $user[\'company\'] === \'CGI\'; }); print_r($CgiUsers); ', false); ?> </pre> <pre class="code fs-65"> <?php echo code('php', ' Array ( [0] => Array ( [first_name] => Max [last_name] => Gopey [company] => CGI ) ) ', false); ?> </pre> </div> </section>
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <?php echo code('php', ' class ContainerCollection implements Iterator { public function current() : Container { /* ... */ }; // ... } $containersOnTable = new ContainerCollection(); // Your mom fills the collection here: $eventManager->dispatch(\'serve_table\', $containers); array_walk($containersOnTable, function(Container $container) use ($cat) { $cat->dropContainer($container); } ); ', true, 'fs-80'); ?> </div> </section>
function displayAboutSections() { $obj = get_post_type_object('asp-about'); ?> <div id="aboutpart1"> <div class="orangeheader"> <div id="abt" class="container"> <section class="heading"><h1><?php echo $obj->labels->singular_name; ?> </h1></section> </div> </div> <!-- part 2 starts here--> <div class="abox"> <div class="aboutdata"> <section class="top"> <ul> <?php $cat_slug_about = "about-menus"; $args_post = array('numberposts' => -1, 'category_name' => $cat_slug_about, 'child_of' => 0, 'orderby' => 'title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_type' => 'asp-about', 'post_status' => 'publish'); $arg_post_data = get_posts($args_post); $first_slug = $arg_post_data[0]->post_name; $first_id = $arg_post_data[0]->ID; if (isset($_REQUEST['about'])) { $about_param = filter_input(INPUT_GET, about, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $about_param = strtolower($about_param); } else { $about_param = $first_id; } foreach ($arg_post_data as $post) { $post_title = $post->post_title; $post_name = $post->post_name; $post_id = $post->ID; if ($about_param == $post_id) { echo "<li><a class='selected' href='?about={$post_id}#abt'>{$post_title}</a><span id='dropdown_menu_arrow'></span></li>"; } else { echo "<li><a class='' href='?about={$post_id}#abt'>{$post_title}</a><span id='dropdown_menu_arrow'></span></li>"; } } ?> </ul> </section> <div class="data"> <?php if ($arg_post_data) { $close_three_div = "</div></div></div>"; if ($about_param == 198) { echo do_shortcode('[about-history]'); echo do_shortcode('[about-history-mobile]'); echo $close_three_div; } else { if ($about_param == 195) { echo do_shortcode('[about-faqs]'); echo $close_three_div; } else { if ($about_param == 196) { echo do_shortcode('[about-news]'); echo $close_three_div; } else { if ($about_param == 199) { // echo do_short code('[about-library]'); echo wpautop(get_post_field('post_content', $about_param)); echo $close_three_div; } else { if ($about_param == 197) { echo wpautop(get_post_field('post_content', $about_param)); echo $close_three_div; ?> <div id="aboutpart2"> <div class="orangeheader"> <div class="container"> <section class="heading"><h1><?php $post_id = 233; echo get_the_title($post_id); ?> </h1></section> </div> </div> <div class="abox2"> <div class="aboutdata2"> <div class="data1"> <?php echo get_post_field('post_content', $post_id); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { if ($about_param == 194) { echo wpautop(get_post_field('post_content', $about_param)); echo $close_three_div; ?> <!-- Testimonials --> <div class="midbanner1"> <div class="container"> <?php if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && dynamic_sidebar('asplundh-inner-quotes')) { } else { ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <!-- mid header starts here --> <div id="aboutpart2"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[about-latest-news]'); ?> </div> <?php } else { echo wpautop(get_post_field('post_content', $about_param)); echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } } } } } } } else { echo "No data"; } ?> <?php }
<p>Set the animate option to <code>false</code> to prevent the slider from animating to a new value with when calling <code>.val()</code>.</p> <div class="example" style="margin: 0; padding-bottom: 20px"> <div class="sliders" id="slider-animate-true"></div> <button id="set-sliders">Set sliders</button> </div> <div class="example" style="margin: 0;"> <div class="sliders" id="slider-animate-false"></div> <?php run('animate'); ?> </div> <div class="options"> <strong>Default</strong> <div><code>true</code></div> <strong>Accepted values</strong> <div><code>true</code>, <code>false</code></div> </div> </div> <div class="side"> <?php code('animate'); ?> </div> </section>
MooMessage("报名成功", "index.php"); } else { MooMessage("数据出错", $request_url, '', '1', 1); } } } //注册验证码 function code() { //验证码 $img = MooAutoLoad('MooSeccode'); $img->outCodeImage(125, 30, 4); } $h = MooGetGPC('h', 'string', 'G'); switch ($h) { case 'personal': personal(); break; case 'company': company(); break; case 'register': register(); break; case 'seccode': code(); break; default: personal(); break; }
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <br/> <br/> <?php echo code('php', ' function getProductUrl($product) { return \'/\' . str_replace(\' \', \'-\', strtolower($product)); } '); ?> </div> </section>
if ($page == 'index') { ?> <div class="index-demo"> <h1>noUiSlider</h1> <h2>JavaScript Range Slider</h2> <div class="quick"> <div id="slider"></div> <?php run('minimal'); ?> <?php code('minimal'); ?> <a href="/nouislider/download/" class="index-demo-dl">Download noUiSlider</a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php include $file_menu; ?> <div class="content">
Parameter | Type | Description --------- | ---- | ----------- ... | mixed | one or more variables to dump **Returns:** void | string Returns a error string when there are errors, else void ## :: html() <?php code(<<<'DOC' use \Simphplist\Simphplist\Debug; Debug::$debug = true; Debug::html($_SERVER); DOC ); ?> `html(..., ...)` Echo variable dumps in an html formatted text string Parameter | Type | Description --------- | ---- | ----------- ... | mixed | one or more variables to dump **Returns:** void | string
<a href="./voirprofil.php?m=' . $data['membre_id'] . '&action=consulter"> ' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($data['membre_pseudo'])) . '</a></strong></td> <td>Posté à ' . date('H\\hi \\l\\e d M Y', $data['mp_time']) . '</td>'; ?> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php //Ici des infos sur le membre qui a envoyé le mp echo '<p><img src="./images/avatars/' . $data['membre_avatar'] . '" alt="" /> <br />Membre inscrit le ' . date('d/m/Y', $data['membre_inscrit']) . ' <br />Messages : ' . $data['membre_post'] . ' <br />Localisation : ' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($data['membre_localisation'])) . '</p> </td><td>'; echo code(nl2br(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($data['mp_text'])))) . ' <hr />' . code(nl2br(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($data['membre_signature'])))) . ' </td></tr></table>'; if ($data['mp_lu'] == 0) { $query->CloseCursor(); $query = $db->prepare('UPDATE forum_mp SET mp_lu = :lu WHERE mp_id= :id'); $query->bindValue(':id', $id_mess, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':lu', '1', PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->execute(); $query->CloseCursor(); } break; //La fin ! //La fin ! case "nouveau":
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <pre class="code fs-80"> <?php echo code('php', ' function readFileLines($path) { $handle = fopen($path, \'r\'); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { yield $line; } fclose($handle); } $lines = readFileLines(__FILE__); foreach($lines as $line) { echo $line; }; ', false); ?> </pre> </div> </section>
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <?php echo code('python', ' # Python >>> foo = "10" >>> print foo - 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: \'str\' and \'int\''); ?> </div> </section>
if (!is_email($user_email)) { $error_message = 'ERROR : Check The Format Of The Email'; } } if ($error_message != '') { set_transient('error_msg', $error_message, 30); set_transient('register', $register); //wp_redirect(get_permalink()); //exit; } else { if (email_exists($user_email)) { $error_message = 'ERROR : This Email Already Exist'; $user = get_user_by_email($user_email); $userid = $user->ID; $username = $user->user_login; $code = code(); update_user_meta($userid, 'code', $code); // wp_update_user(array('ID' => $userid, 'user_pass' => $user_password)); // $msg = 'Your registration is successfully completed'; // set_transient('msg', $msg, 30); //////////// user mail send///////// $subject = "Forget Password"; $temp = ""; $temp .= "<p>Hello {$username},</p>"; $temp .= "Please Click The Below Link To Change Your Password :"******"<p>Link To : <a href='" . get_bloginfo('siteurl') . '/forget?code=' . $code . "'>Change Password</a></p>"; $temp .= "<br>"; $temp .= "<p>Thank You & Best regard</p>"; $temp .= "<br>"; $temp .= "<p>Cafemocha</p>"; // send_mail_func($student_email, $subject, $temp);
</div> <div class="viewer-header">Setting up the slider</div> <div class="viewer-content"> <?php code('update-setup'); ?> </div> <div class="viewer-header">Updating the slider with new options on <code>button</code> click</div> <div class="viewer-content"> <?php code('update'); ?> </div> </div> </section> <?php sect('styling'); ?> <h2>Styling</h2> <section> <div class="view">
if (isset($_GET["view"])) { $view = unesc($_GET["view"]); } else { $view = "magic"; // default behavior } $nfo = ""; if ($view == "latin-1" || $view == "fonthack") { // Do not convert from ibm-437, read bytes as is. // NOTICE: TBSource specifies Latin-1 encoding in include/bittorrent.php: // stdhead() $nfo = htmlspecialchars($torrent_nfo, ENT_COMPAT, "ISO-8859-1"); } else { // Convert from ibm-437 to html unicode entities. // take special care of Swedish letters if in magic view. $nfo = code($torrent_nfo, $view == "magic"); } stdhead($lang_viewnfo['head_view_nfo']); echo $lang_viewnfo['text_nfo_for']; ?> <a href="details.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($torrent_name); ?> </a> <a href="viewnfo.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?> &download=1"><?php
<section class="slide" id="<?php echo getSlideId(__FILE__); ?> "> <div> <pre class="code fs-65"> <?php echo code('php', ' $users = [ [\'first_name\' => \'Max\', \'last_name\' => \'Gopey\', \'company\' => \'CGI\'], [\'first_name\' => \'Bob\', \'last_name\' => \'Doe\', \'company\' => \'Google\'], [\'first_name\' => \'Alice\', \'last_name\' => \'Doe\', \'company\' => \'Google\'], ]; print_r(getBobsAndAlicesWithD($users)); ', false); ?> </pre> <pre class="real-pre fs-65"> Array ( [bobs] => Array ( [0] => Doe, Bob ) [alices] => Array ( [0] => Doe, Alice ) ) </pre> </div> </section>
</section> <!-- Browsers --> <section id="browsers" class="section"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="section-title">Browsers</h2> <?php include 'includes/table-browser-support.html'; ?> <h3 class="section-block-title">Android Default Browser</h3> <p>The Default Android Browser is not supported. Android 4.4+ does not ship with a default Browser. (note: Chrome on Android is fully supported)</p> <h3 class="section-block-title">IE Compatibility modes</h3> <p>Turret is not supported in the old Internet Explorer compatibility modes. To be sure you're using the latest rendering mode for IE, consider including the appropriate <?php code('<meta>'); ?> tag in your pages:</p> <?php markup('<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">'); ?> <p>The meta tag tells the IE rendering engine two things:</p> <ol> <li>It should use the latest, or edge, version of the IE rendering environment</li> <li>If already installed, it should use the Google Chrome Frame rendering engine.</li> </ol> <p>This line breaks validation, and the Google Chrome Frame part won't work inside a conditional comment. To avoid these edge case issues it is recommended that you remove this line and use the <code>.htaccess</code> to send these headers instead as specified in <a href="">Validating: X-UA-Compatible</a>.</p> <h3 class="section-block-title">Modernizr</h3> <p><a href="">Modernizr</a> is a JavaScript library which adds classes to the <code>html</code> element based on the results of feature test and which ensures that all browsers can make use of HTML5 elements (as it includes the HTML5 Shiv). This allows you to target parts of your CSS and JavaScript based on the features supported by a browser.</p> <p>In general, in order to keep page load times to a minimum, it's best to call any JavaScript at the end of the page because if a script is slow to load from an external server it may cause the whole page to hang. That said, the Modernizr script needs to run before the browser begins rendering the page, so that browsers lacking support for some of the new HTML5 elements are able to handle them properly. Therefore the Modernizr script is the only JavaScript file synchronously loaded at the top of the document.</p>
<section class="slide" id="Two-way-binding-example1"> <div> <h2>Two-way binding example <sup>(supper-dummy)</sup></h2> <?php include 'examples/example1.php'; ?> <div class="fs-80 next" data-ng-non-bindable> <hr/> <pre class="code no-margin"> <?php echo code(' <div data-ng-app> <label>Enter something:</label> <input type="text" data-ng-model="something" /> <p>You\'ve entered: <strong>{{ something }}</strong></p> </div>', 'html', false); ?> </pre> <hr/> </div> <p class="next">— No JavaScript. At all.</p> </div> </section>